jmtmmm: EMz&zxn iTEl : am"i' i ihiikmlWM i i mi a fife HINTS FOR STOCK OWNERS. Tho manure from each cow is worth from $25 to $30. Don't lot it waste. With a good stool to hold up tho pail you can rest at milking time, after n hard day's wdrlc. It pays to fuss a littlo with tho cows, and they relish a littlo change in diet, with some dainties added, ns well as wo do. Don't forgot that a few beets, turnips or cabbage mixed with tho regular rations of tho dairy herd tlicso winter days, will do much toward taking tho place of tho juicy grazing the animals re Jishcd so much in summer, when they fdled the milk-pail to over flowing. Drafts under tho floors are death to pigs and even to gMwn hogs. Hogs and hens do not go well in tho aamo house. Don't try it. Do not let tho brood sows that aro to farrow in tho spring be come too fat Dark hog houses are not healthful. Let in the light and keep your porkers healthy. If a small pig is chilled it can be revived by dipping it into water as hot as you can bear your hand in, then wrapping it in warm- flannel. Pigs are not protected from cold by warm coats of hair, and suffer greatly if exposed. An uncomfortable, suffering pig cannot be a profitable one. Because sheep have warm coats it docsnot follow that they can be exposed to wet and storms. If any sheep or lnmb is heard coughing, put it by itself and give special care and treatment Find tho causo and remove it When a sheep gots unruly, the best thing to do is to mako a trip to the meat mail's, and take as your passenger that trying sheep. Don't feed out all the clover to the cows. Save a nice lot for the sheep. They will get as much good out of it as any animal on the farm. Millions of pounds of wool are imported annually to supply the homo demand. Why not grow this wool on our soil and keep the money in the family? It pays to feed tho colts grain. Good feed and exercise must go together. Turn the colts in tho yard every day for exercise. A horse's pulse beats from thirty-six to forty times a minute when ho is in good health. Carrots must be fed sparingly to working horses. Cut them in slices. They are a laxative, and effect the kidneys also. It is impossible to develop a colt into a sound, serviceable horse if it is kept tied on a hard floor day in and day out through the winter. Stuffing the colt with hay or straw or any coarse feed will spoil its looks. Keep this ration down by the use of some grain andlless coarse feed. Lop off the ration of all kinds when the horses aro doing little or nothing. They are too much like a man to stand heavy feed while lying still. Tho cost of twenty or thirty bushels of oats fed to the colt during tho winter will be worth more than twice as much in its growth and development. Watch the hired man with your horses. If they cringe, dodge or show signs of fear while with him, take my advice and "fire" him. A good horse is spoiled when ho is the victim of fear. From January Farm Journal Lost On main street a small Bilver shoo containing a tupo measure Roturn to this office. I'BTITION VOll LIQUOll I.IOKNBK. Wo, tho umloralgnoil loan I votorn ol tnko l'ri'chict, Ilarnoy Comity, Htntoot Oregon, runpojtltllly petition tho Hon i 'unity Uotitl o( Ilarnoy County, Hlnto f Orogon, to grunt n llroiuo to Hnrrl A I'llfKoralJ to Noll Hnlrltliotm, Mult unit Vlnotm l.tquorn In Iom iiiiiiitlttiH thnu olio khIIoii In I.nko l'lvclnrt llnriiuy tUiimly, Htnto of Oregon, (ur tlio porlod I'll ron (3) Month; nn In iltity lunnil ho will uviir prny. Niiini's 1'iiy Contemn (loo. W.CiiwIllold .I.N. Horn l!hol Mjitm Itity llitrron A. I'tirnanorth Wnlur K. llrlnglo .1. 