uuautMiiwui WWW wrtmuun uutiii m MJJitffl , lines- Jierald. EtAROEST CIJICOLATION Or TBPAPKK IS TniB COUNTY. BRDAY, OCTODKU , l10. ocal News, Eliiifi: -Tho Timoa-Hcrald Benjamin at Schonk lEmbrco was in tho city rhe Busv Corner Store i clothing. Parker and family are Lin this city for tho Win- Milling Company wants haul lumber from mill premium winners at the ky secure them at any tcalling on the secretary. Millar has received a por- her fall and winter milh- id invites the ladies to desiring stone work, Drk or plastering should A. Beckley, . Waverly, line of dry goods, fur shoes, hats, etc can ebo found at Hagey & fnn'o DUli O. v I . Ire having some line Ian The nights are some- Irilly but the bright sun ten day makes it ideal. having relinquishments estate for sale should E. W. VanValkenburg, 1 estate man, at his oflice Is. back is one of the most forms of muscular rheu- A few applications of isrlain's Liniment will give For sale by all good BANKING BY MAIL Wo'givo Bpecial attention to our out of town customers who mUBt neces sarily transact their banking busi ness largely through tho mails, thus assuring them of prompt, satisfac tory service. If you arc not a pnt ron of our institution, wo invito you t6 become ono. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS Capital and Surplus, $65,000.00 United Slates Depositary Accounts Invited Clothes pressed and cleaned at' Will French, the grocery drum Schenk Bros Fred Haines is over from Har ney today. Hagey & Richardson carry tho best brands of groceries. All fresh. mer, is in the city. Seo the new dress goods at Tho Busy Corner Store. Call and see the now dry goods I just received at The Busy Corner Store. For SALE-Second hand buggy Tho Hoseburg Review reports .itullitrht hack enquire at this that J. E. Harper has purchased property in that city. Empire Real-' Go to J. C. Welcome & Sons anything fori for good stable blankets .$5.00; storm blankets $5.50. no preaching Presbyterian The services' an(j order tnat an temperence will be in the tomorrow. Iven up in attend the fegat the Baptist church. i Helen King was tender- rthday party at the home land Mrs. H. M. Horton Eturdav afternoon. Quite ber of her little friends ivited and they had a fine Korten took his depart- idnesday in company with lanley for the railroad. brten will stop at Payette Ihe has some land interests en proceed to his home in ro. While here ne arrang- , a considerable amount of rement on hi3 farm east of ty. kll will' be given next Fri- rening. Oct 28, by the i Afternoon Club, as a bene- oflke See the Inland ty Co. if you have sale or exchange. When in Burns stop at tho ' Cal Overland. It's under new ngement You'll like it. Wheat, oats, barley, rye, hay potatoes for sale J. li. Anderson, Van, Oregon. Sunset farmers are all putting in large Increases of grain thi3 fall. Not discouraged yet Aifred Benjanin of New York has made Schenk Bros, agents for Harney county for his great clothing. School suits at Schenk Bros. F. M. Jordan has returned to his homo nt Spokane. Good, substantial, well cooked meals at tho Home Hotel is what tho boarder likes, Henry Eichnor has been over from his homo near Buchanan station for n few days. Fon Salk 25 foot business lot on Main St, Burns. Good build ing. Inquiro at this oflke. C. T.'Carv accompanied by his wife and baby loft Thursday for their farm homo on Crane creek. Tho personal attention given cuosts nt tho French Hotel has given it n good reputation L. B. Culp, Prop. Wm, Kilby and J. M. Nowcll, two of our farmer citizens of Van, wore visitors to this city during tho week. Burns Milling Company will let contract for hauling nnd deliver ono million feet of logs moro or less at mill this fall.nnd winter. Clemens and wife aro man- home from Pendleton where they visited for sovcral weeks. