The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 27, 1911, Image 1

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    O n "-J
iThc iTlius-31crntd
Tlio Ollli'int 1'iiporuf llmnc) Cumity
Ims tlio Inrgost rlrriilnllon nmt In umi uJ
ho lnt iitlvorlinttiir nioilluiiif In Knslt'in
Elie olrrnl Homey Couuiru
Ciivitii nn urea of 0,428,800 nri ol
Inriil, 4,(hlt,liril nrrcN )it viunnl miliricl
tr entry iimlir tlio public land Ihwh of
tlio United hl.itcB.
NO 28.
iter in Breeder's Gazelle
Some Good Suggestions
lit Until Second Crop Shoots Have Started, Then
!rSi4 Wiflinnf Itnltiv l?'il.-i Unfiti-i. I li'ivnc Klinfior
Jilt ,T UIUMII 1V"V - .F,- ...v.. . ... JI1IIIV1I
Lnd Lot Cure in Cocks is The Advice of Writer.
re are today a multitude of
rwith their first crops of
, on their hands, wondering
it ought to be cut. I am as-
fthat to know when to cut
m after one gets it is ahso-
cejisential to ones success.
the novices hurt or ruin
alfalfa by ignorance of this
rer cut aiiaiia until u is
to cut. Alfalfa cut too
is very seriously injourod.
Sng a setback from which i
tty not recover for some
Why this is true we dO
low. nor does it matter
ft is an indisputable fact. ,
limes alfalfa cut too soon is.
killed outright. This is
wipt to be true of the second ,
rd cutting than of the first,
is true also of the first'
Do not pasture alfalfa
Bpring before it has reached
the blooming time. This
worth enough to justify some
ikviiiiiiKu in ifi ..niiiiifi Tim nun
V.H-IICIV III llfl flll llit IIIV no I , . . I it I
Festival, .lunc 5-10, and the
whole city is looking forward
eagerly to the event. 11 will be
bigger and better this year than
ever and the latch string to the
whole city will be out. Resi
dents of other Oregon cities will
be given a warm welcome.
Union will hold its annual
horse show .Juno 1, U and !l.
Union County is the homo of
many fine horses and the exhibi
tation will include high class
draft stock, harness and fancy
drivers. Some animals will be
shown that will equal the best
seen at national stock shows.
Portland's campaign for a big
auditorium is now under way and
there seems littlo'doubt that it
will bo successful. Various
business and important clubs ate
ot haycock covers is good am
I konw men that like them much.
They are made from good cotton
cloth or light duck. If they are
112 to 'IS inches square they will
be largo enough. They are best
hearty support.
While there has been more
held in place by use of cement, inclination among buyers to take
weight molded into balls as large! hold of wool at current values
as baseballs in which the corner and growers have been some
of the fabric enters. A hole as, what more disposed to let go, the
large as a silver quarter through .situation remains very dull, says
the cloth will prevent the cement a Portland exchange,
weights from slipping off. The Shearing operations are not yet
main difficulty with covers is the (general, but will be so about the
caring for them when not in use, .latter part of the week, weather
and the labor of drying them conditions permitting. Practical
.. P. Morgan & Co. Said lo Want
Him as Railroad Expert
Would (Jive Undeveloped Section of West a Friend in
Court as He Understands Conditions His Word
Would be Final in Matter of All Railway Loans.
when wet. Joseph K. Wing, in
Breeder's Gazette.
ly no shearing operations have
been reported in the Willamette
valley on account of the cold
weather, but the season will
start as soon as the weather be-
ni . i i r. i ii'iiii'n iiiiii;i.
'ortland Correspondence.) I ,.,. . . , . ,
1 IIU lllllllUI Ul .1 awililllll- Will,)
Representing ton Western' W()()1 is 8tn, nUrHCljnK tini
otitnc tlin rivnmit t vit I'mnmiH tu . .... .. .. i . i
1 1. if .,1,.. ....,.,! . llllljlll illlUllllllll III 111V WWII 11,1111.-
Ble that, if observed, will of . , Western Dove onmont ,.....:.,. .. ... : ..i...i .....
