, ,'' tf '. . Mi J:' jJ JLC?. . li It o c o o Q. 10 CM TAILORS READY-MADE SUITS TAILOR-MADE SUITS o I c o O a. O CL 10 CI it O c Q ha QL 10 cm READY-MADE OVERCOATS and FUR COATS TAILOR-MADE OVERCOATS and FUR COATS $10.00 - TO--- $25.00 $25.00 TO $55.00 $10.00 TO 25.00 30 00 -TO- 65.00 Wo guarantee Quality and Workmanship. Tailor Made is done in Our Burns Shop. ALTERATING FREE. We Carry a Full Line of the Newest, Most Upto- Date Gents' Furnishings, Hats nnd Caps. Cleaning nnd Pressing a Specialty. SCHENK BROS. Burns, Ore. 10 01 Tj (6 o CD 3 O to 01 o CD O CD 3 S O 3? rO 01 "0 CD - o o 3 r O fi J 3ltc hufS-futafd. aATUKDAY. JANUARY U. IHI tUIUSUIUi'TION KATK8- John Robinson re-nppointcd stock insnoctor. ! TJnml mnstnrs nnneinted: No. ! 1, George Dunsmorc; No. 2, A. - I Beckley; No. 3, Ira Rouble; No. 1. Emorv Hill. Joo Clark was One Yrar LV 8U Month! !' Throe Month! ' 'appointed for District No. 5 last , week. LEGISLATURE ORQANIZES. JULIAN IIYK11 .M- With admitted feasible irriga tion projects that will cover thousands and thousands of acres of productive land Harney county certainly has great prospects for rapid development under right conditions. These conditions hinge more or less upon trans portation to give it a market for its products. Another favorable feature is the large amount of government land awaiting the homeseeker and the home seeker looking for the land. All these will come about in the not distant future by keeping our re sources before the public. This is being done by the Hill and Harriman railroad systems par ticularly, who expect rich picking in this territory a little later. Judge Lovett. head of the Har riman system, when in Burns last summer said we should de velop the country and make it an inducement for a railroad to build in. Those who would develop the country from lack of trans portation. For example: The government's estimate of the cost of the Silvies Valley reser voir places the excess cost of wagon freight an materials -at $600,000. Can land in Harney Valley stand such an expense for water without railroad transpor tation to market? It is unreason able to expect it and Judge Lovett would not wait for such a thing. Tho Oregon legislature organ zed last Monday. Tho assembly gang attempted to capture things right up to the last but they were turned down decidedly. Jay Bowerman decided to again be president of the senate but Ben Selling of Portland defeated him. Jerry Rush, of Eastern Oregon representative, is speaker of the house. Oswald West was sworn in as governor on Tuesday and appar ently everything is moving along in fine shape. The 20 day session idea was dispelled, however, when the bills begun showing up they scorn to be as numerous as ever in spite of tho initiative and referendum. IIARNBV VALLEY OIL & OAS CO. Wednesday night was tho first real winter weather experienced here. It began snowing early that day and continued all day with a result that it is an average depth of seven inches in the val ley and much deeper on the mountains. The thermometer registered 9 below as tho cold est Wednesday night and Thurs day morning at tho time of read ing it was between three and four below. The reading Fri day morning showed it had not been any colder than at tho for mer reading. It has since moderated. A radical change in the past policy of tho Harney Valley Oil & Gas Co. was made at the an nual meeting of the stockholders of tho concern held in this city the first of tho week. The man agement of tho affairs of the company is now in the hands of men who will inspire confidence in tho concern and who will