WedneMay, December tho. 14 th at'the honfe of Mr. Rnd Mrs. J. Ctaypoolc, near Westfall, oc curred tho marriBRO of their daughter" Bollo to Mr. Albert Altnowof Drewsey. Tho wed ding ceremony was performed at G P. M. in tho presence of friends and relatives. Tho younir folks wfll make their homo on tho famous Altnow ranch near Agency. Rov. H. E. McLcod of Vale performed tho corcmony Vale Oriano. "I had been troubled with con stipation for two years and tried all of tho best physicians in Bris tol, Tenn., and they could do nothing forme," writes Thos. E. Williams, Middloboro, Ky. "Two packages of Chamberlain's Stom ach and liver tablets cured mo." For salo by all good dealers. NEW CLUUBINQ PROPOSITION Wo liavo arranged to offer in connection with this paper, the now monthly farm magazine just started at Lincoln, Nebraska, by Prof. H. W. Campbell and devot- & ed to tho subject of how to farm in the dry country and how to get best results from soil tillnge under normal conditions. This Paper is Campbell's Scientific Farmer and we offer it clubbed with The Times-Tcrald both for $2.60 per year cash. Prof. Camp bells' new paper is a monthly, chock full of good things, the only paper of its kind in the world, and it embodies tho re sults of tho editors many years of painstaking investigation of the soil tillage proposition. PETITION roil I.IQUOlt MOIiNSH. We, the tliulorslgmil lounl wilirn uf Lake Product, Hurtiey County. Mutant Oregon, rrejHi tfnlly Hititim llm llm County Cimt of llarm-y CountyTS'ntf ot Oregon, to itriuil n Hi cii-o to llnrrln FitzKCntM to Suit Spirituous, Mult unit "Vliiou I.Iiiota in It"" ilUtiitiiUx tliuii om gullon In I.akii l'ncinit llarini) County, State ot Oregon. f. r tlio purlinl Tlireo (u) Months, ns in tint) li ui l wo will ever pray. Natnec Kay Comi'KjH Geo. W. Cnwlfletii J. N. Berg Clict Myers Hay Dnrron A. rnrniwortli Walter E. Ilringlo J. U. Ivy L. P. Sinltb A. P. Mundy A. 0. Lynch C. W. Young BUJ. Nil MUM U. A. aitios A. V. Mi-Caiioliinil Frank Cuultiulil Clifford (IroimUck Prank Smith Frank King Jen-o Cattle Walter Anderson 1'roil Mjur I,. S. Williams liny Ptrvnll 8idtioy Comet;) HuiTonl (tOtnn Alfred Benjamin suit at Schonk Bros. Yo will never again bo qulto an you aro today mentally or physically. Perhaps not ovor attain will you bo nblo to got so "young" a photograph-that looks liko vou-as today. Visit tho Saycr Studio. When you hnvo a cold got a boltlo of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will soon fix you up nil right and will ward off any tendency toward pneumonia. This remedy contains no opium or other nnrcotic and mny bo giv en as confidentially to a ns to an adult. Sold by all good dealers. NOTION KOH 1'UHIilOATION. Unitkii Btatk land Orw . Iluriu. Orciron, NotembortB!, Ilu. Nuttro M liorolir Khon tlial tlio Rials of (i i (on linn HUM In ihU omro III i)illct ion ii "i-rli i'rUI Nn. Mlia) to .olool.undrr tlio provUlon if ilic Artul roimrtim, npiroriit AuriiiI II, l X. mill nets nuplcmonlnl unit itiiitiiiutorjr Hi rrto, tlio NKtjNW i ami 8!iNK(, IVo. S T,H, It. i K.W M.. Vliy ami nil orctu claiming aileoraply tho Iaii.U iloirllx-il, nr itenlrliiKln ohjrct lucaiue ii die mineral cliaraotomt