The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 04, 1911, Image 1

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Vfic Clmcs-3Htrnl6
Tlio OIllclM l'npor ol Hurnoj County
hia tlio lormut circulation and li 0110 o
ho bolt ndvortlalng mediums In Kaslorn
Oregon. ,
BCIt OGrcnl Unnicu Country
Covfm n nroa of 1,428,800 'nrrci ol
Inmlr 4,0.11,051 ncrco yet vacant fttibjvct
to entry under tlio public land Inw ol
tho Unllrd Klntcs.
XTOj0jui0f wiix
The Month Of February Properly
Celebrated By His Honor.
hc $25,000 Voted By the Slate Legislature and Threat
ened With the Governor's Veto Saved From the
"Junk" Pile By the Oregon Development League.
Tito following appeared in last i can bo put into tho bcatjihnpo
Sunday's Journal under n- Salem' with tlio expenditure ot lrom Jfo
to $iu a mno.
"A year ago
date line:
Oregon's twenty-sixth legisla
ture has been put out at home
and Governor Oswald West is at
the bat. Tho governor appar
ently is in pretty fit condition for
HIS uaning average is uiuiugiiuaij.. .
on record, inciuuing me urns
that were vetoed by tho gover
nor before the session adjourned
tha governor has vetoed in the
neighborhood of sixty to seventy
bills. Of tho bills vetoed while
the legislature was in session
only one was successful in get
ting the required two-thirds ma-'
jonty in both houses to pass it"
over the protest of the governor.
This was the bill repealing tho
whipping post penality for wife
beaters, said to be a relic of bar
Governor Chamberlain in his
most reckless momenta never
contemplated such a wholesale
slaughter of legislative enact
ments as is credited to Governor
West, who has been chief execu-
i tivo of Oregon notyotsixty days.
The governor assumes tho posi
tion, and it is one that will carry
'with him a great majority of the
people of the state, that a great
proportion of the enactments of
a legislature are useless and only
serve to encumber tho statute
books. It costs money to pre-
ipare. and publish these useless
I enactments. All of this is being
saved to the taxpayers by a judi
: cious use of the veto power.
Furthermore other insignifi
cant expenditures inflicted upon
the people by tho numerous small
ono could drivo
all tho way to Burns and sco not
a single house. Today, with tho
exception of one ten mile stretch,
ono is never out of sight of n
settler's home. And oven with
big settlement the country
practically untouched. Indeed,
wo found one valley near Buck
Creek, absolutely level, ten miles
square, and without a house or
fence on it"
Tho Bend men say that in tho
whole 150 miles from hero to
Burns there is not a single hill as
bad as the Sismoro hill, a mile
south of Bend.on the riyer. They
found several good routes east
ward from Millicans, selection of
which probably will depend, in a
great measure, upon the desires,
and assistance offered by tho set
tlers in tho affected territory.
At present tho most used route
cuts through the northeastern
corner ot Lake Uounty. It is
proposed to niter this and have
the road keep in Crook until it
goes into Harney, at nbout
Crook's southeast corner. Be
yond tho Harney lino tho road to
Burns is in splendid shape. No
work is required on it W. W.
Brown, whose guests tho Bend
men were, is most enthusiastic
over the proposition. He gave
them every aid, riding with them
for a day.
"Mr Brown says he will freight
all his wool to Bend this spring
if we hurry the road through,"
says Mr. Richardson. "Also he,
as well as all the other ranchers,
and people of Burns will haul all
appropriations and countless other ( their freight from the railroad at
items of expense that would be Bend."
incurred as tho result of the crea- Brown keeps two Bix horse
tion of a large number of petty, freight outfits on tho road all tho
offices have been materially de
creased under the governor's ax.
Many offices appearing harmless
but nevertheless ndding to the
sum total of expenditures that
sometime must be met by the
taxpayers, and given a start they
are usually rooted so deep that
time hauling for himself exclu
sively. Brown alone will ship
100,000 pounds of wool, as well
as much live stock.
