INUSTRIAI. NOTES. (Portland Correspondence.) Wide interest and confidence in Oregon throuirhout the East was noticed by Theodore 11. Wil cox, president of the Ore-Ron Development League, who has just returned from a business trip. Ho found tho railroads are advertising Oregon extensively and expects this, in connection with tho other work along simi lar lines, will bring a Hood of settlers. Mr. Wilcox found the belief general throughout the East that the completion of tho Panamn Canal will bo of groat benefit to tho Pacific Coast. Mr. Wilcox showed tho pride he feels in his state when ho said: "On my trip I passed through Virginia, tho Carolinas and Geor gia. I do not hesitate to say I would not give the poorest acre in the whole Northwest for ten of tho best in that section of tho country, that is, for agricultural purposes." The new railroads up tho Des chutes River into Interior Oregon are going forward at a rapid rato and are both practically ready for trains for a distance of 71 miles from tho mouth of tho river. The Harriman line ex pects to reach tho 82nd milopost February 1, leaving 51 miles to be built to Redmond. It is ex pected this will be accomplished in May. The Hill road will pro bably be completed as far as Bend early next summer. Portland people are becoming interested in the 1911 exhibition of the Portland fair and Live stock Association, which is ex pected to be the best yet. Direc tors met during the past week and outlined a broad policy for the organization that augurs well for its future. As an aid in fos tering the livestock industry, this organization is doing a groat work for the Pacific northwest Hardware and farm imple ment dealers of the state will assemble in Portland for their annual convention on January 24-27. Trade questions will be discussed and problems that con front the merchants will be solved Parcels Post will come up for consideration and other vexed matters will be untangled. The first annual Pacific North west Livestock Show will be held in Portland March 20. 21 and 22. It will be an exhibit of fat stock, patterned after similar shows held in the packing centers of the Middle West. It will be of great educational value to those interested in livestock and will aid in the cxtention of the in dustry in the Northwest The show has the backing of the live stock interests as well as the active support of James J. Hill and others interested in the de veloped of this section of the country. Application! (or (Irailnj Permits. Notice is hereby given that all applications for permits to graze cattle, horses and sheep within the DESCHUTS NATIONAL FOREST during the season of 1911, must be filed in my office at Princville, Oregon, on or before February 8, 1911. Full informa tion in regard to the grazing fees to be charged and blank forms to be used in making applications will be furnished upon request A. S. .Ireland, Supervisor. NEW CLUBBING PROPOSITION We have arranged to offer in connection with this paper, the new monthly farm magazine just started at Lincoln, Nebraska, by Prof. H. W. Campbell and devot ed to the subject of how to farm in the dry country and how to get best results from 'soil tillage under normal conditions. This Paper is Campbell's Scientific Farmer and we offer it clubbed with The Times-Tcrald both for $2.50 per year cash. Prof. Camp bells' new paper is a monthly, chock full of good things, the only paper of its kind in