tlio laml, or for an) iiiur romon, lo tlio illitioial lf aiu'llcanf, imliltlto tlirlr nltliliivlla ot totcit In tlila oniro, on or ociiiro mo I'spiraium 01 1110 icniwi uf ..iiiillrntlon. VI I'AllltC. ItoiillllT. I'lral iltiltrittton, lcoemtor !t, 1910. I nut imhllcailim, January T, 19lr. NOTKJIO KOK I'UUMUATION, UlilTKOHTATKnliANIlOrrUK I llurn, Orrgoii, Iiittmiwr in. 1910 I bulled In lif-r.tiy Khon that llatllo JciTi'll lit nn. ill lliirna. ori'iion. who. ou Oi tiiln-r t. I i i, niHitti luiiustitil Kutrjr No.KWO. lor NT.' i .-. . il.m l, lonimlilii 24 Houili. Itaimo !li hut. Mllaiiietto M.rlillnii, liaa rlluil uotlro ..i liiiptitluu to main Hnal Commutation rmof, i KKinliiuii rlaitn to we lain! iou UfK'riicii, in into mo lirgiaior ami nrcairvr, ai nurna iik-iiho, nn llm IMli ilay ot January, lull t'Ullll.llt IIUIUI!! at Wlfll.t.I lldo II. I'urrj, Mlnnlo V. !niiian, Jamoa HI lull Auxin V. Iirmnaii, all ol llarriman intuit V, Kabhk. Hr Inter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UmthiHtitkh I.anh Orruit, J lliirnt, Un 1,011, November 19, lull). I Villco 1 lictctijr alvon tint Utn It JUrkou- m. ii. whom iHiiit-ofitrd aililrria la llurna. Ora- f nn, illil, nn tho ilay ol lobruary, 1910, lllo ii ilila olnro Hwoni malainout ami Aiipllca II mi. Nii.(M.iU,liiiiurrliaaa thii NUNH.tkTtlim VI ruw;irlili tt M, llaiixoVUK, iriaaniitto ilillan.aiiil Ibo timber thervon, umlrrtba . iiv aliiiia of llinoctol Junii it U7K, ami aria ai nilmory, kliimn a llio"'lliulir anil Hume Iji v at am n value an liiliihl bo rlxnl br ap I ' i m-iiH'lit, ami that iiuianatit In ant h anill n Inn, lh laaiUiuit IIiiiIht llioinn ba Ikv' irnlMil, ibo ifuituf vkIIiiirIhI ." uuuIki hi I. i at i m iwr M.ofiil Ibu laml li to ha r, mpiiIIi ant will oflrr lit nl iitiml In a iiir in r Hiiblii nltnii ami iW'tru alaii im nl m b i 'i ! nl Jnniiatr. mil, tivdnu ibu lujimir n it rf lior. al lluri , Omuhii. iii IMaoti l at ItlMrlylu rnifal lblaill ur llilllKIO H I'ullllral ii nil' iHilnroaulrt 'I in, iMifnrr nateul Iraiita. I,r IIIihk a iinliilnir aw 1 allltnvlt In tlila ndlin, nlUMtnu ai It nlmb wuulil ilvtvat tbecnlry u yunnr. It Kltirr Notice is herohy given that on Satunl ity tho 7th day ou Decern her, 1011, tho un dersigned Mill apply to tho Con nly Court ot Harney County, Slate ot ftreKuii tor the Llcemo mentioned in the foriolnj; petition. IIaiimih A I'lT.lHt.U II. PETITION roil I.IQUOK I.ICIINSK We tho undersigned legal volirn of Denio Precinct, Harney County, Htntn "ot OreKOn rcupectfully petition tile Il'ui. County Couit of Harney Count), State of Oregon to grqut a license to J. V. Leo to sell Hpiritous Mult and Vinous Liquors in lens iiuiiutilieii than one gallon in Iienio Precinct, Harney Coauty, Stato of Oregon, for a period of six mottthas, as in duty lmuud we will over pray. Namqs. G. L. Matlock ' H. E. Fairchild H.J. Sherhurn Geo. Donnoy Natto Mooro G..II, Pelrco Jesse Defenhaugli 0. L. McKelvey B. T. Fields Ambrosln Bayardoy 0. L. Ashdamu I). II. Grove NatneH. John I.tibhingcr Howard Stevens J. II. Poluudcr Searao Turuhaus Jose Garcia AndrosT. Covers Umcnindo Vermttde K. 11. Vickors Itohert Doan M M. Do j n W. O. IllllillKH II. J. Martin J. W. Stevens Notice is