The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 15, 1911, Image 1

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Slic (Srcnt Unnicjj attitirn
Cowrn an nrcn of 0,428,800 urn ol
land, 4,0.11,1)51 ncrcs yet vacant. inllii-cl
to entry under tlio public land laws ol
tho United Ptnlca.
Tho Ofllctal TAper of IUrnoy County
Iim the Urgoit clrcuUtlon and It ono ot
ho belt aJvcrtlilng modicum In Kailern
NO 22.
eplies to Former Communication
Regarding Local Conditions
lRNEY COUNTY NEEDS ROADS Thn (lnd Hnnri in tlin Pvrwill Whn.TTftVC Come
If to Help Develop Great Resources Welcomes The
If r"l,niicrnr1 f!nnfHfinrm That Railroads will Bnntr.
would Hko to say n few words
eply to tho "Old Timer" who
le his nnnearancc in me
ies-Herald two or three weeks
le said something to thp effect
;if the "Old Timers would
'advertising Harney Valley
'belly-aching about wanting
iilroad they would be better
fell, that knocked tho socks
f me because I am an 'old
6r;" have been hero for over
lty years and I want n rail-
but I never had a genuine
Mly ache" until this spring.
file suffering with la griggo I
dose of medicine in the
and got into the wrong bot-
don't see how he ever found
it, but I'll swear to the fact
I took less interest in rail-
matters during that next
lty-four hours than I had
iously done in four years.
admit we have prospered and
in a way, but oft times its
a darned poor way. I never
hungry unless my horse
ied me too far from head
rters between meals I say
Iquarters because I have
er had a home in Harney Val-
?nnd but few of us have. We
of this valley have built
ib for our wives and babies,
ided them with the nccessa-
! life and visited with them
lever we couia leave me
the ranches, the sheep or
ffreight teams.
it children seem more civi-
than we; they clamor for an
ition and we send them
to study; I hope the time
soon come when our children
.have all educational advan-
j3 at home.
iey do not seem as enthusias-
sver the life on the plains as
have been; they turn their
flea loose and go off to some
(cultural college leaving us
rheumatic sports to look after
cattle and write out checks
lich are never cashed in Har-
Valley. ) Well, I'm glad they
there's lots of booze around
round-ups, and our boys
't the constitution required
ght" the stuff that we had.
ly menu tninKs that we uo
need many new peoplo in
icy Valley." This idea of
t situation reminds me of two
i girls who were riding the
horse when one said fret-
"I think that if one of us
get off I could ride much
er." Uf course, I admit that
of us would get out and
rest of us stay out I could
cattle much easier; but if I
't run cattle in Harney Valley
ic else can, and if any ono
make a living without
so can I.
am glad of the change which
ey is making and I ex-
tho "glad hand" to those
have recently come in to
us develop tho resources of
country and share with us
ire or success. I read of a
itist who devoted his time to
liscovery of a drug which
injected in the blood would
itcract disease and old age;
Btwhcn he was certain of
ess ho brought home a vial of
-saving fluid and said to
irife, "let us vaccinate our-
now that wo may live nl
" "What!" his wife ex-
led, "do you think I want
fo always and always live
you?" Not many of us
I want to live always if we
that we would always have
vo in Harney Valley just as it
. Twenty years is certain-
ig enough for a man to stay in
addle; 1 noticed tho last time
lorse threw mo that I didn't
ip as quickly as I use to, A
i of tho boys wero there and
began to laugh as soon as
they saw that I was still breath
ing thoy said I wont off so com
ical. I felt too bad to laugh,
was ashmed to cry and didn't
have breath enough to fight Ono
of tho fellows brought mo a hat
full of muddy water and I washed
the blood from my face and went
Allow mo to quote in a con
densed form a few words from
tho U. S. Geological Survey:
"On account of its great areas of
plateau it may be that as has
been found true in tho Middle
West when the limited areas of
arablo land havo been brought
under cultivation and are pro
ducing crops of alfalfa, grain
and other feed; many more head
of stock will bo marketed than
when tho entire region was un
restricted range; the rapid influx
of settlers promises to make
farming much more important
than it is at present
"While the remoteness of tho
region from railroads limits tho
market for farm produce to the
amount required for local con
sumption, and until a ready out
lot to wider markets is obtained
tho development of tho country
can not bo expected to proceed
very rapidly."
