The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 01, 1911, Image 2

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    " r
i ) i - '' t -T-"Tirniiiwriiiiiiii i n niWwjjBgBMMWMBWHii
Come Early! Avoid Easter Rush!
Schenk Brothers
Merchant Tailors and Outfitters
Burns, Oregon. Odd Fellows Bldg.
Ibc weo-fmnM.
SATURDAY. Al'llII. t.1911.
Oue Vr, ..
Six Month. .
Three Montha.
I too
julian nruii
- IKlllM
Circuit Judge Biggs convened
the adjourned term Inst Monday
and has heard some nrguments
and decided somo cases. The
holdover grand jury has been in
session all week with J. T. Barnes
as bailiff. Chas. Frye is court
bailiff. Following is tho docket
with notations of the business
transacted during the week:
H. B. Syme as guardian of
Rose Syme and Carl Syme, minors
and Wm. Syme vs. H. M. Horton
Recovery of Money. Continu
ed from last term.
A. F. Mackleberg Co. vs. J.
E. Rounsoville Recovery of
money. Continued from last
term. Answer withdrawn by
defendant by leave of court.
Default and judgment for de
fendant in sum of $205.25 and
C. A. Sweek vs. Scotty Glenn
attachment Continued lor
term for service.
Charles V. Reed vs. Claud
Smyth-ejectment. Standingon
amended answer. Passed until
the arrival of Judge Webster.
Blitzen Valley Land Co. vs. H.
n Puirslov Eicctment. Con
tinued for service.
Frank Cawlfield ys. D. II.
Smyth - Recovery of money.
Passed until arrival of Judge
Frank Cawlfield vs D. H.
Smyth and Clnud Smyth -Ejectment
Passed until arrival of
Judge Webster.
Marsden & Geary vs. Ed Jordan-Attachment
C. II. Voogtly vs. E. B. Hill
Attachment Simon Lewis vs. Wm. Craw
ford Rocovery of money.
II. M. Horton vs W. R. Craw-
lfnll!nmvnrv of mOHOV.
W. T. VanderVeer vs. S. C.
Keyes Accounting. Referred
to official reporter Oct G, 1910.
Sophia Burkhardt vs. C. B.
Ausmus- Injunction. Referred
to official reporter Oct 3, 1910.
Chris Lackman vs. Christina
Lackman-Quiet title continued
for term.
W. H. Doolittlo vs. II. M. Hor
ton Continued, penumg Bcuie-
Pauline Locher vs. Krotsch & ment
Burkhardt-Rccovery of money. I R- I G"7' , ! ' JS"
John Siler vs. A. Schenk-1 crtson et nl-Spec.fic pcrfor
Damages. Set for trial April 3' mance. Argued.
H. C. Levens vs. Burns Flour! Pearl vs Fred I sk-
r:n n n,.,rrna Srnnrls on Divorce, uecruu iui ,... ......
Dofault entered. Rofcrred to
ofllcial reporter to take testimony.
Julia M, O'Connor vs. uco. i'.
O'Connor Divorce.
Ada J. Pierco vs. Jnmoa V.
Piorco Divorce Dofault of
dofondant ontorcd.
Curtis C Lundy vs. Cordn May
Lundy-Divorce. Demurrer lilcti.
J. W. Shown vs. Joseph Clark
and tho Oregon Western Coloni
zation Co. Injunet.on. btand-
ing on demurrer filed by dofend
ant Clark.
Mary Crawford vs. Wm. Craw
ford Divorco. Standingon de
murrer by dofonuani w com
State vs. O. A. Prough Wnn-
tonly killed 2 cows of P. L. b.
Co. Indictment filed ana onu nt S1000. Arraigned, copy
furnished. No attornoy and tho
court appointed Goo. Sizemore to
stntn vs. ABmus Lorcnzcn,
Allio Lorenzen and O. A. Prough
Larcony of calf of P. L. S. Co.
Tnr.iprmonr. filed, bail fiXCtl at
$1000. Ausmus Lorcnzon nr-
raigncd no attornoy atatc3 he
docs not want an nttornoy, waives
time and enters plea of guilty.
Prough arraigned and having no
attorney Geo. Sizemore appoint
ed to dofond
State vs. Allio Lorenzen and
0. A. Prough-Wantonly killing
one cow. Indictment Hlcu.rrougn
arraigned, no attornoy, Geo.
Sizomoro nimointed.
State vs. 0. A. Prough-Wantonly
killing 1 cow of P. L. S.
