- ..i, , m, .iii in herald. LSdKST OinOOIATION Of PATER IN T1HB COUNTY. Iy, NOVKMIIKK 19, 1010. L 1 M..n ! fVni 11BYVO, Benjamin nt Schonk boating stovo for sale, this office. rtcra for Christmas jiaburg, Dalton & Co. iranderVeer was over Uno Creek farm this r llling Company wants aul lumbor from mill i lar has received a por- , fall and winter milli- Hnvites tho ladies to B. Reed & Son for ttor, Eggs, Cheese, Cranberries, at lowest Ino of dry goods, fur- Bhoes, hats, etc can found at Hagoy & lers' ciud win noia n forepart of December vo all kinds of Chnst- immings for sale. J kpper and Chr.s. Owen' iwn the first of this ing recently rciurnea icmucca where they Jriving cattle r.U sea- few choice fillies and lc, yearlings and two Will sell cheap if They are all high Ihoice individuals. J. W. Biggs. Slard has had his share this week. He lost ; horse by drowning in vhilo watering his team .Stanclift bridge, and agon ran over his foot- ihis largest toe which off for a few weeks. Reward Team strayed Schwartz homestead urns, one brown mare krith crow's foot on left horse branded spade er circle over, on left shed: likely to range of upper Sage Hen or Iver creek. $10.00 re their return. I. SCHWARTZ. He approacn oi tne Season, we shall be to supply you witn id Domestic Exchange principal cities of the STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK BURNS, OREGON at tho close of business November 10th, 1910 ' RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $283,710.12 U.S. Bonds 50,000.00 Bonds and Securities BG.019.80 Premium on U. S. Bonds 2,000.00 Real Estate, Furnituro and Fixtures 6,000.00 Five per cent Redemption Fund 1,250.00 CASH ' 141.38fl.73 $540,5GG.71 LIABILITIES Capital ,..V.. $.25,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 48,785.75 Circulation 25,000.00 DEPOSITS 441,780.06 $540,560.71 Capital : Surplus : $70,000.00 United States Depositary Accounts Invited nstmas mail steamers York, as at present ; are as follews: Britain and Ireland, S. S. "Mauretania:" id Germany, Dec. 15, Lorraine;" Scandina and Spain, Dec. 10, Augusta Victoria." .town orders will rc- upt attention. COUNTY NATiON- JANK of Burns. Clothes pressed and cleaned at SchenkBros. 4i lbs best coffee on earth $1.00 Fred Haines. Jack Monroe is up from the southern part of tho county. Lunaburg, Dalton & Co. have all kinds of Christmas goods. C. V. Reed was up from his Sunset home during the week. Hagey & Richardson carry tho best brands of groceries. All iresn. v Tn. TV. f- nml Mra H Ti" Siler, Sunday, Nov. 13. a daugh ter. Overshoes. Rubbers. Felt boots and German Socks at Tho Busy Corner Store. Mrs. J. M. Dalton and daugh ter Juno returned from Portland tho first of this week. See the Inland Empire Real ty Co. if you have anything for sale or exchange. j W. F. Hissner, a Seattle capi-j talist, is a recent arrival in this county looking for investments. Alfred Benjanin of New York has made Schonk Bros, agents for Harney county for his great clothing. Schenk Bros, do not have to send your suit back to a Phila delphia lawyer for alteration. They are tailors and can do it themselves. Dave Defenbaugh brought in the election returns from Denio and spent a few days hero visit ing UIHl UUUIIUIHK w uuauiuaa. He left for home Thursday. . A 2-year-old buckskin filly' branded J. B. on left shoulder! was lost on Mosquito flat 14 miles north of Burns. $10 for her de livery in Burns. John Back. 11 lbs of sugar for $1.00 Fred Haines. High class Christmas goods nt Lunaburg, Dalton & Co. 20 per cent off on mens and boys suits Fred Haines. Better look at some of the kid dolls at The Busy Corner Store. C. M. Steadman, of Portland, is here in the interest of, tho A. O. U. W. lodge. Tho French Hotel serves a fine Sunday dinner and special attention is given to family service. v Geo. Waters, a lormer uusinesa man of this 'city, was elected shoriff of Washington county, Idaho, at the recent election. Rok Rent-TIio P. M. Cheney place, consisting of six hundred acres, in Warm Springs Valley. Possession can bo had at onco. Apply to Archie McGowan, Burns, Oregon. The Thanksgiving service will bo held next Thursday morning at tho -Baptist church at 11 o'clock, Rov. A. J. Irwin of tho Presbyterian church will deliver tho sermon. Poland;Cihna Pigs for Sale -During the next two weeks I will sell a fow choico pigs, either male or femalo at bottom prices, Certificates of Pedigree furnish ed. J. W. Biggs. L. E. Beedo and his brother, Arthur, were- over from Drewsey tho first of this week. The lat terlis a recent arrival from Neb raska and comes to cast his lot in Harney county. Tf vou want to make a trade, sell your relinquishment or other property the Inland Empire Real ty Co. will be of great assistance to you. They have sold others and can sell yours. WE INVITE COMPARISONS ! ?' &3 FANCY GROCERIES Than Any Store of Equal Size In tho State. wr A ivt T rI I To Liomo in ami compare yur uoous ami prices yvhu iuumi vi WAIN I YOU othor store.. WFERRED STOCK GROCESIES .