p""" am 4 '4 .1 THE TIMES-HERALD'S ABSTRACT OP ELECTION RETURNS UP TO DATE. II 20 33 ai Conjrress Crawford, S 22 Lnffcrty, R 178 Manning, D 105 Pratt, -P Governor Bowcrman, R IGOi Enton, P (5 Richards. S 21 West, D 137 Secretary of State Benson, R .. . 17fi Davis, P..t 8 McDonald, S 29 Oliver, D 98, State Treasurer Butler, P 32 Kay, R 210 Otten, S 40 Sunremo Court. 4-years Bean. R 191 Brijrht, P 2G McBride, RD .. 153 Myers. S 33 Ryan. S 21 Slater, D 77 Sunremo Court. G-years Burnett, R 1G7 Jones, S ... 80 King. D 161 Moore, RD 187 Pnmn H 9.9 Attorney General Brix, S 48 Crawford,. R .... 223 State Sunt Alderman, R 16849,52 Hinsdale, S TJ Horner, D Steel. P State Printer Bylander, S Duniway, R Godfrey, D . Labor Commissioner Curry. S Hoff, R Houston t Railroad Commissioner McLain. D 131 Miller, R 171 State Engineer Koob, S 43 Lewis, R . . . 236 Water Supt Cochran, R JlGTj Saxfon, D 135 Circuit Court ! BiKKs. D ;15857 Davis. R 1149, Renresentative Brooke. R ' . 161 Johnson, S 27 McKnight, D ... 117 County Judce Buchanan. D '128 Thompson, R . 197 Commissioner i Foster. D ,12-1 Sylvester. R :199 Clerk- Mothershead, D 153 Waters, R 176! Sheriff- Huehet, R 144 Richardson, D- . . . . 193 Treasurer Jameson 176 Lewis, D 155 Surveyor- Beery, D 143 Shafer. R 180 Coroner Denman. D. 953924 Geary, R 220'54'G2l "Bo WIPI f a 101 8 27 1735051 1073023 32 1684G52 163:37,20 m 47 7 64 44 37 28 35 32 4G 17 50 15 48 26 13 37 33 31 14 56 45 16 43 18 1Q :ra 29 27 68 53 30 33 45 45 535046 17113:22 uy.oo.ui Pi 1543 2739 31'50 45,39 2838, 4543 557 41)56 'lU.'U 3752 4744 27 31 48 25 48 33 4-1 34 13 50 30 44 31 58 39 35 54 46 48 63 3-1 41 54 25 20 20 25 5 39 20 24 28 18 2-1 22 J23 27 29 10 18 32 28 21 16 34 21 17 20 21 21 1420 8228 2632119 24 18 27 12 33 9 10 31 17 23 ?51 1 731 11 1 7 7 12 8.18 19 19 496130 8120 8123 11 7 G 7 6 1G 16 10 15 .- 7 17 18 19 1 10 5 4 10 16 2 34 8 22 21 15 23 11 18 1G 5 30 15 18 10 w 11 22 t6 16 20 9 18 15 14 12 23 8 9 23 18 11 s a. 41416 914U4 16 9 322 510 26 5 10 21 18 17 16 21 14 20 27 932 19 8 824 2015 1230 16 9 19 11 16 1620 county, his homo by about 140 votes while Mr. BiggH carried Malheur county by over 350 and his majority in this county will bo about 100. W. IT. Brooko line been ro olcctcd roprcsonlativo of tho dis trict by a small majority. It appears from information at hand that prohibition 1ms lost in this Btato and it is possiblo homo rulo has carried, although tho outlying districts may dofcat tho measure when tho returns aro in. Tho figures in tho tablo given this issue aro all that could bo obtained at tin's timo ns to tho re sult in this county. Nono of tho outsido precincts lmvo furnished It is almost impossible at this timo to ostlmato how much of tho bIx billion feet which was de stroyed can eventually bo sal vnged. Got an Alfred Benjamin suit at Sclionk Bros. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablots do not sicken or ii, ii proves io do a toiai .,,!., ,i m i. it, ,m. loss, and should its stumpago perfect safety by tho most doll value bo placed a tho same figurocnto woman or lho t at which national forest timber ch,M Tho oM and fJblo vni wiw.iiiuijruui.ii.wumuiiii.-iiii nso flml lhcm a mmt suitable ' ;:W:it. ' ' .v NiPw aifl lCiaF ,-9mHV wmYmijS. Slr - Mfc-.2- ' BlSHfll a monoy loss of about flf toon mil lion dollars. This valuation docs not of courso includo tho destruction of tho many towns and villages and tho loss of homos and life. It proves, howovcr, tho advocacy of a hotter force of men to look after tho forests of tho country, and better means of protection. remedy for aiding and stronght honing thoir weakened digestion nnd for regulating tho bowels. For sale by all good Dealers. VALLIiY VIHW PERSONALS. Mkt m$-WimlL BATUBDAY. NOVEMBEtt 1J, 