The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 29, 1911, Image 2

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t tK
Schenk Brothers
Merchant Tailors and Outfitters
Burns, Oregon. Odd Fellow Bldg.
Now on Displ iy, Including
Suits, Hats, Shoes,
Underwear, Shirts,
Collars, Cuffs, Ties
Newest Styles in Straw Hats
Panamas, Crush Dicers.etc
We carry the H. V. D. Under
wear in Union and Two Piece
She twci5-$ictnCd.
HATUKHAY. Al'ltll. W.19II.
HintSmilTlPN ItATKH-
Out Yr. .
Hlx Montht
The Times-Herald would urge
the voters of this school district
to attend the bond election on
May 12. It is a very important I some preliminary investigation
atoly following its creation and
before the new law had been put
into actual use. If any one has
a better, more equitable manner
of adjusting the rights let him
come forward with it
The Times-Herald learns that
more than one application has
been made to the State Engineer
asking adjudication of the water
rights on Silvies River. None of
these were asked by the gentle
men promoting the irrigation
project - they have been asked by
water users. This has caused
matter and should have particu
lar attention. We must have a
new school building; the district
has sufficient taxable property to
justify a bond issue for such pur
pose; the voters are almost una
nimous in favor of issuing bonds;
yet very few voters attended the
last election for thatnuruose. It
.is a reflection upon our public'
spirit and patriotism it doesn't
look good to bond buyers. Wo
may acquiesce in every particular
with the movement and consider
that those who do cast their votes
are sufficient but it is not. Every
voter in the district should attend
even tho ladies should go and
cast their votes.
The matter of location is not to
be considered at this election but,
by the State Engineer which may
result in the work being taken up
this season provided there is an
inclination shown by a sufficient
number of users,
Sunday School was well attend
ed, Sunday, 33 being present
The Fair committeo has kindly
set Thursday of Fair week for
Grange day. The Valley View
and Rye Grass grange (which is
at the Denstedt school house)
will work together and both co
operate with tho fair committee
to make that day as well as every
other day of the fair a success.
While the grange is in its infan-
will be left to the school patrons Icy yet, and not very numerous in
at the regular election in June. I tin's valley, wo will do all wo can
That is the time to settle the se- and as wo increase in numbers
lection of a site for the new J we increase in strength. The
building but bear in mind we .grange will 'have a booth at tho
must have the building and the i Fair and a place for the ladies
larger the vote the better effect-and children to rest
on the bond market.
The Times-Herald would urge
upon the water users of Harney
Valley the importance of the sug
gestion made last week to have
the water rights of Silvies River
adjudicated. There is no occa
sion for delay and every reason
for immediate action. The irri-
We saw the famous broncho
squeezer, walking toward Valley
View on his way to tho hills he
chanced to meet an old friend
and the poor Bronco hnd to con
tent himself with tagging along
Walter George another famous
broncho buster paid us a flying
visit on Monday. Come again
Walt wo will not tell on you next
for tho job. II. F. has boon
wearing his heart on his sloovo
all winter until it Is frostbitten.
Leap frog is a very exhilorating
and exciting sport if you don't
beliovo it ask tho teacher and big
girls of tho Valley Viow Bchool.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hayes and
family visited with friends hero
on Monday.
Will Cobb loft for Vnlo Monday
for a load, of freight
Jack Raiiiut.
Tho body of Mrs. Don Raker,
tho woman who took her life at
Wild Horno last Friday ovening,
arrived in BuniB last Sunday
niorning, Mr. Robt. Miller, of tho
P. L. S. Co.'s White Horso ranch
driving day and night with
chahges of teams.
The funeral wa3 held on Mon
day afternoon, Rev. C. W. Hollo
man conducting tho sorvico at
tho homo of her mother, Mrs.
Riggs; interment being made In
tho Burns cemetery.
Deceased was thirty-five years
old belonging to ono of tho pio
neer families, having resided in
this section for twenty years and
numbered many friends among
the old time residents of tho
county. She had been in oor
health but was thought to bo im
proving. Deep sympathy is ex
pressed for tho bereaved rela
tives. She leaves besides her
husband an aged mother, Mrs.
