jf ftf giaifeiajgf eBtmiumuwmi "iiUBS-Jerald. ?K I.A110SBT CIRCULATION OF ' NKWBPAPEH IN TI11B COUNTY. LtURDAY. JANUAUVai.HH. Local News. llfred Benjamin at Schcnk luttcrick Patterns at Lunn- Dnlton & Co. Ira. N. A. Dibble is suffering 1 inflammatory rheumatism. Iokn Sunday, .inn. lb, to air. Walter Clark at Lawen a Kilter. owest prices over quoted in his, at the I WIG REMOVAL SALE ITlio Busy Corner Store. loiner A. lJonman was ncrc hrsday making proof on his liestend. Ho expects to leave few weeks for a visit to his flier in Iowa. Manager Laurence of the tele- one line is out on a tour of m- Iction from Lawen to Din- bid and the P ranch. Ho is ex ited back the first of next Pk. Bam Motnersucau nnu u. o. hegan will leave for Portland sorrow. They go to secure tessary uooks lor meir au- icting business. Mr. Done- w ill extend his trip to Cah- nin points. hie Times-Herald is in receipt Information to tho effect that lie Harkey-Evnns was married llobt. M. DeVesher in Colusa, lifornia, on January 14, at the bslnterian narsonnge in that Ice. Mr. DeVesher has been frineer at the Cooks Springs Itling works. The bride has tiy old time school friends in ; county nnd is a daughter of s. II. L. Harkoy. County Judge Thompson is in rtland attending the conven or the county courts of the Ite. A Portland paper suites It the convention indorsed the Kood road bills introduced in legislature without a dissent- vote. That's some mdorse- Int and should have some light with the legislature. Fact there never was any doubt of bills passing. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK BURNS, OREGON at tho close of bminvsH Janmru 7th, 11)11 RESOURCES Loans nnd Discounts .. $871,200.01 U.S. Bonds fiO.000.00 Bonds nnd Securities .. G5.iJ87.73 Premium on U. S. Bonds 2,000.00 Real Estato, Furniture- and Fixtures (5,000.00 Fivo per cent Redemption Fund 1,260.00 CASH 90,200.85 LIABILITIES Capital Surplus nnd Undivided Profits Circulation DEPOSITS ' $.lffi, 728.02 $ 26,000.00 . 68.006.-U) an, ooo. oo .17.1,032.19 $.170,723.02 Capital : Surplus : S70,000.00 v United States Deposit org $ Accounts Invited Winter suits 25 per cent off at Schenk Bros. Tho Home Hotel is the comfor tablo place to board. Miss Hnttio Helm, wan up from Harriman Wednesday making proof on her homestead. $5.00 John B. Stetson Hats for $3.85 during tho BIG REMOVAL SALE at Tho Busy Corner Store. Blue prints of any township in Burns Land District, showing name of entryman date and kind of entry, topography, etc, $1.00 each. Piatt T. Randall, Burns, Ore. Estrayed One milch cow dark red, branded with pipo on left hip, also J. B. on same leg further down. Sucking calf red and white spotted with J. B. branded on left leg. Also year ling, bald face, red, same brand. Notify John Back of Burns, nnd ho will get animals and pay charges. Allen Jonoe is home from Port land. Chop barley nt 13. B. Reed & Son's. Alteration Free. 26 per cent off at Schonk Bros. John Wlntonneh' and Chas. Owen wore down from Silviw during tho week. A fine now lot Of drtod fruits have beon added to the slock at lleod'i Grocery Store. The personal attention given guests at tho Fronch Hotel lias given it a good reputation I B. Cub, Prop. Sheriff Richardson has pur chased tho M. F. William resi dence property in south Bums. Mr. mid Mrs. Sam Mtekle will occupy it. BIG REMOVAL SALE nt the Busy Corner Store. READ EVERY WORD of the big ad. of The Busy Cor ner Store. 25 per cent off, Alteration Free at Schonk Bros. Clins. Roper and wifo wore down from Harney Monday tho guests of friends. Tho French Ilotol servos a fluo Sunday dinner and special attention is given to family norvlcu. Keep the Band Boys' Grand Mask Ball in mind. It in noxt Friday night, Jan. 27, in tho now Masonic building. ' Roswoll Hamilton, Hon of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Hnmilton of this city, has charge of tho Grace & Bodinaon durg storo at Baker. The bnukot ball game last night between tho high school nnd town boys resulted in a vic tory lor uionigimcnooi, zi 10 ijj. All gooda at tho Hngoy & Richardson general merchandise storo aro now and up to date. Good values in every purchase. 1 CIuib. Kaiser has been carry ing one eye in a sling for sovcrnl (days caused by becoming snow blind while out after cattle for tho butcher shop. Ho has suf fered considerable pain but is improving. 