PREINVENTORY SALE 2 CD 5 i tfl COMMENCING MONDAY MORNING DECEMBER 5TH According to our usual custom our Immense Stock will be inventoried by the New Year, and having on hand a large line of Winter Goods we offer them at a legitimate reduction during December in order to obviate the necessity of carrying them through our stock talcing. REDUCED Misses' Woolen Hosiery Woolen Scarfs Ladies' Woolen Hosiery Flannelettes Children's Woolen Hose Outing Flannels Woolen Blankets Ladies9 Sweaters Ladies' Cloaks Misses' Cloaks Reduced SSSSWwA Reduced We Iiave on Hand Short Lengths in Gingham Sat- eens, Calico, Cotton Flannels and Other Goods that will be Reduced for this Sale Only Reduced Reduced REDUCED Wool-Lined Slippers Woolen Neckwear Fur-Trimmed Slippers Ladies' Skirts Ladies' Kimonas Children's Cloaks Woolen Hoods Ladies' Mittens Misses' Mittens Children's Mittens Ladies' Wrappers Children's Sweaters od jai A ad is. t REDUCED -Mens He. avy Suits Mens Trousers Mens Overcoats Mens Sweaters Mens Sweater Coats ' t Mens Sheep-Lined Overcoats REDUCED CLOTHING REDUCED FOR THIS SALE KKr &r WWm Jr Qfrar Mens Sheep-Lined Coats Mens Lined Oloves Mens Mackinaw Coats Boys Suits Boys Trousers Boys Overcoats -Little Boys Suits and Overcoats Are In This Sale and Are Sure To Go BURNS, OREGON. SEDUCED We want you to come to a GENUINE PRE-INVENTORY SALE and ascertain for yourself that there is MERIT in this Sale and everything in Winter Goods are reduced to a price that will justify your purchasing at our store during December Brown's Satisfactory Store LLi. u-M-i i wii iiiiiMiiiiMiiiiniTm'ri " ' ' Brown's Satisfactory Store Brown's Satisfactory Store n 1 o .. ! j , p, gg-iTTn-irnnraT i m MiiaWnUI'1 She twcs-SCmaCd. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 3, M1 auiisomrrioN kates- Oh Year.... ti.00 Six Montlu. 1.00 Three Monthi lf JULIAN UYKI Mtot MEETINO POSTPONED. The Times-Herald has been informed just as it goes to press that the meeting called for Dec. 17 for the purpose of forming an irrigation dis trict has been postponed. There is such a mass of detail work connected with the pro position that the committee's cannot present it intelligent ly on so short notice. P. L. S. CO- FAVORABLE. vine organization or an irriga tion district covering Harney Valley brings every water user within its borders into considera tion as well as the land to be covered by the system. Such an organizatioh cannot sieze or con demn the rights and privileges of others with impunity. Every water right must be giyen con sideration regardless of personal feelings or who owns it Tho Times-Herald realizes that to create an irrigation district of Harney Valley means a gigantic undertaking, but with tho con certed backing of all the people and not antagonizing any inter ests it can be brought to a suc cessful end. We should not con demn people for fighting for what they consides their rights before first ascertaining tho ex act status of the affair. The Times-Herald desires to avoid anything that would tend to retard this movement to bring about tho impounding of the sur plus water of thcBtreams for the benefit of tho entire country. In common with all it feels this is of great importance and means everything to this great valley. Any feasible plan to this end will not find an obstruction. It has been asserted by several that the Pacific Livestock Com pany would bo antagonistic to any scheme of this kind. Tho Times Herald can state with authority and positiveness that tho Pacific I Live Stock Company will not j stand in the way of any legiti- 1 mate, feasible undertaking to impound the waters of Silvics ! River for the purpose of irrigat ing the lands of Harney Valley. That company is ready to join with the people in bringing about such a system as will enable the users to put every drop of the water to beneficial use. With the William Hanley Co. taking the same view it seems that there js no battle to fight It merely mean3 the necessary steps' toward organization and ascertaining just what the con ditions are, the cost of such a project how it would effect pre sent rights and the amount of water available In this respect we should work with C. B. Mc Connell and his associates who have been investigating the Sil vies reservoir project and are now co-operating with the gov ernment in securing accurate data as to the flow of the river. With the big land and water holdings favorable to such a scheme it seems that there is little to be done to bring tho matter to a