hereby glvon that on Wed. sesday tho -ith day of January Kill the undersigned will apply to tho Honorable County Court of Harney County, Oregon or the Licence mentioned in the above petition, J. W. LKH, PETITION FOIl LIQUOR LICBNSP., Wo the undersigned legal votero of Diamond, Harney County, State of Oro gon, respectfully petition the Hon, County Court of Harney County utato of Oregon,-to grant to M. Horton to Hell Spirituous, Malt and Vinous Liquors in less quantities than one gallon In Dia mond Precinct, Harney County, Oregon, for tho poriod of Six month, as In duty bound wo will over pray. Names II. A. Smith O.A. ltiddlo T. L. Dugger O. D.ugsliy Dan McKlnzio 0. W. Frazier Honry Shorburn 0. T. Simmons 0, B. Skinner J. M. McKlssick R. S. Dagger Namkh Arthur Fisher W. II. Hauillloii V. G. Smith Win. Iliillliigtnn TItoSIiuII H. A. tlaffnjy, 0. A. Wells William Duncan Dal la Turner M. A. Motile II. It. Leo Notk'e is hereby given thaton WudntH day the 4th day of January It'll the underslghtd will apply to the County Court of the Stato of Oregon fur Hurney County for tho license mentioned In the foregoing petition, AI. HOIITON, Reatos for sale, all sizes and lengths, price 20 cents per foot. Any one desiring Iteqtos address W. A. Ford of J. 0, Alberson, Alberson, Oregon. Tho Home Hotel is tho comfor tablo place to board, NOT1CIC KOK I'UHMGATION UNITKIIHTATM) I.NI) orKlCE, Hum, Ungon, Novembvr 15, 110, .Sutler In lutcbjr ilrvti Ibat Adrian K (,'olv iiimii ivhnatf i.atottlro Atlilrraa la 1'aiillua, t'nxik . Oregon, .lid, on Ibo Intli itar nl lloremticr. Vj"J. illo In Dili utflre Hmoril KUIeincnt anil i Iran, iu, .So PI0.M, to iiurcbaai) IheHtiNU Ion 11, 1niianli IHH, ItallKo JDK., Ml mi i tin Mcrlitlan, ami tlio tlnibor lliarcon, iimUrthu irolalnnaot Ihe art ot JllDoS, 1K7S, an i aeta amvnuatorr, known aa Ibo "Timber a it mono Law." ataocb value aa iitlctit lx Html by aiiirataomeul, ami that, iiurauant In mrh application, tho laml ami llmUir there on bare been ainralail, Ibo llrabor callmalnl J.i rou board ten at l.(0 per U, ami tho lanil I. no, lliat aabl apiilicant will otTor dual proof In miiiott ol bla aiiill(jilon itml aworn alato in it nn tlir I'llli day ul Jauuary, 1911, lloro Hi.' Ueirlalrr anil Iterrlfer. at llurni, Orritoii ,ii) ivriuiii l al tllierty lo prulcat tlila ur rsnit.. Iivtufn entry, or lullialo a rontvat at any in.i-Iietorc patcut laaura, by llllim a mrmhor a nl lll.Uill In t 111 ulllre, !), kImk lacta u ulrl, wnilililcfrat Ibo entry. Wm.Faxm, lte(litr NOTICIC FOR I'UHMGATION ItMTKUKTATia I.tnoOrrtca, ,1 llurna, Ormuii, Ikccmbers, 1'Jlul Nuilie la brrcby nlvtn tbat Harvey Hill Mlinlt, ol Narrowa, Oreon, wbo, imJunnJ, Ittiii. iraite brnnrateail entrr Si jitil v, rial No'j.WWiNWJi.lxila.a.l. w ilon M,Tnwiiaiilp'H., Italic ai K. Wlllain Mi. MhiIiIUii. Nnrlli uf ilalbour Uke. liar iiio-i iiiiiirooi lukutlmilo inakvrtial rive rr I'riKif, lotitabll.ti claim lothe laml abot oi rilfal, bvfnre tlie Itrvlalcr ami Kii-elvir nl llinii,llriiiili. im Ibo ITU) ilay of January. IUI. i latuanl namia aa wltncaaci UHllirlliliiiilv, Itay liarnm, rrel lUrrun ami llmlilen Klllint, all of Oarrowa, Oreiion, 'M.Kiaitr, IttKliter, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Ukitku