n li 'I M fi ! . J'i lr-' ri? ;! w I p SPRING IS COMING NEW SAMPLES HAVE JUST ARRIVED Come Early! Avoid Easter Rush! WORK CUARA TEED CO M P LET E N E W; U N E0 F GENT'S FURNISHINGS CLEANING AND PRESSIN Schenk Brothers Merchant Tailors and Outfitters Burns, Oregon. Odd Fellows Bldg- Site ffiimc; S.VTt'KliAY. MAKUII 1. 1911. BlilUSOIUITION KATKK Uuo Year ... 8!l Months ThreMontu... II. w I'l.IAN II Villi - The U. S. Senate turned down the resolution to submit n consti tutional amendment for the popu lar election of senators, the reso lution lacking bit four votes of the two-thirds majority. Sena tor Borah says he will bring the proposition up again at the extra session. The senate has also voted to seat Lorimer of Illinois. Such actions but hasten the time of direct election of the abolish ment of the body altogether. COUNTV BUYS ROAD .MACHINERY. At the present term Harney County's court has gone on re- dlstrlets. Tho Supervisor nhnli bo employed for not loss than ton montliHcnchyearat not less than $100 per month to bo paid from tho general fund of tho county, Certificates: Tho next exami nation will bo hold on Juno 21, 22. 23, 21. There will bo no ex amination in August, bunco all icrsonH whoso certificates expire n Annual, or who wish to take teachers' examinations In order to tench noxt year Hhould writo at tho Juno examination. Tho new law does away with tho county certificates, but you will have authority to issue county certificates on State grades until May 20. Under tho present law appli cants must comploto tho subjects for SUito certificate within three successive examinations. Tho now law provides that such per sons may comploto their exami nations under tho laws now in force. All persons, therefore, who aro writing for Slnto certi ficates should appear at tho Juno examination. Applicants for a ono year state certificate must make a general average of not loss than 75 per cent and shall not fall below GO per cent in any ono of the follow ing subjects: Arithmetic, civil government, geography, gram mar, history, orthography, read ing, school law, theory and prac tico of teaching, and writing. . Applicants for a five yertr Btato certlllcato must make n general average of not less than 85 per cent and shall not fall below 70 per cont in any ono of tho follow ing subjects: Writing, ortho graphy, arithmetic, physiology, gramar, geography, theory and practico of teaching, reading, U. S. history, civil government, school law, psychology, American literature, algebra, physical geo graphy, and composition. Twelve months' teaching experience is required for this paper. Applicants for a life Stole cer tificate must mako a general nverago of not less than 85 per cent and shall not fall below 70 ier cont in any ono of the fol owing subjects? Arithmetic, writing, orthorgraphy, reading, physiology, school law, civil :'ov ernment, grammar, geography, theory and practico of teaching, U. S. history, phychology, Amer ican literature, algebra, physical geography, piano geometry, bot any, physics, bookkeeping, com- lAxuftinrt rvrmm-f.. Iiiutni-'U trnnlrwrv ...