'W"y "" -H 'U ' H I K y I f SPRING IS COMING NEW SAMPLES HAVE JUST ARRIVED Come JEarlyl Avoid Easter Rush! WORK QUA RAN TEED COMPLETE N EW LINE OF GENT'S FURNISHINGS CLEANING AND PRESSING Schenk Brothers Merchant Tailors and Outfitters Burns, Oregon. Odd Fellows Bldg. : Sbt imcs-$Ketftl. 8ATUUDAY. Al'UIt, 8.I5II. BUIlHtiKllTlON KATrW- Oua Year. . etz Month! . Three Montha , JOQ 101 .71 JULIAN IIVIIII - - M mania The people of Burns and Har ney county should sec that Mr. Ashley and his bunch of Baker boosters who will be here next week are given every opportunity to secure whatever data they re quire in the line of work they are engaged. Harney county will be benefitted by this visit and it is up to us to make good so far as our part is concerned. It appears that W. C. Parrish, the engineor in charge of the hydro-electrtctric irrigation pro ject along Malheur Lake, has a live bunch of people interested in his venture and that it will go with a vim. A party of some 15 will be here soon headed by Manager Ashley of the Baker Commercial Club. The party will receive a hearty welcome by the citizens of Burns and assist ed in whatever way possible. W. R. Gekeler of La Grande, organizer of the state Grange, arrived here this week and has gone to the Valley View neigh borhood where local people had i already organized a Grange. After putting them in good run ning Bhape Mr. Gekeler expects to visit other portions of tho county and install organizations. The Times-Herald is pleased to see the Grange get started among the farmers of this county as it will be of mutual benefit to all. It has never looked reasonable , that tho Harriman railroad sys tem would sleep on its rights after securing valuable conces sions in Malheur canyon that are very essential and important to hold within the time limit. That the recent court actions started in Mdheur county moan im- We Have Opened Offices Building in Burns, Furnish Accurate, Reliable and Complete Abstracts of Title to all Lands in Harney Co. TO Buy and Sell Real Estate in Large and Small Tracts. TO Write Fire Insurance in the Strongest Old fpA Loan Money on Improved " Real Estate, and to Execute Conveyances of all. kinds. All Business Intrusted To Us Will Receive Prompt and Careful Attention. MOTHERSHEAMDONEGAN Rooms 4 and 5 Mcsonic Building. J mcdiato active work is therefore considered 'sure. With only n short time in which to complete the lino through the canyon un der favorable conditions we may expect the work to progress as rapidly as possible. John F. Stevens has resigned as president of tho Hill railroad lines in the northwest to take cilect May 1. Portland papers seem to infer this move means seccession of active construction work by the Hill lines in Oregon for a time, butsinco Mr. Stevens has opened tho way and the con struction work from the Des chutes section being comparative Iy easy, it does not necessarily follow that Mr. Hill will cease just became Mr. Stevens resigns. Hill people may not do any more extending this year but that line will cover the interior in a Bhort time. CIPCUIT COURT NBWS. The spring term of circuit court has not been a very, heavy one. Some of the cases were continued for the term and only two jury trials have been heard. Judge Biggs has discharged all but four of tho jurors and expects to ad journ the term next Monday evening. No criminal trials wero held, one man pleading guilty to larceny and will be sentenced this afternoon or Monday. A new grand jury was drawn for the term ana lias been in ses- sion all week. Tho following are hserving: nenry ueinuria, iorc- man; F. 0. Jackson, 0. A. Slun glcdecker, Chas. Beckhouse, A. W. Hurlburt, James Smith. The following is a synopsis of the proceedings of tho week: LAW H. B. Symo as guardian of mi Rose Symo and Carl