m : Ike Wm-WttM. BJtTORDAT. NOYKMUKK ), UIO eUBBOUIlTION HATK8! On Yet 81x Hontha.. . ThweMonlha. 13.00 . .1.0 .. .71 JULIAN 1YUI Mna. Tho Times-Herald believes thoro is a greater interest shown in farming and general develop ment in this section at this timo than over before. Tho crops of the past season have not been up to tho averago and as a con sequonco of drouth and unusual frosts wo aro compelled to pay exhorbitant prices for farm pro ducts and vegetables. Tho sup ply is entirely inadequaie to the demand and while tncro is no danger of a famino it is a handi cap to many to pay tho prices asked. There is every reason to believe that these conditions can and will bo remedied next sea son. Conditions or rather pros pects justify greater cultivation next season with good profits to those engaged in tilling tho soil. We can not at this time estimate the possible demand for farm Droducts next season. Matters of considerable magnitude are in process of forming that may mean phenomenal changes in the Harney country during the com ing year. The building of rail roads alone would create a de mand for products that would bo hard to estimate, but we have even more than this in contem plation. It is a foregone conclu sion that this section will see its largest number of homoseckcrs next season. The advertising campaigns of the Hill and Harri man railroad interests together with the exploitation by local DeeDle: the big annual additions of the Portland Oregonian and Journal; the efforts of big land holders, such as the Oregon & Western Colonization Co., and other concerns of like character will bring hundreds of people here looking for land and invest ments. All these will be a factor in bringing about a transforma tion that we look forward to. We should be in' readiness to meet such an emergency, not for sel fish motives entirely, but for the sake of the country and its ad vancement With such prospects in sight it behooves every citizen of Harney county to put forth their best efforts toward making good in every line, especially in farm products. It isclaimed by some that there is a lack of enthusiasm among local people regarding the future possibilities of this section, es pecially irrigation. That while we all admit the feasibility of conserving the flood waters of our streams for use at the proper season of the year, we fail to put ud a solid front and inspire suf ficient confidence in capital to take up such projects as would mean great things for Harney Valley. Is this claim justifiable? Are we standing in our own light? This is a matter that should be considered. Let us drop our personal selfish interests for a moment and find if we are doing all we can toward tho de velopment of this country. cost, Mr. Wilson has nothing to say. Tho main thing ho 'has been heard to say. and ho has said it many times, that becauso house wives order by tolophone, prices aro high. His logic is that tho labor saving machines and de vices havo in themselves raised nriccs. His argument is that every housowifo in tho United States can go to market and carry homo a dozen eggs, a bar of soap or paper of needles cheaper than tho delivery can bo made by trained delivcrymen, skilled in tho business and using labor saving devices for tho purpose Ho argues that tho housewifo should go personally to a distant part of tho city for a paper of pins and to another part for a can of nenuer and carry them homo in her market basket Mr. Wilson's diagnosis of tho causo of high prices is that of an old granny. Tho labor saving machines, including tho telo nhone. havo lowered the cost of things. It is trusts, tariffs, ex travagnnt governments, restraint of trade, fradulent statesmen and bogus statesmenship that havo created extortionate prices, As secretary of agriculture, Mr, Wilson ought to havo more to say about these high prico producers, and less to say about tho house wives. It would bo moro credit able to tho position ho holds, to himself, and to tho country. Portland Journal. The Times-Herald coincides with a portion of what tho Jour nal says,' but it has not yet found the real cause of the high cost of living or given Mr. Wilson credit for his meaning in some of his expressions. The secretary evi dently meant that the house wife is entirely too fastidious and demands only tho best cuts of meats instead of taking less choice pieces Tho buying of automobiles by the farmer has nothing to do with it In fact the high cost of living can not be placed at the door of the pro ducer in any instance. It is the people higher up in every instance and finally tho consumer in the end who is moro or less unrea sonable in his demand for ser vice. Consolidating Northwest Lines. The large amount of moisture that