The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 14, 1911, Image 1

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Vfie lme$lernl&
The OntcIM r))or of lUrnrjt County
h iho Urgoit circulation ami U ono of
he bait ndvcrtiatng medium In Knafern
VT(l rnl 31nruejj Codttiru
Covura n (iron of 0,428,800 acres of
land, 4,031,951 ncro yet vacant ttbrct
to itntry under thn ptiMlo land lawn of
tho United HUtcg.
NO 9.
Secretary Bollinger Orders Survey of
The Umatilla Project
Joprescntntivcs Given Credit for Securing The Funds
to Begin Work Secretary Agrees State's Claims
Are Strongest, But Other States Will Pull Hard.
Tho following is from tho Ore-
oninn wnsnington oorresponu-
nt: Four hours niter Keprc-
entnuves imiis una nnwiey pro-
sted porsonnlly to Secretary
allinger against tho way Ore-
ton has been uiscnminnicu
Iguinst in tho recent apportion
ment of tho 345,000,000 irrriga.
on tho advice of some powerful
stnto and privnto interests, tho
organization promises to become
potential in stopping tho tide of
pcoplo going from tho Mississippi
river valleys into Canada.
Nebraskn, Colorado, Wyoming,
Utah, Idaho, Montana, Washing
ton, Oregon, Novada, California
and Arizona are the states which
on fund, tho Secretary formally I wil1 take tho lead in attempting
pproved tho West Umatilla pro-'to see that the settlers aro tum-
ccc aim issueu msirucuous iu
Iho Reclamation Service to make
once final surveys, with a view
begin construction work.
This means that tho West Um-
itilla project will bo built by tho
ed from tho south and from tho
Canadian northwest into tho
most fertile and promising parts
of the United Stntes.
Iho organization ot such an
association for tho purposo of de-
Report Hill Una Purchased N. C. A 0,
nnd Wilt Extend North lo Pendleton.
overnment and practically as-1 voting the next few years to tho
gigantic task of turning the trend
of men and women toward the
distinctively western states was
proposed by the publishers of tho
Omaha Daily Bee and tho Twen
tieth Century Farmer, which
papers organized tho Western
Land Products Exhibit with such
an end in view. The publishers
consulted western governors,
heads of commercial organiza
tions and railroad men.
lures an increased allotment to
)regon from tho reclamation
and to defray tho cost of con-
Itruction. No apportionment of
inds has yet been made, how-
m .fesiA Ann
ver, aside ironi ju.uou wnicn is
leeded to complete surveys. In
ductions to the local engineer
the Reclamation Service prob-
jly will go forward by tele-
The first round of the fight for
square deal for Oregon has
I eon won, out complete victory
as not yet been attained, and
rill not be until funds adequate
build this entire project have
Been actually nnottea oy me
President It has become ap-
larent, however, in the past few
lays, that apportionment, mauc
In December 26 will have to be
jenorally revised and, when this
done, it is hoped and strongly
jelieved by Oregon's two Repre-
ntatives that funds ample for
Jmatilla will be credited for that
Oregon made a wonderful
showing at the midwinter sheep
show which closed at Portland
last week. In competition with
sheep of tho very best grades
from Englnnd and all parts of
the United States and Oregon
animals camo out victorious in
most instances. Not only did the
western sheepmen who attended
the show voice their astonish
ment at tho remarkably high
l standard that has been attained
demands aro being jn tho science of breeding sheep
Me from other states for the in this ..,.. hut men from tho
padjustment of this fund, and ' east, too expressed their surprise
will ho incumbent upon m-
luential citizens of Oregon to
up their demands until they
2t whatever money is needed,
at only to begin but to complete
tus project
Mr. Ballinger has not yet com
mitted himself to the Klamath
roject, though he spoke favora-
ly of it and seemed to bo of the
pinion that more money would
available after tho money now
mailable is expended. There is
expended of tho former allot-
2nt $400,000 and the $000,000
portioned from the $20,000,000
jnd. It will take practically
without reserve.
