The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 17, 1911, Image 2

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Schenk Brothers
Merchant Tailors and Outfitters
Bums, Oregon, Odd Follows Bldg
Now on l)i lay, Including
Suits, Hats, Shoes,
Underwear, Shirts,
Collars, Cuffs, Ties
Newest Styles in Straw Hats
Panamas, Crush Dicers,etc
We carry the M. V. D. Under
wear in Union and Two Piece
Ilic tmcj5-pctCd
Uua Year. .
Six Month! .
Three Monttn
l it
M n4f
IU1.IAN II V Kit -
"Simply overwhelmed by the
manifold resources and possibili
ties of this immense Valley," is
the way J. .1. Sayer, field seen -tary
of the Oregon Development
League, expressed himself upon
his visit here "the first of the
week. That is the manner all
express themselves when first
viewing this big country. It is
impossible to tell about it one
must see it to fully appreciate its
greatness and this is the right
season of the year to come.
Harry C. Smith Piatt Randal, Hen
Urown, Morns bchwnrtz and
Doll Dibble was appointed to ar
range for a celebration on July -1.
i. a. iicer suggested mat as
the county now has the neces
sary machinery it might be well
to nmcadanizo main street, pur
chasing the material from the
county. Those present seemed
to favor it and and a committee
consisting of I. S. Geer, J. L.
Gaiilt and Fred Lunaburg will
take up the proposition with
property owners, ascertain the
nrocable cost and see what can
be done.
On Thursday, June 15, Mr.
and Mrs. A. W. Ilowsor, pioneer
residents of this valley, celebrat
ed their golden wedding at the
family home near Harney. Fifty
years ago A. W. Ilowsor and
Hannah Kuster were married in
Mnrysville, California. They
came to Harney valley Seplem
ues 2a, lHYli and have since re
sided here. Each will bo 7U
years old in September and thoy
have journeyed the half century
with few ills so far. They are
highly esteemed pioneers who
enjoy a wide acquaintance.
Fight ohi'dron were born to them,
six daughters and two sons.
Two daughters have died and all
tho other children with the ex
ception of ono daughter, Mrs. C,
C. Kilburn, woront the old family
home Thursday. They were:
Mrs. Lou Slenger. Mrs. Thou.
Vickers, Mrs. J. IS. Loggan;
Thos and Had Ilowsor. Sixteen
grandchildrcd and five great,
grandchildren were present.
A largo number of friends of
tho family called during tho day
to express their congratulations
and wish the estimable old couple
several more celebrations of their
marriage beforo either is called
to the long rest.
The writer has known Mr. and
Mrs Ilowsor for 28 years and
during all these years from his
childhood up to tho present has
always counted them among his
best friends who still retain the
hospitable feeling of tho early
pioneer days when he first met
The Portland Telegram says:
V. P. Keady, right-of-way
agent of tho Milwaukee system
who secured most of the proper
ty required by the Farling road
for its extension to tho Paci
fic Coast, went into Central Ore
gon today as a scout for the
Hnrrimnn people, and will spend
tho Summer preparing data pre
liminary to the construction of
an east-and-west line across the
state. This is the project known
as ine uregon hastern, winch is
to connect the present main line
of the Southern Pacific with the
Oregon Short Line at or about
Ontario, probably using tho Mal-
Two call meetings of the Com
mercial Club were held this
week, one on Monday evening
and another last night. The
first was to meet with J. J.
Sayer, field secretary of the
Oregon Development League.
Mr Rnvor mnrlo nmA ni7 tnm)
suggestions in respect to organi-l"cl,r Va,lov Hailroad as the con
zed efforts to advertise the re-iiection from tho Idaho bound
sources of this great interior ;ary. The project also embraces
country and his trip was for the 'the valuable rights which were
particular purpose of getting in ... ,, ,,
closer touch with this section. , "fimrcd by the peo
and establish a closer relation ' !' some months ago from the
with the people. He said ho ' Boise & Western, a reputed Hill
bad not been prepared to find 'scheme for paralleling the Har-
riman route across Oregon.
