The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 18, 1911, Image 2

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Come Early! Avoid Easter Rush!
Schenk Brothers
Merchant Tailors and Outfitters
Burns, Oregon. Odd Fellows Bldg-
Slic imcs-'gtevaftl
uue Year
jlx Moulin
Three Month"
Everything points to a gTeat
influx of homcsockers'into central
and southeastern Oregon during
the colonist rate period. It seems
they are all headed for the unde
veloped portion of the state where
they may secure public land.
We understand spring plowing
has already begun in some por
tions of the county. Tho weath
er is fine for such operations but
the snow and frost in the ground
still holds the general operations
back except in favored locations.
This, however, is an advantage
as the slow melting snow allows
the moisture to penetrate the soil
rather than run off and tho de
lay of plowing and seeding is of
no consequence, there being
plenty of time.
The Portland Journal gives the I remain but should not be ele
following two suits over water vated. It was alleged that Han
in this valley that are of conaM-.-W liai1 scii tho ,loor of hls
erable interest to local pcoplc:
Two important eastern Oregon
irrigation suits were settled in i
the United States court today by'
Judge Bean, the opinions being
read by Judge Wolverton. Both
were suits brought by the Pacific
Live Stock company, one against
the Silvies River Irrigation com
pany and the Harney Valley Im
provement company, and another
aganist W. D. Hanley and others.
The former suit was decided in
favor of the plaintiff and the lair
ter in favor of the defendants.
In the suit against the Silvies I
River Irrigation company, it was Blue prints of any township in
claimed that the defendants were Burns Land District, showing
diverting water from the Silvies i name of cntryman, date and kind
river onto their own lands. Tho 'of entry, topography, etc., $1.00
Silvies river, after entering the. each. Piatt T. Randall, Burns,
Harney valley, flows for several ' Ore.
We Have Opened Offices
Building in Burns,
TA Furnish Accurate, Reliable
" and Complete Abstracts of
Title to all Lands in Harney Co.
Vf Buy and Sell Real Estate in
" Large and Small Tracts.
Write Fire Insurance in
Strongest Old
HpA Loan Money on. Improved
" Real Estate, and to Execute
Conveyances of all kinds.
All Business Intrusted To Us Will Receive
Prompt and Careful Attention.
RoomH 4 and 5 Musonic Building.
miles over a nearly a Hat country
before emptying into ' Malheur
lake. The plaintiffs own thelaiul
through which the river flows on
its way to the lake, and owing to
the level stretch, the stream
branches into innumerable canals
which irrigate this land naturllay,
Without the water the ground
would be worthless.
The two defendant companies
own land further up the valley
and built-a dam to divert the
water onto this land, claiming
they were taking surplus only,
which would not bo missed by
the land further down.
Judge Bean held that no show
ing was made of any surplus
water being in the river, and
therefore granted an injunction
restraining the defendants from
diverting any more water from
the Silvics. The right is reserved
to the defendants to apply for a
vacation of the order if a show
ing that there is surplus water
can be made.
The second suit was a supple
mental bill to enforce a decree se
cured in l'JOl preventing, II. C.
Levins and others from taking
water from the Silvies. The de
fendants have dams across both
the cast and west forks of the
river and it was stipulated in the
first suit that these dams should
dam, had used a drainage ditch
for irrigating purposes, had al
lowed the water from the river
to flow over the country road to
his cround. virtually using tho
country road as an irrigating
ditch, and had built a dam across
Embree's slough to divert tho
flow of water from plaintiff's
land. Judge Bean held for tho
defendants in all points except
as to the Embree's slough dam,
which he ordered removed. He
held the defendants might re
cover their costs.
in the New Masonic
and are Prepared
Line Comp'ies
An ''Old Timer" Would Not Clinnjtc The
Present Conditions tor Rnllrond,
To tho Edilon-Pcrmit mo to
express my vetws upon tho ques
tion of n railroad into Hnrnoy
I havo lived hero n great many
years, camo hero wi h nothing
but youth, health and plenty of
energy; married and rnised a
family and nm now a "grand
dad," nil sinco coming to Harney
Vnlloy tho best nml healthiest
of places.