LSM1 ,,,.,.,. ,l, lC,lf, . . , 'HI1U Ulllll i.'iuiiiiiiiur IS SUUIVU llll-
SJiH LSn lMtm "R,t nt l,IC mmereln 'market is not expected to acconi
kljpsult in the least possible .... .,.;.,., , ... .,sl wt,ek ,., ,
LffBf : , a na .,.,,11 lllll II1ULI1. IIUjVIH any mill.
bmk ammais as win. mapped out a plan that promises ,,,.... ....... ,,,...... wlmt
iJ?LZ Zv v l h f Breal 1,e""t ,0. U, to expect in the matter of duties
wltiri whole West. In to nnI t ,en,foro hnvc been Incllncl
s begun to show bloom. aUnict people from the crowded I . ,,1V. ,m, .:. im. ,.,. wllsl, ls
iwnonyour knees in tlie- Kn. to ,......., IliniIs of ... u-,,st! . ' '
ln,I n.,rH,rthnSlmnUL-i ., . , .. - . KOIIlg Ul Happen.
r.u, ,........ v.. ...... . wncre mere is room lor minions
at the bases of them to , . lko i .. i
small shoots have started ' T, , ,.,......: ......a mI)0,,.,i
tre to make the next crop. hv .,, r.,,.,,,, :K .. h,,,,,.:,.! .,-ain
Be shoots have not started, of exhil)il cai. that wi tour lhe
k-our cutting until they do ( EajJt next ,., niI wi ,iv(, lhe
ntncyarean men long )ooplc ()f U)al parl of the an
the mowers. The crop objcct loHSOM of lh 0pportuni
be all cut before these (im! , ., rlin,. ..,.,, iM ,,,:
ing enough so that they will m " mpn, ...,, (.ommt.r(.i!,i bmlles
Selves be cut of by thel .m,.,,.,,, utlf, ..nipiniu .i tho
fers. For that reason once I ,,.,,,. ,.,.:,. r.v.,,si,im. w:h
Kids his alfalfa ready to cut co.0perate and share the expense.
nouiu nurry inc worn as Irominenl we8terners will ac-
.as possible. 1. U. U Uon- ,.,,,., v ,i1(. ,,...1,, ,.n(i thov nlan
Montana cuts down -100 ,,w..,ii ' ,., .,.,,, r n,
iw i-tii. iH nil. ... ...
There is an increasing amount
of eastern Oregon wool being
moved at a range of 8 to Mc a
pound, the top being a fraction
above what has been previously
oirered for similar goods this
season. Willamette valley wools
are nominally quoted at previous
quotations, but the amount avail
able for market has been so limi
ed that no regular quotation has
been named by the trade.
Under date of May 11) the Lew
iston, Idaho, Tribune says of the
sheep and wool situatien:
"The sheepmen who range
work, whose abililyas an organi
zer, whose executive capacity,
have fitted him admirably for
such a responsible duty. Mr.
Stevens, as is well known, is a
great engineer, experienced in
'oration and in construction werk:
he has been a railroad operator
with marked success and he
knows trallic. He has also seen
service as an executive. Resides
Ihesoqtinlifications.he is n shrewd
student in financial matters, and
knows the ell'ect of public opinion
as reflected in railroad legislation
and rate legulalion on the value
of railroad properties and the de
sirability of railroad securities.
The commanding power that
will rest with John F. Stevens in
such a capacity is only too evi
dent. He wiil be unfettered in
his operations and all railroads
and railroad projects will look
alike to him. He will be in a
position to say whether a large
railroad system is to have the
money that may enable it to
throw its lines thousands of miles
across the country; he will be in
a position to report that a cer
tain property will warrant finan
cial assistance if the railroad's
policy is changed.
Tho most important field of
railroad operation is, of course,
the Western portion of the coun-
esls in an official capacity, but lief- nml u m,L w,,,cl1 Va" Hl,'cet
lias noi snown any very Kreat
concern, but with which Mr.
The following from a recent
issue of the Telegram of particu
lar interest lo this section as Mr.
Stevens knows conditions in this
country and it means that wo
have a friend. If railroad pros
pects were bright before they
are brighter now. The Telegram
Portland friends of .lohn F.
Stevens, fonnei president of the
Hill lines in Oregon, have been
advised from the Fast that he is
considering and probably will ac
cept a position in New York
which will make him the domi
nant figure in the railroad world
of America. This position is that
of fiscal representative of the
great financial houses of Kului,
Loeb & Co., .1. P. Morgan & Co.,
and other heavy investors. His
field will be devoted exclusively
to passing upon railroad securi
ties upon which prospective loans
will be predicated. His word is
to be final in the matter and his
recommendation to the Wall
street interests will determine
what railroad projects, whether
new work, renewals, extensions,
feeders of branches, shall be
financed by the money powers.