the world, and it embodies tho re sults of the editor's many years of painstaking investigation of the soil tillage proposition. When given as soon as tho croupy cough appears Chamber lain's Cough Remedy will-ward off an attack of croup and pre vent all danger and cause of anx iety. Thousands of mothers uso it successfully. Sold by all good Dealers. E. A. SHAFER U. S. Mineral Surveyors Civil Engineer Irrigation and Water Supply En gineering. Townsile, Land and Mineral land Talent Surveys. Draftiug, Designing, Ulue Crim ing, Estimates, Etc. Narrows, Oregon I'ROI'OSD CIIANOINQ (IAMB LAWS. During ovory legislative ses sion thoro is a demand for a change in tho game laws. If such change wcro always practi cal and applicnblo to all bocUoiib it would help, but generally the changes are mndo to suit a few follows who do not consider all puts of tho state. Tho follow ing from tho Telegram bIiows some proposed changes this sessien: "Tho Oregon Fish and Game Association, at its annual meeting in the Chamber of Commerco building, .went on record in hearty indorsement of tho Au dubon Society bill eliminating tho Master Fish Warden nnd the Slate Game Warden offices from politics. Tho association will urgo that tho legislature approvo this bill, which gives tho Gover nor tho power to appoint n com mission of five men to have full charge of tho enforcement of all game nnd fish laws. Tho presi dent of tho State Agricultural College- shall bo chairman of tho commission and tho other four members shall bo men who nro not in any way identified with tho fisheries industry. "A measure was recommended for passago by tho current Leg islature which shall establish n closed season for all trout, ex cept salmon trout, during tho months of November, December, January, February nnd March, the remainder of the year is to bo the open season. An open for salmon trout is to continue the entire year, but this variety of fish can bo caught only in tide waters. "Another bill limiting the num ber of ducks that may be shot at ;U3 a week, was indorsed, and making the duck shooting season run from September 1 to February 15." These are reasonable proposi tions and will not find any oppo sition among the sportsmen of this section. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. liiggs re turned the last of the week from a trip to Missouri and other eastern states, They report very cold weather, in some places 20 degrees below zero, and are pleased to get back to Crook. -Princville Journal. Constipation is tho cause of many ailments nnd disorders that make life miserable. Take Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets, keep your bowels regular and you will avoid these diseases, for sale by all good Dealers. I'l.TITION I'OK UQUOIl I.ICKN81., Wi! tho uiiilorrilniii-il Icjrnl vnltjx of Alvonl I'rrcinct, Ilanwy County, Htntn of Orison rcxfiortfully jtolltloii tliu linn, (oimty Court of Harney County, M.ito of Oregon to K'nut it llcoinu to .1. W . lo to Hull Splrltoua Mult and Vinous Llquora In losi iiniitUliv) tlian oiiii Kflllon al Allior.ion.Alvonl, l'roclnct, I Iiirnuy County, KUto of Oregon, for a period of nix moutlim, an In duty bounil wo will eur pray. NiiiuoH. NamcH. W . IS. Alhurtou A. (ilomi M. It. AlhorKon I 'an MclCunzIo I! J. Litem Hmury Mill gain Hlllott J. A. McOu-gor Mike Hart Walter It. Htovotm John fe'clii-nk C. Wln-nlur John .TnrkBon J , C. Modlln Notlco In hereby glvon that on Bat unlay the -Hli day of February 1011 tho tliulerelKiieU will apply to thu Honorably County Court of linrnuy County, Oregon for thu I.icoiiHo mentioned In thu ubovu petition. J. V. l.l'.K. N'OTICK KOH PUHLIOATJON. UNITKl) HTATKH LAND Of PICK, Iluriia, Ornituii, December 10. 