The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 25, 1911, Image 2

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    imi.u aawwte;!! .'i"-ijiiwwmiiiiiw
Ri I
n 4
Come Early! Avoid Easter Rush!
Schenk Brothers
Merchant Tailors and Outfitters
Burns, Oregon. Odd Fellows Bldg.
!&! tlMCS-feM.
tiinWlMlllTION KATKrl
Oue Year ..
Six Montha .
Tarea Montha. .
JULIAN II Villi - Visa
The complaint mentioned by
thePrinvillo Review respecting
the stockyards in Portland should
cause local stock men to investi
gate. Every few weeks tln Vale En
terprise has the railroad started
from that point to Harney Valley,
w '
Now it will start July 1
hope so.
AH things considered the high-'
est priced land in Harney county
is cheap compared to the lands 1
over in Malheur county where
besides high priced land there s the same as the buyers now oper
an additional cost of high priced j ate at ghaniko in the wool sea
water and a constant fight t! sen: otherwise there will bo no
prevent frost from destroying 1
the fruit crop. The Ontario Ar- j
gus makes a serious and mislead-
ing statement by "knocking" on
this section and saying we have j
"railroad prices on our land.
In examining the records and 1
investing the manner of voting
bonds for the erection of a now
public school building, attorneys '
for the Denver firm that had J
made a bid for the bonds have,
found that the election was pos
sibly not legal and therefor the
local school' board will call
another election. It was merely
a technical point that was raised
but considered serious enough
to make another election neces
sary. This wiil bo arranged
without delay and there is no
question of the approval of the
We will have the newlwhioh are naturally dirty and
bbilding but this will l
cause a delay of some twenty
dayS. I the yard managers are oxtremeiy
T- I careful to point out the difference
Well, have we any more "old J between the home-grown product
timers" to air their views on and the new arrivals, always ex
railroad building? Perhaps some j plaining that the nome-grown
We. Have Opened Offices
Building in Burns,
FA Furnish Accurate, Reliable
" and Complete Abstracts of
Title to all Lands in Harney Co.
Buy and Sell Real Estate in
Large and Small Tracts.
Write Fire Insurance, in the
Strongest Old
pA Loan Money on Improved
' " Real Estate, and to Execute
Conveyances of all. kinds.
All Business Intrusted To Us Will Receive
Prompt and Careful Attention.
Rooms 4 and 5 Mtmonic Building.
"old timer" mijrht tell us who
the surveying party is out in the
valley who are credited with be
iW Hill onmncers surveying a
townsite on the land of W. W
Cotton of the Hnrrimnn system
That's something to put them to
That there is need of some kind
of an organization among our
sheep men 13 borne out by a few
recent alleged skin games played
by the allied stockyards in and
around Portland, where most of
the mutton sheep of Crook coun
ty rire shipped every spring. The
ganic was played so nicely nc
I cording to the victims, that there
is no hone of recourse, but each
and every one of them allege sub
Htantinlly the same facts, and all
say very strongly that hereafter
portian(i buyers will have to
lne:r ,ioorg an(i buy their mutton
pour sheepmen utter the same
complaint; That upon arrival at
ti,e Portland stockyapds their
0S3C9 were something phenom
cnaj They were experienced
! sheepmen, too, but no match for
the shearers at the other end
R. M. Powell lost about ?M0O on
in fair sized shipment of mutton;
F. T. Cox is behind the game
about $1400, while Davenport &
McUallislcr report a loss 01 iu,
000 through manipulation of the
stock operators.
According to the victims the
game is played thusly, When a
sheepman arrives at Portland
with four or five carloads of mut
ton, there is always at hand a
few hundred corn fed sheep be
longing to the stockyards; these
arc driven past the new arriyals,
somewhat thin from tlie euecis
"of the drive and trip by rail, and
in the New Masonic
and are Prepared
Line Comp'ies
must bo taken as tho Btandar.d.
Tho Crook county sheepman,
buying at at small margin and
feeding through tho winter, can
tako his choice-sell at any figuro
tho Btockyard pcoplo namo or
tako his mutton back to tho
range. As ho is iinablo to do tho
latter for purely economical rea
sons, ho Is compelled to sell nt
any figuro, and usir.My has to
mortgage his cloth'tu in order to
got back homo.