11. Ivy I.. I'. Smith A 1 Mtimly A. 0, I.ynili 0. W. Young Nullum 0. A. HnlnpR A. V. MrUiulnm! I'rnnk Cam Moid ClIITurtl (Jronnbeck I'rnnk Hinltli I'rnnk King Jiho Cnrtlo Wnltor Aiiderxon l'reil Myort I..H. Williams liny Parvnll Hldnuy ComegyH Job printing Tho Times-Herald Yo will novor again bo quito ns you aro today mentally or physically. Perhaps not ever again will you bo ablo to get so "young" a photograph that looks liko you -as today. Visit tho Sayer Studio. NOTIQE FOIt PUW.ICATION. ilN!TiKTii..H I.jnii limn:. Iltirnii (ire-nun, NiivciiiiIh'I in, Hi 10 NOTICE KOU PUllIilOATION. llNITKIlUTmn I.ANII OKril'H I limna, (trxim, )cinlji?r io, 1910, 1 Nollro In IhtoI'J- tilvun Hint llntllri Jnvrrl) Holm, ol Hum, iiiokiui. wlio, no OilolinrM, lirw, tiKilii Hiiinraiviiil Kntrr No,iu7i,n for NKJj Kficiluii II, 'linnihli !il Hmilli, lunjin fin linnl, Wlllnitifltu Mi'iMliui, h Midi null iitliili'iilliui In nuiko final ruin iniiluiluii prusf, tn otnlilUli iilnlm In tlm Imul iil.ovu itoKirlbrol, ln'toru Ihu ItoKinlxr nml lli'iolnir, nt lliirut, nrniiiiii,ii llin ImIi ilny ill Jniiunry, lull, Olnllliniit muni' nltlinaai'nl Alhlo II, Hum, Mlmiln V. Don tn nn. Jnmr-n tillliili Alilllli V. Honiiinn. nil nf Ilnrrlmnii uri'iooi. Wm. KAnitm, Hi'Ulor. OKK10IAM)Illi:cTOItY TATC OHKIOrl) UH.Honatorn Ci)iiKrfnii)ii,...i Attorney (Icnotnl .... (loveruur... ,, Kccrotnrj' ill Hlnta ., , Trviiiiriir., Hlll't, I'iiIjIIo IllHttllCllllll Htiilo I'rlutor Ijiinnlliiin Huiirno Jr. I (I I'd, K, Oliniiiliorldlii (W It Hllln . , A. M, tlrnvrfnnl ..P. V. llunnnii . V W llonmni .11 A HlM'l (NOTICE KOU PUBLICATION. N..tli...l.l.irril,viilvmi tl.nll..iilin It lllrklHI- I'MTNl HT fm IJNIlOmilK. mi. mi i1l...fili'u mlilri'M ! IIiimiii. Ilru-I Until, Oiikdii, IH'tuiiiliur It. IDIO on, illil, mi till) Will ilnyol fiihrunry, lull), Mlii ' Nulitinlt liniotiy iilvui Hint HiuiiikiIJ Clem ill iiiii oinro nwiirn mniniiiuni mi" ,iiiiini lion. No. IH.MI. In mirilmao Ilia NlaNU. KTtliin VI, lnvriinlilp ifi) H.. Ituniin IM i; , UliliiiinriH' Mvrlillmi. mill llio llmhur lliori'on, liinli'f tlio I'tuviiliiiinil Iho net nl Juuu H, IH7M, nml itrin iiiioiilitiory. V mi w ii tlio "Minlmr nml Hlinu1 l.nw"t tuili Tnluii nn Might Im tlxml I l rliHii'iil, mill Hint porniiniit lonui lmiiDl rnlliin, Ihu Inn I nml tiniburllii'iun Iihvu In'cn iirlm)il, Hi ilmticr vMlmntcit ini.nno fpettlfl.Ul vt M.mnt thu Inml H) l thnl (M niillrniit will ollor (Inn) vronl In niiinirt nl Ikt iillrntlon nml worn mntumi'iit on iho Will ly ulJniinnry, Itll. Iiuloro Ihu Hi'xIhut nml Itvrtlver, nt lliinin, Ori'iiniil Any )iornnti n nl liberty to irntint tlilmmr rlmno liolnr nntrv. ur Inltlnto n vontt'iil nt nny Hum bclorci lmtont limiu'n. Iiy nilint n roirolmr nloit nlilitnilt In tliln olllt'o, nlkaliiK fmln whli'li woulil tiolcul tlniMiiry. Wm Kaiiiik, lti'ltcf. IMJ. llulTor.1 Notlou In homhy ul von Hint on Hattmlay ho 7th any on Doi'cnihor, 1011, tho tin iIitmIkiii'iI will ripply to tlio County Court ot llnrnuy County, Htnto of Oregon for tlio l.lceneo niuntlunml in tho foriyolng pi'tltlon. IlAlllllH ifi I'lTIIKIIAMI. NOTICK KOU 1'UIIIiIUATION UNITKIlHrATKH I.ANII OFKIlIK, I lliinin, Orccuii, Ueromlior 10, lino. Notlroln ln'rotiy kUoii Hint Hull llotcliklu, uhomi liont oiltco miln't.n In lliirtia, tlrcfon. illil, on Ilia Xlril dny ut .Mnrrh, IDIO, rile In thin oiilinHwiiru Htntcinctit nml Amnlrnlton, No. OU7. In inirctinni tlio MNW(, Ho. 27 nml HHUSW'.fwIlon VJ, TownitilnSO H.. It n it o VJ K. nl Inmrttu Mrrldlnn. nml tin. Ilinlf llirrmm, limlor tlioirovlilou ol tho net ol June .'