o '3 '' "' " "'"' "' ' ' '''Y't""1l1iiiiiiiliiilMHWtll Bta irtsJkrald. 1K8T CIRCULATION Or PAPKIt IN T1IIH COUNTY. Irday JINK 17,10)1 cnl News. ready tor job printing. Bchcuk liros. and ace unnmn lints. ro Mr. ami Mrs. a. a. lutrsdny Juno 15, a I and complclo lino of an and flower seeds at acery. A. Collier the Silver ler and bronco buster city Tuesday. apply of groceries in- ird, bacon luuus etc. l& Richardson's. ' L. Mnrsdcn has been vk list this week suffer- Momach trouble. lid see the late arrivals ivuous, Hiiofs, lies, mrii- ieic. ai ungcy w nitn- ng left yesterday niorn- us home in Hcnton coun- i a short visit with rela rench Hotel serves a Jay dinner and special is Riven to family STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK BURNS, OREGON at the close of business June 7th, 1!)11 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $253, IGU.SO U. S. Bonds 50,000.00 Honds nnd Securities 58,101.211 Premium on U. S. Honds 2,000.00 Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 0,000.00 Five per cent Redemption Fund 1,250.00 CASH 1)8,759.25 ?109,tKM.28 LIABILITIES Capital '. . $25,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 57, .152.71 Circulation 25,000.00 deposits :h!2,181.57 ?-igo,o:m.28 Capital and Surplus $75,000.00 United States Depositary Accounts Invited Ienry Goodlow was in ill i torn the rancn and was taken to the Irs. W. T Hill. 9lbritlon was in from tfnnni. Smlilln Kilt tnTiiiv:. has found the lost crtised in there colums Thompson received a terday announcing that uttee of Agricultural Jegcnts to select a site xperiment farm would e this evening. Holland left here the e week for Malheur where goes to receive lefortheP. L. S. Co. e accompanied on his his daughter, Miss ho has been attending Portland. ; Thompson informs us der has selected Miss itzell of Salem as the istant teacher in the ol. The young lady had fation in for a position in 1 at the time of the f the board. She has references and is highly iided by prominent edu- the slate. Alteration freeatSchenk Bros. Ross Goodlow was in town Thurday. C. V. Reed and wife were in from Sunset this week. The Home Hotel is the comfor table place to board. Z. H. Stroude was over from Harney Wednesday. Stock Inspector Robinson is in the city for a short visit with his family. Mrs. K. Calkins has returned from an extended visit to out side points. A man and wife with two Linen dusters for ladies and gentlemen at Schonk Bros. The M. W. A. lodge is going to give a ball in this city on July I. New fresh groceries just re ceived at Hngey& Richardson's. Hohn Sunday, June 11, to Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Hoberlon, a daughter. A Thomas Rnyeraft was in from Valley View Thursday. . He has recently purchased necessary machinery and will go to farm ing proper. THE BEST DRESSED MEN IN TOWN ARE WEARING SCH LOSS" BALTIMORE 1 . .. . ..UWHHVLJ iiuHKiuera uraire wore un rancn CLOTHING. FOR SALE AT Inquire at this oflice. TnE nusY CORNEIl STOKK. 210 acres closo o Burns with fine open range adjoining, $15 an acre. Address II. L. care this oflke. O. J. Darst and and C. H. Leonard went over to Canyon City yesterday afternoon to at tend to some legal matters in the circuit court. Mrs. J. E. Johnson, wife of the harness horse man who has a string of promising youngsters nt the fair grounds, arrived here Wednesday to join her husband for the summer. Win. Berg arrived here Satur day on his return from Tacoma where he was married to Miss You will never again be quite Farrell, a sister to Dell Farrell. as you are today mentally or They went out Sunday morning physically. Perhaps not ever to the homestead, again will you be able to get so Wm StjrnnR ioft yesterday 'young" a photograph - that for Prairio CUy n ono of Mr looks like