cf mi 8 s iSTMxmmmmm BimBs-JlBrald. I.ARQEST CUMULATION 0 rNKWBrAPKR IN THtB COUNTY. aATUUDAY. Al'ltlt, W.ltll LochI News, from :imcs l'irio was over Creek yesterday. prill nt Sclienk Bros, nnd sco new Pnnnmn lints. aul Finke was down from his lintnin homo this week. E. Brown wns in tho city week looking after business. )U Sale A Kansas prairie iking plow. Call at Short's bksmith shop. i leorgo Joerndt is back from ttlo where ho has been on a to his children. ec tne tnianu iiinpiro ueni- 2o. if you have anything for I or exchange. fine and complete line of bIi garden and flower seeds at l's Grocery. ink Dibble nnd family aro from Silver creek accom- ftcd by Mrs. Parker. we iTcnen Hotel serves n h Sunday dinner and special pinion is given 10 iiiiiiny ice. liss bind unwilieiu lias ro- itly completed a term of school lr the lakes and is now at her lie in this city. tY ON A NETTLETON )E AT THE! BUSY CORNER )RE. JL. Poujade and family came from their farm home in tr auto Monday to attend the ital and reading of Mr. Thomp- fant to buy 500 to 1000 acres food sagebrush land, in Har- Valley. State location nnd Address, Box 256. Burns iron. e faster services at tne ibyterian church last Sunday ing were very pleasing, church was qviite nicely rated with potted plants, and cut flowers. Mr. A. JVhitney delivered a fine scr- fand the choir furnished ex- nt and appropriate music. sic -Mrs. Harry W. McHose dy to receive pupils for in- tion in voice and piano. Mrs. ose studied at the Cincinnati iervatory of Music, Cincin- , Ohio, and comes with crc als from that school and is able and experienced teacher also instruct classes in sight ling if desired. Room over Times-Herald office. pM. Hoffeditz was in the city sday to assist P. M. Oswalt taking final proof. Mr. Hoff- states that the lumber or- has gone to tho mill for the l school house at Valley View. building will be 24x3G. He : reports the organization of tnday school at the school e in his district last Sunday Arthur Whitney as Superin- mt and Mrs. Geo. Cobb Btant You Never Can Know tho convonienco of n chocking account until you luivo tried it. Open an account with, us, nettle your buuinesa traiiBiictionH by chock, thus placing your financial nffairn . on a thorough business basis. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK BURNS, OREGON Capital and Surplus S75.000.00 United States Depositary AggQTOte Eawted a John Oard is -up from Lawen. The Home Hotel is tho comfor table place to board. W. T. VanderVeer is over, from his Pine Creek homo. Jap McKinnon is confined to his homo on Poison creek with an attack of spotted fever.' Ice cream nnd ico cream sodas served with nir flavors and crush ed fruits at Reed's Grocery. J. P. Norman is a recent nr rival from Hoiuiam, Wash. Ho is looking over the country nnd may locate hero. Raw Furs Highest price fori all kinds of raw furs. Write me. Frank B. Glenn, Vale, Oregon. Mrs G. W. Clovengcr left Tues day morning for Pine Valley, Baker County, to visit with rela tives for a time. Mrs. Lelah Williams-Millar still has n fine assortment of nil kinds of millinery goods nt her place of business. At tho Presbyterian church next Thursday evening will bo celebrated tho 300th anniversary of King James revision of the Bible in n union service to which all nre invited. Special music. Tho Dcnstedt neighborhood cel ebrated Easter Sunday with n basket dinner nt their school heuse: this was followed by Sun- lit. aliit ntirl nrnnnliinn. liv T?fv Tlollowman. Tho big crowd pre-1 sent enjoyed the good eating, sociability nnd fine sermon. Mrs. Anna Sprague, recently from Chicago, nn experienced milliner, has n very complete line of the latest