5 u 5555HH5H" arm muuimmmmmmtammuiiimm -Jferald. .xnaKBT circulation or tWSPArKR IN Til IB COUNTY. SATDKUAY. AI'llIL 15, lltl Local News. unoy Cumniins has been on ck list this week, but is N Mondny, April 10, to id Mrs. W. D. Huffmnn, a ten Sale A Kansas prairio ng plow. Call at Short's mitli shop. . Chandler was in the city lay attending to somo trad- i business. tlio Inland Empire Real if you have anything for exchange. q Mooro is back in Burns n absence of ten months n California. Agnes Lovo is expected u's evening from Agency with friends for a timo. French Hotel serves a nday dinner and special n is given to family t Stenographer Walker on taking testimony in lses referred at the term lit court just adjourned. -On the street a watch with J J H engraved on om. Finder please leavo jfTice and be suitably re- Shingledecker has pur the J. P. Farm interest ine imported Coach Stal ddist and will stand him arian Valley place. All of last year are payable lhingledccker. Boston Mass., Traveler Edward Abner Thomson, ears here at the Photo- Monday evening the 17th ice demanded encores to imber." "His humorous the audience by comment of the Daily Post. I! STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK BURNS, OREGON at the dote of buatnesa'March 7th, 1911 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $270,777.78 U, S. Bonds GO.OOO.OO Bonds and Securities 58,929.45 Premium on U. S. Bonds 2,000.00 Real Estate, Furnituro and Fixtures C.GOO.OO Fivo por cent Redemption Fund 1,250.00 CASH ..' 91,356.98 $480,914.21 LIABILITIES Capital $ 25,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 53,432.51 Circulation- 25,000.00 DEPOSITS 383,481.70 $480,914.21 Capital and Surplus S75,OQO.OO United States Depositary We Offer to Depositors Absolute Safety and Efficient Service. ' Accounts Invitefl Alteration f roo at Schcnk Bros. C. W. FitzQoraldhas been up from NnrrowB this' week, Alfred Bonjamlno Schcnk Bros. clothing at Cleaning and pressing for ladies and gcntlomen at Schcnk Bros. W. E. Gray and G. O. Hen dricks woro among our Lawen visitors this week. I i took is the n, Wis. Harry W. McHoso nnd Idren arrived last night ecatur, 111. They came Ir. McHoseand will make imc here permanently. :Hose has always been i music and church work will be a pleasant and acquistion to those cir urns where she receives welcome. ON A NETTLETON T THE BUSY CORNER : court adjourned Wed t noon. Very little was er thah argue motions, ing this week. Ausmus i was sentenced to three the penitentiary for lar Hs father, Peter Loren ald in jail under two in s for larceny. His caso inued until the fall term xmds fixed at $1000 on lictment. He has not red bail. Always ready for job printing. Frank Cntterson was up from Lawen Thursday. The Home Hotel is the comfor table place to board. Poultry Wanted About 3 dozen good hens. Inquire at this office. M. C. Huffman was up from his home near Dog mountain the first of this week. Ice cream and ice cream sodas served with all flavors and crush ed fruits at Reed's Grocery. Raw Funs-Highest prico for all kinds of raw furs. Writo me. I Frank B. Glenn, ' Vale, Oregon, i For Sale Two relinquish-1 menta four miles west of Crow Camp, cheap. Inquire at this office. Robt LoVoy, who recently un derwent a surgical operation for an injured. knee, is able to be out on crutches. An Easter window at the Wel come Pharmacy has attracted a great deal of attention and fav orable comment Mrs. Lelah Williams-Millar still has a fine assortment of all kinds of millinery goods at her place of business. F. A. Koys was here from Minneapolis this week looking for investments. He came in with the Colo brothers in their auto, Mrs. Anna Sprague, recently from Chicago, nn