1 Tho band boys have arranged to givo a grand masked ball in the now Masonic building on next Friday evening. This will bo the last dance given in tho building as Mr. Schwartz expects to be gin placing the shelving, count ors and other paraphernalia in place soon. , Among the bills introduced in tho legislature by Representative Brooke is one increasing thoslnto appropriation to Baker, Mal heur and llari'ey county fairs from $7fi0.00 to $1,000.00, So far as thu writer knows there was no request for such nn ad ditional appropriation for Har ney county. However, the ex tra would be very acceptable and can bo used to an advantage. Tho Orogoninn has libeled one of our prominent citizens. In a "personal" published last Sun day it 1ms a list of a dozen Har ney county citizens with but three of the names spoiled correctly. While the other boys have a kick, M. Schonk of the Merchants Taioler establishment, has a KrieviunCe worth money. Tho idea of calling a Dutchman"Miko Shanty." That's tho limit Job prinling-Tho Times-Herald 25 nor cent off. alteration Frco nt Sulienk Brothers. Have you listed your land yet? See Irving Miller boforo you do. Foil Ri:NTNoat 3-room cot tage and barn. Inquire at this ofllco. Geo. James has been down from his farm a few days on a visit to his family. Ilagey & Richardson nnd W, 13. Huston hnvo joined in tho (5 o'clock closing. Have you arranRcd your cos tume for the Mnsk Ball to bo given next Friday night by tho Band Boys? A now lino of dry goods, fur nishings, shoes, hats, etc. can always bo found at Hagoy & Richardson's. There is going to bo a mnsk ball at Narrows on February 10. Posters announcing particulars will bo out early next week. Miss K. Neugebauer is located in Uio Jorgenson building bouUi Main St. and is prepnred to do all kinds of dress making. A. 13. Murphy camo over from his Iron Mountain- land holdings the first of this week and left Wednesday for Seattle. Ho will bo joined by Mrs. Murphy and togother they will go to Califor nia for a short visit. To say that the removal saloof Tho Busy Corner Storo Is a gi gantic success, is to draw it mildly. Already several lines have beon completely sold out, and every lino is showing signs of good judgment displayed by J Harney county's discriminating people, Tho writer would advise everyone to attend this Bale as soon as possible and not miss nn opportunity that comes but rnroly. R. J. McKinnon is homo from Idaho whero ho went to recover tho team stolon bv G. W. Tice. Ho brought back tho team but had to bring, action in tho pro bate court and was decided against in that court. Ho ap pealed to the circuit court nnd was required to put up a bond boforo lie was allowed to bring tho team back. Mr. McKinnon will now have to return there nt the term of the circuit court to fight the case. 25 por cent off on all winter Bulls nt Schenk- Bros. Furnished rooms, Plain Sowing Miib. Doha Ia'htv.u, Burns, Or. Two good, well broken work marcH for sale. Inquire at this office. , See tho Inland Empire Real ty Co. if you have anything for sale or'exchango. A half hoarled "ehinook" wind hns in ado inroads on our supply of snow this week. Tho BuniB Flour Milling Co. will pay 2i centi) per pound for wheat or barley. i Besides having some fun you will be helping tho farmer and ' tho country in general by taking part in in the rabbit drive ar ranged for next Saturday. Is the title good to that pro perly you aro thinking of pur-1 chasing? An abstract shows the record as it may appenr, and it is your duly to know tho grant-' or's title. Harney County Abstract Co., i Inc., Archie McGowan, Pres. and' Mgr., Burns, Ore. Foil Sam: Land Scrip. Cnn bo used to locate any Govern ment land open to homestead entry; secures title without any residence; fully guaranteed. For price, write or wire. L. W. Huiiiii'.u,. Springfield, Missouri. Tho annual meeting of .the stockholders of the Harney County National Bank of Burns, was held at its banking house on the loth instant and ttie same board of directors and officers were re-elected The progress made by the bank, during the p:tst year has been most gratify ing. Tho resources of this insti tution nre now over $400,000 00. The manager of this paper spent an enjoyable hour yester day visiting with "Grandma" Haskell, that lovely elderly pio neer woman who is "Grandma', to everybody. She was eighty seven years old last November but retains her mental faculties well, having good eyesight and able to read, thread her needle and writo letters. She has been a constant subscriber to this paper since the first copy was printed and has a grandmotherly affection for the writer that he truly appreciates. THRIFTY HABITS Such as all Successful People have Are cultivated And encouraged By a Bank Account. You should save Money. When placed in A secure progressive Bank like this, Your Savings Grow In our Savings Department HARNEY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK Your Home Institution. RESOURCES over $4 00, 000. 