His capacity will be of an advis
ory nature and will not mean
that he will be identified with
any of the great iinaueiai imer
their herds on the winter ranges
fat one time when the alfal- statos visited' and other leading!
nnflv tnr niiltmir Mnr no . . .. ., .1 '
....,, ..- lllll.l'iWIIIll' 11.0111 111 1111!. r .1 r... 1. . 1
rainless climate in which1 ;; ' : , v , wi 1 e of such I ' ", ' ,
,.n lu. hnv n.l ,..M. rwil. """l'-1"? " 1ttl,IL ."' T f r brought their sheep to the river
"' "" ""' w "" !1 lllMirill IK !( IIS O )(! I HO I -( 11 I. i 1 ...111 I II..
" . siieaniigquarieis aim win iiauuiu
anv selfish boosting l.y any nar- thcr dp t) Irket (1(m. lhe
rows section. ' 0)on Rivr rout(! T)lis jH Ulu
At least five cars of exhibits jnforiimlioll hn)UBhi to the city
will be taken along, showing lhely(J8ler,lay hy R 0 Mosier, wm
products of the West in a ""-1 has T000 head at the mouth of
iirnlionuivfi fimliiiin. 'I Inn will hi' .. , , , ,?
linliilitv lo rain is ennm-rn., T . . " . l" I'Hinu KOlMie, awaillllg more
-' .nn. iiirin.Hi siifiu'.ntri'vor.'iiiomiii.
C-.. ; . ... .... :.. :.. " rr r, .-
une is as apt 10 Kei rani in
feek of June as another.
lonly in the corn belt one
fcr getting it ready. Do not
long when the time is
t, even though the weather
JBecm dangerous. There is
reat amount of difference
sen seasons of summer so
favorable woathcr for sbearintr.
ed along this line and is certain to L,r Mogjor reporls U)at m)rnxi.
to attract much attention, 'lhe ,,. u, non uiw... will l...
nVni UfTf" ZSZ h,Wtaw' toerM Hheaml at the mouth of the
jle orlS,.": few S" ,,,n,, ,u" Grand Round, while the total
llater or earlier.
sre is no fixed rule of hay-
ig because weather changes
ach. The one principle of
jt invariable practice is to'.
the Wintei
number of sheep to be sheared
Oregon pioneers will hold, their ' tho river between I.ewiston
annual reunion and handquot atinm Imnaha will aggregate 20,-
the Masonic lemple in Portland 000,
on June 21. Arrangements are "The wool nrices are verv un-
SL 111 VCll III. fl j....L.WV .a I.W , , J. . . 1 1 . ... .
before the leaves are dry "'vheing for this gathering by Katlsfactory, the first sale repor
vi, t c.nH,... 'i'i. ,, the Oregon Pioneer Association. 0,l being )A cents. Last yoi
h; j, i Secretary fieorgo II. Mimes is the upper river clip was sold for
., arranging a program of unusual uj cents and by making the
rh to scatter. Then one
pock in small cocks, as
knirminnl irwl If I L'nmn (HI I' " " --- .
ake nlaco in the cock i?,,:., , mieresi aim a larue iiumijur m i water sinpineiiLs a saving ol ap
aardly penetrate this cocked
f it is raked while yet tough
Yftinn VSr nnt l-nlf. in rrri.n
,V..... SJ ..WH . ....v lu f,b.. I
the sturdy pioneers who laid the proximately 1 cent per pound is
foundation of our state will meet
and recall the incidents of tho
before tho leaves would , I"!?.1- In( '" W'ir Veterans
Afterward, say next day W1" mcut nero J"no l
o fleeted.
The French Hotel serves a
fine Sunday dinner and special
'o'clock, open uj) the cocks Oregon jewelers will meet in attention is given to family
ree or four or more places t Portland on June f, and 0, these service.
id to tho sun. The hay then! betoK the days fixed for the
midlv drv and it can then l forth annual convention. Iradoj f.f,,.i w..ii.,. i,,n iui m,i,,
I be put in the barn or stack, matters will be discussed and . f()r Sa(Jm an(, ' j.(.(am lo lu.
very briefly, is the WHy eniuriuimnuiii .eaiures win iiiiHai)80llt i,ollt tw() W0(,ks. Ilu
ive found the best in the ho overlooked. 'goes to attend the grand eiicamp-
krn states wnerc snowery, I'oruanu jieopie are inaKing ,,10nt of tho Snan sh-Amer can
icr prevails and hay is their plans for the annual Rose i ynr Veterans.
lave Your Goods Shipped in Care ot
'.elcLj?el& : Orogroix
Two warehouses, one for freight and one for wool'
In transit rates from all points on the Oregon Trunk rail
way line lo Madras warehouse. (Ihargos for handling at
the customary rates.