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Reed and little daughter, arrived homo from Portland Monday evening. The .French Hotel serves a fine Sundny dinner and special attention is given to family service. Wm. Hanloy has started some to the rail- A bitr droves of cattle road for shipment nnd left Wcd- Mrs. Perry Chandler and little 'nesday in his auto to bo at tho son Glenn are over from' Canyon .shipping point upon their arrival . . , . . ' before returning home Neugebauer is located . r.itv miosis .it the home of Mr and Mrs. Wm. Farre Miss K. in tho .Torcrensen building south Main St and is prepared to do all kinds of dress making. Surveyor Beery has been out doing some work in the Silver Creek country in company with C. B. McConnell. I W. C. Cecil and son Homer to look after them. Ho expects to visit Portland and other points the Public Library. The were over from Silver Creek this itra will furnish music and on will be served in the beneath the hall at 25 plate. This will be one enjoyable society events season and given lor a vorthy cause. There will fig crowd ana a good time. week delivering some which they had sold. Schonk Bros, do not send vour suit back to delphia lawyer for They are tailors and themselves. Geo. Van Valkenburg, an uncle to E. W. Van Valkenburg, arriv ed here from Rochester, New York the fore part of this week and has gone to the Van Valkcn- hnrr home on Silver Creek. Ho comes to tako up his permanent residence in Harney county. J. J. Handsaker, a prohibition "!3 1 speaker will address the people cattle i . ... v:cin;ty tomorrow.Sunday, at the Baptist church. There have to .will be two meetings, one at 11 a Phila- a. m. and the other at 7:30 p. m. alteration. There will be no services at tho can do it' Presbyterian church on account of this speaking. GET THE HABIT " EAL AT THE BUSY CORNER STORE Where you get the best of everything referred Stock groceries Hart Schaffner & Marx clothing Mount Hood Overalls Holeproof Hosiery Mount Hood Shirts Standard Patterns -Saranac Gloves Busby Gloves a large variety of fancy and staple GROCERIES Pickles, Olives, Cream, Brick, Wisconsin Swiss, ' Imported Swiss, Limburger and Imperial Cheese GET THE HABIT A. Egli and wife camo over from tho farm tho first of this week. Mr. Egli is preparing to build an addition to his resi dence. Rcatos for sale, all sizes and lengths, prico 20 cents per foot. Any ono desiring Rcatos address W. A. Ford of J. 0. Alberson, Albcrson, Oregon. Agents Wanted for PHEONIX MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of OREGON, 829 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. Bring your dough Whilo the prico-is low, And buy your ryo Before it goes high. FromChns. II. Davis, Harnoy.Or. School Supt- Hamilton passed throutrh Burns yesterday enroute to Silver creek where ho goes to visit schools. He was accom panied by his wife and, little daughter. Fletcher Iloman. president of tho Willamette University, wnsa visitor to this city last Sunday and occupied tho pulpit at tho Presbyterian church last Sunday evening. Prof. Iloman was in this section in the Interest of the school. Makmed In this city last Tuesday, Oct 18, Geo. Dunsmoro and Mrs. Theodocia Taylor, Rov. C. W. Holloman of tho Baptist church performing tho ceremony. Both arc well known residents of this place and wo join their friends in extending best wishes. I have all tho popular varieties of primes raised in tho slate, of Oregon including California Sugar. 1000 lbs. of Belshaw, also a largo amount of tho famous Golden Branch nlums and other varieties, Peaches and apples all for sale at tho Bel shaw ranch near Mt. Vernon, C. BKLSHAW. Mrs. Fraloy and little son and Miss Ruby Burrow took their de parture the first of tho week for Marshall, Texas, the homo of tho former. They will mnke sovcral stops on route at points of interest. Miss Burrow goes to visit relatives and friends in that section and will likely bo gone all winter. You aro not experimenting on yourself when you tako Cham berlain's Cough Remedy for a cold as that preparation has won its great reputation and exten sive salo by its remarkable cure of colds, and can nlways bo de pended upon. It is equally valu able for adults and children and mav bo given to young children with imnhcit confidence as it contains no harmful drug. Sold by all good dealers. n'ij Schonk Bros, havo received a ease of Alfred Benjanin clothing. Got your stable and storm horso blnnkots now at J, C. Wel come & Son's. Tho Burns Flour Milling Co. will pay 21 cents per pound for whenl or barloy. Deputy Sheriff Byron Torrlll is building a now barn on his residence property. A few broken lots of shoes nt greatly reduced prices this week at Tho Busy Corner Store. E. A. Frnsor, the well known Ontario business man was hero during tho week. Ho is touring tho interior in his Buick car. All goods at tho Hagey & Richardson general merchandise store aro now and up to date. Good values in every purchase. The Ladies Afternoon Club will givo a danco next Friday night Oct 