A petition will be presented to
the County Court asking county
assistance for tho project How
ever, as this could not be pre-
Bhowing Oregon's advantages,
will bo issued undor tho seal of
tho now commissioner.
Tlio first organized party of
settlors to como to Central Ore
gon by tho now railroad now in
oporation into tho interior arriv
ed during tho past week and took
possession of tho Bnldwin ranch
of GO, 000 acres at Hay Creole,
which thoy liavo bought. Jtlicro
woro 26 in tho party, which
traveled in special car from tho
East Tho nowcomcrs will begin
tho development of their proper
ty at onco and tho big ranch will
bo cut up into small farms in or
der to bring it up to tho maxi
mum of production.
Tom Richardson, father of tho
.Oregon t Development League,
who was"activo for years in pub
licity work in this state, has ac
cepted an invitation to visit Balti
more from March Gth to 20th, at
a largo salary, to advise tho
Greater Baltimoro Committeo
and assist in raising n promotion
fund of $600,000. This money
will bo used in bidding for trade
in tho South. Mr. Richardson
will return shortly to Oregon,
but will make addresses in a num
ber of Eastern cities this spring.
A suggestion comes from Polk
County that pcoplo of tho whole
state might adopt with profit
A family recently came there
from tho East, bought a farm and
intended to live there permanent
ly. After a time they sold their
land and returned to the East.
The reason was that nobody
visited them, their neighbors did
not Beem to know of their exis
tence and the nowcomcrs quit the
state in disgust. Tho Dallas
Itcmizer has tho right idea when
it says: "If you want newcom
ers, make them feel at home."
Some New and Interesting History
As Told By Hon. I. S. Geer
The Experiment Station for Harney Valley Financially
Provided For an Recommended hy President Kerr
Cattle and Sheep Suffering With ConHiderahle Loss
they can at the following session scnted until the May 1st session,
be successful in drawing out an
appropriation for salray and
'traveling expenses," have been
! cut off by tho governor.
In the veto of bills making
i actual appropriations tho gover
nor has cut from $500,000 to
I $750,000 from the total of nearly
$5,000,000 apprpriated by tho
legislature. By a few strokes of
the pen he has restored to the
pockets of tho taxpayers of Ore
gon almost $1,00,000 that was
taken from them by a reckless
and wasteful legislature.
no action can bo expected from
this quarter until well along in
the summer, as viewers will have
to be sent out, reports made, etc.
There will be a mass meeting
at tho Commercial Club rooms
Thursday evening at 7:30 to dis
cuss the matter, with a view of
subscribing funds to get work
under way immediately, that tho
big, waiting business may como
here at once.
Tho two men representing the
Bend Commercial Club who were
expected in Burns last week to
discuss the fcasibity of a road
between the two places did not
come all the way. Thoy found
(Portland Correspondence.)
Officials of tho Oregon Devel
opment League, who had worked
for thopossagoof tho bill provid
ing for a state immigration com
missioner, non-plussed when
Governor West announced last
week ho would veto tho measure,
They succeeded, however, in in
that tho road from hero to tho
county lino was in almost per- J ducing him to change his mind
feet condition and returned home. , by waiving any claim to tho $25,-
The Bulletin says of their re re
eort: E. W. Richardson and W. W.
Orcutt returned Monday from
their trip to the southeast to view
out feasible routes for tho Bend
Burns road. In their seven day
trip they went as fur as W. W.
Brown's Gap ranch, fifteen miles
across tho Harney line, some
ono hundred miles from Bend.
"Tho expenditure of $500 will
put the road in such shape that
a freight wagon can go from
Bend to Burns," says Mr. Rich
ardson. "Fifteen hundred dol
lars und six weeks' labor will
h make an almost perfect auto
H-road, Why, thero -j8 no Buch
stretch of road in ihn nrnt
l.twiilnls r inn n.. i 11..1.
ilium ut uu uiiiua 01 runu UlUt
000 appropriation tho bill carried,
so that tho law will giyo tho state
tho benefit of tho United States
Immigration Bureau work in
placing desirable immigrants on
tho Oregon lands.