-' . ' fUOIltUI t HVHVIIU HIIHViJi Vtwft,j make them passable at all times t tnis uoaru musinc ieui 8cnoornml hiHtory of education. Six of tho year just as fast as tho voters and no person hojdmg any I monthHi tenchinic experience is work and machinery will do it, , cv SunoSX shall required for UUs paper. plows; flvo drags; ono Western rock crusher of from sixty to seventy ynrds per day; ono sovon-ton road rollor with motor; six Blusher scrapers nnd neces sary belting, etc. This equip ment will lie ample for all pres ent needs and is purchased on a guarantee to do tho work as re commended or tho contract is an nulled. Tho court has takon no chance in securing this oquinment, pur chasing from a responsible houso nnd getting just what Ihib been needed for somo time. This ma chinery will bo shipped in as condition of roads will warrant; an expert will come to sot it up nnd boo that it works satisfac tory. Among other orders mado by tho court at this timo are: Petition of W. A. Hurlburt nnd othors for a county road west from Narrows to Wagontire was granted and tho road ordered viewed and surveyed. T. C. Albritton was granted permission to change the county road east of Saddlo Butto a dis tance of 200 yards. Tho high school board continu ed tho election of teachers to tho May torm. SCHOOL LAW CIIANOHS Tho school laws enacted at the recent torm of legislature makes somo radical changes that aro of interest Tho following letter sent out by tho state superinten dent was handed us by Supt. Hamilten: Tho laws enacted at tho pre sent session of tho legislature will go into effect May 20, 1011. Tho two laws which affect you tho most arc tho Certification law and tho Supervision law. Under tho latter, the County i OlltiltI I niiilnxl I tlllllt XAItltilt meet with the hearty ,fi mo' ttan sixty school of the taxpayers and (i(sir:ctK shall nnnoint on or bo- cord as progressive. Tho court has. ordered a very comploto modern equipment with which to build permanent roads which in volves an expenditure of somo! $1000. " This is an action that should ! and will approval means a new era m road mniti- Tore June, l'Jll, lour memiiers ing. Tho TWos-Hcrald under-; of a County Educational Hoard, stands it is not the intention or of. which board tho County Sup sianus it is not mo intention or.orjntcn(icntlHC)(.0iciocmr1.nu,n, purpose to build expensive pieces Tho memb0rs of tho board ro of road at onco but to place tho ceivo no compensation, excepting hicrhwav in such condition as will traveling expenses. Members Such work as will bo done will ; eliirible. be of a permanent nature and all On the first Monday Applicants for primary fivc- t ; vear State certificates must mako . U W " ." . ""; ,r,,n,-nlnvr.r.n.r,.nf iml W tlmil hful sfrofplina nut in such stnto tno iMiucationai uoani sua i moot br ".:' ' .iui .,. r..n i.i... selected from n list proparcd by tho Superintendent of Public In struction. Twolvo monthu' teach ing oxporionco is required for this paper which gives tho appli cant authority to teach only in tho first, second and third grades, No examination in English classics will bo required in tho Juno examination on account of tho lack of timo for announce ments nnd proparatiGil. All ex aminations will bo based upon tho toxt-books ndoptcd by tho Stale Toxt-Book Commission. (F NEW FRENCH GINGHAMS ATTIIE BUSY CORNEItSTORE I'KTITION KOU M.QUOll MOKNHK. Wo, tlio umhinilKiioil luual votori of I.nko Product, llarnoy County, Klatuof Orouon, reio!tfiilly petition tlio lion County Coutt of llarnoy County, Btato oi Orogou, to umiit n llconso to Hnrrls A I 1'Hrnornld to (jell Hjilrttuouii, Mult nnd I Vinous Llquoro In loss iiuantltlcs tlinn ' one gallon in I. alto l'ri'clnct llarnoy, ('utility, Hlnto ol Oregon, lor tlio purltnl Hlx (0) Months, ns In iloty bound wo I will over pniy. Numos Frank CawlHold A. Voncliuiuln 1. I'.Hinltli (... A. Myurs Wiiltor Alnli-mon lliulilun Klllotl A. J. Uavut l'rcil Otiliiii K. Amlrrson A. Sliouiilior J. II. Iloiulcreon !'