Symc, nors, ana wm. oyme va, . i. Horton Recovery of money. Set for trial third day of noxt term. Pauline Locher vs. Krotsch & Burkhardt Recovey of money. Jury returned verdict for plain- tiff for $327.55. in the New Masonic and are Prepared Line Comp'ies John Slier vs. A. Schcnk Dam ages. Jury roturncu voruict ior plaintiff for recovery of 22 bales of wiro of tho vnluo of $4.75 por halo. R. H. Stoovcs vs. J. II. Jordan Damages. Motion sustained Blrlking amonded complaint from files. Plaintiff declines to plead further. C. V. Uced vs. Claudo Smyth Ejoctmont. Sot for fourth day of noxt regular tonn. Frank Cawlflold vs. D. II. Smyth Recovery of monoy. Sot for tho fourth day next regular term. Frank Cawlflold vs. D. II. my th and Claudo Smyth-Ejectment. Set for trial on second day of October term. Marsdon & Gcarv vs. Ld Jor dan-Attachment Settled and dismissed. EQUITY R. L. GUlcspio vb. C. II. Rob ertson, ot al. Specific perfor mance. Reply filed and notico thereof in open court. A. II. Lippman vs. Oscar Bald win Foreclosure of mortgage. Default and decree for plaintiff. Emma Mlllor vs. Geo. S. Mil ler-Divorce. Application for alimony pending suit Court al lows $250.00 attornoy fco and $30.00 nor month maintenaco of plaintiff and childron. Julia M. O'Connor vs. George O'Connor Divorce. Default of dofendant Roferred to official reporter fortaking testimony. Ada Pierce vs. James Piorco Divorce. Default of defendant. Decree as prayed for. Mary Crawford vs. Wm. Craw fordDivorce. Decree for plain tiff. CRIMINAL SUite vs. 0. A. Prough- Lar ceny, five indictments. All dis missed on motion of district at tornoy, the prosecuting witness bavin? made affidavit to tho grand jury that ho had perjured himself in his former testimony. State vs. E. E. McCoy and J. II. Henderson Unlawful pos session of deer; throe indictments. Plead not guilty to all counts. Set for trial the fourth day of October term. Later: This mor ning tho defendants changed their plea to guilty on one count and Judge Biggs lined $150. NEWS FROM VALEV VIEW. Goortro Raycraft will put tho store front in at Harriman. Geo. is a first class carpenter. Valley View Bchool started Monday, April 3, with Miss Hcl eno Swain at the helm, teaching the "young, ideas" how to "shoot." Miss Swain has threo months to teach nt this place. Mr. George Raycraft built a nice, new desk for Miss Swain's use. J. M. Hoffeditz had his brand registered at Burns which is i; we see ho has his mulo colt branded with 1 and we are won rierincr what ho is coinir to do (with the other half (of tho mule.) G. M. Cobb is homo from Crane creek where ho has been trapping. H. F. Huntloy and George Bryning aro busy clearing brush, plowing and building rabbit fence. C. E. LoMay made a black board for tho school house. Mrs. C. D. Howard and two children, Mabel and Leonard, visited her daughter, Mrs. Os walt, last week. Tho Loyal Neighbors society met at tho home of Mrs. C. E. LoMay last Thursday afternoon; luncheon was served. Tho next meeting will be with Mrs. Ray craft on tho 14th. Mr. Gekeler, State Grango or ganizer, will arrive in Lawen on Friday on his way to Valley View; on Saturday ho will install tho officers of tho nowly organ ized Grango; ho will filso dovoto Bomo timo toward tho establish ing of Granges throughout tho valloy. - Jack Raiidit, SCHOOL CHILDREN ENTERTAIN. Tho entertainment given by tho public school children last Saturday evening for" tho benefit of the picture fund brought forth most favorablo and pleasing comment from nil thoso who at tended. Each number was well received and showed excellent and painstaking training by the teachers having it in charge. Tho littlo ones acquitted them selves with credit and Burns feels proud of hor children. Tho attendanco was largo and over $100 was cleared to apply