you-os today. Visitf HanieV'Uutos wliero lo will moot his wife and daughters who are coming from Scotland to make R. L. Paddock left morning for Diamond that point it Was arrang- iVm. Hanley's foremen rious ranches to take way oi the l' Ranch iy Andrews where he in catch the stage and is visit to Demo and nts south. Bishop Pad- go from that section into Lake and Klamath the Sayer Studio Wm. Hanley was accompanied in from Portland by Mr. Weitzer, their homo in this place a gentleman who is much inter- a telegram of Tuesday anounc estedin the possibilities of this' cs thodenth of Mra. Frank Mel- schan on last Monday in Port land. She had been' in poor section. Mr. Weitzer is a sugar beet man more or less interested in the production of beets at health for ulontr time and friends uockyl-oru, Loiorauoanu believes i,ati been apprised of her serious this country well adapted to that, condition several weeks ago. product He was given some in- j Tne huy wns j,jKhy esteemed in lormation along the possibilities in that line and the analysis of some specimen sent to the agri cultural college last year which he considers exceptionally good. this section where she was well known having resided for years in Silvies Valley. She was a cousin to KempHardisty of Trout Creek. Isn't it Warm? nil be soon. Then you will need some nice light r r irwr I lerwear. netter aet it now. we nave just recew- complete new line of SUMMER UNDERWEAR for men, women and children FOR MEN i FOR WOMEN UNION SUITS UNION SUITS I (jualitu, per suit : $1.25 Good quality, per suit : 75c. er " " " : 2.00 Better " " " : $1.50 TWO PIECE SUITS TWO PIECE SUITS quality, per yarment : 75c. Good quality, per yarmen I : .7.7c. er " " " : $1.00 Better " " " : 75c. " " " ' : 1.50 Beat " " " : '$1.50 I nt ' " ' ,1-il I III ll.lllll'l -li-T'rf Boys Fancy Balbriggan Underwear 50c. per garment w goods for .every department coming in every few days per freight teams BUSY CORNER STORE Schwartz . Schwartz J PROPRIETOR PROPRIETOR. MILL. JjJ.W" ' Geo. James was down from Hnrnoy Thursday. Cleaning and pressing for ladies and gentlemen at Schonk Bros. Thos. McCormick was greeting old lime friends in this city this week. Wo have received our now Spring samples for units. Come and seo them Schonk Bros. C. A. Bedell has purchased the Windsor Bar from II. C. Pearson and has taken charge of the business. Post Master Iiggan's salary lins been raised $100 a year to take effect July 1. Ho will then ro- ccivo $1700. J. R. Williams and D. R. Thorn aro over from Silver creek. The crops in that section nre fine this season. NEW SUMMER WEIGHT UN DERWEAR FOR MEN, WO MEN AND CHILDREN AT THE BUSY CORNER STORE. Dr. II. Denman is up from Hnrrimau. Carpenters are com pleting his handsome store build ing and arc now placing in the modern plate glass front. Ford Tipton was in the city the first of this week. He re ports crops looking fine in his section of the country and the range exceptionally good. Mrs. F, E. McGee left for Portland yesterday afternoon in response to a telegram that her brother. Thos. Anderson, was very ill at a hospital there. J. L. Gault and wife spent Sunday up at the Mace mountain place where A. C. Welcome and wife are rusticating. The Sal mon Hies were so numerous that Mr. Gault didn't get many fish. Supt. Hamilton was in from his farm last Saturday in his Ford auto which he recently pur chased from Commissioner Geo, A. Smyth. The fai mors are the fellows who can alford automo biles this season. The Harney Saw Mill, L. R. Ihinvard proprietor, now has on hand a large amount of rough and dressed lumber and can fill orders on short notice. A good road to the mill. Hurry orders may ho 'phoned in. II. M. Ilorton and wife were up from the desert land claim of the later near Narrows