experienced milliner, has a very complete lino of the latest millinery on display . ",u"u1 " :..iuxj.: u..:i.! ,u.:..i..J girlhood who the store on south Main St She, her "" amQm thcm Linen dusters for ladies nnd gentlemen at Schcnk Bros. John Oard and Fred Otley Jr. were up from Lawen yesterday. T. C. Albritton was up from his land holdings during tho week. BORN-Mondny, April 10 to Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Jones of Vol tage, a son. Everything for every body nt tho Lunahurg, Dnlton & Co. Department Store. Judge Biggs took his depar ture Thursday morning for his home nt Ontario. i Wo nave received our new , Spring samples for suits. Come and see them Schcnk Bros. Miss K. Ncugebnuer is located in tho Jorgenscn building south Main St and is prepared to do all kinds of dress mnking. C. C. Lundy came over from Prineville Thursday to look after business connected with the Oregon & Western Colonization Co. lands. He will be here for aoveral days. Lame Shoulder is nearly nl ways due to rheumatism of tho muscles, and quickly yields to the free application of Chamber lain's Liniment For sale by nil good dealers. - Scott Haley and his sister, Mrs. Bart Cronin wero in the city (Thursday, returning to Mr. Mrs. Ed. Egll is over from tho fnrm on a visit to her parents Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Miller. Mrs. Gerald Griffin and son Frances woro among our visitors from tho lake section this week. Tho porsonal attention given guests nt tho French Hotel tins given it n good roputatlon-L. B. Culn, Prop. Sco THE INLAND EMPIRE REALTY COMPANY, thoy want 20 GOOD RELINQUISHMENTS QUICK. "Progress", tho handsome standard bred stallion who has somo very fino colts to his credit, will stand nt tho Elliott barn sco tho ad. Geo Schonk arrived homo from Portland tho fore part of this week. Mrs. Schonk and littlo son will remain down there for a few months. t V. G. Coznd and son Rodney, who had been hero for some time visiting relntives and friends, loft for their home at Canyon City Monday. Blue prints of any township in Burns Land District, showing name of entryntan, date and kind of entry, topography, etc., $1.00 each. Piatt T. Randall, Burns, Ore. Henry Jennings nnd family are home from nn extended visit to Washington where they spent tho winter with relatives. Thoy had n delightful time but are glnd to bo home again. Tho south front window of the "Busy Corner" is one of tho neatest and most nttractivo ever dressed in Burns. The work wns done by Miss Gerstel, the bookkeeper in the store. Grain Per Hundred lus.: Rolled bnrloy - - - - $3.25 Seed 3.25 Bran ------- 2.75 Screenings 2.00 N. Brown & Sons. J. R. Hendricks, Bailey Hayes and J. J. Heinz are among those up from tho Lawen section as witnesses in nn injunction case, testimony of which is being taken before Court Stenographer Walker. J. F. Mnlioli wns among our visitors this week. Hagoy & Richardson nro head quarters for tho very best grocer ies Wiscmnn & Shopard are build ing a now stono collar for.Bren ton & Hicks. John Wood of Lee, Nevada, arrived last ovoning on a visit to friends. A. fino and complete line of fresh garden and flower seeds nt Rccd'B Grocery. Mrs. Anderson, mother of Mrs. A. M. Byrd, took her departure for Ontario Thursday morning. Mrs Irving Miller was operated on ypstordny by Dm. Mnredcn & Griffith. Tho patient is resting well today and her condition is very satisfactory. If you want to mako a trade, sell your relinquishment or other property tho Inland Empire Real ty Co. will bo of great assistance to you. They havo sold others and can sell vours. Tho special election to voto bonds for a new school building will bo held on May 13. Clerk Huston has