The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 03, 1911, Image 1

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1lle (Qrent Unrnctj Cotittiru
Cover nn nrca of 0,428,800 at-ict of
Inndi 4,03 l,0M nrrcn yet vacant stibi-ct
to entry initlor llio public land laws of
Itii) United Hatea.
Tho Ofllclnl Paper of Hartley Counly
hits tho largnst circulation ml it ouo of
ho boat advortlatng mediums In Knalern
NO 29.
I H 17 fJH Tiff TT? TT TT T TTrrr of 42 men were taken enro
them Pacific Man Gathers. Data
For Descriptive Writeup
I Thousand Two Hundred Would Come to Oregon
Opening: Was Presented According to Registra-
n on Great Northern Northwest Advertising Car.
Wheeler a writer of seaboard states in tho Fall. Tel-
Hhe employ of the North-
Icific Railway, was here
Ltho week looking over
Vnlloy and securing such
1 was necessary lor a gen-
scriptiyc writeup of the
rritory for use in' exploit
i attractiveness to tourists
Hiecler was Riven all the
ice possible by local busi-
en and has formed very
impression of tho great
lites of this country. Ho
sen out into the country
awn what is being done
q lino of agriculture and
; raised.
Wheeler's work along tho
publicity will attract
attention to the Harney
and be the direct means
figing in many desirable
the railroads hiking such
Ive interest in advertising
:tien: the favorable con-
lion and work on big irri-
Iprojects and tho Harri-,
inroad system making
mtion for immediately ex-
its road from the east
ie Valley it looks like we
feoing to see a very active
the line of development.
of at
tho French Hotol Tuesday night
and thoy loft tho following day
for tho field to take up nctivo
It, was not learned how long
it Would bo necessary to comploto
tho survey. There is a lurgo
body of unsurveved land and
aomo of it is vory rough. No
doubt tho cntiro season will bo
consumed and possibly longer.
Word reached hero today that
President Davidson of tho Ore
gon & Western Colonization Co.
and W. II. Cotton, attorney for
the Hnrriman lines in Oregon had
just completed satisfactory ar
rangements in tho right-of-way
condemnatory proceedings for the
Oregon & Eastern out of Vnle
through the Alschul Addition,
west of Vale and through the
Oregon & Western Colonization
Co's land beyond the Addition.
With the setting of tho right-of-way
troubles out of court, the
Harriman people will soon bo
able to start work on the Ore
gon & Eastorn from Vale. Eng
mcer Stradley sometime ago
announced that the road would
be built as soon as right-of-ways
were secured. Strips of land
through one or two ranches be
tween Vale and tho canyon is all
that remains now and no trouble
is anticipated. Vale Enterprise.
Tho demands for automobiles
is increasing and local dealers
arc golngout .niter moro ma
chines. Last Saturday It. L.
Hutton bought an ID. M. F from
Archie McGowan and on tho
same day Thos. Hutton exchang
ed tho Buick ho purchased lust
season for Sheriff Richardson
new ono and tho latter is now
on a deal to dispose of it and
will go out nt once after moro
E. M. P. cars.
Archie McGowan has gone to
Portlnnd and will bring back one
Ford and two new Huicks.
Theso machines nro all partially
contracted for and before the
season is far advanced no doubt
many more will be sold.
I. II. Holland has exchanged
his Cadillac for the now 1911
model recently brought in from
Portland. . .
Cattle Loan Company Organized to
Boost The Stock Raisers
President Hill's Suggestion That Portland Business
Men Visit Interior Favorably Considered Party of
Eastern Railroad Men I? Accompany Excursionists.
khird of the great army of
people in the Middle West
Rstesn states who register-
Ir names and addresses as
Jefinitely interested in the
irest during the six
's tour ot the Northern
exhibit car, wanted to
Ebout Oregon and its op
ties. Tho tour which be
st October came to an end
Jays ago, and the registra-
sks showed that 7200 of
jple desiring detailed m-
tion expressed a wish to
this state if they could
ie right opening. The
Inquiries were distributed
: a number of states tribu-
the Northern Pacific.
trip covered 5000 miles.
sties just completed con-
the tour show that a
bf 105,000 adult persons
000 childern inspected the
lile enroutc through Min-
Wisconsin, Iowa, Kansas
in, Illinois, Indiana,
Ian and Ohio, and at every
nade, inquires came con-
the new Oregon country
jpen to transportation.