. Antiunion H. 1'. 81ms K. j. ItAlloy 0. V. Hcliiitimnti Jnhii Attains Jiilin HotiertKon John (iorclil (loo Hall Alvn Qalt-r It. W, Uillrlilnsuii M J Nsslt Josie WiHxlooi'k .1 Cntssmoii II I Klnuman Notlro Is licrxliy jjl von that on Hutu rdny lliu Itli ilny ol April, 11)11, tint me ilnrnlKUod will apply to tho County Court o( llarnoy County, Statu of 0 recoil for tlio l.lrtiuo inontlonnil In tlio fori'igolnu i.etlllon. lUlllllH A I'lTZII KIIAI.lt. Nninc'N Hlilnoy Coint'ifjH Harry Kpiuiitlvr I.. H. Williams .1.11 Wltr.ol t). Wnr.1 Coo, W.HIinitiuiis Wni. (JiiImii (loo. W. Crtwlflcd A. I'nrnswortli Cllironl (Iroimliock 1M. J. llnfTord 0. W.Joiu-h 0. A. HalncH H W Miller I. H. Tyler C M Vnullurcn Wnltor II an no u Wntlor llrlnRlo Claud HcIiukk H, llrowni OH Dunn J O Hiinkot H,J. Midwinter CIiuh. )ickliouno Win Kolilm Exclusive Spring Goods Sf1 ,lncH 8hown for Ear,y Shirt Waists Under Muslin Ready-to-wear Dresses Lfiiuril find most uitmctivo novclt-ic'H. Hand Tailored Umbroidorod fr9nlH. Heautiful iiHHortmenf, of dcBigtiH Now and Hplundid varioty in u wido ningo of choice BfcyloH. For LndieH and AUhhoh in Foul nrdH, Diinition and Lawnn. White Goods In Iiinon Kuiting, Mull LiiHtro, India LinoiiH.SilkHiiiid I'opliiiH, I'aimina ZephyrH. Imported Lacen, otc. Scotch Zephyr Ginghams Silkcrtincs Draperies Maison EtamineH New AH Over Litccs Variety of Shades bJBURNS, OREGON. j Snim..jmunjai i'iiimiiwhiiwiiii i m iiami u mi Jwiiiii m ,mii miubiii iiu ..yl fcf miiiin hi iriimiTriiiMtiiiMOTiiiiia-irni"iiiiMiiiiiwiiiiiiBiiiniiiliiMlfiiminiiiiiiiiiiiaiaiiBiiniiMiiiiT I CITATION. In the County Court or the Stntc of Oregon for llnincy County. In the uinttcr of the ctatc of John Conley, deceased. To the unknown hein npil devisee of John Conley, deceiucd, You nnd each of you ore htrehy cited and rniucttedtonpienrliefiirc the above entitled Court itl the Court Houm- in Huron, Oregon, on Mommy the -Otli tiny of inarch, 1011, at thcliourof 10 o'clock A. M. of unlit ilny, then nnd there to (howenute, if any roil have, why an r HUMMONH In tho Circuit Court of the Htatn of Ore con for Hartley County, A. II. I.lppuun, I'lalnllff, Oirar llnldwln and J. (J.Cmitrlll, DefondanUj To Oirar llnldwln, nlwvo iuiiikhI Do- fendant: In tho uaino of the Htatu of Oregon : You aro hereby comuinndod in ' npicar and nmwer to Iho complaint filed nnulnt you lu thu abovu untitled milt ' within nix wcoks from tho ditto ol tho order of this Court should not le made nnd entered nutliorizinc nnd dircctini; J the administrator of said estate to sell the rl;:!it, title and interest of said de ceased in nud to tlicl'.'iof the .NW'i. thcSWUofthe NH'i and the NWVi of the SIHi. Section lit, Township IDS., Knnce .'! IJ. W. M. WITNIJSS the Honorable rnnt Thompson, Jtidjje of the County Court of Harney County, this 13 day of Feb ruary, It'll ORANT THOMPSON, County Judj-c. of affairs as will best servo tho public. Tho machinery purchased not the most expensive nor is nf Mm Inrtrpsr. rnnnritv liut.nmnln w. ...U ...nHw. ..,...