posted notices and it is hoped tho taxpayers will re member tho date. Particular people do their trading nt tho Hagoy & Richard son general merchandise store where n fino lino of dry goods, furnishings, shoes, etc. is always found. Fred Racine is back from tho cast looking after business in terests. He left his family back there but may decide to locate here again and in that case will send for them. R. R. Sitz wns up from Lawen Wednesday accompanied by his tittle son. Mr. Sitz has about recovered from his accident of last winter in which ho had some ribs broken nnd nn injured hip, Always ready for Job work. NOTICE Is hereby given that tho regu lar Eighth Grndo Final Exami nation will bo held in tho differ ent school districts May 11-12, 1911. Teachers are requested to 1116 Willi tho County Sunerinten dept, on or before the 20 day of April, tho names of all pupils de siring to (ako the examination, nnd to certify that they have completed the work as required by law. I'ROORAM (a) Thursday - Physiology. writing, History, nnd Civil Gov-erment (b) Friday-Grammar, Ari thmetic, Geography, and Spelling. Iho teacher will send to the County Superintendent the ap plicants class standing in read ing. Your truly, L. M. Hamilton, County School Supt BONNIE RFOS RESTAURANT MYERS S TOMUNSON Proprietor's OPEN DAY AND NIQHT NONE BUT WHITE HELP Formerly run by George Foon next door north of Star Salooon JOHN ROBINSON Slock Inspector, Harney County. Ilurn. Ore Hoiiib A dd rota C. E. LEMAY Palmtop Paper Hanging Sleo Writing Estimates given on all classes of Buch work. PAPER Hotel AGENT HENRY BOSCH' WALL Headquarters at French NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Haley's homo near tho lake yes terday. Mrs. Cronin will mako her home with her brothers and mother for the present She has many friends throughout this section where she spent her are glad to havo will be pleased to meet the ladies of Burns and vicinity and havo them inspect her line. A SPLENDID MEN'S HATS AT CORNER STORE. LINE OF THE BUSY to $10. You Want to Save from $5.00 .00 on a Suit of Clothes? have just received a shipment of the famous Clothing manufactured by SCHLOSS BROS & CO. Baltimore, Maryland. This clothing is made in a lern, up-to-date building, where good light, clean ss and the best sanitary conditions obtain. The rer of a SCHLOSS BROS, suit is distinguished 8 well-groomed appearance. To get a suit of this brand means that you have the best fabric, the best fit, the best style and the best tailoring ears of experience, backed by ample means and facilities have been able t into a suit of clothes. E YOUR SOCKS INSURED? SIX PAIRS OLE-PROOF HOSIERY ARE GUARANTEED TO WEAR SIX MONTHS re the Burns agents and have just received a new consignment. Prices octly the same as you must pay In any city In the country. IE BUSY CORNER STORE Schwartz- I. Schwartz PROPRIETOR PROPRIETOR. J You will nover again bo quite as you aro today mentally or physically. Perhaps not over again will you be nble to get so "young" n photograph that looks like you as today. Visit the Sayer Studio. Mr. A. B. Whitney will occupy tho pulpit nt the Prebyterian church for tho Easter service to morrow morning. Tho choir has prepared some special music and all who attend may be sure of an interesting nnd profitable service. SEASONABLE GOODS ON DISPLAY AT THE BUSY COR NER STORE. Leonard and Emory Colo came over from Vale tho first of this week. They aro intcrerted with C. B. McConnell in tho Silver creek irrigation project These gentlemen nro nlso investigating other fensible irrigation possi bilities in this section nnd will remain hero most of the time this season. Carrol Cecil has the banner cow of Hnrnoy county. Two young