1IM0, VitleolK ln-roliy kIvimi tlit Hull llotrllk Uh. hIiiim (.it olllro uiMnaa U Hume, (III'koii, illl, mi tho aire! iUy u( March, lulu, i)l In idle iiIllMiHvturii Hlnloincnt ami Al.hili atlon, hu OU',7 in jiiirrtiaau thu M,NWj;, Hup S7 ami W'.HWM, Hottlon -a, 'Iuwilallli20 H ItailKl fJ V ttlllaimllu iliirlillan, uml tho llmhti Ha ri'.ni, iiiMlor tlioproyliliiu of tho act of JI11111 'I Ki anil mi amendatory, kuimii the winner aiin miiiiii, al audi vaiuo an mlilht li flxnt hy atiiralitineiit, ami thai, puratiuiit to muli application, Iho laml anil limber thereon haro hvon apnraliocl, tho tlni lit.F l.llin,il..,l 4MI IH U.r,l ,...., a I 1 1 Ihl .. II nml tho land COU), that aalil applicant will final proof In auppurtof Ilia application ami Mworn ktutcinutit on tho -ilat ilav nf Pvhru. ury, lull, hoforo tho III Kletor anil llccelver, at Jlilriin, Dri'KOM. Any pcraon la at liberty In ruliet thin pur i haw befnru entry, or lull Into a contcit at any lime bejoro patent laeiife by llllnir a rorrul lira nil ulllilnvlt In thin office, alltKliiK 'll li will iinft-at thu entry. Wn. I'Aiiiia, Kc'Kl-tcr NOTKJK KOIt rUliblOATrON. UNITKIlflTATKH I.ANII OKHIOK,! lliirna, oregou, lieceiuhcr, 10, lulu.) rinnicia iicrinyitiven mai aiarK iiuninau, in lliirna, ureKon, who, on wnvcinlierva, iwm, niailu houuatia'l erilrj- No. 001,1, fur NKU M1M.H1111 .11, 'louiiahlii WHi llaiiifeat K.,willaui. lillu II aftllla tl liaaaa Ilia.. I linlla,. r.l I .. i.a.l I .... ,. v MWil'IIHII, ! (llv.ll llwlllOi'l t(C(llIJIIl( liitiko Kliiat (Joiiimutatluii iirour. In ei(nbllili rlalm to tlio Uiifl Hlmvo 'Ipirrjtjed. hunre Uo lil aMia iinviivi, H tjunia. WIVHul'l "II i.iii 21ih Uv ol January. 1 Jl I tin ,r I alia aad.t lluiaUna a lluan. i.. .... i liHrlfH Ncwfll, Kilwunl Kcoim'ihmii, YtvUo Hi uiti, Prank KJIUke, Narrow, OreKou Wm. Kahhk, JUiclhter Hie Lone Star RESTAURANT China (it-orgo, rroptiutor, Our, Main nml II HtroolH, JVIBAIiS AT flUU H00FJ8 Bukevy in connection. A Specialty of Short Orders. Tallin fiiriilHlioil with uvurytliiiig tliu nmrkct nfliirdfl, Your patron iiki riolicituil. You will novor again bo quite as you aro today mentally or physically. Perhaps not over again will you bo able to got so "young" n photograph-that looks liko you - as today. Visit tho Sayer Studio. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 'MltlrrilK. lltltlll, OrrilOII, NilM In I III, Ml. I Sotlroln liotoliypWoll tli I'lim It IHfkvu on, Tliuo lintt-offlca ailu la Iturnn, tlrn toii.illil, mi tho Wth ilar ot I'ulituary, UMtl. II I o iu thin ufllcu Hwnru Htatemunt ami Anpllca lion, Nn.til.M.1,111 iinrdiaett thu N)f NU, Heel Ion Jl, luwnalilt. J ft.. UmiKo 29 K , WIIIbbiiiMIo McMillan, ".ml Ibo limber tliori'uii, muter thu iirovleloiienl tho net ol Juho II 1K7K, nuilni'U Hiiiouilalory, known aetlin'-'lliiilxir anilHliino I aw" at auili valno aa ml R tit be fixed hy up praltpiiiinit, and that, imreuaiit tiiaiuliaiiil cation, tlio laud ami tlnilwr IIipioii limo lu'cn apliralai'd.tlit) Umber enllmale'l ,1Hi,l) bmril lent Kill la) perM,nm1 tho land f HO Ml) that aid applicant will odor final proof In aiippnil nl her applli a i u ami iworn