tt K OS iHfcanatMU'BWJMI'-'im .MtlfcttaUi IflMalMMWWiiWiaMWIWW PSnes-Pxrald. liAROXST C1UGUI.ATI0N OF tttTBrAFKR IN THIS COUNTY. gATURDAY. AMtIL 1, ml Local News. Iwnys ready for job work. itterick Patterns nt Lunn- Dalton & Co. irvico nt tho Baptist Church arrow morning and evening. W. Crawford opened tho French Hotel Bar this moriy- IrSale A Kansas prairio ing plow. Call at Short's tsmith shop. J. L. Gault was on tho list tin's week but is ablo to it again. tlie Inland Empire Real if you havo anything for or exchange. VnndcrpoolnndW. Sturges amomg our Silver Creek tors during tho week. bin Allen arrived over from ?-Rnnch Thursday to spend days with his family. le irencn noiei serves n Sunday dinner and special ition is given to family ice. fcy. A. J. irwm leu monuay lis new field of lnbor. He imake Medford his head ters. Minnie Fireoveil is prc- to nurse patients at the C. ouch home in Burns. Con- lent cases solicited. ed Haines arrived home icsday from an extended ,'to Western Oregon and Cali- na. He wenc to ms iiarney i Thursday. 3V DRAPERY GOODS AT BUSY CORNER STORE. G. Cozad, the Canyon City rney, arrived nere aunaav ampany with Judge Biggs. sCozad has been a guest at lome of his daughter, Mrs. bis Smith, during this week. W. E. Smith arrived homo irst of the week from a visit prtland where she was called ccount of the serious illness Gr little granacniiu, uaugnier Jr. and Mrs. Vic Gibson. The one was much improved be- sheleft Tom Allen, who has been Dr health for a long time, Leon advised by her physi- to go to Portland where Kvill receive the attention of lialists. As soon as she is able ravel she will be taken to land by Mr. Allen. iEW SILK PETTICOATS AT BUSY CORNER STORE. Is is the custom I hereby de- lte next week, begining iday, April 3, as cleanup and requests all property era to clean up their premises, dvc all trash, debris, and ac- Imulations of rubbish. It aid all be hauled away, burn- Stherwise disposed of. G. W. Clevenger, Mayor. II STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK BURNS, OREGON of the close of business March 7th, 1911 RESOURCES Lonno and Discounts $270,777.78 U.S.Bonds 50,000.00 Bonds and Securities 58,929.45 Premium on U. S. Bonds 2,000.00 Real Estate, Furnituro and Fixtures 0.C00.00 Fivo por cont Redemption Fund 1,250.00 CASH, 91,356.98 $480,914.21 LIABILITIES Capital $25,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 53,432.51 Circulation 25,000.00 DEPOSITS 383,481.70 $480,914.21 i i ..--- Capital and Surplus 975,000.00 United States Depositary We Offer to Depositors Absolute Safety and Efficient Service. Accounts fayjtefl R. L. Hass is up from Narrows. I John Hoss is in tho city for a Spring seed wheat at tho Busy 1 fcw dnyfl vacation. Corner Store. Archio McGowan and Maurico ' r. I i .11 tin J. H. Jordan is up from Maf"wn5 8)cni uie wcck ai me Saddle Butte home. Tho Home Hotel is the comfor table place to board. R. II. Brown, tho Diamond sheep man, is in the city. NEW DRESS GOODS AT THE BUSY CORNER STORE. Linen dusters for ladies and gentlemen nt Schenk Bros. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Ausmus were in tne city tms wceK to visit their two sons who are at tending high school. Chas. Rohn is up from the homestead where he spent the winter clearing with his wife as boss. He is again at work in the Harrison & Stoner barber shop. Customers and others desiring us to settle their taxes will please send us sheriffs statement of the amount due together with instruc tions for payment of same. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of BURNS, OREGON. Frank Ellis went to the railroad last week to meet his daughter who had arrived from her form er home in Wisconsin. Miss Ellis is a very pleasant young lady nnd will make her homo here with her father. NEW BLANKETS AT THE! BUSY CORNER STORE- Ed Goodman will again be ready to take the herd of town cows to pasture between April 10 and 15. Term3 $2.50 per month. Let him know or leave word at this office of tho number of cows you have to go in the herd. lakes shooting. Tho Baptist Ladies Aid will continue window sales each Sat day until further notice. Ed Springer and family wero in the city this week guests at the Tom Sagcra home. For Sale-Two relinquish ments four miles west of Crow Camp, cheap. Inquire at this office. I Mrs. C. C. Lundy is over from NEW LACE CURTAINS AT THE BUSY CORNER STORE. Ontario to attend to some legal matters in the circuit court and visit friends. ' N.-Mcior has started on his re turn to San Francisco after a de lightful visit with his daughter, Mrs. L. M. Brown and family. Raw Furs Highest prico for all kinds of raw furs. Write me. Frank B. Glenn, Vale, Oregon. D. II. Smyth and son Claude are over from their Happy Valley home looking after somo legal mattors in the circuit court. Irving Miller lias purchased the residence property of A. Schenk, the transfer being made this week through tho real estato firm of Mothcrshcad and Doncgnn. NEW GINGHAMS AT THE I BUSY CORNER STORE. F. J. Alex Mayer, representa tive of the fire Association, spent a few days in our city Hub week attending to business in his line and checking up local agents. Lamo Shoulder is nearly al ways duo to rheumatism of tho muscles, and quickly yields to tho free application of Chamber lain's Liniment For sale by all good dealers. .iv.u.; sac IN THE SPRING One's Fancy Naturally Turns To Thoughts Of LIGHT AND BRIGHT APPAREL WE CAN SUPPLY YOUR WANTS READY TO WEAR DRESSES In White, Blue, Tan, Lavender, Pink and Gray Prices: From $1.75 to $12.00 I WORSTED SKIRTS Beautiful Shades From $4.00 to $16.00 SUMMER SKIRTS In Black, Blue Gray and Tan $1.75 to $5.00 White Waists, 75c to $ 6.50 SILK Waists, $3.50 to $9.00 Stop in and Look at Our Beautiful New Line of LADIES' NECKWEAR, SUMMER SUITING NEW DRESS GOODS, ETC. a CO r. Schwartz- PROPRIETOR I. Schwartz J PROPRIETOR. Alteration freo at Schenk Bros. Chop barley at E. B. Reed & Son's. NEW PERCALES AT THE BUSY CORNER STORE. Don't forgot tho Presbyterian Church choir annual Easter Sale. BoRN-Sunday, March 2G, to Mr. and Mrs. Carey Tllornburg, a dnughtor. A fino now lot of dried fruits havo been added to tho stock at Rccd'B Grocery Store. County Commissioner Smyth is in tho city on court business nnd to visit his family. T. J. Median of Seattlo is hero looking ovor tho country with a viow of investing. Tho porsonnl attention given guests nt tho French Hotel hns given it a good reputation L. B. Culp, Prop. Wm. Reardon, tho old time sheep "buckaroo" was circulat ing among his friends in Burns this wcok. See THE INLAND EMPIRE REALTY COMPANY, they want 20 GOOD RELINQUISHMENTS QUICK. Autos are again in general use since tho roads aro in better shape and many aro seen on the streets every day. Mrs. Frank Jones nnd little daughter aro here on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jordan. Born At Lawen, Wednesday, March 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Christinnsen, n daughter. Dr, Geary was in attendance. There are three of Mrs, Alfred Bcnjnmino Sclionk Bros. clothing at Judgo Thompson Ih in tho city looking nfter somo legal affairs. Cleaning nnd pressing for ladies and gentlemen nt Schenk Bros. Our old pioneer friend W. H. Hamilton was over from Diamond this week. Everything for every body at the Lunaburg, Dal ton & Co. Department Store.. Roadmastor Dunsmoro is get ting his equipment in shape to begin road work. Tho Burns Flour Milling Co, will pay 2J cents per pound for wheat or barloy. Miss Millie Hurlburt was in tho city this week visiting rela tives and friends. Wo hnvo received our new Spring samples for suits. Come nnd see them Schenk Bros. W. B. Johnson is over from his Silver creek homo. Sid Comegys was in tho city