millinery on display in the Haines building adjoining the store on south Main St She will be pleased to meet the ladies of Burns and vicinity and havo them inspect her line. C. A. McMalmn wns in the city yesterday. Linen dusters for lndios nnd gentlemen nt Schenk Bros. You always get vnluo received when trading nt Hngey & Rich nrdson's. For RentA five room cot tage on the Hill. Inquire nt this office. A. E. Murphy is in' the city from his Iron Mountain land holdings. Everything for every body at tho Lunaburg, Dal ton & Co, Department Store. Wo nave received our now Spring samples for suits. Come nnd see them Schenk Bros. Work horses for sale weighing from 1200 to 1500 lbs. four to six years old. -I. M. Davis, Drewsey Oregon. J E. Graves, who spent tho winter over in Lake county, is in the city. Ho will remain in this county this summer. Miss K. Ncugcbauer is located in tho Jorgcnscn building south Main St nnd is prepared to do nil kinds of dress making. A SPLENDID LINE OF MEN'S HATS AT THE BUSY CORNER STORE. Church services will be held in tho Presbyterian church to-morrow morning Mr. Whitney ocj cupying tho pulpit There will not be service at the Baptist church, Rev. Hollomnn preaching at Hnrncy. Wm. Newton and wife of Berryville, Ark., arrived here recently nnd will make their homo in this county, Mr. New ton waslhcro a fow years ago and tnught school. They nre nt the home of Dr. W. C. Brown, Mr. Newton being n cousin of Mrs. Brown. T to You Want to Save from $5.00 to $10.00 on a Suit of Clothes? 7e have just received a shipment of the famous Clothing manufactured by SCHLOSS BROS & CO. f Baltimore, Maryland. This clothing is made in a lodern, up-to-date building, where good light, clean- uness and the best sanitary conditions obtain. The warer of a SCHLOSS BROS, suit is distinguished his well-groomed appearance. To get a suit of this brand means that you Hll have the best fabric, the best fit, the best style and the best tailoring tat years of experience, backed by ample means and facilities have been able tput into a suit of clothes. RE YOUR SOCKS INSURED? SIX PAIRS HOLE-PROOF HOSIERY ARE QUARANTEED TO WEAR SIX MONTHS te are the Burns agents and have just received a new consignment. Prices re exactly the same as you must pay in any city In the country. HE BUSY CORNER STORE r. Schwartz L Schwartz PROPRIETOR PROPRIETOR. Alteration f reo nt Schenk Bros. Dick Gibson wns over from his Wnrm Springs homo yesterday. Cleaning and pressing for Indies nnd gontlemen nt Schenk Bros. Post Master Loggan made n trip to tho vicinity of Hartley Tuesday. Geo Howo was in tho city the first of this week from his homo near Van. Pacific Stock nnd Poultry food nt tho Lunnburg, Dallon & Co. Department Store. G. W. Clovongor is advertising to sell his fine lino of chinawarc glassware, etc. nt cost See THE INLAND EMPIRE REALTY COMPANY, thoy want 20 GOOD RELINQUISHMENTS QUICK. Somo very good beef sales nro reported from railroad points. Ono lot of good steers sold tho other day nt Ontario for 0J cents. R. C. Hall of Minneapolis is hero looking for investments in land. Ho desires n largo amount of land if he can get it nt right prices. Blue prints of any township in Burns Land District showing nnmo of entryman, (Into and kind of entry, topography, etc., $1.00 each. Piatt T. Rnndall, Burns, Ore. Tom Allen camo home Thurs day from Portland where he left Mrs. Allen in the care of spocial ists. Her health is improved nnd she may return home in a short time. Grain Per Hundred mis.: Rolled barley - - - - $3.25 Seed 3.25 Bran .