ir distributed 173,825
of literature about the
irest. The car was accom-
, by two experts, men well
on the West, and special-
different lines gave lec-
from time to time on the
industries which afford
openings to new settlers
The different kinds of
ere all included in the
exhibits in the car. The
land, soils, climate and
details were thoroughly
lied to the visitors. Tho
be brought to the Coast
imrner, completely rcstock-
sent through the Atlantic
W. F. Hissncr has faith in the
future of Burns to such an ex
tent that he has purchased tho
Red Front barn property, one of
the be3t corners in the city, with
50 ft front on Main street, 200
ft on the south street and 50
ft on ! irst street. The proper
ty is covered almost entirely with
a building but this will be remod
eled and made up into store and
office rooms to suit tenants on
ground floor while the second
floor will likely be fitted up into
furnished rooms or hall purposes
for the present
Mr. Hissner will be governed
by the applicants for rooms in
such changes as he contemplates
for the next two weeks. This
will determine his course. The
cntiro building will be changed,
tho old roof torn off and new
floors and proper fronts on tho
side street arranged.
The consideration was in tho
neighborhood of $6,000 and with
tho improvements contemplated
it will bo made one of tho most
valuable blooks in the city.
Other building operations are
contemplated along the business
section of Burns that will add
materially to tho city during the
season. It is time that such im
provements are made. Burns
will be tho trade center of tho
biggest territory in tho vallev
regardless of what railroads do
and local business men should
not bo "cold footed" when
strangers are willing to invest
Thcro is a tendency among
some of our people to complain
of tho very backward cold spring
and to give the impression that
no other section has such draw
backs. Supt Gilcrest of the P. L. S.
Co. came Tuesday evening from
Winncmuccn after an extended
tour over tho Novnda and parts
of tho California ranches of his
company. Mr. Gilcrest sayB that
some of their most favorable
alfalfa ranches nre so backward
and the alfalfa so badly frozen
that he has ordered his men to
cut it at onco in order to get tho
injured shoots out of tho way
that tho second growth may bo
given an opportunity to make a
crop. In this way his company
expects to get ono crop where in
ordinary years they get two
Wo arc not tho only section
that has suffered from cold back
wardjweather this spring.
To flrlncln Road Machinery
U. S. surveying crews arrived
here Tuesday to resumo work on
tho unsurveyed lands in tho
Stecns mountain, Iron mountain
and sections south which was
started last fall and prosecuted
up to tho time weather condi
tions were such that it could not
bo continued.
Three parties in all consisting
Lute Parker and Win. Weber
left this week for the railroad to
bring in the fine equipment of
road building machinery purchas
ed by tho county court at tho
March term.
This consists of a big steam
roller, rock crusher, graders and
nil necessary accessaries for up
to date and permanent road
building which will be used to
full capacity during tho cntiro
season. The roads of Harney
county are its best advertisement
and wo may boast of oven bottor
ones in the very near future.
There is ono medicino that
every family should bo provided
with and especially during tho
summer months; viz, Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Dinrr
hoea Remedy. It is almost cer
tain to bo needed. It costs but a
quarter. Can you afford to bo
without it? For sale by all good
That tho organization of tho
Portland Cattle Loan Company,
in Portland will result in doub
ling tho number of livestock
shipped lothismnrkot-within the
next threo years is tho belief of
tho Portland bankers who arc in
terested in tho company says the
"Mr. Mills, Mr. Ludd and my
self wero loath to take stock in
the company when first approach
ed upon the subject some months
ago," said .1. C. Ains worth, of
the United States National Hank,
"but after investigating the
operations of these companies in
the cattle feeding territory in
the east we became convinced
that such a concern is absolutely
necessary to the proper develop
ment of tho livestock industry in
Oregon and Washington. There
is no doubt that it will result in
mnking Portland one of the larg
est livestock centers in tho coun
try." Tho corporation will havo a
paid in capital of $100,000, con
siderable more than half of which
was subscribed by tho Swifts of
Chicago. J. C. Ainsworth, A.
L. Mills and W. M. Lndd nre the
load directors and will have im
mediate control of all loans. Mr.
Ainsworth said this morning that
ho now realizes that tho lack of
money by tho cattlemen with
which to feed livestock hnd been
a serious drawback to tho proper
growth and development of the
livestock industry in the north
west '' Heretofore," said Mr. Ains
worth, "a cattleman in eastern
Oregon, who is only able to ship
to Portland one carload of beof
cattle a year will now bo able to
double his shipment as tho result
of his being able, to get tho nec
essary money at n low rate of in
icresi to ouy iced, rnc samo
condition exists with the sheep
and hog men. We nro prepared
to loan $1,000,000 if necessary to
tho livestock raisers in eastern
Oregon and eastern Washing
ton." Cattle loan companies arc es
tablished institutions in the big
feeding centers adjacent to
Omaha, Kansas City, St; Louis,
Fori Worth and other livestock
centers. They nro profitable in
stitutions, nearly nil of thorn pay
ing eight por cent or moro in
dividends. Tho plan of opera
tions adopted by theso companies
in tho east will bo followed by
tho Portland company; that is
tho banks will loan to tho cattle
loan company money required by
tho cattlo feeders at G per cent,
nnd tho compnny will in turn loan
to tho feeders at an advanco of
in tho near future according to
the following from the Oregon
inn. Should Mr. Hill route this
tour it is certain that Burns will
bo visited nnd wo should sco that
these business men have an
urgent nnd hearty invitation to
visit the big Harney County.