during the week. They have installed an excellent pumping plant nud have succeeded in getting water to reclaim the land. C. W. Driukwater, manager of the Porter-Sit?, mercantile established at Drewsey, came in Wednesday from Portland and went out Thursday to Drew sey accompanied by his wife and little son who had been visiting relatives and friends in this city. A. E. Murphy was in from his Iron Mountain land holdings the first of this week. Mr. Murphy rejoices with his neighbors at the excellent crop prospects and tried to make the mannger of this great religious weekly think he had been at work himself hut he hasn't lost liny flesh yet. The range in the Barren Val ley county is perfect this year according to news brought to town this week by Ira K. Ven ator of Venator. The rains have been worth hundreds of thous ands of dollars to tho cattleman and sheepmen. Never before has the grass been so good and the cattlo aro in fino condition. Enterprise. Estiiay A brown mnro weight about M00, .about 12 years old with wire cut on right shoulder also wire cut on right thigh, branded S on rightslifio nnd vent ed S on right shoulder, blotch ed iron on ioft jaw that looks like 99. Parties claiming animal will prove property and take her by paying for this ad. GKO. II. BOM.KNllAUGII. LADIES, ATTENTION! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NICE LINE OF "ESKAY" KID GLOVES AND "AUTO CRAT" SUEDE GLOVES, IN WHITE, CREAM, PEARL, LIGHT TAN, DARK TAN AND BLACK, THE BUSY CORNER STORE. J. B. Snow, a stock buyer from Baker county, is hero looking ofter sumo business. Ho had purchased some 1)000 head of cattlo from local peoplo and has turned them over to Phil Smith and his brothers nnd is here to nrramro for tho delivery of thn cattlo to theso boys. Phil camo n vcHtcrdav on a belated auto nnd will bo at homo for a fow days arranging for tho classify ing oi tuo slack una preparing for the shinmont of hup.1i ns urn ready for market. A largo num ber of lncnl Hind: nwn lmvn dln- posed of thoirontiro holdings and perhaps will go to fanning their land, t "Grandma" Cawlficld is in the city visiting relatives. W. T. VanderVecrisover from his Pine crook home. Grass seed at tho Luuliburg, Dalton & Co. Department Store. Foil Sai.u Two good milk cows for sale. Gentle. Inquire nt this ofllcc. Mrs, 1). A. Cawlficld has been quite ill with measles but is im proving at this time. ONION SETS 15 CENTS A QUART AT THE BUSY COR NER STORE. I C. F. McKinney went to Prine- villo Tuesday morning tnking J. J. Sayer over on his auto. Dr. Marsden went over to Alberson Sunday to seo R. .1. NEW LACE HOSIERY AT THE BUSY CORNER STORE. Roy Coleman was up from his homestead near Waverly last Sunday. J. W. Burdick came over from Drewsey Sunday with J. R. Troth, a man who was ill and de sired to become a county charge. Foil SAl.K (M0 acres hay land All or pail. Address M. II. caro The Times-Herald. FINE LINE OF SHIRT WAISTS AT THE BUSY COR NER STORE. Everything for every body nt tho Lunaburg, Dalton &. Co. Department Store. Thos. Howser was over from Harney Tuesday having como Campbell who was suffering from over to seo his brother-in-law pneumonia. Foil Rent Tho Jorgensen store building on Main Street. Inquire at Win. Miller's office in the Masonic building. Miss Freda Woldenberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Woldenberg of Canyon City, has bech a guest at the C. II. Voeg tly home this week. August Miller came over from Drewsey yesterday on business. Mr. Miller informs us his daugh ter Emma is now head nurse in ! the hospital at Boise. She ex pects 10 CO.ne nomuoil ll vacation ' ..,.,. (.v,w,f.nrntmn ,.nv hv mv!n,r Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Post Master Loggan, who is ill. Rough arid dressed lumber of all