. .-., nun nnn mnonniiary, kiiuwii ni the 'tlinln'r nml Meno I.w," nt nurli vnlua nn iitiuhl lw llxcil hy niirnlnauint, nml thnt, inimunnl to nurli nupllrntlon, tlio Inml nml iiniwr uicti'on nnvo M'cn niirnliixl, Ilia tlm-lii-rfntlinnli'iH.vuuiwnril levt nt II mi er M, nml Iho Inml $O0U; Hint tnlil niillrnntwll nlliT Illil iroul u puiort of hln ntiillrntluii nml orn ninlrmeiil on Hie 'ilit itny il Kttril nrr. lull, twlnru Iho lloglitrr mul ItcccUvr.nt lliinin. Orvuoii. Anyl'frnon In nt liberty to pmtnt thin ur rhmp Iwloro I'nlry, or liilllnte nronlnt nt nny tlmo hi'foro rnlentlimiii'nliy fltlnir nrorrolorn tint ntMitniU In Hil office, nllt'KlliK f.cln hli li lll ilcfmt Ilia entry. Wm, KAMnr, ItcnUttr NOTICK FOIt PUIHJCATFON. llSITKII8TATKSl,ANIOKFIfK,l llurm, (lrcon, lircrmbar, 10, 1'Jlo.l Niillrt'Ii lieri'lirclvan Hint Mrk llniTi.i... of Ilium. Oregon, who, on Nnvenitwr',3, luun, ...n.iw iiii,inn,i cniry no, WM, fur rtKJ, H.Ttlnnlll. ToKl'ihln'J&H . v ulll.i. ella Morlilimi, hnn ille.t nolleaot Intoiitlou In uinka Klnnlcominutntluii r-nxif, In eitnbllih riUlmtotha Inml nboTO ilenrrlbeil, bvfnrn Ikn ItMIMor nml Itycnlrcr, nt Hum, (Ireon, on the Hill iln nl Jmlunry, lull. i iniiiinu, nninrn mi Wllllrstin i unrirn .evrrn, r..iwnnl Krtmrinnn, KriMrla llurvtli, Kmnk Klllikv, Nnrrown, Oregon IVm. Ki. Itedtter. NOTICK KOU I'UIJMOATION. t'NititoHriTH UNoOrrlm, l Hitrnt, Oregon, NoreinWr'i", 1910. Ni.llcn In hereby rIviiii thnt Hie Ktnto ol Oregiui hn nieil In IliU omceltn iillrnllou rrlnl No, u)!7n tn nelert.uiiilf r tho frorlilnn it Hie Aet of contrcm, npiirotxl AukikI II, 11'. nml ncln nuplemonlnl nml mnemlntory thereto, Ihu St KK'iv MU ""'' HW JNKJ' 'c- M. T. W H . It. Any nml nil roiin chilinlnx mltnrnuly the . .. ""l: -v... .... ., iiTKiriiiK ill limed iriTKtl0 iiriiiainluernli'lmrneteriil Ihu mmi nr for any Hit r rennou, in Hie ill,iu.a n. a, i,nn( l..iil. tile II,. Ir Mlll.l.vila lit ii.nlin In t iru on or ll,iiiitieei'linll.iiiif i,n ' ,.ilb'l n I. in ttx. Knnr, lt.-xl.ler fni MiU'iniloii, ' i iN'inLi'i 1, iy:ii, I i" I'ulilh all. hi. Jmiiinrr 7. 'Mr NollCP, KOU I'llltl.llAl'ION I'MlkllMIA'IW I.ANII orPIUK. lliinin, Orexuu, othllr I.',, I'JIO. Nnllieliilierrby Klu-ll Hint Ailrlnll K Cole null whiiMiHiftutllie milium In l'millu..( r..L I'o , Ort'ton. illil. on tlm lillli ilne.,r lui i.., Ilnw. tile In thin olflco Hm Hlmiiurnt nml Vl'llllcntiiiurNll 01a) 111 t.nrrlia.M llxtUUIJI. ei Inn 31. lownnnlu litM. Itnmrn !m K.. t II InniiilB Mert'llmi, nml tlm llmlier thnreou, ui..I..ftlni iirovlniiuiiof ihttnrtol JutiuS, IMn, nml nrln nuiemlniuiv. known n iim iritniu.. mul tnono l.nw," nt lucli vnlun nn iiilnht ho ..r.. i.j Mirmnenivnt. mm thnt, iiirnunu ... kiii;iimi.,.iii;iiuiii inoinminuo inniivr tuero on liniro been n.,rol.o.l, the limber enllrntteil jai.uiO tionril lert nt ,u) por M, mill tho Inml liKi.w. inni hi niipllennt will offer final proof In nupiHin of liln nupllcntloil anil .Jnrn mnle tneiit mi the 21th cny n( Jnounry, lull, before flint ir,fl.tdktenjt Tlj.dd.fkCd. & - -- w ... i..n.-.D( mm i,i-viTvr, a, uurniiuroiron. Any iiernuu In nt liberty lu prolot thin pur cbnno bolore entry, or Inltmle a content nl any thnu Mote pntoilt Innuen, hy lillni a corrolwr nun nlflitnvlt In ttiln ofUcu, nllllnr fncli which wo-iMilefent tho entry. '",ng "c" Wm. Km, IteiUler. XOTIOK FOR I'UHLIOATION UMTiDHTATif l.ti Orricr, i llurm, Oregon, Decembers, 19101 Nutlto In hereby glrcn that l(rer lllll Klliott, ol Nnrrowa, Oregon, who, anuiin;, 1501, icmlo liiimrntpnil eulry No. 28, furlnl No. Ul wh, nr N ml N tU. HE1N Wli, IM, if, . 