H. J. Diktzkl, Jas. Kick.
President Vice-President
Madras.Ore, Haycreek, Ore,
II. W. TllllNKII,
Madras, O.
Ueautiful growing weather.
! Is there anything in all this
world that is of more importance
, to you than good digestion? Food
must be eaten lo sustain life and
must be digested and converted
into blood, When tho digestion
fails tho whole body suffers.
Chamberlain's Tablets are a
J rational and reliable euro for in-
' digestion. They increase tlio
jllow of bile, purify the blood,
'strengthen the stomach, and tone
1 up tho whole digestive apparatus
! to a natural and healthy action.
For sale by all good dealers.
will furnish them with expert
advice by which they shall be
guided in their future railroad
The creation of the new billet
in the financial world has come
about, it is said, largely from a
suggestion which Mr. Stevens
himself made some time ago
when it appeared that the out
look for active railroad operators
was far from hopeful. Wall
street has been deeply impressed
with the fact that while the
banks have been piling up large
reserves and that there has been
plenty of money in the country,
it has been withheld from Invest
ment in railroad securities, which
usually are regarded as the safest
investments in the country. The
lightness of the money market
has been responsible for the re
trenchment in -tho railroad field
and the powerful financial inter
ests have felt that some means
must be devised whereby the
large money surpluses may be
put lo work on a safe basis.
The money kings have been
brought face lo face with the re
markable situation, namely, there
is plenty of money stored away
that might be available for rail
road construction, but there is no
public confidence in such securi
ties. This situation is said to
have brought about tho sugges
tion that some means musl first
bo found to restore confidence
and next that Wall street must
know what projects are tho most
desirable to finance. This, the
money kings discovered, would
require the services of a man
versed in financial matters, un
derstanding puliiic sentiment and
knowing from experience what
securities are good and what
properties are not satisfactory
from the investors' standpoint.
The matter was laid before
Mr. Stevens, whose training in
practically every line of railroad
sprays consist of arsenicals ap- The personal attention given
plied with water or lime-sulfur guests at the French Hotel has
as a distributing agent. 'given it a good reputation L. 15.
"About the only one in use at; Gulp, Prop,
thepresent time is arsenate of ,, ,j ,Iow(,i ., ,)00llIar ,inu;.
lead, which, when properly ' rnnclo, J8t ()f CJrmishm.Vi Ky myH
nnc unadulterated is elhc.ent, ..W(J UH0 chnin,,(.rIain., Cough
anddoes not burn the 1 ohage, as Rcm(,(y , om. ()Wn hoI1BelloId
ar.s green sometimes ( loes , k)(JW R JH l,xccfjnl ... ,,or
I-or ordinary use, two pounds of KaIo , ., j (IcaIcnJ
arsenate of lead to fifty gallons
of waler is effective. At times
it is necessary to use five pounds
of arsenate of lead to fifty gal
lons of water as some insects do
not readily succomb to a small
amount of the poison.
"The dry spray was applied in
a powdered form, and there are
a numbcrof these on the market,
including several brands of pow
dered arsenate of lead. Paris
green and arsenate of lead, when
pure, are as efficient as any. al
though at the present lime Paris
green is more in use than the
other, Paris green applied lo
plants in an unadulterated condi
tion may seriously burn the foli
age. To obviate this difficulty it
should be mixed with 20 or 2T
pounds of air-slaked lime, fine
road dust or wheat flour for every '
pound of the Paris green. This
may be applied with a dust gun
or sifted on the plants by means
of a gunny sack. Hellebore in ai
powdered form and fresh is val-i
liable for poisoning such insects I
as injure small fruits orvegeta-j
hies which are nearly ready for I
market and thus are too far ad- j
vanced for poison, to be desira-1
hie. It should be dusted over
them when they are wet with I
Real Estate and Insurance
Fair Dealinu
Post Office Uuilding, Hums, Ore.
Burns, Oregon.
Hardware and Crockery
Guns and Ammunition
of all kinds
Get our prices before buying
a Ni:ii.i:cTi:i hoad.
Ike Holland of the P. L. S. I
Co., spent Sunday in Ontario.
