The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 26, 1910, Image 3

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rURUAT. NOVKIMKR 26, 1910.
Local News.
cd Benjamin nt Schcnk
heating stove for sale,
l nl- 4-1. n ji flirt ft
"" U" WUXM- 1
Sunday, Nov 20, to Mt.
i Carl Welkcr, a daughter.
iquarters for Christmas
Lunaburgr, Dalton & Co.
Sunday, Nov. 20, to
Mrs. John M. Sweek, a
tRENT Neat 3-room cot-
Sd barn. Inquire at this
: Milling Company wants
haul lumber from mill
Morrison and family have
i John Day where they ex-.
llive this winter.
Millar haslreceivcd a por-
f her fall and winter milli-
ad invites the ladies to
E. B. Reed & Son for.
f Butter, Eggs, Cheese, i
id Cranberries, at lowest'
line of dry goods, fur-1
shoes, hats, etc can'
Ibe found at Hagey &
is considerable discussion
ys of closing the stores
rlier hour each evening.
jld be encouraged.
others' club will hold a
fore part of December
i have all kinds of Christ-
trimmings for sale.
a few choice fillies and
rsale, yearlings and two
Is. Will sell cheap if
on. They are all high
choice individuals.
J. W. Biggs.
eer was very seriously
Wednesday by falling
. barn loft He fell be-
horses, one horse step-
his arm, breaking it
wrist. Riddle Corres-
the Roseburg Review.
Reward Team strayed
Schwartz homestead
sums, one brown mare
rith crow's foot on left
ky horse branded spade
ter circle over, on left
shod; likely to range
of upper'Sage Hen or
River creek. $10.00 re-
their return.
ice given by the Moth-
last night for the bene-
i children's play ground
bided success and large-
paea. Luncneon was
tthehall. The'Mothers1
worked hard and de
cial credit for the man-
rich the affair was con-
"he hall was most ap-
ly decorated with tur-
imn leaves and sneci-
Icative of the harvest
fcr was especially good.
atthe close of business November 10th, 1910
Loans and Discounts $283,710.12
U.S. Bonds 60,000.00
Bonds and Securities 55,619.86
Premium on U. S. Bonds 2,000.00
Real Estate, Purnituro and Fixtures 6,600.00
Five per cent Redemption Fund 1,250.00
CASH 141,386.73
Capital .t $25,000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits 48,785.75
Circulation 25,000.00
DEPOSITS 441,780.96
Capital : Surplus : $70,000.00
United States Depositary
Accounts Invited
Clothes Dressed and cleaned at i
Schenk Bros.
4J lbs best coffee on earth $1.00
Fred Haines.
Chas Davis was a business visi
tor to our city Wednesday.
Lunaburg, Dalton & Co. have
all kinds of Christmas goods.
D. R. Thorn was over from
Silver creek Wednesday on business.
Hagey & Richardson carry the
best brands of groceries. All
Born Sunday. Nov. 20,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Davis a
i daughter.
Overshoes, Rubbers, Felt boots
and German Socks at The Busy
Corner Store.
See the Inland Empire Real
ty Co. if you have anything for
sale or exchange.
Aifred Benjanin of New York
lias made Schenk Bros, agents
for Harney county for his great
11 lbs of sugar for $1.00 Fred
High class Christmas goods at
Lunaburg, Dalton & Co.
20 per cent off on mens and
boys suits Fred Haines.
Better look at somo of the kid
dolls at The Busy Corner Store.
M. B. Hayes and wife aro in
the city visiting .relatives and
friends. '
For Toilet Sots Reed Bros.'
Drug Store has the finest dis
play over seen in the city.
i .. . ....,,
to K S. Uiles s among outsiuo
capitalists hero looking over the
Harney country for investments,
The French Hotel serves a
fine Sunday dinner and special
attention is given to family
James Bunyard and wife are
living in Burns this winter, Jim
working is the Drinkwater black
smith shop.
Ron Rent The P. M. Cheney
place, consisting of six hundred
. , , x. .acres, in warm springs vauey.
A Portland attorney says the p.,...;.- n v unA tonco.
Home Rule amendment recenlty Apply to Archio McGowan, Burns,
E. E. Purrington came down
adopted by the voters of
is illegal and that if taken
court it will be knocked out
Schenk Bros, do not have to
send your suit back to a Phila
delphia lawyer for alteration.
They are tailors and can do it
MisslVera Hendricks is up from
Lawen today making proof on
3, her homestead. She is assisted
by .bred utley and M,
as witnesses.
from his saw mill the first of this
week. He contemplates a trip
to Portland in the near future
and may be accompanied by his
PolandIChina Pigs for Sale
During the next two weeks I will
sell a few choice pigs, either
male or femalo at bottom prices,
B. Hayes ccrtifiCates of Pedigree" furnish
, ed. J. W. Biggs.