5 rVtliin sv lowu.nlpaoU, JUiiboI K, Wlflnm ilio MrrMUti, Nonh of flnlheur Inko. hnn filed iintlcool Inlcntluulo mnko Flint Kite Year I'runr. toolabllih claim tn the Unit nbovo flwcrllioil, beloro tho Itoditor ami Itecelver ntlliinin, Oregon, on thu I7tb, dny o( Jnnunry, I'liiimitiit unmet nn wltneaion iii.ii.'r iiriiiuin. iiht Krm llnililcn Klllntl, nil pf Nnrrown, Oregtu! iiieim, whii o iiial nlllro mlilrran In I'lillllliu. t'riiok Co,, OrcKon, illil oti thu ?llt ilny of Miirch, In Hi, llln In ihla iitdro Hwnrn Htnlfincnt nml ,pili'iitlnu, No 0IJ77, tn piirclinno Ihu irNK't ifiin ""iNW.. HiiilimiH, 'lowiithlpin H , ItniiRi' m V.. Wllliiu Hln Mmlillaii, nlillhu llinl-'r thereon, miller tlm irovlloiii nt lliu net ol J linn II, IK7H,nnitm'ltnmunilnlory, known nn Ihu " n iiilmr unit Klnno l.nw," nt nnrli nllln nn inlght bu iKuil hy iiiptnltiiiiiiul, nn1 Hint. Piirnunilt tn nurli iippllcnttou Iho Imul nml Moiie Hienoii hnvn lu'ni ntiprnlncil, nml tlm Inml 1 1() nn, Hint wiM nMlii'iiut will oiler llnnl prool In mi,ii)tl of hln nppllcntlon nml nworu tliileint'iit on the VOih ilny ol Kelirunry, ll'il, li'lom ttiu lleglnlvr nml Itcielvcr, nt lllltim, Oregon Any iHirnuu Innt llherly In prolcnt Hilt pur rhnno bcloroviilr;, or Inltlnli' n ii)nli ntnuj iiiiiv uemiu 1'niriii r.niien, ny niiiig n enrrnuor nli',1 nlDilnilt tulhln olllre, nllcgliiK fnctn I which woulil ilelent tlio entry, , WM. 1'Aiiliir, Itcglntcr. NOTION KOU PUIU.IOATION.I llMtTII) HTATM I.ANII orrn B rt If J "ill Nollrol. InTcliyKlicii Hint Humor A. Den , t llunQSOITlC VV 0ITlcll innil.ot Itnrrliiiitu, Oieguti, who, on Jul) at, . loutl, niailo huimutenil entry No. tUWl, fnr I u., ., , HKji, Heriion it, Tnwn.hip H.. itnuga im bvcrv woman may not bo Iinncl- Knnl, Mlllnineltn tlorhllmi, hm illinl imtlca foinu. uut ovnrv wnimin nli.inlrl of liiteiillun tn mnko I'lnnl t:.inniiutmlnn ""- u".1 ovury woninn DllJllll Prmif.torntnbllili Halm Inthc Un.l nlimoilrn-1 ItCCp ,Wlil CQTO tllO f'OOU UOIIlts RlSil' 1S8&X KS'VJ. Vr M,...,V I nature hn given her. No woman 1 n.imnu. nniiic. .. ' ! "f I liavo cal ow clan, dull eye, llnrry K. Olrwller, Jiillun It, '.liuinrrmmi.j blotchy Complexion, wlio nnys R,'a,r,L ?.t-ii,.'',,,, l,,u " ,1,,rr'' " "' nroncr attention to her hcnltli. ' Wu I. HUM II....I.I... I 17l . .? I I vriicraconsupiuion.iivcrcicranKC- . nicniB. uiuuu inipuruics ttnu oilier I'll III, (CATION, irrcgulnritics exist, ood complex ion, bright eyes nna uprightly movement cannot exist, internal tlmTinKTATnnUmiOrrlrB, (lerniirjeiiicnli rovrnl lliemielvot nooncr lliirn. Oregon. No,.tar .1. jlO.( or ,6.cur on ,,, iurf Hca.ncl(,. d,I, M.ilir.t tn )iflftiv u I Veil ttiHl. Hi itirft'llMl tiV ' . i .. .. . , ' the cViiiiiiTl.loner of tho llei.ornl I.mi.1 Hitlie, r nB nrouna trip cye, (allow atiiti, u eon uniler 'lie provlaloua ol Art of Congrcia np- nlnut tired lecllngnicnn llmt tlio liver Htiprcino Juilgim. NINTH JIM J. II. Arkernmii W h Dulilwny ' 1 K. H, llonu. i K. A. Monro I ) llitbt Knkln i)ii;aI, DiHntiuT. , DlntrlotJinlgo ,.. .. tiro, u, tmvln Dlnlrlct Alliiruoy J W McOullorh Deputy DUtAtty OlIlAMiunnl Circuit Court meetn lln) flrit Monday In April ami flint Moinlny In Ootulwr. Joint Hiinntor Joliit-lleprcnonlntlro. . 