I was proud of our county
court when thoy took a step to
wards the establishment of an
experiment station hero and I
will do what I can in my own
little way to help develop this
valley and convert its wild plains
into homes and homes thoy will
'be when we irrigate this parch
ing waste with tho bountiful
waters of the Silvies river and
Malheur Lake.
A Progressive Old Timer.
Forest fires, one of the great
est sources of destruction to tho
most valuable resources of tho
state, will soon be restricted and
their terrors largely reduced if
the peoplo will co-operate with
the State Forester in tho admin
istration of the now forestry law
enacted by tho last legislature,
which will bo ready for distribu
tion in pamphlet form in the near
One of the most important pro
visions of the law is that making
a closed season for burning from
Juno 1 to October 1, during which
period outdoor fires of all kinds
are prohibited except under most
stringent regulations and the
probability of heavy penalties.
In this connection the State
Forester urges upon every one tho
necessity of doing all possible
burning before the closed season
begins and thus savo tho troublo
and risk of doing it by permis
sion during that season of great
est danger when fire spreads so
easily and rapidly.
The State Forester desires tho
assistance and co-operation of
every ono in tho protection of
property from forest, grass or
brush fires, and to this end in
vites suggestions and informa
tion calculated to assist in any
manner in tho performance of
his most important duties. Copies
of tho law will bo promptly fur
nished to all who desiro them.
Requests and communications
addressed to F. A. Elliott, State
Forester, Capitol Building.Salein,
will receivo prompt and appre
ciative attention.
"Our baby cries for Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy," writes
Mrs. T. B. Kcndrick, Rasaca, Ga.
"It is tho best cough remedy on
tho market for coughs, colds and
croup," For sale by all good
Call at Schenk Bros, and ceo
tho now Panama hats,
Subordinate Lodge, Rcbekahs nnd En
campment Join In Dig Time.
Invitations nro out for a big
colobration on April 2C, that bo
ing tho ninoty-second anniver
sary of tho founding of Odd
fellowship in tho United States.
Harney Lodgo, No 77, Sylvia
Rebokah Lodgo, No. 43 and
Piuto Encampment No. 38 hnvo
all joined in tho invitation to
Odd Follows and their families
to meet in tho Odd Follow build
ing on that dato for n reunion
nnd celebration of tho founding
of the order.
Tho local lodges havo deter
mined upon this celebration be
ing an annual affair and that the
initial celebration bo ono that
will bring tho members of the
order closer togothqr in a frater
nal way and will give added in
terest to tho organizations and
make them want to como again.
Tho general committeo of ar
rangements consists of Archie
McGowan, Byron Terrill nnd
Arthur Horton. This committeo
is arranging an excellent program
for the entertainment and in
struction for thoso who attend.
It will be of a nature that each
guest will feel repaid for atten
dance. Among tho features will
bo a street parade headed by the
band between 3 and 4'o'clock in
the afternoon if tho weather is
good. Tho literary nnd musical
program in tho lodgo room in
tho evening will bo followed by a
dancing party and banquet The
largo lodge room has been pro
vided with a canvass covering
for tho carpet on which those
who desire may dance. Tho
banquet will bo served in the
spacious dining room across tho
hall from tho lodgo room.
Tho threo organizations having
the affair in chnrgo havo n largo
membership, and besides nil thoss
in good Btanding in the order not
affiliating with tho local lodges
aro invited which means nn ad
ditional attendance of n large
number of now people who have
recently arrived in this section.
Tho eclcbrntion and entertain
ment is restricted to only mem
bers of tho organizations and
their families and promises to bo
a most enjoyable affair.
Tho following dispatch from
San Francisco appeared in tho
Sunday Oregenian: Property
rights of over $25,000,000 which
have involved Henry Miller,
multi-millionaire land owner nnd
stockman of tho wealthy firm of
Miller & Lux, and the 121 heirs
of tho late Charles Lux in litiga
tion for several years, wore set
tled in a judgment handed down
in tho Superior Court today by
Judgo Scawell.