Htitk ijKunrrier, ( Ileum, ortitiui, Hereinbor 0, 1'JIO ) Sollce It beroby jinn tbat HamiivlJ Clem n 1 1 a, wboio imilonics adilreaa la I'aiilliia, r Kik lo, Drik'uli, Old on Ibo 71b day of Mti Ii, UP), fllo in IblanfUreHworiimatomi'iit ai ! Appllcatloii, ho. Oli77, to inircbaae Ibu kSNK'tanil S'JNWK, Hcrl"il H, TowniblpIS , iuuiih M V. WUUmello Meifdlan, ami Ibo iiiniiT inereon miuer inn provmoui ol Ibe ail of Jilnull, 117. amlattaatucndatory, known aa lliu "Tlmbor and H(iie Ijiw," at audi value a imIkIh bu ftxed by anpralaenifiil, ami Ibal, IHiiauuut lo aueli appllrallon Ibo laml anil ,1'Miii ibercon havo been apprataed, and the land I ton 00, that laid applicant will oiler Dual prnof Iniunportiit bla annlleallon and awiirn aintuincnt on the Wuh day ol February, I'Jll, U uro tbo Itealatir and Itcrelver, at llurna. Or, iron Any ixraon la at liberty to pmteat tlila pur rl.aMi before entry, or Inltlato aronteat at any iinii) befoio patent laania, by HIIiik a (orrnlwr nli'.l nflldavlt In tlila nfllce, allexliiK ta( la Mlilrli would defeat tbo entry, W, Fahmk, Itcxlater. Clav ClomenB mill is tlio near- iiluo pnnltt ot any towiialiip in oat ono to Burns whoro all kinds 'Uurnu Land District, flhowlnjr of lumber both rough nnd dress- namo of entryman, daloand kind of entry, topography, etc., $1.00 each, t'lnll T. Kandull, Ijurns, Oro. cd can bo had. Near Canyon road. Call him by 'phono for quick orders. NOTIOU KOlt lUHM0ATION. Umtn BTiTt.ANnOrrlr llurni, Oregon, Dccemlior U, IOiO, Notlro l bereby utveii Ibat IJonur A He;; man, ot llarriman, Oiojon, l. , on Jul) il. HMD, made hoineaioail enlrv . i, Wllrtl, for Hl.jl, Hwtlon H, Toivnihli - H., Itaniio 111 Kail Wlllametto Herbtlan, ma lllml initlro ol tntutilloii to tnnko riiml. Diiniliiutiitlnii Proof, lo eambllali elnloi In tbo lam abnvii ilea rrlbeii, noloro Ibo lleiilalor ami Iterijlxor, nt llurna, (Irwin, on tbo lutli itny of Jaiiunry 11)11 Clalmnul tiamra na wllneaaea Uiawnor, jiiiiui n, llarrv K Kllinbotti Mlilillotoli, Ilniiimnn, iirck'nu Alblo II VM. KAimil y.lniiiicruiAii. tlurf), nil nl Ili'Klater NOTIC.8 I'OU I'UHIilOATlON. ISO ATKUTUAt-r-fUlllJO IiANHHAl.K. tlmtaii Ftatk" . UmiOrrit a. Dvtrm, OrrRiiii, Novomboral, 1310.1 Kotico la bcrcby plven tbat, dirfclvd by llio ConiniUloner of tho lleiiural Unit Dltlra. li "lor Mio provUlona of Act ot Pougroaa ap proved June 37, IWil aiBtata . IJ . ulllaliaut o llio aiii'llcallon of Joaepli It Uiiiiulnijbam. WavirlyJoreKO". " Nu OHM. wo wfl ollor it ptiuffo iafo to tbo liUbeat W'tder, at to o'clock A.M. on tlio mill day of January. Hit, t till, olflco. tbo lolliHWiiiMeaoilhpil laml HWKHKti, HOC 1J. T .1 Ulr. W Jl Any pomin, clal.nlni a,i eraelyllio nbov o ili-n'rltKl land aro aiUVacd lo II In tholr elalmH. or objectlona, mi or betoro tho tlmo de iliinatcd toranle, Wm. FAainc, Ueulater rnNK Hltr, lleielver. A Handsome Woman, Every woman mny nolbo linna tome, but every woman should lecrp with enro the good points imturo hna nivntt her. No woman need havo onllow skin, dull oyo, blotchy complexion, who pnyo nrmicr ntiontion to her henlth. WhcroconntipatioiijIivcrdernnRC incnts. blood impurities and other irregularities