uso I their best efforts to develop tho holdings in this county. I With promising prospects for both oil and gas the company seems to have done very little in the past to develop the property or ascertain in any manner just what it has on tho lands ac quired. The new management i will endeavor to secure the ncc- rcessary machinery to prospect I the territory and givo stockhold ers something tangible for tho monoy invested. Tho following directors were elected: II. M. Horton. Chaun cey Cummins, Chas. Wilson, D. W. Yoder, Frank Davey, II. Den man, S. M. Talbot and Frank Shumway. Tho officers are: Chas. Wilson, president; II. M. Horton, vice president; Josephine Locher, "secretary; Frank Davey, treasurer; S. M. Talbot, superintendent. COUNTV COURT ADJOURNES. County court finished tho busi ness of the January term last Monday and adjourned. The sheriff was authorized to secure tho necessary help to cor rect and bring up erroneous assessments of non-resident tax payers. Some GOOO deeds from the Oregon Valley Land Co. to individual holders has caused much work. Former Deputy Clerk Cawlfield and his brother, D. A. Cawlfield aro at work on the roll. Liquor licenses were granted to Lloyd Johnson, Harris & Fitzgerald, C. A. Haines, M. Horton, J. W. Lee. Hereafter by an order entered, no licenses will bo granted for a less period than six months nnd applicants must file all affidavits required by law. An additional doputy clerk was provided for. man school notes. The Harney County High School Literary met in tho high school building Jan. 13, 1911 at 2:30. The president Alico Hurlburt called tho meeting to order and tho following program was rendered: Song - - - Auld Cang Syne Essay Bert Oliver Solo ... - Lyle Dawson Reading - - - Chester Mace Instrumental Solo - - - - Lcnoro Sizemoro Debate: Resolved, that tho ad option of tho Initiative Refer endum is practical in this country. Affirmative Negatiyo Bessie Swain Waldo Geer Eula McKlnnon Emma Johnson Myrllo Irving Ella Johnson Judges, Ralph Irving, Gussio Bardwell and Merle Bonnottdo- cided in favor of tho affimativo. Visitors. Mrs. Wiseman and Miss Rena Biggs. I'AVORAULB RAILROAD DEVELOPMENT Dulse h Wcitcrn RnllronJ Dccdi RUht- ot-Wny In Canyon to llarrlmnn. """ """V A deed executed December 28 convoying tno ngiu-oi-wny ui tho Boiso & Western Railroad to the Harriman system was re ceived for record at tho clerk's ofilco yestorday morning. A similar deed was received and re corded at Vale according to tele phone advico received from there yestorday. No announcement from an authentic Bourco had been mndo either at Vale or Burns, yesterday as to tho sig nificance of tho deal or what it portends. By somo it is consid ered that tho Hill interests, which ithasfalways been sup posed wcro tho real backers of the Boiso & Western, havo a- bandoncd tho territory and loft tho field entirely to Hnrrimnn. This is possiblo but not at nil probablo considering tho situa tion. It has hcrotoforo been an nounced that a joint track agree ment had been reached between tho two systoms so far as it af fected Malheur Pass. Harriman has a government right-of-way through tho canyon, a portion of which will expire next spring. Tho Hill peoplo nsked for a right- of-way which tho government signified a willingness to grant under condition that should cer tain reservoir projects bo taken up the track bo clovatcd ono hundred foot Tho Harriman right-of-way is not subject to such restrictions. In order to hold this pass without comply ing with theso later restrictions it is necessary that narriman be gin construction before tho limit