By tho decree Miller & Lux,
incorporated under tho laws of
Nevada and succcesors to Miller
& Lux, a California corporation,
is declared to be the owner of all
of tho property of tho latter in
California and Nevnda and en
titled to tho possession, subject
only to tho terms of a deed of
trust to tho Mercantile Trust
Company of San Francisco, mado
by tho California corporation
July 1, 1910, to sccuro tho pay
ment of a certain bond issue.
It Is further declared that nono
of tho heirs of tho late Charles
Lux or any other porson or per
sons, except under tho trust deed,
other than tho stockholders in
tho Miller & Lux Novada corpor
ation, has any right titlo or in
terest in tho property now de
creed to bo owned by tho Novada
For moro than four years there
has been a fight in tho courts to
provent a transfer of tho Cali
fornia interests of tho multi
millionaire corporation of Miller
& Lux to tho Nevada corporation.
Whon n medicino must bo given
to young children it Bhould bo
pleasant to tako. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is mado from loaf
sugar, and tho roots used in its
preparation givo it a flavor sim
ilar to maplo syrup, making it
pleasant to tako. It has no supe
rior for colds, croup and whoop
ing cough. For salo by nil good
Chief Engineer Stradley of Harriman
System Quoted as Authority
Work Expected From West as Soon ns Road Reaches
Prineville and Road to Reach Burns Finally To
Extend Into Valley FromEast without Cessation.
Pacific Stock and Poultry food
at tho Lunnburg, Dal ton & Co.
Department Store.
"Wo'ro going ahead with rail
road construction f rom Vale some
timo before or on July 1st wheth
er tho Oregon Western Coloniza
tion Co. givos us a right-of-way
or not" said Right-of-way Agent
Carl Stradloy to a representative
of- tho Enterprise, whilo in tho
city lust Wednesday. With Mr.
Stradloy was Attorney II. W.
Strong of tho ofllco of Judgo
Cotton, couubcI for tho Oregon
Washington Rnilrond & Naviga
tion Co., who was hero to start
condemnation proceedings. After
tho suit was filed in tho circuit
court President W. P. Davidson
met the railroad men in this city
on WcdncBdny and after a long
consultation no agreement over
right-of-way was made. The
statement of Stradley was made
at tho station before leaving for
Ontario where ho was to have a
final mooting with Mr. Davidson.
As tho result tho condemnation
proceedings will bo rushed
through this torm of circuit court
which convenes this month.
Tho above paragraph was
clipped from tho Inst Issue of the
Vale Enterprise nnd has tho
stamp of boing straight goals.
Later tho Ontario Argus says
President Davidson of tho Ore
gon & Westorn Colonization Co.
granted tho railroad peoplo per
mission to cross tho company
lands west of Vale.
Indications have been favora
ble to tho extension for sometime
nnd it is not a surpriso to thoso
who have been watching tho
preparations. It means a road
nearer tho Harney country nnd
possibly into tho vnlloy without
stopping. By beginning July 1 it
will bo almost impossible to reach
this valley this year but it will put
tho lino so near that next season
it will reach us earlyand wo pre
dict that active work from tho
west on a line to meet tho con
struction gang from tho cast will
begin cither from Bend or n con
tinuation of the proposed line to
Prineville. If tho Inttcr it will
bo a Hill road that will follow up
the timber lino to a certain ex
tent near the Road Grant lands
nnd will como over tho divide in
tho Emigrant creek country down
Silvies River.
Wo also predict that tho Great
Northern will run regular trains
over tho lino cast through Mal
heur canyon.
Wo print below tho experience
of Willinm Martens, a German
former, of near Chadron, Ne
braska, as related by himself in
tho March number of Campbell's
Sciohtific Farmer. Mr. Martens
has for soven years "dry farmed"
successfully, and last year tho
most discouraging and unfavor
able ono of them all made tho
largest returns. If this is possi
ble where tho climatic conditions
nro moro unfavorable than any
thing wo know about it Buroly
will bo worth tho effort in re
turns for moro of our farmers
and homesteaders to practice the
"drv farm system." Tho rain
fall avorago at Chadron is fiftcon
inches. Read what Mr. Martens
You will liko' to know about tho
local weather conditions. It was
the worst dry and blowing sea
son tho old Bottler can remem
ber in twenty-five years, and
everybody wishes it nover "will
como back again.
