i"La aeftsnysk n iiiwm w m nuwiwimi. 'JS-uJiu iiwwmmw" tpnie, Vive Ctmcs3ttrnl& Tlio Olllclttl Vapor o( Harney County Ims tlio largest circulation ml liouoot ho beat lulvcrtlnhiR mmlluma In Kiulorn Oregon. tCllc'Ojt'rnt SMnrticy Comiiru Cowra an nrcn ol 0,428,800 ncic ol land, fi,TI,Wil ncruH yet vncnnt iili'd to entry under tlio public land laws ol tlio United Rlnlo, VOL. XXIV BURNS, HAKNEY COUNTY, OREGON, MAUCII 11, 1011 NO 17. wm&m&4&sm!mM$Zi mOWS BOOSTER SPIRIT Portland Commercial Club Dinner n Brings Out Past Results 0 RAISE $200,000 FOR PUBLICITY lommcrcinl Bodies, The State and The Railroads Will Join Forces in Exploiting Resources of Oregon Harney County Grain and Grasses Reach Portland. v (Portland Correspondence.) ibook hits been compiled by D. O. i T !..!.. . .1 T- ,1 1 mvuiy, muimger oi mo I'orunnu Union Stockynrds and n practical Booster spirit ran hijjli at tho icnnial dinner of tlio Portland jmmercial Club tho past week Mien the continuation of the amotion committee work was Iscusscd. Tlio accomplishments , tho past two years were re- Qunted and now enthusiasm i lined for the future. The din- f . . . ........... .,- ar urouKiit lOKeincr diu promi ent business men of Portland id a Greater Oregon and a Suited Pacific Northwest were leducd by the speakers. l'eloKrams were read from lines J. urn, .illume uoucrt b. jvett, Louis W. Hill, Theodore 1 1 nr;i tr 1 rit:n 1 vucu., iiuwaiu uiiiuii ami icrs in wnicn encouragement lis given for tho work nccom- fished. Speeches were full of . , - . . pionusm. Kj. u. nnpman, ueo. ft Johnson and others told of tho Dgress of the work. President Bvens of the Hill lines in Ore- m urged further promotion jrk and it was decided to raise 00,000.00 for publicity during coming two years. Manager Chapman of tho Pro- jtion committee laid special rcss upon the Oregon Develop- lent League work and told of ! splendid spirit shown through- it the state. Tho sentiment of was that this co-operation Sould bo maintained and all Ore- En should be boosted, rather an anyone section. Portland jst grow with the Northwest stead ahead of it. Driving of last spikes on new BIroads is a favorite festivity Oregonians this year. The est road to hold a celebration ithe Grants Pass and Rogue irer, which has just started a ie of thirty miles from Grants ss to southern Josephine jnty where the celebrated yes are located. Tho first or Ivor spike was driven at Grants ss during the week and a dc- jnstration by tho commercial b and the people of tho city d surrounding country nccom- lied it. livestock man. It will bo dis tributcd widely throughout tho state and particularly in tho in terior. ORAIN AND GRASS O.llllllTEl). Mr. Marvin, who hns charge of tho Western Colonization Co. offices in Portland, has written a letter acknowledging receipt of tho grain and grasses recently sent him from this city to exhibit in his olllce. v Tho exhibit was not largo as the committee asked to provido it could find only a limited supply of sheaf grain, alfalfa, timothy and other grasses from which to select. It was boxed together with some excellent photo views of this section and expressed to Portland at the expense of the Commercial Club. The Kellogg Stage Co. passed the shipment over the line to Prairie City with out charge. Mr. Marvin writes it reached him in very good con dition and will bo the means of attracting desirable people to tho Harney country. It is tho intention of the Fair Board to again uso the products exhibited this fall for advertising purposes as last year. The prize winning products will be sent out to various points where- most good will result Another feature of tho fair this fall will be special premiums offered by the association for dry farm products. These will bo classed and will not have to com pete with irrigated products. result of tho meeting was tho subscription, nt tho mooting, of $335.00 to Blart tho road making work, which amount was in creased to $G30.00 tho next day by tho committco who canvassed tho town." Tho Bullotin says further that n committco of four has boon ap pointed to solicit further funds and to push tho work immedi ately. Judgo Ellfa of tho .county court stated at tho mooting that ho was confident tho county wouiu co-oporato in tho movo after Bend had started tho un dertaking. Tho Crook county peoplo may rest assured