Co. Indictment filed nrraigned
No attornoy and court appointed
Geo. Sizemore.
State vs. 0. A. Prough, Allio
Lorenzen, Asmus Lorenzen and
Peter Lorenzen Larceny of sad
dle Indictment filed. 0. A.
Prough arraigned. No attorney
Geo. Sizemoro appointed.
have nlno in our district it would
givo us'tt tidy Bum.
Geo. Bryson is n little homo
Bick. Choor up Geo. vou will
soon got UBcd to it.
Tho G acres of Bpoltz and vetch'
Messrs. Iloffoditz and Huntly put
in last spring (to lato to grow;
is coming up fine If It doesn't
freeze out they will have quite a
Hazel Cobb accompanied Mr.
T.nMnv to Burns tho first of tho
II. F. Huntly has been hauling
hay from tho Nino Milo alough
for tho Raycrnf t Bros.
F. M. Oswalt holpcd C. E. Lo
May put up his now windmill
last week.
Jack Hauiiit.
(Continued from pago 1.)
leave to file amended complaint
Oregon Industrial Co. vs. Scotty
Glenn-attachment Return per
mitted to be amended to show
facts as of date of first day of
Oct term 1910. Order to gar
nishee City of Burns to show
cause why answer to writ has
not been made.
R. H. Steves vs. J. H. Jordan I
-Damasres. Motion sustained i
w n Huffman vs W. II. Mon
roc and Andrew Stone-Injunction.
No appearance for Deft
Stone. Default and decree
against Stone.
Elbert E. Cary vs. Alda Cary
Divorcc. Referred to official re
porter for taking testimony.
A. II. Lippman vs. Oscar Bald
winForeclosure mortgage.
Emma Miller vs Geo. b. Miner,
striking amended complaint from 'Bert Miller, and Harney County
flleg I National Bank-Injunction. Pass-
Ella Schultz vs. C. M. Kellogg led till judge Weatherford arrives.
-Damages. Stands on dem. Henry H. Guild vs. Royce
ans. and passed until regular Guild-Divorco.
term next week. I Tisha Belle Osborn-D.vorcc.
We Have Opened Offices in the New Masonic
Building in Bums, and are Prepared
TO P"rnish Accurate, Reliable
V and Complete Abstracts of
Title to ail Lands in Harney Co.
Buy and Sell Real Estate in
Large and Small Tracts.
Write Fire Insurance in the
Strongest Old Line Comp'ies
qpA Loan Money on Improved
" Real Estate, and to Execute
Conveyances of all kinds.
All Business Intrusted To Us Will Receive
Prompt and Careful Attention.
Rooms 4 and 5 Masonic Building.
The State Grange organizer W.
R. Gekeler of La Grande, Ore.
will bo in the valley in April to
install the officers of Valley View
Grange, and organizo several
more at different places in the
county. Everyone engaged in
Agriculture over 14 years old is
eligiblo and is cordially asked
toco-operate with Mr. Gekeler
in this worthy cause.
For thoso who are not familiar
with thia work I will outlino a
few of its benefits:
It is inexpensive: because it is
the farmers only organization;
national in character; because it
has exerted greater influence in
securing state and nationnl leg
islation in interest of agriculture
than any agency in tho country;
because it is officered by thoso
engaged in agriculture, who
know from experience the needs
of farmors and arc Bincore in
their desire to aid them in every
possible way; because it is tho
duty of farmers to co-operate
with ono another, if they would
successfully moot tho infiuonco
of organization in every direct
ion, and secure lor wile and
home a fair share of what tho
harvest yields; because it has
secured national legislation in
tho oleomargarine law, tho es
tablishment of the Interstate
Commerce Commission, tho es
tablishment of rural free mail
delivery and stato legislation in
every state in tho interest of tho
farming population.
BecauBO it has exerted tho
greatest infiuenco' known in
breaking up tho isolation of farm
lifo and in making farm life at
tractive to tho boys and girls
bringing sunshine and happiness
into tho farm homo to Buch an
extent as has never boforo exist
ed, It 5b working for tho exten
sion of the parcels post and tho
establishment of the postal sav
ings banks.
It helped place a tax of ten
cents per lb, on colored oleomar
garino Uiub eliminating it from
competition with real butter and
adding value to every dairy cow
in tho country.
Always a leader in ovory
moyemont for better rural
If apace would permit I could
enumerate many more benefits
to tho farmer.