0 W I'nrrl.h ,VV llllrooko OOUrlTr IIAIiNKYt tlliouty Jintgu tllerk lrennurer burVnyur ,. rllierlll Annennur ., ,., , Hcliool Hutieilutoiiiiunt. t.'uronor . . Stuck Iimiiuctor Uoiniiimalonein . ', . .. . J. I'. Hector rjnm Motlicrnhenil II N Juuienoii ... AOKnulkiior A. K. Illehnrilniin J. J. Dnni'knn l,M llninllwii J W Henry , John Itohluion l,. N. rilnlliinl III A hllljlll tlouiity Houtl ineiln tho flint Woilnemlny In Jniiunry, Mnrch, May, July, Bcptemlivr nml Novumhur iiarnky u. n. i.anii orrttiit Itegmtor Wm Knrro Iterolyvr runk IKircy CITV, iiuii ) Mayor. .. , Iternnler Trennurer Mnrnhni, , Wm, I'aiini:, Iti'gUter. NOTICK KOIt IKOI.ATKD TltAtir-l'UII I.HJ LAND KAt.K proveil Jtiiifi 7T.linn isiriiaia.. dii. puiniinni anu tliitcitlva ornnna nroncediniT hoIpiitit to the appllrntlou of Joacph It Cuiiulnithniu. i rorrrini, Cliamtmrlaln'a Slni,,rl. r,,i Waverly. OreKon.ferlnl No. oiui. wo will oiler f?fr,tl.rV, V"""111' "J'n a aiomiicl. am. at publlo ml" to Iho hlglirat lilititer, nt 10 Uvrr Inlileti lvo tliia necoaaary help, o'clock A. M. on the loth ilnyol Jniiunry, 1911, Ther wiW In ntur'a own way Ihay Jo ret m thu nrdrai lliii Inlliiwllilf-ilraerlbeil Intnl ntnr-l fluili lb- Irfiwrla In I Irna linllin llv-r frtit HttlfHMMIrO, 19, iwlnu-ilc . 211 H.. It aiK W. M. An t.jiriiir. rlalitilliir nilieranlv thu aboic iteacrll-'it Inml are a'lvUc.t Io Itle their eUliun, or objections, on or Iwloro the Hiuu ilealguntril foranle, Wm. KAnni!. Itrultter. Kit ink lUleY, Iteicliei atnmaclt la f litflll their t.r. i"r funrlirin. 5g mtU mul fftntl do ttivy t thdt one lirrlly rtalitra that they have taken m-ificlne. Chamtteilaln', Tkblala can b raliail liMin to rclie-e biUmianeta, tnJlaeattaii, rnnilipatln an.1 itiaalneaa. Snl.1 mr erywhire. rncaficenla. Coiliirllnieu! Mcelluga of Iho C. Fuurlh WtxInraiUy. . , Haul Moll vrthcml I'. T, llnmlall J. U. Uolcomo Jr M.P. Wllllmna (W,tJ. Ilrown A. CI. Welcome Jnnduiuherllni; A rl Hwnlu iucII nvery HeCoinl attil Sumpter Valley Railway Co. iitittttiuitttt!ititi:titt:tintni!tttn:in:imit)iiimtinnmititiitHumuimm8 The OVERLAND HOTEL Under new management Having Iciisetl this populnr house we extend an Invitation to our friends to come and top with us First Class Accommodations in every respecl--Good table service ORA HILL, Prop., Burns, Oregon tixM:H:.i.:iiit:u:m.':i:Minmmu:uimr :!:!t:ittmitt::zn:i:n:::!::ttmtit:niimi Go To The White Front Livery Stable NEW RIGS AND TEAMS 'Phone to Me for Your Doctor Calls. R. J. McKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. MW$i$Bnl!kt. nV .dritL'nnirHarBW. iilrHiifiHP '. Your pafroDsgc solicited. 11 ny llntruu, Vtuit llnrrnu nml arrown, vrentui. Wh.Kakhk. Kriiliter. NEW CLUBBING PROPOSITION We have arranged to offer in connection with this paper, tho new monthly farm majjazino juBt atarM at Lincoln, Nebraska, by Prof. H. W. Campbell and devot ed to tho subject of how to farm in the dry country and how to get best results from soil tillage under normal conditions. This Paper is Campbell's Scientific Farmer and wo offer it clubbed with The Times-Terald both for $2.50 per year cash. Prof. Camp bells' now paper is n monthly, chock full of good things, the only paper of its kind in tho world, and it embodies the re sults of the editor's many years of painstaking investigation of the soil tillage proposition. The Lone Star RESTAURANT China ticoryo, I'roprlotor. (Jor. Main nml l HtruuU. JWBflUS AT Alili HOUfE Bakery In connection A Specially of Short Orders. Tiililu furnlBliotl with uvurytlitng tlio mitrkot ftlTortlH. Your putron no Hollcitod. Burns Pleat Market ST. 'NewjaopJOppofile Hie Hrst Nnlfocsl Bnnk Mnip St. Pork, Yicnaii. licilorim. aiT'l liver Stiusti :! iicff In ,ui QiiiUilJl,). .1 riANMSN, pnipt ss; cggGag'igaFyagBKHjWfea y-sA.