head so far as crys talizing sentiment is concerned. However, this is only a begin ning to the final adjustment or actual creation of an irrigation district It cannot be accom plished in one day, but a meet ing of tho entire country will put the matter in motion and this shirt is very necessary. Nothing would hasten tho building of railroads into Harney Valley moro quickly than tho announcement that a reclama tion project to cover tho entire ward bringing about results that must como. There is no necessi ty for waiting and every reason for active progression. No one objects to tho movo therefore there is no occasion to hold off. IIANLEY-BROWN. Mis3 Winnie Brown and Alex Hanley were united in marriage last "Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Welcome, Jr., Rev. A. J. Irwin performed tho ceremony in the presence of a small gathering of relatives and friends. Both are popular young people who have long resided in this vicinity. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brown. She is pleasant and winsome and a general favorite among tho younger set Alex is a nephew of Wm. Hanley and is foreman of the Home Ranch near this city where thoy will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Hanley were tho tho recipient of many handsome presents. Wc join a largo circle of friends in extending hearty congratula tions and wishes for long and Jiappy life. American Association of Farm; era' Institutes, tho American Society of Agronomy, and other such influential organizations tho national movement in this matter. "If the United States is ever to get on an export basis," ho says, we must raise grain enough so that tho farmer can mako moro money, and nt tho samo time supply moro than enough grain for home requirements. It seems strange that never beforo have all tho interests which aro active ly laboring for grain improve ment formulated n national plan under which nil could work to tho snmo end without friction. "Tho grain exchanges havo not only become fully nrouscd to tho necessity of this work, but they aro asking tho co-oporation of the department of agriculture. nnd of tho statu agricultural col leges, and are lining up tho bust EfeYou will novcr again bo quite as you aro today mentally or physically. Perhaps not over again will you bo ablo to get so "young" n photograph-that IookB liko youns today. Visit tho Sayer Studio. l'RTITION FOll I.tQUOR I.IOKNSK. When you havo a cold get a bottlo of Chamberlain's Cough) Remedy. It will soon fix you tip, an right and will ward olf any tendency toward pneumonia. This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic nnd may bo giv en aa confidentially to a baby as to an adult Sold by all good dealers. Jobimj Deferilmngh 0 t. McKolvey M. T. I'loldi Ambronlft Bnyntdoy 0, It. Aaliilnmu A DOUBLE WCDOINd. country had been solved and the actual construction of reservoirs to conservo tho flood waters for uso at tho proper timo had been financed beyond question. This one thing vwould bring railroads and it may be necessary to ac complish beforo any very activo work will begin on a railroad. President Hill of tho Great Northern told us when hero last spring that wo must control tho water and put it to beneficial uso. Judge Lovett told us that beforo wo could expect railroad activity wo should corral tho waste waters and mako tho best of our natural resources then there would be some inducement for u railroad to build. Lot us help ourselves as much as possible in this matter of de velopment nnd do our part to Lester Williams and Miss Mary Johnson and Honry Street nnd Miss Ruby Shields were married in this city Thursday morning. Tho ceremony was performed by Rev. C. W. Holloman at tho homo Mr. and Mrs. Simon Lewis. Both tho couples aro well known young people of this section, Lester is tho oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. It. J. Williams and his brido is n daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. B. Johnson. Henry Street is a son of Joo Street on Buck creek nnd his brido is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Shields. All havo n host of friends who join us in extending best wishes for a happy life and prosperity. NamuH. 