He stated that the people of the
Hums section were quite bitter
over the manner in which the
roads in this county leading to
Hums were neglected and they
would certainly take advantage
of the new outlet through Rend
unless these roads were passible
in the near future. At present
the indication are that few cat
tle from the Hums section will
come to Ontario this season, all
the large holders shipping
other route. The hay was all
fed last winter and the cold sea
son is keeping the grass back
and will make a shot t hay crop.
Four well equipped lines. Excellent facilities
for transportation of mail, express, passengers
Prairie City to Burns. Vale to Burns
Burns to Diamond Burns to Venator
E. B. WATERS, Agent.
AKCIIIF M'GOWAN, President and Manager 1
Harney County Abstract Company I
Stevens is thoroughly familiar.
Il is also a fact that the expendi
tures required in constructing
transportation lines in this, sec
tion of the country are extivinely
heavy and in large measure not
warranted unless Wall street can!
be shown the possibilities ol de
velopment of the country will be
such as will bring in satisfactory
returns within a reasonable I
length of time. , Mr. Stinton, who accompanied
That Mr. Stevens should be. the Hill railroad party to Hums
selected for such a position will I last week, reported a fine trip
not come as a surprise to those and quick time. Tho party left
who know him, and particularly Prineville Wednesday morning
not to Portland people. He was (and made the run to Hill Han
the first man to see the immense, lay's Phe in Harney county the
possibililiesoftheOregon empire, same day. distance of 150 or ItiO
the most expansive undeveloped I miles.
domain in the United States.
He was also one of the first rail
road men in the country to stale
openly thai the effect of adverse
decisions in tho trust cases nan
iiwujni arm lomnieie wi 01 muexes
An Aintraci Mipy oi ivery instrument on uecoru in
of Every Instrument
Harney County.
The people of Hums gave the
party an enthuiastic welcome. '
The streets and building were)
decorated with gay colors and
the band boys and schoolchildren
N. A. DIBBLE, Propt.
Courteous treatment, rates reason-able--Cive
me a caM
A First Clas Bar in Connection
i.i i .
been discounted in Wall street completed a welcome that made
and that no narlicular upheaval the visitors feel that it was good
or financial crash would follow
lissolulion of these monopolis
tic industrials.
HOW 10 Kll.l. (lAKI)l-N I'l-STS.
Ways to control the common
pests of the vegetable and flower
garden are described in a new
Tiulletin which is in preparation j
for publication by W. F. Wilson.
to be there. There was speech i
making and general felicitation i
all round. Luncheon was served)
with real western hospitality ami
it is safe to say that if the presi
dent of the Hill roads can do
'anything for the Harney metro
polis it will be theirs for the ask
ing. The party returned to
Prineville Friday evening and
the railroad men left for a visit
The Harriman Mercantile Co.
assistant entomologist at tu. t west side towns the following
Oregon Agricultural College. la-v' I'nnovillo Journal. I
"Destructive insects secure
their food either by eating por
tions of plants, or by sucking the
juices there! rom, said Mr. Wil
son. "The first general group
are controled by food poisons
Will Hoyle is sull'ering from
Sick headache results from a
disordered condition of the
taken into the stomach, the sec-1 stomach, and can bo cured by the
ond bv contact or external insce-l'iso of Chamberlain's Stomach i
" I
licides. ' ' -"The
internal insecticides are
divided info two lrrouns which
may be termed the wet and dry I .lob printing
and Liver Tablets. Try it. For
sale by all good dealers.
Tho Times-Herald
W. T. l.i:Sll;U,
AlwKiKer "nil SitlcMiiuii,
A. A. i'i-imv,
Sccrvtnry anil Ntiir Public
Homestead Locations
IIiihIiuis. Wo urn
Itt'liruMnitM Tlmt Which IhTihIihI iiikI llillulili-, uml lluiiillnHiirivHuliilly nil Sortn ot Html HmIiUu
Ai;ntH 1'iir tlio llulinlilu
Talk Ynur lion) IOhIiiIo Muttum Ovur Willi I'h. Your JIiihIi.chh Will Ho Hlrlctly Coiillili-ntlul.
iitHH, Alti-uil To Our IIiimIihwh nml Wunl Your IIiuIih'ch.
Wu Know Our lliml
Complete line of
Groceries and Dry Goods
Gents Furnishings
We guarantee quality and pricesLet us prove to you that
we have the goods at right pricesCall ntuljsee us
Un" Tzwi-i m Crn Oric aty
g? i
Job Printing.