f - CT r kj t3 W h ii'mmjr mmmminxum miMiijjmmiminuiuiuimM'umiiu rmi mn iL,4ugMaiigja)lBuawiiiiiiiii!Ui.iiMiiiiMiiiit,i..M Wmxt 11 W iriie 8rnt ftnrtiejj otuitrtj Covers aii nrea of 0,428,800 acrcf of land, 4,0.11,061 acron yet vacant ttib)cct fo entry under the public land lawn ol tlio Unltod HlatcB. Tlio Olllclnl Taper of Itnrnoy Co duty hi the Urgoit circulation ml ! ono ot ha bftt dvcrtUln mediums In Kniloru Oregon. fOL. XXIV BURNS, HARNEY- COUNTY, OREGON, APRIL 1, 1911 NO 20. 1 -tfalk ASCRIBES OLD MEXICO msely Interesting Account of Trip Written by H. H. Hendricks ITS MANY HISTORIC POINTS linute Description of a Bull Fight, Clmrnctor of jplc, Mode of Living, Buildings, Cities, etc, arc Entertaining No Front Yards to the Residences. Hendricks, an attorney biI, made nn extended trip lex ico last winter, leaving early in January. Ho , n lino description ot ms his brothers, Glen O. and of Lawen, which The -Herald has the privilege ling its readers. After a intenccs of a personal na- Hendricks writes.: Los Angeles I went on lirect to El Paso. Texas, "I took the Mexican Central ' crossing the river over to (Waitress), where I on- fMexico. Up to that time Burrectos had not bothered Mexican Central trains. Jrn Arizona, and New Mex- S. W. Texas over which come to El Paso was mostly covered with little foliage, mesquite and cactus; and the Rio Grando in old it continued much the clear down past the city of ahua (Cheewawa), except fcw places where irrigation juried on on account of the lity of streams or lakes that possible. When we Torreon (Tor-re-own, nc- last syllable), wo found rich country, irrigated, bed mostly for raising cot- ; also being a R. R. center. al cotton and other factories d there. The altitude iivn uentrai Mexico along exican Central R. R. is ligh, hence not very tropi- summer, and just pleasant iter. The altitude from jo to Torreon is about aauu Mid it rises to nearly 9000 iZacatecas (Zack-a-take-us, the tike.) Then we irn some and enter still upland valleys, with still mountains both between the Gulf slope as well as sn us and the Pacific slope. upland valleys are large i Willamette valley, and one l several times larger than febfoot valley of Oregon Is clear over to Guadalajara, S's only a few miles ride Ithe Pacific, At Irapuato -wa-to, accent on the wa, ince the wa samo as in I) I took the side train for lajara (Waud-ala-ha-ra, ac- tho ha, samo as in hair.) Hajarais a city of 125,000 ition, situated about 4000 ibove sea level or a little seldom rains except in June, which then tends the warm season. In the Eno fires are kept, and no build them-t-not needed Iter even. The Btreets are paved, has fine electric car up-to-date department mostly branches of Lon- sd Paris stores; fine hotels Buildings. Tho parks or arc a feature, and arc used, and beautifully kept; as at least ono large statue ae noted Mexican patriot, General Bon i to Juarez. in who conquorcd Maxillian id him shot with his gencr- i side; and Hildalgo, tho ho led tho revolt against 100 years ago; and Presi- liaz (Dee-us, nccent on tho Tho plazas, except where i!cs and (lowers are, are with beautiful tiling, in- two separate promenade t around near tho outside I plaza. At night tho band nd the people promenade music. Tho men march i two, and the ladies march Id two; the men and ladies in opposite directions so io would meet tho samo 1 gentleman face to faco as ro eacn timo in passing tho plaza. Tho peons yns) or poor people, who save any property at all, rould not keep it if they his; had nny) mnrch around tho outer promenade, and the rest of the peoplo march around tho inner one, and there is no conflict about it: tho peons know their placo and are happy- to fill it. Tho houses are built in all Mexi can cities, right out to the street, there being no front yard; and no space between the houses; so it looks just like one solid wall of buildings in the resident district as well as in the business part. All lower windows hnvo bars of iron to protect them from anyone getting in when the windows aro open by day or night; all outer doors to dwellings look alike, and when you knock, and aro invited in, you come into a hall or open ing between the walls of two rooms.andat tho end of tho hall, which is as long as the' rooms aro wide, there is another door, made of bars of iron like a prison door, and if you aro wanted in nny further that door will bo unlock ed from the inside, and you will enter through it, and when von enter there you are in the patio, or court, where is the real yard, composed of a space for llowers, shrubbery, and