Now, to tho question of ..culti
vation undor careless farming.
The average farm in this vicinity
is covered with Russian thistles.
On account of its long root sys
tem tho thistles draws lots, of
moisturo and plant food, and the
crops Buffer when thoy are ripe
and tho wind starts to roll them
I get my share of seed, even
when I spend lots of money and
timo to keep them out If it was
not for this evil I would bo able
to show n greater success the last
Bovcn years. After I cut my
grain the thistles get moro sun
light nnd in four weeks I am un
able to plow them under. On the
surrounding fields they stop grow
ing for the moisture is exhausted.
I visited one of my neighbors in
early part of last April. I took
the spado and dug down about
four rods from tho road in tho
stubble field nnd to my surprise
I only found fifteen inches of
moisture. The next day I dug
on a piece of fall plowing, on
which I had raised Bixty bushels
of seed oats, when the surround
ing fields only yielded fifteen to
twenty-eight bushels. On this
field I found thirty inches of
moisturo with moro present at
the samo depth than I found in
the stubblo ground. On account
of so mnny bright windy days in
February and March I expected
a dry summer, and so I was aw
ful careful With tho stubble
ground, which I intended to plant
to corn nnd so I employed a new
method as soon ns the wind went
down. I raked nnd burned the
Russian thistles, nnd gave tho
ground a single disking and or
dered a boy to harrow it with a
spike tooth, light harrow, mndo
out of rake teeth, which run ono
and one-half inches apart, to
make a tight mulch to conscrvo
tho moisture nnd mnko the thistle
seed sprout About tho middle
of May I disked it back again,
tho thistles cumo nearly as thick
as bluo grass, and then I followed
it again with a harrow to make a
tight mulch. I loft a rod on the
south sido nnd when I used tho
lister plow on the 28th of May in
this strip. It was to hard and
dry to got the lister plow in tho
ground, and it was hard to keep
tho thistles down all summer.
About a rod and a half along the
fenco where cattloand horses run
up and down in tho winter time
it was harder to work right in
tho start nnd somowhnt drier,
but tho wecdor followed tho plow
to mnko ridges fino nnd tho slices
fell down in tho furrow. My old
Koystono corn planter which I
cut narrow together to threo feet
and threo inches followed tho
weeder and tho weeder broke up
thoso clods before thoy got hard
and in fivo or six days tho corn
started to show; after that I used
tho harrow and cultivator so mucn
as possible until tho cars started
to form. It kept a dark green
color from tho start to tho first
of Soptembor, whon all tho mois
turo was out When tho oil is
out of tho lamp wick tho light
will stop. When it started to
dry upon tho south sido on a slope
I cut it down to Have the vnluablo
grcon freed and thrashed it with
a machine. I was well paid for
my labor. If I had been nblo to
plant it two weeks earlier my re
turn would havo been better.
This field wns thirteen acres
and seventeen bushels to the acre
besides I had cut a good deal for
feed. This field was kept free
from weeds and is easy to put in
small grain and my pay day will
como ngain. Tho extra labor I
figured at about $1.50 an acre.
You can easily bco what my
neighbors will raise with fifteen
inches of moisturo under tho old
method with tho Bamo compari
son with other crops. Ono of my
neighbors raised sixteen bushels
of oats on fifteen acres. Another
couldn't cut his oats at all. It
was only six inches high. On
this high table land ubout twenty-five
miles south of mo they
got ono and one-half foot of snow
in April and wo had just a
sprinkling of nun. I am told
that not many fields were not
worth cutting. From the above
you will see the value of scientific
soil culture when we do the right
work at the right time.