-...., -.........,.. Tlt. r i ml J.. 1I1C luri.rus.ei.u.urpo. iiiuuiiuiih . pnlIntp,r na RUnf,rviKnl. f0. ment consiste of two Austin 0ne district and the board shall road frraders; three No. 5 road employ Supervisors for the other J , , S ,i iP iniu ' 8T Pr cent nnd shal not fall below , Hrrt publication of this .u ;,. wntS'70lKJr cont in any one of thcpi-lmiff will.pply tocour 2wSS followinK subjects: Methods in p-y.-l for In pl.lntin-s , and divide all of tho county oxce is S.WNoi;"u1stric; !!" ffo-i" "lt it shall contain less than twenty NOTICH TO CUKDITOUB., In tho mutter ol tho Klnto) of i James II. Oard, llecmisod) heruby civon thol by order " Relinquishments Wanted in Townships near MALHEUR LAKE Address: W. C. PARRISH Engineer In Charge the Oregon Hydro Electric Engineering Company BAKER, OREGON methods in laneuauc. methods in ill cuiiumi iua limit iwuiuy ,.,.....i.., t.- ,i ,,ni;nn .or mora than fifty school districts f & W " prne ico Fho County Superintendent shall "H f'Snlno-v S , ,n Pn.intn,! na n Htmr.rvin. fne Pyy.81.0'0. pSydlO OPTV, Illll ill addition thereto sliall writo n thesis on an educational subject Announcement! .. .1... rtOHCO I lium.nr, ur inn , , ,,,.. ,. i...:..".i..i I.. "...I .... court for tlio lOlldf ' (MI n .1.., .111, .liv nf Jiinmuv 11)11 complaint, n jtho imtlorHlniil was npiiolnted Admln- istaioroi lliu Jvsiatu ol Jaiuos il.Uanl, V fntfftu m in lull ' lv. 1...1- .1 .. i... i mi ,iuococtl1 nna lias duly fitialllled n ... . .....,.. '".:'. mien, aii Willi iu pur rent, inturesi pur rent. Inturest on f(!00.00 thoreof from April Slat 1008, and 10 por DcriiOnR havltic claims ufuliot tho said Oktnto aro notilied to present tho samo, vcrilled as brfrnv rionlto'l. to cont. Interest on 361.(11 thereof from )'" ')' ""'") In Jlawiilo liu.lillntx. April 25th, IOCS, for ,., loreclosnro o. .0 T tXZ 'Zl two mortaijci), nitulo nnd executed by publication of this notlca la I'obrna'ry you, upon lots a ami 1 ana too nr.'j ot ' ii, iuii. THE- OREGON -AND- WESTERN COLONIZATION CO Beg to announce that they have opened an office in the First National Bank Building at Prineville, for the sale of their CENTRAL OREGON LANDS For Prices and Terms of Sale and Leases see or write John R. Stinson ,r Chas. C. Lundy Representatives ADDRESS: - PRINEVILLE, OREGON tho HWtj of Section 30, Township 31 H., HatiKi) 35 H. WllllammotUi Meridian, ono of said morti;agoa boltiK In favor ol tho plaintiff for $000.00 and dated April 31st. 11)08, and ono In favor of O. W. Klltlus and assigned to plolntltr for 381.01 anddatod Anrll 25th. 1U0H. and for tho snlo of said property according to law. This summons Is servod upon you by publication for six weeks iu Tim Times Horald. n weekly iiwnnatior published In Huron, Oregon, In pursuance to mi nilur made, an entered by tho lion. Dal' ion IIIkk. ClrrtillJudito for tho Ninth, Jlidl.UI District of Oreiton, on the 13th ' day of Kebruarv, l'Jll. j tlio first publliatlon ol this summons Is February 18th, 1011. I M. It. Kt.MOTT and I J. W. 1110(38, Attorneys for l'lalntlff. S.ti Motiikiihiiuaii. Adiiilulstrntor nf tho Ustatu ol James II. Oard, deceased. SUMMONS. Iu tho Circuit Court of tho Stnlo of Ore gon for tho County of Harney. KIlKirt K. Cnry, 1'lnlntlll', ' YOUNG'S PRICE LIST IkbSODavsIWillM 20c can Axle Grease $ ROc Ax Handles fiOc can BakinR Powder. . . 