The Oregonian says:
A business men's nuto tour
through Central Oregon, as sug
gested by Iniis W. Hill, presi
dent of the Great Northern, on
his last visit to Portland, is be
ing looked upon with favor and
it is probable that plans for the
proposed excursion will crysta
lize into definite shape within
tho coming month. The Portlnnd
Commercial Club and tho Port
land Automobile Club arc two
organizations that are giving the
matter attention, believing that
such a tour would result in creat
ing a strong business relation
ship between Portlnnd nnd tho
interior country.
C. C. Chapman publicity man
ager of the Portland Commercial
Club, and W. .1. Clemens, presi
dent of the Portland Automobile
Club, will have charge of the
details of the trip. Thoy an
nounced yesterday that a meet
ing of business men, nutoists
and good roads advocates would
be hold early next month to dis
cuss plans relative to tho excur
sion. Mr. Hill has advised The Ore
Rouinn that he will bring a party
of railroad men to Portland to
accompany the excursionists.
Ho himself will enter a car ml
the tour. Before coming to Ore
gon Mr. Hill will take part in the
trade extension tour that will be
conducted July 17 between St.
Paul and Minneapolis, Minn., to
Helena Mont Ho announces
that if tho Oregon tour is attend
This makes three gnllonsof stcck
solution which can bo diluted to
tho required strength by add
ing given amounts of water. To
find the amount of wnlor neces
sary to add to each threo gallons
of stock solution for a given per
centage, one should divide that
percentage into 200 and subtract
3 from the result For example,
for a 15 percent solutien: 15 is in
200 131 3 times; subtracting 3 1
wo havo 10 1-3, tho number of
gallons of water to be added to
a gallons oi stocic tor a lo per
cent solution. In the samo way
wo find that n 20 percent solution
requires 7 gallons of water; a 7
percent solution 2fiJ gallons of
The personal attention given
guests at the French Hotel has
given it a good reputation L. B.
Culp, Prop.
It is worse than useless to tike
any medicines internally for mus
cular of chronic rheumatism. All
that is needed is a free applica
tion of Chamberlain's Liniment
For sale by all good dealers.
Real Estate and Insurance
Fair Dealing
Post Office Building, Burns, Ore.
(Portland Correspondence.)
Portland will be pretty much
given up to its Rose Festival
for the next ten dnys. Busi
ness affairs will bo regulated
to the background quite gener
ally and the queen flower will
rule with undisputable sway.
This year's spectacle promises
to set u new mark, with better
displays, moro gorgeous pageants
and better decorations of city
streets and buildings than ever
before. Other Oregon cities
participate to a larger extent
than formerly and out-of-town
people have announced their in
tention of coming in large num
bers. Tho city election will distract
attention to some extent from
the Festival on Juno 5, opening
day, but with that out of the
way, the remainder of the week
will be given up to enjoyment
Portland rose gardens promise to
produce a wealth of perfect
blooms next week,
A systematic campaign for
German immigrants has been
outlined by the Commercial Club
acting with the German-sneaking
societies of Oregon. A confer
ence on the subject wns hold re
cently and in the future more
attention will be paid to securing
this immigration.
Dayton has been presented
with historical Fort Sheridan by
the Government nnd the old
structure will bo removed to the
Dayton city park, The old
blockholiso is an interesting relic
of the days when the pioneers
wero subduing the wilderness.
Baker and Oregon City are
two places that will have postal
Burns, Oregon.
Hardware and Crockery
Guns and Ammunition
of all kinds
Get our prices before buying:
wl with success regular annual swings Dank, such institutions
runs will bo planned, hnving'lrcadJ' started in this state hav
niiiiiv of the features that lmvoliK l,rovc(1 MrW successful.
mnde tho Minnesota state and 'Tho Postmaster General has de
interstate excursions widely signnted these cities as deposi-
discuscd affairs.
Tobmco nnil Kerosene lo Kill
"Thcro may bo any number of
efficient contact(or external) in
secticides, but tho tobacco com
pounds and kerosene emulsion
tories nnd they will begin opera-
I tions at once.