'Lacking tho necessary appro
priation to carry on tho work,
public spirited citizens of Port
land will shoulder tho expense.
The passage of tho law will at
least provide for state indorse
ment of promotion literature that
shall be issued to attract immi
gration and this will mako this
matter authorativo bo it will
carry mora weight and at tho
timo guard against boomer mat
ter. This will bo for tho benefit
of tho wholo state and not any
section alono. A stato book.
Tho recent rate decisions of
tho Interstate Commerce Com
mission will not nfTect the plans
of tho railroads to extend and de
velop new territory is tho an
nouncement made by Judge
Lovott of tho Harriman system
and other railroad men who have
expressed themselves.
While nothing particular comes
from the Hill interests it is known
that President Stovcns has his
plans all made so far as tho work
in Oregon is concerned and that
the work will continuous planned.
That both Hill and Harriman arc
going to penetrate further into
tho interior is a foregone conclu
sion lrom present indications
and tho interest both systcmo
show in tho development of tho
undeveloped territory. It is cer
tain the lines will not stop long
in tho Deschutes country with
such a vast promising territory
yet in its virgin state awaiting
transportation to make it very
productive of tonnage. To be
sure the timber in tho Deschutes
country above Bend is an attrac
tion and will furnish much
freight, yet tho "back to tho
farm" cry of James J. Hill has
created that desiro in so many
land hungry people that tho do
mand for an outlet to markets
for this vast territory must bo
met if this plan of Mr. Hill'B is
to bear fruit
Permission to allow tho colo
nist rates to apply on tho Oregon
Trunk means a largo per centngo
of the colonist travel into the in
terior during tho period and these
people who como and mako set
tlement upon land ndds to our
chances for early construction
work into tho interior.
With two survoying crows in
tho field, ono of tho Hill and
Harriman systems it is under
stood, from the Deschutes cast
toward Prineville, wo may ex
pect further railroad building
toward tho Harney county from
tho west. Encouraging nows
was published in tho last issue of
Tho Times-Herald representing
tho prospects from tho cast
Thcro is nothing but encourage
ment for tho interior portion of
Oregon in present prospects. No
dofinito announcements havo been
mado but it is not tho timo for
such announcements. When tho
Deschutes work is completed by
both systems wo may expect at
tention and will get it.
-lton.-l.-a. Ciecr nrnvod homo
Saturday accompanied by Mrs.
Geer and tho children. Ho had
a fine vacation trip nnd is quite
jubilant over tho success of tho
dry farm experiment Htation and
other bills passed by the legisla
ture that are of particular inter
est to this section of tho country.
Mr. Geer says the dry farm
bill was amended by the senate
before it was passed by striking
out the restrictions placed on the
suite appropriation wherein it
was provided tho state money
would bo available only when
tho government provided a like
sum. When tho bill was return
ed to tho house for ratification
during the closing rush and
Representative Urooko informed
the speaker tho bill was satisfac
tory as amended, therefore tho
house passed it without further
It has become a law just as
Dr. Kerr of tho O. A. C. origin
ally intended and the appropria
tion is available at onco regard
less of any delay that may occur
with the government Tho policy
of tho Departmontof Agriculture
is favorable to such expenditure,
however, and it will finally be
forthcoming. With all these de
tails cleared it is thought tho
officers in charge of such work
at the state agricultural collcgo
will at once tako advantage of
tho generous oiler made by Wm.
Hnnley through the Burns Com
mercial Club to furnish a tract
of land for immediate use and
tho farmers of this section will
havo tho advantage of demon
stration this season, This is tho
most important piece of legisla
tion for this soction of Oregon
that has been put through for
many a day and the benchcial
results will bo far reaching
This station will not only be a
benefit to Hnrnoy cotintv but a
wido territory surrounding.
Such experiments as will ho a
success hero will apply to all of
southeastern and central Oregon
and its establishment here will
prove the wisdom of the selection
in a very short time.
-Mitinato"and woro able to bring
them out with comparatively
small loss and get them on hay.