Wo havo never had extremes
of wealth or poverty, and more
peoplo have como into this coun
try mado their littlo "stako" of
from fifteen to fifty thousand
dollars, sold and moved out, then
in any othor except n mining
Wo havo paid high prices for
tho things wo bought but we had
tho money and paid our way.
Only threo insolvency cases in
over a quarter of n century is a
pretty clean recordtwo far
mors and one merchant .
Wo were a stock raising com
munity at first, cattlo and horses
only, was supposed to bo to
brushy for sheep in those early
days, but somo ono moved in
with sheep and others followed;
than we wcro obliged to haul
millions of pounds of wool ICO
miles to tho railroad as woll as
driving thousands of horses and
cattlo; but potatoes couldn't bo
raised and tho very thought of
growing grain made us shiver;
but alack and alas, there wcro
thoso who would experiment and
now wo are raising as fine iiota-
toes as grow anywhere not to
mention tomatoes and all other
vegetables besides apples, pears,
peaches, plums and apricots; also
this is the natural home of tho
asparagus there being just
enough alkali in tho soil to give
it tho salt it desires in order to
flourish. "
Our wheat is a hard, white
wheat from which tho Burns
Flour Milling Company turns out
a brand of flour unexcelled any
where, and you can not sell to n
bread maker in Harney Valley
any but Burns flour.
Grain growers here nregotting
three cents per pound for their
grain and have money to burn,
and are not caring whether wo
get a railroad. A few years ago
a farmer boasted if he had five
acres (out of several sections of
land) in grain. Yeslerday.I saw
three farmers from out in the
middle of tho vnllev and J in
quired as to how much winter
wheat each had in this year and
one has 125 acres and one has
upwards of 100 acres and ono
has 40 acres and each expects at
least an nvcrage of forty bushels
to the acre, and this whero fivo
years ago nothing but sago brush
Now, Mr. Editor, with the
prices received for products of
tho farm and the great open
country upon which to rango our
stock, why, I ask, aro wo not
happier without a railroad than
we can ever be with ono? Now
we stiy at home and attend to
our business; our children aro
bright and healthy and are bet
ter posted in current events and
literature then city raised child
ren and are moro contented with
their homes and surroundings
than in railroad communities.
To bo sure railroads aro a great
convenience when we wibIi to
travel but they arc also a great
drain upon the purso and the
homo and I question their ulti
mate good to our fair country.
Now wo havo no hobos," no
need to lock our doors, our jail is
empty and wo have no paupers;
why, then, mar this with a rail
roau with us train ot evil conso-
We know wo can raiso enough
grain, enough gilt edge wheat,
in Harney Valloy alono to feed
Oregon, buf, will wo bo hotter
off then than now? Settlo up
this great country with a railroad
if you will, will our farmers get
three cents for wheat, fifty cents
for butter, fifty cents for eggs
and own automobiles then as
now? Nay, my brother.
'Plmri ufnn imilw nilimnMoiiwv
stop your ''belly aching" about
railroads and remain happy nnd
lot tho rest of tho world and tho
raitroads takocaro of themselves.
If railroad managers want to
squander millions of borrowed
capital fighting each other over
some picturesque canyon which
leads to nowhere let them do it,
they aro tho dancerB lot them pay
for tho music. Wo do not need
a railroad nor a lot of settlers.
Auto is good enough for us.
Yours Truly,
Hagey & Richardson aro head
quarters for tho very best groceries,
Tho SuiiBhino dramatic compa
ny of VolUige, gave a play en
titled "Tho Man from Borneo"
at Sunset school liouso tho night
of March 8th. Tho atlendanco
was not Very large, on account of
tho bad condition of tho roadB.
Each ono of tho company know
their pnrla woll, and tho play
was appreciated by thoso pro
scnt Tho snow is nearly gono in
Sunset, and tho grass is begin
ning to got green. Tho thaw
has been so gradual that tho
wator has soaked in instead of
running off as it did last year.
Every thing indicates a good
crop year hero.
Tho mask ball last Friday night
was quite n success, only there
wcro fow maskers, nbout 25
couplo attended. Tho music was
good and every body had a fine
Doc Hembroo and wife, Mr.