a fountain per haps; and it will be tiled also; tho rooms aro built around the patio. Tho hotels are tho same way ;largo ones having two patios, ono back of the other; the patios arc open to tho sky. Patio is pronounced (pat-i-o, accent on tho pat, pronounced just like pat in Patrick.) I attended one of tho big bull fights in Mexico at Guad alajara. I did not do that to ap prove of It. but to find for my self what to condem of it. The fights do not take place every Sunday in each city, but I sup pose there is one nearly overy Sunday somewhere in Mexico. They commence at 3 p. m. and last until G; they kill six bulls at a "fight", one at a timo, taking a half hour to each bull; have two sword men, each appearing al ternately, or killing every other one. The killing does not take long, but tho getting of tho ani mal ready to bo killed is an in teresting feature. The bull ring is made of concrete; with steel frame to support it; perfectly round, shape of an amphitheatre; the steps up and upnro the scats; the peons buy the sun tickets, and the others sit on the shady side; tickols cost for sun side, 75c. which is $1.50 Mex. The others $2.50 gold or $5 Mex. the ring holds about .'50,000 peo ple, and is well filled. The tor redor's or swordmen get about $4,000 Mex. 2ach per game. Tho helpers are well paid too. Tho Government gets 20 per cent of the ticket sales as a license fee. Tho owner of tho bull ring gets the rest, which amounts to a lot. Up to the first ledgo or seat there is accmcntwallaboot7 feet high. That is not tho bull ring propor. It is n wooden fence, sot ten feet inside of tho' cement wall, per fectly round, made of inch boards sotting on endnniled to posts and scantlings on outside Between tho woden fence and the cement wall, thatspaco is divided off into about six compartments by cross partitions; gates opening from ono to tho other all tho way round, and from each ono into tho main ring; so if tlio bull jumps over tho fence into a compartment, as ho does later, tho red flag is flaunted at him near tho gato, and ho makes for R, and comes right out tho gato into tho ring again just in a fow seconds after ho jumped over. Tho compart ments aro handy for tho helpers, and tho men later on horseback to saddle up and get ready in. Frotn each compartment thoro iB a panel of tho fenco that sotB in about fifteen inches from tho rest of tho fence; n helper by going edgwiso, can go out and in tho ring quickly by that means; but no man with tho bull nt his heels over tries to go in that way, as ho could not turn to got in edgowiso whilo running at full speed; ho goes over tho fence, stepping his too on a 2x4 which is nailed on tho inner sido about 18 inches from tho ground to help him leap over quickly. Tho bull does not follow ovor tho fenco after a man when chasing him. Of courso it is only now and then a man has to tako to tho fenco to got out of tho way. Thero is n hole in tlio concroto wall of tho ring on, say, the West; tho ono on tho south optfhs into tho stables or stalls where the bulls aro ready to bo let out in turn; tho ono tho West to lot in tho horses and drag out tho dead bulls and horses. Tlio crowd gathers early; tho band plays music whilo waiting till tho hour of 3; the judge of the fight Bits high up, and conies in just a couplo of minutes before the hour of 3 sharp; tho crowd cheers him; the baud stops in timo and at 3 sharp the judgo of tho fight nods to his bugler, and tho bugler at his side toots his horn for the commencement of the fight. The door to the stablo opens, and a bull comes out of the dark into the light, through an alley lend ing across that ten foot space; he hesitates, as his eyes aro not used to the sunshine; just as he gets out of tho barn the door is closed behind him, nnd a man reaches over tho wall of tho alley, and plant a bandalcrin in tho neck of the bull; it is nslcel spike with barbs so it won't como out, and the short handle has orna ments or ribbons on it It stays thet'e, and the bull hurting nnd surprised, comes on out in n gal lop to the middle of the ring, shake's his head and paws tho dirt a second till he sees one of tho four capo men standing inside the ring, and ho immediately makes for the first capo man ho sees, the man shaking his red "capo" or rag and inviting him thus to the fight; the bull comes full tilt, straight for tho man, who holds tho capo in front of him, nnd us the bull gets in about ten feet of him, tho man side steps, leaving tho capo hang by his hands in samo position, nnd just as tho bull gets his head to the cape, ho raises