The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 15, 1911, Image 2

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Schenk Brothers
Merchant Tailors and Outfitters
Burns, Oregon. Odd Fellows Bldg-
Now on Display, Including
Suits, Hats, Shoes,
Underwear, Shirts,
Collars, Cuffs, Ties
Newest Styles in Straw Hats
Panamas, Crush Dicers, etc
We carry the B. V. D. Under
wear in Union and Two Piece.
Ing tho routo nro simply bom
bnrdod with tho beautiful rosea.
To mid to tho chnrm and interest
of tho spccUiclo, tho spectators
usually cngngo in a Rosa Bat
tle" pelting tho young women
with tho flowers after thoy havo
been showered in tho streets.
fflbe Wiw3$txM.
SATURDAY. Al'KH, 15,1911.
One Year ...
Blx ilonlh.
Threo Month
1! "
After reading the outside pa
pers The Times-Herald man finds
that Harney county was not
singled out by the weather man
for the dose given us the first of)
this week. The storm covered
the entire country with snow
and ice at Portland, Med ford
and other supposed favored sec
tions. Harney county has not
been damaged as these more for
tunate neighbors as vegitation
was not so far advanced here
and now that "spell" has passed 'and
we may expects crops to go for
ward in a Very satisfactory way.
The only real damage the cold
storm has done, if any, is a iws
sible loss to sheepmen who are
lambing. We have heard of no
loss, however, and perhaps none
have occurcd.
Max Plath is on his homestead
in V. V. ho had some plowing
dono and is preparing to do some
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. LcMay
entertained a few friends on
Saturday evening, April 8, those
present being: Viola and Hazel
Cobb, Margaret LoMay, Mr. artd
Mrs. Hoffcditz and daughter
Florence, W. R. Gckeler, Arthur
Whitney, Thos. Raycraft and
Fred Black. All spent n very
enjoyable evening.
There will bo a meeting nt tho
Valley View school houso on
Sunday April 1G for the purpose
of organizing a Sunday School.
Mr. Whitney will assist us in
this work. Everyone is cordially
The Grange had a rousing
meeting on Saturday, April 8,
enrolled 9 new members
Saturday, April 22, 1011, at 10
o'clock a. m. in Burns tho fol
lowing articles will bo sold to tho
highest biddor for cash:
Threo mares nnd b!x geldings,
all broken, weighing from 1100
to 1300 lbs each.
Fivosotaof harness, practically
Ono pump with 14 feet of pipe.
One 31 inch Studebnkcr wagon.
Ono spring wagon.
Doublo trees, single trees, a
log chain.
Ono Chicago steel range and
kitchen utensils.
Ono mattress.
Ono table.
Ono gallon oil.
W. T. Smith, Auctioneer.
The census enumerator found
but 904 actual residents of Burns,
at the time of taking the census I
last year. We have more people I
but when some have homesteads
and others who make their
home here during nine or ten
months in the year who havei
ranches were perhaps enumerat- which
making a total of 3G for the two
meeting's wo installed ofliicers,
appointed committees and havo
everything in working order.
Mis3 Hclcnc Swain spent Sat
urday and Sunday at their home
in Burns.
Miss Ella Johnson who is at
tending school in Burns visited
with friends in Valley View last
Jack RAnniT.
ed in other sections. It is safe
to say Burns has a population of
1200 as we have always claimed
The famous Bronco squeezer
Dick Otley passed through Valley
View on his way to Lawen, Fri
day, he figured on passing the
school houseabout noon, but sad
to say Dick's Waterbury was
81T' LuC v?iSSCd f CinK t,1C train comprising six cars is head,
sholars. (Tho b.g ones.) L by a spccial containing a
C. E. LoMay, Fred Black and) large band and as the proccs
State Grange organizer W. R. Bion travels through the streets,
Gekeler left for Burps on Moo-! tho thousands of pedestrians lin-
"Showcr of Roses," in
millions of rosebuds,
blooms and petals aro hurled
from a train of street cars by
200 young women in white and
which has becomo one of the
notable events of the annual
Portland Rose Festivalis to be
repeated again this year, proba
bly two and possibly threo days
of the Festival week, June 5-10.