Bert Hamilton and wife, W. L.
Best and Mrs Parker all of Silver
creek attended tho mask ball.
Clarence Mace and Jack Robin
son were down from Burns Fri
day night to attend tho big dance
Mrs. M. J. Nash and her son,
Porter, spent Bovcral duyB at their
homo in sunsot last week.
Bert Simmons was over from
Sago Hon to attend tho dance.
Bert always shows up at tho
dances here, and lately he is
spending considerable time in
Sunset when there are no dances
Why wouldn't Sunset be a good
placo to put the experinental
farm? Worlds of good sagebrush
land, cciitrnlly located, and ex
clusive dry farming.
There will bo a hard IIukf
ball at Sunset school house, Fri
day night March 24th, basket
supper. Tho music is to bo do
nated so every thing taken in can
go to tho rabbit fund. Come,
wear your old clothes.
Miss Nova Hoddcr is again at
homo in Sunset having completed
her term of school at Poison
Mr. A, Barron is expected
home from Payette, Idaho next
Messrs. Grow and Tomlin havo
sold their herds of cattle to Mr.
Henry Luig.
Tho rabbit drives in Sunset wo
postponed, Until somo of tho mud
dries up.
A farewell reception to the
Rev. A. J. Irwin of tho Presby
torinn church has been arranged
for next Friday evening, at 7
o'clock at the church; tho affair
will bo of an informal nature
providing an opportunity for the
multitude of friends of tho out
going pastor to once more greet
him nnd havo a social word to
gether. Tho evening will bo in
terspersed with music nnd suit
able remarks by representatives
of the church and community;
refreshments will bo nerved by
the ladies. The invitation is gen
eral to all of Mr. Irwin's friends.
Mr. Irwin expects to leave for
his now field on Monday, March
27. Mrs. Irwin and tho children
will remain until .after the
schools close.
Notice is hereby given that
tho co-partnership heretofore
existing between Chas. Kaiser
and B. Buchelle under tho firm
name of Kaiser & Buchelle in
tho Harnov Valloy Meat Market
has boon dissolved by mutual
consent Mr. Buchelle continues
tho business, nssumes all indobt
iicsh and collects all bills.
Andrew Skions is over
Silver Creek on business.
A. fine and comploto lino of
fresh garclon and flower seeds at
Rced'B Grocery.
Thorn. Ratloy of Fast Great
Forks, Montain, is hero looking
ovor tho country with a view of
Tho Portland papers report
thotisandsof enthusiastic colonista
arriving to find homes in Oregon.
Wo enn supply 'cm so Bend tho
entire bunch to Hnrnoy county.
Tho annual ball givon Tjy tho
Mother's Club last night was
largely attended and tho proceeds
togothcr with tho Btipper which
they served in tho hall as Usual
brought them neat a sum.
Mrs. H, J. Hansen and Mrs.
A. K. Richardson entertained
ft largo number of their lady
friends at tho homo of tho for
mor y!Btordny afternoon,' Tho
guests report having n dolight
f ul time.
II. F. Huntley nnd Geo. Bryn
ing havo rotunod from Vnlo with
two tons of freight
C. D. Hovard and Bon paid
Valloy Vlow n visit this week.
AlwayB glad to see his smiling
fnco nmong no.
J. M. Hoffedltz Bays tho hay is
going fftBter than tho snow.
Tho groon grnsa is showing up
at places where tho snow is gono.
C. E. LcMny has gono to Burns
for a fow days on business.
Tho school Iioubo nt Valley
Vlow is ready for tho teacher.
Messrs. Raycraft and Oswalt,
two of our most skillful carpen
ters, spent ono day making a
table, benches, putting in moro
windows and othorwiso making
it convenient.
Miss Mary Croxton will leach
tho school nt Valloy View, com
mencing March 20. Miss Crox
ton is n very popular lady and
wo hope Bho will meet with suc
cess. Florcnco Hoffedilz is paying a
visit to Mablo Howard for a few
Tho Grango was organized at
tho Valley View school houso on
Mnrch 14 with twenty-four char
ter members; wo expect to pass
the ono hundred mark by next
fall, A Thomas Raycraft was
elected master; II. F. Huntley,
lecturer and J. M. Hoffcditz,
secretary. Wo wish them suc
cess in their undertaking as it is
a very worthy cause.