These rcporta havo been com
ing in with such persistency dur
ing tho past year that tho pcoplo
of Crook county havo reason to
boliovo such procedure has passed
the phase usually nccorded to tho
realm of mora coincident, and
that there is a big rako oft going
to somebody connected with tho
stockynrds, a rako oil that is lim
ited only by tho sizo of tho band
sold. It is concedo that tho
stockyards pcoplo can hnrdly bo
expected tq work for their health,
as thoy expect us to do, hut
it is tho sizo of tho grato and its
continuity that palls.
However, thero is no help for
ft; relief must como from tho
shcepmon themselves. They
must orgnnlzo and demnnd that
all their mutton bo sold right
hero for delivery, and not de
livered nt Portland haphazard
and at tho mercy of tho stock
yards mod. Repeated rofural to
ship mutton to Portland would m
a short timo bring buyers here. -Prineville
It was reported early this week
that a party of seventeen men.
surveyors, camped out east of
Burns and that they wero con
nected with tho Hill railroad.
Another report had them survey
ing tho culp place recently bought
by W. W. Cotton of tho Harri
man lines, hut tho Timos-Hcrald
can find no one who can vouch
for tho party. Mr. Kribs came
in this morning from tho Cotton
place and has seen no surveyors
and Chas. McPhoetors, at whose
place it was reported they wero
camped said he had not found
any surveyors in his neighbor
Mr. Davenport, a government
employe in tho reclamation scr
vice, looking after water gaging,
was hero last week. Ho rciorl
cd two surveying parties, one
each for Hill nnd Hnrrimnn, be
tween Mndras and Prinevillc and
Engineer Stacey was with the
Hill party. It is possible this
has led to the rumor that a Hill
party is now in this section. It
is not likely they could get here
from tho west without having
been seen.
Tho most encouraging feature
of tho colonist movement now
uikIt way is tho fact that nearly
all tho new comers arc headed'
for tho country instead of the
city. If wo can only divert tho
stream of newcomers to the
country where thero nro oppor
tunities for creating now wealth
by tilling the soil and producing
tho great staples for which tho
world is waiting, the city will in
due season feel tho effects of the
new population. The citv cannot
grow and prosper unless the
country is prospering. Tho col
onists needed in the city arc
those who como with plenty of
money and arc prepared to en
gage in manufacturing enter
prises. Portland needs a larger
dinner-pail brigade. Until our
manufacturing is increased there
will ho but small demand in tho
city for colonists who como hero
without employment. Oregon
can support a million new set
tlers, butsomo discretion is need
ed in placing them. -Orogonlan.
1 Black Maro 7 years old, about
900 pounds weight, broko to
work and ride; gentlo for woman
or child; a splendid littlo animnl,
$G5.00. 1 second-hand buggy in
good condition, $35.00. 1 sot
light work harness, , 20.00. 1 10
in. walking plow, $10.00.
Notlco is hereby given that
tho co-partnership heretofore
existing between Chas. Kaiser
and B. Buchello under tho firm
nnmo of Knisor & Buchello in
tho Harney Valley Meat Market
has been dissolved by mutual
consent. Mr. Buchello continues
tho business, assumes all indebt
ness and collects all bills.
Blue printa of any township in
BurnB Land District, showing
namo of cntryman, date and kind
of entry, topography, etc., $1.00
each. Piatt T. Randall, Burns,
Workforces for Balo weighing
from 1200 to 1400 lbs. four to alx
years old. -1. M, Davis, DrowBoy
Several Hood Talk Miulc nnd Air. tfftln
I'rcitcnfcd Willi (laid Wnlcli
Tho farowoll rccoptlon tend
ered to tho Rov. A. J. Irwin hiHt
evening at tho PrcBbylorlnn
church was attended by a largo
number of his warm personal
frioiuls. A short program had
boon arranged which was fol
lowed by rcfrcshmentsT consisting
of sandwiches nnd colfoo
Dr. L. E. Hibbard presided
and tho Rov. Mr. Hollowman, of
tho Baptist church offered prayer.
A number of fine responses wero
given in behalf of tho different
departments of tho church nnd
community in which high tributes
wero paid tho retiring pastor and
his eatimablo wife. Mrs. W. L.