1910 1 returns from other precints show I tho same all over tho county. Voters were evidently voting for the man and that is right 8UB80BIPTION KATKB: OneYeir WX BU Monthi 1.00 Three Month!., , 75 JULIAN UYKI1 Mauffir The weather on election day portended the result on the liquor question. Yes, there were several sur prises on the result of the elec tion, but you always find the "I told you so." Nebraska-C. A. Aldrich (Rep.), governor by 16,000. NewJersey Woodrow Wilson (Dem.), governor by 15,000. Kansan W. R. Stubbs (Rep.), governor by 20,000. Iowa Governor Carroll (Rep. ) , re-elected by 15,000. Oswald West is elected in this The daily papers of Portland have certainly gone the limit in the recent campaign in abusing the leading candidates on both sides. It was ridiculous and did j state by at least 3000. not gain any votes for their can- Tho vote on governor in Idaho didates nor any praise from their '3 vcrycloso with Hawloy (pern), readers. I'" tho lead. It will take tho I official count to decide it LafTcrty and Hawloy, both re publicans, havo safe majorities for congress in this state. "Teddy" was hit hard in New York, but he is one of those that can "come back." He's not in Jeff's class, you know. The man who offered to bet potatoes on tho result of the election was certainly a sport The butter and egg man is in the same class. We'd hotter get busy now for the advent of a big lot 'of now people who are sure to, como in the spring along with railroad construction. The Times-Herald is publish ing portions of Prof. Shaw's speech on dry farming recently delivered at Spokane. Tins is a repetition in some instances of former utterances of that gentle man, but they'll stand repeating. THE ELECTION. The result of the elections Harney county's election was very closo in some offices. At ono time it was thought it would take tho official count to decide tho voto on clerk but later tho reports give tho election to E. B. Watters by about 15 votes. Sheriff Richardson has been Tho next thing is Thanksgiv ing turkey. The election will be fought over for a short timo only by those who know how it happened." The Oregon and Western Col onization Co. issued some very attractive descriptive pamphlets of tho Interior of Oregon. They aro yery good but tho population given of Burns and Harney will not bo fully verified by tho cen sus report The counting of the votes after tho recent election shows that party lines were not drawn by TUff'UiaiJII. W lift straight ballots were cast in Burns and ine result or me elections r,.clected and Simon Lewis has throughout tho United States j , Tuesday was decided democratic. ' Tho party has gained control of the house bnt for present infor mation at hand in scorns tho re publicans will havo a small ma jority in tho senate. Following aresomoof the governors elected: Connecticut Simeon II. Bald win (Dem.) governor by 5000. Colorado John II. Shafroth (Dem.), governor by 1B;000. California Hiram W. Johnson (Rep.), governor by 30,000. Minnesota C. H. Eberhart (Rep.), governor by 30,000. Massachusetts E. N. Foss (Dem.). governor by 30,000. New York-John A Dix (Dem), governor by 30,000. Ohio Judson Harmon (Dem.), governor by 98,000. New Hampshire R. P. Bass (Rep.), governor by 6000, Pennsylvania John K. Tener (Rep.) governor by 80,000. Rhode Island Governor Pot hier (Rep.), re-elected by 8000. Tennessoo B. W. Hooper (Rep.), governor by 15,000. Wisconsin P, E. McGovern (Rep. Michigan C.k6flborh(Rop.), governor by 15,000. PMH-i Ki'-Pirtv S?lr " Hi i - MRB tm lft IBF ' " aH --.' 