Ma,MMMMaMM4Maaln KT HHWMHMM" PROPOSITION Wo have arranged to offer in connection with this .wiper, tho new monthly farm mngnzino just started at Lincoln, Nebraska, by Prof. H. W. Campbell and devot ed to tho subject of how to farm in tho dry country and how to get best results from soil Ullage under normal conditions. This Paper is Campbell's Scientific Farmer and wo offer it clubbed with Tho Times-Terald both for $2.50 per year cash. Prof. Camp bells' now paper is a monthly, chock full of good things, tho only paper of its kind in tho world, and it embodies tho re sults of tho editor's many years of painstaking investigation of tho soil tillage proposition. I'KTITION FOH LIQUOIt MCKNSR Clay Clemens mill is tho near' est ono to Bunts whero all kinds of lumber both rough and dress ed can bo had. Near Canyon road. Call him by 'phono for riuick order?. Wo, tho unilerslgiioil lounl otoraof I.ako Precinct, Ilurnoy Comity. Ktnlouf Orogon, rosjio itfnlly potltion tho Hon Comity Court of Harney County, Bluto of Oregon, to grant n llconso to Harris .1 FlUgerald to Soil BpirltuouK, .Multnml Vinous I.imiorn in less itinnUilt-t thnu one gallon in l.ako I'rvciuct Ilnrnuy County, Stato o( Orogon, for tlio jicrioil Tlirt'O (3) Mouths, na in duty bitiml wo will over pray. Names Nuinos Kay Coniegya C. A, ninea Geo. W. CawlQeM A. V. MoCiuulaml J.N. Berg . Frank CnwMuM Cliot Myera OllHaril (Iroiiaueck Kay Ilarron Frank Smith A. Farnaworth Frank Klii! Walter E. llrlnglo Jes'o Cartlt- J. U. Ivy Walter Anderson L. V. Smith Fred Mjera A. P. Mnmly I.. H. Williams A. C. Lynch Hay tt.irvnll C. W. Young Slilney ConiegyH EU J. HufTor.1 Notice is herehy given that on S.ilurtlay tho 7th day on December, 1011, llio tin dorsigned will apply to tlio County Court of Harney County, S-ato of Oregon for the License mentioned in llio foregoing petition. II. Minis A 1'iriiKiiM.i). PETITION FOR LIQUOIt I.ICKNSR Wo tho nndurulgued lr;:il voleiy of Denio Precinct, Harney County, Hit of Oregon respectfully petition tlio llmi. County Court of Harney 0-mlity, Stato of Oregon to grant r. llceno to J. W. Lee to sell Splrltoos .Mult and Vinous Liipiors in letf ijuantltlis than ono gallon in I'onfo Precinct, Harney Couuty, Stato of Oregon, for a period of six monthag, lis in duty bound wo will ovor pray. NOTIGH IfOK PUBLICATION. UmTiiriBTATitlNnOrri'a, Hurni. Orriron. November XS, 1910. Kiillca la titroliv nlron that the On-irim haa llli-it In Dili omoolla Kitllcallmi i,.rl,tl Kn. IVM7AI tn aalcct.under tlto provlilnn it the Act of eongTwa, apprornt Auguil 11, 1hh, ami Kris lupicmcmtat anil amctiuaiorjr thereto, tliu Nr.'iNMJi and HWifNKM', Wo. SU, T. IW B 11. I K.. W. M. Miy ami Ml porfotu claiming advoraoljr tlio laintaileaerlhed.or ilmlrlnK to olijfct InM-ann-i ( Hiu mineral rliaractor ot llio land, or lor am ollinr n-aion, lo tho Olimipal lo applicant, ainiuld flln their aniilavll of nrotral III llita oilU'p. on or bctiito tho expiration or the prlol nf puhllcallon. Wu Faahk, lloglitcr. l'lrl ptitillratlon, Drcemher a, 1910. Uat vuMICMllon. January 7. lvlr. KOTICIfi VOW 1'UUUCATION. ItMITIcnHTATI IiANDOrrll'K I llurni, Oregon, December lo, 1810 Votlro la lierabjr given that Ilattle Jewell IftMllI, oi mum, urvKoii. .tiio. in wt-iuuiT i I mi, maito llometieail Knlrr No. WHO. for Ntt'f cevllun 1J, Ttwnalilp at South, Italia M 1 !. Wlllainollv Meridian, haa flint notlco . r Internum to maVo Final Commutation rroor, i tpiiHlillih claim lo tho land almvu deierlbed. ii'toro tho lloalator and Itccelrur, at llurna, iri-Kon,ouiliu iMiiiiajriu January, I'Jit. Claimant nitmea na MltttMieit tlhloll. Currr, Minnie V, llenman, Jamoe I'lllon Aualln V. Penman, all ot llarrttnan rexou. Wm. Karhk, Hcflnter, Names G. L. JIatlock II. E. Fairchild H.J. Eherboni Geo. Denney Natte Jlooro G. II. Peirco Jesse Defcnbuugh C. L. AlcKelvoy B. T. Fields Ambrosia Sayardoy C. I Aslid.