Blott. aa prcsldont of tho Chris
tian Endeavor gavo a very in
teresting talk; Mrs. A. S. Swain,
expressed tho high regard and
esteem of tho pastor's Work as n
ropresontntlve of tho Ladles'
Aid; Mrs. Dr. Geary represented
tho Sunday School in n glowing
tribute to Mr. and Mrs. Irwin and
reviewed the work in a very en
tertaining manner. Dr. Hib
bard, as an official of tho church,
spoko feelingly of his long and
pleasant association with Mr.
Irwin in tho church work and
how ho had seen gradual and
unmistakablo improvement from
the beginning of Mr. Irwin's
pastoral work.
Dr. Marsden in behalf of his
wide circle of friends, paid a high
tribute to Mr. Irwin's character
as a minister, citizen and friend
assuring him of tho deep regard
of the people of Harney county
and in a few well chosen words
presented tho retiring pastor
with a handsomo gold watch and
chain as a token of regard nnd
respect of his many friends and
Mr. Irwin was somewhat ovcr-
como nt first and at a loss for
words to respond and express
his feelings. He finally" got his
bearings nnd spoko in his usual
characteristic manner.
Somo very enjoyable music
furnished diversion during the
evening. Miss Ivouol Smith
sang to the delight of every ono
present nnd was generously en
cored. The male (piartot (the
old original four, Dr. Mareden,
Dr. Brown, Piatt T. Randall and
Julian Byrd) was in evidence
nnd performed tho usual old-time
satisfaction. Julian Byrd also
sang a solo. Mrs. Win. Farrc
presided at tho organ.
Tho social intercourse and re
freshments which followed prov
ed very enjoyable to tho largo
crowd in ntttendance.
During his long residence in
this county Mr. Irwin has become
a part of tho country nnd hns
been regarded as an indispensa
ble fixture bo long that it may be
hard to fill his place. During
the time he has been in Burns
ho has performed 12(5 marriage
ceremonies and every couple has
since been his close friend.
Mr. Irwin holds a place in tho
hearts of tho people of Burns
nnd Harney county that perhaps
no other man can equal. Ho is
popular with all classes and is
highly esteemed nnd respected
by a wide acquaintance which
extends all over tho county. Ho
came hero eleven years ago into
a now field from tho cast with
no experience in missionary work
such as confronted him. Ho soon
gathered about him a circlo of
friends that has grown constantly
as years went by. These warm
friendships are not confined to tho
members of his church but in
cludo pcoplo in every walk of
life. His manner of life, his
cheerful disposition nnd ability
to mix" with tho pcoplo havo
brought him close to many house
holds whcrii ho will bo sadly
Fow ministers can lcayoaplaco
where thoy havo labored for bucIi
a length of timo with such uni
versal respect and love as does
Mr. Irwin.
A congregational meeting of
tho Presbyterian church was
held last Wednesday evening for
the express purposo of dissolving
tho pastoral relationship oxisting
between Rov. A. J, Irwin nnd
tho Prcsbytcrinn church of
Burns. This notion was neces
sary in order that tho recont res
ignation of tho pastor might bo
legal nccordlng to tho law of tho
church governing such matters.
Dr. "L. E. Hibbard and Harry
W. McIIoso wore appointed om
missionorH to notify tho Grando
Rondo Presbytery to which tho
Burns church belongs, of tho
action taken,
Tho following resolutions wero
presented and unanimously
adopted; t
WhorenB, Circumstances aro
such that it Bcems necessary that
wo accept tho resignation of our
pastor, tho Rov. A. J. Irwin,
who hau labored faithfully and
most creditably In this field for
moro than ten years, endearing
himself to his . pnriflhoncrs and
those with whomho has been as
sociated as citizen, friend nnd
counsolor; and
Whereas, It impresses us that
n Providential call to labor in a
larger field of usefulness for
which wo feel him particularly
fitted, that it would bo selfish and
unchristinnliko for us to protest,
bo it
Resolved, That In consenting
to tho dissolution of his pastoral
relationship with tho church wo
do bo reluctantly and with regret;
that we commend him to his now
field as a man of truo Christian
spirit nnd ono in whom thoy may
placo every confldonco
Resolved, That tho prayers
of this congregation bo that God
may prosper him in his now field
of labor; that ho may form tho
sntno closo tics of affection that
bind him to tho pcoplo of Burns
who part with him in tho most
kindly spirit, believing it to bo
God's will.