exist, goou complex ion, bright eyes and sprightly move men tn cannot exist. Intcrnnl dernnaementt rovcM tlicmiclvei looner or later nn llio auifaco. Hcednche, drl rlnift nrountl tlio eyes, aallow aliln, n con llant llreil fooling menu tlmt llio liver ami diflcitlvB orenni aro noeillnp; lielp ntitl corroction, diamuarlaln aiomacli anu liver Tablets nlvo tlila neceaiary help. Tbay WotW In nalurea own vray. lliay do tint niarrlr (b"n tb bnwU but Inn np the llvrr and .inmanh lo fulfill tbrir t.roner function. So inilil ami annlU lo they act Ibal on hardlr raalliea lhal limy liar takan madlcln. Chamberlain a Tnbltli can ! railed upon lo rallava Ullnuineii, Inultaitlon, comllnallon and tliiainan, Sotjav lywliar. IVIvaSBcanlt. Qo To The White Front Livery Stable NEW RIGS AND TEAMS 'Phone to Me for Your Doctor Calls. R. J. AlcKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. eyajad Burns Meat Market Ncw' SliopJOprojite llic Hut National Hank Main Si. I'ork, Vioiirtii )lojHSJ. iintl hausiigi'h in int.) kMa Your palronagc jolitiiul. Oiiiiu I ilj. I J. .1 .UlS&.iN, Propt BURNS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. COHTES E. ELLIOTT, Propt. Sue i i itllantion given to Iraii'soiont oustom. and rci$Ii t team.s: Ifor.scn kojt bi tho day, week or month. llttST CLAbS LIVERY URNOUIS. llai and. on hand. grain, always Vniir imlrotniKB collciti'd. .Smilli MiiinM, iliirnh. On i.i ii Special Attention Given to Conducting Funerals NEW AND ACCURATE HAY SCAI.LS IN CONNECTION WITH IIARN. The Lone Star RESTAURANT China George, l'roprlotor. Oir. Main nml 1) rJtrcnts, jMHflfcS AT flllli HOUfS Sokeity In connection. A Specialty cf Short Orders. Tulilti furnlnhed with ovorytliiiiK tho market airorclH. Your imtron ao nolicittiil. CALIFORNIA Is tho place to visit. OrntiKC Groves in full bloom, tropical flowers, famous hotels, historic Old Missions, attractive watering places. deliBhtful climate, making that favored section the Nation's most popular retreat. You can sco it nt its best via tho SHASTA ROUTE -- and "The Road? of a Thousand Wonders" Southern Pacific Company Up-to-date trains, first-class in every respect, unexcelled diniug carBorvice, quick time and direct connections to all points south. SPECIAL ROUND TRIP FARE OF ntTK' TTHT TOBW MM tat inniom TH.Bciiatnra IJiiiinlliaii IiiinriioJr. (Jen, K. t'linmboriulii IW HKIIIa KlWIIawIcy 'mi,. . A.M.Oratffont I', W. Ilonaoii .1' W Ilenavuii J, .., n niuvi . It, Ankormau ft Dunlwajr It. S. lloan. K. A. Monro Itulil I'akln NINTH JIJIIUIIAIi IIIHTIIIOT, tioiiKrcaamtiil,,. Attnruoy (Jouorsl uiiToniiir , , ... Hcurotaryol Hlata Iroiiaiiror, Buiit, I'tililla inatrurtliiii Htmo I'rlntur ..... Huproirto JmUaa IHatrlotJuilKn , . UlatrlatAMoriiojr liopiilr Dial Atly Olrcult Ciiitrt nircla the llrrt Mutiilay Avril anil flint ilauday In October, (leu. K. Iinvla J W M(tliillo;li .. 