-imu B. H. Grove Names. John Lilbbiiiiicr Howard Slovene J. II. Polander Searao Turnbaua Jou Uarcla Andrew b T. Covers Urnesindo Vcrmiidez K. H. Vickers Itobort Doari M M. I hun W. O. Hillings II. J. Martin J. W. Stevens Notice is hereby given that ;n Wed resday the 4th day of January 1!U1 the undersigned will apply to tho Honorable County Court of Harney County, Oregon for the License mentioned in tho above petition. J. W. LF.IC, PETITION FOB LIQUOR LICI'.NSIJ We the undersigned legal voters of Diamond, Harney County, State of Ore goo, respectfully petition tlio ."on. County Court of Harney County Mate- of Oregon, to grant to M. Hortcn to sell Spirituous, Malt and Vinous Liquor tn lees quantities than one gallon in I )ja mond Precinct, Harney Couuty, Oregon, for the period of Six month, as in duty bound wo will over pray. Names It. A. Smith C.A. Iliddlo T. L. Dogger C. D.ugs loy Dan McKinzio O. W. Frazier Henry Slier burn O. T. Simmons C. 6. Skinner J. M. McKIssick II, S. Dugger Namea Arthur Fisher W. II. Hamilton V. G. Smith Win. DulTington Tice Shuil IJ. A. (luffnny C. A. Wells William D u nam Dalla Turner M. A. Modlu II. It. Leo Notice Is hereby given that on W'edneH day the 4th day of January 1'JH tho underslgbed will apply to tho County Court of the Stato of Oregon for Harney County for the license mentioned In tho foregoing petition. M. HOKTON. NOTI015 VOU PUniilOATION. IInitkii Htatks la nii Orricx, llurni, Orexon, November 6, ililO, smleo la hereby r,tvon that llnltou II. Hyme, of Wnlunn, Oroiron, iluanlnu of the minor and onlvhelrof Ktllo M HymiMloceaaed, who, on Januarr 3, l'.W. rnado homeilead enlry to, .)7, Serial No.0lW7, for N(NWr, Hertlon M. and !j. Heelloii at, lownahlp Soulh, KhuruSI Kaat, Willamette Merlillau, South o, Malheur l.aVc.hai filed nntleo of Intention to iniiko final ne year proof, to eatabluh claim liilholaud above dtaerlhcd, twfore tho Hcgli tor and lleeelrcr, at llurni, Oregon, on the ri dav of Iieremtwr. l'lo. claimant lianuxas wlltieacil vitrei Marahall, Mary Manhall, ltoao C. K m, Jmiiea Henderton, allot Narrowa, Ore. iron Wm Kahhi, Kegiater, NOTIC1I OF ALK. In tho Kstuto of Kdith and Hormaii Larron, minors. You will tako notlro that by virtue of nil order of thu county court of the .Stato i.i Oregon for Harney County duly madu a il entered, tlm undersigned guardian v i I pioceed tn hell at private salo from ii 1 1 f ir I), leinlior 'M, 11)10. for to t u lugho.t nil I .''0M didder nil tho i. lit, tlttu aid Intere-t nf tlm ibov' iiuiuxl miiicrii in mid In llln WJWJ nl !. eticm .'i, r ;i M , it. M I-.., t . m. hi II itney County. Oregmi. A. Stdsk, Anilruws, Ore tiiinriliiin of thu iiIhivo iiainrd inlnors NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. Uniteii .statu t.JNiiOmric. I llurni, Uret.on, Norcmbei 1, 1'jiO. Nnllre la hereby kItcii thatlma It Dlrken. ion. whniv Hnl-ifilee addrcis la llurna. Un to , did. mi the Llh ilay of February, 1910. nlo In tlila otllro Hworn Htatament aud Apptlea ll.iii, .So. NHN'j.hcetten .i.lowiiehlp J! H., UanxoSaK., U Uliainelto rldlau. and the timber thereon, under the i.'.,vilou u( the act of Juno 2. 