This winter is but a rcpitition of
past experienco and shows con
clusively that it is no longer n
business proposition to attempt
wintering stock without making
sonio provision for feeding them.
The recent opening of an offico
of tho Oregon Western Coloniza
tion Co. in Prineville and the
sale of lands of that company we
understand will soon be followed
by a similar move here in the
near future. This wiil bring a
class of people to Harney county
that will help materially in its
development This company
holds it) lands at a pretty high
price but tho attractive part of it
is tho liberal terms offered. Any
ono that indicates- he can make
good can secure this land on such
terms that ho can tnnke tho laud
pay for itself with proper appli
cation and prospects for markets.
No doubt there will be other
big tracts opened up during tho
season, at least such is being contemplated.
Tlio house is to he used an a tem
porary school house until a new
0110 can bo built as we aro unable
to get the lumbor for the now
ono from tho mountain until
MIbs Lottie McIIosc, of Chi
cago, III., a sister to Harry W.
McIIoso of tho Times-Herald will
bo hero and open school about
March 20.
The ladies of Valley View and
Lawen nrc giving an entertain
ment and basket social at the
Lawen school house on March
3rd. Como boys with your pock
et books. Wo havo the prettiest
girls and tho best grub of any
place In Harnev county.
Jack Kauiiit Jim.
The most common cause of in
somania is disorders of tlio
stomach. Chamberlain's Stotn-'
nch and Liver Tablets correct!
these disorders nndcnnblc you to
sleep, ror sale by all good
Out of The (linger Jar.
Stockmen who havo recently
returned from tho desert say that
the recent storms out in that
section havo caused some loss of
sheep and other stock is suffer
ing. Ono man who was" out thcro
looking after his cattle reports
that sovcral sheep men will be
heavy losers. It seems they were
on tho desert with their flocks
when an unusual and unexpected
snow storm camo that threatened
tho loss of their ontiro bands.
Somo of them had started the
Bhecp to feeding places where
hay could bo secured and that the
trail over which thoy travelled
was strewn with dead sheep.
It Booms strange with past ex
periences that Block men will tit
tempt to got thoir flocks through
tho winter without feed other
than tho browsing on tho desert.
It use to bo that sheep would
winter well out thoro without
other feed, but this has not been
tho case of recent years and they
havo lost hoavily.
Stock mon who had their flocks
nearer this Bido were more for-
The first meeting of tho stock
holders of tho Masonic Building
Association of Burns, Oregon
will be held at Masonic Hall,
Burns, Oregon on Tuesday tho
Mill day of March, 1011 at 2
o'clock in tho afternoon for the
pur'iose of organization.
Dated this 10th day of Feb
ruary, 1911.
J. L. Gault
G. W. Clevenger
Wm. Miller
J. M. Dalton
Sam Mothcrshead.
A freckled person always wears
specks. Did you notice that?
Tho wind often travels eighty
miles an hour, and that too with
out a ticket
Much of what we call love at
first sight fails when it comes to
the second, sober view.
Many a man who is calling
loudly for justice would be in the
county jail if he got it.
A word to the wise is sufficient,
but a whole volume wouldn't
convince tho otherwise.
Some inen are like a laying
hen, they set up a big crackling
overy time they do anything.
It may be true that figures do
not lie, but you can not make a
fashionable dressmaker believe
It is claimed that marriage is a
lottery, but it can not be true,
else tho law would lake hold of
Time robs
but wounds
double chin.
Burns, Oregon.
Hardware and Crockery
Guns and Ammunition
of all kinds
Get our prices before buying"
Four well equipped lines. Excellent facilities
for transportation of mail, express, passengers
Prairie City to Hums. Vale to Burns
Hums to Dlniiiond Burns to Venator
E. B. WATERS, Agent.
i r-sf-ajsa -dfc-
: 1 i3::::u::::::u:i mm:::::::::::::::::::. ::: tnmistKtsttnannttttamumuKggast
: ARCHIE M'GOWAN, President and Manager
us of many things,
our vanity first by
wrinkles and the
John W. Sickclsmith, Greens-1
boro, Pa., has three children, and'
like most children they frequent
ly take cold. "Wo have tried
several kinds of cough medicine, " i
ho says, "but have liovcr found 1
any yet that did them as much
good as Chamberlain's Cough1
Remedy." For sale by all good
Harney County Abstract Company
Modern and Complete Set of Indexes
An Abstract Copy of Every Instrument on Record in
of Every Instrument
Harney County.