Resolved that wo herewith ex
press our sincere regard for him
as pastor, friend, counselor nnd
citizen; that our sympathies go
with him in his new work; bo it
Resolved, That a copy of
those resolutions bo presented to
Brother Irwin, and copies sent
to tho Rov. Dr. Holt nnd tho
Grande Rondo Presbytery; nlso
that a copy bo placed on the
minutes of this church.
A. fino nnd complete line of
fresh garden nnd flower seeds at
Reed's Grocery.
If you want an incubator this
year now is the timo to see W.
T. Smith nnd patronize homo in
dustry. Got the best Only $15
No oil, no expense and hatches
jus many eggs as any incubator
on earth. No sleepless nights.
Ill the Justice Court of Hunts I'rrclncl,
Hnrney County, Oregon.
A. J. PmnctiRtr, plaintiff
MlkcThomctt, dsfendntul
To Mile Thointtt, the above named
In the nnineof the Stnte of Oregon,
you arc hereby required to nppcamml
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled action, on or leforc
the last tiny of the time prcteribed in tire
order of publication of this summons, to
wit: on or before May 1, 1011, said date
beinK the expiration of nix weeki from
the first publication of tlili iiiinmoni,
and il you fail to so npjicar and ntiswcr
the plaintiff, for want thereof, wilt nk
that you suffer judgment to be taken
against you In thcium of $HG,00 with
interest thereon nt the rate of S percent,
per ann. from March 34, 1010; $28.00
attorney fee; $18.00 with interest there
on at the rate of 0 percent, pernnn. from
June 1, 1010, nnd costs nnd disburse
This summons is published by order of
1'lntt T. Knndnll, Justice of the I'eace of
the nbovc court, made and entered
March 10,1011, and the date of the
first publication here of is March 11,
G. A. KuunoM), Tiffs. Atty.
I'i.attT. Raniiaiii., Justice.
In tho Circuit Court of the Statu of ()r
lion for llnrnny County,
A. II. I.ippmaii, I'lftliitlif,
Osrar llaldwln and
J.d.Omilrill, Defendant J
To Oitciir llaldwln, nbovo iiiuncd Do-
fendant: In thu namo of the stnto of
Oregon t You aro horoliy commanded to
appear mid answer to tho complain', (lied
against you In tho nbovo untitled milt
within alx weoka from tho ditto ol thu
first publication of this summons or tint
plaintiff will apply to court for (ho rollef
prayml (or In plaintiff' complaint, an
follow h, to wit:
Tor Judgment nKainatyou (or 1,101 73
with 10 pur runt. Iiiturost on 000.00
thuroof from April Slut 1008, and 10 par
cunt. Intoroat on (1151. 01 thereof from
April 25th, 1008, (or thu foreclosure ol
two inortnROB, tiuulu and executed by
you, upon Iota 11 and i and thu 8K.l4 of
tho BW'i o( Bocllon 30, Township 81 8.,
ltango 80 n. Willlammaltn Meridian,
ouu ot nald mertgages: being In favor ot
thu plaintiff (or 1000.00 and dated April
'.'1st, 1008, and ono In fuvor o( C. W.
Klkiiii nnd mink-nod o plalnlllf (or
Ml. Ill nnd dated April 25th, IlKN, nnd
(or tho aula of said property nrcordlng
to law,
TIiIh Niiminiina li Murvud upon jou by
publication for alx vveeka In Thu Tlmoa
llurald, a weekly luuHpnpor puiilUhed
In lliirns, Oregon, In pursiiaiirn lo tin
ordor inmlu nn entered by the lion Dal
ton Illgus. Circuit Jlidno fur thu Ninth
Judicial District ol Oregon, on tho 1.1th
nay oi t'uurunry, iwii,
Tho drat Dublliatluu ol thin Numinoiia
la robrimry Intli, 1011.
M. It. IXMOTT and
Attorney (or I'Ulntlff,
Notice ol plnal setllcment
In the Oounty Court for Ilnrnoj- County,
Stntc of OrcKon.