'lB IIa . '1 -Kftsl K (L H,1VI Congressman-Elect A. W. Lnflfcrty. tho voto on lho amendments or lho socialist or prohibition candi dates. The voto on these mea sures for Burns precinct was: Woman's suffrage, yes, 97; No 141. Eastern Oregon Insane nsylum, yen, 147; no 81. Constitutional convention, yes 81; no 120. For Rcpamtu district for state senators nnd representatives, yes 52; no 82. Taxation amendment yes 44; no 77. Permitting state construction of railroads, yes 58; no 76. Changing methods of taxation, yes 46; no 82. liaising salary of circuit judge of Baker county, yes 36; no 194. Ncsmith county, yes, 31; no 187 Monmouth normal school, yes 145; no 101. Otis county, yes 105; no 150. Annexing portion of Clackamas county to Multnomah yes 24; no 195. Williams county, yes 31; no 183. Allowing each county to regu late taxation, yes 111; no 118. Home Ruler yes 133; no 121. Protect persons in hazardous employment and extending em ployers' liability, yes 134; no 104. Orchard county, yes 36; no 17G Clark county, yes 41; no 176. Weston Normal school, yes 131; No 111. Annex portion of Washington county to Multnomah, yes 17; no 190. Ashland Normal school, yes 11G; no 110. Prohibition, yes 97; no 169. Enforce prohibition, yes 103; no 165. Create board of commissioners to preparo employes' indemnity yes 86: no 132, Prohibit fishing in Roguo River except angling, yes 121;. no 101. Deschutes county yes 37; no 17G. Creating of now towns, counties nnd municipal districts, yes 99; no 119. uoou roads amendment, yes 139; no 84. Extend direct primary, yes 103; no 119. Create board of people's inspec tors of government, etc. 77; no 138. Increasing initiative, referen dum and recall powers, etc., 75; no 139. Changing jury and judicial system, yes 99; no 120. Mrs. Howard arrived homo from her visit in Missouri and tho family aro now moving to tho Shaw placo nenr Burns. Mr. Oswald is doing some painting for Mr. Catterson in Lawen. Geo. Cobb started to tho road Wednesday for supplies. Tho Hallowe'en party nt How ards was well attended. Evory ono had n good timo which show's that tho V. W. girls can enter tain. Bertha Carter is spending a fow days with Mrs. Rush. Several around hero aro gotting fruit trees to sot out in tho spring. Then 80o them grow. Mrs. LeMay received word of her mother's death and has given up her trip to Kansas. Mr. Martin is getling some ground ready for spring grain. Ho raised n fino garden tin's year and wants to try something more noxt year. $25,000 Is Doing Spout by SUNSET MAGAZINE on tho grontoitt fciitnro ovor l toinptudliy n flltt'cn-cunt MitRailcr, A torloa of lA'pnga nrtlclcn, tic crlblnt; nnd picturing tho won tlorful nttrnctloiiB of tho I'nclflc Cont country. PKINTHD JN KOMI OOI.OH8. Tlio Horloit begin In Novumbori Ort'Kuii "Wlicro Roll tint Ori'ROii." Docoittbor : Bitn Krnncleco "Tito City 'flint Ih." Jftiinnry : I. on Aiii(li-i-"IIotiiulnii(l." Many nllior Htronn fenttiron IticlinI Inn n fiiNclunlliiK Morlal no vol of Onllfornln, "Tho Sitcll," by O. N. nint A. M. Williamson, Atttliorn of "Tho MghtnliiK Conductor," Htc, will contribute t mitko HIJNSHT MAOAINK lho bunt vitluc of lho yt'itr. Try It Three Months 25 cents SUNSET MAGAZINE 31!) llnllory Btreut, San IVanolnco, Cnl 1'lcMO unit ina "HUNKRT" for Ihren liioutlii In (renrdanen wllli jrour tpvcUl offer. Kitrloinl flinl twnlr-nvocenla,iliinii or coin Name AUilrt'n IrfUto .Town mmmmnmmut!:!!t!mnmm:tt:!:n:m!:unmmrnmtm!nm::mnnsmmmn The OVERLAND HOTEL Under new management llnving leased this popular house we extend an Invitation to our friends to come and stop with us First Class Accommodations in every respect -Good table service ORA HILL, Prop., Burns, Oregon autmnjmtt:t:j::mt:t:::::s:i:t:jjmnimvtti:imttn:ntianiH:nnntn:nnut:t:i 1 " - -' ' ' THJ IYM. GEER & CUMMINS Burns, Oregon. 