heifers recently died each leaying n young calf nnd particular cow mothers her own offspring, tho two orphans, furnishes milk nnd cream for tho table and Carrol says he makes 18 pounds of but ter from her besidos. He thinks now ho is entitled to contributo to Ike Foster's booster club. Sheriff RlchnrdBon left hero Wcdnesdny having In chnrgo Ausmus Loronzcn who wns sen tenced to. three years in tho poni tcntiary for larceny. Mr. Rich ardson wns accompanied by C. F. McKinnoy and Sid Comegys and all of them will bring back now automobiles. Tho party went out by way of Prineville in Mr. Miller's car. READY TO WEAR GAR MENTS FOR LADIES AT THE BUSY CORNER STORE. Tho Mothers' Club has arrang ed for an egg rolling on tho now play grounds on Easter Monday - next Monday at two 2 o'clock. Each child Is to firnish their own eggs, not to oxcecd half dozen. "The mothers with littlo ones not in school nre Invitod to como at 2 o'clock and tho older children are expected after school hours. This invitation is general to children of all ages. Gkain Pkr Hundred i.ns:. Rolled barley - - - - $3.25 Seed - 3.25 Bran 2.75 Screenings 2.75 N. Brown & Sons. Dr. Dcnmnn's standard bred stallion Twelfth Night will make the season at Harrimnn this year. Ho is one of tho best producers on tho turf with some very fast colts to his credit Rend the ad vertisement in another column. J. C. Dodson, the Lake county cattle buyer, succeeded in secur ing quite n number of stock cattle for June delivery. Ho loft this morning for Silver creek whero ho will secure more and likely pick up some in Crook county on his way home. Dr. Mnrsdcn wns called to Wright's Point Wednesday to visit Mrs McKcen who wns ill. Tho Doctor states that dams in sloughs have put the water over the road for some distance this sido of the point, making them bad. Horsks Foit Sale Twelvo head of marcs weighing from 1250 to 1300 lbs. Ago 3 to 6 years. All broken but three young ones. Ono full blood black Percheron Btallion ago 4 years, weight 1800 lbs. G. A. McGee, Burns. Ore. Roswell Hamilton, who recent ly passed the stato examination in pharmacy, arrived homo Tues day. Mr. Hamilton is employed nt tho Grace & Bodinson drug store out at Baker but is here to resumo residence on his home stead again for a period and look after seeding his crops. Married At the homo of A. Schcnk on Inst Saturday ovoning Henry Hendricks nnd Miss Leo pnldirio Aner, Justice Piatt T, Randall ofliciating. Tho bride is a nicco of Mrs. Schcnk and has mado her homo with her aunt for somo timo. Tho young couplo will rcsido in this section. Tho Times-Herald wishes them a hnppy life. ROLLED BARLEY AT THE BUSY CORNER STORE. MARRIED-At tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarenco Lucky In this city Wcdnesduy morning Mr. Schuyler Whiting and Miss Leotn Ellen Rentfro, Rev. C W. Hol lowman of tho Baptist church performing tho ceremony. Tho brido is a Into arrival in this sec tion. Mr. Whiting belongs to n pioneer family in this county and has resided hero sinco childhood, Ho is engnged in tho stock busi ness nnd farming nnd tho young couplo will mako their homo on tho farm near this city whore they wont directly after tho cere mony. Tho Times-Horald ex tends hearty good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Whiting and hopes thoy mny havo a happy and prosperous life. UHITID 0T4TU I.1HD Omci, I liurni, Oregon, March ss, lll Notice i hereby tlren tint John N. II Klrh- ner, o( Harney, Oregon, who, on Mr a, Iiwi. inailrtioinntead etitrr Wo. sew, HctM No. ojotM. to, Townihlp a H , Itanie fur WUWU, Hrclloii 33 Km. Mlllarntllo Merlitaii. Iia nlml nollca ol Intention to make Final Hto-Year froo'. tntitabltiii claim to tho lam! ahore (lea. rtlt.e.l, before the Kcglttrr a. il Iterelvei. at lluiua. Ureioti, on the aril ilajr of May lull. Claimant nauiea aa wliiirirt . 