A Gkangi:
II. F. Huntly has a doublo disc
drill and is proparcd to do all
kinds of seeding. Ho also has
a patent bread mixer which looks
auspicious as ho don't know how
to work tho mixer himself. Ho
also complains of boing lonesome.
In tho sprlngtimo youthful fancy
lightly turnfl to thoughts of lovo.
Did wo Bay youthful? Cheer up
Henry whore thoro is lifo thoro
is hope.
Wo would suggest putting a
tax on bachelors .of $15 per year
to go to tho school fund as wo
attack when tho horso ia first
thrown; and tho man on horse
back who is now fastened down
haB his helper who has been toi
lowing him nround just insido
tho fence that is between tno
wmnnt wall and the wooden
fonco; and tho helper slides out
of that poneal sot In as Btated,
and dragB tho mnn out from un
der the horse, nnd they two try
in crnt tho horso uni if able to
Btand up tho horso Is led out
elthor gate to tho outside, even
though hia entrails are lunging
out and hanging and dangling
around; if tho horso cannot get
up, ono of tho men stick a Knite
in tho back of the head and sev
ers tho spinal cord at tho baso of
tho brain, and, presto, tno norso
i 1nml and out of his misery.
Tho judge of tho fightls not over
particular to have, the mm mano
n oftWmis miss at tho other horse
in tho ring, after ono is killed or
badly wounded; but often the
bull does so on liis own motion,
and wounds tho other horse.
Anv kind of n demonstration at
the other liorso will suffice, how
ever bo that tho other horso is
often Bavcd. The horses do not
stand any bIiow to get out of tho
way; they are old worn out
imrsfB nnd ircnornlly poor of
""'-r " i i t i
course. It is not liuencieu unit.
they shall bo active. I have seen
Mm luil I romo back to the dead
horse, after the man and Baddle
are removed, and just toss the
poor limp body around with a
vengeance. Tho bugle calls again,
tho horses being used no more
fortius bull; one dead, ono Jed
out alive perhaps; the ono alive
will "get his" when tho next bun
is in tho ring perhaps. Tho next
changoof bugle call is for tho
bandcleria man; a man enters
tho ring with two longer bandel
ciras than tho ono stuck in the
bull's neck as ho came out of the
barn; these have handles four
feet long or nearly that; handles
nil ornamented with ribbons tied
rlon nbout them spears sharp
and barbed like fishhooks so they
will Btay in; tho man holds tho
bandolcaries aloft in an attitudo
as if to throw a spear, looks at
tho bull, menaces with the flashy
bandelacreas, ono in each hand,
held bo as best to Btick them in
tho bulla neck; when tho bull
comesat him and, as tho bull
comes running full speed at tho
man, tho man side steps, just
missing tho bulls horns, reaches
in toward tho bull na ho passes
and plants both bandolcaries in
tho bull's neck near tho should
ers, ono on ono Bldo and one on
Mm ether: thov hurt: tho bull is
madder than ho has over been;
and ho may turn on tho man, who
ima nn nrntnpliim from anv cano
now, and wlioso only cnanco oi
escape is toscalo tho fence. Those
bandercr a handles appear to bo
heavy, and they swing downward
and flop around as tho bull runs,
nildlnor to tho torture. Tho capo
mon now appear again and prac
tico with tho bull awhile; protty
Boon tho bull stands in tho center
of tho ring; for tho first timo ho
seems to bo thinking nbout some
thing, ho looks around about him
hia head up; sees tho crowd per
haps, and tho sky nbovo; feela
that ho has had about enough of
that anyway; his spirit of fight is
broken; ho wants to got out of
tho wholo mess; ho starts for tho
fence, and over it ho gocB; ho
tries to climb up on tho cement
wall, and maybo got8 his head up
on tho first ledgo, and thon falls
back; tho r.ed rag near tho gato
seta him again in that direction,
and ho is immediately In tho ring
nrntn! ho mav K0 OVOr tllQ fonco
at another point, to ropeat It over
again, tho Bamo way or getting
lmek: onco tho bull's head was in