Jack RAmirr.
If you want an incubator this
year now is tho limo to see W.
T. Smith and patronize homo in
dustry. Got tho best Only $15
No oil, no expense nnd hatches
as many eggs as any incubator
on earth. No Bleepless nights.
In the Justice Court of Hurn J'rreiiict,
Ilnruey County, Oregon.
A.J. l'nstenger, plaintiff
Mike ThnmeU, defendnnd
To Mile Thomctx, the nlxnc nnmed
In the nnmcof the Stntc of Oregon,
yon ore herehy required to nppcnr nml
nntwer the complaint filed nninct you
in the nborc entitled action, on or before
the tmt ilny of the time prcacrilied In the
order of publication of tills ittmnioiii, to
wit: on or before May 1, 1011, snldilate
being the expiration of six weeks from
the first publication of this summons,
nnd it you fail to so npjcitr nnd answer
the plaintro, for wnnt thereof, will ask
that you mlTcr judgment to be taken
ngnlnal you in the sum of $8fi.00 with
interest thereon nt therntcof H percent,
per nun. from March 31, 1010; $25.00
attorney fee; $48.00 with interest there
on at the rate of 0 percent, jierniin. from
June 1, 1010, nnd costs nml disburse
ment. This summons is published by order of
I'lnttT. Kiimlnll, Justice nf the I'enee of
the -nlxnc court, inudc nnd entered
Mnrch 10,1011, mid the date of the
first publication here of is March II,
0. A. Knvinolu, riffs. Atty.
- I'i.att T, Kaniiadi,, Justice.
In tbu Circuit Court of the Statu of Orm
goufor Hnrnoy County.
A. II. I.lppiniii, I'lnlntlfi,'
Osrar Iliildnln and
J. U.Oaiitrlll, Defendant.
To Oscar llnldwin, oliovo named Do
fondant: In tbu naiiiu of the statu of
Oregon : You aro hiiroby commanded to
appear and answer to Ibo complaint filed
ngalimt you lit tho nbovo untitled null
within six weakBfroni tho duto of tho
Drat publication of this luminous or thn
plaintiff will apply to court for tbu relief
praynd for In plaintiff's complaint, its
follow h, to wit:
Tor Judgment ugatual you for 1 1,101 7J
with 10 por cent. Interest on f 000.00
tboruof from April -'tut 1008, and 10 por
cent, interest on f. '1,1 1. 01 thereof from
April 26th, 1008, for thu forcclosuru of
two inortages, inndo and executed by
)ou, upon lots 3 and 4 mid tho til'Ai
thu BWJ.C of Becllon 30, Township 81 8.,
Itango 3.1 I!. Wllllnininotto Meridian,
ono of Bald mortgagon bulng In favor of
thu plaintiff for $1)00.00 and dnlcd April
Slit, 1008, mul onu In favor of 0. W.
Klkiu nnd nanlcnod In plaiutlfr for
361.(11 and dated April :15th, IIKM. nod
forlhusnlo of enld property necordliiK
tn law,
Thin HUntmoiiH Is nerved upon you by
publication for six weeks In Thu Times
llorald, a woukly liAWNpapor piihllnhed
III Hums. Ori-uon. In pursuance, to an
order mado an entered by the lion Dal
toil Ilhrus. C rcuit .Iilduo for thu Ninth
Judicial District of Oregon, mi the 13th
ilny oi I'eiiriiary, inn,
Tho first pithlhatlou ol this tuimmonn
I February IHtb, 101 1.
M. H. KI.MOTT mill
Attorneys ftr I'lulntllT,
' Notice ul I'lnal settlement
In the Comity Court for Hnrnoy County,
State of Oregon.
In the matter of the estate of
I'cter Andrews, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the; under
signed executor nf said estate Ims filed
Ills final account herein ns by Inw re
quired, nnd that by order of snld court
the Bth ilny of April, Kill, at 10 olclock
A, M, ut the court house nt Hums, Oie
gon, bus been fixed ns the time mid place
for the hearing of objections to snld ac
count nnd the settlement thereof; all per
sons having such objections mint file the
sume on or before snld time of hearing,
Dated Mnrch U, 1011.