E. J. Riggs, two brothers, Matt
and Charles, two sisters, Mrs. T.
II; Short and Mrs. Frank Baker,
all of whom reside in this place.
Another brother, Harry, lives in
Like county.
Homer Cecil came in Thursday
afternoon with a handsome new
White automobile which ho had
recently purchased in Portland C,
A. Bedell came up with him. Ho
was also accompanied by Elliott
E. Brett sales manager for tho
White Motor Car Co. Tho latter
also drove a machine in and is
investigating the prospects for
an auto truck line from Bend to
Burns. Mr. Brett's company has
a large auto truck now in opera
tion in the Deschutes section and
if ho -can secure sufficient en
couragement from local business
men will put in ono or more to
operate between this city and
Bend for quick freight service.
Ho should receive encouragement
oration nroiect under investiira
.. M . ,
is now necessary and litigation
and delay must be avoided. The H. F. Huntley's patent bread
Times-Herald knows there has mixer is still standing idle on tho
been some prejudice expressed1 shelf for want of someono to turn
against the State Board method it- Girls if you know how easy
in the past, but this was immedi-' t is to turn you would all apply
We Have Opened Offices in the New Masonic
Building in Burns, and are Prepared
TA Furnish Accurate, Reliable
" and Complete Abstracts of
Title to all Lands in Harney Co.
qpA Buy and Sell Real Estate in
Large and Small Tracts.
Write Fire Insurance in the
Strongest Old Line Comp'ies
HpA Loan Money on Improved
" Real Estate, and to Execute
Conveyances of all kinds.
All Business Intrusted To Us Will Receive
Prompt and Careful Attention.
Rooms 4 and 5 Musonic Building.
R. L. Hass was among those
up from Narrows Wednesday.
Hagey & Richardson aro head
quarters for the very best grocer
G. W. Popejoy came down from
the W. E. Smith mountain ranch
to attend the I. 0. 0. F. celebra
Fred Denstedt informs us that
Ryo Grass Grange will hold a
regular meeting in tho Denstedt
school house on May (!.
Miss K. Ncugebauer is located
in the Jorgenscn building south
Main St and is prepared to do
all kinds of dress making.
W. M. Harvey writes that he
will be hero tho latter part of
next month or tho first of June
to buy horses and mules.
Rcatos for sale, all sizes and
lengths, price 20 cents per foot.
Any ono desiring Reatos address
W. A. Ford of J. 0. Alberson,
Alberson, Oregon
0. J. Darst was down from
Trout creek mines tho first of this
week. Ho has somo valuable
claims up there that will pay big
returns when properly developed
and facilities installed for hand
ling tho ore.
Houses Foil Salr Twclvo
head of marcs weighing from
1250 to 1300 lbs. Ago 3 to G years.
All broken but three young ones.
Ono full blood black Percheron
stallion ago 4 years, weight 1800
G. A. McGer, Burns, Ore.
NlnctySccoiid Annlvcrinry of Founding
of Order In United State
Wednesday was Odd Fellow
day in Burns and a largo number
of tho members of tho order
gathered in Burns for a ro-unlon
and celebration of tho D2ml nn
nivorsay of tho order in tho
United States.
Harney Lodge, No. 77 has a
membership of somo 125, Sylvia
R. I). Lodge No. '13, has somo
150 members. Not all tho mem
bers wcro present but with visi
tors and tho families it wna es
timated there were at least 350
peoplo attended tho celebration
and participated in tho festivities
of tho ovening.
Tho parade in tho afternoon
wns a feature. Owing to threat
ening weather tho parade was
called off at ono time but later it
was decided to have it and sever
al members had gone away and
did not participate. Tho Burns
band led tho parade which started
from tho Odd Fellow buildingnnd
marched to tho corner of Tho
Times-Herald olllco then north to
Locher's hall and back to tho huTl.
Thero wcro botweon 50 and 00
members of tho subordinate and
Encampment in the parade.
