I, I 4-'i 14 A if 51 J II) J M: M ( W h tt I 1 i ! . .fit .' -tTafW.! .1 I i kii l. a aw jrii fiKfl '5 it. I, t.i ,j ,iy m .' i'i Ft , 'kP irJ a i If ' 4. I. v r ; I, 'I Tl -v---.- . ! i I IIIMB II.LLJJllJiJMip .I.L..L . . - . i ... PP"- . .....ikthim mnrih! nni imrr AN INVITM) AUnWNCn. 25 tl 01 prCSOriHHUimi i " , jTu nn 1 spr s '"" """""'"'" icth und thoy will thoroby cntcn yr Schenk Brothers Merchant Tailors and Outfitters Burns, Oregon, Odd Fellows Bldg NEW SPRING GOODS Now on Display, IncluiliiiK Suits, Hats, Shoes, Underwear, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties Newest Styles in Straw Hats Panamas, Crush Dicers, etc CLEANING AND PRESSING PRICES ARE RWHT-THE PLACE TO BUY We carry the H. V. D. Under wear in Union and Two Piece Suits. $ he itmcs-ftctaCi SA1UKUAY. JUNK 1M, lull sUIIIMimilTlON ItATKH Oue Yo HCW Six Month! .... .100 Three Month, ... .75 IULIAN II VII II - MnltaitlM THE TIMES-IIERALD'S NEW HUII.DINO The Timca-Hcrald has lot out a contract to Frank Swain and J. W. McGowan for a handsome two-story brick building to be erected on the corner of Main and B Streets. The contract calls for its completion by Sept, 15 .and after that date the office will occupy its new quarters. This will be one of the most substantial buildings in Burns and a credit to the citv. The first floor will be office rooms entirely and the second floor will be devoted to hall purposes for the present until such time as there is demand for other pur poses. Delinquent subscribers may expect to receive a demand for remittance in the near future as a result of this building and other equipment contemplated in improving the facilities for the paper. The trip over a widn territory, with the Agricultural College, re-1 cents the fore part of the week was one of the best things ac complished by local boosters. It has given k these men an ac curate knowledge of the vastness and possibilities of a big country too little known by men of af fairs in this state who are inclin ed to assist in the development of this section but really know nothing of its resources or mag nitude. The movement is to the west and ''back to the soil" and this means the vacant and improved lands of this great section-all points to Harney contv y Celebrate the 4th in Burns. We Have Opened Offices Building in Burns, Tfl burnish Accurate, Reliable " and Complete Abstracts of Title to all Lands in Harney Co. TA Buy and Sell Real Estate in " Large and Small Tracts. Tft Write Fire Insurance in the "strongest Old Line Comp'ies 8,000 acre tract irrigated land best in Central OregonFirst class colonization project. TERMS All Business Intrusted To Us Will Receive Prompt and Caret id Attention. MOTHERSHEAD & DONEGAN Rooms 4 and 5 Masonic Building. J LOCAL OVCKI'LOW. Joe Clark was down from Har ney this week. Alfred Bcnjamine clothing at Schenk Bros. Henry Clmpin is over from Silver Creek. Miss Drusa Dodson is expected homo Monday, James Gilbert is down from Harney today. J. II. Ilusersis in the city from his ranch near the lake. C. S. Dum and wife were up from Narrows yesterday. Friends in Burns have receiv ed invitations to the graduation exercises of the class of nurses at St. Vincents Hospital in Port land of which Miss Bertha Will iams is a member. L. B. Ball, the Ontario cattle buyer, accompanied by Leon J. Chapman secretary of the Com mercial Club and fair association of that place, arrived here yes terday. They are touring this section in an auto. Wm. Stirling arrived home Thursday with