People of tho East, and for
that matter, very few in this
section of tho country havo ever
seen a spectacle like this. Tho
We Have Opened Offices in the New Masonic
Building in Burns, and are Prepared
TA Furnish Accurate, Reliable
" and Complete Abstracts of
Title to all Lands in Harney Co.
Buy and Sell Real Estate in
Large and Small Tracts.
TO Wrrte Fire ,ns"rance in the
"strongest Old Line Comp'ies
HpA Loan Money on Improved
" Real Estate, and to Execute
Conveyances of all kinds.
All Business Intrusted To Ua Will Receive
Prompt and Careful Attention.
Rooms 4 and 5 Musonic Building.
Two of Mr. and Mrs. Needles
little children havo been ill this
Foil Rent A fivo room cot
tago on tho Hill. Inquire nt this
auu auiu iiuiiuiiu ui iiiuj..
L. S. Co. started for Mnlheur
points this morning in his auto.
Work horses for salo weighing
from 1200 to 1500 lbs. four to six
years old. I. M, Davis, Drewsey
Dr. Griffith nnd John Gember
ling are trying their luck with
fthe trout on the upper Poison
crook today.
J. E. Johnson, nn experienced
harness horse man, arrived here
Sunday with a now trotting filly
recently purchased by P. G.
Smith out at Payette. She is a
high bred animal and should be
fleet. Mr. Johnson will remain
hero for the season and will hnve
charge of a string of horses nt
tho fair grounds.
R. D. Cooper and M. V. Dodge,
tne civil engineers in the em
ploy of C. B. McConnclI and his
associates have been out assisting
in tho work of gaging the run
ofT of various streams. They are
in getting acquainted with their
wives nnd stato that tho cold
weather of tho first of this week
caused a check in tho flow but
there is yet a great deal of snow
and n few warm days will again
start the water down.
Roy Bunyard and wife enmo
down from Harney lost Saturday
afternoon in company with Chns.
Loggan in his auto. That is Roy
considered it an auto at the
start, but beforo reaching Burns
he thought it a very common
kerosene wagon. We have for
gotten the number of times the
tires punctured and other mis
haps thoy were numerous and
Roy thought ho could beatit with
a team. However after reach
ing town and ho saw Sheriff
Richardson, Roy lays all tho
blamo on Charley's driving.
Dr. Griffith has somo practice
Sunday afternoon as a chauffeur,
taking Tho Times-Herald forco
out to Poison creek in his auto.
Of course one should not go fish
ing on Sunday and that possiblo
was responsible for tho wcater
and for a tiro to puncture. Tho
experience was novel for all con
cerned and tho Doctor's reputa
tion both as a driver and surgeon
on punctured tires is established.
Tho entiro party-including tho
Doctor were tired of riding nt
tho head of the grade leading
down to the Byrd ranch, therefore
we walked down. Coming homo
wo faced a blizzard and then it
was that Dr. Griffith showed his
skill at tho stcaring wheel for
tho snow blinded us nnd it was
necessary to give tho machino a
certain brand of "con talk" to
make it stay in tho road.
Miss Helen Purington enter
tained tho Senior and Junior high
school classes at her homo last
evening. Thero wero sovcral
novel and cnjoynblo features
among them being nn observa
tion party in which each young
man was permitted to converse
with a each young lady for a
period and later all went
into an adjoining room where
each wrote n description of tho
young lady with whom ho con
versed last Gus Bardwell won
tho prize. Tho young ladies had
to do a similar "stunt" nnd Miss
Eula McKinnon was awarded
tho prize. Lator in an other
game tho prizo was awarded to
Miss.Bessio Swain. Tho nlaco
Then Find the Way to John Day Wheat
Fields From Mnlheur Canyon.