In the mutter of tlic cstntc of
1'etcr Andrews, ilccensctl,
Notice la hercli kIvcii tlmt the under
signed executor of said estate luta (lied
Ida finnl Account herein aa It Invv re
iliilred, nnil tlmt liy order of srtld xourt
the 8th day of April, lull, nt 10 o'clock
A, M, nt the court house nt Hunts. Ore-
Hon, luta U'cn (lied na the time mid plitcc
for the hearing of objection! to snld ac
count and the acttlemcnt thereof) nil per
sons hnTliiK audi objections must file the
siuue oil or before snld time of hearing,
Dated March 1 J, 1011.
UuvVAiinJ, Oatlovv.
Exclusive Spring Goods
Shirt Waists
Under Muslin
Ready-to-wear Dresses
White Goods
Scotch Zephyr Ginghnms Silkcrlines Draperies Maison Etaminca
New All Over Laces Variety of Shades
Always ready for job printing.
UmitkiiHtatk. I.inii o,ri( k.
liuriis, Ort'Koii, M.rrh it, is to. )
"Ni.llco lnlnTrby lill, tint n illrcrtnl r
llin CumtiilMloni'r nf thoUmivral IjiiiiI Oltlfr,
timlr, ilia I'tuvl.loiiK ul tho set ol 1'iinarrM )'
lriKjeil June J7, 1VI lltl Klst.. A17), piifinaiit (o
Ilia iilletluii ol I'll 111 It.iiKim, Mill Cllr.
Orrgou, HorUI No PIW1, wc will nflrr nt itiMlo
1 tollio lilsliril liMdor, at IDn'rlork . in.,
on tli Z'.th O.y of Airll, lull, unit at litis nBIrn
llin fiillowliiK tructs ol land
total .n. It, Her St, ami N K!, N r.(,. -,-(. ?,
r W H.. It. tt K . W. It.
Any am) all oiroin eiatwlna ail rilr th
aboreilearrlW-il l.mti aro llivit to Hlu tholr
rlaliiiaorotijrellnntiiii or hrforo tho time dc.
Ifiialcl for tale
VVH Finns, Ki-Klitor.
FatKK IIAVar, lUTrWrr.
Hums. Oiffoti. March VO, 1911 I
Kutlreli liereby glireii tliat John J. Helm, of
llarrlinan, Oregon, whu, on March 19, ffl uiailc
lrrt I, ami Kntry No. wiO.Herlal No Ul.:i, for
Uila land llVrlloi, Si. Taiuithli. St, houlh,
HaiiKOit Kaat, Wlllainvlto Meridian, ! rllci
notlco ol Inttntlon lo n-ako Final I'rool, lo
citaMliti claim to thn land akoro iloctlUil
Uloiolhn IteaUtrratid Itccoltcr, at llurui, or
cxon.on Ititxihdaxol Uf tell
Claimant nanira as llnr.ic
William K (Ira, Alfrrd II. Curry. Ira II
Clark aod ItorKclloiitall of tlarrlinsu.Orison.
Wm. KaRte. Itcslaler.
llurnt. OrcKoii, March 3, mi I
Notice Is he roby tWoii, tliat, sa dlrcdixt lr
lliol oiniiilailoiicr tit tlm tloncral Land Ollirc,
undor tho irot laloiis ol tho act o( CoticrtM an
tiroud Juuo it, IW. 3I Hlat , M7I. purauant to
tho aiillcallin ot Thomas I. Vl kr, Ilarnri,
OraKOu, Kcrlal o 0171, we will offer at imtillu
alatothe lilsheal hlddcr, at 10 o'clock a. m .
on thn Klh day ot April. 1VII, lien, at this ol
flee, I bo following trsela o( land
NKliNVVlJaud Nttl.NKJt.Hcc II, T B., K.
K. M.
Any and all persons clalintnii adterely the
aUove-dracrlbcd lands aro adrlao-l lo rile their
claims or objections on or Iwloro tho timo U
Ullalct tor aale
Wm. FAHaa. ItesUler
Fkank luvcv, Itvechcr.
I'mtsii RTAira I.tNu On n a.
Hum", Onuoti, March 17. l'Jll
Notlco Is hereby siren that Andrew J cklcni j
oi iiuey.urcKon. wno. on April it. iwr. inane
liesort fond Kntrr, No aw. t'ctlal So. WTi'.t, for
HUNK'i. NKtfMKjJ. Hh'.NKJ.. hertlon 'it. loon
ship il Kouili, Han il la.u, ttlametto Mer
idian, haa filed notlco of Incentlon lo make
Final Proof, In catabllih claim to the land
above, ileacrlbed, beforo tba llcalalur and llo
nher at llurm, tlrrltoii, on the 3th day of
April, loll.
