For Sals Black Perchcron Stallion 5 years old, weight about 1800 lbs. Call on F. J. Conrad In Sunset or address him at Burns. If not sold boforo the liorso may bo seen at tho fair ground during the fair. Don't trifle with a cold is good advice for prudent men and women. It may bo vital in enso of a child. There is nothing bet ter than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for coughs and colds in children. It is safe and sure. For sale by all good dealers. Religious Services. The following are Rev. A. J. Irwin's regular preaching ap pointments for tho year 1910. Burns the thin! and fourth Sundays of each month at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunset School House at 10:30 a. m. the first Sunday of eacli month. Narrows at 3 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. the first Sunday of each month. Waverly at 10 a. m. tho second Sunday of each month. Lawen at 3:30 p. m. and 7:30 p. in. the second Sunday of each month. Denstead School House at 8 p. m. tho third Sunday of each month. Sunday School at Burns every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock a. m. Services at the Baptist Church first and second Sundays in each month. Sunday School at 10 a. m. every Sunday. Prayer meet ing Thursday evening. The Home Hotol is tho comfor table place to board. The best plaster. A pieco of flannel damp6ned with Chamber lain's Liniment and bound on over tho affected parts is super ior to a plaster and costs only one tenth as much. For salo by all good dealers. NKW CLUBBING- PROPOSITION '" ' '" ' ' ' " '" ""ri" ' ' """ """""" '- fur1- - ' iTnilliiiirwtlMiiH i f.'UIWIlillHMWMWMlMWtMiMMBManrirr 1 l mMMmimtmrn-imimimmiuwimmmmJ . - - " ' " ' ""' ' " ' ' i """"V Wo have arranged to otter in connection with this paper, tho new monthly farm magazine just started at Lincoln, Nebraska, by Prof. II. W. Campbell and devot ed to tho subject of how to farm in the dry country and how to Kot best results from soil tillage under normal conditions. This Paper is Campbell's Scientific Farmer and wo offer it clubbed with Tho Times-Temld both for ?2.C0 per year cash. Prof. Camp bells' new paper is a monthly, chock full of good things, tho only paper of its kind in the world, and it embodies the re sults of tho editor's many years of painstaking investigation of the soil tillage proposition. NOTICU OP ADMINISTRATOR'S SALIi. NOTICE. All parties owing Lewis & Gar rett, or Simon Lewis are hereby notified that all these accounts are in the hands of our attorney C. H. Leonard for collection and settlement Persons indebted to us will please settle the same with Mr. Leonard at once. Simon Lewis J. T. Garkett. NOTICE Any and all persons owing the firm of Hagey, Fenwick & Jack son, either on account or note, are hereby notified that all such accounts and notes are now in the hands of C. H. Leonard for collection. Such persons arc hereby requested to'make imme diate settlement of the same. Dated Aug. 6th, 1909. Hagey, Fenwick & Jackson. NO TRESPASSING. Hunting is forbidden upon my place adjoining Burns. Trespass rs will bo prosecuted. C. H. VOEGTLY. Notice is luiroby bIvoii tlinttlio under NigiiiHl, tlio duly appointed, quallflod tnd ncting Administrator ot tlio ritnto of John I). OIumiMit, deconped, will un dor mill by virtue of an order of tho lon J. 1. Hector, Judge of tho County Court of Hnrnuy County, Oregon, duly nmdo unil wit i' roil on tho '-.'nil tiny of July, 1D10, oiler for onlo nt irlvatc nato for i'.ipIi in hand, on nml nflvr Iho '-".'ail day of AukuhI, 1010, at Hum', Oregon, tho follow inn described rent property, to wit: SKiX NKt ol See. :t;S!v NW'4 nml I.ot.ri,of 800. 