"The sheep shown hero cer
tainly illustrate that Oregon has
breeders who understand their
business," said R. A. Ramsay,
associate chief of tho inspection
of tho United States Bureau of
Animal Industry, to a Portland
paper. "Oregon Bheep are not
taking second placo to any sheep
that I have seen, and I have seen
many. You have good breeders
here who breed scientifically.
They run a good deal to long and
medium wool and theso sheep do
well on the range. Tho cross is
a very fine mutton producer and
500,000 additional to complete' gives a heavy wool, 'though per-
approved units of this pro-
t, but Mr. Ballinger pointed
t that no emergency exists at
amath and work can proceed
wly there without working
y hardships.
In his talk with Messrs. Ellis
d Hawley, Mr. Ballinger said
at, from tho standpoint of
uity, Oregon had a hotter claim
n any other Western state for
ditional allottmcnt of funds
irrigation and, while other
tes had appealed to him for
reased allowances, ho had do-
mined that Oregon's claim
uld be considered ahead of all
ers. Not only because of
gon's heavy contributions did
feel that tho state was entitled
ore money, but because the
to in past has reaped but
benefits under tho rcclama-
m law.
haps not so fine as some others.
but for all purposes intended hero
tho breeders aro doing rignt.
"The sheep industry should
be encouraged, and I think every
farmer should keep a (lock of
Bheep to clean olT the rough
ground nnd fertilize tho soil.
Sheep will bo found a valuable
asset to the, farm, oncn tho far
mer gets to see it"
Railroad news of tho first of
tho weok is more or less optomis
tic as it olTccta this section.
Just how authentic theso state
ments aro wo can not say. That
it is possiblo thoy may bo correct
is not questioned by thoso who
Ravo studied tho situation and
watched development.
Tho Malheur Entcrpriso Bays
that a meeting of Ilnrriman rail
road mon wns held in Ontario
last week when tho Malheur Val
loy railroad was takon over by
tho Oregon-Washington Railroad
& Navigation Co. and that it
was gleaned from officials who
were present, that work would
begin on the east and west lino
about the middle of February.
It also says that feeders aro to
bo constructed tapping territory
as far south as tho California
lino to mako connections with tho
lino running from tho Short lino
on tho east to Odcll. Tho Des
chutes lino will nlso bo extended
south to a connection with this
No doubt that such aro the
plans of tho llarrimnn system
and that eventually it will bo ac
complished. Whether tlw work
will begin next month remains
to be seen. One consolation is
we will not have to wait long.
Tho following press dispatch
from Reno gives somo news that
means much for tho interior of
this state if it is right:
"Three thousand tons of steel
rails for the extension of its lino
from Alturas, Cal., far into Ore
gon, with Pendleton as tho prob
ablo terminus, wore ordered to
day by the Nevada, California &.
Oregon Railroad.
"Tho rails will begin to arrive
within tho nextCOdnys. Within
SO days the contract for tho con
struction of tho extension will
bo let J. J. Hill has secured
control of the road, it is generally
This road has been suggested
by local men who have looked
into tho situation and feasibility
of such a road. Dr. Maradcn of
this city has contended for years
that such a road would bo built.
However with Hill bncking it wo
may expect early action and that
it will bo first class in every respect
These projected lines mean
great development of a largo ter
ritoryvwith posibilities almost be
yond conception. With untold
water power sites throughout tho
section to bo developed and irri
gation projects possible it oilers
opportunities for railroads that
aro most flattering.
FAIR HANDLES $35,000.00
Fair Board Disbursed That Sum For
Benefit of Harney County
Additional Pavilion Space, Larger Stock Barns and
Good Board Walk From City to Grand Stand Are
Among The Improvements Contemplated This Year.
Oregon SlarlH Prosperous Year.
i response to a demand from
tern governors, immigration
ials and commercial organi-
ns for an association which
1 devote ita energies to turn
tho tide of immigration into
western states, a call is bo-
sent out from Omaha this
for a meeting to bo held
between January 18 and
tho purposo of organizing
estern Development ubso-
Baker county has an irrigation
project on foot involving tho ex
penditure of $4,000,000.
About 200,000 applo trees aro
being planted in Douglas county
this season.
An oat meal mill is being es
tablished at Baker.