alalemeiit on tint tutlnlnyot January, 1911. bolero thu IL'itlaior and llucoUor, al lluina, Oregon i Any ponon laal liberty to ptulial llilapiir ohaao Ixfuro entry, ot Inltlalo a cnnlcat at any lime hclor-patent Imih a, hy llllnir aioirobor ale.l altldavlt In thin nlllce, aUilni fncla which would defeat the entry Wu Kami. Itcaltcr. CONTEST NOTICE. HKIUAl, No.ftf:77 ' t'ONTKBT NO SUA UmTtuPTATa I, ttiii Orrn a, llurni, Ort-con, liccember 'j;, 11)10. A iiftlclanlccntritaflldavttimvliiiilit'iMi Illrd in thli oniro hy Jainca II. Pulluwa enntcataiit, agalnat llomolead i:nirj Sorlal No, (Mi77, inailo Jutin 14. 1VOU, lor I'.'i, fccllon 'JA,1iiwii alilp at N., Itanto 91 K., WlllainttlK Uoildlnti.tiy Cjrua W. .Mcllvalno.Colileiloe.ln which It laal leneil IhataaldCyrila W Mollvaluo haawliully abaiulollej ilil land for niorc than alt inonllia laal paat, hat nctcr aottlcd, or imlded iinnr oulllvatod Minus aald paitlca nro hereby nottflod to nipeiir, rripnml, and oiler ovldonco toucliluir laid alliifatluii at 111 u'clock in. on February It, mil, before tho Kculalor and lleccUer at tho United htutea Laud Oil loo In llurni, Oregon, Tho aald ountditaut havluK In I ror alTldii vlt, filed December 21. 1JI0, ret furtli facia wlilell how that alter duo illllluellro poiaoual aorvtcu of th la notlco cannot ho mai'o, It la hereby or doled anil itlrei ted that turli notlco tio Klvln hy duo anil proper publliatluii WM, I'AltliK. Itriililer. Iteeonl addreaa ulcnlryinan Twin Kalla,ldaho NOTIOK KOH I'UUI.KJATION UNIlhllBTAlKH I.ANIl OPKICK, llurni, Uiikuii, .Sovtinber 1 ID 10 Nutlco li hereby tlren that Adrian P ( uli man wtuiaoiualollli.oaditliaila I'aiillua.t rook In , Oregon, did, un tho InihiUyol lieciinlu r tvov, fllo In thla iifflce Hworn Hiuieimnt iiml Applliatlnti, Nn Oluw. to puichaa llo , Ketlloiiil, lownahlp InH, II a me .ill l, lamelle Mirldlau, and thu tluiber th eon iiinler the provlaleua ol the art of Jiniv i, l- i and acta anici daUoji, kituwu aa thu ' Tiuit r and Klone I aw ' at audi value aa lillabl be Died hy aiipiaiaeiiiiin, and lhat, piiraiianl to amih aiiidlt atlou, i hu land and llm Uir I la. rt on haTu tiveu aptiralaett, tho lliiibkr lallmatt.i Wi),a)li"aril feet at fi.tu per M, ami the Ian. I UV, eo, lhat abl applicant will oiler final ir.H,l 111 aupimrt nl hla amillcutloii aiol awotb atau m en I on the Ullh ' ay nf January ml. uf ire tho Ken-later ami Hu elver, mi Hihii. iireauu Any t'craou la at I, .Hy In piolnl thla p u chaao beforu entry, r liilnaloa coiileat at an tlinn before (lcnt Iu hy lUlny a mtniln uln! afflilavlt In Ihl- nfllie, hII. t-KK facia Which WO'lht defeat Hie lo'ly tt Panaa- H k" MAGAZINE READERS' SUNSET UAOAZIHK la.iIuIiTllluiUair.l,(toodalorwa P- - aadarlicUa about CaLfMaiaaiKi OJ"5u all U.. Far Wert. 1tu CAMERA. CRA7T ilerotrd tach roooili ta th at Urtk irpiodivrtioa al the Lett $1.00 woik of amateur and profaatiooal A year photographer. B0AD or A TnOUQAHD W0NOEB3 a hook of 75 paift. cnnlatnni 120 colored pliolugraiJii ol Jo.75 pvtwrrr)ii ipoti U Caiifofoi aaj Orao. Total .. . $3.23 All for ... . $1.50 Ai&IfTu U orJrr to SUHSET MAOAZINB Flood iiuUiif San rraruiaco Go To The White Front Livery Stable NEW RIGS AND TEAMS 'Phone to Me for Your Doctor Calls. R. J. McKlNNON, Jr., Proprietor. Burns IVIeat iViarket New Shop Opposite Hie First National Unnk Main St. yJMTilUMaJSJS. II , -, I '- .. i V20laV tVTl .11 V JCfWi IN Your patronage solicited. BURNS LIVERY