IillWAIIIlJ, Oati.ow.
Exclusive Spring Goods S"l"' lino" ""ow" ,or ":"rly
Shirt Waists J
Jlnfiov HTlHilin ow ,l,, HP'on('"l vurioty in a wido range of choice
I 07. -l-v -.....-. T-mnn.n J' or
ivuuy-iuwvur uivdsvs
TXThU'r) infrlc
Scotch Zephyr Ginghams Silkcrtincs Draperies Maison Etamincs
New All Over Laces Vuriely of Shades
Kcatos for sale, all sizes and
lengths, prico 20 cents pur foot.
Any one desiring Rentes address
W. A. Ford of J, 0. Alberson,
Alberson, Oregon.
Ill the County Court of the Stntc of
Oregon for llnrney County.
In the matter of the estntv
ofliihn Conley, deceased.
To the unknown heirs and devisees of
Joint Conlcr, deceased,
You nnd each of you nrc hereby cited,
nnd requested toiipcnr lcfoic tlielnnc
entitled Court nt the Court House in
Dunn, Oregon, on Monday the 20th dav
of mnrch, 101 1, nt thchotirof 10 o'clock
A. M. of snld day, then nnd there to
show ennse, if nny you hac, why mi
order of tills Court Mould not be made
nnd envtrd nuthoritilig nnd directing
thendiuimstrator of said estate to sell
the right, title nnd interest of said de
cenwd in and to the HI of the NWtt.
theSWUofthe NlHi and the NW,', of
the S1JH. Section 10, Township 10 S.,
Range 3(1 It. W. M.
WITNltSS the Honorable Grant
Thompson, Judge of tbe County Court
of llnrney County, this 13 day of I'eb
rttiiry. lOlt ,
County Judge.
isolaThh THACT-rimi.10 i.anu ham:.
Jlurix, (In (tun. Murrli III). I
Nolle l liMCbr sUcu, tint. ilirrelcl ti)
llici oi'iiitlitlonerol Ilia tiineril I-ml llllire,
uiiuor mo trovui4!t hi iiio sri u (,-ongren "I1
nrnviilJuno , I WW, IStKlsl ,M7), vurmunt l
(ho MOIcnlloiiol ll'otrml I, VIrkrM, IUri',
tin nOlcnlloii ol 1 1mmai
OrMiiii. f.'ilil No UIKI. .
Orasou. filtl Ha UIKI, w Mill on"r ul public
,lt'lol!m hlstiot liUlitrr, nt 10 o'clock m. In ,
nu the V.lli iUroIArll. lull. U'xt, t llus "I
Dec, Ilia (olluwlnn titrli nflsml ,
KK'Nw)(tiul NWNi:k,Wc,H,T W8..II
UK ft l.
All)' sml nil jwimmis rUlmltiK k.hirlr t tic-Irfivr-docrlUM
Uliiloin ItWI In Mo llieir j
rUlma nr iilijrrlloiia mi r Mlnro Hi llii 'If
Igiiolr)! for la I
MM, FtsnK. UritUter I
fiukic Hour, lu-crlrcr. i
I'.Mirti SiTvrsn I.ANH Orrn r
liutn, Or. nun, Msrrli IV. I'OI
Miura l upieiij Burn ihm ,nutw ,.rin'
ill Illlvr.Ori'iuii.n lm. nn April I". IlilT, tnmlr
KUMKK. NMtttRU.HrijNKS.Iweiidii W Tiiwn
lili ! Coillli, ltii:a V7 VM.. Wlllilni-lli' Hit
MUii, Iim IIIH nollro i( liift'iitlon lA maktii
Klnsl I'lixil. to 'UI.IIli iliillu In llie tnixl
sIhitu Ortcrllicit, ln'foro tlio Ki-t-lnlcr mul Itif
celt r at llurm, orrKun, nn tlio '.i.ili iUj- of
ApVII, Hill. , I
I'lalmmu nsinis ftnenws
Irvlny O lUriiumrl nml Toliln Pklfim ul
11.. ...d ...Mni,.. .ml !.,
hklvns, nil ul Kile. Orcpm . ,
vi h 1'XniK. Ileslilcr. '
NO'rroic Koit i'Umlication!