A fine program was rendered
. t ii ii ml .
in tlio nail at a ociock. ine
lodge room and banquet room
wcro hnndsomly decorated with
tho colors of tho order and the
houso was packed with member
and their guests.
Mr. A. B. Whitney gave the
principal address of the evening
in which he paid a high tribute
to the order. Mr. Whitney gave
an outlino of tho principles and
work of Odd Fellowship and by
statistical references showed tho
great good accomplished by the
brotherhood throughout the
Dr. J. W. Geary, Noble Grand,
presided and was assisted by
Archie McGowan acting Vice
Grand and L. M. Hamilton not
ing chaplain. The historical re
view prescribed in the book of
forms of the order was gone
through by theso officers.
Tho program was:
Opening Chorus - Mixed Voices
Historical Rcyiow, Ixlgo Officers
Male Quartet
Comet Solo - - Homer Heed
Address - - - A. B. Whitney
Ladies Quartet
Recitation - - Nina Wiseman
Vocal Solo - Mrs. Win. Farrc
Violin Solo - - - - Ora Hill
Mnlo Quartet
Vocal Solo - - - Louel Smith
Recitation - Mrs J. O. Cawlfield
Vocal Solo - - Piatt T. Randall
Mrs. Cawlfield responded to a
very enthusiastic encoro in a very
pleasing manner. Piatt Randall
had to give those present more
of "The Party at Odd Fellow
Hall" to satisfy them.
Immediately following tho pro
gram tho lodgo room fas ai
ranged for dancing and while the
young peoplo enjoyed this fea
ture the older ones and children
repaired to the banquet room
where they wcro served with
ono ot mo llncst suppers over
sat down to in Burns. Every
thing possible to secure in tho
way of good things to eat was
spread before the guests.
The dancing party lasted until
about 2 o'clock the following
Hnrvoy Wilson has returned;
from a trip to Portland and other ,
outside points.
Henry Chnpin wub over from
Silver creek during the week re
newing acquaintances.
If you want to make a trade,
sell your relinquishment or other
property tho Inland Empire Real
ty Co. will be of great assistance!
to you. Thoy have sold others1
and can sell yours.
Tho now post office, "Lomn,"
has been established in tho Sun
sot section. N. Hcnney is post
master. ThiB will prove quite a
convenience to tho largo settle
ment down thero and In appre
ciated. Sunset will bo a past
number in a short time, as was
tho caso with Saddle Bulto when!
Lawen poatofllco was established.
Notice is hereby given that un
less property owners clean up
tho rubbish on their premises by
May 1st, 1011, the City will pro
ceed with such work at the ex
pense of said properly owners.
By order of tho City Council.
Pi.att T. 11aniaiu Recorder.
Notico is hereby given that
there aro sufficient funds in tho
county treasury to redeem all
Harney county warrants register
ed prior to January 1, 1011. In
terest ceases on all such warrants
on tills date.
Simon Lewis,
Treasurer of Harney Count
. "" '"" """ """" "" " ""'" ""
New Line ol Spring Collars, New Barrettes,
Rushins, Combs, Hand Bags,
ew Designs In Ladies' Silk Undervests
in f i n Ti TTi iTbTiiHW IB TiTnTirrrlBMB WfJ'rmmmmmmummmMmmmmmUmmWBmmm'mmmmmmmWmmmmmmnmmmmumKmmmwaamKMS'niM m
1 O. Dii.laiui
formerly Ami. i:iilm-er
lull, H. llrclMimlliHi Bur
A. O.
I'ormi'r.)' I'htnl Ki"
Blttrcr (it Koine A
Wotorii Ity
Eastern Oregon Engineering
Burns, Oregon
(icorcu I'mii, l'roprltitor.
Now It'cntloli on xiilc ntrrol wi't ' !'
llnniey County Nnllmml
Bakery In connection
A Socially of Sliorl Orders.
Tnlilo furniHlii'd willi nvurylliliig
tho mnrkot nironla Your pntron
11 K HoliiMtcil
Trial Record at Three Years Old 2:1 2K
Sire Of
Knight of Strathmore 2-.05K
Wlark Night 2:0X
Sire Two Hundred Standard Performers
Wanted in Townships near
Engineer In Charge the Oregon Hydro-
Electric Engineering Company
she held the world
Alteration free at Schenk Bros.