has fallen during the past several days will be of considera ble benefit The ground has not been frozen as yet and the entire fall of rain and snow will go into the soil for the benefit of the crops next season. More atten is being given the conservation of moisture as people understand it bettor and we may look for better results from farming nextsea- oon regardless of tho amount of precipitation. Recent press dispatches" re port the consolidation of a large number of the Union Pacific (Harriman) Northwest lines, in cluding the mysterious North Coast road that has been building in Washington and which was known to belong to that system. The consolidation includes the 0. R. & .N, Oregon Eastern, Mal heur Valley and many others in this and adjoining states. The new incorporation is under the name of Oregon, Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. The total mileage coming un der the control of the new com pany will be 3,079 miles. The purpose of the merger, according to the statement is that further bond issues are required to carry on now roads and extensions now under way and those projected. It was found necessary to form a corporation with enlarged powers, one especially having the right to make a larger bond issue. LOCAL OVERfLOW. the EVADINQ THE ISSUE. Such men as James Wilson, secretary of agriculture, are par ticeps criminis to the high cost of Hying. At Chicago Saturday night Mr. Wilson was attributing high prices to tho fact tho far mers were buying automobiles, also to the fact that tho house wife, instead of going to tho market and carrying her pur chases home in a baskot is order ing what she wants by telephone. James Wilson, secretary of agriculture, has novor been heard to say that the extortions of the trusts increase the life cost He has never been heard to say that tho Payne-Aldrich tariff or any other tariff increases living ex penses. Ho has never been heard to say that tho millions spent on battleships, navies and colonels has to be taken out of tho pockets of tho peoplo and thereby in creases the life cost Of all these things that contribute so directly and so heavily to tho high life Get an Alfred Benjamin suit at Schenk Bros. A. M. Kelly is again in city from his sheep ranch. Furnished rooms, Plain Sewing Mas. Doha Lester, Burns, Or. Just arrived fine lot of blankets, ladies', gents' and children's coat sweaters Fred Haines. Meerschaum, Briar and Com position Pipes, with Amber and Artificial Stems a big display at Reed Bros.' Drug Store. Holiday novelties aro now be ing unpacked at The Busy Corner Store. Tho writer was favored with a view of some very choice articles. An Idaho paper announces that there is an increased demand for high-grade horse all over. It seems that tho horse is holding his own regardless of tho great er number of automobiles and flying machines. Wo would sug gest that Harney county growers continue to improve their stock with the assurance that there will bo a market for all tho good horses they can raise. A government reservoir pro ject capablo of irrigating between four and five thousand acres of vacant, unsurvoyed government land in this county has been par tially completed and parties in terested will givo tho right men with capital a good proposition to tako up tho matter and push it to completion, This must bo taken up at once. For informa tion call or writo this office. iNVESTldATINu THE SILVIOS PROJECT. Engineer Mako Surveys of Various Sc And Obtain Valuable Data. Messrs. R. D. Cooper and M. V. Dodge, tho engineers who havo spent tho past summor in survoying tho irrigation project on Silvies River, nccompnnicd by their wives who lmvo been in camp with them, moved to Burns last week for tho winter. C. B. McConncll who is in charge of tho work makes re port of progress as follews: "Our investigations and activo Hold work .on tho Silvies River pro ject was commenced carlv last spring. Tho cngineors, with full crows, havo been making sur veys of various reservoir Biles and taking tho topography of tho river and its water-shed contin uously sinco tho middle of June. "As is woll known, tho reser voir site in northern part of this and southern part of Grant coun ties, herctoforo withdrawn by tho Federal Reclamation Service, is a most remarkable one so far as its storage capacity is con cerned. While wo havo made a complete survey of this site, it has been our endeavor to find an other Bite or sites farther down on tho river with capacity to storo tho flood waters of the largo water shed lying below this ori ginal site. A number havo been investigated and run out and tho engineers aro now making maps and preparing their estimates and comparisons on tho data so secured. "One of tho serious difficulties to be