-- BURNS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. CQUTKS 10. ELWOTT, 1'ropt, Sni" i , attention, given to trunsvicnt ou.stom- and freight teams. Horses kept Ilia day, tveek or month. FIBST CLASS UVIiRY TUKN0U1S. ( and brain aliA-filjS on, hand, Yoiir pntroiinKH )&,,.,. Smith .lultv DMrill,t Orunui, Special Attention Given to Conducting Funeral? nun ,nu AbtUKAII, HAY JsCALLS J IN CONNLXriON Wlfll WARN. ri.Mii TAiiiiM no. :m in iwwhct JUNK fl, HK). W'cHt llmiliil. Kat II,,J, Nit 1 rnnn-n. in. Nn. !! I'luin p. ni l:30 I.v IlalctT (Jlly Ar 6:y0 l::t5 " South linker I.v Bf.'fl :M ' Hnllntmr) ( fi:00 10:01 ' U)rklinrtt " :,Vi 10.07" riioini(ioiit ''-ttOS 10:17 " 'Sloililiiri! "-1MB I0:sa" WnterTnnl.t ' 4;ft I'l:;i2 ' la.i.n'H Hiintt J:32 10:30 " McHtti-nf " !2fi 10:0.1 " JUNCTION!, "t:10 11:10 " tiitinpttr " ItCTi U:ir. " JUNOTiy.Vf :w6o 11:10" 8iiimuJlJ " 3t80 NOON 12:00 -o mrutapt " ;i-nr r. M. ia:o,'i vyhitV .. 300 12:10 " TfHTONt " aMO 1:10 Ar. Auitln ' CALIFORNIA Is the place to visit. Orango Groves in full bloom, tropical flowers, famous hotels, historic Old Missions, attractive watering places, delightful climate, making that favored section the Nation's most popular retreat. You can see it at its best via the SHASTA ROUTE and "The Road'ofa Thousand Wonders" Southern Pacific Company Up-to-dato trains, first-class in every respect,, unexcelled diniug car service, quick time and direct connections to all points south. SPECIAL. ROUND TRIP F.ARE OF $55.00 PORTLAND TO LOS ANGELES AND RETURN With corresponding low fares from all other sections of the North wosl. Liberal stop-overs in each direction and long limit Inter esting; and attractive literature on the various resorts and attrac Llona of California can bo had on application to any T. I'. fir O. R. & N Agent, cJ from WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon - yL?MJb JIM 3'JCV.t ' '- Vj b.. a nHanb ' jr v r wiMrwi: tMA ? IIAHKISON & STONIiR Ktiiy.011 nlKimlii entj . JNo t int. TWni'ln Inniiotl only for ntnllmii, nhnre 'itlin nrn nclinlnlml to mnlcu regular uliipn. I'ntniciiKi'ri intul ptirrlnmc tl(ik fti wlii-rii itRiintH oxiat Imfarn ciiturliic trnltm or .1 i-ciiIh In nililltlmi i.. Hi.. " liiilnr fim' will Im clmrRci. JOSKI'H A. Vi:sT, Knpt. (IKANTOKDOKS, Axst. Pupt. aTWat w 1fT if rri a U'JU'H BURNS, OREQOl &"? incsll' A Vff ai, JTBWv i sz.K'- jrms.'yf.' J FH; Mill t"i'ftu. JH""iTHB WINDSOltl tiSiPTj wfcsZLriTiXoiiFkZy K k. I n. ji ,. yj gang-asi mi inn.1 'iimijy T J mtf and iiaip (ultind. - o) & v & Jlillaitaw mi tl.m 1IM f av t ... a k UaharakiilllunoarraimUtloiiaalt. Y ran ar-n.t mi quality nml ranrmt ei turr nJl ,, vol a anjrwbua, so auttM liuw mudvjua ,j. M:M THEVERYIEST latlnpanrutiX I fra. tloiiaalt. V ran t e-t Ixiirr vJl x,i, Iww mUclvjuK jj. MT.n.l,!, .y . a V."f. f'l rlaalral. l.T' . rrlpa t i.u. m ,l'a.rai itrtritar. CW iln la. n.wchni S5.00 nvniiT, ,m4.00 trni. 1.00 aHiitr,,, 1.00 8wrrVtl, .50 nMaB.St.r H. i.. S.B0 n.i.. 7. GO a. W.I. Mil. rMrwf,,,, ri,, tilr'Urt .60 HnfiMrHi aaaaaKItPlrHI KEaLaffaE&flB mmMwj 4. IkH. aTit. tr IWJ mMFA a1aaKtk,'7 AnaaaH r i'iH tl fliti lniMirti MIBT MKrOI W. W. DRIKWATER -HlaekJHnKiiing and .iorseslioing;.. Wagon Work COOJ-EY AUTO MATIC BRAKES Bu'ns, Oreeorta, Main St., Jill a..! ...... . " ". ."""' WiseiBental Co.,mc. rtr!'l,r'tMUn.llilrnnaWiililiittan.rCRlLMID.OItI. "" aMarl U nil fa I..,.,., alal ?ci...-...