3, till in townalilp L'7, S It. St), 15. W. M In Hnrnuy County, Oregon. .SIMON I.HWIS, Atluiliilmrnlcr. 1311 liuriiH ( l.lit No, ivvm NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION UNITKI) BTATK3 I.ANI) OFKH'K. Kuril, Oregon, rteptcmber 10, 1910. f Notice In hereby KlM'li that tliu Northern lvclllc Hallway 1'nmt.nnr, whom t orilre mlilrim la ht. Tail), Minnesota, ha Oil loth Iny of t-cptcmbrr 1'JIO Med In thla offlru lt ap plication to lelcct uniler the provl.lutiauf tho .li'tnt Uounreai.appriiiei! July 1, 1W (.tOMal f.'T. ISO) at extended by act of L'onitreia apnrov May 17, IW, HKV: Section 20, Two, 'J! floutli. llango 31 Kait.W M. Auyand alt ik-momi claiming adversely the land described, or ilcalrlnK to object became n( the mineral character of the unci, or for Htir other rraion, to the dlipoaal to aiillcant, Mimitil tile their aniilarlta ot protcil In tlili 0III1 0, on or before the th day of October 1910. Wm. Fjiuiir. ltegltter. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Umti State LAitnOrrlri, Uiirni, orei,'on, S'pteuiber 1U, 1910.1 Notice ll hereby given that tho Htale of Orccon haa Aleil lu this omco IK application Iserlal No, OTAnj to telect.umler the provision of the Act of comcrcM, apprornl Auguit II, IMV. and acta aiiplemcntat anil amendatory thereto, the HKi fee I, T. n B-, It 33 K., Willamette Meridian. Any and nil persona clalmliiK adrcricly the land dcacrlbcd, or desiring to object localise of the mineral character of tho land, or for any other rcaion, to tho dlapoial to applicant, hhoutd flhi their attldavlli of proteit In thla nlhce. on or lefore the expiration of the period of publication. Wm.Kahrk, Itefliter. Klnt publication Hcptemlicr 21, 1910. I.aat publication October W, 1910 I havo some registered Bork Bhiro sows, also pigs, two regis tered Jorsoy bulls and Bomo Russian wolf hound pups for salo. Dr. L. E. Hiduaud. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. tlNITKW STATUS LAND OKKIOK, I Hum, Oicgon, Henlember IM, 1910,1 Notice la hereby iWon that James N. " ol ltlTorilde, Orefoii.who en March 1(1,191)7, made llomntcad Kutrr No. aW, riarUi No. trim, for NM8WU, KMR(. )'!,. HcctloniW,Towuihli84Hoiili Italian fkl Kail, Willamette Meridian In II e.t notice ol liilet; Hon to make Klnal rive year proof, toyilabllih claim to the land above urrlhed, before tho ItcRliter auri Kecelver, at lltirni, OreKOii, on the 7lh day of November, 1910. Claimant name MWllnnaeil Alvln Wpnrlock, t'harlc Niurlook, John Thlmhloby, (,'Iay l.uce, allol lllvcrtlilp.OrcKon. WM.riRii. Itcgliter NOTICE FOlt PUBLICATION UNITKll STATKH I.ANI) OrPICE, . I Hun., Orcgou, Heptember 8, 1910.1 Notice li hereby given that the Hlate bf Ore eon haa niod lu lldaomcelt appllcatlon(Herlal No. ivvwi) to aeleot, under the provliloni of the Act of tJongreta, aoproved Auiiuit 14, 11. and acta upplemouial and aiuendalury thereto, the NKl(NWM ami N)iNK'. Beo. 19. T. W H.inth, ltango SI K W. M North of Malheur Lake Any and all penona claiming adteraely the Until ilncrlbml, or ilcilrlng to object Iwcame of the mineral charactor of the land, or tor any other rcaaon, to thedtipoial In apillcanl, hould lllo their arridavlta of proteiJ In this orilce, on or before the