------ 2.75 Screenings 2.00 N. Brown & Sons. Sidney Comegys arrived from Portland Thursday with a hand somo new Cndilnc auto, tic states that Sheriff Richardson and C. F. McKinney havo each bought n new Buick find will bo homo in n fow days. Jerry Morritt was in town this week. Alfred Bonjnmino clothing nt Schenk Bros. Hngey &, Richardson aro head (liinrlcrs for tho very best grocer ies For Rent Tho Jorgcnscn store building on Main Street. Inquire at Win. Miller's olllco In the Masonic building. Grain Per Hundred i.iih:. Rolled bnrloy Seed - - - Bran - - - Screenings - $3.25 3.25 2.75 2.75 N. Brown & Sons. Horses For Sale Twelve head of nmrcR weighing from 1250 to 1300 lbs. Ago 3 to 0 years. All broken but three young ones. Ono full blood black Pcrchcron stallion ago 4 years, weight 1800 lbs. G. A. McGee, Burns, Ore. ROLLED BARLEY AT THE BUSY CORNER STORE. Notice is horcby given that un- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IIHITKII STATU l.aNI Owe. I lliirni, Oroii, March 2, 10ft I Notice I) lierehr jilvcii Mint John N II Kleh mr, of llnrnrr, Otoimi, who, on liar n, iikm, IrtariehCmtalrail vnlrr Nn mil, Kurlal No. OVOOI, lor W!(WU, Hol'lloll W. Tolilhli H,IUnic H.I i:ll, nlllniimtta Murlrtmi, Iim DM nntlia o( thli'iillmi In innkii Pinal Clvo-Year I'rnal, lnuuhl alulalm tilths laml alor iloa rrlleif, Iwturr Ilia llmlncr n it ItdHvci, nt (limit, Dickon, ml Ilia ifflr'l day ol Mar. It'll lllahnant imiiicK at wIimimi-i J tt. Iiiii'lianaii. I II lmc, V . llalt-a and I.. M. 1 1 n in I Mi.1l nil of Hartley, Orison. i IVu I'Aiifir, llculitor. NOTU'IC KOll I'UHLKJATION. l'MTitiiHTTnl.mi(irtii t, llntii. Orrjoii. March 17, lull Notice li Imrclijr iilrrn Hint Atulivw J HkUm "I llllxy. Orcitoti, who, on Arill, IW. imulr lloiort Mud lent rjr. No. WW. r-rrlal Nn. (nW fix H4HI'i-. NKlHI'.',. MI'NK'S, ML'CllilH 5l. Tltl- lilp 'H 800th, HmiKv '.7 Kmil., VUlhuniUI Mir lillmi, linn (lltil hiitlrn nf Inrnitlnii to niiki) PtllHl l mil. In V.ImIiIIbIi tlnlm In fliH laml ftlMivitiipni'rJItil. hoforH tli ltiifiktfif unit Itn. rolTur nt IIiiiik, urrirmi, on tli VCIh ilajr of Aliriii mil, lllaloimu imimi a m itltucmii'ii Irvlnir (I. Itavtniiiiil atnl ThIiIa Hkltiiik nf llllrtlf. Ortinn. Kilwanl Urllnnild anil Wallar Hklctu, all uf Itlley, OriRim. ' M. raar, Kculttar. NOTIOIC FOR rUIMilCATION.; l.ANIIPALK, UNITKII HTATKU 1-ANII OKriCK.I Hum, orrxon, Match 0, lull. I Kollivlihotoliy iitrclt, thai, an illfoJtcil hjr tliudiiiitiiUiloiifriif ll.nUtuctal l.amt Olfico, 11 1.1 1.1 llm .....i,l.l . . . It . J .. iiiiiioi iiioitovnii.i t. ,n inuacKilCoiiltrcaian to II.V. Dragon, KorUI No 0H7I, wo will offer at pulilfc iirovnl Jinm w, liajn, M Wal , f.i;i. uuriiuant Ilia iicatloti nl Tliumai 1. Vlcicra, Harncv aiaioiim iiiincii iiinncr, at 10 o'clock a. tn on the 27lh ilar olAitll, mil, next, at Una of fice, the following- ttacla of laml NITIIUWI.nJ UWIUVI u.. .. nt nm n . less property owners clean up1k-w.m. the rubbish on their premises hyJl&&&$?M,'i!&r, Mnv 1st. 1911. the City will nro- ir'.'?i.o.r0Wr,'"OI,,on''r''0M ''"' ' ... , , i ii I 'a""'. i"i .i.. fcpil Willi fliicli wnrk nttlincv. ' . kiuhk. iti,iiiv. onlrl immnrlv rmmnw, I Kn.NK l)A Kr. lUclver. J.V.IUV W UIIIU laWfWAV, VITMVMIt y order of tho City Council. Attest Platt T. Randall, Recorder. NOTICK FOR I'UHMCATION. UNlfKIl STATKH l.ANU (IKKIUK, I liurna, Urccon, March 1, 1911.1 Notice la hrrehr glrcn that John J, Helm, of N'ftTIf'li! li'Oll IMIHI.IfiA'l'inN ' !l"liin.)ierun,wlio,iu March lv,ltm7,niile .1UIIUIV I'Ull 1 UllliHA I IUiX. caerl Land Kntry .No. Ktl.Serlal No . OlMi,, l.,r UNITKDMTATKH I.ANIIOKFII'K, niiriii, iirFgou, ahi in, inn. Nollrvli hereby kIvoii thai John nuffer, nf linilo, tlrriiiin, whi, on Foiiti'mtur VI, 1VIU, made iniiniatt ad enlrr No. 1M73, for WitNW (, NK'iNWK.HWJJNKfi.HMIIon !, Towi'ihlpiol rv. itMliK.1 . f.HR.i.I IIIMItlVlin FIVIIUlHU.ilK. illDU hnllce of Intention in make final rive Year I'rixif, tn citahllih claim In the land abnru ilcM'tlbed. liefnreM. J. O'L'ntmer. II. H. Coin. iiilMloimr at hla onice, at Uenlu, Oregon, on lii k'lnuuay m in7, ivu I'laltnalif naltiei aa Milton Chetaller, nl Andrewa, Oreunn, , MOTIHR Ijila t.tnl O H.,tln,i 41 Tmuh.1,1.. mi U.....I. ItaliKeilltaal, Wlllainct'te Meridian, h'ae ftleit notice ol Ititnnlliin to irake Mini I'roof, to ""ui'iii riaini iu inn lanu aooro ileacribui Ulore the Itenltler and Itecelver, at liurm, Or i-ron.ou the Mli day nf May lull Claimant iiaraea ai wltnruci, William K, Uray. Alfred II. Curry, Ira II, Clark and Hoy Kefluicf allot llarrlinan.OreKon, Wm. Karbk, Ilfkliter I I loan, all of llenln, UrvKon Wm, I'lau, llegliler. Notice lo Crcilllort. Dr. C. C. GoldBberry, a young dentist who hns praticed some in Joseph. Wallowa county, was here this week. Dr. Goldsbcrry is looking for a location and is making a tour of Eastern Ore gon towns. You will never again bo quite as you aro today menially or physically. Perhaps not ever again will you bo able to get so "young" a photograph that looks like you as today. Visit the Saycr Studio. SEASONABLE GOODS ON DISPLAY AT THE BUSY COR NER STORE. If you want to make a trade, sell your relinquishment or other property tho Inland Empire Real ty Co. will bo of great assistance to you. Thoy havo sold others and can sell vouro. Particular people do their trading at tho Hngey & Richard son general merchandise store where a fino lino of dry goods, furnishings, shoes, etc. is always found. A. M. Byrd and family are preparing to move to a farm up tho river Tor tho summer where Brass expects to maku a fortune supplying the peoplo of Burns with tomatoes and other garden "sass" ns well ns eggs, butter, etc. This is no reason for others in such business to quit, howover, Mrs. C. B. McConnell gave an informal luncheon at her homo in this city last Monday evening following tho recital in honor of Mr. Edward Abner Thompson. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Rcmbold.'Mrs. Rnndall, Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, Mr. nnd Mrs. Dodge, Miss Lochcr, Miss Love, Mr. Hcssner, Mr. Fellows. A meeting nt tho Dcnstedt school housn Inst Wednesday evening resulted in tho orgnnza tion of Ryo Grass Grange with Dan Varien as Master; Mrs. Ella Hopkins, lecturer, and Mr. Stev ens, Secretary. There woro 1G names sjgncd to tho charter. C. D, Howard acted as temporary chairman and J. M. Hoffeditz as temporary secretary. State Or ganizer Gekeler was present Mrs. N. A. Dibblo gave a very cnjoynblo 500 party Tuesday afternoon entertaining a largo company of Indies. Nico re freshments wers Borved follow ing tho hands. Four first prizes and two consolations woro pre sented, Mrs. Davoy, Mrs. W. A. Gowan, Mrs. A. W. Gownn nnd Mrs. A. Horton hnd tho highest scores respectiuny. Airs, i, &. Geer and Mrs. Lelah Miller awarded tho consolations. Miss Louiso Dnvoy gavo n pro gressive whist party Tuesday oveningnt tho family homo in this city, Miss Mno Barnlmrt, who is horo on a visit, being tho guest of honor. Miss Gorstel was nwnrded tho prize for tho highest score of tho Indies, Chas. W. Ellis and L. E. Finch tying for tho hi tr heat on tho cent o- men'B sido, Mr. Finch securing tho prize on tho cut. Refresh ments were served. A pleasant diversion was somo fine selections on tho pinno by Miss Agnofc Lovo, a vocal solo by Miss Louol Smith nnd a bass solo by Mr. Finch, In tlifi Mnttur uf llio Hatatii of 1'rank Dickenson, IVroimeil. Tlio timlnrnlgnvil hnvliiK U'ctululj-nj-polntcil AiltulnUtrruor of thu