o p ii i.n hi ii i n iminmi mm mm ! i I:, h i ! t J ''f ' I it 11 e Schenk Brothers Merchant Tailors and Outfitters Burns, Oregon, Odd Fellows Bldg NEW SPRING GOODS Now on Disj by, Including Suits, Hats, Shoes, Underwear, Shirts, Collars, Guffs, Ties Newest Styles in Straw Hats Panamas, Crush Dicers, etc CLEANING AND PRESSING PRICES ARE RWBT-THE PLACE TO BUY We carry the H. V. D. Under wear in Union and Two Piece Suits. ia, ,- Jt Ihc liuics-SUraM. SATHIUiAY, MAY SO. l'Jll .'lUIWi.KIITION ItATKN Ou Yir . Sii Monlh ... ThreMuntl.. MM. IAN HVIU I Ik If nK Personal selfishness should not enter into the matter of the now public sclftol building. ItK location is a small mattor com pared to the general good and urgent need of the building. If try. so to spenk, wna changed by the wonderful production of that section. Suppose the railway develop ment that wont forward up thero had been made in this section, docs not every sano man know that Harney County would bo tho Whitman County of Oregon? Ls it not a certainty that in place of seven or eight thousand people in the Harney and Malheur Val leys we would havo eight, ten or a dozen times that many? To deny this is to say that these lands aro not as good as tho lands of Eastern Washington, and everybody that knows nnvthinnr about the subject knows there are more acres and belter acres of wheat land here than in tho Clms. Comegys enmo over from his Wngontiro homo this morning for medical attention, having orysipolasin hisface. His brother Sid was nt Wngontiro and brought him over in 1iIb auto in a lilllo over three hours. Vice President McKinnoy of tho commercial club has appoint ed a committee of which ho 1h a member with Sam nothorshend, Win. Fnrre, C. II. Leonard, J. J. Doncgnn and Win. Miller to ar range for a representation of the business men of Burns at Bend nt tho celebration of tho advent of tho Oregon Trunk into Hint place. These gentlemen will look tho matter up and seo just what is best for n representation of Burns and Harney County that will bo a credit and result in bringing tho neglected terri tory to tho eyes of Portland and other out side points in a way that will help. Tho Lakeview Herald, says that tho men of that city organized a boiml of trado with $1000 to tho good and that now tho board of trado is not only dead but busted. About tho samo time tho women organized n library association with nothing to tho good so far as money is concerned nnd now thoy havo a fine property, a fine library of 1200 volumes, and money in tho bank. But then tho women haven't been talking politics, wearing out dry goods boxes, and spitting tobneco juice, comments the Chcwnucan Post. "OKANDMA" A1ARTIN. Tho following paragraph is taken from a recent loiter writ ten by Geo. McCJownn, tho father of Bums, to his son Archlo. It was written from Ashland, tho homo of Mrs. Sarah Martin, who is so well known and highly re spected by n wido circlo of pio neer friends of this ceunty: "Grandma is tilted back in rocker foot upon hearth, where is a big pino fire for it is cold, so cold that I havo to wrlto near fire. Between naps grandma is rending a book entitled 'Story of a Penitent Soul.' But sho reads much racier rending thnn this would indicate, indeed sho is up to date in politics, religion and philosophy. Sho is anything but an easy subject Co foil m an arguement Barring some deaf ness sho is a bettor woman than sho was 10 years ago." SCHOOL I'ICrUKl'S Sl!l.i:CTI:l). the present mention will sorve country north of us best and is most economic all J HowMong will these people be considered-let it be built there. , compelled to wait? How long rtu ,..: .. . : ,,,i I will the people of Oregon alow Otherwise a new site. Hie t. greatest valley in the slate, general public is to bo served sevora 0f tho greatest valleys and tne selnsli motives ot niuivi-'in tho state, to he like a disown duals should have no considera-' ed and unworthy daughter? No tion in its location. Thctime is about here when Portland should awaken to the fact that this part of Oregon is in Oregon and not in California. In the past the trade of this part of ! the state, both in merchandise shipped in nnd live stock shipped out,has gone largely to San Fran cisco. A common complaint is