that Harney county will tako care of this end of the road and is ready to do its part toward a first class wagon and auto road botweon hero and tho Deschutes railroad points at all "seasons of the year. This ar rangement brings Harney county more directly in touch with Port land whore most of tho goods shipped in como from and with good roads will bo a substantial saving in rates. It would seem, also, that a mail route between these places would bring our mail from the west in less time than under pre sent arrangement, and this will have tho attention of tho busi ness men of Burns. WATER LAWS CHANGED Some Assistance Aiding Creation of Irrigation Districts ATTENTION GIVEN TO DRY FARM The Agricultural College Regents Seek Early Start for Seeding and Will Appoint a Committee to Ijook After Location of New Station in Harney Valley. caring for lands of their own or in charge of large Mint cm. to get tlio greatest possible vrtlue out of tho laud, and to help them to solve the problems that arise, and to got rid of the posts which injure crops. COUNTY COURT. WINDY POINT RABBIT DRIVES. )regon dairymen will probably teive considerable benefit from dairy dinner at the Commer- Club March 9, when methods aid the industry will bo dis- iscd and means suggested to foster it and encourage thoso jaged in it. Dairymen, state cials, members of tho health irds and experts from tho Ore- Agriculture College will at- Id and in the interchange of is how best to develop dairy , much of valuo may be ex- feted. frio Fat Stock Show of tho title Northwest Livestock As- nation at tho Portland stock bds Marcn 20, 21 and 22 will ract a great deal of attention cattlemen and stock raisers. lications arc that a largo num- of people will attend tho W and special rates ot one one-third faro have been lo from Oregon, Washington, iho and Northern California 1 tho round trip. Tickets will 3ri sale March 1G to 22, return t March 20 to 24. Tho pre lim list is out and provides for I exhibition of cattle, horses, ep and hogs, with liberal pes for winning stock. Thero io admission fee whatever, is there an entry chaigo for rials exhibited. lelieving that Central Oregon unusual inducements to j, hog raiser tho traffic depart- it of tho Ilarriman lines will ko special efforts to aid tho icrs in that region in tho de- kpment of tho industry. cial litoraturo on tho subject , bo issued and distributed to rest the men on tho soil in production of more hogs, Tho A friend writes from Virginia Valley that his neighborhood has been doing good work in getting rid of rabbits. Under date of March 1 he writes: "Wo had our most successful rabbit drive today and secured 1000." In all there has been four drives and Mr. Beckley, who was in tho city tho first of tho week, Bays they have destroyed in the neighbor hood of 3000, but our corrcsjion dent puts it at 2000. It seems the entire population of that section turn out to tho drives, men, women and children and they make a day of it the ladies serving luncheon at tho noon hour and doing their part in the drives. Henry Mesner and O. E. Thompson acted as captains and under their leadership tho drives have been very successful. Now that the snow is rapidly disappearing the drives will have to bo dispensed with but the (work of destruction should con- tintinue as much as possible. It would be a good idea to form gun clubs in each neighborhood and have contests on certain days. Tho side bringing in tho largest number of rabbit ears would win and the other fellows could furnish tho supper for them. A largo number of rabbits have been slaughtered tho past winter but there are still enough loft to be quite a pest to tho small farm ers. Next season wo should start in early and make a clean sweep. IHiND.IIUKNS ROAD. j Tho citizens of Bend have not delayed in tho proposed road from that placo to Burns. Tho Bullotin of recent date says: "On Thursday night at a gen eral meeting held in tho Com mercial Club rooms tho matter of tho Bend-Burns road was taken up with enthusiasm by tho thirty-fivo Bend citizens in at tendance. Tho most Petition of J. II. McMullen nnd others to change tho county road near Drewsey was not nl lowcd, tho petition being illegal and tho bond insufficient In tho matter of refunding taxes collected from transient Lnko county sheep it was found tho necessary affidavit