lMrniTTH UnwOrnrK, i '
II tirii, OrcRoii.Ki Urimrjr , 15111 i
Nnllia It linndiy tlren tlisl WnililnK'un J '
Kmivr.ol Nnnp, OttBOii.who.on lHieriiilHrlti
llxw.irs'le limneslesil enir No,fll(7, IcirHW), .
Hreilon I, luwiulilp 'JOH., Iinsa;iui:. Wlllsui-I
eiln MiMhlUn, Nbiili il Mainour lake, hu
fllml lintlpo, ul llltcntloillo luaku Mnat Cuiillnll. '
lalloli l'riof,l"Flabillirlalinliit)islanit alv
ilrxrlbeJ, 1'i'loro Iho Ilecliler ami Heri'lvcr
at Hum), Oresun, un llmvatli Oayiil Marcli
lull. .
Claimant namra aa wltncate'
Freil llrretli, Alauniler MeKetiilo, Mirk
lliiirnuu, KilwanlKrwiiemann, allot Nuriiwn,
Wm. 1'aiiiik. lU'Klilor.
In tho Circuit Court of the. Htatouf
Oregon for Harnuy County.
Julia M. O'Connor, plaintiff 1
vs I
George K. O'Connor diifundiiiit )
To George l' O'Connor, Defundant:
In llui naimiof tbQKtntu of Oiegon.
You nro licruliy roipilrod to npiKutrmid
nimuor thu coiupliilnt lllud aualii8t you
In tho nbovu nntltled suit within forty
dnyH from tho first publication of this
summons, to-wlt tho llrst publication mi
the 18th day of l'ulinmry, lUU.undlf
you fail to appear by tlio first day or thu
next regular lurm after thu last publica
tion of this HiuumoiiH, thu plalntllf Imro
iu will apply to thu court for tho rolluf
prayed for in said complaint, to nit tbu
dissolution of tliomnrrlagu contract now
existing butiteon thu philntlfi onddufon-
dnut and that tlm plnlnlll bo divorced
aliMolulu from tho defonduut, on' tho
groiindH of desortion for thu purlod of
moro than nuoyoar nnxt proceeding thu
flllngof tho romplaint in this suit, and
ueli other relief as uuiy to tho court
Nuiini JiiHt und equitable,
TIiIh summoiiH is published by nrdur
of thu Hon CI rant ThompHon, County
Judgoiif Ilnitiuy County, Oregon, nnld
oidur being diilod tbu IlUh day of I 'till
rmiry, 11111,
Olto, H HizuMoiti:,
Attornoy fur I'Ulntlir.
F, O. Dii.i.ahii
Kunnorly Atat, Kuiiliioer
lull, ft, lluolAinnlluii Sor
A, O, 1'AllUKNltll
I'nriiu'tlx t'lilef Ki
Klnt'vr ut llnlau A
Wealotn Ity,
Eastern Oregon Engineering
lliiriis, Oregon
LitloHliuu niOHt utimctivo
mbroiriurod frontH. Bountiful utiHortmcnt of (IcnigiiH
'n Mi"1" Suiting, Mull LiiHiro, India. LinoiiB.SilkHnnd
I'opliiiH, Panama ZephyrH.
Wanted in Townships near
Engineer Jn Charge the Oregon Hydro
Electric Engineering Company
Everything Under the Sun and Seldom
iWs the Time to Cet
WE!IAVE Plows,
Pumps, Hose,
Buggies and
The Famous Rotary Harroi
to Attach to Sulky or
Gang Plows
Come In and See
Young's Meat Market k Grocer
Job Printing,
novelties, llfind Tailored
Lauicii and AIihhch in houl
DiniitioH and Lawnw.
Imported Lixcqh, otc.
Ready to Put in Cropr
Seeders, Wind Mills
Wagons, Hacks
Us Before Buyin