Es-Jierald. CIRCULATION OP t IN THIS COUNTY. BKMlUtll 81,1910. News. "Brown's Store. lin nt Schcnk fard nt Tho Busy was in tho city .business. kg stove, for salo dllco. is in from his ' few days. was among those to come in for illation. i during tho )VAL SALE rner Store. Slovengor has rc- bvisit to relatives j Baker and Grant cd & Son grocery fhew consignment ions, cocoanuts, creamery butter. Pdo not have to back to a Phila- for alteration, and can do it Waters has select- let as his deputy. competent man ' tars experience of deputy in the jummins took her Snesday for Port- goes to visit rela te. Her daughter Json, is at present tudying pharmacy r 3f the Busy Corner ed last week that lid close after the o'clock except on ther business men a like intention being Lunaburg, k Schcnk Bro3. and lutcher shop. We see this movement fthe business men BAD ROADS Need cause you uo inconvenience in your financial transactions if you avail yourself of our BANKING BY MAIL facilities which enable you to transact your banking business with the same case and safety as though you called upon us in person. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK BURNS, OREGON Capital and Surplus $70,000.00 United States Depositary j$l Accounts Invited J Chop barley at E. B. Reed & Son's. Chas. Comegys is spending tho holidays with his family in this city. Yesterday was decidedly tho most disagreeable day so far this winter. It was very blustry with some snow. & off on Ladies and Misses Coats during the BIG REMOVAL SALE of The Busy Corner Store. A large number of young peo ple from Harney were here dur ing the week to take in the holi day festivities. Several Harnqy county citizens left here Monday morning for Portland as witnesses in the fed eral court in the case pending to t cancel patent to Claude Smyth's land. Among those to go were V. Cawlfield, James Paul, Dean Horton, Allen Jones and Frank' Silva. I BROWNS Invito you to como Monday Jan. 2 1011 and buy your Dry v- Goods ' and Dress Goods Sale Prices Fresh bacon hams and lard at E. B. Reed & Sons. W. B. Johnson was among our Silver creek visitors during tho week. Good, substantial, well cooked meals at tho Home Hotel is what tho boarder likes, Miss Vera Hendricks has been up from Lawcn this week taking in tho holiday festivities. $5.00 Stetson Hats for $3.85 nt Tho Busy Corner Store during the BIG REMOVAL SALE. Mrs. J. F. Mahon has been over from her Anderson Valley homo this week tho guest of friends. Frank Thompson has been spending tho holidays in this city) attention wun rciauvea anu inenas. Tho French Hotel serves a fine Sunday dinner and special is given to family service, m'of . Wm. Walker, court Btenogra-1 Geo. Hess who owns 1700 acres phcrof this district, is over from of Harney county land, is again his Canyon City homo on a visit I here looking after his interests. to friends. Mr. Hess expects to leave to- T , . ... I morrow for Denio in company nm.i. pn ver quuiuu ... wlth R K H, foefe ovcr that country. Burns at the BIG REMOVAL SALE of the Busy Corner Store. Allen Jones and bride arrived home Saturday from California, coming in from Prairie City by private conveyance. They re ceived a warm welcome from re latives and friends in this city. Deputy Sheriff Tcrrill received a telegram Monday announcing the death of his father, H. J. Terrill at his homo in Jackson county on Christmas day. De ceased was 84 years old and had been in poor health for some time. He is survived by his wife and six children. G. W. Clevengcr tho furnituro man, invites ladic3 of Burns and surrounding country to call at his store Monday and rcceivoln handsomo picture as a