0. U Mattock If. It. PalrclilM II. J. Blierburn (loo. Dennoy Nutto Mooro ness men of tho country so that!0, " ,,0,rco thoy will realize tho importance of this campaign, and will furnish money and infiuenco which will cnnblc tho practical workers to obtain tho best results. Tho railroads, the bankers, tho mill ers, the grain dealers nnd tho civic nnd commercial organiza tions aro interested in tho work of proving to tho farmer tho pro fit to bo mado by using correct methods in seed solection nnd J tillago, and of persuading him to apply practically what ho already knows and now neglects to ap ply. Thcro is no possibility of friction undor tho plan which has been nrrango, because no work will bo dono in any Btato which docs not havo the full approbation and co-operation." Robort M. Wtt llm nmlcnilKiH'il ltijnl otcrn of llVnlo I'mclnct, llarnojr County, Htntof PETITION oi uruxon ri'Mpoelfiilly lltlon tlioilnn. Comity Oouit of ITnrnoy County, muiu in un-RUii lu K'lll'l II Cell 30 to J. W. I.eoto noil fiplrltoun Mrlt ouil Vinous Mentor In leni ijiMiitltlea titan onu gallon In Honlo Precinct, Hartley County, Btato of Oregon, for noriod of nix innntlmi, hn In duty liounil wo will ovor pray. Nittne. John I,nblilnior Howard Stoion J. If. Polnndor Benrnu Turnbaua Joo Unrein AndruwsT. GovorH Umualndo Vcrmudoz K. 11. VIcUorH Itoburt Doan M. M. Doan W. 0. lllllliics FOR LIQUOR I.ICHNSI! I Wo the utidiifaiauod lcim! voters of Diamond, Harney County, State of Ore t;on, respectfully petition tho Hon. (tllnfv rVturt nf Hit rtit IV Pnititlu . nt "- " "v 1 ...... Oregon, to grant to M, llorton lo soil . SplrltuouH, Malt nnd Vinous Minion in lt'i8 iinantitli'H than ouo gallon In Dia mond Product, Ifarnoy County, Oregon, for tho pariod of Six month, un lu duty douiiU wo will over pray. II. II. Crovo Il.J.JIartlu J, W. Htovons Notlco ii hereby glvun that en Wed rcday tho 4th day of January 11)11 tho underMgnod will apply "to tho Honorable County Court of Harney County, Orpgon for tho I.lconao mentioned in tho above Petition. J.W I,i:i:. McWudo in tho Woman's Nation al Dully. LOCAL OVERFLOW. Digger Crops Nature's Grenltst Need Mr. B. Ball of tho St. Louis Merchants' Exchango and chair man of tho Seed improvement committee of tho North Ameri can grain exchango, says "tho most important problem before tho American public today Is that of obtaining a larger yield of better grain." Ho Is hero for tho purposo of explaining to thr heacj of horseo to winter. Got an Alfred Benjamin suit nt Schenk Bros. Mrs. Robt Reed is up from Lawen visiting hor children. Furnished rooms, Plain Sowing Mks. Doha Luster, Burns, Or, Just arrived fino lot of blankets, ladles', genta' nnd children's coat sweators Fred Haines. Meerschaum, Briar and Com position Pipes, with Ambor and Artificial Stoms-a big display nt Reed Bros,' Drug Store W, T. Vnndcrveer was in from his Pine Creek homo thts week nnd took back with him sovoral I HARNEY COUNTY ABSTRACT Company, Incorporated ARCIIIi: M'OOWAN, Proa, nnd Mgr. Modorn nnd complete set of INDEXES An Abstract Copy of Every In strument on Record in Hnr- noy County. J Namd Namks It. A. Smith Arthur Flshor O.A. Rlddlo W. II. Hamilton T. I Dugger V. G. Biiiltlt C. I). Pugsloy Win. lluiringtoi Dan McKlnrlo Tlco Bhull 0. W. Fnulor It. A. Oaffnoy Henry 8herbnri 0. A. Wells 0. T. filnimom " William Duncan 0.8. Bklnnor Dalla Turner J. M. McKlunick M. A. Modlo It. 8. Duggur II. It. Leo Young's Meat Market & Reduction in prices for Cash nearly everything in stock will be sold at adis count. Take ad vantage of this pro position and saveri iter tach b tail M by -.00 Ik of led 'b; qua :bo init d" for l"s "?Jm Notice Uhoroby glvon that on WodncH day tho 41U day of January 1011 tho undorMgbod will apply to tho County Umrt of tho State ol Orogon for Harney County for tho 1 1 eon ho mentioned In the foregoing petition, M. IIORTON. REED money. BUILDING OPPOSITE, POST feg SURETY I10NDS NOTARY PUI1LIQ IRVING MILLER REAL ESTATE FIRE INSURANCE LIFE INSURANCE ODD FELLOWS BUILDING Burns, Oregon. I '3$ I REAL CHRISTMAS Among tho Now Things aro Complete Dinner Seta Hand-Painted China Water Sets FURNITURE Ileadquartora nt prices that, aro aro right Sco our Now Things Suitablo for Presents. GRAPHAPBONE FREE! Call nnd nsk nbout it. -AT Cleavenger's Furniture Store CHRISTMAS IS COMB NOW Is the time to Buy Your Holiday Goods E Have the Largest and V Best Line in the City GIVE US A CALL. The City Drag Store J REED BROS., Proprietors -4 -3- mtmtmKHttuttnHtMttttmnntMnnuntmnnttntmnnRrjnttt: ' TheOVERLANDHOTW Under new management Havlnp; leased this popular house we extend1 Invitation to our friends to come and stop with1" First Class Accommodatiofil In every respect CIood table service ORA HILL, Prop., Burns, Otet V :3t::m;nmn:nt!HHUnumtttmtv itnr.mmtnmtttmimii J .