AND FEBD STABLE. COHTES 12. LLLIO'IT, l'rcjit. , tiiir-1 (tltoiitioit given ''' M iV Special Attention Given to Conducting Funerals NEW AND ACCURATE HAY SCALES IN CONNECTION WITH BARN. H'tfV ' NOTIOK FOIl PUBLICATION. llNITHl MTkTra MNPOFHCK, 1 lliirna, OrcRnii, Hereiuber n, mlO Nollco la luroliy xlven llmt HamiiolJ clem tneba, wlimu pualoilliu ndilteaa la I'niillna, (Took t'o, OreKiiu, did oil Iho 7lli day ol March, lulu, fllo In llilinlllie Horn Hl.lcini'iil ami piillcnllnli. No utJ77, In piirclmMi Iho WuNr.'i aim H',N'4, HmlioiiN. lownalilpls H , ItBliuo 11,1 1: Mlliiu cllo Melblblli, nml tho limber ilieroon under tlin proyltloiia of tbo acl nl Juno , IH7a, niidailiniueiiilalnry, known n tho "limber and Hume,," at audi value na iiiIkIii be llxod hy npprntteiiieut, nml that, puraiiiiut to am h eppllcallon Iho Inml and alone llicrcon bne been npitnlacil, nnd llm laml ttuu (i, Unit an'. I applicant will oiler final proof In iiipport of hla nptillcalluu nndanorn itnleiiioul on Iho. '.nil, day ol I ebtuary, lull, leluiii I be llciilatcr and Jliirna, (ireuou , Any pctanii la at llheriy lo proleat llilapilr chnao belore imlrj or IiiIIIiiik a cnnlcat at any lime In fm u patent laauta, hy lllluit a rorrohor nlud alllilavll Inllila nlllrn, nllenliiK Incla which would ilelcnl the eutiy. Wm Paiiiik, lU'KUIor Tx-y "CJs Wo collect mcrynliuro mill niiiku n ehnrKu iiiilcn" rollectlon Im,iiiiiiIii, Vi itoiHe our rliiiiiln .sl Them. A'.llllt'HH Mdiuian MmiciNribi: Co., Kenton ItUluc- l'orlliiml, Ow The Wnsliington Restaurant WONG 'Uili, Proprietor Up stairs our llio Capitol Saloon Tho bill of faro includes every thing tho market affords. Short orders a specially. Bread for sale. Givo hint a call. JOHN ROBINSON Stock Inspector, Harney Comity. Iloinu Aililreni Ulirnti, Ore. DO YEARS' CXPCniENCE TnDK MAnrlO Draiona CopynioHTo Ac. rh and 4 wrtptlon war Anynno aemllni: a akrtrtl an nuicklr acfain our f I'ininr iiiTantlon la pfntiabiy MKnia r a.eilain mirt piiuiin irw oerrmi IllTenliiin la pfiiriablyjtinialilo, (niiunuii iluuaairkllrennilili mini lUn'thpoXt'JI I'atetHa aenttree. uile.t e.iinr ' raeruhutfiiau-Mta. I'aionta inien ilir iouIi Xunii ft Lis. nWlvo rwfliv, wlllinut tllnrae, In llio sctctumc jiincncan. A hanilaoniojr fitital fclEfift ruu.11011 01 11100 l.errjial, Mtt ffmrinjii'lni.ll, Uwkl Dyall newaitfalet". rtlUNN & Co""Md-" New York llraiirli wo Y Kt . Vraahluilloii. K.U. A Handsome Woman Every ivomnn niny notbo Imnd tomc, but every woman should keep with thu (rood points nbturo lias given her. No votnnn need have sallow shin, dull eye, blotchy complexion, who pays proper Attention to Iter health. Whereeonstipntion, liver dcrnntic mcnU, blood impurities nnd other irrcgulni ities cxitt, good complex ion, bright eyes nnd sprightly mo voments cannot exist. Internal clcrn-.irnienla roRl thcniaolvet aooocr or later mi llm aurface. lleatlacho, ilnrh rinifa aiound tlni eyoa, aallow akin, n eon. r-tant Uv fcelior -'liieou that tho liver anil ilirfcitive organ nro needing help (itl correction. Chanilierlnin'a Stomach on 4 Uvor Tahlrtt civo thla nccenary help. Their wmk !, naluM-'a own way. Thar do not merely tlvrlt th Uwi la ltt tone up the Uv.r and alomacti 11 fulfill lit irpr iir luncliup. Ma mild and rentl ila thy h t li it m li.ldlr reh ..... !... I..u ..L . ...I r'L..I -1.. . ! itr mt in R,..,i,, viin,i,u.iin . latlelt can t rKcl uavn tn rvllova LurinB, Imlleedltiii, eon.llpnllurt