Now I turn to my fivo acres of
corn Innd prepared for tho con
test I gave this tho same treat
ment ns I did the thirteen acres
above mentioned, except I have
kopt ten feet of moisture instead
of thirty inches on tho other
field. It was planted two days
earlier. People in tho city and
tho farmers asked mo when 1
was in tho city, saying, my
neighbors were all alarmed be
cause I have the best corn this
year. Our town man George
Huff who made several visits to
the country every summer says
my corn is tho best he has ever
Been since ho left New York
state twenty-two years ago. It
was tho little white dent corn.
Usually the stalks grew about
six feet tall, but this very dry
year they grew over eight feet
when many furmers complained
in tho middle of August that tho
corn was dried up. I have prac
ticed scientific toil tillage for
Boven years with heart and soul,
but I must say I learned much
more Inst year than I over knew
M. B. Gwinn returned a few
days ago from tho annual meet
ing of tho Woolgrowcrs Ware
house Association held in Chica
go. Mr. Gwinn was elected a mem
ber of tho board of directors, and
stntcd that the reports of the
busincs transacted tho past year
showed that tho warehouse has
been a great success. The stock
holders were voted a substantial
dividend nnd the men who con
sign to tho wnrehouso received
moro for their wool than they
would otherwise, thus proving a
great advantage to tho stock
holders. Mr. Gwinn states that he be
lieves every man raising wool
should belong to the warehouse
company, so that the total pro
duction of wool can be handled
from ono center and a better
prico is suro to follow.
Tho buyers of wool can go to
tho warehouse and get the exact
grade of wool thoy desire and
their expenses nro thus saved
and this can be placed in tho
pockets of tho wool men On
tario Argus,
Constipation brings many nil
monts in its train nnd is tho pri
mary cause of much sickness.
Keep your bowels regular mad
nm, and you will escapo many of
tho ailments to which women nro
Bubject. Consipation is a yory
Bimplo thing, but liko many
simple things, it may lead to seri
ous consequonces. Nature often
needs a littlo nssistanco and when
Chamberlain's Tablets aro given
at tho first indication, much dis
tress nnd suffering may bo avoid
ed. Sold by all good dealers.
Munntfer ami Salesman.
U -. j- s 4 - t I sxavy43sx - rv
I lUIUCOlCrtU lUUtailwua Secretary and Notary Public
Hopreaeuta That Which UTtited ami Itcllublo, nnd lUndlu Successfully nil Horta ol Itoul Katuto Illiniums. Wo nro
AkoiHb Tor tho ItolUbla
Wo Know Our IluaU
Tnlk Your Hul Kttftte Mattera Over With Ui. Your limitless Will IU Strictly ConAdontUI.
nc8, Attend To Our UuMnoas and Want Your Uualnoaa.
Estuavs One iron grnytnnrc,
weighing 1050 lbs. and branded
with an S wrench with a straight
wrench ncross; ono bay horse,
whito spot in the head, branded
T4 connected on loft stifle, came
to my ranch in July and havo
been fed since Sept. Ownercall,
pay charges and take animals,
Geouge Paihiens,
Drewscy, Oregon.
Insurance that Insures
W. L. BLOTT & CO.,
Post Office Building, Burns, Ore.
Burns, Oregon. "
Hardware and Crockery
Guns and Ammunition
of all kinds
Get our prices before buying:
Four well equipped lines. Excellent facilities
for transportation of mail, express, passengers
Prairie City to Burns. Vale to Burns
Burns to Diamond Burns to Vcnntor
E. B. WATERS, Agent.
i !-i-sftisa -Jt-
I AKUlIli; ftl'UUWAN,
President and Manager
Harney County Abstract Company g
Modern and Complete Set of Indexes
An Abstract Copy of Every Instrument on Record in j
Harney County. p
N. A. DIBBLE, Propt.
Courteous treatment, rates reason
able Cive me a ca'l
A First Cla:-s Bar in Connection
The Harriman Mercantile Co.
Complete line of
Groceries and Dry Goods c
Gents Furnishings f
We guarantee quality and p. icesLet us prove to von that w
we have the goods at ritfht prices Call and 'sec us
iS mmMMmm &
i 1'i-i.l L.-fi
Job Printing.