kinds now on hand at the Williams Bros. Saw Mill. Rough lumber $15 per thousand. Narrows is the first place to get busy in this section on a 1th of July celebration. Posters are out announcing a big time there the M and -1th with horse races, base ball games, two big dances and other means of amusements. Whooping cough is not danger- ,ous when the cough is kept loose this month Wm. Hanley was accompanied It has been used in ninny enidem homo by Miss O'Reilly, u sister ics of this disease with perfect of Drake C. O'Reilly of Portland success, also C. II. Leonard who returned dealers, home from an extended business' visit to Nevada coming back by the way of Portland. Miss Georgia Ellis arrived home Sunday from Washington, where she has been teaching to spend the vacation peried with ler mother Dr. Elizabeth Ellis. For sale by all good Opportunity Is knocking. Do you heed it? Has it ever occurred to you that you must tnko advantage of your opportunities when they come to Vnll hIqo vnnr plimwitu mnv lui Needless to say her many friends lmU Th;3 Hcs ,mrticulnrly to Life Insurance. Statistics show that ono person in each five only, aro pleased to see her. B jTlie accident out at the slough bridge when the big road roller went through it either indicated carelessness on the part of those in charge of the machine or the REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BARNEY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK Of BURNS, Oregon, Made to the Comptroller of Currency, June 7th, 1911. RESOURCES Loans $213,301.22 United States Bonds 20,275.94 Municipal Bonds and County Warrants 33,026.43 Furniture and Fixtures 3,702.77 CASH 168,825.95 $439,132.31 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $26,000.00 Surplus und Profits 19,217.83 Circulation.... 19,500.00 DEPOSITS 374,414.48 $439,132.31 J IT AM B " DRUGS'- DISINFECTANTS! c 7' 5 'LEAN UP TIME is here. We have a good stock of disinfectants for water sinks, cesspools, etc., the proper use of which will safeguard against disease. Don't forget Ammonia when you clean house for removing grease and stains from wood work. Azoa will kill your mice and rats, and all of their neighbors. The Welcome Pharmacy STA TIONER Y 2 I are insurable, yet at some time in their lives nearly every person is insurable. Have you attended to this most sacred dutv? Or are bridge was in need of .repair. I you allowing your wife, the At any rate it might have been mother of your babies, to carry worse. ONION QUART AT THE SETS 15 CENTS A BUSY COR NER STORE. R. P. Love of Artesia, New Mexico spent the past week in this section and was most favor ably impressed with the great ness and possibilities of the Har ney County. He did not invest or take up any land as he found the most desirable lands adjoin ing Burns had been taken and as he was advanced in years he did not feel disposed to locate in an outlaying section. Mr. Love deplores the lack of trans portation fncilties in the great interior and hopes we may soon I get railroads that we may be justified in putting tho vast ag ricultural land to work nud help to solve the high cost of living problem. A telegram dated at Jackson ville, Florida, June 15, announces that Sherifr Richardson was on his way homo with Wm. "Tex" Bvrd. He caught tho prisoner near that city and evidently didn't hnve any trouble in get ling the necessnry requisition papers to bring him to Oregon. The prisoner had been indicted by the grand jury of this county on a charge of horse stealing, He was out on bonds nnd made his escape. Sherifr Richardson had been on his track for a long lime and has at last captured him. This is but mm instance of many that shows Harney county voters mnde no mistake in keep ing Lou in office. this risk along with her other burdens. When