and ufahicaa. Soll or arrwhirn. rricrtcenu. Pork. Vidian. M J.olo;iji mid jjiver Suiisai's Hoof in tii Quail tiil..y. j SSjTJFH H. .1 HANSEN, Propt lo trail. soi an I mintoni uii freight, li'Mins. Jjortias h'Qjit lij tlic (tiiy, week or month. llltST CUSS I.I VERY IUKN0UIS. Hull unit ti'ruin ulituiijti a h ii ml. Your iiiitioiiugii Holiulttnl, Huiiili Main M , lluiiiB, On i n iJmMM ! taaMMaaaaaaanaftajaajpajaaHnajaj (IKKIOIAI, lltHKOTOIIY RTATK OIIKIIONI I) H Honalora ijonajliaii Hour no Jr Illio.T, Chainlinrlaln iW lll'llla JV llmvlcy A, M, t'rawlurd 1'. W. Ilonanu ,KW lionaon ,1 1 I'oimtcaaiiien ,. Allnriioy fleuetal (Imernor . ,, Hecrelary ol Htalo 'Ircaaurer Hupl I'uhlln liialriictlim Hlalo l'rluler . . . Kilpreine Jlliluea ,)', II, Artaorinaii W Mlninlway 1 K. H, lloail. .! K. A, Mooro S llobl Kaklli NINTH JUDIt.UA I. DlHriUUT, lilalrlct Jiidiio . , (Ico IMiavIa lilalilct Allnriioy , Deputy IMat Ally J W MrtJiillnch ., 0 II Ixjonalil I Irrult f'oiirt meala tliu Drat Monday In April and flrat Monilay In OclnU't. Joint Henalor,...', , . jolul-ltepreaunlatlvo. (! W Partial) W II llrooko 000KT IIAIIMKTI tfuuiily J111U0 tlletk " ' lliaalircr tnrvejor , , ,. nbetlil . . Aaacaaur, . Ichool rluporlnloudonl, Curnuor ,, Mima Ipajn'clor tiiiiiiuiltaionora J. I', Hector Kam Miilherahead I'.NJaiiuaoll . A II I'liulknur A. K. Illcharilaiin J, J, Hoiicnaii l,M llainlliuii J W deary .John KoIiIikoii ll,. N, ninlliinl 1(1 A htiiytli (,'ounly Court nicila thu drat Wcdneailay In January, llarch, tlay, July, Hei'lcinber and N'ovumlier, IIAItMKT U, a, I.ANII limi'lt! Iteiiialor .... . Win 1'arru KecvlTor ,, I'aauk Havcy riTV.-nuiiKa- Mayor, . Ham Moll eiahiad lleionler, ,,.. , ,1". T. Uamlall litoaurer .... J.ll. VVeUonio Jr. Maiatial, M.I'. Wllllmna I IV. (1. Ilrnwii Coiiiiclliiieni A, O. Nutcouio JllllllClllblHllllK I A n nwaiu McellUKB nf thu Council eiery Ktcoml ami Kollllh Wciliicaday, Sumpter Valley Railway Co. TIM It TAIIU.'NO. 30 IN KI'i'ltOT JUNK U, I00t. Went lloiilnl, No 1 I'llMH U;30 I.v 11 :in " u r 10-01 " 10 07 " dint It iiml, I'unn b in Ar OtilO I.v fiiiTi " 5:00 " 1:65 ' 1:8 a in. No. : linker (Jliy South linker ri.ill.limjt leklnirtt '.Thoinpaont 10:17 " Stmhlnfil .Innctloiil " 1:15 l0;'.,., " l .VI " 10:311 " 10:66 " 11:10 -11:16 " 11:10 " NOON IS:00 " 1'. M. IS:06 " r.':4() " 1:10 Ar Witter TiinU " 1:10 Di-an'nSniirt " 1:32 McKnuitt " 1:86 JUNCTIONI " 1:10 Hiimptur " 1:03 JUNCTIONI " 3:60 Hnminllt " lli.'io O I. Ciinipt Whltneyt Til'ltJNf Auntln 3 06 3.00 S. 10 2 10 Hliip on nlRimlp only . No i;mt. Tli-lela laanetl only for olnlluna whero 1-ulna urn cheiilo,l to iimkn regular nopa. I'liHpencurt1 tntiit inri-lnii-e tick-i-tH whero nmiiitH nxl.t Imforo i-ntornit' traliiH or 'jr i-enlH In inhlltloii to tho io fjnlnr fnre will bo clmrcil. JOHKI'll A. WI.HT, ritijit (li:ANT(ii:i)l)r.8, Aunt. Supt, THEVERYBEST S'ntUU on th I'wlflo Cot li cim-uIM hr. Wharliulliiticrt.rrpttUUouonlL Vcmran djwDtt on fbdltiV n4 ratibAl rt faioUvt vurk ijwi., cm laatlar Jhjw much juu j. Tf flaltb tUU Bit tri1orh for out ( lnn ratront In ?of Anj it illrt lal oitrintcn itm btl fll Pf I rUlffA work it ortlp CtMtia In. WlrCrM 55. 00 ;.nni Jr.TMik4.00 ouritnir. 