1S7S, and acta .. m.'iHlnKiry, known aa thu'Tlmber and Hlooe I ' at inch value aa might te fixed by an I rHapmcul, and that, ouraiiaut to audi appli cation, tho land and timber therou have been ppralaeii, the timber eatlwatvd Wa),0W board fivtatll Ul iierM.and the land 1100 00; 111 at i I aniillrant will ofler flual proof In aunmirt nl her apptlratlou and aworn iiatemenl on the ir-i nay oi January, mi. beroro trie ueglaier n d He elver, al llurna, Oregon; Miy peraon la at lllwrty to prut lit Ihlanur 1 1 bw before entry, or Initiate a eon tut at any H"i! Irfjfure patrntl'iuie, by filing a rorrolor. hi.. I affidavit In thla old re, inciting facia uliiili wiiutil defeat the eulry Wm rAaaa, Itrgliter. You will novor again bo quite aa you aro today mentally or nhvaically. Porhapa not ovor nffnin will you bo ablo lo got so "young" a photograph that looks lilto you-as today. Visit tho Saycr Studio. NOTION FOU PUllLIOATION. UNlTKIHTATKH!.ANIi'iKKICK. llurna, Oregon, nm. inner o, imw.i Notlco la hereby given tl IMieraoii, n ltuHi. inmla Heciionu, lowinuiiKi II IF. IW. NWji. Wlll.ii I Hubert II. MP- Jl , of t.awon, Oregon, who on iiln llnineltrail KlltrV N'l. I cclloni;,Towiihll2IH., Uange ;8J) K., metto Meridian haa ulv is. ii.iui, fur n aic K., 1 nutlcnof luleii linn tnniako KlnatlJommiKallon prnnf.luoa ab Mill claim to the laud atiovodeicrlld, before IheltegUterand llecetvcr, al llurna. Oirgon, on tho iwth day of December, 1UI0. Claimant uamcaai wllneneil 10 It. WlllOllg. OI lAWCll, iirepili, nan n een, Nathaniel lleuney, Henry lllaok, all of llurni, Oregon, Wit, Pahiik, ltcgliter NOTI01C b'OH PUULIOATION. UNITKll flTATUM UNO OKFIIK, llnrna Oregon, November 10, UlO. 1 Notice la hereby given that Margaret Varloii, of minis, tlregiin. who, on April vrj.iwsnmdo llomeatead Kniry No. SAW, K;IN"iW,J' NI.NMM. Hcctlon W, TownahlpM H.. tauge M tailWillamctlo Morldlan.haa fl cd notlco ot Intention tu mako flual Commutation Proof, hi eiUbllih claim to tho land above dcaorlbod. U loro tho Iteglaler and Itpcolver. at llurna, Oregon, on the 31th day ot Pocomber IKIO. Claimant namoaaa wIlnoMcf Krank Jackaon, ilualay H oil, 0. 1 . Hh Ingle- kor V. 11. flovcna, alt ot llurna, Oregon. Wh. KAuag, Itogliior. I31uo prints of any township in Hums Land District, showing niuno of ontrynmn, (into and kind of entry, topography, etc., $1.00 each. Plntt T. Randall, Burns, Ore. A Handsome Woman Every woman may not be hand- ionic, but every woman should keep with enro Iho good points nutiiro has Riven her. No woman need hnvo sallow skin, dull eye, blotchy complexion, who pays nroner nttcntion to her health. Wlicrocontipntion,livcrdcrange ments. blood impurillos and other irrcgulrtriticf exist, good complex ion, bright eyes and sprishtly movements cannot exist. Internal dernnecmonti reveal tliennelvea sooner or later on (ha surface, I Icndnchc, dark rlngt around the eyei, tallow skin, n con tant tired fooling mean that the liver and dlgeitlvo organs aroneodlng help and correction. Chnmborlaln't Stomadt and Liver Tablets nlvo this nocettary heln. They work In nature! awn way. Thar do net merely "") '"" bowau nut lone up me liver ai itomach la fulfill Ihalr proper function!. So mild and aenlle do they act that one hardly reitlm that they have taken medicine. ChamberUln'i odlg eitlon, romllpatlon try where. Price itScea n lo r anddl liilniu. Sold ev ine Id! Go To The White Front Livery Stable NEW RIGS AND TEAMS 'Phone to Me for Your Doctor Calls. R. J. McKlNNON, Jr., Proprietor. Burns Meat Market NewkSliopOprositc the lust National Bank Alain St. Pork, Viemui. Hologiui uutl Li.w tSiiiisagc lUu'f in mi Quantity. Your patronage solicited. II. J HANbEN, Propt