The route which will be taken
3uch a tremendous country and
was simply overwhelmed with
its great possibilities. He left
Tuesday morning for Princville
being taken over by
Last night a meeting was held
at the court house but there
were only a few present. Judge
Miller was elected president to
The fine new road building
equipment recently ordered by
our county court has arrived
and will be put (o work immedi
ately. The big roller and engine
broke the Foley slough bridge
down Tuesday then the drivers
attempted to cross and caused
considerable inconvenience. Tho
machine had almost reached the
opposite end of tho bridge when
a bent gave way, the machine
dropping down some distance.
No part of it was broken and a
force of men with cables, pulleys,
etc, succeeded in pulling it out
Thursday. It seems the plank
nig on the bridge did not give
way but ono of the supports hnd
slipped causing the accident.
Judge Thompson and Com
missioner Sylvester yesterday
picked a site for the rock crush
er on a ledge of rock just east
and. north of the Frank Welcome
residence in this city where it
will first be put into operation.
Wo learn the machinery re
ceived is satisfactory so far as
first appearances are concerned
and that the people who sold it
will give a practical demonstra-
John H. Stinson, Crook county
representative of tho Oregon &
Western Colonization Co., came
over from Prineville Thursday
bringing A. J. Wnsgatt, of Dul
uth, Minn., who cornea to estab
lish an office hero for tho compa
ny and who will have charge of
the land grant lauds in Harney
county. Mr. Wnsgatt has fixed
temporary headquarters with tho
Silver Creek Irrigation Co. await
ing a suitable suite in the 1 1 iss
uer building which will bo in
readiness later.
For tho present Frank John
son, who preceded tho party
several days, will bo with Mr.
Wasgatt and assist him in get
ting familiar with the lands and
matters pertaining to leases, ect.
Mr. Jonnson is well known to
Harney county people nnd more
or less familiar with tho entiro
road grant lands in this territory
therefore will bo of much assis
tance. Frank is connected with
the Princville office but will
spend more or less time in this
county as his services are requir
Mr. Stinson was accompanied
over by his wife and also by Mrs.
Frank Johnson and little daught
er who will remain hero visiting
relatives and friends until Frank
goes back to Prineville. Mrs.
Johnson was formerly Miss Jen
nie McPheeters.
Mr. Stinson expects to return
to Prineville tomorrow. Presi
dent Davidson of the company
will not come in at this time as
was expected. He was in Prine
vileo the first of this week in
campany with a big party of
Northern Pacific Hailroad ollici
als and stated to Mr. Stinson
that he would not visit this sec
tion on the present trip.
Tho establishment of an office
to handle the lands of Oregon &
Western Colonization Co. in this
county would indicate a nitr.
active campaign to dispose of
lauds and coupled with the an
nouncement of railroad right-of-way
men entering the field it is
Notice is hereby given that tho
county superintendent of Harney
county will hold the regular ex
amination of applicants for state
papers in Hums, as follows;
Commencing Wednesday, June
21, at 1) a. in., and continuing
until Saturday, Juno 2-1, ntl
o'clock p. m.
Wednesday- Penmanship, his
tory, spelling, physical geogra
phy, reading, psychology.
Thursday -Written arithmetic,
theory of leaching, grnmmor,
oooKKccping, physics, civil gov
ernment. Friday - Physiology, geogra
phy, composition, algebra, Eng
lish literature, school law.
Saturday-Hotany, plane ge
ometry, general history.
All those holding certificates
that expire in August and county
iiv:i iiiun niiuuiu una1 whs cxnmi
The uniform succcnu that liaH
nttended tho uso of Chamberlain's '
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Hcnicdy has mado it a favorite
everywhere. It can always bo
depended upon. For sale by all
good dealers.
There is one medicine that
every family Bhould be provided
with and especially during tho
summer months; viz, Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr
hoea Remedy. It is almost cer
tain to bo needed. It costs but a
quarter. Can you afford to bo
without it? For sale by all good
Notice is hereby given that
there aro sufficient funds in the
county treasury to redeem all
Harney county warrants register
ed prior to March 1, 1911. In
terest ceases on all such warrants
from Juno 7, 1011.