expiration of the period of publication. Wm Kauai!, Ilcgliter. Klnt puhlloatlon.BcplemlMr 17, 1910 I.ait publication, October U, 1910, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Unitio Htati UMiiOrrtcx, I Hum, llrigon, Heplemlier 17, 1910 1 Notice li hereby given that Horace M, lliirton.of llurna, County ot Harney, Htalool Oregon, eialguceot J, Vance l.ewji, anlgnee of Itoburl N, Kerr, haa AM In thla oRlra hla appllcattou to enter under Section saw, llevli. ed Hlatutea of the United Ntatea. Lot two CJI, Hecthm 'Jl, Towninlp va H., It, 33 K W, M. Oregon Serial No. 0S004, Any and all peraoua claiming adversely the laudi dcacrlbetl, or deilrtng to object became of the mineral character ! the land, or for any other roaiou, to the dlipoaal to applicant, ahoulil rile their affldavllaol proteit (11 thli oDlce, an or belore the SVlh day ol October, 1910. Wm Pahrk, Hegliter. Klrat publication, October I, 1910, Laal publication, Octobers), 1910. "I havo a world of confidence in Chamberlain's Cough Rcmody for I havo used it with perfect success," writca Mrs. M. I. Basford, Poolesvillo, Md. For Balo by all good Dealers. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Unithii Htatm I.anii Orrtci lluriii, Oregon, September 0, 1910. Notice la hereby given that John M,Hireek,ol llurna, Haruoy to., Oregon, who, on July 1, linw, made Itomeitcad Kutry Serial No.tM.ltl, for WlHlC!(aiiil l.ola n and 7, Section 4, Town. hlplftSomli, llaiigo JKat, Willamette Meri dian, hai hied uoltro of liilentlou to make Klnal Oominiitallon I'rciuf, to catabllih claim to the land abovo dcactlboil, boforo tho Hegli ter mul Itct elver, at Hum, Oregon, on the 14th day ol October, 1910. iMaluiant iiami'i aa wtlneanca Oharlea K, Mol'liecter, Karl II, Wallace, AHceSwock, William J. McKlnnli.all of Hurni, Oregon, Wm, 1'aiiiik, Kegliler UfllU 18 THE BEST TIME lalih ,tlil ot tba rr to. hata irv:?ni$vA iiaaona. ngii ;nva pairona in Piaia ana n Votk l oae r tcnaeeaaary. MtltrCnvM 55.00 z2kBrldnTHtk3.60 Oali riUiti 1.0 Iiuiirilllaii 1.0 llnr ninM .6 Plate 6.00 ruui 7.50 HI,LMtrnli r,i,i"lM'i.,21u 1 maun anmai .,.---. TJIJ" w UOnilH WBIBFIMW aw '?,aw.1,- raiiaiioQ rraa inouMiniw 111 werk f utly (uaraiitaea toe nita mm ralslM Etraclen Wnt la Ahl.M. flaKMllAllOn te?.7J.r;?i0rIfRSafli,' Wise Dental Co. INCORPOHATCD Painless Dentists 0l3lMll,uutA.ll.Ullr.Al7 aataya.tiel DO YEARS' EXPERIENCE OKKICIAl, DIHKOTOllV TATE OREOOMt II ri.Senatora Cougrtiimeu Alhirney Ueneral tlovernor Secretary ol Stat . Treaiurer Supt. I'ubllo luatrucllou. Htate l'rluter Supreme Judge I Jonathan lloiirne Jr. Ill co. K. Uhambeilalu iW It Kill I J W Hawley A.M.Crawford r. W. lleuiou K W llinaon 0 A Steel I, II, Ackermau W 8 Duulway 1 K, H, Dean. I K.A.Moor ) llobt Kaklli 11HI333 ;: NINTH JUDICIAL DIBTIIICT. DlttrlctJudge.... Iilalrlct Attorney Deputy Dili Atty (leo E. Davie J W McCulloch .. Ollfeonatd Circuit Court ineeti the Brat Monday lu April and flrat Monday In October. JulutHcuator Jotnt-IUprcacntatlva OOBMTT IIAkMETI O W I'arrlih W II llrooka 1,'uonty Judge Clerk Trcaaurer ...... hurvetor Hherlrr. . . Aaaeaaor. School Su;rlnteudent, Coroner ... . . stock Inapector Commtialouera nil invention doua (trtel aont free. V Thadk MiRM DiaiaNB Copyright Ac. on lending a akelr h end .csrnssRJKaRKiTiJ ?"". II "IJV'.J("a .r -iTl7a1 tmi. irmoaot.H1u! itnU Utetl PMMrMlM. w.t WSSP tc jfimrKaK. A henfljoroaly I1h""lej jUtlOn of eeywrowian L 4a y uuwSiSfili