on pictures to adorn tho walls of tho now school building whon erect ed, Tho Baptist Ladies Aid will Sat- continuo window Bales each day until further notice. AN UXCEP1I0NAL TRI3AT INST0RG. Dlsllngulslicd Dramatic Reader and Singer nt Photo-Play Houho April 17. Edward Abnor Thompson, tho distinguished reader and drama tist of BoBton, a brother of Mrs. M. V. Dodge of this city, is com ing to Burns on a visit to tho latter and has been prevailed upon to appear nt tho Photo-Play house of Mr FoIIowb on Monday ovoning, April 17. Every Beat in tho houso has boon reserved and from information nt hand tho people of Burns are to have an exceptional treat on that even ing. Mr. Thompson comcB direct from an engagement in tho Salt Lake theatro and has somo of tho very best progrnmB ovor givon tho privileges of Lyceum and Chautniigua audiences, covering such range as may suit tho tasto of all. Ho has unusual recom mendations from peoplo of high diameter which appeal to all who read them. Mr. Follows is particularly anxious that tho people of Burns realize tho high class work of Mr. Thompson. While his ropcrtoiro covers a wido range ho will confined the ovon ing to a lighter vein of song and story Mr. Thompson being an exceptional bass soloist and per- hapB tho molodrama of Hiawatha. Tho latter with a musical back ground of ancient Indian melodies with Mr. Fellows at tho piano. Tho Portland Oregonian says of Mr. Thompsen: "A man who, robbed of his sight, yet lives in a world ho Booms actually to sec,' elso how could ho so vividly por- trnv nature's rights and colors in his rendering." Prof. Fred Wcstly Orr of tho Pacific University of this stato Bays: "Mr. Thompson's rich voice and magnetic presence never fnils to hold attention. There is dignity and tiuth in all his work." Tho seating capacity of tho Photo-Play houso is limited and it is important that reservations bo made early by all who appre ciate thiB high class entertain ment. Mr. Fellows will bo at the ticket ofilco each afternoon from 1 until 3 o'clock beginning Mon day to accommodate those desir ing reservations. This should havo immediate attention by thoso who would enjoy this real trcaL Tickets aro also on salo at Reed's Drug Store. A NEW BOOSTER CLUB. Wo have it from an meliora tive source that tho Silver creek bunch are live ones and are using their best efforts and talents to ward tho boosting of Harney county in general. So imbued with this spirit havo thoy become that a booster club has been for med but The Times-Herald has not been appraised of tho full membership or the entire set of officers other than that Ike Foster is secretary and treasurer. There has been very little in tho ex chequer bo far as only Foster has contributed twice mid Bob Wil liams once by mistake Tho method of raising funds for this booster work is original but tho writer fears will not bo successful in that community. Tho bylaws do not provide for monthly dues or regular assess ments but when n member tells tho truth ho is fined $5. Foster has paid two fines and Bob Williams mado a mistake and told tho truth once. It being ap parent it was unintentional ho was lot off with only half fine. Wood Best and Carrol Cecil have neither contributed a cent so far which is a reflection on their public spirit, bo their fellow members think. SCHOOL BOND ELECTION. Tho local public school board is having tho proper potitions and other necessary preliminaries to tho calling of a special election to voto bonds for tho proposed new school building. Tho matter will havo particular attention in order that tho election may be legal and no further delay from technicalities. Thero hnB boon much commont upon tho matter of a now location of tho school building. It is pointed out by somo that tho pro sont location is most