the capo.to. keep it from catching nnd tear ing in the bulls horns; tho bull coming so hard, can't stop till he gets fifteen or twenty feet nwny; and then he turns, coming lmck tho samo way, and tho samo thing is repeated; before ho turns another time he sees a red cape closer to him held by n man motioning for him to como by flaunting tho red rng; and Mr. Bull takes for that man; and tho same thing is gone over again; tho bull is passed around to all four capo men, or sometimes takes across atone unexpectedly, who if his enpo is not ready, leaps the fence. Just on the minuto according to rules, the bugle calls for the horses nnd horsemen next; nnd two men each on a horso enter from tho gato on the West side, where tho bulls aro dragged out later. Tho bull will be over on tho opposite sido when tho horses aro coming in; as tho capo men can have him wherever they pleaso by thoir cloverncss; and tho rule is that if tho bull lms not enough fight to mnke two '"passes" at tho horses he is ruled oir the ring and another ono is let in; so they have two or thrco extras for each fight; two being ruled ofT in tho fight I saw. The men on horseback work around towards the bull, who may not attack the horso or cither horso until ono of tho horsemen tides up near enough to prod tho bull with a spike on tho end of a long polo ho enrrics under his right arm, striking tho bull in tho neck nenr tho shoulder; thon tho bull makes for tho man and horse which attacked him, and comos viciously, lifting tho horso ofr tho ground in somo instances, nnd turning him clear over end for end, and the man falling un der or partly under tho horso; of course ripping tho horso open with his horns, somo times in tho lungs, Komolimes in tho paunch; tho capo man is right thero to draw tho bull off from following up tho attack, on account of tho man fastened down by tho horso; so tho bull seldom follows up tho RAILROADS TO EXTEND ? General ImpressionlWork Will Begin From East End This Season MUST PROTECT RIGHT OF WAY Judge Biggs States People of His Section Confident Construction Will Begin This Season and Complet ed Through Canyon No Debts for Road Building. Judgo Dnlton Biggs arrived Sunday afternoon from his homo nt Ontario to conveno circuit court This is Judgo Biggs' first term hero slnco his election to tho bench nnd as ho was former ly n resident of this city it is needless to say ho mot n warm welcome from his many friends in this section. In discussing tho railroad situa tion the other dny Judgo Biggs stated it was generally thought over at Ontario that railroad con struction would begin toward Harney county this season. The fact that there is now a large amount of money tied up in right ot way in the Malheur canyon under its present terms will nee cssitnto action this year, leads to tho belief that actual construction will begin. Tho conditions imposed by tho government should tho present franchise lapse makes it almost sure tho Harriman system will not allow it to expire. Tho pre sent right of way is held with no strings. Should it lnpso it would bo necessary to comply with late restrictions of tho Interior De partment to raise tho tracks 100 feet in order that thoy will not conflict with a proposed irriga tion project Tho opinion is general that there was an ngrcoment when the Hill interests sold the right of way to Harriman because of this restriction and that n point trackage has been arranged. This is further made quite plain by tho announcement that Morton Barrows, father-in-law of Lewis Hill has just purchased 2-10 acres near Ontario which ho has ar ranged shall bo put into orchard at once. This land was purchas ed from the Western Coloniza tion Co. of which Mr. Barrows is a stockholder. Tho Hill sys tem is too closely identified with this territory as stated before to abandon it Tho fact that it is five years since the government right of way was acquired by tho Harri man system makes it very pro- bablo tho construction will begin this yenr and pushed to comple tion at least through Malheur canyon. Tho Vale Enterprise lias tho following respecting such prespects: Along with tho news of tho successful floating in Europo last week by the Harriman system of $150,000 bonds on the Union Pa cific system, and tho filing Inst week of a mortgage on tho Ore gon Trunk nnd other lines of $125,000.000by tho Hill interests, indicating moro railroad develop ments, comes tho report that tho Harriman peoplo are getting into real action, for tho enrly con struction work of tho Oregon and eastern. Last week's re port in tho Enterprlso stated