that Portland has neglected her own and, no doubt, tin's is in a tnca- man can tell, no man can tell how long tho question, "Is there any railroad news?" is to remain unanswered for Interior Oregon. Dr. Marsden reports several cases of measles in town. Among those afflicted is Shelby Petersen, Jap McKmnon has recovered from his recent siege of spotted fever and was in town yesterday. I'rnnic Dibble left this morn ing lor Madras with his auto. I He took out James Forkes. Miss sure true but it need bo no long-1 Godfrey, and Mrs. Grace hamp er true. Let tho metropolis of H"iro ani1 liu, dauplitcr. Oregon get busy and give us a i Dr. Griffith was called to Bar- sauare dea for no more loval'on vauey mis morning 10 see Ornrmninntt ran ho found in flwi'l'l'ank MlCKIO state than the people of Lake county; but our merchants and stockmen ate no fools and aro bound to trade where they can do the best Chewaucan Press. Addison Bennett in a letter to the Oregonian from Burns writes of the retarding of devel opment here caused by lack of transportation in part says who had a slight i scratch on the ear and it was feared blood poison had set in. Toy has purchaaed the restaur ant business recently in charge of "Bonnie Regs" and hns taken possession. George is in the restaurant adjoining the Wel come Pharmacy. A Mr. Fay, who has been working at tho Clemens sawmill had the misfortune to cut his fore finger the other day sever ing the tendons. He is in tho Almost .every reader of Tho 'city under the care of physicains. Oregonian knows what the wheat I j, tI- Smith Bnd jJ A. Cone belt of Eastern Washington is, were hero from Renrdon. Wash knows how that country has grown up, how tho worthless lands of 20 years ago are now worth $100 an acre and more, YUIU liuiv liuiiliiuuuii. HU.-IIJ., and were so favornblo impressed with tho country that they have returned to Reardon to dispose of their business interest ns soon as possible and como to how the wheat map of tho coun-1 Harney county to stay. TO We Have Opened Offices in the New Masonic Building in Burns, and are Prepared Tfl burnish Accurate, Reliable and Complete Abstracts of Title to all Lands in -Harney Co.. Buy and Sell Real Estate in Large and Small Tracts. Trt Wri1:e Fire Insurance in the Strongest Old Line Comp'ies 8,000 acre tract irrigated land best in Central Oregon--First-class colonization project. TERMS All Business Intrusted To Us Will Receive Prompt and Careful Attention. MOTHERSHEAD & DONEOAN Roomy 4 nnd 5 Musonic Building. (Contributed) The teachers of tho Public School have decided upon tho following pictures to ho purchas ed with the fund accruing from tho school entertainment. "The Fighting Temorairo (in colors) by Turner. 'Stratfou! on Avon" (an allo type). "The kike" by CoraL "St Anthony of Padua" by Murillo. "Sir Galahad" by Watts. "ThoShepordoss" by Lo Rolle, 'Tho Angels Heads" by Raph ael. "Tho FightingTemerairo" will bo the most expensive picture, costing about twenty-five dollars. Tho subject is historical and tho treatment practical, Tho old ship after its many victories is being towed to its last resting place at tho closo of day. Tho (laming sunset in the background reddens the waters and typifies both the brilliant career of the ship and its passing out of ser vice. "Slaford on Avon" is a photo graph of the town where Shakes peare was boru with tho winding Avon river in tho foreground. Tho other five pictures nre re productions of some of tin most famous paintings in tho world and will average in cost fifteen dollnrs each. It was thought best to purchase imported car bons instead of tho cheaper American carbons. Tho import ed are direct reproduction from the original paintings and aro hotter pictures than the Ameri can carbons which aro reproduc tions of the imported carbons. Tho best wili bo nono too good for tho new Bchool building. The pictures will bo ready to ship in from Portland tho last of Juno or tho early part of July, three or more of tho teachers will seo them before they aro accept ed from tho picture dcnlors. It is hoped that tho collection will not be placed in the old school building ns tho roof leaks and tho dust is heavy. Tho risk of muring tho pictures would bo great. Tho teachers havo asked the school board lo find a suita ble place to exhibit them until tho new building is ready. TO IHKI0ATU UNI). 