his family, wife and two daughters. They will soon take up their residence on the Hanley home ranch. Mrs. J Stirling and daughters (direct from Scotland, came LOCAL WOOL MEN SELL. Several thousand pounds of wool have come into the ware houses in the past week, all ar riving since the sale last week, and most of it coming from long distance points. A large quantity of it has been sold, and has brought good prices. B. II. Brown of Diamond sold his en tire clip this week, 150 bags, for 1G 3-8 cents, which is with one exception, as high a price as has been paid in Oregon this year, unc ingncst price yet un-'paid at any P"t " IJan0 r Oregon was that given at the sale here last week .when James i Paul recieved 1G 1-2 cents for his clip. That is probably the record price for the season. Optimist. in the New Masonic and are Prepared (Portland Correspondence.) Good roads throughout Oregon is ii subject that will in future receivo a lot of attention from tho Oregon Doveloftnent League. Besides having n good road day at tho Astoria convention, August M, 1R and 10, IhoLcagud will take up highway bottermont actively and tho of.ioors of sec rotnry Chapman of tho League will bo headquarters for the good roads movement. Through its ramification throughout the state, tho Lenguo will learn puplio sentiment on the subject of good roads nnd strive to aid tho various Boctions. Secretary Chapman of tho Lea gue believes tho subject touches very closely the welfare of the farmers. Ho hopes to bring to gether tho various interests so they will work in harmony. First, ho will learn tho wishes of tho people in tho matter and do nothing not throughly repre sentative of public opinion throughout the stale. Thero will bo a largo represen tation from tho various Central Oregon commercial clubs at the convention in Prineville Juno 80 July 1, when tho Central Oregon Development League will bo for med. There is keen interest throughout that section and much is hoped from tho projected organization, which will take up tho problems that confront Cen tral Oregon, a now country, yet in tho making. It is considered important that right stciw be taken and tho now league will bo of great benefit along theso lines. Salem's annual cherry fair has been sot on theJulyG, 7 and 8. and promises to be bigger and better than ever. Portland people are taking much interest in the event nnd a special excursion will bo run from this city, taking prominent business men to the fair. Big parades will be feat ures of the event. Lake County will work as n whole in future for development. Tho former Lakevicw Board of Trade has been dissolved and the Lake County Development Lea gue has taken its place. Thor oughly aroused to tho benefits of united work, Lake County peo ple may reasonably hope for. re sults from tho new organization. Ashland will hold its annual Chautauqua Assembly July fi-18. The talent offered this year is of a high order and tho forthcoming session will attract people from all parts of Southern Oregon. Portland was visited by an Eastern (lax export the past week, who expressed surprise that more attention is not paid to this crop in Oregon. Ho praised tho quality of tho flax ho found hero as being superior. to that found elsewhere, either in tins country or abroad and hopes to see tho day when a great linen industry will bo built up and farmers gonerally throu ghout Western Oregon will grow flax with profit. To those who contemplate going out for their HARVEST ORDER we wish to submit for