'W. Buchanan. I II. Unite, Wn). Uatta anil I-M. Hamilton all of Harney, Oreguu. Wm Kak, Itculiler. NOTIUE POV. PUBLICATION. CxiriiuHTiinl.iXoOrrica, liurni, Oregon, March 17, 1911. Notice la hereby given that Andrew J.HMcm ol Itlley, Orraou, who, on Al.rll IB. 1707, made Uctert I.ainl Knlry, No, M, Serial No.tWiH. for MHKU. NK'.UKU. HKUNXJi, Hcctlon 34. Town, ihlp -H Houifi, Keuge v) Katt,, Mlllamrllv Mer idian, hai (lied notice of Incentlou to make rinal Proof, to r.taWl.b claim to the land aboredcecrlhed, before th Itcgitler and 1U ccWer at llurtii, Uregou, on the 'Jilt day of April, UII. I'lairna ant narura aa wittiest Irtlne CI. Havinond anil T.iI.Im Hbli.na ,.f nurm. Oregon, Kdward McDonald ami Waller rJkleni, all of Hlley, Oregon. Ww. Kaer. Hcglaler. NOTICE FOR PlTm.ICATION. lH0UTKIITIUCT-rUIIl.l(M.ANIl8AI.K. ONITKII 8TATK8 LAND OKKICK.I llurtii, Oregon, March y, Ull.l Notice li herobr elvan. that. tiir.fi..i l.v IhoCommlulonerof IheUeucral l-aud Office, under the provlaloui of tho act of Oongrcii ap proud June V7, luoo. 14 Wat ,6171. purauant to Ilia M111 Icatlon of Tboinaa I Vlckvn. Ilirnv Oregon, ferial No, 01171, we will offer at public atetothelilghcil bidder, at 10 o'clock a. in . an the 'J7lh day of April, mil. next, at thia of flee, the followlug tracts of land n?if.n;i aim as k. w. M, NWiiNEJ4.Hec. 14.T.MB..K. Ally aud all periona claiming adt eriely the eboye-deicrlbed laudi aro advlied to file their clatmt or objection! on or heforo II10 time ilea Ignated foriale. Wm. Kiaar. Itciliter XANg lu ky. llccehcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UNITED HTATKS LAND OKKICK. 1 liurni, Oregon, March S3, Ull.l Notice II hereby glecn that John I. Helm, of llarrlman. Oregon, wlio.on March IB, liar; made Keaert Land Kntry No. IHig.Herlal No. OM'A, for I .oil land V, Hcctlou SO, T,.nhln 'J I, Houili, llangoHKail, WlllametlK Meridian, haa filed notice of intention to ake Klnal Proof, to eitahllah claim to the land aboro dcecrlbrd tloro Ihs Iteglater and llecchor, at Uurt.a, or egou, on tin Mb day of May lull Claimant uamea aa wlinciien William E. dray, Alfred II. Curry. Ira U. Ulark and ltoy Xellogg all of llarrlman.Orcgon. Wm, raHg, Keglater. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IMOLATKDTlUCT-l'UDMOUNnSAI.K Umtkii Htti iJNDOrnri. 1 liurni. Oregon, March B, 110, Notice la hereby given, that aa directed by the Commltiloucr of thedeneral LaudOMce, under the prorliloua of tho act of Congren ap. proqed June 27, lfcW 184 Wat,, 417). purauant to iho application of Kdlth. Kiuioin, Mill Oily, Oregon, Herlal No. OlnM, we will otter at public tale tolhshlgheil bidder. at 10 o'clock a. in., ou the 2.1th day of April, lull, neit at thli office the following tracla ol land: totil aud 4. Boo. SI. and NK)iNKK,Scc.S?, r. So 8 K. K W. M. ' Any aud all periona Claiming advenely the aboro-daicrlbed landi aro advlied to fllo (heir clalini or objecllouiou or before Ihe time de. Ignated for tale, Wm. FiRRit, ltcgliler. ramie IUvrv, Itei'olver. CONTEST NOTICE. l'NITICl)HrTI l.iNiiOrtua 1 lluriia, Orvgou, April 4, 1VU, Frlokeof liurni, Oregon, Contra- To Albert J teat You aro hereby notified that l.lnjd II Culp whoglvvi liurni, Oregon, aa hli poit-ot!lceac. dreat. dldon Adrll 4th, lull, rile In tlilaoitlco hli duly corroborated appllcallou to coliteit end lecure the canrollatlouof your llomeitead Kntry, Herlal No. u&VMuiede Aoguit Si, lvoi, for DiOi uior.'4ui auriiou 40 aim iuv fiii Of StM Set lion SS. Towuihln 24 H.. Itanee a!u. K, Willamette Meridian, and as ground! lor hlaconlvitue allege! that Albert I. Krlcko