To The Emtek:
Wo notlco in tho Oregoninn of
tho 12th Inst that James J. Say
er "leaves Portlaud today as an
envoy of tho 'Oregon Dovolop
ment LcnRue' to preach progress
in Central Oregon."
And in so doing ho will travol
"across tho plains of Eastern
Oregon through tho Malheur Can
yon, into tho wheat fields of tho
John Day country."
It Is to bo hoped ho mny get
into tho wheat fields of Harney
Valley on his travels as, ho will
then see somo wheat fields.
Of course wo will recolvo
brothor Saycr with open arms
and opon houso and show him
somo country tho liko which ho
will not sco either on his way
hither or thither.
Ho will also learn ns others be
fore him that nil tho preaching
by all tho preachers hero and
there will not develop this big
country with out a railroad.
Wo havo a live energetic and
highly intcligont Commercial
Club, wo can display thousands
of letters from outsillo points
which hnyc been truthfully an
swerod and which havo failed to
bring sottlers for tho ono renson
"no railroad" transportation.
Wo cannot expect settlers to
enter n country where rail roads
fail to build, you can preach to
them that it is necessary for set
tlement to induco railroads to
build nnd they will turn from
you in scorn, It requires somo
ncrvo for a poor devil of a Bottler
to resist tho talcs of tho cordon
of knockers which nlmost sur
rounds this vast region. Thoy
can get through on a rail road
but not otherwise.
Wo will be glad to moot Bro.
Sayer and listen to him preach
but what wo need is railroad con
struction. Lnst year, tho worst in this
section's history, a farmer eight
miles east of Burns, out in tho
so called "dry section" cleared
$15.00 per acre from ICO acres of
grain as his sharo of tho rent,
nnd this without irrigation on
ordinary sago brush land his
tenant knows how to farm bo
called "dry lands." We know
tho foregoing to bo absolutely
true-also that wo huvo millions
of ncres of such land, somo for
the taking up, somo for salo at
from $15 to $30 per acre, and yet
in Hnrney county nlono nn cm-
piro containing upwards of six
million ncres of land has but
about four thousand population.
Wo havo spent thousands in
advertising and I remember
about ten years ngo an emmigra
tion agent of ono of the great
railroad systems wrote for data
of this country; this letter was
handed me for answer; I wrote
giving all tho information asked,
invited tho gentlcmnn to como
in and verify my statement, nnd
ndded I anticipate your answer,
you are too far from railroad
transportation.,' Ho replied,
saying, "1 was. right, but wo
would soon havo railroads."
Let us pray. (5. C.
In the Juitlcc Court of llurns I'rccluct,
Hnrney County, Oregon.
A. J, I'niienger, plaintiff
Mike TliomeU, riefenrinnd
To Mike Tliomels, the nbove named
In the name of the State of Otcjjon,
you are hereby required to nppenr nnd
answer the complaint filed ngalnit you
In the nburc entitled action, on or 1efure
the last day of the time preicrllwd In the
order of publication of thli tummoni, to '
wit: on or before Ma 1, 1011, nld date
being the expiration of Mx weeks from)
the first publication of this summons, '
and II you fall to io appear nnd nniwer
the plaintiff, for want thereof, will nsk I
that you suffer Judgment to lc taken
against you In the sum of $85.00 with
Interest thereon nt the rate of H percent,
per aim. from March 31, 1010; J2G.00
attorney fee; $48.00 with Interest there
on at the rate of 0 per cent, per mm. from
June 1, 1010, and costs nnd .disburse
ments. This summons Is published by order of
I'lntt T. Kandall, Justice of the I'ence of
the above court, made nnd entered
March 10,1011, nnd the date of the
first publication here of la March 11,
O. A. Knunou), I'lffs. Atty.
Pi.attT. Kaniiaw,, Justice.