&L. BRAND CANNED GOODS fetter Than Most Goods That Cost More Money. Wo Carry a Large Line. Try Them. JVES We Have Bulk Olives, Queen Olives, Pimento Olives, and Ripe Ol'ves. IEESE We Have Tillamook Cream, Brick, Limburer, Wisconsin Swiss, Im ported Swiss and Imperial Cheese. 1NDS OF PICKLES, WALNUTS, ALMONDS, THE BEST DRIED FRUITS L Complete Line of Fancy and Staple Groceries E BUSY CORNER STORE, i. senwartz, rrop. a 9 yards of outing flannel $1.00 Fred Haines, O. J. Darat was down from tho TrouCCrcek minc3 this week. Take a post graduato couso. of instruction by reading tho dis play ad.'of.Tho.Busy Corner Storo D. N. Turner of .Tuntura, a former Harney county residont was in tho city during tho week. A danco will bo given at Sun set school houso Thanksgiving, Nov. 24. Supper at E. C. Egg loston's. John Vest, ono of our promi nent sheep raisers, was in tho city this week looking after busi ness. Thncn ilnnirtncr their winter oiinnlu nf nntnfnna find onions should call at tho E. B. Reed & Son's grocery. A ilniin-litirnf Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Kelsay arrived hero recently and is now nt tho inmiiy nomo in this city. Tho personal attention given guests at tho French Hotel has given it a good reputation L. B. Cub, Prop. Tho Times-Herald calls atten tion to tho statements of our banks in this issue. $800,000 in deposits isn't so bad for this community. Holiday novelties aro now be ing unpacked at Tho Busy Corner Rtom. Thu writer was favored with a view of somo very choico articles. Countv Clerk-elect Waters ex pects to leave for Portland in tho immediate future to visit a short time before entering upon his office duties. The government surveyors who have been at work on unsurveyed land in tho southwestern part of this county have quit operations for the Avmter. Miss Louiso Davoy, who has been ill with pneumonia, under- wont an oneration Tuesday to re lievo an abeess formed in her side. Tho young lady is in a serious condition but with every prospect favorable for recovery. Post Master Loggan left this week for Portland with his little daughter where ho will consult a specialist regarding an car trouble the little girl has. Ho will be absent an indefinite time. C. W. Loggan is assisting Will Gould in tho post office during his ab sence. The Burns fire boys entertained tho ladies auxilliary at Locher'a lmll Inaf ninrlif Thnrn woro about 80 guests present and the evening was most tnorougiuy en joyed with a musical program, dancing and a chicken supper. Tho boys did tho honors with credit Died Frank M. Dickenson at the Hamilton hospital yester day morning. Ho had been Buf fering from typhoid fovcrand seemed to bo improving but a se vere hemorrhage yesterday morn ing caused his death. Deceased was -15 years old and had no re latives in this section. In purchasing real estate you should demand of tho grantor an abstract of title to property pur chased. You should know, that you have a marketable title and ono that will not cost you trouble and expense when the time comes that you want to sell. Harney County Abstract Co. , Inc. Ahchie McGowan, Pres. Chas. Nation, representing the Modern Woodman is in tho city in tho intorcst of that order and will orcranizo a local camp He has arranged to meet all the old members at tho W. T. Lester real estate office on next Satur day evening, Nov. 26 to discuss plans. All members of tho order in this section aro invited to bo preseyt Supt. Gilcrest of tho P. L. S. Co. was in tho city this week. Schenk Bros, have received a case of Alfred Benjanin clothing. W. B. Johnson was among our Silver Creek visitors this week. Mrs. M. Horton is over from Diamond this week on a visit to rolatives. Irving Miller made a business trip to Crane creek and Alvord this week. ltoiw To Mr. and Mrs. PlatN T. Randall, Monday, Nov. 14, a daughter. A. M. Kelsay was over from Silver creek this week on a visit to his family. Tho Burns Flour Milling Co. will pay 2i cents per pound for wheat or barloy. John Hippsman has gone to oulsido points. Ho will likely re main away all winter. Emory Colo is in from Malheur county on business connected with the irrigation projects with which ho is concerned. Miss