expires under which thoy hold the pass. Tho Boiso & Western (Hill) owned practically an entire right-of-way over deeded lands from this valley through to Vale, but could not got ono through the government portion. It is tho opinion of mnny that tho deed convoying this to the Harriman system is merely to simplify mnttcrs and means early con struction. Tho Harriman peoplo could not disnoso of its rights to Hill, therefore this move is made to get a joint track through tho canyon. Another indication that Mr. Hill has not abandoned tho terri tory is tho conditions under which some of the deeds for right-of way over privato property were granted. It is positively known that in some of these deeds it is stipulated that tho road company should deed them land in lieu thereof. This nppears to con nect the Hill interests directly with tho purchasers of the Road Land Grant It doesn't look reasonable to suppose that Mr. Hill has abondoned tho territory. All things considered it looks favorable to immediate construe tion work rather than otherwise FUST No. 6295. Report ol tho condition ol tho NATIONAL DANK OP II URNS, In tha Stale of Oroicon, at tho tlnns ol liuit not, Jan. 7th, 1911, BKHOUHCH. toaua and Dlirounta Overdraft!, itcutod anil untcurcl V. H, llonr'i to aecur. circulation V. 8. Honda to aecure U. H, !p.oilli Premium! on V. 8, Ilumln . , Dondi, lecurltlei, oto Hanking home, furniture and flaturca Otlior Ileal Kitate, owned Due from National Ilanki (not re- ono agonlt) . .. Due from State and Prlrate UatiVt and ll.nken Triut Cnrnpanlrt and fiav- Idii llanka Due from approved remrve aitenti . Ctiecki and other caih Item! Hotel of other National Ilanka Fractional paper currency, nlukeli, and fonti. . . I.iwn'i, mokiv HtiaavK in IUhx vlil Npecle ... IJ4.KHU1 lgltondcr noli'i moo Kodetnpllon fund with U. H. Treaiur er (5 per cent of circulation ., IMMJ7 H , H.U11X ouO 00 ,0"0 00 3,00000 W,M7 73 fi.OOOOO 00)00 fi'M ID ,GI7 2n M.70I 17 1,41ft W i.wnoo Mft, 24,W9 ii l.i',0 00 Total l7C,TOtf.2 J.UHIL1TII1. CapllaUtock paid In 131,000 00 Kurplui 4.1,000(10 Undivided pruflti, Icm'siiioiiiui and teieapald 7 0MM National Ilauk Nolea outitaudlnic 2ft,00000 Dae to other National Ilanki 010 05 Individual depoilta lubjeot to check W.'iiiM Demand certificate of dopoilt Time Certificate! of depoill. . . . Certified Chccki . . Caihlor'i check! outitaudlnc Unltod Btatea Depoilu Depoiltiof U. H. dlibunhiK olllcon Uohllltlfi other than above itated. . Total BTATKOrOltKOON,, .., r or iuiinv, " 401 90 lOtl.ttM 75 M70 I0.0OJ8I 10,(171 18 HI0 4H 1,(0000 I470.7SHM COUKTV I,J, K Oault, Oaihler of tho alaive named hank, do aolamnly iwcar that tho above I'.ato ineutlatrue to tho heitof my knowledge nnd belief. J. I,. Oiiil.T, Cnihlcr, Correct Attctti (I, A, Hmytii 0. A. Hiinm II. M, llollTON Director!. Bulncrlhed and iworii to before mo thli llth day of Jan., Jul I. KmNK DAYKV (Beall Hilary I'ubllo for Oroxoii, WOULD DCNGFIT STOCK GROWERS A bill to interest tho stockmen has been introduced in tho sonato by Burgess of Umatilla. It re quires that all stock trainB of 10 cars or mora shall bo run at a speed of not less than 15 miles por hour. Local trains carrying less than 10 cars must bo run at Lr3..ff iiJaii least onco per week, tho blllpro- vides, on such roads as tho rail- road commission may designate Wearied by tho praclico of dopot agents chalking up fako timo of arrival and doparturo or trains, whoroby passongcrs aro kopt in Biisponso for hours while waiting for tho Into trains. Mr. Burgess introduced nnothcr bill requiring agonts to post tho actual time, within at