was miss ing and tho matter continued pending further information from tho county clerk of Lake county. Scalps of varmints ordered counted nnd destroyed. Mrs. Myrtle Haines was re funded taxes on land which the Government contested and re fused iwtcnt Chas. W. Miller, Wm. Dunn, Grant Thompson and Thos. Bain allowed rebate on over-assessments. Loyd Johnson granted n liquor license in Lawen precinct Petition of A. G. Shafcr nlid othera for a county road near east shore of Harney Lake wns considered nnd road ordered viewed and surveyed. Tho janitor ordered to clean the grounds, secure necessary repairs to pump, lawn mower nnd other machinery. An appropriation of $7G0 to assist in paying premiums for tho Harney county fair. Clerk ordered to draw warrant for $175 for the purchase of nec essary instruments for tho county survoyor. E. J. Lucas granted n liquor licenso in Alberson precinct It appearing to tho court that tho sheriff should be allowed an expenso account and it was or dered ho bo allowed $500 for tho expenses of his office, his salary being inadequate for tho amount of traveling it is necessary for him to do. NOTICE. Tho first meeting of tho stock holders of tho Masonic Building Association of Burns, Oregon will bo held at Masonic Hall, Burns, Oregon on Tuesday tho 14th day of March, 1911 at 2 o'clock in tho afternoon for tho purpose of organization. Dated this 10th day of ruary, 1911. J. L. Gault G. W. Clovengor Wm. Miliar J. M. Dalton Sam Mothcrshcad. Incorporators. Feb- John W. Sickolsmith, Greens boro, Pa., has throo children, and liko most children they frequent ly take cold. "Wo have tried several kindsof cough medicine," ho says, "but hnvo novor found any yet that did them as much good as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy." For sale by all good Dealers. Tho peoplo of Harney county are interested in irrigation, es pecially tho irrigation district plan. The recent legislature made some changes in the water laws that will interest our read ers. Perhaps tho most important of these is tho net extending tho present irrigation district law. Besides amending thirteen sec tions of this law, a number of now sections were provided, the most important being the grant ing to irrigation districts tho ad ditional power of drainage, which goes hand in hand with irriga tion. Provision was made for tho uniting of two or more districts, for the changing of the bound aries of districts when formed, to provido for the mnnner of in cluding and excluding of lands from irrigation districts, provid ing a method whereby the legal ity of proceedings in connection with tho organization of such districts may bo determined and confirmed, and further provid ing for tho levying of assess ments not to exceed $1.00 an acre for the payment of preliminary engineering and other incidental cxpcnccs in connection with the organization of such enterprises. In discussion of tho irrigation district law thcro was a strong sentiment in favor of making the acres of land owned within tho boundaries of tho district tho basis for yoling, instead of in accordance with tho general election lnws of tho stale. Such a provision was urged by the large landowners, tho lien upon whose land would furnish the money for construction nnd who refused to have their affaire man aged by a majority of tho voters of tlio district To encourage these large land owners to undertake such de- yclopment.'a bill providing for tho incorporation of land owners for the purpose of irrigation and drainage was enacted. All land to bo reclaimed under such law must -bo voluntarily included within'nT'projcct Provision for raising money by the issuance of bonds based upon thcarenof such laud is provided, also for tho salo of land to settlers, the sottlers becoming members of such cor poration in proportion to tho land purchnsed. When all tho Innds nro sold, tho settlers will own tho works nnd have leeway in pay ing for the improvements. Senato bill No. 142 amends the present law relating to the con demnation of land for the jiur poso of applying water to bene ficial uso so as to follow substan tially tho langungo of the Utah law relating to this subject. IIouso bill No. 305 relates to tho diverting of wnter from this state into adjoining states for uso in such states. It provides "that tho state engineer