00 -"DRUGS' THE WELCOME PHARA1ACY YEARS experience in the Drug FSusi- ness. We have no dead stock Our V) goods are clean and new. When you buy your drugs from us you can rest assured that j ! they are pine, fresh and will have the effect ta which your doctor desires. You can also gs find new and up to date Stationery, Fresh Candies, Domestic and Imported Cigars, Rub ber Goods, Fancy Soaps, Pipes, Etc STA TIONER 1 Estkayed One bay mare about 10 years old weight 1000. Branded wagon wrench on loft stifle and anchor II on left jaw. Came to my place last .May. Owner call prove property and pay charges. B. F. CamI'MULL. Burns, Ore. P. O. DtiLAim A. O. Faulknem Formerlr Ami Unclneer Formerly Chief Ei In V. S. IU'C')omtloii Nsr KlOMr ui Ilol A vice. WcrtiruKj Eastern Oregon Engineering Company CIVIL AND IRRIGATION ENGINEERS Barns, Oregon Job Printing- IVices cut on everything except (iROCUIIiiS, IMNLWfc, OUMLLSnnil HOLEPROOF HOSIERY Ten per cent discount on RUBBER BOOTS and SHOES I H rJl LSY LC 3bi SALE NER STOR DURING THIS SALE 75c Serge per yard 5QC 35c 7fic Panama Cloth. $1.50 Serge, per yard. $L03 75e Mohair Heps, por yard. 3So 50o Eiderdown, per yard. 3So $1.25 Henrietta Cloth, por yard QSc $1.05 Broadcloth, por yard. ..$1.25 75c Taffeta Silk, per yard. 55c 75c Albatross Cloth, per yard. 55c IS CAREFULLY!! Prices cut on everything except GKtflLRILS, PATTERNS, OVERALLS and HOLEPROOF HOSIERY 70 Boxes Fine Stationery 10c each Regular Price 65c THERE ARE SOME NEW PRICES MENTIONED THIS WEEK Save Last Week's PaperAll Prices Quoted In It Are Good Throughout January No Trading Stamps Given During This Sale. No Sale Goods Will lie Exchanged. No Sale Goods Sent Out On Approval. 20 Per Cent, Discount On Any Article Wot Mentioned In This Ad. E FOR STRICTLY CASH, DURING THIS SALE 15c Percales, per yard . IIC 15c Daisy Cloth, per yard J He 15c Flanncllettes, per yard. lie 10c Figured Satteens, per yard. 27ic 15c Organdies, per yard 20c Figured Doited Suisse, per yard. . lie 15C 20c Suiting, por yard. . 20c Beaver Waisting, per yard . 15C 15c 35c Flannel Shirting, per yard. 25C WOMEN'S COATS $1 8.00 Coats : $11.65 SlB.OOCoat : $9.75 $152.00 Coat : : $7.75" $10.00 Ooutj j $665 $0.00 Coat : :$4.Q0 LINEN COLLARS 2 for 25 cents M E N 'S UiN D ERW E A R -WOOL-PRICES CUT. $1.50 aiirinonts : $1.05 $1.75 0nrmoiitH : $1.20 $12.00 (larniontH : $1.40 Cotton Underwear Fleece - Lined Underwear One-Third Off WHITE GOODS SECTION 10c Muslin, por yard II Q 12Jc Muslin, por yard Qq 15c MiiHlin, por yard p(j 1(Jc LonHdalo Cnmbrio ?. B OIq $1.00 ShootH, 72x00, wioli 2f3c Pillow Ciihoh, 'irxH07Wioli C !5c 20c Dimity, pur yard 2'1-inch Wliito Diapor Cloth, $l..lf pieco of 10 yardH SSto.0e-"27Wrd Off EXTRA SPECIALS HI 200 Dressed Dolls, 50c values, 10c CMNAWARE, DOLLS and TOYS, OllC-Third Off SSSf's : One-Four Off Sweaters : : : One-Third Off Ladies' Underwear One-Fourth Off Hosiery iSSSZSLr Reduced One Fourth SHOE SECTION Our Mtock of SIioch 'ih undoubtedly tho I lest and Largest in Huimih; the prices are cut. $5.00 Shoes for. $-1.50 Shoes for. $1.00 Shoes for. $51.50 Shoes for. $;i.OO Shoes for. $2.50 Shoes for. $2.00 Shoes for. $3.75 $3.40 $2.95 $2.60 $2.30 $1.90 $1.45 MEN'S OVERCOATS ONE-THIRD OFF WOMEN'S nnd MISSES' COATS ONE-THIRD OFF 2. Schwartz PROPRIETOR. Thi is Store Closes at 6 O'clock Every Evening Except Saturday I. Schwartz PROPRIETOR MENT3 CLOTHING-HART SCHAFFNER & MARX The Ue.sl. Mndo. Fncescui $25.00 Suits foVS. 35 $251.50 Suits for $17.15 ga..fio suits fo7 $i(j.35 MEN'S CLOTHING THE WASHINGTON" SYSTEM $12.50 Suitfor $ g.25 $15 00 Suits for $ 9.(55 18.00 Suits for $H.65 $20.00 Suits for $13.25 $22 50 Suits for $14.65 .4ATS $5.00 Stetson Hats $.$5 $51.50 Oonquorora $2.55 $2.00 Hnrold Huts $1.4$ 2