1,00 itMiininfi i.oo i6,if rnwi ,50 5.00 n.i.i 7.50 ex.W,LW1tl,rumtmM.fuii fiUUii UWtk .50 i mi inwiawa it NtniM aiT hithoo All work fullr trmi(1 for rUlrn ir. Wise Dental Co..ic. Painless Dentists rntn 6llatliig.T)iti(l and WJthlnaton PORTLAND, OKI. OrifiaUaar.l 11 U I. r U hilii,lUl $1500 Reward! The Oregon Call Inrilla nml Naiaila I.lio BHielc l-iotco llnii Aaanclatlon.ol uliltli thu untlor altfiioit la a iiiumber will itlvii ll.lxm in lunarillnrsvliltiiru leading In tlin ar r I'll ami cniivlilioii ol any iity ur par- ii, .,i-Bu,a ii.i.ii rattlo or imilraa IuiikIiik touiijr ot tta itinmltiira. Ill aildll l.ii. I. 1 1 l,n, t. I it. l,,,,1.,,all,,lr,l ill li'ia Ihu rninii (iitiitllloii i'W0 lur nil lioraia hniiiili'il liuuo iliuo lioron l.iilli ur clllior Jaw. Iiiuu.l rrinnliil In ilxlit touullia llanrolUr., ncy, I.ulii' ami I'rimli rmintU-a llnraia vcllti'il wlion anlil, Nono Inn irniwn liuraoa i ulil.aml only In largo l.niirlii'a. W V IlltO'V N Fll, Orcton Tills riflo la built for settled districts. where Reed range nntl IdllinK power ore desired, with safety to the neighborhood. Tho ffZur?i .25-20 It a light, quick. linndllnR, llnely-lmlnnceil icpcutcr, with the tollil top, rloseil-ln iireccli nml elilo ejection feature) which mnko JXjMt Runs aafo nml ngreeable to use and certain In action. It la mada tn uaa Ilia powarful riawMnh yaloclly aiuoktlcia loaili wllh lackatcit bullata aa well aa tlit wall known tlack powder and low rraaaura amoktlcaa cart. rliliiM, and la tho iJral rill lor taruct woik, nr vrooucnucaa, Btcaa, tiawka, loari, etc , up to SOS y arda. Thla illle and amniu. riiilon, and all other J&UWI renaatria,are lully deacilbed In our I3rpaaa cataloir. l'rca aaBaa (or 3 etampa poetage, TXeffiarft firearms Co., it Willow Street.' " NEW IUVEN, CONN. 1 RtoIitI? Kn'jvUrM aLHalffiaiMal j littH::itit:i!iiiiitiitJtiitiiiiiitti:ttiiiimti!!it:ttimittmt:imtiummt:maj The OVERLAND HOTEL Under now management Having luitHcd this, popiilnr house vc extend nn liivltnllon to our frlcnits (o come nnd stop with us First Class Accommodations in every rcspcct--Qoocl tabic service ORA HILL, Prop., Bums. Oregon uicimmmtiti .ii!:;:-.::tm:tm::m::t!w CALIFORNIA Ib Uio placo lo viail. OrniiKO Groven in full bloom, tropical flowerB, famous hotels, hlnloric Old MIhsIodh, ntlrnclive wntcrinfj places. tlcllKlitful cllmato, mnkinp; Hint favored Bection the Nation's most popular retreat. You can see it at its best via Hie SHASTA ROUTE - and "The Road of a 'Thousand Wonders" Southern Pacific Compkny Up-to-dato trains, firsUclass in every respect, unexcelled diniug oar service, quick time and direct connections to all points south. SPECIAL ROUND TRIP FARE OF 55.00 PORTLAND TO LOS ANGELES AND RETURN With corresponding low fares from all other sections of tho North A'csl. Liberal stop-overs in each direction and Iouk limit. Inter esting and attractive literature on the various rcjprta and attrac tions of California can be had on application to any T. P. or O. R. & N Agent, o from WM. McMUKKAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon &M iP ?la 0 I W I "ASS0S.SK- "11IK WINUSOli ' w 2C an PSii TaBalC3vWHS& VJ Vi W. W. DRIIKWATER ) Main St., I l,,.A I ftWaf7-t HORTON & SAYER,Propts. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Kustic Flooring, SVioulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Cood Road. Lumber Yard in Burns. The Harney Valley Brewing Co. Miumliu turom uf so:n.d. Family Trnde Solicited IVce.Dcllvcry T. E. JENKINSManager w a.::t::ti:t:!ittt:::r.uifi) The HARNEY VALLEY MEAT MARKET : Kaiser & Buslielc, Proprietors MFAT(s0fa"kinds, IVIt-ia. 1 O always ready Your Patronage Solicited ; Comer Atnln mid it Streets l.oclier IJiilldltijr IK int:!ij:inttiiKt.nui"nm:nt!tttiinl)nu .::' ,Htjimj:ttKtuj:tHm LtJSRSZ 4 . ir . jjf ivVWv. a ffl&W&HlOHORMfl WRITE FOR SPECIAL TH E A.H.AVERI SPOKANE, WASH." PORTLAND. ORP1.