28 for tho benfit of tho public library. See tho announcement elsewhere in this issue. Grant Story and wifo expect to go out to Crane Creek tho first of tho coming week to visit a few days with tho Cary boys, brothers of Mrs. Story, and then thoy will go to their homo in Idaho. You will nover again be quite as you are today mentally or nhvsicallv. Pcrhans not ever njtain will you bo able to get so "young" a photograph that looks like you as today. Visit the Sayer Studio. "AlTMinif nrn nn fliatllnv Uhas. jonnson nas uisposeu oi residence nroporty in this his residence nroporty in city to C. M. Kellogg, the stage innn, and wo understand will go to Portland with h;s family to reside permanently. $25 Rewauo Team, one bright bav crcldimr branded J P connccU ed on left stifle, ono black mare T5 on loft shoulder. Driven from hero by Scotty Glen. J. E. McCoy, Burns, Oregon. Blue prints of any township in Burns Land District, showing name of entryman, date and kind of entry, topography, etc., $1.00 each. Piatt T. Randall, Burns, Ore. County Commissioner Smyth and wife and Mrs. C. Cummins are homo from a visit to Malheur county. The latter has been over there for several weeks. Prcstloy Smith, who went out with them in the auto, went on to Portland for. a short vacation. Estkay- Ono blood bay geld ing wcightaboutOOO, white face, all four feet white; branded small Z down on left shoulder. Taken up in Catlow Valley. Owner call provo property and pay charges. Waltkk Waid, Diamond. Ore. Homer Reed and family ar rived home Wednesday from a visit to relatives and friends in Missouri. Homer took sick in Kansas City delaying their re turn about a month. He- is still quite thin but gaining strength satisfactorily. EsTUAY Ono bay gelding branded G on right shoulder and scar on right jaw, saddle marked, weighing about 800 lbs camo to my place in Happy valley. Own er call, provo property and pay charges. Ciias. Moore, Smith, Oregon. Ora and Roswell Hamilton have gono to their homesteads to make some improvements which were delayed on account of tho sickness of tho latter. Tho boys didn't say but wo expect to hear of at least 100 acres on each place cleared plowed and seeded this fall. Get an Alfred Benjamin suit nt Schenk Bros. Sam Mothershcad has been out interviewing tho voters. Thoroughbred Barred Rock cockcrals lor sale C E. Mc- I'hceters. Alva Springer is in town. Ho 'recently returned from nn extend ed Visit to Spoknno nnd adjacent territory. Candidates in Harney ceunty: Come to Schonk Bros, and look in tho looking glass if you want to be elected. Mrs. Luto Maco was operated on last Saturday by Drs. Mars den and Griffith and is reported recovering rapidly. Clay Clemens mill is tho near est one to Burns where all kinds of, lumber both rough and dress ed can be had. Near Canyon road." Call him by nhono for quick orders. If vou wnnt to make a trade, sell vour relinquishment or other property tho Inland Empire Real ty Co. will bo of great assistance to vou. Thev havo sold others and can sell yours. Poland China Pigs fob Sale During the next two weeks I will sell a few choice pigs, either malo or female at bottom prices, Certificates of Pedigree furnish ed. J. W. Biggs. The handsome gold lined silver cups presented by tho Great Northern Railway and won at tho fair by J. II. Anderson and James Varicn havo been received. nt the First Nntional Bank and much admired by many people. M A GOOD POSITION Can be had by ambitious young men and ladies in tho field of "Wireless" or Railway telegra phy. Sinco tho 8-hour law be came effective, and since tho Wireless companies are establish ing stations throughout tho country thero is a great shortage of telegraphers. Positions pay beginers from $70 to $90 per month, with good chance of ad vancement. The National Tele graph Institute of Portland, Ore gon, operates six official institutes in America, under supervision of R. R. and Wireless Officials and places all graduates into positions. It will pay you to write them for fulf details. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. llNITMbTATKIlI.ANIOrrlCC liurna, Oregon, Ortulwr H, itlu I k'i.iIkm li.in.liv vlvi.ti llnl Vara Itenilrlckl. ol I.cn,(lri!Oii. who, on Mr 11,1909, ni.de Homu.tcml Knirv t-tTlnl No. UUIV'J (or KM NK, So aiaiiilWJ.NWjj.boclloiiWTowinhfp'Jtn., ItMiesWM Kt, willHinrtlo Meridian, meu null oofliitimtlon to make. Kln.lCuramuLtlou 1'riiof, lo catnbllKh claim to tbe land above, IcKi'rlU'il, beforo (lie lU'sliter nnd Receiver, at lltirtia,Orrgon,nn I ho smii day ol November, 11)10. Claimant imiuc. n Mneaiia: I. Ilallcy ll)r. M. II lliJf. Fred Olley, I.loyil JoIiiikoii. all of I mrui, Oregon. Wm, Kill ic. Iltgltter, K E. A. SHAFER U. S. Mlnercl Surveyors Civil Engineer Irrigation and Water Supply En gineering. Townsitc, Land and Mineral land Talent Surveys. Drafting, Designing, (Hue Print ing, Estimates, Etc. Narrows, Oregon The Busy Corner Store, I. Schwartz, Prop. j. Tho Union Telephone & Tele trranh Co. is making some very substantial improvements in tho system nt tho present Now poles havo been put in placo and moro wires aro being stretched. Tho change has caused somo in convenience to 'phones but wo can stand such annoyance for a short limo sinco it will bo an im provement. Tho central office will bo removed from tho Voegtly building to tho Odd Follow build ing on November 1 where per manent and convenient quarters aro boing arranged. J. F. Foster of Mnrshfield Mo., nephow of tho late D. M. Mc Menamv. has been hero for the past week looking after business rconnected with tho estate, Mr. Foster was a reader of this great religious many years ago, it hav- incr beon sent him by his Jato uncle, and while this is his first trip to" Harney county ho was moro or less familiar with condi tions. Ho secured somo samplo wheat and oats raised hero and will sow each upon his return home. Should tho grain do well lio proposes to givo it tho namo nfnUnmnft" v"n"r-- Veterinary Hospital ELLIOTT BARN, BURNS, OREGON I take in animals with all kinds of sickness for treatment Calls promptly attended to PRICES REASONABLE CONSULTATION FREE H. ANDRESSON C. A. Bedell has disposed of his saloon business to Henry Richardson nnd left Wednesday for Prineville in his auto After visiting thero for a few days ho intends lo return to Burns and later goto Nevada where ho lias somo very promising mining in terests that demand his atten tion. Mr. Richardson has taken charge of tho Capitol saloon as suming tho lease on tho building and also any debts against tho stock now on hand. Kstiiay-A tall bay horso ono sprung kneo branded' 0 with bar over It on jaw; also branded on shoulder but not plain. Weight about 1100 lbs, ton years old, white on all four feet and white on forehead. Limps on foro foot. Ono sorrell saddle horse, saddle marked, weicht about 900, ago Inn vnnra. Soma white on loft hind loor. star in face, lump un dor chin. Brand on shoulder but not plain. Last seen in Hap py and Anderson valleys. Re for return of horses or informa tion leading to their recovery. Ed Maher, The Washington Restaurant WONG LEE, Proprietor Up stairs over the Capitol Saloon Tho bill of faro includes every thing the market affords. Short orders a specialty. Bread for salo. Givo him a call. MOTE'S CANDY STORE Has just received a fresh lot of CANDIES, CIGARS, TOBACCO New and hnndsomc Post Cnrds, Stationery, Ink, Pens, Pencils, Novelties. A SPECIALTY OF BOX CANDY EXTRA Fine assortment of everything D. B. MOTE, Burns, Oregon UtMfrwJ This Bank invites the ac counts of out-of-town deposi tors, handles their business with the utmost care and dis patch, in a manner to promote pleasant relations with its patrons, and renders as near ly perfeqt service as possible. YOUR BUSINESS ISSOLICTED llARNECOUNWrWIONALBANK OP CUIINS. OREGON. COHTROUCO AHO OWNCO MOM1 PtOPH, BUYYOUR DRUGS atOUR STORE We handle a complete line of everything usually sold by up to date druggists. It Is OUR AIM TO PLEASE This we do by courteous treatment and reasonable prices to aj! our customers THE PLACE TO GET YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon, AT HOME in our NEW BUILDINQ COME AND SEE US LWNABURG, DALTON & CO. A MAN is known by the harness he uses A VAQUEEO by the saddle he rides. Evere horseman should have the best, both as to quality and price. You can get highest quality and lowest prices at J. C. WELCOME & SON KCa.xn.ess a-nd Saddles Job Printing. e The Eastern Oregon Engineering Co. CIVIL, MUNICIPAL AND IRRIGATION ENGINEERS Main Office, Hums, Oregon A, 0, rAULKNltll, URI-. Drench Office, Lakcvlow, Oregon r ifim.YMirii.il 11 nr.l Til $ $ $ $ $ $ $J J tf (3 tp p ip tp $ $ 9 $ $ $ 9 $ $ $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$? t t i i i i i i i i i SiAIiE III 5.er ccmoU on KlUummer ul!i 8cli.uk llroi. I I I I f I I ' $$$$$?$$$$$?$$ $ $ $ $ $$$$$$ is-.