this week on business. Call at Schenk Bros, and hco the now Panama hats. Tom Cleveland is over from his farm homo near Van. NEW HATS FOR MEN AT THE BUSY CORNER STORE. Mrs. E. B. Reed has been quite ill suffering from grip this week. Hagoy & Richardson nre head quarters for tho very best groceries A. fine and complete lino of fresh garden and flower seeds at Reed's Grocery. Pacific Stock and Poultry food at the Lunaburg, Dnlton & Co. Department Store. Irwin's "Elslo Book's" loaned out to friends and she would like to know where thoy arc. She is in no hurry for them merely wants to know where they are. Mrs. B. F. Campbell was down from her Emigrant creek home this week. Sho informs us Mr. Campbell has purchased a flock of sheep over in Grant county nnd will bring them over on this sido after lambing and shearing. You will never again be quite as you aro today mentally or physically. Perhaps not ever again will you bo nblo to got so "young" n photograph that looks like you as today. Visit tho Sayer Studio. The annual Easter Sale of the Presbyterian church choir will bo held at the Busy Corner Store on Saturday, April 15. A large and fino assortment of Easter favors havo been ordered besides there will bo baked beans, brown bread, doughnuts, home mnde candy, cut flowers nnd jiotted plants. The entertainment under the direction of tho teachers to be given by tho public school child ren this ovening will bo one of tho most enjoyable affairs of the year. Tho little ones nre well drilled in their parts and all aro assured an interesting evening. Tho proceeds go to tho picture fund for tho now school building. ROLLED BARLEY AT THE BUSY CORNER STORE. Wo aro informed thnt active work will soon begin on tho big power plant project owned by tho Burns Flour Milling Co. on Emigrant creek. It is claimed this company has n fine power site and one that will generate sufficient "juice" to propel elec tric street cars in Burns. Let us hopo the timo will soon como when such may bo profitably operated. Out of consideration for tho picturo fund bonofit entertnin ment given by tho public school pupils this evening Mr. Fellows has kindly shut down the moving picturo show nnd has so announc ed on his bulletin board. Ho has used tho board to call attention to tho benefit which is duly ap- predated by the school patrons and citizens of Burns. Tho ladies of tho Fivo Hundred Club treated their husbands to a very enjoyable card party in tho now Masonic hall last evening, Mrs. L. M. Brown had tho high est score nnd Mrs. I. II. Holland second among tho ladies, Tho honors among tho gentlemen wero won by Wm. Fnrro and I. Schwartz. Refreshment wero served in tho dining room whero all tho guests wero seated to gether. Constipation brings many ail monfS in its train and is tho pri mary causo of much sickness. Keep your bowols regular mad am, and you will cscapo many of tho ailments to which women aro subject. Consipation is a very Bimplo thing, but liko many Bimplo things, it may lead to seri ous conscquonces. Naturo often needs a little assistance and when Chamberlain's Tabids aro given at tho first indication, much dis tress and suffering may bo avoid ed. Sold by all good dealers. Miss K. Ncugcbaucr is located in tho Jorgenscn building south Main St. and is prepared to do all kinds of dress making. Frank Dibble and family camo ovor from their Silver. creek homo Wednesday in the auto. Frank says tho roads aro getting vory good. In cases of rheumatism relief from pain makes sleep and rest possible. Thin mny bo obtained by applying Chamberlain's Lini ment. For sale by all good deal ers. If you want to make a trade, sell your relinquishment or other property tho Inland Empire Real ty Co. will be of great assistance to you. They have sold others nnd can sell yours. Scott Goodall, recently of Union county, wns a caller at this office