1 Incorporation pnpers for tho Ontario Nyssa Irrigation com pany havo been nindo out and will bo filed this week with tho Becrctnry of state, says tho Optimist. Thin is the company which will insla'1 n pumping plnnt to provide water from tho Snnko river for 10,000 acres of fine bench lands .surrounding Ontario and Nyssa, and for which undertaking the financial back ing has been secured from W. P. Davidson, president of tho Oregon nnd Western Coloniz ation company. Tho officers and directors of tho company are T. W. Claggott, president; 10. II. Test, vice-president; 10. M. Greig, secretary and treasurer; A. W. Trow, W. H.Doolittlennd S. D. Dorman, advisory board. SUNSIJT NOTES. seen on tho house topi) with hit) field glasses. Ho says ho is look ing for horses but wo bollovo he has not yot lost hope of seeing somo ono coming to turn his bread mixer. Wo wolcomo Mr. nnd Mrs. Hendricks in our community. MltchclFolty our genial bach elor noighbor camo down from Sliver creek. J. M. Hoffcdllz mndo a trip lo Hnrnoy. Ho reports fnll grain as looking well. Property is advancing in Vnlloy Viow as wo aro told C. E. Lomay was ode-red $3,000 for his place. Jack Raiiiiit. t V, O. PIM.AI1II Formerly A pat. Knxlnrtf in U. H, ItocUiiutlou Her vice. A. O. Kaui.knru Pornicrljr Clilul l gliipef of Holm) A Wrtlrrii lly Sinco tho above was handod in tho public school' teachers havo decided to havo tho collection of pictures in tho high school build ing until such timo ns tho public school building is in readiness to receive them. Tho picture show which was given at tho Sunset school house on the night of May 9th was well attended, and enjoyed by those present. Sunset people are always-glad to have an evening of good entertainment. Walter Hodder expects to mnkc a trip to old Missouri in the near future. He will be absent only a short timo however. We have agreed to say nothing about his object. On Friday May 12th eight freighters unloaded 00,000 lbs of freight for C. A. Haines. Tho Nnrrows merchant. It was haul ed by tJ head of horses, upon 13 wugons. While this is not unu sual it is interesting. BoitN-ToMr. and Mrs. Honry Black in Sunset on tho morning of May 11, a fine baby girl. Mother and child doing well. Ernest Shafor, the county surveyor is working with a largo crew of men, just to the south of' Sunset upon the north bank of Mud lako surveying a town site. Wo understand the new town is to bo laid out in streets and alleys, tho brush removed, tho grading done where necessary. Ono thou sand acres nro to bo used, a nice park is to bo laid out, and planted next spring. The now town is to bo called Wellington, and is on tho property of W. (!. Howell of Portland. C. V. Reed is mnking prcpera tion lo plant 80 acres of grain for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davoy. I. Tkij.ahoutum. Eastern Oregon Engineering Company CIVIL AND IRRIGATION liNGINIiliRS Hums, Oregon BEAUTIFUL STYLE8 OF HAND EMBROIDERED WAIST LADIES' IMPORTED KID GLOVE KING TAILORED WAISTS - New Line ol Spring Collars, New Barretter Rushings, Combs, Hand Bags, Bi New Designs In Ladies' Silk Undervest CARRIED ONLY BY QUALITY STORES Tho Lone Star Restaurant AH TOY, Proprietor j On cornor Main St. noxliloor to Ilmnton it Hlrlm' nlxm JVIBAUS AT Abb HOURS Bakery in connection. A Specially of Short Orders. Tallin ftirnlhliiil wild ivrylhliij( tho mnrki-t nlTonlx Your i:itrnn Ho Holloltt'il, BURNS, OR&UOK Particular people do their trading nt the Hagcy & Richard son general merchandise store where a fine lino of dry goods, furnishings, shoes, etc. is always found. Ora Trunk mmm PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL, PORTLAND JUNE 5-11 , PORTLAND AND KI2TUKN Madras $3.15, Malolius $8J0, Culicr &50 Opal City $8.75 Ticket told June B, 7 and II. lUturn limit June 12 SAN FRANCISCO AMI RETURN Madras 1.85 Melollus $35.00 Cuher $35.20 Opal Cily $35.45 TlcVolf o.l Juno 111 iiml 17. Hvturn limit July 111. Al u oM Jnnu ?.', July 1 nml 0. ltoturn limit Fcpt. ID. VU tnmor In onoorliolli Ultuctlimt noutli of I'ortUnil 85 raiitM loot tlinn faros Ittvoii nbovo. BtoptvorH pormlllcJ lit nml couth ol I'uitlunil. CLATSOP HKAC1I ON