ilurm, OtcKoii, Marob OT, lull
Notlco 1 hrrclijr siren that, aa dlrcctnl br
lusuominiMionsrni ma usuiirai iuq uuicu,
under tho iirorUlotu ot Ilia Act ol CunsriM !
provrd Juuo 7. 1WXJ 1st Hlatra,, BIT) miriuaiit
to Ilia application of Klltabolli Mldrilcloii,
llarilm n. Oirron. Berlat No. 0147. wo will
oltar at publloaala to tlmhliclirtt blditer, at 10
o'clock. in., on Ilia liinaroi Mar, ivu, next
at this dim , the following tract ol land
WMHWM, Kc. 31. T. VI H , It, S3 K and IM ,
8f0.4,T.i?. H n. tt K.W.M.
Any and all nersona claiming adrurtoly tint
abort dtacrlbed land) aradrlal lonietholr
claim or objection! mi or before the lliuo dealt
uatad lor tale.
Ww ims, itexUteri:
Km nn IHrav. Ileevtrrr.
New Line oi Spring Collars, New Barrettes,
Rushings. Combs, Hand Bags,
ew Designs In Ladies' Silk Undervests
Jm sm
sflkaHr y Jm JsflT Lm. S M SM r T a;W
BaBaS Hh Bpy baHs1 kaBaV91 " BaW BTb 4bwB 9SJbbbV y
V. O. Dll.LAIlll
Kannerlr Ant. Knttlncer
InU.H. Iteclaiuailon Her
A. O. 1'aui.knkii
Formerly Chief Hi"
slneer ol Unite A
Wrslrru lly.
Eastern Oregon Engineering
Barns, Oregon
(iwrun Toon, Proprietor.
Nuu location on side utreol rant ol tho
Harm))' County National Hank
Bakery In connection.
A Specially of Short Orders.
Tnblo fiimirihetl with tivnryllilng
the market nfTonlri Your pntroic
Trial Record at Threo Years Old 2:1 2K
Sire Of
Knight of Strathmore 2:05K
Mark Night 2: 1 OX
Sire Two Hundred Standard Performers
Wanted in Townships near
Engineer In Charge the Oregon Ilgdro-
Electric Engineering Compang
MISS RITA::::2:08X
Dam of five in the list; she held the world
record as a three venr old
Knight of Strathmore was tho fastest four yenr old pacer out
in 1910; ho also holds the worlds record for a colt of his ago over
half milo track.
Twelfth Night is said to ho hy good judges tho host son of tho
mighty Onward; ho is a chestnut 15.5 hands high; weight 1200
pounds. He will he in stud at Harnman for the season of 1911.
Dr. Grifflth was called to tho
Street place on Buck creek Mon
day afternoon to see a gentleman
hy tho name of Clrnso who was
suffering from an infected hand
caused hy running a splinter into
tho thumb. Ho brought tho
patient back with him in his
auto and ho is improving. Tho
high wind and storm that night
made tho trip rather unpleasant.
Job printing-Tho Times-Horald
Terms: $30.00 with return priv
ilege if mare proves not in foal.
Mares pastured and cared for free
of oharge. Further particulars write
H. DENMAN Harnman, Oregon
Everything Under the Sun and Seldom
Notice ol Sheriff Sslc la Foreclosure.