that nn appropriation had beon made for railroad work in tho local yards nnd that a larger sum would bo appropriated for tho construction work into the inter ior. This wcok a Hnrriman at torney mado his nppearnnco into town for tho purpose of closing tho right of way matters as soon as possible. Soveral will bo taken into tho courts. Job printing-Tho Times-Herald NO DEBTS POP ROADS. (Continued on page 2.) A Salem dispatch in tho Jour nal says: As intimated at tho timo by tho attorney general to the members of tho executive committee of tho state grange who visited him ut his ofilco Inst Saturday afternoon, Mr. Craw ford holds in a written opinion thnt the several counties hnvo no authority to call special elections for tho purpose of creating a debt for tho building of permanent roads, or for any purpose ex cepting in certain cases specifi cally provided for as for tho pur poso of submitting the question of tho creation and maintenance of county high schools or for pro hibiting tho sale of liquor under the local option law. Consequently the grange will proceed to formulato legislation pertaining to good roads which they will submit to tho electors nt tho general assembly in 1912. Just tho naturo of this legislation is not known at this time princi pally for the reason that it has not yet taken definite form but it will have for its object to au thorize tho counties to call special elections to issue bonds or create other inbebtedness for tho purpose of building perma nent roads. In his opinion tho attorney general finds ns follews: "Thooffectof this amendment, considered in connection with the originnl section is to remove the limitation of $5000 on the au thority of tho counties to incur indebtedness, for tho purpose of building permanent roads within tho county, but also places the limitation upon indebtedness in curred for this purpose, that it shall bo incurred only on ap proval of a majority of those voting on tho question. Tho question submitted is whether tho county can call a special election to submitt this question of incurring such additional indebtedness. "I find no provision either in tho constitution or nny of tho statutes authorizing n county to call n special election for this purposo or for nny purioso ex cepting in certain cases specially provided for.ns for the purposo of submitting tho question of tho creation of and maintenance of county high schools, county high school fund, etc. "Counties not being municipal corporations in tho fullest senso of tho word, but only so far as they aro so created by tho con stituted, they have no power to legislate nnd cannot legislate by tho initiativo under section- lu of nrticlo IV of tho constitution, even ns a district because no pro vision has been mado by law for such legislation, and even if the statute included counties, it is not entirely certain thnt they would havo that authority under tho constitution as the court has hold that 'municipality' nnd 'dis trict' aro synonymous, at least to tho extent that a municipality is a district, but tho question whether a county is included in thnt term has never been de cided. "In any event, tho counties havo not so far boon invested with legislative authority by way of tho initiative. Having no such authority, they cannot initiate a bill authorizing the calling of special elections, und thero being no authority of law already ex isting for such olecions being called, in my opinion, county courts or the peoplo of n county, cannot call a special election for tho purposo of voting on tho question of incurring additional indebtedness for the purposo of building permanent roads. The vote required as a condition pre cedent to the incurring of such indebtedness must, therefore, be taken in connection with the goncrnl election." OHEQON VIEWS IN IIARNEY COUNTY. Arrangements have been made for Manager Ashley of tho Baker Commercial Club to show his famous steroopticon views of Oregon's resources in Burns, April 5th, for the benefit of the general public and to allow the Harney Valley Commercial Club an opportunity to decide upon slides of the Valley to be furnish ed for Ashley's eastern advertis ing tour. Baker people were highly pleased with these views and no doubt they will be equally well received by tho people of tho interior country. On his trip into Harney Valley, Ashley will accompany an excur sion of about fifteen persons from Baker and Huntington, who arc going into tho country to locate desert claims under the hydro electric irrigation project along Malheur Luke, being promoted by W. C. Pnrrish. Besides