School suits at Schenk Bros.
Geo James was in town ono day
this week,
9 yards of outing flannel $1.00
Fred Haines. '.
Mrs. Fred Clingan is up from
the homestead on a short visit
Quito a sprinkling of tho
"Beautiful" has fallen during
tho past week.
Good, substantial, well cooked
meals at tho Home Hotel is what
tho boarder likes,
Sovcral high school students
from tho county went homo to
spend Thanksgiving.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hurlburt
and son Albert wcro in from tho
ranch during tho week.
Tako a post graduate couso of
instruction by reading tho dis
play ad. of Tho Busy Corner Storo
Alma Davis was down from
his farm Wednesday making
proof ho was accompanied by his
Tho personal attention given
guests at tho French Hotel has
given it a good reputation L. B.
Cub, Prop.
' Misses Ethel Haines nnd Zella
Irving wcro among thoso ovor
from Harney for tho dance last
A Book is always appreciated.
Books for Old Folks and Young
Folks in great varioty at Reed
Bros.' "Drug Storo.
Clay Clemens mill is the near
est ono to Burns where all kinds
of lumber both rough and dress
ed can bo had. Near Canyon
road. Call him by 'phono for
quick orders.
The roads have been in n vory
bad condition and tho stages have
been quite late. Several freight
ers arc now, between hero and
railroad points. Now that tho
ground has frozen they will be
able to como in.
N. O. Oard, expects to leave
with his family in a few days for
Ohio where they intend to reside
permanently. He had intended
going before but was detained
on account of the illness of his
brother James who died Tuesday.
Local hunters secured a fine
lot of ducks, geeso and swan
which wcro shipped to Portland
in care of W. G. Howell as a pre
sent from the Burns Commercial
Club to the Portland Commercial
Club. Tho boys down there will
appreciate such a treat
Local merchants have begun to
display their Christmas goods
and they have certainly a fine
lot People should begin their
Christmas purchases early and
visit the various stores soon
There aro several new Christmas
ads in tho paper today. Read
A 2-year-old buckskin filly' If you want to make a trade,
branded J. B. on left shoulder 1 sc11 your relinquishment or other
was lost on Mosquito flatl4mileslpr0perty the Inland Empire Real
north of Burns. $10 for her de-J ty Co. will be of great assistance
livery in Burns. to you. They have sold others
John Back. and can sell yours.
a Greater' Variety'of FANCY GROCERIES
Than Any Store of Equal Size In tho State.
:ur xj -p yni r To Como In And Compare Our Goods and prices With Thoso of
Other Stores.
Iter Than Most Goods That Cost More Money. Wo Carry a Largo Lino. Try Them.
We Have Bulk Olives, Queen Olives,
Pimento Olives, and Ripe Ol'ves.
We Have Tillamook Cream, Brick,
Limburger, Wisconsin Swiss, Im
ported Swiss and Imperial Cheese.
Complete Line of Fancy and Staple Groceries
. Schwartz, Prop.
Estray One blood bay geld
ing weight aoo
all four feet
weight about 900, white Jaco,
white: branded
small Z down on left shoulder.
Taken up in Catlow Valley.
Owner call prove property and
pay charges.
Walter Waid,
Diamond. Ore.
Tho Thanksgiving service at
tho Baptist church Thusday was
a most pleasant and profitablo
gathering. Rev. A. J. Irwin of
tho Presbyterian church preach
ed a good sermon on tho "Spirit
of Thanksgiving" an J' tho Bap
tist choir rendered some excellent
The death of Col. W. F. But
cher occurred in Portland last
week after an illness covering a
period of about two years. Mr.
Bucher was well known through
out eastern Oregon making
Baker City his homo and engag
ing in tho practico of law for
about twenty-five years.
In purchasing real estate you
should demand of the grantor an
abstract of titlo to property pur
chased. You should know, that
you have a marketable titlo and
ono that will not cost you trouble
and expense when tho timo comes
that you want to sell.
Harney County Abstract Co., Inc.
Archie McGowan, Pros.
Chas. Nation, Deputy Head
Consul of tho Modern Woodmen,
is meeting with encouragement
in securing applications for mem
bership and nopes to organizo a
lodge in this city about December
10. There aro now somo 25
names on tho charter petition
hesides several old members. It
is tho intention to follow tho in
stallation of tho new lodgo and
its officers with a big supper.