central. This is a matter that will likely bo given attention at tho annual election in Juno and prpbably bo left to tho votorH to sottlo. COLLEOE TO FIQIIT ORCHARD PESTS A big campaign against tho pests which destroy orchards in Oregon is to bo started shortly by six experts from tho Stato Agricultural College, in accord ance with tho legislative bill pro viding furtds for such work. Un der tho direction of Dean A. B. Cordloy of tho college of agricul ture, Prof. C. I. LowIb of tho horticulture department, and Prof. II. S. JackBon of tho en tomology department, tho college will establish division headquart ers in tho principal fruit contcrs of tho Btato Portland, Salem, Eugene, Roseburg and perhaps Mllton-and from thcro tho in vestigations will extend over tho entiro Btato. This is not tho flrBt work of tho Bort dono by tho college, though it is tho first slate wido compaign against nil kinds of pesta. Many thousands of dol lars havo been saved tho orchard men of Oregon by tho timely nd vico of tho professors. Tho 35 aero npplo orchard of Eisman Brothers near Grants Pass was so badly diseased with anthrnck nose in 1910 thatthoy wero about to dig it up. Every treo was die cased with tho fungus, und near ly half of tho tops wero dead or dying. Tho vitality of tho or chard was bo low that it did not produce enough apples to pay ex. penscs. Though tho owners worked hard cutting dead wood and dead Bpola, tho fungus con tinucd to gain on them.' They tried n bordeaux mixture Bpray suggested by Dean Cordloy in tho fall before tho leavas were off. with immediate and pro nounced benefit Continued fall sprayings resulted in a produc tion of 10,000 boxen of ns fine, clean, henlthy, four-tier apples, four years after, as could bo pro duced anywhere in the United States. Thoy sold 7,000 boxes of four-tier yellow Nowtons and Spitzenburg8 nt $1.50 a box, and 3,000 boxes of Ben Davis and Wincsaps, giving a gross receipt of $15,250 from tho orchard ho had been ready to dig out. William Hellwcll of Yoncalla, Douglas county, had a similar ex perience with fall 8prayingfor anthracknoso, commonly known as "canker," "dead Bpot," or "black spots." Tho protection of the rapidly increasing fruit districts of the stato from bucIi pests as aro al ready attacking trees here, and from tho introduction of new ones through imported stock is tho problem with which the col lego experts will wrestle. The details of tho campaign have not all been completed, but will be ready for announcement shortly, NEW CALICOS AT BUSY CORNER STORE. THE J. E. Rounseville is up from tho southern part of the county. Work horses for sale weighing from 1200 to 1500 lbs. four to six years old. I. M. Davis, Drewsey Oregon. SUMMONS. In the Juitire Court of Hums 1'rcclnct, Harney County, Oregon. A. J I'lUtciiKcr, plninlifT VI. Mike ThomcU, ilelcmlnntl To Mike Tliomctt, the utiove nnincit defendant, In the oitiic of the Stntc of Oregon, you are litreby required to ntipcnr mid answer the complttlnt filed nnlust you in the nboYC entitled action, on or Iwforc the last day of the time prcscrilKil in the order of publication of this lummom, to wit: on or before May 1, 1011, (aid dnte being the cipiratlon of U weeks from the first publication of this summons, and it you fail to so nppcnr and answer the plaintiff, for want thereof, wilt nst; that you suffer judgment to k taken against you in the sum of $KS.00 with interest thereon at the rate of 8 percent. per aim. from March 31, 1010; $26,00 attorney fee: $18.00 with interest there on at the rutc of U percent, pernnn. from June 1, 1010, and costs and disburse ments. This summons is published by order of Piatt T. Randall, Justice of the Pence of the above court, mnde and entered March 10, 1011, and the date of the first publication here of Is March 