Simon Lr.wis,
Treasurer of Harney County.
Brown's Satisfactory Store
Beautiful and attractive line of While Lawn and Linen Waists
m . f t .
will be offered at a ureal reduction during mis sate
- .&x.o
100 $1.25
Waists, - - 75C 150 $1.75 Waists, -200
$2.25 and $2.50 Waists, gJl-OO
I, I H IU CM ami IHW,
NAIJMNAI, PDIIKHT-Niillro l lierebv itlvoii
thai tho lnniUtlricrllxul ImIiiw. ctntirarliiK VMI
nrri'i, wllliln llm Malhrur National Kucol.
Urriton, will x mtijrrl lu otllr inoul unit unity
tiuilnrtlie .rovl.l(Mi. nl tbe Iiumi'ilcn.l lauanf
Hid UiillritMileaauil llmact ol Juno II, I '.:,
(31 Ktal.. 103, l tho I'ulleil Hlatca UtnlunUu
t llurnt, ore (on, mi Juljrg), 1911, An j iculcr
urhowaa actually ami In (noil fallli rlaliiilnjt
any ol inlil latula fur agricultural mhi-hh
prior In January I. II"!. awl Iim nut aliniiilun
"I aamr. Iia (irvlercnro rl(lil In ruitkrt a miry lor inu ihiihi auuauy inru
imi. Hniti lamia weru iiiumi iiikmi hid Milium
lima of (li triiii iiieiillontnl tivlnw. who
tav ft tiruleronce rlalit tutilwt to tin iiHur
ai'l'IW ant lautiallflnl In iiiakotHiiiic.ti ail viilr)
ami llifirtiriii)iira right la riijri'l.i'.l lirlnr In
mi)' -i, mi, on which nam I no lanua win m un
Jntln .rllli'iimiit ami nnlry lr any inalllHxl
Kl.nll llialamtiaroat lolluwa TlmUUol
HV;i!HK)inf NW',,llijW'4 0f NH'.ofHK',
ol NW'., tho HK, ol SW, of NW'.. Ihii
H". ill NK'J nl HW'J ol HftU tho K'k ol
HWf, ol HW'J ill fW' thfl hV.', nl NVj.
ol hVi4 ol NW'ij, Ilia ft i. nl ft', u( Nl'i!
iilHi, tho Wl.ol W'. nl 81 ', nl HftS.IIln
Klt ol HWIjUl fl't', ami tho I I, ol U',i.l
HKjrol m':, Fi-n. I, ami thu .iif iol
NWjnl NV',', III KUorNW'f nl NV' ami
thr RUol Wjol KUMul NUL.Hip I. 'I 21
H.T Jl K.. U M , 1.11 aiTi-n, a..lkrfliun (
llruiiro v Wllllami, lliirna, Orriun, l.iat n .?
1 lil H', III HW ) 111 KW 'i, hM !f, Ilia HU nl H', (
HK' rii.o a; llmNK', nINtti, ami Ihn N, ol
NUoINK!,, rlrf, III. ami Ihn N', ol Nft', ol
NVHall,T.VuH, II. i: , l(JJ arrra '.l
ration ol JOariih T llarnlt, lluriia, orr(on,
HitHfM H. V. rrouiint, Aa.ulanl Ciiiiiml.
Inner ul Iho Uviicral IaiiiI Onlr Aiiprnrr.1
Maya, lull, frank I'lrrrr, lll.l IVc
iviary o the liitltlor
Our waists are the latest lor bummer wear anc
as we buy direct from New York you are buy
ing the most stylish waists worn,
Appointment of Aiimlnttlrolor.
&&MtlH H
adaaHBaKA B7a7m i&JaC.
aaaaai -ttLMm00KW' if
m$3l0 BURNS. OREGON, jg
w fit
NmmiiPMmiii in mi mi I i wBmmmBmmmmmammmcmmmmwmium imimii 11 i 'frst.