15c can Stove Polish . -15c box Hlueint: 20c can Borax $1.00 Broom 75c Broom 15 f 50c bottle Relish 41 $2.00 Paint Brush 1 50' 35c bottle Heinz or Durkee 8UMMONS. In tho Circuit Court ol tho Btato of Oregon for llarnoy County. Julia M. O'Connor, plaintiff ) vs V GooritnK. O'Connor dufondnnt 1 To OoorKQ V, O'Connor, Dofomlautt In tlio nnmo of tho statu of Oregon. You arn heruby required to aptioar nnd nnawortho complaint filed ngalnst you In Iho abovu entitled suit within forty dnya from tho first publication ol this summons, to-wlt tho first publication on j thu 18th day of I'ohruary, lUtl,undlfj you fall to appear by tho lint day of tho Alila M. Cnry, Dofunduul To Alda M. Cary, DtfeiuUiit : In tho namoofthd stnta of Oregen: You aro liureby ilhiiiuI to appear and atiHwer the complaint in tho iiInivo entitled suit on or beforo tho twenty teentb day of Matoli 11)11, nnd if you fall so ttunmwur for want thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to thu court for tho relief demanded In tho complaint, to nit: Kor n deereo of tho coutt dlsotvliiK tho bonds of matrimony existing I nit ween the plaintiff mid defendant and forovur divorcing tho plilntlir frnni tho defen dant and for such other relief ns to a court In equity may witm meet and Just. This summons Is served by publica tion by Hon. Pulton Ulcus, Judge of tho nliovo entitled rourt. the UOtli day ot Janunry, 11)11, tho timo preicrlbotl for publication tlio first publication of tliln stttntnons is 35c can Fish 30 February 4.1011. m 20ccanFish 15 Attorney for l'lalntllT. ' 85c bottio Catsup. 30 NOTION KOR Pmn.IGA'HON'.1 30c can-Cocoa 25 4: 17. '1025c bottle Mustard ai $5.00 key Pickles . $2.00 kes Pickles 15 20c Rope 19 75 50c bottle Oyster Cocktail.. 4(1 50 $2.25 sack Salt 2 0(1 All Brushes reduced 25 per cent. 30c can Table Fruit 40c bottio Preserves 75c bottle Preserves 35c bottio Jelly 35c bottio Jam 25 I.IUM lllllll. tiiw uv.ll .iv iu aJU uiii ijUltvll VJUUUO. . . C3 11)11, tho timo prescribed forjn,, t ,,,,-j, rnAa ir ,i i. six ii-niv u.,..t .md uc can liUncn boods 15 ... r. "-'---- .,-, ...... i ttNITKD HTATKR LAND OKFICi:.) Hums. OrcKiin, Fobrusry-A l'Jll. I Notice la liervtiy uhen Hint Toldo 8kleti(,ii( .,! ,l, ,, (,.r tlm Inyl iil.tt.... ""'US. urfROII, Willi, Oil JlSfril 7, 1W7. IIISilO noxi regular torm nilur tlio last ptililliu- ,iclort.uH,i utry No. kki, norist No. oiici. tor lion of this summons, thu pin Int r boro-. "". "f ?. :. to.. !t bouui. iuhkv si k.i 2r . a 5 Dressing1 5 bars Diamond C Soap. . . 3 bars Gasene Soap. 3 bars Borax or Ivory Soap . 40c box Toilet Soap . . . 25c box Toilet Soap. . IScSoda 1( r 80c can Spice 2i 25c can Spice 20c can Spice $2.00 can Maple Syrup. $1.25 can Syrup 1 75c can Syrup a i 15 VIIImctlo Mrrlllnu, tin. illcil iiutli-aof fittest- prayed for In said complaint, to wit Iho j ,'j?, n'vIVVi 'i iJUtlllRllt imtlH' HI WltlU'MCMt ... .. . . .. .. . i Miiauiuitu mill iinti. imii iiii'ti mill III Will apply to tlio OOltrt for tho rollof . Hon to mslo l"liil l'nxit. to e.lsblUti rlsliit I'l or nn(Ton mi niHiva ur.criiH.'u, ooiora uie iteKimcr "- w.