THE PACIFIC, ROUND TRIPS Madras $12.15 Hclolius $12.15 Cuher $1230 Opal Cily $12.75 TlckuU MiM dally from Juno liitj hoo-I ruturnliiK all Ml ir. blop-ovcrn nt Anlorla. ASTORIA CKTKNNIAL, Astoria, Ore., AuK. 10-SepU S). I-ow roinul tilp fiirp to nnd from ttA'itorn MliilH nru In oftoot on various lUttti Dotall will Ira furnlthcit on application. Trnlm li'Mo Opal City dally 0:00 a in, t'ulvnr U in n in, Mi'lollim U :.'I0 n m, Miulrus I); 15 a in, arriving Portland 7;lfi p in. II. It. Nkhi, Agent, Cuher, On. It, K. Minuet., Anent, Mmlrn , Uro J II. CoitiitTT, Acout, Opal City, Out. T. A. Giuiiam, Agont, Mutolluo, Uru BUDDIST, NO. 2853 Imported German CoS The undersiKned having purchased tho interest of J. pi in the well known Coach Stallion, Buddist. No. 2333, wishes nounco that he will stand this season at the Vat-ion loghou All contracts of last season are to be settled with him. Buddist is the sire of the highest priced colts in Harw except standard bred specials and his get speaks for his as a sire. Pasture and care for marcs on the place. Terms to Insure 0. L. SHINGLEDECKER, Burns NEWS lROM VAL1.UV VIGW Intended for Inst week: G, M. Cobb went to Vale for a load of freight on tho G. Wo hope ho will bring in a load of bacon and beans so everybody mny havo n chango of diet. Mrs. Ilancock.of San Francisco who has beon visiting rolatives hero returned lo Burns on Satur day. Mr. Sleeper and a number of friends stopped hero on their way to Burns last week. Arthur Whitnov snout tho foro pnrt of tho week in tho city. II. P. Huntloy is frequently TWELFTH NIGHT 41906 Trial Record at Three Years Old 2:1 2'i Sire Of Knight of Strathmore 2:05 Mark Wight 2: 1 OX SIRE ONWARD 2:05 Sire Two Hundred Standard Performers DAM MISS RITA::::2:08X Dam of five in the list; she held the world record as a three venr old Knight of Strathmore was tho fastest four year old pacer out in 1910; ho also holds the worlds record for a colt of his age over half mllo track. Twelfth Night, is said to bo by good judges tho best son of tho mighty Onwnrd; ho is a chestnut 15.15 hands high; weight 1200 pounds. Ho will be in stud at Ilarriman for the season of 1911. LUNABURG 0ALT0N& DEPARTMENT STORE Everything Under the Sun and Seldom "JUST OUT 5 9 Now's the Time to Get Ready to Put in Terms: $30.00 with return priv ilege if mare proves not in foal. Blares pastured and eared for free of oharge. Further particulars write H. DENMAN Harnman, Oregon Pumping Outfit For Sale Fairbanks- Morse 5 - horse power Portable Gasoline Engine fully equipped with latest friction clutch pulley, together with 3 l-2 inch Centrifugal pump with proper size pul ley for a 25 ft. head. This outfit will pump 27 It. as it is, and will pump 30 ft. with change in pulley. All complete with pipe, elbows, couplinoa, etc. The outfit in now In position and rendu to pump at a mo ment's notice. Ann intcntlinp purchaser can see how much water this outfit can pump. Price $650, which is less than Portland price. This is the best outfit made. N. BROWN & SONS "PROGRESS" 1 he Standard Bred Stallion Trial, 2:20 Will Stand the Season of 1911 AT THE- - Elliott Barn, Burns, Oregon PROORHSS, No. 4H59 is n mahogany bny standing 1(5 hnnds high. Sired by Dinblo, 1M0-1; sire of Sir Albert S 2:0W; Sir Jnln S 2:011; Clipper 2:0(1; Diabolita 2:081. Nino othors in less than 2,10, and oloven others hotter than 2:25. Dam Remember Me, by Wnldstein, 125G7. Rortha, grandmother of Progress, is tho mother of nineteen colts nil in tho list. Tho Limit her sixteenth colt was sold ns a grcon pacer at $10,000. In his three-year-old form ho mndo a record of 2:10. Terms to Insure $20 GEORGE D. HAGEY, Burns, Ore. WE HAVE p,ows Harmws Seeders, Wind M Pumps, Hose, Scrapers, Wagons, Hac Buggies and Carts. ALL KINDS OF HORSE The Famous Rotary Han to Attach to Sulky or Gang Plows GARDEN TOOLS Come In and See Us Before Bui Young's Meat Market & Grofl Always readyjfor job work. Bluo prints of any township in Rums Land District, showing namo of entryman, date nnd kind of entry, topography, etc., $1.00 each. Piatt T. Randall, Burns, Ore. Buttoriek Patterns at burg, Dalton & Co. Rentes for sale, all stij lengths, pneo 20 cents j Any ono desiring RealoM W. A. Ford of J. O. AlbH Alberson. It w K, v. T, i