Register Farre of tho local land
office received telegraphic advico
tho first of this week to come to
Portland as ho was needed as a
witness in the federal court Mr.
Farro left Wednesday morning
but a telegram was received that
morning stating ho was not need
ed as tho matter being investi
gated was in the Vale district
He was reached at the Hardisty
station by 'phone and returned
that evening.
Harry Butler is ill at the
French hotel.
Schenk Bros, hnvo received a
case of Alfred Benjanin clothing.
Men's, ladies' nnd children's
Bhoes nt n bargain Fred Haines,
Roland Hankins and wife wore
among our Harney visitors this
W. L. Sponcor was over from
Silver creek this weok on a visit
to his family.
Tho Burns Flour Milling Co.
will pay 2J conts per pound for
wheat or barley.
Allen Jones has gone to San
Francisco on a pleasure trip. Ho
expects to return about Christ
Miss K. Neugobauor is located
in tho Jorgenson building south
Main St. and is prepared to do
all kinds of dress making.
All goods at tho Hagey &
Richardson general merchandise
storo aro now and up to date.
Good values in every purchase.
Report has it that tho showing
of Hand Bags and Ladies'
Purses at Reed Bros.' Drugstore
excels anything over seen in
Burn 3.
You will never again bo quite
as you aro today mentally or
physically. Perhaps not over
again will you bo ablo to get so
"young" a photograph that
looks liko you as today. Visit
tho Sayer Studio.
$25 Reward Team, ono bright
bay gelding branded J P connect
ed on left stifle, one black mare
T5 on left shoulder. Driven from
hero by Scotty Glen.
J. E. McCoy, Burns, Oregon.
C. A. Gilharti, deputy clerk
under Capt H. Kelley in this
county several years ago, has
been selected by tho clerk-elect
in Malheur county for tho same
"I have a world of confidenco
in Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
for I have used it with perfect
success," writes Mrs. M. I.
Basford, Poolesville, Md. For
salo by all good Dealers.
Frank Miller a brother of Miss
Joisa Miller, arrived hero from
Union County the first of this
week to remain for an indefinite
time. Ho was a guest at the
home of his undo C. T. Miller in
this city Sunday.
Work stock wintered on most
reasonable terms. Good pasture
with plenty of shelter at $1.60
per head per month. Good tim
othy hay, if required or desired,
fed at merely the cost of tho hay.
Inquire at this office.
L. F. Smith was up from his
homestead near tho lakes Mon
day for the purpose of making
commutation proof but learned
ho was about 30 days shy of the
required residence therefore do
dided to make a five year proof
later and in tho meantime do
somo farming.
There is little danger from a
cold or from an attack of the
grip except when followed by
pneumonia, and this never hap
pens when Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is used. This remedy
has won its great reputation and
extensive snlo by its remarkable
cures of colds and grip and can
be relied upon with implicit con
fidence. For salo by all good
Tho Times-Herald man visited
tho ,Clovenger furniture storo
this morning and found a big
array of now goods on display
including a most comploto lino of
dishes, hand painted china, fancy
glassware, etc. Mr. Clevenger
has about 10,000 lbs. more now
goods now en route from Prairie
City which will add very materi
ally to his present stock. Christ
mas shoppers should read his ad
in this issuo.
Died Tuesday, Nov. 22 at tho
hospital in this city, James H.
Oard, aged 69 years. Mr, Oard
had been ill for a long period,
his ailment being of a cancerous
nature, and had been in a hospi
tal in Portland for several months
where his condition improved
somo and ho was brought homo
tho latter part of September.
Deceased was born in Ohio and
had been a residont of this coun
ty for 23 years where he was en
gaged in tho stock business. Ho
was a good financier and had ac
cumulated considerable property,
having but recently disposed of
ono farm togother with Bomo
stock for $12,5000. Ho owned
other valuable real estate near
Lawen. Mr. Oard was married
somo 30 years ago, his wifo and
child both having died years ago,
Ho is survived by five brothers
and flvo sisters only two of whom
are hereJohn A. and N. O.
Oard. The funeral was held
Thursday and the services wore
conducted by Rev. A. J. Irwin
of the first Presbyterian church.
Deceased was highly respected
by all his wide acquaintance,
Tho Home Hotel is tho comfor
tablo place to board.
Wanted Horses to pasture
and winter. Call on or address,
Chas. Wilson.
Thoroughbred Barred Rock
cockeralo for salo C. E. Mc
Phcetors. J. O. Bunyard and wifo were
down from their Cow creek homo
Wednosday visiting with rela
tives. Thoso desiring stono work,
brick work or plastering should
consult A. Beckley, Wavcrly,
Miss Louise Davcy, who has
been seriously ill for somo weoks,
is improving slowly wo aro glad
to announce.