BURNS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. NOTICU FOlt I'Uni.KJATION IINITKII STATKfl I.ANI) IIKFIfK, I llnrua, Onxun, Novcuilwr 19, I9IU. Notice ii hereby xlveit that Adrian K. L'olo innn urhoaopiitonice nihlreaa la raullua, (Mik , orcKon, .y.l. on tlio liih lay nf liecemlxr iwri. llio In Hill office Hworn Hralerneut ami i iillratloii, No 0I.U), In I'lin-lin-thu H'iNU i-. Ion . lowmnlp MM, Itangu sr) K , Ml in i, ire Mtrl.llan, nii.I die tlmlier tlierrnu, unit, i the frovlaloiiatilnhfactof Juue 3, 1x78, .ml acia aincmlalnry, known aa the "Tlinher a .1 Meno Law." at inch value aa inlxht he live I hy atitalieineut, anil that, iiiiraiiant i, inch application, tho laud anil timber there- hi have riecn appralacd, the timber ritlinaieil .1. fetl at II.IU per M, anil the land t... (), lhat talil applicant will offer final proof in lupport of hi. anpllcallon anil iworu Hate 'iient on thc'illh day of Jauuary, 191 1. before he Iteglitcr ami ICerclver, at llurni; Urexon. Any iMirion lit liberty to protcilthla pur i ".iiio before entry, or Inltlalo a couteit at any il no before patent lnuca, by flllnjt acorrobor a'nt afflilavlt in thli office, alUxlun facia which wo'lM defeat llio entry. WM.PaaRK, Keiliter, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION UMTKUPTATjtal.iNbOrricr, llurni, Oregon, December 6, 1910) Notice Ii hereby given that Harvey 111)1 Elliott, of Narrowa, Oregon, who, oa June 2, 1906, rcade honicatcail entry No, 2I7H, Kvrlal No. Oiy, for awK K, SKWN W!i, Ila 2, 8, 4, Bectlona,Townahlp2ilH., KaUKuSl K. Wilkin ette Meridian, Norlh of Malheur f.alte, baa filed notice of Intention to urnku rlml rive Year l'roof. toeitabliih claim totbe laud alrfiio deierlbed, before the Ueitlitcr ami Kviclrer at liurni, Oregon, on the nthdayof January, Claimant namea ai wllncinci Walter llrlngle, Hay llarrun, Kred llarrun and Iladden Elliott, all of Narrowi, Oregou. Wu.VjtHKK, HCKliter, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UMTKIl HTiTM UNII OrflCK, I llurna, Ougou, DccciiiUt i, I'JIO Notice la hereby given that HarauclJ clem mcDi, whole iioitonire addrcn fa I'uullua, Crook Co , Oct'gon, did on the 7th day of March, Iiio, file In llili offlie Hworn rltateiiient and Application, No, 01.77, to purchaiu the H$NK4 ana HJjNWU, Bection b, Towmhlp m B., flange MK. Wllfamelte Meildpin. ntnl llio timber thereon, under the provlilum of tlm act of Jurioil, 1H70, andattiauiindator), known ai the "Timber and Meno Law," at audi value aa might bu fixed by appraliemeut, and Hint, puriuaut to aurh application the land ami atone thereon have been apprulii'il.uud Die laud IIUU.W; lhat laid applicant will oil it llnal proof luiupport of hli application amlawnru atateuent on the Mtt day oi February, lull, before tho Iteglaler and flecilvtr, at iliiriia, Oregou Any peraon la at liberty to protcit Ihlapur chale before entry, or Initiate uiontott at any lime before patent liauea, by filing a torrobor ated affidavit In thli office, alleging fada which would defeat the entry. Wm, KAmir, ltcgliter. Good, Bubstantial, well cooked meals at the Home Hotel is what the boarder likes, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Unitv.ii Btatm Land Orrica, I llurni, Oregon, Novembers, I'JIO I Notice Ii hereby given that John V. Bller. of Harm, Oregon, who, on July II. IMS, made humeitead entry No. 