"n naaiai i nnmmamaimmtmmtmmam ttmmm&amaaaeaataa&aaMtmatmnmmmmm&mHmlmsamnatu aaran 1 1 nVM
Work horses for sale weiKhhi";
from 1200 to MOO lbs. four to six
years old, I. M, Davis, Drewsey
Particular people do their
tradiiurat the Hacy & Hichard-
son Kt-'hernl merchandise store
where a line lino of dry Koods,
furnishings, shoes, etc. is always
i iiu,
tion of its work beforo the conn- nation if they expect to teach in
ty is obliged to pay for it. Oregon. . Thero will be no exam-
Alfred Bonjnmino
Schenk Bras.
clothing nt
itmtion in August. No
papers issued.
County Superintendent.
by Keady in his reconnoitcring
C. F Mc- expedition will cover first the
proposition of a branch line from
some point on the Deschutes
Railroad- Madras or Metollius to
Princville. The next, proposi-
fill out the unexpired term of i tion will be in relation to the
Hon. Frank Davey, who resign- J route that will be followed from
ed. tho present extension of tho
The matter of a representative ' Oregon Eastern, now built about
atiori to attend the meeting I!5 miles south from Natron on
rinevillc to organize tho I eastward through Crook, Har
ral Oregon Development noy and Malheur Counties over
ie was taken up and a to the Oregon Short Line.
lteei was appointed to can- He expects to be in tho inter
situation and see how ior for several weeks before
'ild go. Thero will be a making his first advance report
egation. here following the opening of
.ommittee consisting of the fiscal year of July 1.
We Have Opened Offices in the New Manonic
Building in Burns, and are Prepared
Til Purni"sh Accurate, Reliable
V and Complete Abstracts of
Title to all Lands in Harney Co.
Buy and Sell Real Estate in
Large and Small Tracts.
TA Write Fire Insurance in the
"strongest Old Line Comp'ies
8,000 acre tract irrigated land -best
in Central OregonFirst
class colonization project. TERMS
All BunineHH Intrusted To Us Will Receive
Prompt and Careful Attention.
Rooms 4 and 5 Mttsonic Duildincr.
To those who contemplate " out for their
we wish to submit for consideration our
In re lUlntn of MnllMn l-oiiUct tin
tlectfAitil :
Notice In liorcliy kIwii tliomiilrr
nllttiiil linn I wiiii duly hmiIiiUm1 tint ml
mluUtrntor ol tint nbovii CHtntn hy llio
County Court of llnrmiy County, Oro-1
1:011, wliuruln mill cxUlo la 'iiillni;,
ulilcli aptKiliitiiiont iior l ortlcr
iluly 111111I0 ami utilrruil, nml Iiiih iiinllll
i'l, All piTiionii liavliiK clnlttm nuulimt
Haiti ehtnln nrci rt'(ilriil l iiriKiinl tlii'in
llli iroivr voiicln'ra wltliln Ax niniitlm
(rum da to ol tlila notice, nml tin liy Inn
reiiilrisl, to the tinikiralniiiil iiilnilnln-
trator at lila plncu of liunlncn nt lliirnt, '
OrrKun, or at lliu nlllco ol (1, A. linn
bold, llnriiu, Oroyon, Ills nttornvy. '
DalnlMny lUlli, 1011. ;
Flint publication M.iy. 'JOtli, 1IU1.
I'i.attT. Hamiai.i.,
AiliulniMrator.f priCCS
I'ninliiii;, l'npcr IlauRing-, Siirn Writing
Estimates given on all classes of
such work.
Headiiuarters at French Hotel
In Crane Fiat on Calamity
Creek. All kinds of Lum-
ber on hand at reasonable
l V",
Imported German Coafi
The undersiKned having purchased the interest of ,1. P.
in tlio well Known Coach btallion, Jjuduisl, No. ZS5, wishes U
nounce that he will stand this season at the Varien log house
All contracLs of last season are to he settled with him.