two feot of my feet, as I waa on
tho first ledgo or tior of seats,
on tho sliado Bldo. Tho buglo calls
nnw ncrnln. nnd It ia for tho sword
man; ho lias not been In tho fight
yet; only perhaps a spectator; his
alternate han "planted" thoband-
eloriaa iwrhaps, and rcceivoq
great applauso; now it la for him;
his closo fitting suit Is rich and
hlfrhlv fitnbrodcrcd with gold;
porhnpa cost thousand of dollars;
with capo In ono hand nnu Bworu
In tho other, ho steps quickly In
to tho ring as tho buglo calls; tho
bull Ib Bulking over to oho side,
and noithor pay any attention to
each other now-yot; tho man
makes o speech In Spanish; he
turns to tho peons over in tho Bun;
tho onco who worship a bull fight
er; tho follows, men and women,
who spend thoir all for tickets to
tho fight; and ho says to tnom,
"I will dcdlcato tho death of this
bull to thlB section of tho audi
oncc," pointing to them; and they
cheor htm to tho echo. Ho then
takes his aword and Bmall capo
in tho samo hand, tho Bword sup
porting tho capo, as It hangs over
tho aword, and stops up toward
Mm hull, until tho bull makes a
nnsfl nt him. nnd ho dodges by
tho uso of the capo to help, and
thon tho bull turna and comes
back: ho does that way perhaps
a dozen times; tho bull gets less
and less vIcIoub at tho gamo an
tho tlmo. and moro willing to
stand still for a moment; finally
thomangeta tho bull to stand
with front feet closo together,
and oven, so as to throw tne
Bhouldcra in the right position to
thrust tho sword down botween
them Into his lungs or as near his
heart aa possible, and standing
nbout five feet from tho bull, and
almost directly in front of him,
ho lunges forward, sword aimed
at tho shoulders, or just to ono
Bido of ono shoulder, inside tho
Bhoulder blado; and perhaps tno
bull has anticipated tho motion
of tho man, and lunged forward
at tho man, but tho man misses
Mm hornB of the bull, and plants
tho sword Into tho bull's lungs
up to tho hilt; the bull moves not
to follow up tho man, but Btands
dazed a moment; his lungs fill up
wiMi blood, in a fow seconds ho
is chocking for breath, and falls
over Blowly, when a helper puts
him out of his misery by tno
dirk in tho back of the head, and
ho ia dead instantly.
Exclusive Spring Goods
Shirt Waists
Under Muslin
Beautiful linen shown for Knrlj
Latest und most attractive novelties. Hand Tailored
Embroidorod fronts. Hcautifui assortment of designi
Now and sulondid varioty in a wido range of choice
, yx For Ladies and Misses in Foul
Readyto-wear Dresses ttrdH, Dimities and Lawns.
In Linen Suiting, Mull Lustre, India Linons, Silks and
Poplins, Panama Zephyrs, imported aces, cm..
Scotch Zephyr Ginghams Silkcrtincs Draperies Maison Etamines
New All Over Laces Variety of Shades
White Goods
m- -
f IfJ
Always ready for job printing.
Blue prints of any township in
Burns Land District, showing
nnme of entryman, date and kind
of entry, topography, etc., ?1.00
each. Piatt T. Randall. Burns,
(Continued next week.)
Notice Is hereby given that
the co-partnership heretofore
existing between Chas. Kaiser
nntl n. Kuchelle under tho firm
name of Kaiser & Buchello in
tho Harney Valley Moat Market
has been dissolved by mutual
consent Mr. Buchello continues
tho business, assumes all mdebt-
nesa nnd collects all bills.
Court Stenographer Walker is
expected in this evening, to bo in
readiness for court next Monday.
ChiiH. W. Ellis is moving his
law office from tho Jordan build
ing to the vacant offices in the
rear of tho land office.
Cecil Irving, who has been ab-
Bcnt in California all winter, is
expected homo today or tomor
Work horses for sale weighing
from 1200 to 1400 lbs. four to six
ycare old. I. M. Davis, Drewsey
UNlTiiHTTra!.iKiiOrncK. I
liiirn.. UrvKoii, March K, 1V10.1
U..H.... i. !...!. ih.t illri'Mrd tir
Ihn Cominl..lonr nf theOonerl Ijtml OUlcc,
Uli.lvr tli iriivl1oni nf the ict nf Conercn !
llio fpilcMlon of IMIIh llimiin, MHICIIr.