I'csls.t Oregon's importance as a fruit
I growing state can be better un
derstood from the figures in the
biennial report of the Oregon
Board of Horticulture, lately
issued. President W. K. Newell
Four well equipped lines. Excellent facilities
for transportation of mail, express, passengers
Prairie City to Burns. Vnle to Burns
Burns to Diamond Burns to Venator
E. B. WATERS, Agent.
President and Manager
Harney County Abstract Company
Modern and Complete Set of Indexes
An Abstract Copy of Every Instrument on Record in
Harney County.
N. A. DIBBLE, Propt.
Courteous treatment, rates reason
ableGive me a caU
A First Class Bar in Connection
. . . ...... i i i . .
are inferior to none in their kill-1 places the valuation oi lost year's
ing properties', "says H. F. Wil-i fruit crop at $G,GG2,500. Apples
son of tho entomology depar-1 head tho list with a value of $2,
mentofthc Oregon Agiculturnli 500,000 lind dried prunes stand
College, discussing garden pests second in importance with a
and methods of getting rid of vnluo of $1,GSO,000.
them, An intcrurban railway from
"Black-Leaf, or Black-Leaf 40, Baker through the Powder River
are tobacco compounds made by Va ov lo Hn toes and North Pow-
tho Kentucky Tobacco Product dor is a project dear to tho heart
lave Your Goods Shipped in Care of
'.el5L3cslibi s Oregon
Two warehouses, ono for froight and ono for wool
transit rates from all points'on tho Oregon Trunk rail-
y line to Madras warehouse, (Jhargcs tor handling at
customary rates.
JJ. Durrani,, Jas. Rich, II. W. Turner,
President Vice-President Secretary
Madras.'.Ore. Hnycreek, Ore. Madras, O.
F. R. Launtis of Monterey
Cnhf., was in Prineville today.
Mr. Lnuntss is travelling with a
surveyor and two assistants nnd
is looking for a large body of
land between Prineville nnd
Burns for Minneapolis capital
ists.a body of from 7000 lo 15000
acres, which thoy will put on tho
market for colonization by East
ern people. The enterprise is
commendable, and thcro is
plenty of land to bo had in tho
district named for the purpose.
Prineville Roviow.
Whooping cough is not danger
ous when tho cough is kopt looso
and expectoration easy by giving
Chumberlain's Cough Remedy.
It has been used in ninny epidem
ics of this disenso with perfect
success, For salo by all good
or 2 por cent.
The president of tho Portlnnd
company has not yet been select
ed. Tho plneo has boon offered
to John F. O'Shea but on nccount
of tho big building operations
that ho oxpecls to bo engaged in
for tho noxtyenr, it is likely that
ho will decline it.
President L. W. Hill's sug
gestion for an nuto torn through
Central Oregon by business men
of Portlnnd hns caused them to
consider it throughly and it is
possible such will bo undertaken
company of Louisville, Ky. Print
ed directions for use nro given on
each can. The kerosono emulsion
is usually prepnrcd as a stock solu-1 the
tion and then diluted to the re
quired strength for spraying.
The proportion are half a pound
of hard soap to a gallon of water
and two of kerosene.
"Tho soap should bo dissolved
in boiling water, and the kero
sene added after removing tho
container from tho fire. Tho
mixture should then bo thor
oughly agitated until it is n
creamy white. This is best done
byiiising a hand-pump, forcing
tho mixturo through tho hose
and back into tho container.
of tho Baker Commercial Club
nnd efforts will bo directed on
work to bring this about during
coining few months. Tho
projected lino would open up a
remarknblo fertile country, as
well as give access to much tim
bor wealth.
i i mmm
The Harriman Mercantile Co.
Tho woman of today who has
good health, good temper, good
sense, bright eyes and a lovely
complexion, tho result of correct
living nnd good digestion, wins
tho admiration of tho world. If
your digestion is faulty Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver
Tnblots will correct it. For salo
by all good dcnlors.
Everything for overy
tho Lunnburg, Dalton
Department Store.
body at
& Co,
V. T, I.Ull!K,
AtmiuKcr nnd Salcsmmi
Homestead Locations
A. A. I'liURV,
Secretary iirnl Notary Public
liopriicuiita Tlmt Which IhTihIuiI nnd llillnlilii, anil Hamlin Hticcosafiilly all Boris of Itoul Knluto lliieiiiutm. Wo urn
AkohIs Tor tho ltullabla
Talk Vour Itual Kututo Mutters Ovor With Vn, Your Jliulncua Will Jlo Strictly CoiilUluntUI,
ni'Ssr, Attend To Our llunlnuaq nnd Want Vour IUuIdobh,
Wo Know Our lunl
Complete line of
Groceries and Dry Goods
Gents Furnishings
We Kiiurunlce quality and pricesLet us provelto you that
we have the goods at right pricesCall umljsco us
Ha,2rrix3aLX3L, Oreg.
mmmmm mmm&
mm mmmmmm
Job Printing,