least half an hour. Ho proposes to lino tho agent $25 for marking up falso time. PRICl! COCHRAN PARDONED. Tho Telegram of recent date has tho follewing: Among tho last official per formances of Acting Governor Bowerman was tho commutation of tho sentence of Prico Cochran, of Harney county, for "cnttlo rustling." Cochran was sen tenced about a year ago to servo four years; by tho leniency of Bowerman ho will bo freed Jan uary 20. An accomplice was nardoncd somo timo ago. and stockmen of Harney county aro reported to lmvo favored com mutation of Cochran's scntenco on tho ground that ho wan tho less guilty of the two. Circuit Judgo Davis and Representative Brooko aro said to havo used their influence in causing favorable action by tho Acting Governor. NO. M9I. Deport of the condition of tho IIAKNUV COUNTV NATIONAL HANK ol I1UKNS at llurtii. In thn Htate of Off con, nt I bo cloio of huiliii'ti, Jan. 7, 1911. KtnOUHl K. Italia and Dlicounli Overdraft!, aecuird and iin.ocurivl. tl.H, lloitditoiocurerlrculatloii . Premium) on U. 8. Honda Hand!, looutltlci.etc Hanking homo, furnltura nnd fixture Due from National Hank! (tint re- aorve agenta) Due from ai.troo. rvteni) nui'Mx Chock! and ollnrcaih Item Notra of other National Ilanka Fractional ppr rurroncr, tilikrl. nnd renin . . ., I.awrui. Momkv lllnnnva in Hank, VIC Hpcclo .IHJTJM lt-tcnderiiotce . . . 10,00 IUI,r.M 7,47060 I9,MU) 774 01 0,'.f.7 W .HU77 14,011 J'J lljrl.iMOl I -VI I'l 119 19 Itedcinptlnn fund with U, H.Tremurer, (ft percent ol circulation) ,M3 do 074 00 Total II1MW7S UAMMTIIC!. Capital atock paid In . . I M.(itt Surplua Fund.. IJ.omoo Undivided prollli, lei cupcnira and taicepald t 7107 National Hank notci oulatandtnir IJWOH ludlvldual ilopQalti lutdcct to check 417a Demand certificate! ol Drpoilt. KVJOU Time certlflcatM of depoilt . Wl Certified chccki III 40 Caahter'a chacka ouutandlnj, M343 Total i . Ilir.,t07 8TATKOr'01tKOON.. couniy of Harney. !" I, Uou H. lirown, rainier ol trie .note named hank, do lolomnly iwear that tho above tatement la true In tho lftof my knowledge and belief. I, cox M. IIhowX, Caibter Hubecrlhcd and attorn to before inothlt lllh da; of Jan., 1911. M, i. I. am. .Heal) Notary Public Correct .tll: 0. F. McKlNHir (I. A. ltKur.oi.li J. M. IULTMK Director!. POINTED PARAORAPIIS. Dogs make good friends. Dogs ca'n.t talk. A lazy man has to work hard to find an easy job. Ho is n wise man who docsn.t strive to know too much. Charity is seldom satisfactory. Tho best wny is not to need it. The man who says nothing doesn't havo to swallow his words. None of us como within a stono'B throw of what wo should do, An old Imtchclor would rather cat a green persimmon than kiss a baby. Ever notice how much oftcnor you meet a mnn after ho lets you owo him monoy? It must bo awfully monotonous for a woman to havo a husband who never hurts her feelings. Every girl thinks she could lovo as no othor girl over loved if sho could only moot tho right man. When a married man myster iously disappears peoplo wonder whother ho ran away with a woman or from ono. Owing to tho high prices of the necessities of life, many descrv incr millionaires aro compelled to subsido on the luxuries. LOCAL 0VRKR0W. Seo Schcnk Bros, ad 25 por cent olT. Irn Vcnntor was over from Crane Creek last Saturday. 