-.I . i ,. a When givon as soon as tho croupy cough appears Chamber lain's Cough Remedy will ward off an attack of croup and pro vent all danger and causo of anx iety. Thousands of mothors uso it successfully. Sold by all good Dealers. oocstantiul, well cooked tance were IP IIotel I" what present among EIAGAZINE READERS snrrsET maoazmk beautifully illuilralrj, goad Horlat aoj arliclea nlwut CaUaraia aad all U. Far Wad. Sl.50 a yaar o.7S CAMKHA CRAFT ii aaiii aamifMiaa a u pi - tunc itproductioa l tli beat $1,00 woik of amateur ami pralaaaloDal s yCAf pkotagrapliera. ROAD OF A THOUSAND WORDEBS a uk ol 7) pagaa, ccntauunl 120 totaled photograph of piciurtiqu ipota U CaUaraia aaa Ultgonv Tail , . . $3.35 All for . . . . $1.50 AJJuu all ordtrt Io SUITSET UA0AZINB Flood DiuUiaf Saa Fianclaco Jady '";:."tmt:ititi!ittttMt?tm .... . v .''"Jit.a .-::: '::.t,:j:ii:tj: K-.,t The HARjNBV VALLEY Mi;AT" MARKET Kaiser & Biislicle, I'roprielors IIIPATC of all kinds I flLi 1 O always rea Your Patronage- Solicited Corner Alnln nml It Kirecls l.ocher liiillcllng tStlttmimttrmmrrfrtt,,,. . Z .i'-"?wnm::iiHmiini riMtfriFi abviaruKsuir fillVu 1 .aiTfrn r'v.... .-. . IHWrl H tno,i-,JES miKU"1- anapt-' ?3j ii.airMM .. SSZs JII&MflDE j. ..-...jg ,. UI--..JH B . ST&T& . I -82I?tK si!v- JGKGwwrar; l mSW) $1500 Reward! Tlif Orison fall liiriilnaiiil Noiaila 1,1m HI. 'k I'rotco lion Aaaorintlnti.of wliloli tho uniler alftnoil Inn miMiihcr will Klvn II.OAiu (1 lownnllororl'linro Inmlluir to tlu nr rrat nnilciiiHlrllnn ulniiy party ur pnr Itoaati'AlhiK lioratn. oaltln or imilin t.o loiiuttm luttny ulltn lin'int.t r. IuhiMIIIiiii Initio nUio, tlio iiii'lcrUiirt.l nl !it lllo Mino I'.inillllnu I'O'.nO (or nil liorara rnnilmt liiiiao-alinii Imrou Imtli or ilttirr Jhm liiainl ii'ui'ilvil liii'luliti'iiuiitlin. IlaiiKoIlar.' liny. I-ntn ( ruoL uiiiilltn. lloraia vonlfil wliun mill. Meno hut. xrmvii liornca aoM.nnit only In lnruo tuiiolioa, VV, W IIItOWNKIlo. Oregon VjOl BURS IVllLLggMG CO. HORTON & SAYER, Propts Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic. Flooring, iVloulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest -Sawmill to Burns. Good Road, Lumber Yard in Burns THE ANDERSON HOTEL MUS. CHAS. ANDERSON, Propt. I lravo re-opened tho hotel and the old-time friends am 1 customers aro again invited to como atul be at home. You will find tho same home-comforts and welcome as usual. The old .favorite Family Hotel where guests reef Ive special Attention and Good Service. SOU TH BURNS, ORBGONNear Fair Grounds. ItffJi B iRepeatinfS'Qffle. 1 HP17 '1 W " for MACHIiNFiRY l WRITE FOR SPECIAL CATALOn Nn Di?irpc THE A.H.AVERILLMAC.IINIfRVfO. i SPOKAME.WASM.- POrTTUND. OREL. - 6a'n JOSE CAU I hia rifle la built i ECttletl (liRlrlrro whero Reed range and killint' power arc desired, with safety to the neighborhood. Tho aWbM.20 lio ll6ht, quick, hrtndllng, llnoly-balanced repeater, with tho ioIM top, doseiMn Ireech aruj 8ldo ejection fenturea which muke ZfonOt Rum aafo nml nCrecai)lo to uo and certain In action. u'"Bmo l0 -u.., .nd i. ,i id.-s.i,ir.iriSs?s,T fir yvooJcliiKka, nn,' IrnnrnV Fl It Lai L al f.ik.. towVurj".. "'' u" "SZzSSSsSB. t The Harney Valley Brewing- Co. !;j Miiiiiilui'ttirora ot and Fain iiy Trade Solicited Proo.Dcllvcry T- E- JENKINSManaeer - ia - -" -a----T --anrini ! J. JT" AVn voiiiTi iM-rywlitiro mul w-1 'J t'tinruu iiiiIikh folliH'tliin In im w,, ilii.'iiti . nr i-'n'iil" JOHN ROBIN? ON Slock Inspector, llaruiy tminly. Ilunii' A ,I.i-h 1 it'iif, Oiv. OO YEARS' EXPERIENCE fvt tun Illil,; AlliitlUN .Ml.l.l 1 .111.1. I I'uriliiliil, tw ThU rlfla and ammu. f I nlilon. and all ottiar'l fana rr naaitri, nia . fully dcacrlbad In our I fur a ttampa na'ataua. 