Claimant names as wltnotea
Irtlnc U. Itaymond and Toblo Kklena ot
llurm, Oregon, Kdwsrd McDonald and Waller
Hklens, allot lllley, OriEon
mm FAnaa, llcsliter
UMTantTATas I.anw Omi a,
lltirna, ureaon,F(brtiary , Kill
Nollic Is hereby then that Waahlnclon J
Foalcr.ot Narrow , Oregon, whn.ou lecuilrlrt
llxrj. ir.ailo hoinetteadenlrr No 0I(K7. for BWt.
Kecilon I, Towoahlp 'J1H., ItaniioSO K. VV lllam
ctto Meridian, North ol Malheur lake, has
filed ikiIICO ol Inlcnltonio inako Final t'ommii
tatloll l'riHjf.toetlabllitK lalm lo the land aUivo
ricscrllied, Ixifuro tho llealiter ami Itccelvcr
at llurm, tlreifon, on the jut It day of March
Claimant uamea aa wllncaior
Frel llerclh, Alesander McKemle, Mack
Iturrinau. F.dward Koeueiuann, all ol Narrows.
WM.VAHnE, IICKlater,
In tho Circuit Court of thu ritntoaf
Orrnon (or Hnrnoy County.
Julie, M. O'Connor, plaintiff
OeoricoF. O'Connor tlofondnut
To Oooruo V, O'Connor, Defundmit:
In thu nuinu ol tho atnto of Oregon,
You nro horuby rc(iilrod to appear nnd
nnaworthu compluliit llled RKnluat you
In Ilia nbovo untitled suit within forty
dftja roiu tho flrat publication ot this
summons, to-uit tlm llrat publlcntlon on
thu 18th dny ot I'obrunry, lull, nnd II
you fall to iippuitr by tho tlrst tiny of tho
noxt rtuular term aftor tho last publhit.
Hon ot thU miinnioiiH, tho plnliilifTliuro
In will apply to thu court for tho relief
prnyud (or lit nrtld comphilnt, to wit thu
dissolution ot the marring contract now
oxlstlnu butweon thu plaintiff aiiddofen-
dant and that thu plnlntll bo divorced
nlmolrtlo from Ihu dcfmulaiit, on the
Krounda ot tloaortlnii for tho period ot
moro than ono year uoxt prvrocdlni; the
fllliiKof tho compluliit In thin milt, and
such other relief na may to thn court
noom juat, and equitable.
This aiiiiinioiia la published by order
ot tho lion (Irniit ThompNOii, County
Judotit llarnoy County, Oregon, anlil
oulor ItelnK dated tho HUli day ot Kub
rtinry, 11)11.
(Iko. S. Kmkuoiik,
Attorney for I'lalntlir.
V, O. Diixaiiii
Formerly AsaU Kniilncer
In IT, H. llcclniiiullon Her
A, (). I''AlllKNKIt
Formerly t'htof Ke
glnecr ol llolne A
VViatern Ity.
Eastern Oregon Engineering
Hums, Oregon
LatcHbund rnoHt utfcrnctivouovoltJos. Hnnd Tailored
Enibroidarod froniH. Ueautiful OHBortmcnL ofdoaigriH
Now and nplondid variety in a wido range of choico
In Linen Suiting, Mull Lustre, India LinoiiH, SilkHiind
PopliiiH, Panama Zophyra. Imported LnccB, etc.
Wanted in Townships near
Engineer In Charge the Oregon Hydro-
Electric Engineering Company
Everything Under the Sun and Seldom
Now's the Time to fiet
WE HAVE p,0WS? Harr()ws
Seeders, Wind Mills
Pumps, Hose, Scrapers,
Wagons, Hacks,
Buggies and Carts.
The Famous Rotary Harrou
to Attach
Come In 'and See
Young's Meat Market & GrocerJ
Job Printing.
Ueautiful lincB Hhown for Harly
For Jjadics and MIhhoh in Foul
ardtt, Dimities and Lawns.
Ready to Put in Crops
to Sulky or
Us Before Buying i
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