hai wliolly abandoned eaid entry and liaa failed to reilde upon, Improved or cultivate the lame for rooro linn ilx moutha neat prior to thli date. You are, therofoio, further no, Hied that (ho aid allegallona will be taken b Ihla office aa having beeu coufrned by )Ou, and your Mid eutry will be cameled thereunder without your furtner right to bo heard therein, either Iwfora thlaofllceorou appeal, If you fall to tile lu lull oil Ice wllhlii twenty day after thu KOUHTII publication of thu notice, aa iliowu below, your autwer. under oath, veclllcally meeting and reipoudliig lo thrao allegullona of conteit, or If you fall wlihln that tlino to II lo lu this olllca duo proof that you have iered a copy of your auaner on the aald rouientant elluer In pertuu or by registered mall. If thli orvlce la mailu by a delivery of a copy of jour auawerto the nonteatant fn poraon, proof of uoh service muitbe either Ilia aald coutri' tai.l'a written aoknowledemeut ol hla rarulnt of Ih copy, thawing the date of Hi rcrelnt.or the affidavit of the pe-aou by whom the dellv ory waamaoeiiaiingwiienann wiiereuiecopy wai delivered! If maueby reglitered mall, proof of auch lervlce must oouslit of the affidavit of the person by whom the copy waa mailed, stat ing whenand the ptistoirtce to which It was mailed and thli affidavit muit be aooomnanl. ed by the 1 oatmatter'a receipt for the letter. You ihoulditatoln your autwer the name of the pott office to which you deilru future notice! to be leut to you, Wm. nnai, ltegliter. lialeol flut publication April 8, mi, ' " aooond " ;' 14, " " " third ' " W, " 1 fourth " " SO, MK,rrMI The Small Depositor OF today is the large one of the future. More people would be depositors with this Bank if they realized how it would help conserve their resources. THIS Bank welcomes checking accounts with those who wish to maintain fair average balances. HARNEY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK of Burns Controlled and Owned bi Home People. DRVGS- 5 THE WELCOME PHARMACY I 'TYEARS experience in the Drug Busi- ness. We have no dead stock Our goods are clean and new. When you buy your drugs from us you can rest assured that they are pure, fresh and will have the effect which your doctor desires. You can also find new and up to date Stationery, Fresh Candies, Domestic and Imported Cigars, Rub ber Qoods, Fancy Soaps, Pipes, Etc S7V1 TIONER Y 2 1 Si SAVE TIME MONEY MUSCLE The Working Capacity is Enormous of the FARM Pump Engine Always on the hustle; a tireless worker, that needs no boss. It tackles any task; cuts hours to minutes; cuts cost to pennies; cuts out the wear and tear on muscles; keeps men from becoming machines; pays handsome daily in cash saved and work performed. The engine will pump sufficient water in less than half hour for the average family's daily use at a cost of notmorethan three fourths of a cent Fits Any Standard Pump Pumps 400 to 1,009 Gallons per Hour Tell Us about your requirements, we can meet them; if interested in Larger Engines ask for catalogue of FULLER & JOHNSON'S Double Efficiency Engines. W. T. SMITH Agent for Harney County There is only one good place to go for GOOD DRUGS, STATIONERY, CIGARS, BOOKS, CONFECTIONERY,, and TOILET ARTICLES REED BROS. DRUGSTORE Tho store maintained and operated for your con venience and satisfaction. One that you can rely on at all times. The City Drug Store REED BROi., Proprietors 'J t i t t taVt --',- -''.'-- kVtV!,1 Harney Vallky Brewery Saloon JENKINS & KAISER, Proprietors WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Best and most popular brands LOCAL BEER ON TAP Courteous and obliging bar tenders CHAS. KAISER, Mgr. - Burns. Oregon THE TIMES-HERALD Job Printing.