overcome in launching this irrigation project is to prove that there is water sufficient to justify the expenditure necessary for its storage and distribution. The government secured a very com plete record of tho runoff for tho year 1901, but sinco that timo the data has been incomplete nnd moro or less inaccurate. The branch of tho United Slates Geo logical Survey which has charge of the water resources has given good service but has been handi capped by lack of funds to do those things necessary to obtain a complete record. We havo just made final arrangements where by we are to co-operate with this department, nnd stations aro to bo maintained and complete and accurate record of the runoff from December first to tho mid dle of next summer bo taken at at least three places of Silvies River and two on Silver Creek. "In addition to securing tho necessary record as to amount of water we shall, during tho com ing winter, collect all data and records possible looking to tho adjustment of tho ownership of water rights of tho present land owners in tho Ilarnoy valley. In doing this work we want it dis tinctly understood from tho first that wo are not endeavoring to nor is it within our power to take away any rights heretofore pro perly acquired by anyone. Tho installation of an irrigation pro ject conserving tho vnst quanti ties of water which each spring causes so mucn damage and in convenience as thoy rush down ward into the lakes, and later during the dry scasondistribut- mg this water so stored over tho wido expanse of fertile lands in Harney valley will thus work a two fold benefit to over acre of land and will far moro than double its present market value. We want and will seek the co operation and moral support of every citizen, tho capital will necessarily havo to come from the largo money centers." DOES THIS API'LY HERE? . Every houso in tho county has its library of catalogues and order house advertising matter. The women folks, who do tho Christmas shopping turn from ono catalogue to another, com paring prices nnd in tho end do their Christmas shopping cast Whilo doing this tho Oregonian prints an article about Sears Roebuck who havo just declared a dividend of 83J percent on a $30,000,000 capitalization. Tho Oregonian in commenting de plores tho conditions and falls into tho old argument that peo ple should buy at homo becauso tho order houso docs not pay taxes in every rural district nor docs it drop a nicklo in tho hat Sunday morning at tho village church or build roads, maintain schools, help tho poor and boost tho lowly. This is good talk but it is not to tho point Tho ugly facta are: Tho hardwaro morchant buys his dry goods from tho order houso becauso lie saves monoy. Tho dry goods merchant buys his hardwaro cast because ho saves monoy. Business peoplo do not buy from ono another. Thoy buy from tho mail order houses what thoy do not carry in stock. Morchanta in this county havo boon known to buy tholr personal pills from tho order houso in or dor to savo monoy. Time, timo nnd timo again thoy havo rofuscd to buy tho farmora products and in tho Bamo breath want tho fnrmor to buy at homo. Morchanta can bo named who rofuscd to handlo flour made in tho county from grain grown by those ranchers who aro admon ished to buy nt homo. Tho truth is that country mer chants aro in competition with tho mail ordor house. This is a hard fact, but true. Tho postofilco records and tho profits of th'o mail order houso show it beyond contradiction. Doing in competition tho mer chant must meet tho eastern prico. Ho must inform tho peoplo that ho has the goods and ho must ad vertise a compotitivo prico. Tako tho ordor houso advertis ing matter out of tho country and tho order business is destroy ed. Tho business is built on prico nnd tho advertisement of tho same. Tho homo merchant has a con dition that cxista to meet Fancy nor sentiment will solvo it Price nnd ink solved tho prob lem for tho mail order house. It will do tho eamo for the homo merchant "Who pays tho tax" fails to appeal to tho people. To got tho business, inform the peoplo what you have in stock nnd what you will sell it for. If tho prico is right the business will stay at home. If it is not tho business will go east and next year Scars Roebuck will cut a 20,000,000 melon instead of a $10,000,000 as was dono this year. Blue Mt Eagle. NO. SMI. Ilrport of Ilia romlttlon of llio IIARNUY COUNTY NATIONAL HANK ot DURNS t Harm, In Ibo State ot OrtKoii, at llio cloie of biultioaa, Nor. 10,1910. IMODIUM, ljatiu atl'l lHacounta ll.fl.il M Oicrclrlti,wmf,l atut uniccutrj. U.S. Ilouila to accur circulation Premium! on U. H, Honda . Honda, arcurltlca, alo .. . . .... Hanking houao.lurnlfuro and lUlurea Duo from National