you say, you will carry your own risk, do you not see, that it is your wife, and not your self, who is carrying the risk. She can not afford it do not be selfish, nnd require her to do it. Ore-con Life that great home company, through their agent, H. C. HkkIcsIoh, offer opportunity to YOU-J. Defer not till tomorrow to be wise, Tomorrow's sun for you may never rise. SUMMONS. In tlio J tiNlico Coiirl (or lliirim Precinct, llurmiy County, Orison II, M. Morion nnd A. W. ?'uynr, ComrtiicrH hh Huron Million ()iiiuuy, riulntlfTn, VK. Jullll Oalxirilo, Pcfumluilt To Joint OsIkinhi, luftMiilnnt uloo untiKtl: In llio nnino oi tlui dtiito of Ort'KOli, yon urn liuruby reiilreil In iippoiir und ano'UT tliu roniplnlnt llletl iikiiIiikI yon In tho oIkho entitle! unit, wltklu ulx Hi'ukH from tlio dale- nl tliu Hint implica tion of tills notice, or ilulntllT will tiiko Jmliocnt uiiiiihl yon for tliu Mini of PovviilytniK ami 10-100 (71 IB) Hollum ultli alx (() pur ronl iiiltncxt llicroon frou. Octiilmr l. 100S, nml will apply to tlio Court lor un Oritur of Hulo or tliu pcruonal property iittnchtxl liorihi, to lt -Ono frniiin lionm mill mmlloHof nlru fence, TIiIh kiiiiiiiioiih in pnlilleliiHl In Tliu Tiiinii'lltirulil 11 wrekly in wpiiper pn! IIhIihiI nt llnrin, Ort'tgnti, li) oritur of tint nmleriOKiHil JimlK-o of tlio 1'oaro for Huron Precincl, mmlo on tliu Dtli itny of .Jiiiih, Hill Tliodutoof tlio Unit piiWI. ration nf llils numinous la Jnnu 10, I'll I, I'l.ATT lUSIIAI.I., Jintlco of tliu IVuco for Huron l'rwlncl, lliiriuiy C'oiinty.Oro, DISHES AT COST In order to get more room for my stock of furniture I have decided to close out my entire line of China, Earthenware, Glassware, Granite ware, Positively at Cost I have one of the finest and most complete lines of this class of waro in tho city. INDUCEMENTS FOR QUICK SALES G. W. CLEVENGER, THE FURNITURE MAN I SAVE TIME MONEY -MUSCLE The Working Capacity is Enormous of the FARM Pump Engine Always on the hustle; a tireless worker, that needs no boss. It tackles any task; cuts hours to minutes; cuts cost to pennies; cuts out the wear and tear on muscles; keeps men from becoming machines; pays handsome daily in cash saved and work performed. The engine will pump sufficient water in less than half hour for the average family's daily use at a cost of not more than three fourths of a cent. Fits Any Standard Pump Pumps 400 to im Gallons per Hour Tell us about your requirements, wo can meet them; if interested in Larger Engines ask for catalogue of FULLER & JOHNSON'S Double Efficiency Engines. W. T. SMITH Agent for Harney County 1 v wfefc-''. a'V&nii'w. PHARMACY No two peoplo are alike and no two prescriptions aro alike That's why every prescription has to bo treated in a separate and distinct manner. You get this individual treatment, moreover, you get the consideration and carefulness that should al ways bo exercised where medicines are consumed and where health is at stake. Let un fill jjour prescription, you will be served exactly rip lit in every way. The City Drug Store REED BROS., Proprietors -V'-'''.V''''k SIDNEY WILKES 2:41 Sire Marvin Wilkes 2:12J who trotted threo heats in ono after noon in hotter than 2:09 and sold and shipped to Australia and is now tho champion trotter nnd show horse of Australia. Marvin Wilkes was the greatest race colt of his day in California. Dam, Kitty H. 2:2lJ a stake winner and unbeaten as a two and three year old. She by Sidney 2;19H, grandsire of Lou Dillon 1;58J. Sidney Wilkes was very fast as a two year old and trotted one-eight milo barefooted at a 2:40 gait. Ho is a dark brown IBS hands high, weight 1200 lbs and a model harness horse. Will make tho season of 1911 at Fair Grounds, Burns, Oregon. For terms address, CLAUDE McGEE, Burns, Oregon