abovo mi tltlnl 1'1 In le by order nf llio County Court of tho Htnte of Oregon, for llio County of Mitrnoy, in ado un thu 41b tiny of .March. IU11, nil fiurrons IiBvini; clalma iiiltthut tbo eiild ctitiilo will nrufotit llio eainti nropvrly vorlllcl lo tbo undoralgn. od nt bla plan) of bimlnrtii In Hurnp, Or ty."", within rlx intnitlm from date hero uf, to-ttlt April !, 1UI1. Jamkm M. D.u.ton, Administrator. FOR PUBLICATION. J IHOLATKDTIlACT-PUnLICLANDBAI.K UldTkllHTATCI IAMD OmCIt, I llurtii. Orrcon, March S, 1910. Notice la lierehr iilrm, that aa directed ly IheCniniiilfiluiirr of Ibelleneral Land Olllce, iiniitr ine I'roTiiiooi ol Hie act of Ciiiitrtn an lliroqed JuufiJ, ltKH 131 mat., 817). uurauaut to (the application of Edith Haiiiom, Mill City. vrrson, ecriai nn. uiwj, we win oner at tiuoiic ale lo the lililicit blditer, ai 10 o" clock a.m., oulheuthdayol April. 191 1, neilal I till office mo joiiowiiiK iracia hi lauu total anil I. Hee, II, and NK;jNK).',SfC. S3, r vo H.. It. n E.. W. M. Any and all periona pialmlnn adterrely the abnve-deecrllMid Unoi ere advlied to fllo their citiiotor oujecuonioii or oeiore Ilia lime de. atunalud for aale. Wm Filmy, HtcUtcr. Kkk Invrv, Itecelrer. BONNIE RiiGS RESTAURANT MVtRS & TOMLINSON I'roprielors OPEN DAY AND NIGHT NONE BUT WHITE HELP Formerly run by George Foon next door north of Star Salooon JOHN ROBINSON Slocl Inspector, Harney Coaaty. lloii'o AddriN lliirna. Ore C. E. LEMAY I'ainlinjj, Taper Hanging, Sign Writing Kstimntes given on all classes of such work. AGENT IlKNRY BOSCH WALL I'AI'EK Headquarters at French Hotel CONTEST NOTICE. I'MitnHritiii I,kii Orrni liurna, Ort-Kon, April I, 1V1I To Albeit J. FrlcVvol liurna, iIickou, L'ontca tee. You are herthy liotllled that Lloyd II Cull, who (tree liurna, Oregon, aa hla uoat -olDie ad drill, did on Adrll 4tu, lVH.ule In Hill office hla duly corroborated application to (unlet nd tccure the cancellation of your llomeitead Ktitry, terlal Mo OLUi made Aueutl 2), IM, for tlioH'.'ol ttieHKI, ot aectlou ISaud tlie.NUof llie.SF.'Hrclloii'A,Towoihlp:i8.,ltansehtt. r.. iinauii.iie m.iiuiiu, mu aa K'Ounill lor hll coutrlt he a-'leeea that Allien I. FrlcLe has wholly abandoned aaid entry andliaa tailed lo reilde upon. Iniprored or cultlratelhe aame lor more man ti niantiia ueil inloriii tola date, You are, therefore, further nuillted that the laid allcmtloni will ,e taken hj Ihliuinceaa harlnr len eonleaaed by )ou, andvouruld entry wlllbeancc!ed thereunder wllboni ynnr lurlner rtlil In be heard there u, either Iwfore thlo otllf enroll apal, If you fall to tile In title nlfire within Iwenl) daya alter the FOUHTII puMlcatlou of thu imtlce, bji ihimn below, your antwer. under ualli, ticltlcally uteotlneanU reipondluir to Iheie alienation! nl cotiteit, or If you fall within that time lo file Iu tlill office due proof that you have aerred a copy ol your anaxcr on Iho aald conirttanl cither In rlon or by reicliteted mall. II thli lerTlrela made by ailellterr of a ropv ol our anawerto the rontiatani in rcnon, proof of ucuicrrlce uuitbe either the tld coulee lal.t'l wrllten acknowlcdfineutol hll receipt of the copy, showing lha dale of Ita receiptor the amdarft of the pa-ion by whom the uell cry waa made KUInit when and where the copy waadellvcred;llmauebyre(literedinall, proof of ttich aertlce mint ronalit of the arildaelt ol theperion by whom tho ropy waa mailed, itat Ing when and tha in.itoince lo which II waa lualleil andthll atriilarlt mint lw acionipanl. ed by the pottuieittr'a receipt for the letter. You ahouldilateln your auawer Iho name of the iiott offlte to which you deilre future notice iu ho .cut to ou, Wm. Famic. l!ei!ter. Ilaioof