Eugcno is to havo a match
Polk county is to havo tho larg
est English walnut, orchard in
Oregon. Recent purchasers of
tho Hart ranch near Falls City
will plant 0,000 walnut trees.
Oregon produced this year 015,
034 bushelH of corn and 17,000,
000 bushels of wheat.
Oregon shipped green fruit dur
ing tho past season amounting to
3,500 cars.
Orclmrdsn tho Ontario district
(Continued on pago 4)
(Portland Correspondence.)
Tho Hill system of railroads
has expended during tho past
four years in Oregon and Wash
ington no less than $80,000,000,
according to compilations just
made, in extensions, better
ments, acquisitions of holdings
and equipment, exclusive of fixed
charges and operating expenses.
Tho North Bank alone cost nearly
$53,000,000 and $27,000,000 was
spent on Hill properties in this
state, over half of it during tho
past year.
Construction work mapped out
for properties in Oregon in 11)11
involves tho expenditure of $15,-
000,000. Coupled with tho big
expenditures tho Ilarriman sys
tem is making in building now
lines and extensions and tho ef
fort both big railroads aro put
ting Into exploitation work to ad
vertise tho state, Oregon hns a
grcntassot in its railroads.
Ashland will hold a mining
congress on January 17. Tho
rich mining region extending
frdtn Grants Pass to Yrcka, Cal.,
will bo represented by delegates
and it is oxpected to form a per
manent organization that will as
sist in tho development of tho
mineral resources of this district.
Oregon found a brick in its
Christmas stocking when tho
reclamation apportionment was
announced, giving this stato but
$925,000 lo carry on uncompleted
irrigation projects out of tho ap
propriation of $20,000,000 despito
tho largo contribution of Oregon
to tho reclamation fund. Tho
Oregon DovolopmentLeaguo and
(Continued on pago 4)
Tho annual meeting of tho
HnrnoY County Fair Association
was held last Monday afternoon
at tho secretary's ofilco. Tho
business of tho last year was
shown in tho secretary and it
was quito flattering. Last year
was tho sixth annual fair under
tho mnnngemont of the Associa
tion nnd the books bIiow that
during that period about $35,000
was received and disbursed
among narney county people.
Tho year just closed has seen all
the indebtedness of the Asso
ciation paid and now the fair
grounds and all the property of
tho Association aro freo from
debt with a small balance in the
Tho board plans somo needed
improvements during this year.
A committee has been emiwwered
to build additional stock barns
and also an addition to tho pavil
ion. Both are needed nnd can
possibly bo erected at a cost that
can bo mot during tho year with
out any additional stock being
sold or interfering with financing
tho exhibition to bo held in the
Tho old board had decided to
quit and givo somo other stock
holders tho manager of the fair
but lack of interest shown nnd
tho urgent demand of several
that they continue finally pre
vailed. It is no light tusk to
look after the details and finnnco
tho annual fair, even though
they are not pretentious. To se
cure attractions that will enter
tain nnd provide necessary funds
for such nnd tho general expense
of n fair from a limited source of
revenue takes somo thinking.
Tho old board with Bon Brown
an 1 I. S. Geer to take tho places
of F. S. Miller and V. J. Hopkins,
both of whom jiavo moved away,
will again take up tho burden.
And it "is n burden. Tho board
and officers work without com
pensation and are prompted only
by a desire to promote the good
of tho country.
Besides paying all premiums
and running expenses tho past
year tho Association stood the
expense of preparing, boxing and
shipping 3270 lbs of Harney
county products to tho railroad
for ti8o in tho Hill advertising car.
This cost in tho neighborhood of
$130. Tho Burns Commercial
Club assisted in gathering ex
hibits at a cost of about $100 and
generously offered to nssist in
tho oxpenso of shipping but ns
tho Association had sufficient
funds tho board considered it tho
proper thing to expend it in that
Tho improvements contemplat
ed will include a good board
walk from tho city to tho grand
stand. This has long bcon need
ed but lack of funds has prevent
ed its being built In this pieco
of work tho proporty owhers
nenr tho fair grounds will bo nsk
ed to co-oporato in bo fnr as tho
necessary potitions nnd require
ments to go before tho city au
thorities. This wnlk is needed
and desired by tho pcoplo in that
portion of town and should bo
extended to tho cemctory. This
latter extension can bo mado by
populor subscription from tho
end of tho residenco district.