11, 1011, 0, A. Kuunoi.D, Plffs. Atty. 1'la.ttT. Ramiiaui., Justice. Notice of Final settlement In the County Court for Ilurncy County, State of Oregon. In the mutter of the estate of Peter Andrews, deceased, Notice is hereby Riven that the under signed executor of said estate has (lied his fmnt account herein as by law re ciulrcd, and that by order of said court the Bth day of April, 11)11, at 10 o'clock A. M. nt the court house at Hums, Ore gon, has been fixed ns the time and place for the hearing of objections to said ac count mid the settlement thereof j all per sons having such objections mutt tile the same on or before snld time of hearing. Dated March 11, 1011. libWAiinJ, Oati.ow. Ilxecutor, HARNEY COUNTY RESTAURANT (Wtorgo I'oon, Proprietor. Now location on hIiIo struct east of tho Ilarmty County National Hank JVIHHIiB flT RUU HOUtS Bakeny in eonneetion, A Specialty of Short Orders. Tabln fiirniflhod with ovorytlilns the market nffonlH, Your patron. tiKd Bollolted, t HAND EmBROIDEREDWAISTS LADIES' IMPORTED KID GLOVES KING TAILORED WAISTS New Line oi Spring Collars, New Barrettes, Rustlings, Combs, Hand Bags, New Designs In Ladies9 Silk Undervests CARRIE!) ONLY BY QUALITY STORES Always ready for job printing. Hluo prints of any township in Hums Land District, Allowing name of entryman, date and kind of entry, topography, etc., $1.00 each. Piatt T. Randall, Bums, Ore. NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION. IWJl.Al KI) TIUCT-i-UIIMU I.AN1I BAI.K I'NITrllHTATr.. I.ANDOmCfc, I JIurtiD. OtTKon, llsrch N IVIO.) Notice la hereby shell, Hut illrectnl by the Cumuilaaloncr u( ihodeusral I.amt Office, miller llio iiriitrlaloiia ni the set of I'oniirraa an iroel Jims tl, ln ISI Met., 517), purauant to Hie application ol K.lllh Itansoin, MlllCllr. (Ire-ton, Herlal No OisM, we wlllorJor t public lo In lh IiIkIioI tiMilrr. t I0o' clock s. in., ou the Z'.lli r ol April, lull, noxt t tbls office the following; tracta of laml total aniU.Her 91, anil NKiiNK'f.rk-e. , r M H. It M K.. W. M, Anjr mU till prrmtis Claiming advvrielr the bor-lrncrlll Unit sro itvtel to file ilielr rUlumor olijectlonion or before the time do. liilcl for ilo. Wm rr, Ilmlitrr. KkRk luvrv, lli-eelier. notien: for publication. UNITiMI 8TATKH l.ANll OKFICK, uurnt, (Jrcf.ni, March 3, tall I Kotlre la hereby gWcti tlit John I, llrlni, of lUrrlinan.Drrsou, who, on Mum Ii It, VM. nude Uoort l.anil Kntrjr No. KO-J,Hrll ho. OIICD, for Ut Utiil 2, Berllon 30. Twruhli n, Houlh, ltnre: Kail, WIlltioetKt MirlilUn, has cited nollcn of Intention lo rrake Final 1'roof, to i-iut.llnh claim to trw land above ileaorltMM before the ItcsUlcr ami ltveeht-r, at llurua, Or pgon.on Hit Mb day ut Mar 1VII I'lalinanl names as wlloeaat-a, William K. uray, Alfred " Currr. Ira II, Clark anilllnjrKellouraUof llarrlinaii.On-icou. Wm. FakAe, Keslater. NOTICK FOU PUBLICATION. lbOl.ATI-:iTllACTl'UllLIOI.ANI BAI.K. UNITXD HTATKfl LAND OKKICK.) Iiurna, Oregon, March V, 101 1. 1 Notice la hi-robjr-tlv en. that, aa illrectol br thoCommUalohvrot theOeneral IjidiI Office, u nilcr the iirovl.luiu of llioaclof t'ou areas an prouil Juiib V7, Ivun 3IMat , fllJI, nurauant to (hoM'llcalliiiof Thomaa I. Vtekcra, llarnnr, Oragon, KerlalKo OIS7I, we will utter at public aaletothehlghcat blibler, at 10 o'eloi k a. in . on the 'J?lh day of Atirll. lull, next, al tlili of fice, the following tracts of land NKUNMUanil S'1NK'4,Kc 1 4. T. H It. MK. V. It. Any and all pi-ra.nn rlallnlnic aiht-r-elr t'io ahove-deacrlW-d landaara adrlacd to file their claluia or objections ou or huforu the tlinu des ignated tnraalo. M. Kikhk, Ileglaler KatNX IMKr. Ilrevher. NOTIUK FOB PUBLICATION. I'xtTxti Sum .and Orur . Iiurna, Origcn, March 17. mil Notico la hereby given that Andrew 1 Hklena Idlan, baa filed milieu nt Ineentlou lo inake Final I'roof, to ealaiiiiih claim to llio lenu abotodescrihod, Imfore the Ileglaler and lie colter at llurnt, Oregon, on the Villi day of April, lull, rlalniantliainea aa wllueaaoa- Irvlng 0. Itayiiioiid and Tobla Hklena. of Iiurna, Oregon, Kdward McDonald and Waller Bklona, all of Itlloy, Oregon. Wm. Kahks, Ileglator, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Unitku Btatu i.ani Omen, i llurui, Oregon, March S3, 1V11 1 Notico la hereby given that John N, II Klch- nor, of Harney, Oregon, who, ou Mar 'tl, UHxi, ..,. .