Fred Clingnn was up from the
homestead Thursday.
Scott Hays
visitor to our
a business
during the
Martin Duck was in tho city
this week. Thero seems to be
considerable attraction for him in
Mrs. J. E. Loggan lias beon
visiting her mother, Mrs. J. W.
Howsor, over at Harney this
week, the latter has been ill.
Haw Funs-Highest price for
all kinds of raw furs. Write me.
Fhank B. Glenn,
Vale, Oregon.
Dam of five in the list:
record as a three venr old
Knight of Strathmore was tho fastest four year old pacer out
in 1010; ho also holds tho worlds record for a colt of his age over
half mile track.
Twelfth Night is said to be ly good judge tho host son of the
mighty Onward; ho is a chestnut lfi.5 hands high; weight 1200
IMHinds. He will be in stud at Ilarriman for tho season of 1911.
Terms: $30.00 with return priv
ilege if mare proves not in foal.
Mares pastured and cared for free
of oharge. Further particulars write
H. DENMAN Harnman, Oregon
Pumping Outfit For Sale
Fairbanks - Morse 5 - horso power Portable
Gasoline Engine fully equipped with latest
friction clutch pulley, together with ii J-2-inch
Centrifugal pump with proper size pul
ley for a 25 ft. head. This outfit will pump
27 ft. as it is, and will pumpt ,'W ft. with
change in pulley.
All complete with pipe, elbows, coupllna, etc. The
outfit in noip in position and rendu to pump at a mo
ment's notice. Any Intcndlnn purchaser can see
how much water this outIt can pump. Price $650,
which is less than Portland price, J'ils Is tho best
outfit made.
7 he Standard Bred Stallion
Trial 220
Will Stand the 'season of 1911
Elliott Barn, Burns, Oregon
PKOQRHSS, No. -11450 is a mahogany bay standing 10 hands
high. Sired by Diablo, 1M01; sire- of Sir Albert S 2:032; Sir John
S 2:041; Clipper 2:00; Diabolita 2:081. Nino others in less than
2,10. and eleven others better than 2:2T. Dam Remember Me, by
Waldstein, 12507.
Hertha, grandmother of Progress, is tho mother of nineteen
colts nil in tho list. The Limit her sixteenth colt was sold as a
green pacer at $10,000. In his three-year-old form ho made a
record .of 2:10.
Terms to Insure $20
GEORGE D. HAGEY, Burns, Ore.
Everything Under the Sun and Seldom
Now's the Time to Get Ready to Put in Croj
Imported German Coach
The undersigned having purchased tho interest of J. 1'. Fnvra
in tho woll known Cj.teli Stullioi, UutKlist, No. 235'J, wishes to an
nounco that ho will stand this season at tho Varien log houso placo.
All contracts of last season aro to bo settled with him.
Duddist is tho siro of the highest priced colts in Harney countv
except standard bred specials and his get speaks for his qualities
as a Hire.
I'asturo nml caro for mares on tho placo.
Terms to Insure $20
0. L, SHINGLBDEOKEE, Burns, 0.
wh have pows narrows,
Seeders, Wind Mill
Pumps, Hose, Scrapers,
Wagons, Hacki
Buggies and Carts.
The Famous Rotary Harroli
to Attach to Sulky or
Gang Plows
Come In and See Us Before Buyii
Young's Meat Market & Grocer!
"Our baby cries for Cliamber
lnin's Cough Remedy," writes
Mrs. T, 13. Kondrick, Rasaca, Ga.
"It !b tho best cough remedy on
the mnrkot for coughs, colds and
croup." For salo by all good
dealers. ,
Always readylfor job work.
In eases of Vhoumatism rclq
from pain makes sleep and re
possible. This may bo obtaitt
by applying Chamberlain's Iifl
ment. For sale by nil good deUi
Buttoriek Patterns
burg, Dalton ft Co.
at Lu -