Tho proposed addition to tho
pavilion will bo for tho particu
lar benefit of tho Indies. Here
tofore tho needle work, art, pas
try and like divisions hnvo been
given scant attention becauso of
there being no suitnblo placo to
display. The now iortion will
bo erected with such provision
in view.
Tho unusunl largo entry in tho
livestock lists last fall has shown
to tho management tho necessity
of more bnm room, especially
strong stalls for stalliens:
"Oregon's bad roads fund is
big enough. Tho State's hamp
ered development tho unpopu
lated areas that should bo pro
ducing wealth for busy commun
ities, the difficulties of vehicle
transportation, nnd tho excess in
wear and tear on everything that
travels tho roads, including
people, aro to bo charged to this
bad roads fund."
This statement of Oregon's
condition has been issued by tho
Oregon Good Roads Association.
It is tho reason nssigncd by
Judge Lionel R. Webster, chair
man of tho association's execu
tive committee, for a determina
tion to enlist every progressive
Orogoircilizoii, every man or in
terest to be benefitted by good
roads construction, nnd every leg
islator who desires to Borvo tho
interests of the people, in tho ef
fort to reduced road building
plans in Oregon to a permanent,
definite and effective system.
Inek of system is charged by
all conversant with the situation
as cause for Oregon's poverty in
good roads. Tho constitutional
bar to road building that existed
until lifted by tho pcoplo nt tho
Inst election shares the blame.
The Oregon Good Roads Con
vention recently held approved
five good roads measures drafted
by Judge Webster, becauso of
tho belief that if these measures
aro adopted by tho legislature tho
system of construction desired
will be instituted.
All were agreed that tho most
important of tho five measures is
tho one creating a good roads
commission. The members of
this commission aro to be three in
number. When nppointed their
services cost tho stato nothing.
They will servo tho cnuso of
goods roads for tho good of tho
people, as n public duty. Their
executivo officer is to bo tho State
Highway Commissioner. Tho
bill requires that tho Stnto High
way Commissioner must bo
"thoroughly skilled in scientific
road construction." His author
ity is to help build roads in every
part of tho stato. Ho must know
liow. Ho must servo tho pcoplo
nnd tho cnuso. Any fniluro to
fulfill requirements will mean his
dismissal. Authorities aro agreed
that his proposed Balary of $4,000
a year will bo but a small por
tion of tho real financial advan
tage to bo realized by tho state
and its counties becauso of tho
commissioner's Service. Ho will
bo exponent of system, tho sys
tem that is oxpected to show
tangiblo results in tho form of
actunl miles of permnncnt good
Joint Innlallnllon of Odd Fellow Ilodlea
Hollow by Ilanquct Lanl Saturday.
Last Saturday evening at tho
Odd Fellow Hall tho annual joint
installation ceremonies look placo
in tho presence of a large gather
ing of members.
Mrs. W. Y. King acted ns in
stalling ofilcer for tho Rebokahs
with Mrs. J. M. Dalton as mar
shal. Tho following officers were
installed; Myra King, N. G.;
Delta Dillard. V. G.; Nina Wise
man, R. S.; Mrs. Hattio Hnstic,
F. S.;Mrs. Cortes Elliott, Treas.;
Mrs. D. A. Cawlflcld, Con,; Mrs.
W. A. Goodman, War.; Mrs.
Frank Harrison, Chap.; Mrs. W.
Y. King, It. S.N. G.; Mrs. J. M.;
Dalton, L. S. N. G.; Mrs. Geo.
Hngey, R. S. V. G.; Mrs. A.
Dunn, L. S. V. G.; Byron Tcrrill,
I. G., Will Gould, O. G.
District Deputy Grand Master
B. W. Hamilton installed the fol
lowing officers for the Odd Fel
Iowb, assisted by Archio Mc
Gowan as marshal; Dr. J. W.
Geary, N. G.; James Smith, V.
G.; A. Horton, R. S.; Byron
Tcrrill, F. S., II. M. Horton,
Treas.; Cortes Elliott, War. ; D.