Mlv la tho lilghrtl hhlilfr. t 10 a' rlnrk .m..
on inez-Mii iiijrn Anrii, iyii, nojt mi hub utw
tho followlUK tuctn ut land
1iUl utiil 4. Kef II. nJ NK),KK!,8fC.SI,
r Wl H It K.. W. M
An mill oil irin cmlnilnit ilr"lr Ihf'cil luxli fu mlvlicd to file thrlr
rUlmt or iil.JeetloiK on or hrfore the time tie.
tlgtmte! lor t'le
Wm Kn. Ufrl.U-r.
r"AH liivir, Itcrelter.
llutin, Ornon, JUrcli a. I'll. 1
Nutlcelahcrobr Klfen lht John I.
lUnlinan.Orriion.itho.nn March H),IO7.uiailr
Urtart l.aml Kutrr Mo. KM.Harlat riu. Uli;, for
lit lanJ J,HHlou 3U. Tawnahlp 51. houtli,
Itanitetl Kiut, Wlllaiiltllo Mrrhllan, haa nii-l
notlre of Intention to make final I'ruol. to
eitahlUh claim to lha land ahoto lracrlbrt
tHifote the lit tl.irr and Itccelvcr, al liurni, Or
vitnii.on the nth day of Mar lull
t'launani iiamca aa wiincuw.
unit.. tlfpH.1 It Cit.rv Ira II
Clark and llor Kello all of llnrrlinan.Orcron.
Wh, Ka, Kegiater.
Wanted in Townships near
Engineer In Charge the Oregon Hydro-
Electric Engineering Company
llurm, Utrgoti, March V, lllt.t
Notlre la herohy tlvtu. that, aa llrrcted by
the oininlaaloner of the (leneral l.ana oin,
i.rimd June 17. IW, l' W.l . . 1'Urjnant to
Iho n-i'llcatlon of liiomaa I. Vlcker.. Harney,
Orajtoti, r'erlal Mo 0IJ7l,we wllloiter at tmbllc
Mletotliahlibr.t blildcr. tt 10 n'rlork a. in .
on the '7lh day ot April, lull. next, at thia of
Hi e, the followlnif tiarti nf land
NKIlNMUahtl NaNKU,8eC. II. T. 13 H., II
3K m. plalmlntt adveraely Ibe
abote-lcacrllwd land, are a.lvl.ol to tile their
claim, or ol)cctlona on or lfore t he lime ilea
llir.tcdlor.alo. ...
ill. r, in a"
rnv Uavky. KeccUrr,
In the Juitlcc Court of Hums I'rcclnct,
Hfiruejr County, Orcon.
A.J. PnHenger, plnlnttlT
Mike Thometx, tltfemlntul
To Mike Thometx, the above named
In the nnme of the Stnte of Oregon,
you are hereby required to n)ieitrnnd
nniwerthe complaint nicuiiRniniiyou
In tl. i.l.oTc entitled nctlon. on or lxfure
the Uit day of the time preicrlbed in the
order of publication or tin. ummoni, to
wltl on or before May 1, 1011, ald date
being the expiration of ix. weeki from
the fint publication of tun luinnioim,
and il you fall to io appear nntl omwer
the plalntilT, for want thereof, will nlt
that you mlTer judgment to I taken
ngalnit you In the ium oi ?ho.oo witit
Intereit thcr'ton at the rate of H tier cent.
ir aim. from March at, 1010; a5.00
attorney fee; $H.00 with iiilctmt tlicrc
on at the rate of (1 percent. peraiin. from
June 1, 1010, and coati nnd tlUliurac-
Tlili lummom ! pulillihed by order of
Matt T. Kandnll, Juitlcc of the Pence of
the above court, mmlc ami entered
March 10, 1011, und the dale of the
first publication here 'of Ii March 11,
0. A. Kbuiiom, Plffli. Atty.
liNiian Statm l.tun Orrli .
liuriK, llrcon, March 17, 1911
Notice la hereby lren that Andrew J.Hklcni
nl Itlley. Orcron. who, on Aill 1. J.iniIo
Ileaert Land Kntrf. No. tan, ncrlal No.0-jW4. for
Matt KM, NKtpiKli. HKUNK)f. cllou 1,1;
.hip it tkiulfi. Itauge Jf ha.u, WllamMte Mer
idian, haa filed notice oi mcrmion m ma.o
Final rrnof, to c.labll.h claim Io the land
aboyo dcacrllied. before the KcKl.ter and Ho
rolrer al llunu, Oregon, nil the Vf.tli day of
April, till.
inlnir C. Haymond and Toble
llurm. Oreiton.K.lward McDonald and Walter
riklcna, an nt itiicy, "icfjo
Vm. Famix, Kcgtiter.