'JIM, Merlal No. OINt'J, for HKli, Mectlon 1, Towmhlp 21 Month. Itangu !U Kail, ttlllamctlo Merldau. hli filed notice of Intention tu make Final five-Year I' oof, Ui titnbllah claim to tho land above den ri I od, before Iho Kegiater and Kecelver, at hiirm, Oregon, on the '.3rd dayof December, i lalmant nainca aa wltneaaea: Henry Ooodlow. of llurni, Oregon, Wilbur W Warner. Bcott llavci. Marcullui II. Ifavca. all of l.awen, Oregon, Wm. Piaac, Itegliler. The Lone bias RESTAURANT China Uoorgo, Proprietor. Cor. Main and II fitrccU. ABRUS AT RUll HOUfS Bakery in eonneetion. A Specialty of Short Orders. Tulilu fiirnirihed with uvurytliing Hie iimrket itirordfl. Your imtrou-ai'.ogolicited, .ti rasas m.-h--. w a- ya'-eAfJfril-t itaiwawi.w'"' .-.--- vvrm T) ' xfSur'i i attention given to transcicnl custom and freight teams. Horses kept by the day, meek or month. HRST CLASS LIVIiRY TURNOUTS. Ilay and' on hand. grain always va Vour iiiilroiiiiKu yoliciii'il. Smitli M inn Hi, llurnH, Ori't;iiii Special Attention Given to Conducting Funerals NEW AND ACCURATE IIAY SCALES IN CONNECTION WITH BARN. M'LL OKFIOtAIi OIlllCOTOItY TATK Ollinom UB.flenatora (lonsroiintn, Attorney (loneral tiuvernor. , ...... Hicrelaryol Hlate Trraituer,, Hupt, l'uhllo Iiiitrucllon, Hlate l'rlnler Htiprema Jmlini , . Jonathan lioitrnoJr. Dee. K, (ihamberlaln tW ilitllla , iJWIIawley .... A.M. Orawford F, W. Ilenion , Y W lloninn ...... .OAHlcel ,,.,J, If, Ankerman . . W h Dunlway i. 11, fl. Hem, , K. A. Mnnre UOht Kaktn NINTH JUII1U1AI, IIIHTUIUT, lllitrlot Judge.... Iilitrlot Attorney, ilepiily UlatAlty . (ico. ICIlavIa J W MiCiillooli .. 0 II Ixronnret Ulroult Court meela tho tint Monday April and tint Monday In October. In Joliit-rioiiatiir,. jolut-lleprcaeiitatlvo . O W I'atrlih ,W Illirooke 0OUNTV IIAIINKVI Oimiity Judge tllork Trcuurer Hurveyor Hherlir. Aaieiiur HchoolHuperllitoudoiit. Coroner .. Htock ininoeior, Uuminlnlouera J, I', Hector Ham Molherahead , K N Jameiou A 0 Faulkner A, K. Illehardaoii J, J. ItoiiCEaii 1, M Hamilton J W deary John Itoblniou ,. II,, N. rltallard in A Hinyth County !uurt niccla the flnt WHiieaday In January, March, May, July, Bcptcmbur and November. luniKY u. i. i. a mi orriuxi Itegliler Keoolvor vntur. . Iteroriler,. . Wm I'arre .Flank Davey CITV. liUBHa" Trcaaurer Manual, Omincllniuut Fain Moll eraliead .I'.T. Handall J.O. Welcome Jr. .M.r, wiiuame , mown iicoino nberlliig (.M.F. Willi W. O. llrow A. U. Well Jnoticmbei A H Hwalu Meetinga of llio Council utery Hecoud ami Fouitli Weilncaday. Sumpter Valley Railway Co. TIMK TAIII.K NO. 311 IN KITHOT JUNK II, 11)09. Wuit IIoiiihI. No, 1 I'nan n. tn. 0:30 Lv 0l35 " 0l5fl ' 10:01 " 10:07 " linker City Hontli llakcr Hnll.ljiiryf Ixji'klmrtt 'Tliotiipaont Kant Humid, No. '1 VngH p, in 10)17 " "Stuil.IttMl Junction! Ar 5:30 I.v i:2n " 5:00 " 1:65 " 1 :53 "1:15 " -1:111 " 4:32 " -1:35 " U10 " l:Uf) " 3:50 ' ItifiO " :i:05 " 3,00 '-':W " '.'slO Klop on algtmln only . tNo it(-tnt. '11,. L, tm IfiMimjl lu f.,w ul.ll.Mu ...!...& trul in ii m Rcliodnloil to inn to ri'Kulnr "i n"rw,,j.uo Ilium iiiiuiiuic IIUK U whom itKontaoxlat Ixiforo untorinu trrtlniorSO renin in niltlitlou lo tlio ni- K'nar laro win im) ciinructl, JOSKl'H A. WKST, 8npt. (lltANTGKUDKS, Aa.t. Sppt. 10 :'.-. " MViitiirTiinkt lOi.TJ " Duali'a Built i0:3!l " MoUtti-nf 10:55 " JUNtrriONf IltIO " SinnptiT 11:16" 'JUNCTION? 