A. Cawlflcld. Con. ; A. Dunn, R.
S. S.;WillGouUCL. S. S.;B. W.
Hamilton, R. S. N. G.; Prior
Barnes. R. S. V. G.; J. Kribs,
L. S. V. G.;Rov. C. W. Hollo
man, Chap.; Ora Hill, I. G.; B. F.
Siler, O. G.
Mrs. C. II. Leonard and Ora
Hill, furnished music for tho in
stallation ceremonies.
One of tho finest banquets over
prepared in Burns followed with
fraternal visits and social chats.
Medicines that 'aid nature are
always most effectual. Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy nets on
this plnn. It allays the cough,
relieves tho lungs, opens tho
secretions nnd aids naturo in re-,
storing tho Bystem to a health
ful condition. Thousands have
testified to its superior excellence.
Sold by all good Dealers.
Burns, Oregon.
Hardware and Crockery
Guns and Ammunition
of all kinds
Get our prices before buying
J. L. Sitz, one of Drewsey's
prosperous merchants and far
mers, passed through Vale Sat
urday on a business trip to Boise.
Vale Oriano.
Ronton for sale, all sizes and
lengths, price 20 cents per foot
Any one desiring Rentos address
W. A. Ford of J. O. Alberson,
Alberson, Oregon.
Frank Cummins, Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Buflington nnd Miss Lela
Wustard of Westfall attended tho
Wool Growers' Convention Fri
day, roturning Tuesday. - Vale
EsTiUYion-From tho Settle
meyer farm in Sunset Inst sum
mer a bay maro with white spot
in forehend, weight about 1150
lbs branded 7G0, the six being a
continuation of tho stem of the
Bovcn on left stifle, black sucking
unbrnnded colt following her.
Suitable reward for her return
or information lending to her re
covery. E. E. Laiisen,
Hnmov. Oregon.
When buying a cough medicine
for children bear in mind that
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is
most effectual for colds nnd that
it contains no harmful drug. For
salo by nil good dealers.
Has just received a fresh lot of
New and handsome Post
Cards, Stationery, Ink,
Pens, Pencils, Novelties.
Fine assortment of everything
D. K.MOTli, Burns, Oregon
AtonoKor nnil Salesman. Secretary unil Notary Public.
ltuirueiitN Tliut Wlilcli UTthtuil hiiiI lltllnblu, mill IUndle Huuciwifnlly nil Sorts of ltunl Kutiilu minim's. Wo urn
AkuiiIh for tho ltollaula
Talk Your Hon) Katulo Mnttorx Ovor With Ua. Your IIimIiiom Will IU Hlrlotly (JonlUlxntUI, Wo Know Our IUihI-
liOKH, Attend To Our lluanot nnd Wnut Your DubIiiubm.
Four well equipped lines. Excellent facilities
for transportation of mail, express, passengers
Prairie City to Burns. Vale to Burns
Uurns to Diamond Burns to Venator
E. B. WATERS, Agent.
i -s-ajss -4b
ARCHIE M'GOWAN, President and Manager
Harney County Abstract Company
Modern and Complete Set of Indexes
H An Abstract Copy of Ever' Instrument on Record in
Hnrney County.
33 $$ $SSSS$$S99SS$9$9K
... Represents the....
Home Insurance Co., of New York,
Live pool, London & Globe,
Fire Assurance Co., Philadelphia.
Ol-TICU WITH UlUaS & uiaa. Bums. Oregon.
Corner outli of Lunaburg & Dalton's.
l&&9f$&&&&$ $&&$$S
N. A. DIBBLE, Propt.
: Courteous treatment, rates reason-
able "Give mo a ca'l
A First Class Bar in Connection
B&wm & mBmmm
The Harriman Mercantile Go.
Complete line of
I Groceries and Di"y Goods
Gents Furnishings
Wo Kuaranteo.quality undjprlces Let us nrovc'to you that
we have the goods nt right priceaCnll nndjsee us
ft jEJ.gtx'jriTTni ojo., ware:
?h 2Tvr Twn m. Ora Crl atp
As tho meeting is called