Now Year's gift A picture will bo given to each family. . ,, -., ... -., -,N x. ian aim huh vjii u.tu wuu are over from Wagontire to spend tho holidays. Ed says that for a long time it has been possible to hear tho reports from blasting in the Deschutes canyon where the railroad peoplo are building, at his home. This is a long distance from tho scene of action and is rather extraordinary. Green tags at Brown's Store. Schcnk Bros, have received a caso of Alfred Bonjanin clothing. Havo you listed your land yet? Sco Irving Miller before you do. For Rent Neat 3-room cot tago and barn. Inquiro at this office Hagoy & Richardson carry tho best brands of groceries.. All fresh. Geo. Gates and wifo were in tho city tho first of this week on ' I land business. I Outing Flannel 9c per yard at Tho Busy Corner Store during the I BIG REMOVAL SALE. S. F. Tyler and family havo been visiting relatives in this city during tho week. Tho personal attention given guests at the French Hotel has given it a good reputation L. B. Culp, Prop. A new' lino of dry goods, fur nishings, shoes, hats, etc, can nlways bo found at Hagoy & Richardson's. Miss K. Neugcbaucr is located in the Jorgcnscn building south Main St and is prepared to do all kinds of dress making. All goods at tho Hagey & Richardson general merchandise store are now and up to date. Good values in every purchase. A"man named Wm. Murphy was taken into custody last Sun day evening and on Monday after noon was adjudged insane after an examination by Dr. Mnrsden, Jugo Rector and Deputy Dist. Atty. Leonard. He had recently come in from Canyon City, walk ing the distance and hud a rifle which ho carried around town during Sunday. Ho claims to havo relatives in Montana. Asylum attendants aro expected hero today to take him to Salem. Do you realize what it might mean to buv nroDertv that has an imperfect title? A warranty pay chargca deed should not bo sufficient, as it is not sufficient ovidenco of title. You should have before you ab solute evidence of tho grantors' right and titlo to tho property transferred. An abstract shows BROWNS' All tho Dry Goods and Dress Goods aro ! . Salo Commencing Monday Jan. ' ' 2 '- ' 1911 - ' at Biowns Grover Jameson nnd wife were in tho city during this week. Clothes pressed and cleaned at Schcnk Bros. Furnished rooms, Plain Sewing Mns. Doha Lestbii, Burns,Or. II. B. Symc and Alva Springer were up from tho lake Bection this week. Sco tho Inland Empire' Real ty Co. if you havo anything for salo or exchange. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Dillard I and family were in the city this , week visiting relatives. Don't forget the BIG REMOVAL SALE nt The Busy Comer Store. Aifred Benjanin of New York has mado Schcnk Bros, agents for Harney county for his great clothing. M. Schcnk of the Schcnk Bros, merchant tailoring establishment took his departure yesterday morning for outside points on business and pleasure combined. Ho expects to be absent about! two weeks. Estrayed One bay mare about 10 years old weight 1000, Branded wagon wrench on loft stiflo and anchor II on left jaw. Came to my place last May. Owner call prove property and Pf? (iftnumjcuttttt vt iJj flrtitk txUnbss it tatt Utc tyaniflimcntis 0$ titc ffica jsrow mtfr htst tvisttes tax t 0 Jfttmtx Wue, COrfjjmt, eSmtttarg 1, 1911. -NEW YEAR- m a fe B. F. Campbell. Burns, Ore. Tho annual business meeting of the First Presbyterian Church will bo held on next Friday even ing, Jan. 6, at 7:30 o'clodk in F. 0. Dillard Formerly At. Kngineer In U. 8. lloclsmatlon Ber- UMco. every instrument on record that! the church building. An invita. affects tho title and should