Agents Wanted for PHEONIX
Chamber of Commerce, Portland,
Rcatos for sale, all sizes and
lengths, prico 20 cents per foot
Any ono desiring Rcatos address
W. A. Ford of J. O. Alborson,
Alberson. Oregon.
Santa Claus has arrived at
Reed Bros.' Drug Storo in his
aeroplane and has brought every
thing that will delight tho young
and old. Drop in and note as to
what you want
E. B. Waters and Mrs. J. E.
Loggan leu Wednesday morn
ing for Portland, tho former to
spend a few weeks with his sis
ter and the latter to join her hus
hand and little daughter. -
James Varien and wife expect
to leavo Monday for California
where they will spend tho win
tor. Jim is preparing to do some
boosting for Harney county
while away and says ho will
create a demand for this great
religious weekly.
C. W. Lewis has taken a posi1
tion in tho Fred Haines general
merchandise storo in this city,
D. A. Cawlfield retiring from the
management The latter has
moved his family to tho W. T.
Hill residence and tho family of
Mr. Lewis will occupy tho resi
dence portion of the Haines pro
"I am pleased to recommend
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
as the best tiling I know of and
tho safest thing for coughs, cold
and bronchial trouble," writes
Mrs. L. B. Arnold of Denver,
Colo. "We have used it repeat
edly and it has never failed to
give relief." For salo by all
good Dealers.
Harney County National
Of Burns, Oregon.
Report of- Condition Nov., 10, 1910
Nov. 10, 1909, $284,825.80
Nov. 10, 1910, $357,883.77
Tho policy of the Officers and Di
rectors of The Harney County Na
tional Dank Is to maintain its well
earned reputation for Safety and Conservatism.
Our office equipment Is modern nnd
complete. Our staff competent and
With this record and the Merits o(
our Statement we respectfully solicit
your patronage.
Loans and Discounts . . $185,211.47
United States Bonds. 20,275.94
Other . Bonds and
County Warrants...
Furniture andFixtures
Cash and Exchange
Capital Stock. $ 26,000.00
Surplus and Profits . . . 15,140.34
Circulation 19,500.00
Deposits. 357,883.77
We handle a complete line of everything
usually sold by up to date druggists. It is
This we do by courteous treatment and
reasonable prices to ail our customers
The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon,
The treasurer of Harney Coun
ty has money on hand to redeem
all warrants registered up to and
including Nov. 5, 1910. Interest
ceases on this date.
E. N. Jameson,
County Treasurer.
Lunaburg J)alton&(o
Are Headquarters for Holiday Goods,
can'find 'anything you want, either
A 'Complete Line of Fresh Groceries of the
Best Brands.
Dry Goods, Rubbers, Sheep-Lined Clothing,
Etc. See UsJJBefore Buying Elsewhere.
Can be had by ambitious young
men and ladies in the field of
"Wireless" or Railway telegra
phy. Since tho 8-hour law be
came effective, nnd since the
Wireless companies aro establish
ing stations throughout tho
country there is a great shortage
of telegraphers. Positions pay
beginera from $70 to $90 per
month, with good chance of ad
vancement The National Tele
graph Institute of Portland, Ore
gon, operates six official institutes
in America, under supervision of
R. R. nnd Wireless Officials and
places all graduates into positions.
It will pay you
for full details.
to write them
I). S. Mineral Surveyors Civil Eagieeer
Irrigation and Water'Suppty L'a
gtoeering. Towasite, Land and
. Miaeral land Patent Surveys.
Drafting, Designing, Bluet Print
ing, Estimates, Etc.
Narrows, Oregon
lias just received a fresh lot of '
New and hands pi o Pat
Cards, Stationery, Ink,
Pens, Pencils, Novelties.
Fine assortment of everything
D.H.MOTC, Bums, Oregon
The Eastern Oregon
Engineering Co.
Main Office, Burns, Oregon
A. O. fAUUCMEH, Wgr.
Branch Office, Lakeview, Oregon
o, u, ncLxxut, ifgr
Burns Meat Market
New SbpOpposite the first National Bank Main St.
Pork, Vienan.
Bologna and
Liver Sausages
Beef in any
Yonr patronage solicited. H. J HANSEN, Propt.
$30 00
Wo guarantee Quality and Workmanship.
Mado is done in Our Burns Shop.
Wo Carry a Full Lino of the Newest, Most Up-to-
Date Gents' Furnishings, Hats and Caps.
Cleaning and Pressing a Specialty.
SCHENK BROS. Burns, Ore.
Job Printing.