7X2arJn JDnos,, . Willow 8t,t,Lr NEW luvru. r,.MM Tlio Washington Itcstaurai VONQ LEE, IVoprlelor , Up stairs oyer Ilia Cipitul Salojii Tl io bill of faro includes ovcry tlu 'nn tlio nmrkot affords. Short i kM Inura ti niknniitlri 1 1 tariff f I "I rti iuh.ivi.1 it njii;i;um,y. ninm J" 'mtli Oivn liim a call. ijTOrra Tradb Markb nrsiONB OopvniaHTS Ac. iiL.kir naourinlii our uHiIhiii fro wliethw aw Ilf cniiniiuiiwui. in llliliwt ..uiiiioir fir ...r.,1,.1 itnunntrletlrciiiiilnantlal. 'BLVSa i k.n' rr.r..ulU MU...T Vo. rw.a "T" .. a laB,a Itl tlljl I rnr or entfn.llttw( .fUVWimti;. natook vu rmtmu IttH'Uriiitf lnn.a scientific Jlitiericarta A linivliomolr ttlnatrntM ncaktr. i?riiaa rlr. .Vulatlun uf anr "Jlum i5 I'WXl'ali ToVmn. J a aVtfoiwi5onlia,IU Bold Wall pend. PltOPESSIONAL CARD9.I Wm. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Iltini", Oregon. Itooinn 5 nnd fl Oilit Fellow Ilulldlng C. A. REMBOLD, AtUlrntiy-nt-Law, Durns, Oregon CJhfVH. 13. Ioonnrd, Attoiinbv-at-i,aw, Caruful nltonllon uivon to Colic llmiH iiik! Uunl Kstutu muilors. l'lro Inniriinre. N'otitry I'tililie HllltNH, Oiikoov. OKO. 8. 8IZEMOUK, ATTOItNKV, . llUIINB, OflKClO Cjnlli-rilotin, Land hualncnii, and li Kstnte matter promi tlv attended to. CHARLES W. ELLIS LAWYER Burns, - - Oregon I'mctiicH in tho Hlatu Court" nml 1 fori) tlio U.H. Land Olllco. A. W. GOWAN A1TORNEY-AT-LAW State CourU? and United State! Land Office Practice Three doors South of the Harney County National Ban Burns,. Oregon. J. CU. GEARY I'li Hiiian nnd .Siirk;ioii. HtiniH, - - - Ort'goti. UKIi'ii in i'i' Iniildini'r'oiithnf Wulcotn li iriirfH hIioji, Main St. M'liomi .Main HT,. DEflMflN & DENiMflN, Phys. clans and Surgeons Calln .nnnni'rod pruinily nllit or dij '1'lioiin Ilnrriman. Harrlman, Oregon MnRSPEfl & GRIFFITH I'h3 firiaiiH nnd .HiirKioiiw. ItUltNS, DltKdON. h. E. HIBE3ARD , OfTicii firet ilnor ea-t photo (Mllery lliinin. OrcRiin. W. C. HRDWN, XDrEHSTTIST. Iluttv.i, On is. on. O 111 ni in nuu liind i.tlui' 'inililini', u n.irlli ii imt lllco. HOriETtKS. HAIt.NKY LOIHiK, NO. 77, I. O O X. amir, i'uij iiiitiir.) . . 1. 1 rii.iiw tla at 7 ii.. ,. ((l, Ar'Hr II lUiu, MH.,viai. N. HtMtNS I.ODIIK .NO. , A K. A M., Mevta vry rlrat ami thtril baturUny In a H'lmu. J. b. lOKKnu. it, N Ttion. Fauna, rjcercmry. IIAKNKV VAI.I.KVlAHl- Nn iM, W.ul II vela ororjr llrn nod h-chi. I Tura.lay. ... t . v Mil mlu, rum. W. A. (lowan, Clerk. IlllllSj CJllAlTKIt Ml 40,o. K s. Ilrclniirerir nciiiml mid f.mrtli Uutnlain. Mnxuilellnll. :v lijnl, w . li Genut iiuwuii, M'crt-tnrj. 4VI.VIA KKIIKKAII IIKUItKK No. as. Meettrrcr' Ut nnilM WiMncmlny. Delta Hillnril K- ritM.') Mil) i le, N (i TUI.Ki;ilt(.'I.K .No. lui, w ut v. JU'dkCMT) lolirlli tlliaJnr, Heater (liKHlinan, t lork Muuit 1 1 ur lull, o. II JOIINOKMUEKLING, .rowoloi1. Optiaiiui an lijiiiri'avar. Fine Watch Kepairinjr A Spi citilty. r"irt' v.W' ' .. v fi: ii-.t43j; z$e 4 A HARD HIHER That'i the hol irtrat of tlir iuccjh thl Stcreni Fatoiltt No. 17 thaatcw wltb which the barrel It rill.J. ThU dridly accuracy and the lihtni lh jun make It tne rooai ycpuiar una men and boo alike. We mike 1800 Fnroilte Rlftrt a wJ but not a oae It allowed to lcae the Fact of l'rccUIon until thoroujni teited c eincrt ahoottrt. You can aet thil rifle it nny hardJ etore or njf ipoittng goodi dealrr or If J hare not got II we win lend cap reii fie on receipt of wjt rnce to.oo, I lat Prlcei Steveoa Rlllaa Little Scout. No. 14, I Stereni-MiyniJ,Jr.,No. 15, 1 Crack; saot, no. 10, Favoilte, No. 17, Vliibla Loading Repeating Rifle, No. 70, Ideal lUrle, No. 44, J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL vv The factory of Prct. Chlcopce rails, fn. ii r t i tf r' '- .V ' y H itlon. As'tho n, iMKmnmmr,U0gjS T!"??-1?'-' aa1 i..,if. 1 aaamiimmnjnj r tir$b '" V,