look ing up lnnd. the party will be equipped for duck shooting and n general good time is anticipated, as duck, geese, swan and pelican darken the air around the lakes at this timo of year. "Lcm"has arranged for a substitute at his shine emporium, and will ride with tho driver from Prairio City inlnnd, to bring tho party good luck, and will incidentally de spenso conversation and views on temperance en route. Baker Democrat Teaching Farmers by Mall. The principle of mnking the college of direct practical service to every taxpayer of the state of Oregon, of carrying its assistance nnd instruction out to those who aro unable to attend the course at Corvallis, is demonstrated in a striking manner by the Oregon Agricultural College in its new correspondence courso in farm accounting and business methods, given by theschool of commerce under Dean J. A. Bcxcll. Ono ndvantago to tho farmers, in addition to the fact that it is free to all, is that it can be taken up at any time, nnd carried on at tho convenience of the student without restriction as to the num ber of months it covers. There are already fifty students enrolled in tho work, and it has so attract ed tho attention of the publishers of tho bulletin of lesson instruc tions that they havo evolved a plan by which Dean Bcxnll's courso can be offered by all tho different agricultural schools throughout the country, ndaptcd to each locality and its particular needs. As fust as the funds nnd in structional force nt the college will allow, other courses will be added to tho correspondence work for farmers, including a study of rural law, and agricultural econ omics. Unfortunately tho legis lature did not allow tho appropri ation requested for this work, so it cannot at this timo receive tho attention nnd development plann ed for it. It is tho policy of tho college, however, to extend these advantages to tho peoplo of tho rural communities of the stnte as fast as resources will permit NEW RIBBONS AT BUSY CORNER STORE. THE , V. T. .LUSTER, Alnnager nnd Salesman, Homestead Locations A. A. I'MtKY, Secretary nnd Notary Public THE INLAND EMPIRE REALTY COHPANY UupreiouU That Which IsTutod ami Iltllubto, and Handlo Buccuiilully all Burls ot Itual Katnta lliulnuaa. Wu aro Audita Pot tho ItelUbU AETNA and PHONEIX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. COLUMBIA LIFE AN D TRUST CO. AMERICAN LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO. AGENCY HOLT AND HAINES-HOUSER COMBINED HARVESTER NUSERY STOCK Talk Your Itual Katale Matters Ovor With Vi, Your Oualneaa Will Ua Strictly ConlUloiitlul, Wu Know Our Dual- lien, Attend To Our llualneaa and Want Your llualueaa. PHtST UOOU SOUTH OP ilARNBY COUNTY NATIONAL, UANK t i t I t UURNS OMH1&N Estuays One iron gray mare, weighing 1050 lbs. and branded with nn S wrench with a straight wrench across; ono bay horse, white spot in tho head, branded T4 connected on left stifle, came to my ranch in July and havo been fed since Sept. Owner call, pay charges and tako animals. George Farhens, Drewscy, Oregon. Insurance that Insures FIREACCIDENT AND LIVE STOCK icg&Jl estate W. L. BLOTT & CO., FAIR DEALING Post Office Building, Burns, Ore. GEER k CUMMINS Burns, Oregon. Hardware and Crockery Glassware Guns and Ammunition FARMING MAHCINERY of all kinds Get our prices before buying , C. M. KELLOGG STAGE CO. Four well equipped lines. Excellent facilities for transportation of mail, express, passengers Prairie City to Burns. Vale to Burns Burns to Diamond Burns to Venator E. B. WATERS,' Agent. .J ;i uinum:u:iu:tntn:nn::u:tuu:umt:ni nt::::nnusuKnn:nummsnn Ij ARCHIE M'GOWAN, President and Manager Harney County Abstract Company (incorporated) Modern and Complete Set of Indexes j An Abstract Copy of Every Instrument on Record in : Harney County. thmj::run::::mnn:nutnnnn::m:nn:nn:a::nj:ni:an:: The HOTEL BURNS N. A. DIBBLE, Propt. CENTRALLY LOCATED, GOOD, CLEAN MEALS, COMFORTABLE ROOMS Courteous treatment, rates reason ableGive me a ca.M A First Class Bar in Connection mmmm mzmmm&& mmmmmmmm w The Harriman Mercantile Co. GENERAL MERCHANDISE BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES Complete line of Groceries and Dry Goods Gents Furnishings FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF HAMILTON BROWN SHOES HARDWARE FARM IMPLEMENTS, WINONA WAGONS, BARBED WIRE We guarantee quality nnd'prices Let us proveto vou that we. have the goods nt right pricesCall nndjscc us Harriman, Oreg. Tfe lTw Town t cran crlc Qf my mmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmn THE TIMES-HERALD Job Printing.