: $V $SS)&SS&GQ99QQQQ89QQl
II. F. Huntly has gone to Vale
for a load of freight.
G. M. Cobb is trapping
Crane Creek.
Florence Hoffcditz who is at
tending tho Lawen school spent
Saturday nnd Sunday with her
parents in Valley Viow.
C. E. LoMay is sporting a fast
driving horso and rubber tired
Our geninl bachelor neighbor
C. M. Welty left for Silver creek
February 22 to bo on hand for
his spring work.
C. D. Howard, chairman of tho
board of directors of school dis
trict 41 attended tho school meet
ing on February 20.
Tho neighbors got together
with seven teams of horses and
moved n building from near C.
E. LoMays to tho present school
site on J. M. Holfeditz' place.
Men whooweall they have and
all they are to an industrious.
economical wife, too often leaves
her out when they boast of their
success, as most successful men
aro prono to do.
Women may possibly, not know
enough to vote, though wo don't
admit it; but she certainly knows
enough not to sell that vote to
tlio first briber who may happen
There is n wido difference be
tween having a note in tho bank i
and having a banknote in the
pocket, nnd therein lies the differ
ence between complacency and
When a man comes along whin
ing thnt he is the victim of cir
cumstances, tho chances aro that
tho circumstances were contained
within iron-bound staves nnd
labeled "Old Rye."
Not infrequently the exalted
lodge member, tho whack of
at whoso gavel brings all the mem
bers up standing, takes off his
shoes outsido tho door when he
goes home, lest ho waken his
wife. From March Farm Journal
... R presents the....
Home Insurance Co., of New York,
Live piiol, London & .Globe,
0 Fire Assurance Co., Philadelphia.
P OI'FICti WITH MIUUS & K1U. Bums, Oregon.
V Comer Mouth t Luitabuij; & Dalton's.
tfc' QQS G&9 &t5
ft. A. DIBBLE, Propt.
Courteous treatment, rates reason
ableGive me a caU
A First Clas-'s Bar in Connection
& &mmm
If you want an incubator this
year now is tho time to seo W.
T. Smith and patronize homo in
dustry. Get tho best. Only $15
No oil, no expense and hatches
as many eggs as any incubator
on earth. No sleepless nights.
A. Venator, tho big cattle man
from Venator and Darren Valley,
while in Vnlo Wednesday stated
that tho stock was wintering in
good condition. Tho season has
been a perfect ono for tho cattlo
and stockmen aro feeling good
ovor tho prospects.--Vale Entc-priso,
The Harriman Mercantile Co.
Bluo prints of any township in
Burns Land District showing
namo of cntryman, (Wound kind
of entry, topography, etc,, $1.00
each. Piatt T. Randall, BurnB,
W. T. M'.STGK,
Alnimccr and Salcmunii,
Secretary und Notary
Homestead Locations
HimluwH, Wo mo
!tuirimuiiU Tlmt Which lnTmtuil iiikI lltliulilo, ml Hmullu Buccwwfully nil Boris ol Hmil Kntuto
AkoiiIh Fur tlio Kollable
Talk Your Hon) K.tulo Mutters Oyur With Uu. Your lluilnen Will Ha Strictly (
(iuhk, Attend To Our lluelnosa and Want Your HubIuikhi,
Wo Know Our Hum-
Complete line of
Groceries and Qry Goods
Gerits Furnishings
We ffunrnntee quality nud!priee.sLct us prove' to you that
wo have the (roods at right pricesCall andjsce us
3E3Ca,3rari3aa.o,aoL? Oregf.
T !Tw To-irn. a.t C drlc am.
iQ'QK Q-QW&igQ
, ,u