cards wero pen sketches of each
ono present drawn by Armond
Auamua and Alien Borden, thoy
wore vory attractlvo and woll
gotten up. Refreshments wero
Notlco Is horoby clvun tliat intilur nnd
by vlrtno ol nn exocutlon In foreclosure
duly Isstiot by the Clerk ol the Circuit
Court ol tho County ol Iliirnoy, BUta ot
urcgon, iiftlou tiiu Mtli My ol April,
1011, In a rortnln suit In tho Circuit
Court for said County nnd Stiito, where
In A. II. Uimimiu nn plaintiff, recovered
Judginout nunlnat Oscnr Ilaldwln, tho
defendant, for tho sum o( f 117(1 6-1 with
10 por rout. Intoroit from April 7th 1011,
nnd for f 10(1.00 attorneys' foes nnd for
his costH nnd dlabiirsuiuonU tnied nt
t:i3.80 on Urn 7th dny of April; nnd
wherein It woh further ordered nnd de
creed that tho mortgaged property, to
Lota 0 nnd -I nnd tho HKVi of tho BW
of Hoc 30, Twp, 21 H., IIaiikoSS It, W. M.
bo sold nci'ordlnK to Inw to natlafy the
Judgment of plaintiff, mid that tho sur
plus, If any nltur tho nnyment of plain
lllf's Judgment, bo npplled on the Judtf-
ment of the defendant J. Q, Cnntrlll,
I will, in pumunuco of anld order and
decree, on the 15th day of May, 1011, at
the hour of i) o'clock 1. M nt tho front
door of tho Court House In Hums, Har
ney County, Oregon, sell nt pulillo auc
tion to ho highest biddor for cash the
following duacrlbod property, to. wit:
Lota 3 nnd 4 nnd tho 8KJ of tho BV
of Ben. 30, twp. ai H,', Itnngo U6 K, W.
Duloil ut Iliirim, Oregon, the 14th day
of April, 1011.
A, K. IticiunuaoK,
Sheriff, llarnuy County, Oregon
Hy Hyhon TiauiLL, Deputy,
The Standard Bred Stallion
Trial. 2:20
Will Stand the Season of 1911
Elliott Barn, Burns, Oregon
PROORliSS, No. -H59 Is n mahogany hay standing 16 hands
high. ircd by Diablo, 11404; siro of Sir Albert S 2:032; Sir John
S 2:041; Clipper 2:0G; Diabollta 2:081. Nino others in less than
2,10. nnd cloven others bettor than 2:25. Dam Romember Mo, by
Waldstein, 125G7.
Bertha, grandmother of Progress, is tho mother of nineteen
..ii. ii ! ii. . if.... mi. . r !...(, i -. ji ii ..
tuiia uii in uiu iibu j. no Winn nor mxiconui coic was floiu ns a
grcon pacer nt $10,000. In his threo-yenr-old form ho made a
rocord of 2:10.
Terms to Insure $20
GEORGE D. HAGEY, Burns, Ore.
Now's the Time to Pet Ready to Put in Cn
WB HAVE p,0WSj Harr()WSy
Seeders, Wind Mill
Pumps, Hose, Scrapers,
Wagons, Hack
Buggies and Carts.
Imported German Coach
Tho undersigned having purchased tho interest of J, 1 Fnrrn
in tho woll known Coach Stallion, Huldiat, No, 2853, wishos to nn
nounco that ho will stand this season nt tho Vnrien log houso placo.
All contracts of last season nro to bo settled with him.
Buddist is tho siro of tho highest priced colta in Hnrnoy countv
except standard bred speciuls and his got speaks for his qualities
as a siro,
PaBturo and caro for mares on tho placo.
Terms to Insure $20
0. L, SHINGLEDECKER, Burns, 0.
Tri T T.jl -
jLnv joumuus notary Jtiarit
to Attach to Sulky or
(rang Plows
Come In and See Us Before Buyil
Young's Meat Market & Grocei
Reserved, seats should bo so
cured without dolay for tho ex
ceptional high class evening at
tho Photo-Play houso Mondny,
April 17. Ticket ofllco opon each
afternoon from 1 to 3 o'clock.
Tickets nro also on salo at Reed's
Drug Store.
In cases of rheumatism
from pain makes sleep iindl
possible. This may be obUl
by applying Chamberlain's 1
mont. For salo by all good i
Butterick Patterns at
burtr. Da ton & Cn Lv
' V