be as important as tho deed. Harney County Abstract Co., Inc. Archie McGowan, Pros, and Manager. tion is extended to all those who contribute to its support. In fact every person interested in tho work of tho church is urgent ly ask to bo present A HAPPY - AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ALL THE WELCOME PHARMACY. S3 NEW YEAR, A. O. Faulknkh Formerly Chief En gineer ol Bolm & Weitcrn Itjr. Eastern Oregon Engineering Company CIVIL AND IRRIGATION ENGINEERS Burns, Oregon HARNEY COUNTY ABSTRACT Company, Incorporated ARCHIE M'GOWAN, Pres. and Mgr. Modern and complete set of INDEXES An Abstract Copy of Every In strument on Record in Har . ney County. Job Printing. it on everything except FA HERNS, OVEKALS and IIOLU'IIOOF HOSIERY per cent discount on EK BOOTS and SHOES REMOVAL SALE THE BU5Y CORNER STORE JRING THIS SALE tlico, per yard Ef bales, per yard. SIC agham, per yard. oc by Cloth, per yard Wc iting Flannel, per yard. oc anellettes, per yard. 5C ired Satteens, per yard. 27ic andies, per yard C ired Dotted Suisse 15C WE will soon open in the New Masonic Building and will move none ot our present stock except Groceries. To dispose of same in the shortest possible time we have decided on this REMOVAL SALE, to last throughout January, with the lowest prices ever quoted in Burns. Our stock is large and new but those who come earliest will have the largest variety to select from. PRICES ARE FOR STRICTLY CASH. No Trading Stamps Given During This Sale. No Sale Goods Will Be Exchanged. No Sale Goods Sent Out On Approval. 20 Per Cent. Discpunt On Any Artice Not Mentioned In This Ad. Prices cut on everything eqcept GROCERIES, PATTERNS, OVERALLS and HOLEPROOF HOSIERY 70 Boxes Fine Stationery 40c each Regular Price 65c 7 DURING THIS SALE 75c Serge per yard 5OC5 75c Panama Cloth. 55o $1.50 Serge, per yard. $L05 75c Mohair Reps, per yard. S5c 50c Eiderdown, per yard. 3Sc .25 Heuriotta Cloth, per yard. 85c $1.G5 -Broadcloth, per yard. .$1.25 75c Taffeta Silk, per yard. 55c 75c Albatross Cloth, per yard 55c CLOTHING-HART WNER & MARX est Made. Prices cut. Suits for ft1Q OK J-wtlLf Suits for $17.X5 Suits for $16.35 CLOTHING-THE HNGTON SYSTEM Suits for $ 8.25 Suits for $ 965 WHITE GOODS SECTION Suits for $11,65 Suits for $13.25 Suits for $14.65 .HATS Stetson Hats 9 QZ kSonquorors $2.55 $1.45 (Harold Hats 10c Muslin, per yard '"7r 12c Muslin, per yard q 15c Muslin, per yard I Of : 16c Lonodalo Cambric ., I O1 $1.00Sheots, 72x90, each fiftc 25c Pillow Cases, 45x30, oacjj 0(( 20c Dimity, por yard.., ,. g C 24-inch Wnito DiUpor Cloth, h g gL $1.85 piece of 10 yards J 1 UO Neckwear Lace Curtains One-Third Off EXTRA SPECIALS!!! 200 Dressed Dolls, 50c values, 10c CHINA WARE, DOLLS and TOYS, Olie-Tllird Off MEN'S and WOMEN'S SWEATER COATS One-Fourth Off Sweaters . One-Third Off TOWELSand TOWELLING One-Fourth Off Hosiery Reduced One Fourth SHOE SECTION Our stock of Shoes is undoubtedly tho I3est and Largest in Burns; the pricos aro cut. $5.00 Shoes for, $3.75 $4.50 Shoes for. $3.40 f 4.00 Shoes for. $2.95 $ 8.50 Shoes for. $8.00 Shoes for. $2,60 $2,30 $2.50 Shorts for. $1.90 $2.00 Shoes for. $1.45 MEN'S OVERCOATS ONE -THIRD OFF WOMEN'S nnd MISSES' COATS ONE-THIRD OFF J. Schwartz PROPRIETOR. This Store Closes at 6J3'clock Every Evening Except Saturday i. Schwartz PROPRIETOR MEN'S SH1RTS-E1THER NEQLIQEE OR GOLF. 50c : 65c 75c Shirts for $1.00 Shirts for $1-50 Shirts for $1.05 $2.00 Shirts for : $1.40 LINEN COLLARS 2 for 25'Cents MEN'S U;NDERWEAR WOOL-PRICES CUT. $1.50 Garments $1.05 $1.75 Garments : $1,20 $2.00 Garments : $1,40 Cotton U ndenvear Fleepc - Lined Underwear One-Third Off j 9KZmZ32mCZIm