0 II l.roiiaiil Joint diuialor. . , , Jiilnl-ItiHinaoiitatlro , (I W fnrrlah W It llrooko COUNTV IIAIlKCTt J, I', llrctor Hum Motlioralnail , I" N Jniniinii , ,. A t) 1'Aiilknur A, K. Hlolianlauit J.J. Ilotifunii I,M llamlltoii J W deary .John IImIjIiiioii , 1 1,. N, (Sulliiht III AHinytn Ciiiinly l.'ourt micla llio flrat Wctncatlay III January, Maroli, May, July, flcpteinlior ami Nuvomtor. IIAHMRY U, I, I.ANH (irrlVKI Duniity JiiiIko Olork Ircaaurrr hiirirojor .. xtivrlil Aaaiaaor HoliiHil Hiiiorlnlonitcnt. Coruntir Htuck Iiiaimctiir CutiinilaalMtiora UoKiatvr llocolfvr Mayor. ,i, IttMiinler,. rrvnaurvr Maralial, , Win Karro ,..rniikl)Ri'y CITV. IIIII1M' fnnl Mull iiUlioml .1'. IVIUmlall J.O. WoKimioJr, l, r. wiuiama roiliirlliuiiii (w, o. mown A. 0. Miltom JllilllClllliOtllll AH Hvrnlll Mcotluya of thu llntinrll nrory Birmiil unit fourth Wdlmailay. Sumpter Valley Railway Co. TIMIt TAIll.K NO. nil IN ICITHCT JUNi: II, 11H1H. Went llotiiiil. Ivntt lluiniil, No 1 I'iiii -ii. in. No. 1! I'nxa )i, in 0:80 Lv llnki-r Olty Ar 0:30 UiflO " Booth linker l.v C:'J6 U:6H rinlhlmrj fi-.oo 10:01 " lAKkliiirl " l:W 10(07 " Tliiinipamif " -1:02 10:17 " Sliwl.l.inl Jitiiitliiiil " 1:10 10:W " Wnt.'rTiuikt " 1:10 I J.1!! " 'Pi'iui'aSimil " I :.12 111 lW " MulSenl " t:3f! I'):M JUNc-ripNi " 1:10 I lllO " Stiniill'r ' " I (rt 11:10" MUNITION! ' IttOll UHO" SiimmUt " 8t,o NOON lJ:00 " 0 I. t'umiit " .1:06 I'. M. 11)105 ' Whltiiiiyt " .1.00 fJMO " TIITONI " atio 1:10 Ar Auatln ' 'iW Hliip on aj;niilri only . (No t ( int. TlikcN laatuxl only for aliitluna ulicru trnlna nro Hclnilnkul to nmko ri'uular tom, raaii'iijjura muat iiiriilmcc tick uta wliorn iinciitn uxlat iHifiru utitorlng trnlna or 23 rcnla In iidtlitloii to llm n gnlurfnro will bo charged. josicpii a. wijjr, Hn.t. GltANTGi:ili:S, Awt.8o.t. THE VERY BEST 4rntlirtry on th l'lflaCutlixi)tM br. W hTo Imlll tip our rnptiUUou en tu Yon ran dptpl o ftialiiv n4 fonbt gl letter wln1j iroik anjbri 10 nutUf Ui tuucb ywk J. iiiilPiili BBRiMSfiK'PI ' AFm&ki&Jfim mmmi iraflal.ti tita4 brl,lcwv,h far nl, na t-atroaa In d.r It dMlrxl. lalnlrM I,,. wtian plalr rr rioiM. p, if orir i CoiulUliaa If. H.l.rCn.m $5,00 ??kPfUr,T.lli4.00 Oauraii 1.00 rm.i rvrmra 1.00 sn.rmu .50 G.RiiH.. n.i a.uu Pitn,RlW' . rut.t 7.50 (.W t. Will, PMm.i u,.un P.l.l.ll iti'llfa .00 ii iij ffiimaBW m amiH aiir HiiaoDa All work futtr atiaranlml for flflmi trara. Wise Benfal Co., me Painless Dentists riMfif onflf!. Third tad Wllhlnjloil PORTUNO, ORC' a a u uirli iuin,ioi $1500 Reward! $55.00 MAGAZINE READERS SUN3KT MAOAZinK bcautuullirilluUratcd.cioodttorifa CT ert and articlei about aLforala and 5 all lli. Tar Wtal. a 1u l.00 a ni CAHEIU CRAFT drvotrd each nonih lo tk. ar. tutu: itpitxlurtioo of lli brat woilc of amateur asd Drolauional photographer!. B0AD OT A THOUSAND W0NDEBS a look of 75 P8. conltininl 120 colored pliotograpki of Q,1 plcturtKu. ipoU la Caufaraia ' and Oiagaav All for . . . . $1.50 Addteu all orderi lo SUNSET UAGAZIIfS FUod nuudin Sao punctata PORTLAND TO LOS ANGELES AND RETURN Witli corresponding low faros from nil otlior sections of tlio North wcsl. Liberal stop-overs in each direction and long limit. Inter esting nnd attractive literaturo on tlio various resorts and attrac tions of California can bo had on application to any T. P. or O. K. & N Agent, cJ from VM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Affent, Portland, Oregon i Th Orciton (tall Inula ami I.Ito Hlurk I'rotco llnu wlilcli lliu nititor- , aliH)it la n liiciulwr J will nlvo t,iiooo