- reiver, st Uiirm. Oil-oii. on tho totli on rn'. ilsyot March lull. uulvjuiiiu 1S( 15 ' 65 , 4( dlsscltttion of thomarrlaKU contract now uxIstlitK botweon tho plulntlff anddnfen dant and that the plalntH bo divorced nlmoluto from Iho defo'ndant, on tho IF.Iu..... II.II.....1.I l.,....,, I....... t.'-ll. i.nMiii 0iii,.'iiHiu,,i,,,i v. . .allium, iimii'r fklons, sllollllloy, Oreiton. K. K. Owiley, nf llurus, Urriion. Wm. Karks. lteitlitsr. liroundot dosortlon lor tho period of , N0T,0K- on "lln'u,lCATrON' mora than ono year noxt proceed nK tho , ,, ,, u, 0rfp lllliiKOf tho complaint lu thla suit, and' Uurns, Oregon, Kfururjri IKIII sneli other mllef as innv In tlio rnnrt .. N""' . ' horoby itlvon that Ws.IiIiirIoii J. sniii otnir retltl ns mnj 10 inn touri , j-o.ler.ot. Narrows .Orc.on.wlio.onlkiesmtHirlil seem Just nnd equitable, low, insilo hnntcsteail entry No. OIW, tor 8tV!i ,n i . i i ii i i i I Hocllon 1, Tuwiilhlli a!H., luiiuotWK. Will.!"- This summons Is published by nrdor ctio Mnrl.llsn, North of Mallivur Lake, list of tlio Hon (Irant Thnmnson Cnuntv Ulst Uotlco otlnionlliininiunkol'liialiioiiiiiiu. ot vno lion tirntit inoinpson, comity utlon l'r.Kif,toeilsbllilieltmtotlielsnil sliovo Judifuol Hainey County, tOreitnu, said uncrltieil, tmforo tlio ltmlitor ami Itrrelvnr oidor belnK tinted tho Itltb day ..I Tub. fl,J.,u",, ,)rl,ft"' " '" h "j J",rcl' ronrv 11)11 I lllslmsiit nsinfs as wllncsies: roury, nui. Frt,, )terotli, Alexauiter MeKonilo, Mack Oko, H. HlZKSIOIlK, Huirniaii,KitWHrilKooiioiiisiiii, all of Nsrmws, Attorney fur I'lalntlir. ,,e,,m, ,,, itcKl.ler. 1 10c Cigars, per 100 8 50 50c package Tea oc uigars, per iuu 4 25 10c Toothpicks 05 25c Clothes Lines 20 15c Pearline or Naptha iuc wire uoines Liines. . 3U Wash ntr Powder Iff 20 $1.75 Galvanized Wash Tubs 1 4(1 25 75c Wash Boards 5(1 30c package Crackers 25 75c Galvanized Pails 5q 15c pack-ago crackers 12J 80c Milk Pails 55 25c Cookies 20 $1.25 Blue Enamel Ware. 25c Cream Tartar 20 75c Blue Enamel Ware. $2.50 sack Flour 2 25 $1.50 Ghonninc Bowls . . LUNABURG DALT0N&C DEPARTMENT STORE Everything Under the Sun and Seldom "JUST OUT" 25c Flavoring Extracts. . 35c Flavoring. Extracts . . 25c Grape Nuts, 3 pakages 75c Harness Oil 10c Jar Rubbers 75c Lanterns 15c Macaroni, 2 packages. 10c Parlor Matches, S pkgs 20c can Milk. .... 75c can Molasses. . . 50c Mop Cloths 50c Olivo Oil 7ff Oiins niitrna Cla ttW -tV.X.H VilV.I, X(s,0 20 $5.00 Shoes 30 $2,00 Gloves. . . . 50 $2,00 Shirts CO 25c Socks, per doz . 05 $1.75 Mittens.. . CO 75c Ties 25 75c Suspenders .... 25 $3.50 Windows. ... 15 $3.50 Doors . 65 $2.00 Screen Doors. . 35 $5.00 Roofing Paper. 40 $4.00 Roofing Paper M $7.50 Bam el Churns rt r m rft.s I duc flianzaiuua uiives 50, $G.50 Barrel Churns 5 50 ;c iiottio unves 25, $iq.00 kwn Mowers, with ;w.uu can Mixeci mint. -215. grass catchers 800 50c bottio Pickles 40 $2.50 Hay Rack Clamps 2 00 zoc uoiuo riCKies . a). $1.25 Hay Forks .... 1 00 DISHES AND CUTLERY AT ALMOST COST My stock includes Plows, Harrows, Mowers, Rakes, Wind Mills, Wagons, Buggies, Hacks, Oils, Singletrees, Doubletrees, Bolts, Nails and Paints. A REDUCTION ON EVERYTHING I CARRY THESE PRICES ARE STRICTLY FOR CASH YOUNG'S MEAT MARKET AND GROCERY 10(1 ft1 120 3 75 15(1 150 150 1 25 50 EC . . - i t oo rv 3 00 1 CO 4 00 3 50 G50 1 His? Unf mr li t: 14 ft . t. h L- . kS KV. .