15 nor cent oil on all Winter undorvvoar at Schcnk Bros. Fred Haines was among our Harney visitors yesterday. Hagoy & Richurdson carry tho best -brands of grocerios. All fresh. .. Everything for ovory body at tho Lunaburg, Dalton & Co, Dopartmont Stpro. W. G. Hoddor nnd sons Wnltor and John wcro among, ourSun sot visitors tho first of this week. fr emtmmmmmmm MaeaeaaamaMl ivaamni amaMCaoan0KaewfKaev taaaaMawi owam tt mtmmwnt 57 We are making preparations for our New Spring Stock and are going to give you another Money Saving Sale BROWN'S JanuaryClean Up I BROWN'S SATISFACTORY STORE Our line of Merchandise has stood the test of time and comparison for many years. The great values offered are appreciated by the large amount of goods now being sold by us and during the next sixty days we are going to make a clean-up ot WINTERGOOD DRESS GOODS DRY GOODS and everything in these departments, Call and find out what we are of fering", you will he astonished at our prices. BROWN'S SATISFACTORY STORE s. BROWN'S SATISFACTORY STORE Special values for buyers of Waists, Coats, Children's and Infant's Wear. ! Kia.M(arwtu w" i J Foil Saw: 100 tons of hay- ' Clay Clemens mill is tho nenr ininiire at this office. 'est ono to Burns where nil kinds C. M. Kellogg is homo from a trip out over his stago lines. 25 per cent off on nil winter overcoats nt Schcnk Bros. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Mctchan havo rented tho W. S. Fields house nnd will remain in town the balance of tho winter. Blue Mt. Eagle. Buy your Summer Cap now-j good, light weight caps, regular prico 75c for only 25c each dur ing the BIG REMOVAL SALE at Tho Busy Corner Store. If you wnnt to mako a trade, suw.yrY iionds sen your rcuiHiuiaiiiuuiii. uj uwiu property tho Inland Empire Real ty Co. will bo of great assistance to you. They havo sold others and can sell yours. of lumber both rough and dress ed can bo had. Near Canyon, road. Call him by 'phono fori quick orders. , W. L. BLOTT & CO., Post Office Building. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Your PntronnRO Solicited. Burns : : Oregon Application! lor (Irailnj PcrmlU, NOTAItY I'UIII.IC IRVING MILLER REAL ESTATE FIRE INSURANCE LIFE INSURANCE ODD FELLOWS BUILDING Burns, Oregon. Lunaburg Dalton &Q0 DEPARTMENT STORE Everything Under the Sun and Seldom "JUST OUT" Notico is hereby given thnt all applications for permits to gmzo cattle, horses and sheep within i tho DESCIIUTS NATIONAL. E. A, FOREST during tho season of 'n, s. Mineral Surveyors Civil Engineer X'Jli, must 00 niea in my oincu mi iv- ,'W.VW'"V..a" k SHAFER Prineville, Oregon, on or boforo February 8, 1911. Full informa tion in regard to tho grazing fees to bo charged and blank forms to bo used in making applications will bo furnished upon request. A. S. Ikgla.ni), Supervisor. Irrigation and Water Supply l:u glneerliig. Townsite, Land and Mineral land Patent Surveys. Drafting, Designing, Blue Print Jng, listlnmtes, Etc. Narrows. Oregon Cleavenger's Furniture Store - t t t There is only ono good place to go for GOOD DRUGS, STATIONERY, CIGARS, BOOKS, CONFECTIONERY, nnd TOILET ARTICLES REED BROS. DRUG STORE Tho store maintained and operated for your con venience and satisfaction. Ono that you can roly on at all times. The City Drug; Store REED BROS., Proprietors vLi V avU-.U(t'Vi.)'''5a'k'fe t t JUST ARRIVED! During tho week wo havo re ceived a supply of Now and up-to-dato FURNITURE Something that is always appre ciated as a gift. ROCK12KS, DININO CHAIRS, MOKKIS CHAIRS, COUCIIRS, DININU TAKI.H5 LIIIRAKY TAUWS, CIIILDKRNS' FURNITURK, RUQS, UI'.DSTKADS Among tho Now Things aro Complete Dinner Settt Hand-Painted China Water Sets ORAPHAPHONB FREE! Call and aBk about it. And everything in my store reduced. I will meet the prices of any store in a r Cleavenger's Furniture Store Burns. This means business. Strictly cash. Young's Meat Market & Grocery h