K. Neugebnuer is located in tho Jorgenson building south Main St and is proparcd to do all kinds of dress making. All goods at tho Hagoy & Richardson general merchandise storo aro now and up to date. Good values in every purchase. It. J. Williams was over from tho Silver Creek ranch this week bringing Mrs. Williams who will remain hero with the boys this winter. You will never again be quite as you aro today mentally or physically. Perhaps not over again will you be nble to get so "young" n photograph-that looks liko you as today. Visit the Saycr Studio. $25 Reward -Team, one bright bay gelding branded J P connect ed on left stifle, one black mare T5 on left shoulder. Driven from here by Scotty Glen. J. E. McCoy, Burns. Oregon. Blue prints of any township in Burns Land District, showing name of entryman, date and kind of entry, topography, etc., $1.00 each. Piatt T. Randall, Burns, Ore. . M Roy Bunyard and wife were down from Harney this week. Roy just closed down his mill last weok for tho season and says although ho had a big run ho could not fill tho orders for lum ber as fast as they came in. Ho exnocts to leave in a short time for Portland whoro ho will secure somo additional machinery and renairs for tho plant. He will bo accompanied on tho trip by his wifo and Mrs. Cortes Elliot. A letter to this offico from Mrs. Starr Buckland at Harney an nounces tho death of her father, Jason Bennolt, on Noy. 4, at Merlin, Oregon. Deceased was 70 years old and came to this county 25 years ago. M Ben nett left hero with his wifo and son last spring for tho coast whoro ho hoped, his health would improve. Ho was well known to tho pioneer peoplo of this section and was respected by a wide circle of friends. Ho leaves besides his daughter, Mrs. Auckland, two sons and his widow. J. W. Brown and son Claude' have gone to tho C. T. Carey farm on CranO Creek where they will bo engaged for several weeks putting up a fine new res idence for Mr. Carey. "I have a world of confidence in Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for I havo used it with perfect success," writes Mrs. M. I. Bnsford, Poolcsville, Md. For salo by all good Dealers. J. P. Gearhart and J. C. Davis were over from their homes near Van this week. Mr. Gearhart lost a very valuable draft horse whilo here. The animal seemed to havo colic and after mnch agony died. Work stock wintered on most reasonable terms. Good pasture with plenty of shelter at $1.50 per head per month. Good tim othy hay, if required or desired, fed at merely tho cost of thohnj,'. Inquire at this office. Mrs. John Robertson left Tues day for her homo in Portland after n delightful visit hero with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Thompson and other relatives. Sho was accompanied by Miss Leona Thompson who will spend the winter in Portland. J. II. Anderson of Harney county was hero this week on route for" Monument. Ho had with him a silver cup that ho was awarded at tho Harney county fair for tho best display of grain. Tho cup wns presented by the Great Northern railroad. Blue Mt Eagle. A trovernmont reservoir pro ject capable of irrigating botween four and nvo tnousanu acres oi vacant, unsurveyed government land in this county has been par tially completed and parties in terested will givo tho right men with capital a good proposition to take up tho matter and push it to completion. This must bo takon up at once. For informa tion call or write Guy Shaver was in from his homestead in tho Welcomovillo neighborhood this week bringing in somo of tho finest celery wo havo Been this season, and also a big turnip. Peoplo will havo to quit joshing tho manager of this great religious weekly and others about their "sand ranches" for Guy is in a position to "show" Missourians that wo havo tho cream of Harney Valloy farm land. There is little danger from a cold or from an nttack of tho grip except when followed by pneumonia, and this novor hap pens when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is used. This remedy hns won 5ts crnnt renutntion and extensive salo by its remarkablo cures of colds and grip and can bo relied upon with implicit con fidence For salo by nil good dealdrs. Tho Home- Hotel is the comfor rnblo place to board. Q. W. Lewis was in from hiB homestead tho other day. ' Wanted Horses to pasturo and winter. Call on or address, Ciias. Wilson. ' W. G. Hodder and Bon, Walter, ycro in (ho city the first of the Week. i Foil SALE Second hand buggy and light hack enquire nt this office. Thoroughbred Earrcd Rock cockcrals for sale C. E. Mc Phcctors. Those desiring stone work, brick