11:10" riiintmlit NOON 12:00 ' () I. I'niiipt 1'. M. U:05 " . Wlillimyl 12:10 " TIlTONt 1:10 Ar Auitln THEVERYBEST mtlitry ea the )'KllleCnutlieiriihd her. We bare bulll up oorrepuUUou on IL Vouran dipnd n f wfirV and eaeiict gt bolter pilnlf e Vork aAy whare, no matur bow mueh jou iaj, Yf flal.ti .l. U an4 ttlda work foreul. ot lawn Mlrvai la pa fn If dMlrxl. MAGAZINE READERS SUNSET MAGAZINE Uiubiullyilluitiitnl.fioaditonce &- Q nd articlei ilmut Cauociia and v Ou all the Far Wert. 1tU CAMERA CRAFT devoted each month to the at. . tutic reproductioa el tin LfU 1.00 woikel amateur and prolualoaal . rt( (ibotgraplieri. ROAD OT A TnOUOAHD W0NDEH8 a Look of li pagri, conUinuig 1 20 colored pliolofrapki oi $0.75 (ciurtK)ue ipoti ia CalJorni and Oiago. Toul . . . S3.3S All for . . . . $z.50 Addicu all ordrri lo SUNSET UA0AZINB Flood DuiUiof San Fianciaca CALIFORNIA Is the place to visit Oran(?o Groves in full bloom, tropical flowers, famous hotels, historic Old Missions, nttrnctivo watering places. delightful climate, making that favored section tho Nation's most popular retreat You can seo it at its best via tho SHASTA ROUTE and " The Roadofa Thousand Wonders" Southern Pacific Company Up-to-date trains, first-class in every respect, unexcelled dinH'g- car service, quick time and direct connections to all points south. SPECIAL ROUND TRIP FARE OF )!laiM ilrftrtlon fr when litr cr I rll wnrti Ii erdir. I. CmuIuiIm !,. .UrCr..., S5.00 ;t0rUfiTit4.0d o.Ufac.,i 1.00 r..i rnu.i 1,00 tUntmu.. .60 cwrt.u.. . nit.. o.uu Mlk(4lllVrir -rt rut 7. GO .w..irtn,r. niMlmii raUil Cilr'IWs b0 iiwui hiwbmi m ratniM sbbt hvhoo All vrotlt fully ruarantd fr flfleeo year. Wise Dent al Co., mc. Painless Dentists rtniai lafuUaf , Thhd lag Wlialitrtaa. P08IUK0, OK. orriH a a u uir b i.r.. iui $1500 Reward! nsr The Times-Herald fa offcriiifj most ullractive Clubbing Rates to iln subscribers a present THE TIMES-HERALD One year with the Portland Weekly Oregonian $2.50 Portland Semi-Weekly Journal $2.50 S. F. Weekly Examiner $2.65 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World $2.50 Semi-Weekly St. Louis Republic $2.35 Farm Progress FREE to every pnid in advance Subscriber Get one or more of these ffood papers in' connec tion with The Times-Herald for the long win ter evenings. Call and (jet Clubbing Prices JOB PRINTING The Tlmeii.llcrnlil In Prepared to do tlio Wry Iknt nrnl Mont Hntlsfnctory Work In thin line. Wu have all the LATEST TYPE FACES and a very Complete Line FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY j7a) 4g HB$Pm & 1IAKKIS0N & STO.NER "uffnNS.ibREQON" S'-vC- "a - r - ' IJ ow TUEWlNUaoitTOfr wR lit MtU V Y, JfAI . ". L " jgandtfeip(uliiirf, W. W. DRINKWATER lilacksmithing and Horseshoing. Wagon Work COOLEY AUTO SVIATIC BRAKES Main St., - Bums, Oregon. $55.00 PORTLAND TO LOS ANGELES AND RETURN With corresponding low fnrca from nil other sectionH of tho North wes1). Liberal Btop-overs in each direction and lonj? limit Inter catinK and attractive literature on tho varioiiH resorts and attrac tions of California can bo had on application to any T. P. or O. R. & N Agent, oJ from WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon Tlia Orpcon Call fnriila ami .Ncvaila I.Ito WiK-k I'roue lion Aiinrlallon, of wlilili llio uiulur alKiioil Iih member will Klvo rourarilforovlilmcu lnaillnu In tha ar rcilaiiilcunvlctlon of any iarly r par lliiloallnliari(a, oattla or nuttca Im lonulimtonny of III inamlivri, In aildlllou lo I lie above, tlio iimlcriliiiieil ot on mi iho lame cmiilllloii f.W.00 for oil lionca bramleil liorieihuo liar on Ixilli nr either avr llraiiil,rerorileil In elxlit rouutlei. ltaime liar ucy, Ijiio and Crook rountlea. lloraea vonloil when BnliI, Nono but xrownliuraeaaoM, and only In larijo tinucliei. W , W. 11I10 N. Hie, OrcKon, BURNS SVSILLSgMC CO. HORTON Sl SAYER, Propts Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic, Flooring, Moulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Good