ycsicruay. Mr. uoouall Is a nephew to P. II. Gray of Lawen, and contemplates locating per manently in this section. Particular people do their trading nt the Hagcy & Richard son general merchandise Btoro where a fino line of dry goods, furnishings, shoes, etc, is nlways found.' "Our baby cries for Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. T. B. Kendrick, Rasaca, Ga. "It is the best cough remedy on tho mnrket for coughs, colds and croup." For sale by all good dealers. Another record for Harney county and central Oregon wea ther was provoked when on last Sunday afternoon somo town boys went in swinning and dur ing tho week a number appeared on the streets barefooted and this in March! NEW SILK WAISTS AT THE BUSY CORNER STORE. "Bonnie Regs" Tomlison and J. F. Myers havo leased the res taurant formerly run by Geo. Foon on the corner adjoining tho Star Saloon. Tho boys took possession this morning nnd are cleaning up the placo rendy for business. This will be nn nil white help place and the boys, should do well. Tho Times-Hernld man in com iwiny with Mayor Clevenger, paid a visit to tho sceno of operation yesterday where men aro at work on tho grade at the north ap proach of Main street. Thoy ure building nn excellent grade and it will be a decided improvement over tuo old grade and round nbout way of coming into town from tho north. NEW LINGERIE WAISTS AT THE BUSY CORNER STORE. Manager Lauranco of tho Union TclephonoCo. informs Tho Times-Hernld that thero will be a line constructed up snvies River this season as well as other lines extended to vnrious parts of tho county. A mooting was held last Saturday by people in terested up the river to form plans for that line. It will con nect ranches up for n distance of some ai miles including lco Caldwell and may branch up Emigrant creek taking in that neighborhood. Tho graduating class of tho high school was entertained last night at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. S. Swain. Tho fenturo of tho ovening wns a story writing contest in which each of tho young ladies of tho class was assisted in turn by ench of tho young men Tho class being equally divided, six girls and six boys. MIhs Nina Baker was awarded tho prizo and as Ralph Irving had helped her most ho too received a prizo. Miss Godfroy and Mr. Biggs, two of tho teach ers, acting as judges. Thoro was also music and readings. Tho placo cards wero embossed with tho clnss flower and each of tho class woro presonted with n souvenir picturo of tho high school building nicely framed. Refreshments woro served. Tho Misses Mary and Lea Poujado wero in tho city from Cow Creek this week having some dental work done and visit ing friends. Clay Clemens mill is tho near est ono to Burns where nil kinds of lumber both rough und dress ed enn bo hnd. Near Canyon road. Call him by 'phone for quick orders. Toy moyed into the Fry build ing in the post office office block today and will conduct a restau rant He was formerly over the Capital. NEW FANCY GOODS AT THE BUSY CORNER STORE. Mrs. L. N. Stallard'is over from her home near Drcwsey on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Barnes. OUT OF TOWN TAYPAYERS The Harney County National Bank will bo pleased to attend to the payment of your taxes upon receipt of your instructions. Attorneys Geo. W. Hayes and W. II. Brooke arrived from Vale and Ontario yesterday to be in attendance upon circuit court. NEW FRENCH GINGHAMS ATTHE BUSY CORNER STORE The "new pioneer" of Harney county is a pace setter Bill Blott and Amos Oldficld have their spring plowing done nnd soil ready for the plants nnd seed, and this is no April Fool joke, cither. When n medicine must be given to young children it should be pleasant to take. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is made from loaf sugar, and tho roots used in its preparation give it a flavor sim ilar to maple syrup, making it pleasant to take. It has no supe rior for colds, croup and whoop ing cough. For sale by all good dearlers. YOUR SUCCESS AND OURS TTIIE success of this instution is in helping its customers to succeed, whether their dealings be large or small. There is not a bank anywhere which understands better the wants of its patrons, whether fanners, stock raisers, business men or individuals. TJ7"E have a service for every member of the W community, poor or rich, and we want every one to feel at liberty to como and talk with us about any financial service of which they feel they need. HARNBYCOUNTY NATIONAL BANK of Burns IJHMtiiMnf Controlled and Owned. People. By Home FOR SALE 1 Black Mare 7 years old, about 000 pounds weight, broke to work and ride; gentle for woman or child; a splendid little animal, $65.00. 1 second-hand buggy in good condition, $35.00. 1 set light work harness, 20.00. 1 16 in. walking plow, $10.00. ARCHIE MCGOWAN. NOTICE Is hereby given thnt tho regu lar Eighth Grade Final Exami nation will be held in the differ ent school districts May 11-12, 1911. Teachers are requested to filo with tho County Superinten dent, on or before tho 20. day of April, tho names of all pupils do siring to tako the examination, and to certify that they have completed tho work as required by law. PROGRAM (a) Thursday Physiology. Writing, History, and Civil Gov ernment (b) Friday Grammar, Ari thmetic, Geography, and Spelling. Tho teacher will send to tho County Superintendent the ap plicants class standing in read ing. Your truly, L. M. Hamilton, County School Supt. BONNIE REGS RESTAURANT MYERS & TOMUNSON Proprietors OPEN DAY AND NKlrIT NONE BUT WHITE HELP Formorly run by George Foon next door north of Star Salooon JOHN ROBINSON Stock hspeclor, Harney Coasty. Home Addroai I llurni. Or C. E. LEMAY Painting, Paper llnagisg, Ska Writing Estimates given on all classes of such work. AGENT HENRY BOSCH WALL PAPER Hoadquartora at French Hotel -nitUGS- 5 THE WELCOME PHARA1ACY "7YEAR5 experience in the Drug F3usi- ness. We have no dead stock Our goods are clean and new. When you buy your drugs from us you can rest assured that they are pure, fresh and will have the effect which your doctor desires. You can also find new and up to date Stationery, Fresh Candies, Domestic and Imported Cigars, Rub ber Qoods, Fancy Soaps, Pipes, Etc. STA TIONEIIY s 1 Clevenger' 's Furniture Store DISHES-DISHES When you want Dishes come in and talk to us. We are pre pared to supply you in whatever is necessary. FURNITURE ROCKERS, IHNINO CHAIRS, MORRIS CHAIRS, COUCIins, DININO TAIJLliS LIBRARY TABLES, CUILDRENS' FURNITURE, RUGS, UI-DSTEADS GLASSWARE Hand-Painted China Complete Dinner Sets Plain Earthenware -AT RIOHT PRICES GRAPHAPHONE FREE! AT- Clevenger's Furniture Store SAVE TIME MONEY MUSCL1 The Working Capacity is Enormous of the FARM Pump Engine Always on the hustle; a tireless worker, that needs no boss. It tackles any task; cuts hours to minutes; cuts cost to pennies; cuts out the wear and tear on muscles; keeps men from becoming machines; pays handsome daily in cash saved and work performed. Tho engine will pump sufficient water in less than hnlf hour for the average family's daily use at a cost of not more than three fourths of a cent Fits Any Standard Pump Pumps 400 (o 1,000 Gallons per Hour Tell us about your requirements, wo can meet them; if interested in Larger Engines ask for catalogue of FULLER & JOHNSON'S Double Efficiency Engines. W. T. SMITH Agent for Harney County ,'Vx'V'VW",''V-V-V-. V-W'.-' --.',-,'-V-, There is only ono good place to go for GOOD DRUGS, STATIONERY, CIGARS, HOOKS, CONFECTIONERY, and TOILET ARTICLES REED BROS. DRUG STORE Tho storo maintained and operated for your con vonienco and satisfaction. Ono that you can rely on at all times. The City Drug Store REED BROS., Proprietors va'Vtki-v.'Att-v