Ilanta (not r hitvo aifotita) Due from apprTe rcxrto audita Cliocki ami olhu rail) ttcint Notra of other National llanki fractional xir currency, ulckrla anil cent MwrUb MOXKY KutKTK IN IUNK, vu: flpoclo la.oeaoo Redemption fund wlllill.H.Treaiurer, (3 iwrcent of rln'ulallon) 17,t I .00 00 TO SI 2MU M H.703T7 U.W7M m.tto IS 7,0(4 M MOO SUM B,JW) moo SILVIES RIVER IRRIGATION COMPANY, Total UWM II LMRlUTIIta. Capita! atockpaM In .. fXflMM Burplua Fund.. M.COOW tlnilUIlel proflti, loaa exponici and taieapald 1,1(0 31 National Hank notra outstanding 19A1U) Individual itepoalfa anliject to check mfO It Demand certificates nf Dtpoalt. Time certificate of depottt Caililer'a chock e outetandtiu. Nuteaand Jlllla rcSlaconnlod KAtO W.T0I M 3,(U7l 4,0011 U) II2V.3I It Total BTATKOKOIIKOON. I,., Count jr of Harney, ( I. ton M. llrown, Caetiler of the aborv named dank, do auloinnly (Hear that the abott alatenient latruotolhu Leal of iny knowledge end belief. I.kon M. Umown, Catbler Hutnorlhixl audaworn to before mothlelOlh day of Nor,, 1910. A. W, OowK iBeal) Notary 1'ubllc. Correct-Altrat: O. V. McKlKNir 0. A. Hansom J. H. DlLTON Director!. Big reduction in men's hata Fred Haines. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablota do not sicken or gripo, and may bo taken with perfect safety by the most deli cate woman or tho youngest child. Tho old and feeble will also find them a most suitablo remedy for aiding and stronght- henmg their weakened digestion and for regulating tho bowels. For snlo by all good Dcalors. Organliatton of Water Diern Who Desire to Promolc Irrigation In This Valley. Tho Silvies River Irrigation Co. is going to bo a factor in helping to solvo thq water pro blom of this valloy according to Btatomcnta of parties interested. Tho Timcs-Horald is informed that this company 1b an organi zation of substantial land owners nnd wntor users who aro inter ested in tho futuro development of this section nnd tho particular purpoao of tho company is to bring about n hotter understand ing of existing conditions nnd got matters in shapo to control tho flood waters of Silvies Rivor. This company will in no wise bo an obstruction but desires to facilitate matters in proparatlon of tho final adjustment of nil water used for irrigation and making it posslblo to cover a grcator area of land, theroforo bringing practically tho entire valley undor a system of irriga tion that is to como in tho future. It Is not tho intention of tho promoters to interfere with tho vested rights of present users or to hold up any enterprise having tho storage of tho water by a system of reservoirs under con sideration, but rather to assist such an undertaking. Tho or ganization nnd education of tho peoplo along this line is of much importance and tho actual work of such a company noting in good faith with unselfish personal mo tives should be commended. We need added facilities for caring for tho flood waters and the only way to secure it is to encourage oycry ontorpriso having such an end in viow. No othor great body of flno farming country can now bo found in tho West that will comparo with Harney Valloy and with a Bystem of Irrigation covering such a territory the possibilities aro almost beyond comprehension. That such a system Is posaiblo is not denied; that it will bo dono noma day is admitted; If wo can hasten that timo it is our duty to do so. Tho Silvies Rivor Irrigation Co. has opened tho way to such an end if thoso interested are really in earnest and acting in good faith. Tho Timcs-Horald has it from soma of tho stockholders of tho concern that it is mndo up of mon of affairs of this section men who hnvo not nlono personal interests but who also desiro to assist in tho development of the Harney country. They sco the nossibilitios and will do their part toward building it up at tho earliest possiblo moment Tho Timcs-Horald would sug gest careful investigation of this sclicmo by nil interested with a viow of pushing tho good work provided it ia a feasible proposi tion. Tho timo is at hand f6r' tho concerted action of our peo nlo toward tho development of tho country. Citizens of the cn- tlro country should put their shoulder to tho wheel in bringing about results. Wo havo capital awaiting such opportunities and men now investigating possiblo concervation of tho flood waters throughout this Bection. Rail road building in the early spring is practically settled and every indication points to rapid dovcl onment and settlement of the vast interior Oregon. Lot us bo ready for such a change REAL CHRISTMAS Among tho Now Things are Complete Dinner Sets Hand-Painted China Water Sets FURNITURE Headquarters at prices that are aro right See our New Things Suitablo for Presents. GRAPHAPHONE