v rowarilforcvlilmro V r . Icaillnir tn tlio ar- lj , ' reat aiiilcmitlctlon tlcaatvallnnliorara, litftllA tt IHIllliM tkrt. j lonxliiirlounjriif tta inoinltcri, In ailillllnri In llio nlmip, (lio iiniloraliini'il uf- f era tlio niuij puihIIIIiiii J.w.oo for all liorava lirnmloit lioiaoaluw liar on Imtli or cltlur Jaw. Ilran.l rrronlcil In olulit rouiitlia. HftiiKO Jlor- ncjr, and Crnuk (ountlta Horn a ventcil wliun aoM. Nono hut Kriiwii lioraca toM.aiid only In larg0 iUIIO)lO W, W IIItOWN rile, Oregon The Times-Herald is oftcrinu most allratlive Clubbing Rates to ita subscriber a present THE TIWSES-HERALD One year with the Portland Weekly Oregonian Portland Semi-Weekly Journal $2.50 S. F. Weekly Examiner $2.65 . Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World $2.50 Semi-Weekly St. Louis Republic 42.3? Farm Progress FREE to every paid in advance Subscriber Get one or more of these good papers in connec tion with The Times-Herald for the long win ter evenings. Cull and get Clubbing Prices JOB PRINTING a Tlio Tlmei.Hcralil l Trcporcil to do the Very cl nnd Moat SntlHfnctory Work In thin line. Wc IiiWc nil the LATEST TYPE FACES and a very Complete Line FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY 14 H.1 yf 'a V -' - -,, .v-aera. vi ifcwyjy . j ridaw t ft iiTflraaMTTiiaBi , -'"... .m n . vit?li .a BIBB f . r tt ' rtiWV'KM -HK?1 -w7TTtni.rTTi gpandfip mw Tiwm? jsw i.fCF5?r-I'JJlW 1IADJI150N& SiOMitt GUrtNS, OREGON (A $k& THE WINDSOli If; tzJto&&as& GH W. W. DR!iIKWATER 8V.ain St.. Blncksmilliing and iiorseslioing. Wagon Work COOLEY AUTO MATIC BRAKES Buns, Oregon, BURIMS MILLSiyC CO. HORTOW & SAYER, Propts Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic. Flooring, .Moulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Good Road. Lumber Yard in Burns. THE ANDERSON HOTEL AIRS. CMAS. ANDERSON, Propt. I lmvo re-opened tho hotel nnd tho old-time friends and cnstoinertirc nKtiin invited to come and be nt home. You will find the sumo home-comforts and welcome as usual. Tlie old favorite Family Hotel where guests receive .Special Attention and Good Service. SOU TH BURNS, OREaO.N-Near Fair Grounds. ENGINES-! BOILERS CUm mm J MACHINERY WRITE FOR SPECIAL CATALOG AND PRICES THE A.H.AVERILLMACHINERYCO; SPOKANE, WA5H.-PORTLAND. ORE., SAN JOSE CAL. This riflo la built for settled districts. where cood range and lcHlinij power ore desired, with safety to tho neighborhood. Tho JHarfU .25-20 la n light, quick handling, flnely-holonceJ repeater, with tho solid top, rlnneil-ln breech nnd tdo ejection features which muko MarlA Runs safe and ngreeablo to una and certain In action. It It mad. to ut. th. powerful ntwhluh v.loclty amoktlcia lo.J. wlili jackctcU bull.ta aa well aa th. will-known black ppwdtr and low rr.nur. amoktlrta cart, rl Jge, anil la tl 1 Jeal rllle for target wotk, nawka, foit,, cto up Tlila rlll.'and ammu. nIHon, anil all other tmuilm r.reaten, are fully deecrftied In our lH liriivfi 1 II ll.H!.l nil.l. fl.nnrl. ,, ., .ai.ii. ... ,.lh. an II V TUU ."" 'I : .LWBWW, --Ev "'"' io, un n it unit Liu. iiuiniiiiuT ,r.s;i..m-,s: :k.xi :. i;ivxiv t.'H naMW'-i-i Total . . . S.a1? ' I 1 1 I PIKN ,0i,WJ'0i iiK,;.vrricii;aWar m ' .