Un1td Statbi I.hp OrriCK. I
lluriii, OrcKon, March i, 1111 I
i .,!.. I. .u.n llial Inl.n V. If Hlrh.
nr r llatner. orct-on. who. on Mar Si, lu.
ruailclionir.lead entry No. S6S7. Serial No CM,
for WW. H.-ctlonM.Towuililp B8, Kanse
W Kt. Wlllametla Mcrldan. haa Bled notice
nf Intention m maao '"' "ir
I'rool. In telabllaii claim to me lann ano.o u..'
crlbed, before the lleglater and Kecclvei. at
llurtia ureRon, on too uru nay ui May, v..
Claimant name ai wttneaic.:
J. w. Iluclianan, U V. Iwe, Wm. Ualei and
I. M. Ilainlltmiallof llaruey, Oregon.
IVm Fahii, Iteglaler.
Everything Under the Sun and Seldom
Now's the Time to Get Ready to Put in Cro
Notice ol Pinal selllemcnl
In the County Court for Ilnrncy County,
Stnte of Oregon.
In the mutter of the eijnte of
Peter Andrewi, decerned.
Notice Is hereby given that the tinder
ilRtied executor of said ettnte hits filed
his final account herein ns by law re
imlred, and that by order of said court
the 8th day of April, 1U11, at 10 o'clock
A. M. nt the court house nt Burns, Ore
jron, has len Hied as the time nnd plnce
for the henrlmf of objections to snld nc
count and the settlement thereof! all per
ions IiuvIuh uc1' objections mint Die the
inme on or before inld time of henriiiK.
DatcJMurchll, 1011,
llnrn., OrCKOti, March 84, 1911 1
Notice la hcraby ihen that Thornaa O. of Harney, Oregon, wbo. ou July I,
1DW, tnadu llnmcitoad Kutry No. owas. lor 6Y.U
Haetlon S, Towiuhlp !l Houth, Kango W
Kaat, Willamette Meridian, haa filed nollce
of Intention to makoFlnalOommulailon I'rool,
loe.tabltih claim to lite land above de.crlbed,
before tho Iteglaler and lteeelver, al llunu.
Oregon, millionth day of May, lull.
Claimant nitmee a. wllna.acat
Qeorgo Wchouk. Wilbur llnpklni. John 11.
l-ogaan, 0. Illlea Hnillli all nl llurna, Oregon.
Wm. Fahkk, licgiaier.
llunu, Otcgoit, Match V), 1UI1-I
Hmina I. linrabr ulvon that, aa directed by
IheCommU.loiierof Iho (loucral Und Office,
under the provUlona nf the Act of t'ongrcaa ap
proved Juno X7. 1WX1 JH Htatce..M7l piirauant
(a the aupllce ion oi Kiiiaoein aiiunieioii.
Hart m ii, Oregon, Berlal No. WW. wo will
Viler atpuullo.Ao to the hlghj-.t bidder, alio
at this olllie, Ihe following Iracl ol laud
WHHWJt. Heo. M. T. It , U. a K aim l.ot ,
imJ. t ' H.. R. US IS.. W. M.
..... i ..II .....iji.ia 1a I iii I it ur alii Vril-kft I If tint
AI1V nlllinil iicisuiii nil"''"' ' v . "
aluive dcacrlhcd lands are advl.ed tollletliolr
claim or objei lions ou or before the time de-lg-
nalvil lorsate. .,...,.,.
n m r Anna. iva""'i i.
we have pi0WSi Harrows,
Seeders, Wind Milli
Pumps, Hose, Scrapers,
Wagons, Hackf
Buggies and Carts.
Fhamk IUyky, lleoelver.
The Famous Rotary Harm
to Attach to Sulky or
Gang Plows
1 0. I1IU.AUI1
Formerly At.l. Kimlucer
A. 0, Paulknkii
Formerly Chief Kt
glncer ol llolso A
Western Ity.
Eastern Oregon Engineering
Bums, OregM
Come In and See Us Before Buyinij
Young's Meat Market & Groceij
Estiuy I have nt my placo
ono red muloy cow, 4 years and
branded 0 E connected with bar
botween on right hip; Marked,
crop off left ear and overbit in
right Owner provo proporty
nnd pay charger.
II. J. IlAnoiSTY, Burns, Ore.
Or 'phono Hardisty Station.
Estkay Sorrel liorse. blail
fnce, two white hind feet, ne '
years, weight nbout 900. brail
B II L connected on right stifl
tno u roverseuj also n on
Htidle. Been at mv Emiur
creek plnce nil winter. Owi
call and pay charges.
Paul Finke, Burns, OregW
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