work or plastering should consult A, Beckley, Waverly, Oregon. Mrs. W. R. Dawson was up from Sunset Thursday. Mr. Dawson has gone out for a load of fruit and vegetables. Agents Wanted for PHEONIX MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of OREGON, 829 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. Rcatos for sule, all sizes and lengths, price 20 cents per foot. Any one desiring Reatos address W. A. Ford of J. O. Alberson, Alberson, Oregon. Clay Clemens mill is the near est ono to Burns where all kinds of lumber both rough and dress ed can bo had. Near Canyon road. Call him by 'phono for quick orders. Estuay Ono blood bay geld ing weightaboutDOO, white face, all four feet white; branded small Z down on left shoulder. Taken up in Catlow Valley. Owner call prove property and pay charges. Walter Waid, Diamond. Ore. A 'phono message stated Sun day that A. Venator had been dangerously hurt by a horse over near Riverside and Dr. Griffith was started without delay in an auto to see him. He found upon tho end of his journey that Mr. Venator had gone to Ontario and had not been hurt at all. They broke the auto and had quite a streneous timo getting home. "I am pleased to recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as the best thing I know of and the safest thing for coughs, cold and bronchial trouble," writes Mrs. L. B. Arnold of Denver, Colo. "We havo used it repeat edly and it has never failed to givo relief." For sale by all good Dealers. NOTICE. The treasurer of Harney Coun ty has money on hand to redeem all warrants registered up to and including Nov. 5, 1910. Interest ceases on this date. E. N. Jameson, County Treasurer. A GOOD POSITION Can bo had by ambitious young men and ladies in the field of Wireless" or Railway telegra phy. Since tho 8-hour law be came effective, and since tho Wireless companies are establish ing stations throughout the country there is a great shortngo of telegraphers. Positions pay beginers from $70 to if'JU per month, with good chanco of ad vancement The National Tele graph Institute of Portland, Ore gon, operates six official institutes in America, under supervision of R. R. and Wireless Officials and places all graduates into positions, THE It will pay you for full details. to write them E. A. SHAFER U. S. Mineral Survoyor & Civil Engineer Irrigation and Water Supplj En gineering. Townsile, Land and Mineral land Talent Surveys. Drafting, Designing, llluo Print ing, Estimates, Etc. Narrows, Oregon MOTE'S CANDY STOKE Has just received a fresh lot of CANDIES, CIGARS, TOBACCO New and hands me Pat Cards, Stationery, Ink, Pens, Pencils, Novelties. A SPECIALTY OF BOX CANDY EXTRA Fine assortment of everything D.R. MOTE, Burns, Oregon Harney County National Bank Of Burns, Oregon. Report of Condition Nov., 10, 1910 .RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts .$185,211.47 United States Bonds. 20,275.94 Other Bonds and County Warrants . 25,111.31 Furniture andFixtures 3,703.77 Cash or Exchange .. 184,22) .02 $418,624.11 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock ... $ 2G.000.00 Surplus and Profits. . . 15,140.34 Circulation 19,600.00 Deposits 357,883.77 $418,524.11' ONE YEAR'S GROWTH IN DEPOSITS Nov. JO, 1909, $281,823.80 Nov. 10, 1910, $357,883.77 The policy of the Officers and Di rectors of The Harney County Na tional Bank is to maintain its well earned reputation for Safety and Con Bcrvatism. Our office equipment Is modern and complete. Our staff competent an J courteous. With this record and the Merits of our Statement we respectfully solicit your patronage.. BUY YOUR DRUGS at OUR STORE We handle a complete line of everything usually sold by up to date druggists. It is OUR AIM TO PLEASE This we do by courteous treatment and reasonable prices to ail our customers THE PLACE TO GET YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon. ! AT HOME in our NEW BUILDING COME AND SEE US LUNABURG, DALTON & CO. Burns fVleat Market New Simp Opposite I lie First National Rank Main St. fcPork, Yienan. Bologna and Liver Sausage.'. Beef in any Quantity. Vopr, patronage solicited. H. J HANSEN, Propt The Eastern Oregon Engineering Co. CIVIL, MUNICIPAL AND IRRIGATION ENGINEERS Main Office, Burns, Oregon A. O. CAULKNEU, Ugr. Branch Office, Lakcvicw, Oregon O, U, FAVLKKKH, Ugr THE TIIVSES-HERALO ng. r $ $ $ $ $ $ (l (T (T (J (f p tp p tp t) $$$$$$ $ $$?$$$$ HI I H H M (Mil Ml II II tf 5 A$l 'hi f I I Sl jur ri'iu (ill on 1 nmuiucr 'ill-6ili"l Hrm. Ill I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C ? C ? O C p p p ip p p p $ $ $ $& & & & & SJ . p ip H " A'. , -J