may in his discretion dcclino to issue a per mit whoro tho placo of beneficial uso is in some other state, unless under tho laws of such other stnto wator may bo lawfully di verted for beneficial uso in tho stalo of Oregon." STATIONS NGI-nnil SOON. For tho purpose of considering tho best plan of procedure for the establishment of the experi mental stations in Harney County and in Southern Oregon, as pro vided in a legislative act passed by tho general assembly during the session at Salem, the board of regents of Oregon Agricultural College met in the Imperial hotel last night Thu meeting was largely of an informal character and for the purpose of having tho stations started in lime for spring work, so that this season's results might be considered when the harvest is at hand. The legislature ap propriated $2,000 for tho Har eoy Station, and it is reported that the county has set aside from $10,000 to $15,000 to assist in making the project worthy of the empire in which it is located. Under state laws the cost does not become effective until three months have passed. "By that time it would bo too late to gel advantage of this year's crop. For this reason the board, in an informal manner, decided to ap point a committee to look after the location of the new station, nnd also to see if tho seed could bo planted in time to gather a crop this fall. Tho members at the meeting were: President Kerr, of Corvallis; C. E. Spence, of Canby; J. K. Weatherford, of Albany; L. B. Alderman, of Salem; J. T. Apper son, of Clackamas; Walter N. Pierce, of LnGraude; B. F. Irvine, of Portland; C. L. Hawley, of Corvallis. The committee de cided upon will be appointed at a later dale. --Oregoninn. SacH Farmer Thousand ot Dollar. An nctual saving of over $1,000 in horse feed resulted from tho information gained by n promi nent business man and farmer The "WlldcrncM" nnd llic ''Mob.' James J. Hill might have achieved greatness in any one of Boveral fields of action. He has become minentas a railroad builder and country developer. Ho might have become a great editor, for ho has had tho faculty of stating things clearly and con cisely. Ho is nn epigramatist, and tho lntcst inslanco is his statement in a letter to tho com morcial club that land without peoplo 1b u wilderness; people without land are a mob." Among alLthe practical pro blems that appqal to statesmen, educators, philosophers and pub licls for solution, perhaps none is more important than this: How to bring unused land and landless people together. How to encourage and aid, landless people to realize tho importance of the possession and good uso of a piece of land. Tho "wilderness" and there nre numberless patches of wilder ness in old-settled communities needs people to come nnd use it. And what Mr. Hill calls the "mob" great numbers of peo ple paying rent, and buying everything they consume nt trust prices, and never having a real homo of their own, or tho satis faction of producing things need the laud. To decrease at once tho "wil derness" nnd the "mob" is a species of evolution to be worked out in tho main by its own inher ent forces, yet it can be quicken ed and strengthened much by people of iower and influence whose efforts are prompted by progressive and practical ideas. Journal. employes to greater efforts to safeguard lives. In 1003-1901 the number of accidents on tho Union Pacific was 20 for 1,000,000 locomotive miles. On tho Pacific system of the Southern Pncific the number of accidents per 1,000,000 loco motive miles was reduced from 29,5 to 10.5 in tho same time. Insurance that Insures FIRl ACCIDENT AND LIVE STOCK 3tg)&l1 ejstit W. L BLOTT & CO., FA 111 DEALING Post Office Building, Burns, Ore. RAIL DEATHS NONE Ilarriman Lines ( Carry ID, IJ)S. 000 Persons in Safety BLOCK SYSTEM TELLING Instillation of safety devices and the block signal system are cited for the record of tho Hnrri innn railroads in carrying 49, '191, 000 passengers in 1910 without sacrificing a single life. Tho report was compiled in the of Salem, Oregon, in the winter! nice,of J.ulius Kruttschnit. direc tor oi maintenance ami operation, Chicago. It covered the busi ness of tho Union Pacific, South ern Pncific and affiliated roads, a total of 17,900 miles. The total number of passengers carried on a mile basis is U. 000, 000. 