Road. Lumber Yard in Burns. THE ANDERSON HOTEL MRS. CI IAS. ANDERSON, Propt. I havo rc-oponed tho hotel nnd tho old-time friends and customers aro aftain invited to come and bo at home. You will find tho Banio home-comforts and welcome as usual. The old favorite Family Hotel where guests receive Special Attention and Good Service. SOUTH BURNS, OREQON-Near Fair Grounds. PnOFEHSIONjn Wm. Mirite ATTOI.NKYAi' Ilnrnn Ilooms B.fiiitl o Oild pj &r (W ., 1 i r Durns, 0r(jc 'ililO Official Ppi hag tho larirt'st clrcti hs best advortlalng i Orogon. ohm iLrhxxiy, ZZZZ . ". unratui nitonlion uonfl nnti v. ' K r&HROAD ,,r" inrori,, Notiiry PtijW HUHNH. a S1 gko h uBifinite Ann nwij Effecting BUItNR. . Colltcttoua, I,ai w EaUlnniatir.roiiiJ!2 CHARLES w. :,HILL GIVES lawye Burn8' -Wha You Have roSollplre Builder-HarrK -ave Conference YYiti ATTORNEY. ouxW wiura nnaDL , Hill was a recent m,nU,U,11C5P.Hand and while h HaiX cS5TFSto Btatementsre liarney County , , wegt y Q rn8 UnShroueh this valley, he wa .1 rrf r 8t,c U. tu. GEIi...: r,n aitnntinn as W riit Hit-Mil and hfpanrft to the richt-of-wa; ttnr,,a iVirMir cinvon as it effect - : .r,irl nrn nrp no om.- I.. .,ow b..i!iiBflai ns to reai work. J '''"'HHfi.onfc ...' .. rpnl hGd 0 :n l.vtna urao in tin uniiiiurt n-3i """ -- OEHMflN & Ktl1 week !" cnfcre Phys. clans and inrl rrenGral manascr of the Calls ....wirml , nmO,, UnC' MUCh s'Sn'ficlinCC! M'lii.n.. itnrr.,,,.., ,nW1 tn tins conference as Harrlmfln iw :onfidently believed that it Harriman, Cr worfc in thc early "r. The right-of-way in the MARSPEN & Cn expireg in Aprii and the I'M)!, inns audkpr department at Washing- io nnnnnnced that the right ' I be cancelled unless work ormn before the time ex r- .,... TViicj must be done. Even h arrangements have been TDZEjZIT1! fnr n ioint track by the nm.t..,.i. .vstflms throueh the canyon here would be no danger of !)... Orr Qver th(J r;ght jn that re -4 should it lapse, the old r r iin&nn of the Harriman people 'be used for the reason that IDIBILTTIyilocation would have to be, ooigher on account oi resinc- Offl, (..... i.,.j .demanded by the govern- conform to possible lrn- n projects. This would -'-";; rMt ovnense and since ..... ormer locatipn precedes inib rnment requirement it will r, t.ken advantage or. .J Hill had the following to to the Telegram while in Innrl: Lii.swi.omiK no k n . .. t VGr win mean Mtwla cut) Aral ami ihW , ., , f nf fVit5 1 Una. hascra, Stirtarj. ' . ii.0fl i than any year m mu i. iiaunkv VAM.KJ Dtrwsecms to be a foregone con- ueeta cvirj rim .- i H'on. It is not so much so be- w. a. ioan. iuk "g James J. Hill, the head of -"Great Northern, has return- ...-. , -lanrn -- ...ul portlandand addea lurtner tlci-lauvt.rriH-r.ii, I u0 WT . , . u,,f utauiiiniuii. Kictions of advancement, but Amfo nf Avprv trans-conti- Vr.VIARKllKKAIIliEUaBl""'" ,, . i 1 ncetaoveryut wrfetal system that is develop-' ft . m ..ft t.n.A linnn in I Helta fiillanl Kiv nci-, thlS territory liuvu uoti ... city within the last fortnight IIAHNK1 MlDlih A r II r II. I ton llt'll.N-tl.OIHJK NO iiiiiiilh I KfrWo r-on ik laCkCBtrwtfMiaF ENGINESj BOILERS mm IMI 1IGH GRADE MACHINERY WRITE FOR .SPECIAL CATALOG AND PRICES THE A-HiAVERlLLMACHINERYCO. S POKANE, WASH-PORTLAND. OPE. - 5AN J05E CAU 1894 tpeatinsfty m 'his rifle la built for settled districts. whero good range and Wiling power ore desired, with safety to the neighborhood. Tho Btarfijt .25-20 la a light, quick handling, finely-balanced repeater, with tho tolld top, cloaed-ln breech nd (Mo ejection features which mako Btanftjt guns