mled w?J?Hl:- TJajajfM rlr. inr niRua. lb HoullM IWfwHIMb J. I. Rector Sam Motharahead K N Jauaaon .. . A O Faulkner A. K. Illehardton J. J. Donegal! I. M Hamilton J w deary .John Itoblmou . . tl-N. ritallardl 111 A Utn. I ,U .. '.H, ... County Court meet the flrrl Wedneiday lu January, March, May, July, September and November. UARHET O. i, LAMP OFflCEl Kegnter . Wm Karre Kecelver Kiauk Davey city, iniasa' Mayor, Recorder,.... Treaiurer Marahal Sam Motberihead .1". T, Itandall J.U. WelcomaJr, M. K. williami fW, O. Drown Villoma abarllci Meeting of the Couucll every Becond and Fourth Wedneiday. Ceunclltnen: M, r, win (W, O. Dro A. O. Weh JnoOemb A H Bwaln MAGAZINE READERS SUtrSBT MAOAZIITK beauhiullyaiiuUitnLgoaditorta T en aaduticUi about CaLlMauasJ J-Ou nth.Fa.wu. y" CAKXBA CBATT UtoIkJ each mexuh It, Ine ar- ., tutic rernodiKtio el ike Ixtt $1.00 nrk f araaleui aaal prolauioaal a ja piiolographeri. B0AD Or A TnOUflAHD W0RDXBS book ol 75 page, coelalaing 120 colored plietoffiipKi ol $0.75 pilurevjoe ipoU U CaUarai jk!Oi5 Total .. . $3.35 All for . . . . $1.50 AeUieH all ofdrt 1 Is SUITSET MAGAZINE FImJ BuMng Saa Fnocue wh are ,1. ,.." ere -1. . 'u i r the capitals -, .r They are before you under your fingers ready to imprint them selves on the paper at a single stroke if the typewriter is a V ! ' I P- Vh i krl t Vv, 'f A visible keyboard one with every character in sight is the quickest keyboard to learn and the speediest and most accurate when learned. Writing in sight is an advantage, of course a Smith Premier advantage, of course, but a keyboard with every character in sight is an advantage so decided that it should govern your selection of a typewriter. If the typewriter offered you lacks a visible keyboard, investigate one that lias this feature before you buy. Write for Womution THE; SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO, Inc., Syrtcme, N. Y. Diaathu Evtrywhtr The Times-Herald is ottering most attractive Clubbing Rates to its subscribers a present THE TIMES-HERALD One near with the Portland Weekly Oregonian $2.50 Portland Semi-Weekly Journal $2.50 S. F. Weekly Examiner $2.65 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World , $2.50 Semi-Weekly St. Louis Republic $2.35 Frm Progress FREE to every paid in advance Subscriber Get one or more of these tyoocj papers in connec tion with The Times-Herald for the long win ter evenings. Call and get Clubbing Prices JOB PRINTING Tin TImea-Ilrrnlil In Prepared t" do the Very Hrt nntl Moat Hnllafnctory Work In thU line. Wc lime nil the LATEST TYPE FACES nntl a very Complete Line FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY MfSS-c! rHEWINUSOIi ty &Ktk3WWtL and nair (ultind W.1IW. DRINKWATER Blacksmithing and llorseshoing. Wagon Work COOLEY AUTO MATIC BRAKES Main St., - Burns, Oregon, BURNS MILLING CO, HORTON & SAYER, Propts. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic. Flooring, Moulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Good Road. Lumber Yard in Burns THE ANDERSON HOTEL AIRS. CHAS. ANDERSON, Propt. I havo re-oponcd tho hotel and tho old-timo friends and customers arc aain invited to como and bo at homo. You will find tho sumo homo-comforts and welcome aslusual. The old favorite Fnmlly Hotel .where guests receive Special Attention and Good Service. SOUTH BURNS, OREQONNear Fair Qrounds. Tho popular COLONISTS FARES will attain bo in effect botween September 15th and October 15th, durinsr which period tichets to Baker City will bo on salo daily from CHICAGO at . . . $33.00 ST. LOUIS . . 