2 Hardware and Crocker i Glassware Quns and Ammunitio FARMINOMACHINEi of all kinds Get our prices before buyiS ispf ney got lire ran! row jA tme um m 'fig. ta tti ra. fa fiwui M BURNS HOSPITAL HK. AND MRS. B. W. HAMILTON, 1'ropls. A Private Hospital Convently Arranged Under the Care of Experienced Nurses... PATIENTS RECEIVED ANY TIME, DAY OR NIGHT Rates reasonableCall and get prices Young's Meat Market & Reduction in prices for Cash nearly everything in stock will be sold at adis count. Take ad vantage of this pro position and save money. REED BUILDING OPPOSITE, POST Oif JE III va tioi ne in? tys ian L. . vi he: Frt he. wi tP ha ivf m He ore ir'1 rjirNNNtA vA FOREST FIRES. Governor-Elect Oswald West defeated E. N. Jameson for trcn uuror. Theao nro tho only demo crats elected, tho other ofilcea will bo filled by republicans but it seems with a less majority than a.straiuht party voto. Ono of tho big surprises was tho election of Dalton Iiiggs by n Inwrniiiitni-tht.iiD nin,ni in.l.... over Judge Davis, present incum bent. Tho latter carried Grant It has been estimated by tho Forestry Bureau of tho Depart ment of Agriculture that tho ro cont forests conflagrations which took placo in Montana and Idaho in tho national forests havo killed or destroyed ovor six bil lion board feet of timber. Of thin heavy loss tho heaviest was probably in tho Idaho forests, where ovor threo billion board foot of timber has been reported killed or destroyed, with a burned over district of more than 450,000 acres. At tho present rate of cutting from tho national forests, tho Bix billion fcot is equal to about twolvo years' supply; butitis less than onc-Bixth of a singlo year's cut in tho wholo countrv, or enough to keop all our lumber mills busy for something like two months. It is estimated that tho lumber burned up or killed qmtiinM In li hIiim whw ww a ismfr j?$5jjj j On account of the health of my family I have decided on CLOSINGOUT my entire stock Reduced Prices Prevail on almost everything in the store come now choice bargains.... Await You FRED HAINE5, Burns, Oregon !! - BURNS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. CORTES E. ELLIOTT, Propt. o" utleutioiiim 'id ?U1E rai rl .0: a. Xti ,. ,... .,....;.. i ......i, .lit IU l.IIOUIIt L II ! HIIIM! jreiQiu teams. Horses kept by the it week or m on lit. FIRST CLASS m e;. ici uvlri ii tm? Jlaji aiul ai am uu hand. P ae Special Attention Given to Conducting Funerals NEW AND ACCURATE HAY SCALES IN CONNECTION WITH BARN. Your pntromigo solicited. si Htirni, Ortj&ni 'or it! South MninSt .--..ir..... Expert Repair Mnn Autos Washed andS? per cent of tho total stanu of national forest timber, mmummmmmummitmtmmtmiti! mmimmmummmmmmmmmmw RANDALL, PASSENGER & MALONEY Rovvnintvnt Lnntl LocatorH nnd iIciiIith In HARNEY COUNTY LANDS ROOMS 1-2-3 ODD FELLOW BLDG., BURNS, OREGON n:tninniutt!tniit!nmmt:t:ijnnmm::::::::ttnt!i:!!tti::ittimttt:tttt!::nnnmi Go To The White Front Livery Stable NEW RIGS AND TEAMS Burns Garage f ARCHIE McQOWAN, Prop. I oui'jjnca, uuaunuc, uuuricuim Ull, CIC. Telephone Connection Day and Night BURNS, OREO BUSINESS-- '$ 1NU1 FLAY PRESCRIPTION filling m a Borions business. Eyorj prescription flllud at our storo is treated with conaido'rution and cdro. Kvery drug- that ontors into our prescription work is bought with a view to purity and strength. Wo got business by giving sorvico and our growing trado seems to say that our sorvico is appreciated. Wecurrjfl tho largest stock of Drugs in tho Interior. CALL AND SEE US J The City Drug Store REED BROS., Proprietors --- --'V..V t-fcri-V-.'1 I TTtTOt iC tv tie wr'Ttmir"iJgcttnnjffli5: F R. J. McKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. fr 1 d C f II' ENGINES UDM. DOILER5 SAW MILLS JilOHGRADE MACHINERY WRITE FOR SPECIAL CATALOG AND PRICES THE AJLAVfflLLHAflliHUW flf S POKANE, WASH.-PORTLAND. ORE. - 5ANJ05E CAL