ante unit agreeable to .use and certain in action. Itli madt to na tin powerful new lilgh vitoe tjr amokiliia loada with bullita aa wilt aa tha well-known black powdir and low rraaaura amokiliia cart rlJfii, and la tholdcal rlfli for tarsit work, or wooucnucka, scan, liawki, fona, tic, up toMOyarda. Thtt rlflt'and ammu. ijltlon, and all othir Mbttm rtnaatcn, art fully deierlbed In our IM-pase catalog. Krei for s etampt, poitaut. VJka 7BLmaM 7mrm m 4t Willow Wreatr nHEW HAVEN, CrJNN. c III- Tui.Kuittt!t.K No i. .. dvard Elliott, head of the II i- .. ..... . . r J.1 r..Hl. 4-r "v..,try loiirm '"WMjhern racinc, iiiau w t-iorio,Kimaii, i,rk e and ho spread the gospel ood tidings for the North- '. rw -fnllv fVrrr fiflVS. Im- iinivMMii.vtttely upon his heels came JOHN UhHllUL, Trov1in nrps;dCnt of the' Jowolor. C)ptiaukeo system, which is Knixi-averued this way. Then a couple Fine Watch Repairidays ago, Julius Kruttschnitt, cialty. j0&8 The Harney Valley Brewing Co. MunuftR'tiirorH ot 3Exxi?& Soda m7&r&,-t&,r I -ii in I ly Trade Solicited Free Delivery T. E. JENKINS.GManager il - - "?S g5iaawetaaira: f & Try TTs Wu collnut uvtiryw liun niul iiiuku n clinrKU inili'Hn collection In inniln, Wo ilo,.iyi ur cliiintH ll H Moikian Mkiioaniii K Ct) , Fniitoh HIiIk., I'nrl In nil, Ore' JOHN ROBINSON Slock Inspector, Harney County. Home .Vlilrofa llurna, Ore. 00 YEARS' EXPEDIENCE Tlio Wasliinglon Restaurant WONQ Uifi, Proprietor Up stairs over the Capitol Saloon Tho bill of fnro includes every thing tho market affords. Short ordors a specialty. Bread for salo. Give him a call. JiVU4 P V I l a"Jl lMlf " TnADt Mno DcalQNB Oopyriomtb Ao. auioi Inront tWCI A iitoiio icmllns A akclrh and dnt uttpUnn roar iiScalr iuorlalii our otulnoti rr4 uhr an irontlim limtili)r iiataiitalilft. CoiomiilikA- uuiBiiicMri'imuuuiiiiaj, iianam mt froti. iri.lcutt aifoncr for apcuri l'atonta taken Uirnu&li lluiui . wcliil nollcc, wlllkiut vlfnriro, la tb oul Wi Scientific jfltmricdi,. r, lAraoat fir. ill ''""KiP iHUNN & Oo.38tBrM,,MewYo7lL TTlllaaT i KLr PK' ' i iiuxv 'arded now as the practical A of the Harriman roaua, Hed Portland and announced ps that this great system has Mama. iitow comes James J. Hill, the irman of the Great Northern ,rd. He announced definitely t Vila nonnlo were COing to &.1 li l. mnnmi In nrpirnii U1U till utu iiiuuvj ... .-o-" .tis necessary lor its proper "lopment along progressive ise. il i il HESS!lJ-I3wQ shall do as much for Ore- j istW 'siltj vJtoOaswo have done for Wash-a . . .- ...fllllvp . ... ! l...!U .. ilmll uUjjju jo y '"ton in helping to uuuu uvi mu '0D 1001 CSlWe, and we shall do it just as CK.IHA3K T ?idly as conditions will permit. .,,.? ,,.L haven't decided just how ?!""''" V'ich money wo shall pour into iV"!la"i"uV'.t"jJ torrirnrv in construction uli i ii ii 1", ' J( , ., .., ,. ,, ti,i. ;. rDUl it Will uu uh uiui ia IIMII l ln II an", ail J iijiu. J i ll'J 'V .,.! , , "iu ijii-i ""'iieded. JUJUUU. ,j ; , ,:., i iwWThn- Twmin of tins state aro i'ft-ing hold of, the development j.'rtf.oofinn in tlin rii'ht snirit. It 11 llfll.JI ui i ' J " . - 1 i J r-uaH-V"! ... .? o . i ,!.,. i'lis' tho enterprising ana pro- i-m . "'"'essivo men of tho state oi r;,' Vrashington that enabled that r-ato to mako buch a niarvciuus W,r,,t,5Ti no if rinarlono inillCrcaS- . '1-nnnnlnflon. Orecon has, in t uJ uiwi V7, t f, xrvrtrflinifv Cli-ilK: ONi .JIH 8Uch growth in the blOWb UN.iU . 'Hfc-.-.-ai. nn(i auch crowth ffiFwi'll,1rt t hi r M-iti niu o ,(,. iNW jo x "1 I'IC I i. j li J lu t W I J PI II u t uj unt rial immw i ii