FREE! Call and ask about it AT- Cleavenger's Furniture Store rYyrtl rvv.v-v, U M. KELLOGG STAGE CO. Four well equipped lines. Excellent facilities for transportation of mail, express, passengers Pralrlc City to Hums. Vnlo to Burns Hums to Diamond Burns to Venator E. B. WATERS, Agent. L v rum it: m::nBm:::mmn:mmnntttiM::t::ttHKtrttmB:juun:immnnnni The HARNEY VALLEY MEAT MARKET Kaiser & Hiisitelc, Proprietors VIPAT ofaHkinds i T ldri 1 O always ready Your Patronage Solicited Corner Alain it ml II Streets Locltcr Building utuummamJttnjjnnamtanniirrnuttimunwttMnmtt NOTION OK BALK. In llio Kstato of Killlh and Ilormaa Larron, minora. You will tako notlco tint by virtuo of an ortlor of tho count)' court aj the Btato o( Oregon (or Ilarnoy County duly undo and antorod, tho undorniKnod uuardlan will procoud to noil nt prlvnto Halo from and altar Decuuibor 20, 1010, for caah to tho htffhoiit and boat bidder all tho right, tltlo and Intoroet of tho above natnod minora in and to tho WiWj of section 84, T. 80 H., II. 33 K, W. M. In Ilarnoy County, Oregon, A. Btonk, Andrews, Oro. Gtinnllnn of tho ahovo named minora. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Unitku Statu Land orricjt. Duma, Oregon, November 1, mo, Notlco la hereby elven that rcotu It Dloken. aon, wlioeo Iot-nce adrireiala lturua, Oro- lion, No.WJO.to purcliaio the NUNU. election 2l,lownalil Ti k. llanito S K., WlllaaineltB Meridian, mxl the timber tuereon, unilortho lrovlaloneo( thoaotof Jnno I, 1S7S, ami acta amendatory, known a the "Timber audBtooo J.aw" at auth ralno aa mlfht bo fixed by at pralapmeut, and ttiat, purauant to auon appli cation, tho land and timber Inoron have been appralaed, tbo tlmbor uatlmatod taiO.OOO board on, did, nn tho lath day of 1'obruary, 11)10, file in thla oftico riworn mateinent and Aphllcri- feet at II 00 per M, and the laud 1100.00; that hi oner nuai prooi in auppori u and aworn atatomui.t on lbs 80th day of January, IVll, before the ltef later luldappllraut wll of bor application and aworn atatomui.t on ibo Boui nay ol January, ivn, ueion and Itecelvor, at Jlurua, Orcgoni Any pereou ia at iipenr iu proieat ima pur ohaae before entry, or Initiate a oonteat at any time before patent laanea, by flllnirarerrobor. atad affidavit In tula office, alletlng facta which would defeat the entry, WM Fahhi, lteglater, ttaa:ia:ntm:mttnmm5H:'mamnmt:anManaa:iMaaaj The OVERLAND HOTEL Under new management Having leased tills popular house wo extend nn Invitation to our friends to como and stop with us First Class Accommodations In every respect Good table service ORA HILL, Prop., Burns, Oregon m.ir.MiamMmauttaw:aaaaa:aawv:aa:taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. H BURNS HOSPITAL MR. AND MRS. II. W. HAMILTON, Tropts. A Private Hospital Convently Arranged Under the Care of Experienced Nurses... PATIENTS RECEIVED ANY TIME, DAY OR NIGHT Rates reasonable Call and get prices do To The White Front Livery Stable NEW RIGS AND TEAMS 'Phone to Me for Your Doctor Calls. R. J. McKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. OEER & CUMMINS Burns, Oregon. . S . j .jatw Tk - -el afal -m I W naraware anu ruuivei Glassware . . ... In Guns and Arnmunitioi FARMING MACHINE!! of all kinds an 0( lor Get our prices before buyinl Young's Meat Market & Gik Reduction in prices for Cash nearly everything in stock will be sold at adis count. Take ad vantage of this pro position and save money. REED BUILDING OPPOSITE, POST tap SB ion )CC -J' ior er. all )at mc A Iw.' ticl Tl he's t ai 'his ,T1 aza nd! las ri )lts sar ikei c& & Cal h irou . ycei ......... j..z:z ng , )0V '.BURNS LIVERY AND FEED STABlg CORTES E. ELLIOTT, Propt. ; on? ..V.i'7 . nil. i,l,i.i, e? ,f, MM III, Mil i to tru7i.saent tiislMsffi freight team. l Horses kept bilh'' week or month ' V,C1 war FIRST CLASS LIUH HtrL Han and ui'i'itOwe uti hand, j' CI ., . ..of i our iiiroitiifl foiics is a 8outll Mflill St . ! trni.( at Special Attention Given to Conducting Funerals NEW AND ACCURATE HAY SCALES IN CONNECTION WITH BARN. ved sa-a,ag-,SBgS. ""SSq suj AW'lWS&AVV,V.SZ -. CHRISTMAS IS COMIM& NOW is the time to Bu Holiday Goods W! rOW is the time to Buy Your ioliday Goods rE Have the Largest and Best Line in the City GIVE US A CALL. WJ The City Drug Store $$ REED BROS., Proprietors -avtaaV''.'VVaVS)-ft-'.0' ttmmmmmmtmMUttmsKmm:mturmnmu:mmnmm!:s:tnj iref) RANDALL, PASSENGER & flALOI Government Land Locator anil ilenlcru in fj HARNEY COUNTY LAN( ROOMS 1-2-3 ODD FELLOW IJLDG., DUIINS, OBfo uinntmmiinmtmmnmmnmmHmuJimtmtmtin:::..::;. 'i, , JtS-w. WMmmmmmmmmammmmammmmmmmmmcTXiVXLzca $rnyrl mseicsll. THBHStkHifiiiai ZZ.MArHIKF.K WRITE FOR .SPECIAL CATALOG AND PR' THE A.H.AVERILL MACHINERY S POKAISE, WASH-PORTLANb. ORE.. - 5AH JBji 9