consideration our PRICES Straight grado flour bbl $5.70 Fancy patent flour bbl (1.70 Present price fruit sugar per 100 lbs G.75 Large or small whito beans per 100 lbs G.G0 Bayoand pink beans, 100 lbs. 0.00 No. 1 Japan rice " " G.50 Fino dairy salt 50 lb. Back .90 Stock salt in 50 lb. sack per KM) IDs 1.155 Canned table fruits: peaches pears, plums, aprlcotH, pineapples, blackberries, grapes, 20c. a can, 24 cans to case, por caso '4,80 We arc well stocked Men's Boys' and Youths' Clothing Hats and all kinds of furnishings. Also Ladies' Misses' and Children's wearing apparel of every description Our prices in all departments compare favorably with the prices in our Qrocery Department COn PARE PRICES with RAILROAD POINT and remember you will have 70 miles in your favor if you come this way. IRA Q. BOYCE & CO. WHOLESALE and RETAIL MERCHANTS John Day, Oregon Tho following from the Port land Telegram is an account of a recent class recital ip which Miss Drusa Dodson appeared: In a recital at tho Y. M. C. A. Inst ovoninjr tho 11)12 class of Miss Edna May Will entertained a delighted audience of invited guests. Misses Mary Cathryn Copo and Xava Drusilla Dodson were tho stars of tho evening, nppoaring in selected readings. Theso two young women, who have shown marked talent in elocutionary work tho last winter, wore loaded with floral tributes. A comody entitled "Ilia Model Wife," by tho ontiro class as tho closing number convulsed tho audience. Diamond cut Diamond" was tho opening number, by Miss Cone, nnd her second number was "The Pudding," in which sho stepped from a humorously romantic recital to a sharp piece of comedy exploiting a common domestic foiblo in which tho voung wife, as usual, is tho slur performer. Miss Dodson's loading number, "Sure-to-Go," nn inimitable sketch from the home, wherein childhood's whimsical mischief and mother's patient indulgence were graphically depleted, was a Btrong persuader for enthusiastic applause. A double number following, "Money Musk," and "Grandama at Masquerade," were rich in quaint, fnscinating colorings such as the artist seeks in tho healthful homely joys of the rural districts. Others of the class participa ting were: Misses LeKhon Hud son, Ethel Quinlan, I)uiso Crab bier and Evangeline Spnigue, being assisted by Miss Marian Cummins, and Messrs HoVrt Yettick, Clarence Sprague and John Kepler. SPRAY YOUR ORCHARD. Emtou Tin: TiMi:s-IInitAi.i: Some days ago I received full in structions from tho Secrotiry of Stute Board of Horticulture as to tho duty of tho fruit inspector. I have been examining mnny orchards for pests and find none free from nphis and codling moth. Second crop of latter will hatch out about 2Tth or 30th of present month here. Owners of all orchards where I find them will be notified with what and when to spray. In mnny places I find loenrt in clouds nnd have been watching them closely but have not deter mined as yet whether they attack tho aphis or the trees, but I am of tho opinion Hint they are work ing on both. Tho codling moth is the worst and most destructive pest we fiavo here, tho young larvia cut off the bloom, nnd here in Harney county in particular frost has always to shoulder the blame. Let all prepare to spray from Sweet corn, 24 cans to caso, per case . . . 2.G5 Tomatoes 2-1 cans to case, per caso . 2.90 Swift's bacon well streaked with lean, per lb 18c. 10 lb. pails Silver Leaf lard, por pail $1,50 ! Mocha and Java blend coffco lbs 1.00 Other blends at 25c. and 80c. per pound. XXX Castor machino oil in gal- lon cans, per can, GOc. with DRY QOODS 25th of present month until July 15th and thoy win inoreuy wh second hatch ill proper BeiiBon. 