flrtt publication April , mil. ' " lecnnd " ' 15, " ., i. (,tll .. .. K .. " fourth " " 'JV, " DISHES AT COST In order to get more room for my stock of furniture I have decided to close out my entire line of China, Earthenware, Glassware, Granifeware, Positively at Cost I havo ono of tho finest and most complete lines of this class of ware in the city. INDUCBRIBNTS FOR QUICK SALES G. W. CLEVENGER, THE FURNITURE MAN SIDNEY WILKES 2:41 Sire Marvin Wilkes 2:121 who trotted three heats in ono after noon in better than 2;09 and sold nnd shipped to Australia and is now tho champion trotter and show horso of Australia. Marvin Wilkes was the greatest raco colt of his day in California. Dam, Kitty H. 2:24J a stako winner nnd unbeaten as a two and three year old. Sho by Sidney 2;19J, grandsiro of Lou Dillon 1;584. Sidney Wilkes wbb very fast as a two year old and trotted one-eight mile barefooted nt a 2:40 gait. Ho is a dark brown 15J hands high, weight 1200 lbs and a model harness horso. Will mnko tho season of 1911 at Fair Grounds, Burns, Oregon. For terms address, CLAUDE McGEE, Burns, Oregon THE A VERAGEMAN Could have more if he cultivated the faculty of hanging on to his money. IT'S the men above the average whose success you hear of, and nine times in ten success and the banking habit start together and go hand in hand. THE mission of this bank is to provide a store house for the energies of people who want to riso above the average. IT will be easier for iou to keep money and get more after becoming a regular depositor with HARNEY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK of Burns Controlled and Owned by Home People. RESOURCES OVER $400,000,00 iMHDfTMrH 'DRUGS' THE WELCOME PHARMACY I TYEARS experience in the Drug Busi- ness. We have no dead stock Our goods are clean and new. When you buy your drugs from us you can rest assured that they are pure, fresh and will have the effect g which your doctor desires. You can also Sj unu new anu up 10 ciate jianonery, r resn Candies, Domestic and Imported Cigars, Rub ber Goods, Fancy Soaps, Pipes, Etc. S7V1 TIONIJRY SAVE TIME MONEY MUSCLE The Working Capacity is Enormous of the FARM Pump Engine Always on the hustle; a tireless worker, that needs no boss. It tackles any task; cuts hours to minutes; cuts cost to pennies; cuts out the wear and tear on muscles; keeps men from becoming machines; pays handsome daily in cash saved and work performed. The engine will pump sufficient water in less than half hour for the average family's daily use at a cost of not more than three fourths of a cent Fits Any Standard Pump Pumps 400 to 1,000 Gallons per Hour Tell us about your requirements, we can meet them; if interested in Larger Engines ask for catalogue of FULLER & JOHNSON'S 1 Double Efficiency Engines. W. T. SMITH Agent for Harney County av'vv"'VV'fe-'-'v'V'fe''ty''-'-'' . , There is only ono good placo to go for GOOD DRUGS, STATIONERY, CIGARS, BOOKS, CONFECTIONERY, and TOILET ARTICLES REED RROS. DRUG STORE The store maintained and operated for your con venience and satisfaction. One that you can rely on at all times. Tlie City IDrug Store REED BRO i.t Proprietors '"'' .' ,,v "V .T."-v.,v,ivv'ia SPECIAL FIFTEEN DAYS 'ou haw heanl of un and know tuir reputation for hioh-elasi, honest werk: Come in nnd take adrantuue of thctc exceptionally low prkf. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY FOR FIFTEEN DAYS Set of Teeth, best Red Rubber, ifG.OO Bridge Work : : $3.50 Sllvur Fillings : : : .50 Gold Crowns, 22k : 3.50 TWELVE YlSAItS PROTECTION GUARANTEED Painless nzn Hnesl Wurk PDPP HEMINATION ami Eitrnctions "onest Prices w ADVICE MODERN DENTISTS XSr" BAKER. Oregon