-a ... ........... If., n. e t,-.l-,tr.. n.k. lllKiii'liuiiiYaif-H,. villi ..... k.,, civil! U. V.Vtf, for WJiW., Section M. Towualilp Zi B , Mange M Kail, Willamette Merlilau. baa filed notice of Intention to inako final l-'ho-Vear I'roof. to t aiauiiaii claim to the latin aliovo ilea rrlbed, before tho Ileglaler and Hut-elver, at Iiurna, Oregon, ou tho -.3rd day of May, lull, Ulalmanl names at wltneaiea: J. W. Iliiehanan. U II I.owe, Wm, dates and I. M, Hamilton alio! Harney, Oregou, Wm Famhk, Iteglatcr. NOTIOB FOU PUBLICATION. UMTcnBTATtaI,Ai(iiOrricit I Iiurna, Oregon, JJaroli 'J I, lyil Notice la hereby glvoo that Thomaa (1 llowaor, of Harney, Oregon, who, on July 1, WJ. mado llonieaload Jinlry No. uw. for HKh Htctlon .1, Townthlp '.' Bouth, llango Si Kaat. Wlllametla Meridian, has flli-il uottoe of Intention to make I'lnal Uommulaltoii I'roof, oeatabllah malm to llio la ml above aeioriuiui, ieforo the Itetflaler and Hoeolvur. at Iiurna. Oregon, on the th day ot May, lull. uiaimaui nuuiea na wunn.ai-ai Cloorco ttchouk. Wilbur llonklna. John 11. Logitan, 0. (Hies Bmllh all nt llurnt, Oregon. WM. Faiihi, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 1HOI.ATKI) TKACT-VUIII.ll! LAND BAI.K. UNlTKliBTATKHI.ANnOKI'ICK.I llurnt, Oregon, March 3U, 11)11. Nollee la hereby given thai, aa.dlrccted by llio Coinintiilniier nt llio Ueueral Utul Office, uuilur the liriivlaloiis of llio Act of Coiigrtti a liroved Juno ;7, WW St Hlalet., 17l iiurtuaiit to the Bpi'llcallon of Klliabeth Mlddloton, Ilartlui n, Oregon. Berlal No, HI7, woivlli oiler at rmvllotalu to thohlgheat blddor, at 10 trnock.a iiionine eiiiuayoi May ivu, uem at tills onice, the following tract ot laud: WJtHW'f, Hoc. M, T. 24 B , It, 33 K and Lot f, BeoJ.T AH,K,U JC,V. M. ' Any und all neraoua claiming advertoly the aiHive iieai-rineii lauua are nuviauii lunieinuir claim or objeclloua oil or bo lor u the time dealg nalvd foraalo. Wm 1-ABiiK, lleglater.t: KiuhK IIavxy. Kccvlver. V. 0, DlM.AItll formerly Aaat, Knglm-or In IT, H, Itueliimnllon Her vice. A, O, l-'AUMCNKll formerly Chief JKp. gliiior ot Hollo A Western Hy. Eastern Oregon Engineering Company CIVIL AND IRRIGATION LNGINEIiRS Hums, Oregoti BEAUTIFUL STYLES OF r V WE HAVE p,ows? Harr0ws Ed Goodmnn will aRain be ready to tnko tho herd of town cowb to pasture botween April 10 mid 15. Terms ?2.50 por month, Lot him know or leave word at this office of tho number of cowfl you hnvo to ro in tho hord. Relinquishments Wanted in Townships near MALHEUR LAKE Address: W. C. PARRISH Engineer In Charge the Oregon Hydro Electric Engineering Company BAKER, OREGON LUNABURG DALT0N&C DEPARTMENT STORE Everything Under the Sun and Seldom "JUST OUT" Now's the Time to fiet Ready to Put in Crop Seeders, Wind Mills Pumps, Hose, Scrapers, Wagons, Hacks Buggies and Carts. ALL KINDS OF HORSE HITCHES The Famous Rotary Harrou to Attach to Sulky or Gang Plows GARPEN TOOLS Come In and See Us Before Buying Young's ffleatlarket & Grocer) Tho annual Easter Sale of tl Presbyterian church choir will t held at tho Busy Corner Store o Saturday, April 15. A largo an fine assortment of Easter favw havo been ordered besides ther will bo baked beans, brown brenc doughnuts, homo mado cand) cut flowers and potted plants.