Huddist is the sire of the highest priced colts in Harneyc,;
except standard hred specials and his get speaks for his qiaf.
as a sire. . f
Pasture and care for mares on the place. -' 'j
a L?&-
Terms to Insure $4
Trial Record at Three Years Old 2:12'.
Sire Of
Knight of Strathmore 2:05
Ma-gs L!.n-h o. i n I
B..UI l&llt. Hi. V
Straight grade flour bbl
Fancy patent Hour bbl
Present price fruit sugar per
100 lbs
Largo or small while beans
per 100 lbs
Hayoand pink beans, 100 lbs.
No. 1 Japan rico " "
Fine dairy salt 50 lb. sack
Stock salt in fi() lb. sack per
100 lbs
Canned table fruits: peaches
pears, plums, apricots,
pineapples, blackberries,
grapes, 20c. a can, 'M cans
to case, ie r case
We are well stocke4'
$5.70 Sweet corn, 21 cans to case,
0.70 per case . . 2.(Ti
Tomatoes 21 cans to case,
per case ... 2.00
Swift's bacon well streaked
with lean, per lb . 18c.
10 lb. pails Silver Leaf lard,
' per pail $1,50
I Mocha and Java blend coffee
llm 1.0Q
Other blends at 25c. and !50c. per
XXX Castor machine oil in gal
lon cans, per can, GOc.
Men's Boys' and Youths' Clothing
Hats and all kinds of furnishings. Also
Ladiss' Misses' and Children's
wearing apparel of every description
Our prices in all departments compare favorably
with the prices in our Grocery Department
and remember you will have 70 mijes
in your favor if you come this way.
John Day, Oregon
Sire Two Hundred Standard Performers
DAM MISS RITA::::2:08i
Dam of five in the list; she held the world
record as a three vear old
Knight of Strathmore was tho fastest four year old pacer out
in 1910; he also holds the worlds record for a colt of his age over
half mile track.
Twelfth Night is said to be by good judges tho best son of the
mighty Onward; ho is a chestnut 15.5 hands high; weight 1200
pounds. He will be in stud at Harriman for the season of 11)11.
Terms: $30.00 with return priv
ilege if mare proves not in foal.
Mares pastured and cared for free
of oharge. Further particulars write
H. DENMAN Harriman, Oregon
Lunaburg )alton&Q)
Everything Under the Sun and Seldom
Wow's the Time to Get Ready to Put in Cro
i he Standard Bred Stallion
Trial, 2:20
Will Stand the Season of 1911
Elliott Barn, Burns, Oregon
PROORUSS, No. -IMS" is a mahogany bay standing 1(5 hands
high. Sired by Diablo, 1 M01; siro of Sir Albert S 2:011? ; Sir John
S2;0U; Clipper 2:00; Diabolita 2:081. Nino others in less than
2,10. nnd eleven others better than 2:25. Dam Uemember Mo, by
Waldstein, 125G7.
Herthn, grandmother of Progress, is tho molhor of nineteen
coltB all in tho list. Tho Limit her sixteenth colt was sold as a
green pacer at $10,000. In his three-year-old form ho mado a
record of 2:10.
Terms to Insure $20
GEORGE D. HAGEY, Burns, Ore.
wu havE p,ows Harrowg
Seeders, Wind Mill
Pumps, Hose, Scrapers,
Wagons, Hackp
Buggies and Carts.
nv rumous notary fiarroi
to Attach to Sulky or
Gang Plows
Come In and See Us Before Buying
Young's Meat Market & Grocer
Always rendyjfor job work.
IJIuo prints of any township in
Hums Land District, showino-
namo of entryman, date and kind
of entry, topography, etc., ?1,00
each. Piatt T. Randall, Hums,
Uutterick Patterns
burg, Dalton & Co.
Reatos for sale, all sires
lengths, price 20 cents per fo
Any ono desiring Reatos adilK
W. A. Ford of J. O. Alberson,
Alberson, Oivtf