1 linu wniKins oiuun uiji unv mi iniwnniv.nlffht (28) of water gots tho aphis and loenrt. A. F. U. liKOiua:. Particular pcoplo do their trading at tho Hngey & Itichard Bon goncrnl merchandise storo whoro a fino lino of dry goods, furnishings, hIiocb, etc. is always found. WARRANT CALL. Notlco 1b hereby given that thoro nro sufficient fundB in tho county trcnBury to redeem all Hnrnoy county warrants register ed prior to March 1, 1011. In terest ccascaon all such warrants from Juno 7, 1911. Simon Lewis, Treasurer of Harney County. J.IHTri S 2.7 ml A V. HKHTOIUTION TO I'.NTIIY OC I.ANlMIN NATIONAL KOItKHr-Nnllcu It li.roliir Klvoli lbt th ImuW dricrlM liolnw, ninhrnrliiK in) urrrv. Wllfllll Ilia Mniupur naimiini rurcni (Unpin, will lw tuliji-i t in noille iiitini niiil ciilrr ............ .. i.uuI.Ijh..hI III. 1iilina.lu.il tawMfif lltlUDI lllil llfUf I'll'll- "I ttvn-wn.. .Mil ... tho Utilteil Htatf ! tlia nrt t Juno tl, Ivon. SI Him. Yaij, ml inn uillldl ninii lni imiKiT lit lliitn. orrxon, mi Julr ivll. Anr Miliar w.iowM nolunllr unit In cuml (Mill I'lnlinliU Mir ol M liuiiln lur njrli'iiliuinl i.iii-.m; ....... ... ! .....to I KMmI a. 1.1 Iihb twif tliatl.llin IHIUI III ..llll.ll l .1-., n.... ...- ..... ...... ...... eit anio, tun tirnfcrt'iire rlitlil In innko n noinpilimtl Ulliry lor lliw imiiiib nriuniir in -. u iilnd. HMil UiiiU wcru llilml llxm Ihn llc Until ol tun iktxitk iiiciillinel Ixliw, wlm hnvia irlorun'i (lull t m I'li'i't I" lh rlur tight ifiiTii,lnott1or,iriivliinliirliotlli'r or liilkmit ( iiiMllflril I" iiiuknliiiini'li'Hi tMiiry mid llmiirelvrttnro rlllit ll rxirH-.il nrhir In Julr 3.1,111, nil wlilr httitta llio IniiJ will Iw mli Jocttii vtllciiiiaiit ami nilrr by any Ulin-l lTnii 'I he Imnli urn folliiwii Tho M' of CU ol HWIjol (,''. mid the V). nl '( of w'lrol BW'h.ln. I, nl Iho V,nf Wlif IKtJof NV, Iho KUuf Mt(M MV mill ho F.lj of Wiof NWtfof NU, , l.T ill I ill V tl I HI .....na at.l.tll.alllll, taf n,I.M. ... ! l " .1 ll'' 11, ..1. .... ! iirtUBV I. , iiii.ni,, iiiiiiip, wrrKVii I i.i" " " J0ffll ' H. V. I l.litli UN H. V. I'rnnilflt. AHJiilftlit (.'omiiilft tfun lonrrnl lli (lonirnl Ijiml (IRIro AiriveI Mux ". I"'. I'miik lime, I lot AmIkUiiI Kri rimr of tin Inllilor Appolalmcnl ol Admloltlrdor. Ill re l:tntuo( Mntlliln Umlnn ItitMnc, ilcccairtl : Notlco Ih lieroliy kIvhd tli.t Ihomiili'r nlgmsl has loo ilnly npiolnltfl ilm nil inlnlatrntor o( Hi nlxivo cutnto liy thn Comity Court at Ilnriiny Couiilv, Oro con, wliornlii lil itatu l imiiilliiK, which appolntilienl aiipoxm lij order ilulv niHila ami anlnroil. mill linn ntlnllll- vd. All porioim IiavIiir cUIiiiii iiniilimt ahl eatato nro rrqulrtnl to prtiMit Ilium ultli proper vonclioro within tlx iiiiiiUIib frniii ilatoof thin notice, mnl rh hy ht rellitrnl, In tho tint1oraltinnl nilinltiU tralor at liln place of liualnin nl Ilium, Ori'Kon, oral tho odlco ol O. A. Item boltl, llurns, Oregon, liln ultoriioy. Drtttxl May lOlli, 1011. Kltat piilillcntlon Mny. Will, Hill. 1'i.attT. Himmm., Ailnilmetrntor. ill NWU, tho HKI, of Itt'inl NWh. lli M! ul AKi ot hWJ nf NUi. Iho Ek of HW) nf HWSi of tltvi,. the hVw u( K;t of fctt.J of NWJ, the WU of W)i ' NC'i nl.U'l llin U I. l UllJkl If .,1 HUH. lllii ) HKI(, noo. !l th NIC(J uf HWL Mnl tin' N'jul NUolNKli. Hoe. 10, mnl III Si, of NMt ol NW!4, Hoi) II. T. 20 H , It. 2 K , IMI HCftii. nl'i'II oatlni, nl Jnatinli T flirrntt. llurna. flri'tfun. i Specials For 30 Days Sugar, 11 pounds Nails, 15 pounds Flour, per sack $1.25 Underwear now Men and Boys' Suits 10 per cent off Nice Line of Oxfords for Ladies and Gentlemen $2.85 to $4.50 Fine assortment of Ties, Silk Stispent'ers New creations in Hosiery for all the family NEW SEASONABLE DRY GOODS TRUNKS and GRIPS OILiOSJIlrCSr OUT Mitchell and Studebaker Wagons, Hacks, Buggies FRED HAINES HARNEY, OREQON TWELFTH NIGHT 41906 TriaB Record at Three Years Old 2:12'. Sire Of Knight of Strathmore 2:05K Mark Night 2: 1 OX SIRE ONWARD -2:0SX Sire Two Hundred Standard Performers DAM MISS RITA::::2:08X Dam of five in the list; she held the world record as a three voar old- Knight of Strnthmoro was tlio fastest four year old pneor out in 1910; ho also holds tho worlds half milo track. Twelfth Night Is said to ho mighty Onward; ho is a chestnut 1G.5 hands high; weight 1200 pounds. Ho will bo in stud at Ilarriinan for tho Benson of 1011. Terms: $30.00 with return priv ilege if mare proves not in foal. Mares pastured and cared for free of oharge. Further H, DENMAN niifimwwwmwiww T7C7"F3rTTr5 iy7 AI8T &AJLm'H1 Brown's Satisfactory Store COMMENCING MONDAY, JUNE J Beautiful and attractive line of White Lawn and Linen Waists will be offered at a great reduction durinff this sale 100 $1.25 Waists, - - 7Sc 150 $1.75 Waists, -200 $2.25 and $2.50 Waists, $l.SO Our waists are as we buy direct from New York you are bug ing the most Work horses for sale weiKiiimr from 1200 to lfiOO lhs. four to six years old. I. M. Davis, Drewsey Oregon. , For Iti:NT-The Jortrensen store huildinj? on Main .Street. Inquire at Win. Miller's office in the Masonic building. laiaaMMaiMMiMWaaWaasvMaaiiMMaaMMMViaiasMWaiiiMMiaMiMaMaaBaaBMM C. E. LEMAY J rotating, Taper Hanging, Sign Wriling Estimates Riven on all classes of i such work. ( AGENT HENRY BOSCH WALL PAPER 1 HeadqtiiirterH at French Hotel j Calamity; Sawmill HOW K & II AN K 1 NS, Props. , In Crane Flat on Calamity Creek. AH kinds of Luin-' her on hand at reasonable prices. X.oo l.oo BURN'S, OREGON record for a colt of his ago ovor by good judges Iho best son of tho particulars write Harnman, Oregon iff j&jB s tP 0 JjB H u wK HH .HB w art. lV uM mii, ii i - - ir rr n - - - - " .n... .. M the latest for Summer wear an stylish waists worn, KONOWAY WAREHOUSE (INCOM'OII.VTKI)) lkE&LdLi?&L&f : Orege: the customary rates. Now's the Time to Get Ready to Put in we have piows? Harrows, Pumps, Hose, Scrapers, Buggies and Carts. The Famous Rotary Harfl ' GARDEN TOOLS Come In and See Us Before Buji Young's Meat Market & Groctj Always rendyjfor job work. Bluo printa of any township in Burns Land District, showing name of ontryman, datonnd kind of entry, topography, etc., $1.00 each. Piatt T. Randall, BurnB, Oro. -) $jS JL.Ji Have Your Goods Shipped in CaieH Two wnrehouHfs. one for freicht and one for vi In transit rates from all points on the Oregon Trunk ijjj way line to Madras warehouse. Uharces for hainjlingi; II. J. Dietzeu Jas. Rice, H. W. Turxh President Vice-President Secretarj; Madras, Ore. Haycreek, Ore. Madras, HHHMHHHHHHHHHHHHHHI LUNABURQ )ALTON&n DEPARTMENT STORE Everything Under the Sun and Seldom "JUST OUT" Seeders, Wind MiP Wagons, Had ALL KINDS OF HORSE HITCHES to Attach to Sulky or Gang Plows Uuttcrick Patterns at burg, Dalton & Co. Reatoa for sale, all sW; lengths, nrico 20 conts l'-. Any ono desiring Reato3 a ber.Lf ,,0.0 H, i. roru 01 u. u. iw Alborson, Oi