( ioui , , vj.ZI I u a a h - - I II PT 1.J ti,i. .hi.... .... , n .. . . tunt frnv, if h cut i,Jiiit (nr.acuMnif iuiu&. V.'V I CUBBM UPMI iSrnJ ' ; I P smirs over me wpiioi swoon , .W.teMo " Vfv & WaJ ftSiS I Tho bill of faro includes every-' SCMfiflC HltteritflL K ARM8B AliandinmFlrlllaitrata.1 wcoklr. I-rOMt rlr. UfcJJE TheFc,lUH 7foMatJtn firearms C&, I orders a specially. Urcad for uYi'iiSi'b ''"'' chjlnaai4i. Bm Cliicopw' n .j wiiiour Ktr..i.i ihfw u.vru rnuu I . , fl r in iiidm,.. iaiii vnvv vawaat , .. w w w 1 t i ii nn-ii..ii mi imiiimm iiiM..iiiMiiiii.-m-wn-fMM ----.-. huh. i.ivii linn n riiii i iiiuieii i .iu. - 1'iian luin avvv wnrvvvfj " ' --------------------i -------j------------------i - liraucli imi,iia.W.,ViWar(4U.( W -- B ' - i i i ii ii.n mi, ---- i iiiiiiiMMMrnailiillnBtga i...m. i ii i -w-a----B .-&--iK The Harney Valley Brewing Co. MiiimfiuUiriTS uf 3PXJ3F.gEI jBDElFr5F. IEi-X3fo Soda loafer I'nmlly Trmtc Solicited Prcc Delivery T. E. JNKINSManaser 3n . - zzxzs&tatszssfiz&ssSpr-i C-gKi TX3T "CTs Wo 1'ifllunt it'rlioro itml inuKn n rlinrt;o mil hh rollcctlnn In tnmlo. V ilo mi 'iir olicnta (90HN ROBINSON Stock Inspector, llnruey County. Home A.lilineH IUuiih, Ort 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE .1 1 otitnn llldu .MmtiiAN .Mum Co , , INiilliinil, Oro The Wellington Restaurant W0N(i LliL', Proprietor Up stairs over the Cnpilol Saloon Tho bill of faro includes ovcry- tliinK tho market affords. Short orders a specially. Urcad for salo. Give hint n call, mim - - - . .. ' TrtAD. Marks DCllQNa CopyniOHTB Ao. Wi ATTOIt llur noomgCnndoaiilj G A.REi Altornej.. Burns, c,,, nimu ri ATTOllNRT-TJ Onreful nttontion ( lions nnd Jtoai Egj Notarf p,j BUHNB, a Quo. s. blJJ An. BUKNB, , Collecllona, Land U. Etlnlt matter iiromnlfS CHARLES W, -AWY Burns, rrnctlctii in tlieguj,;. forotljoU.H. UnJOj, A. W. GOlf ATTORNEY.JU Stato Courts and f( Lttnd Office p. Three doorsS Harney County Burns, Onj J- W. CEi ' I'litnlilnnujt " HlirilM, - - .1 ti 4 ' Offlco In ni' buiMiom liiirncKialmn v I'lionallibj i DENMAH 4 ri Physicians and! CuIIm ,itn.wcrcl ir .,'t'lioiio Ilnrrniian. ' Haprlman, S z MflRSPENdq I'tijnliiinauji, nt itss, fij l. E. WBV Oitlco firBtduortjl. Ilium, Ortp , w. c. ml l . 3DEJN"T, Ht'B, Ota '$ Ofllco In now land oEaJV iloor north dp . ' BOCTETin 1IAKNKY lJDQE, NO. Itf Meet, oturjr lurdj)l,.o at 7:30 pin. Vs Art ir II ilun r-uritutv IICItNHI.OtKIK N.I S7,ul llirvl. every fir.t and UIH lllolllll. Hi 1 liua, b.Kerv, if rel&rf, 4 IIAItNKV VAIXKt CAXrJ, Ulfll ftl4rv ft ml mii.IjmW' V V.T W. A. Ootran, llerk. " "? nuitNi cn.untii mi ileulaitveri mtond li (iciiL'liiunau, butrlirr 5 rtYI.VlAIiEIIKKAIIlir.Olir; -eeUCTcry UlindSJlA Delta Krc ttef , TUI.KCIHC1.K Nu.IiA.ire'l Steels c cry fourth Ta.adtr M Heater aoutlmaii, ilcrk JOHN (,'KMUB Bwvnl H .Fowolor. Optii I0iiiriv Fine Wntch RvfM cinlty. 6 LIGHTNING Tbillir ' I ICcol I 1 't'? ih.ti n ; ra yrti c.'nJ fS eU-c'i fl I ,r ti, If t"3 111 1 w t "!:. 1 hf P. I 111! IH" "' a ti t 0 d b C C' fi tl o anJ 1 1 ... 11 r " " 1, llMI'ri. " PolntiforlS" tluntrr wl,J WiIicuimJW'JJi tiMtmf. i u " 7I and c I U.Jl'. wliU nu.r l"l".!1!r nun. , ... ., win 1 i" r mtik T. ypul n.llnu,,