000. Tho Ilarriman system carried 10 per cent of the estimated 1910 passenger traffic. The figures for most of the other railroads have not yet been compiled by tho Government but in 1909 tho number of passengers carried was 29,000,000,000. The figures for 1910, it is said, will not ex ceed a billion more. Many other railroads have gone" through a year without a fatality to any of its passengers, but it is said that no system has made this record for such a largo total of passengers. Results on the Hnrrinuiif lines aro ascribed ton compaign waged by the management for years lo reduce accidents. Tho Ilarriman system now has more miles of automatic block signal pro tection than any other system in tho world. Mr. Kruttschnitt has directed special attention to tho accident problem, and began sovcral years ago to bring about n reduction by giving complete publicity toall forms of accidents and their investigation, which, it is belioved, spurred officers nnd short course at the Oregon Agri cultural College. Last year ho came himself to tho course, nnd this yenr being unable to attend ho sent his ranch foremnn. The knowledge gained in the course on feeding of horses alone netted him a saving of over $1,000 in his feed bills, nnd his animals are in finer condition than ever before, ho says. Over $5,000 would havo been saved by S. W. Jnmicson of Dell, Oregon, ho estimates, if ho had taken tlio short courso two years ago. Inoxpericnco and lack of training whon ho camo west two years ago to dovelop his holdings of 4,000 acres of fruit lands, caused Mr. Jamieson lo mnko the usual mistakes of tho beginner. Upon attending tho courso at tho college this winter ho dis covered his mistakes, and made a careful computation of his con sequent losses, which amounted to oyer $5,000. Theso aro but two of a largo number of similar cases which havo como to tho attention of Denn Arthur B. Cordley of tho college. It is a special aim of tho college to equip young men to go out nftoi? graduation nnd develop tho now lands to their utmost capacity, but to help tho farmers, stockmen and orchard men of tho Btato who nro already GEER & CUMMINS Burns, Oregon. Hardware and Crockery Glassware Guns and Ammunition FARMING MAHCINERY of all kinds Get our prices before buying: 'tsft- y!F- C. M. KELLOG STAGE CO. Four well equipped lines. Excellent facilities for transportation of mail, express, passengers I'rnlric City to Burns. Vale to Hums Hums to Diamond . Burns to Venator E. B. WATERS, Agent. i:::jt::!:::i:::;:n:u::i;:::::t::::j::::ii--n;::r.::j::::::::::n::::n::::::::n:5: ARCHIH M'GOWAN, President and Manager Harney County Abstract Company (INCOIU'OKATUD) Modern and Complete Set of Indexes An Abstract Copy U8t:nn:n of Every Instrument on Record in Harney County. :h::t:::::K:n::::::::.::::::j:::::::::::::u::::::::na::::u::;:::Kt:::nu: :: i! n tx a IJJJJJJJ JJ The HOTEL BURNS N. A. DIBBLE, Propt. CENTRALLY LOCATED, GOOD, CLEAN MEALS, COMFORTABLE ROOMS Courteous treatment, rates reason ableGive me a ca'l A First Clas Bar in Connection ?P .s.' 3 mm m mm i The Harriman Mercantile Go. GENERAL MERCHANDISE t BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRSCES Pncific Stock and Poultry food at tlio Lunnburff, Dalton & Co. important Department Store. v. T. MJS1IJR, AlnnitKor nnd Saleitinnu, Homestead Locations THE INLAND EMPIRE REALTY COHPANY A. A. I'HUUY, Secretary and Notnry Public ltttiruuiiU 'Dint Which UTtutoil itml Htlliililii, uml llnmllo Humwlully nil Bortu ol livul KNtnto llimlnua. Wo tiro AkuiiIh Fur tlio Unliable AETNA and PHONEIX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. COLUAIBIA LIFE AND TRUST CO. AMERICAN LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO. AGENCY HOLT AND IIAINIiS-IIOUSEK COMBINED IIAKYliSTiiK Tulk Your Itoul Katnto MntturH Over With Uh. Your llnainoiia Will lla Strictly CnnlUUmtlnl. iiV, Attend To Our llnsliumu mid Want Your Ilusliicss, FHtST UOOR SOUTH OP MAKNBY COUNTY NATIONAL HANK s t I i t NUSIiUY STOCK Wu Know Our lliml- IIUUNS OKI-OON Complete line of Groceries and Dry Goods Gents Furnishings FULL AND COMPLETE LlftSE OF HAMILTON BROWN SHOES HARDWARE FARM IMPLEMENTS, WINONA WAGONS, BARBED WIRE We tftiurnntee quality amWprircsLet us prove to you that we hnve the jjooiltf nt rijjht pricesCall tindlsee us Tht !Tw Tw. att Oi .! Oracle aj i tg THE TIMES-HERALD Job Printing.