- 5AIS JOSECAU - tttiimtntmtintniniinmmmtnmm Wk Ma, 'I? If d "flair (u ILimf . B.acksmifliiiig and llorseshoing. Wagon Work COOLEY AUTO MATIC BRAKES Suns, Oregon, Mi Sifidfflt ILLMQ GO. ::ttit::::t::i:::t:::H!tat:::tt! ENGINES BOILERS flm y MACHINERY CATALOG AND PRICES LL MACHINERY CO. PItOFKSSIONAL OAItl) o.'Ruv'eSr Wm. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Iluni", Ori'Kon ItoOIIia C 1111(1 0 Ollll IVIlow Illlillllli G. A. REMBOLD vAtloriioy-nt-!,nw Burns, Oregon OlniH. I J. Lxjonard,, Oitroful nltontifm givon lo C'olloc lioiiB nml Hpal Kfitnto inultoro. I'Iro Iiicnrnnco, N'ntiiry Pulilio UtlllNH. Oiikoon QKO. 8. SIZKMOItIC, ATTOItNKV, f'"N, '. OltKOON Oollictloiia, .nnd l.u.liifaa, ftl), Hen Katnta iiinliur proriii ttv ntk-iicleil Ui CHflRtiES W. ELLIS LAWYER Burns, - - Oregon I'ructliTS In thu Hlnln Court" nml ! forajlia V.H. Uuid Olllco. A. W. GOWAN ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW State Courts and United State.' I-tnd Office Practice Three doors South of the Harney County Nali nal Hank Hums, Oregon. U. Ol. CBARY l'lil Ma. Ill nml Hiiritron. UuriiH, - - - Orof!f)ii. Ollicn In nun billlillnuruiiln nf WelconiH li.irncHM hIioji, .Main Kl. 'I'lionn Miiln ur,. DENMRH & DEf.'MAN, ' Phys.cinns and :urgeon& ChIIh Iniianc-iuil irutiity q!(;lit or ilaj riiniiii Ilnrriinnn. Harriman, Oregon MAHSPEft & GRIFFITH I'liyniulniig mid .Suit-oiiH, IIUItNS, OltKOON h. E. HIBB11RD DB3STTIST Olliui) firat iliir t-il-t .lpilo cillury llitrm. On-Kiiii VV. C. BROWN, IDIHI&TI'XST.. ItUISMI, OliKllllN. Olllrti In lieu laml olliiv liuildln, nei iliair in. rlli ol Mst clliro. HOOIKTIKS. IIAHNKV lltlflK, Nl). n. I O U K, ltlla tur i-luldHi i. .1 i . , t,,v lla "! . I V I ulr Ari'lr II il.ui, ir. r.i.M N.ll. ill ItNhl.OIIUi: NU. K, , .M , Mifla over)' Ural oii.l ihlr.l Iu a ""!"" J'- ui!Kaii II Tliua, S.Bua, t-forWnrj. IIAKNKV VM.I.KVr.WII- Su M t Mit-lacwr) nr.ihiMlr,i.M. linaiU) W. A. li.uvan, (Mirk. NllUNiinUIMhll .So tn, I) K S. Uralavun aomml ami (..nnh M.uutaia I Maaon . Hall. hs j ri ' (oiiiKiiiivau.htvrWao iVLVIA 1IKIIKKAII HMIKKK Nu an. Mui-iaovvry IHnu.U.I ntliiii.lii lllIllllar,lll,n Km-, " ''' N " TUI.K t.'llt(lt.K Nil IS, I . Mcvlacvrrx loiirth Tnenlar. ., . ,. . Maii.l Morion, O ii llt-alvrCiHklnian, Clerk JOIIX.KMI.K..jING, alowolor. Optician imd l'ltxtrfavoi'. Fine Watch Kcpairinij A Spr cinlty. .:-?- ' ifca A HARD HIHER That'a the whole ircict of the luccrii the StcTeni Farorlla No. 17 theaccuia wllh which the Unci li ilflrJ. Thti dciJljr accuracy anil theihtncu th un make It the moit populir tirle I men anj Ijou alike. We make 1 800 Farorite Riflra a wr( but not 1 one ii allowed to Itave the Fad' of t'rcctilgn until thoroujhly tcitcJ If t cxpeit ihootrn. You can get thli tlrle at tnjr hardwi (tore or anj iiiortlng goodi dealer or if ll ho not jot It we will icnj npieie fuf on rccelf t of Lm Trice Jo. 00. Ilat I'rlcn 8tacna Rlllei Little Scout, No, 14, f 1 Steveni-MijrwJ, Jr., No. IJ, j Crack Shot, No. 16, 4 Favorite, No. IT, ' Viiible Loading Repeating HIrV, No. 70, I Ideal Ulile, No, 44, 10 J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL C n niipr. p. The Tactury o Prc Cttlcopcc Iu., v -. laakw. aH aH' M d4t )' uTns-n