32.00 OMAHA . . 25.00 KANSAS CITY . . . 25.00 ST. PAUL . . . 25.00 and from other cities correspondingly low. These nro Westbound, one-way fares only, but anyono here can PREPAY for relatives or friends in tho East, if desired. Consult your local railroad agent Now is the Time to let tho world know of our vast resources and splendid opportunities for HOME I.UILDING. Writo to overyono you know in tho East. Send them good instructive printed matter, and toll them that tho cost of getting hero lis but littlo moro than half tho usual cost, and to call on a representative of tho THE OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. for oil desired information, or address WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Wm. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Duma, Oregon. Hooinn 6 mid 0 Odd follow llulldliiK G. A. REMBOLD Allornoy-at-Law, Ourns, Oregon. Oh oh. 1-1. Looniml, ATTOHNKy-AT-I,AW, Uiiroful ttttontlan giyon to Colloc- tlotiH nml Roal Kstnto nmttorH. l'lro Iniurnnco. Notary I'ubllo llUHNB, OucaoN. GEO. H. BIZKMORB, ATTOUNKy, "'"IN", OnKOON (;ollocilou, Land builnoaa, and llcnl ICtMto iiinticr promrllv nttondod U. Sumpter Vail Railway () TIMIJ TAIH.K NO. SO IN Klh-1- JUNK II, 100H. CHnRLES W. ELblS LAWY.ER Burns, - - ' Oregon I'ructli-un In tho Htalo Coiirin uiul bo foro tlio U.S. Land ODlco. Wont Hound. Nn. 1 I'limi- 0:30 I,v :5 " 0:58 " 10:01 " 10:07 " 10:17 " 10:22 " 10M2 " ' 10:30 " 10:55 11:10 " 11:10 " 11:10 " NOON 12:00 " 1. M. 13:05 " 12:10 " 1:10 Ar ii. in. No. 2 r linker Olty Hon t li I in ((cr Hnllnlmiyt Locklmrtf TIioiiiioiiI Stoddard .Innctloiit WutorTniikt Dunn's Bnnrt McKwcnt JUNCTIONf Hutnpler MUNOTIONt Hiiiniiiltt O I. Cimipt Whltnoyt TIl'TONt AllRtlll JS.fl Hlnp on Hlitnnln only S' i t.JKTl iirKuiH ikbiicii only lor tstntlont u train" nro scliodiilcd to mute tti nlnna. I'm. iiitiar old wlicrn nireiitH cxlat before ttW irnuirioro i'oiiih in nuuiuon loiv.fac, gtilnr fnro will o charged. JOHBl'IIA. W1-.PT,B.JS OllANTOi:i)I)i:S, AflU.fiupt. JK A. W. GOWAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW State Courts and United Stales Land Oflice Practice j Three doors South of the j Harney County National Bank Burns, Oregon. . U. CJU. CBARY l'byitlcliin and Hiirgwni. lluriiH, - - - Orogon. j Offlco In hum- building couth of Wulcomo liurnvnn uliop, Alain Hi. ' I'lionu .Mulii8.r). I ... . . (UCl A nail-Morm of Ubw Th tifvenf V i !f Lfiadlnj RetKS No.7oihoottif if. r?are f.uh citir Atc ri It rarnri tcfc ??V ntt azioe arid f Into iLo cbiaWi lirt fUUly tcfare your rjrr, yip vn doa'l bsve to h 4tr rise ii jotdca or noi ycu n w. v DENMRN & DENMRN, Physicians and Surgeons C'uIIh nnawurud promptly nllit or day 'I'lionu Ilurrlnian. Harrlmah, Oregon I IHflRSPEH & GRIFFITH I'liyaluiitns and Burgeons. nUIlNB," OIIEOON. Gairintrf J t be iLe o- rtx iM!n Callbrr Rifle In I .eru TuA Mid. In Iwuilr) . O elikH.ikA (tnrlJKeonlf Tfcc Liber ut jt three c.rtkarn "'tol, LnitfrSS Lo.( Kllle,l.ul lite ll""" mijil.Vr' lllntj tijr ,ti Lcnj t-tUaCJff, nlf. "Sir I f jtouf it ilel hain't It we U njSS1. jikm pfeflldfin le upt of I H ttotl Jz! PoinU for (he ShorpAJ Hunter and Tr:pjWed hootn )r j. c ifctewwjLvw we wii. m i a I r tf 4aJ;h(j uiiBfvii if r ni"rf ikit 4 nd Slurretooicr Uc t3J)lS tbort c tt to etptrt mvt' vLlcb w 11 hot on Y tnakf tik gO hot than y a aire rirr.Un dtwoywut smuaaouioa tiOinQ ( J. ST0VEKnty ARMS&TO0Uure iiAj? DnPT.i rep. Chlcopcc Fanj,Ji.' tan lOf L. E. HIBBARD HDiE.nsri'i.sT tOlllco first door taut photo cillery Duma, Oregon. W. C. BROWN, iDiEZLTT.rsn:.. llDUNS, OllEUOX. Olll co lii now land ofllco building, next door north ol post olllco. - he Dianiiieii . 1.1 HOCIKTIE8. IIAKNKV IDOE. NO. 77, I, O O T. Mod ererr Hturdajr lu Odd Kellow Hall at7:auiun. K. A. t'oln. Arm llorlon, Hacretarr. N. U. When vou want a nuiclc cute vbh1' any loss of time, and one that Is foJattfl 1 by no bad results, use f 17 Chamberlain's tig: Colic, Cholera art? Diarrhoea Remedy It never falls and is pleasant to nr&F- 11 u equally vaiunu:e tor cnuuten. ayill v famous for Its cures over a large tho clvUUed wotld. r.n par lll'ltNrt l.tllmK NO. V7, A K. A M., Mrt'laufrjr lltat aul tlilrd Hatiinlio lnuaili iuuiiiIi J K liKKaii. . M. 'I lux. VaKtr. tiucretar). Tie " --Oth" tT?r ' lUIf --'rea co "WMl (UK ,-wa S5 rcii IIAKNKV VAM.KV CAN I' No. Sal, W. ol W. Meet everjr drat and ..comLTu.idajr. .., . V. W. UcClalD. Com. W. A. Ounaii, Clerk. IIUKN8 CIIAITKK NO. 40, O. K. S. Meet every accural and fourth llutula), lu Moaun cllall, Eva llyrd, W. l. (eiict(lowaii,Hecrtar)r, JOIINUKMIIKHMNO, flJi Jowoloi. Optician aaxjl I'lnirravof. nc Fine Watch Uopairi.iK A SpSl" cinlty. HVI.VIA nuilKKAIt ItKOKKK No.S. MeetevcryUtaud3d Wcdneadar. imiu miLm ko. B.o-r. ll,,,lJ'"-N'u- ers ski TULK CIKOLK No, 1, W. ol W. Mela everjr fourth TuoiJar. Maud llorlon, O. M. llciterOoodtiian, Clerk. inuN RnRHUcoR? Stock Inspector, Harney Conntj. pit Home Aildrosa llutnl,C,.t,t un $1500 Reward! 1mK VJI The Oreon Call forula and Nevada Live Block 1'rol.o lion Aaioclatton, of wiucn tue uuuer lined I a member win m reward forevldenre 111 Klve 11.000 (X) leadlnir to the ar ret and conviction of any party or par tlaiatoallnir hor.ta. cattlo or taule bo lounliiKloutiyof Its tnatnberi. Ill addition to iho aboe, the linilonliniij of fer on tho same condition 1,-flO.OO for all horc WioIimI horie .hoe bar on boih or either Jaw llraud.rrronlcil In nlKlit rouutle. KaiiKe Har ney, I-ako and Crook countlc. Horn' vented uhvii (olil. None hut urovwi hoite t old, ud only lu larKO hdnclio. W. W. IlltO N, Kite, Orcitoii, l mfmfnini gr-pfriU )le Repealing yii iv Try TJ"s Wo collout uorj',viliuru 11 ml inuko 11 clinr'o inili hh colloutloii 1h inmlo. Wo ptoittio our t'llmitH Addioi-H Moikian Mkiioantii.k Co,, Kontini HIiIk,, I'orllimd, Oro. This rifle la bu& for settled district where good range and killir, power ore desired, with safetj to the neighborhood. The IZufin .23-20 Is a light, qui nnnunng, nneiy-Daianccd icpeim with the solid top, closed-in ticcd and side election features which null fflarfin puns safe nnd ngreeabl.l1 use anu certain In action. It I made to u.e the powerful ntwlk velocity molelei load wi.h IjcW bullet aa well n the well-known V powder Hnd low uremirp imnv.l.11 Ctrl' rlJffe,, and la the Ideal rlllc for tarcel cA f, b iwka, f.jne, eW, touuyara. Thl tlfle and win' ritlon, und all pB Zffaifat rcp.trii,w lully deacrlbed hi llfi-imce catukv if for 3 ataiup ioil 7A07fft7ri Aitwrrrm t (a. I) Willow Street. NEW HAVEN, CO MaaaanTrrJiajajl,aaajMaaaaaajl tOl Cd in: he re eo all V it pi u. q !St F n 0 -if The karney Valley Brewing Co. I Mnnufiu'turuiH of 3Pxa.x- Boda "Water Family Trade Solicited Frco'Dcllvery T. E. JENKINS. Manager f -,.,.,.,1,.n,T ,. -.-....j, -I.... , s