UWMIfnWlHi!.ffl BMNUiUkUbiaHHIMWIi les-Jferald. LARQKBT CinOUIATION OF J IKWBPAPKB IN THIB COUNTY. I IURUAT, OCTOHKn 1,1910. f Local News. i Bl suits nt Schcnk Bros. Gray litis boon in town w days. ans 01 nay ior sate m- this office. : Cattcrson was in the city , of this week. i The Busy Corner Store ir clothing. will be moving pictures Sight during the fair next i test reduction sale of the now on at The Busy I Store. f Millar has received a por tlier fall and winter milli- Ind invites the ladies to lorton and family have iver from Diamond this jests at the home of H. pton. rge delegation of Rebekahsl Ipected over from Grant for the district conven pet week. iv line of dry goods, fur- shoes, hats, etc. can; be found at Hagcy & ison s. , Otley brought in the elec- turns from Lawen Sunday accompanied by his wife tighter, Miss Mary. -On the streets a dull kbyssinian crescent shaped pin with two gold bands. i; please leave at this office. Walker went to Baker st week to meet his mother ter who arrived from Wis- They will reside in Can- tv. having relinquishments estate for sale should E. W. VanValkenburg, bl estate man, at his office is. i:e Mcuowan states mat are Ford machines will ar- ixt week for local people. ate agent for the Ford will irith them. Oct 3rd until Oct 15th re, every article in ine Corner Store, except gro- overalls, patterns and oof Hosiery will be reduc- ber cent in price for cash. cure For Sale 320 acres ; class pasture, all deeded plenty of water horses Ed. 50 tons of hay. Call lower ranch, inspect land et terms. Gerald Griffin, irs, Oregon. krge number oi Jauies oil ly were the guests of Mrs. i FRembold and Miss Jose- ocher at the home of the Tuesday. Mrs. H. Kelley ts. H. a. Mace new tne ; scores at cards and Mrs. IcKinney and Mrs. J. W- Ewere lowest. Kelresn- erved. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS at thn close of business September 1st, J!)10 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts ?27f),21C07 U.S. Bonds ". 50,000.00 Bonds and Securities 52.7G0.39 Premium on U. S. Bonds 2,000.00 Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 0.G00.00 Five per cont Redemption Fund 1,250.00 CASH 141,280.81 $533,114.17 LIABILITIES Capital $25,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 14,51G.G2 Circulation ' 25,000.00 DEPOSITS 438,597.55 $533,114.17 Capital and Surplus, $65,000.00 United States Depositary Accounts Invited Fresh fruit at Huston's. R. T. Hughet is up from Nar rows. Clothes pressed and cleaned at Schenk Bros. W, C. Cecil was over from Silver Creek yesterday. Don't miss the great reduction sale at The Busy Corner Store. Hagey & Richardson carry the best brands of groceries. All fresh. Will George was a business visitor this week. D. N. Catterson was up from his Lawen home during the week. Call and see the now dry goods just received at The Busy Corner Store. Starr Buckland was over from Harney on business the first of this week. - W. E. Huston, in the Odd Fel low buildinEr. has a fine lot of Nj fresh fruit. See him at once. BORN-Yesterday, Sept. au. to p Mr. and Mrs. Frank Catterson, a daughter. Stock Inspector Robinson is in from his field work on a visit to his family. See the Inland Empire Real ty Co. if you have anything for sale or exchange. Geo. Marsden is well pleased with his school work at Berkley Tho French Hotel serves a fine Sunday dinner and special attention is given to family service. Robt. Settlemyre and Glenn Ireland arrived here last Satur day with three fine stallions just purchased at Portland. Fair visitors next week will see among the livestock entries Willi 1113 SUI1UU1 WUIJV omciiuu; . ..1. CM.!..,, and writesmostcheerefully of it. T"f ?S otnllinn nf Vin TVlWlntlfl fitnek Aifred Benjanin of New YorkjsnoWt He is now owned by has made Schenk Bros, agents ( uarney COunty people, for Harney county for his. great clothing. I Notice is hereby given that all I unpaid taxes will become delin- Wm. Hanley has gone to pen-, quent on Mondny October 3. dleton to ride a Buffalo in the iaft(jr whch jntcrestand penalty Wild West "Round-up- neiu there this week. Miss K. Neugebauer is located in the Jorgensen building south Main St. and is prepared to do all kinds of dress making. Schenk Bros, do not have to send your suit back to a Phila delphia lawyer for alteration. They are tailors and can do it themselves. '. will attach. A. K. Richardson, Sheriir. The ladies Five Hundred Club will meet with Mrs. Tom Allen on next Saturday afternoon. Mrs. II. E. Thompson will be joint hostess. Members who can not attend are requested to notify the hostess. Trv the new auto stage be- Thos. Morrison and family are tween Burns and Prairie City, back from an extended visit with One machine at each end of the relatives and friends. They were j line daily. Arrange for trans in Canyon City, John Day, , portation at either the Burns or Prairie City, and over on Calami-' French hotels--Hayes & Blew, ty in this county. i proprietors. VISITORS TO THE FAIR We hope you will all have a good time If we can do anything for you, let m know Make yourselves at home in THE BUSY CORNER STORE A PLEASANT SURPRISE To make your visit profitable and enjoyable EVERY ARTICLE IN THE STORE except groceries, overalls, Standard Patterns and Holeproof Hosiery Will be reduced 20 per cent for cash We quote a few prices to show what it means V2fi. ginghams for 10c. 15 yds. calico $1.00 2Yfi. Outing llannol 10c. 15c. Percale 12c. 25c. Flannel 20c. 75c. VeHtHfor 60c. U5c. HoBiory 28c. $,'3.00 Shoes ....... $2.40 50c. Hair Turbans 40c. $3.50 Hair Switches $2.80 REMEMBER The same material reductions made in everything Our new stock of Dry Goods is in The best line every shown in Burns .LE BEGINS MONDAY, OCTOBER 3 The Busy Corner Store, L Schwartz, rrop. n Get an Alfred at Schenk Bros. Benjamin suit his Im n ! I ttl Cr 1 lift I UlllYCU J.WI tllU John Cary was in from country home yesterday. Got a sheepskin lined coat at. Tho Busy Corner Storo. Born -Saturday, Sept. 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Goodlow, n son. Good, substantial, well cooked meals nt the Home IIolol is what the boarder likes, Kemp Ilnrdisty and Walter Cross were over from Trout creek tho first of this week. For Salk 25 foot business lot on Main St., Burns. Good build ing. Inquiro at this office. Tho personal attention given guests at tho French Hotel has given it a good reputation- L. B. Cult), Prop. Tho steel has front of the Masonic building and active work will bo resumed there at once. IK YOU AUK (JOlNfiTO TltAVIX, Use tho Ilnmcy County National Ilnnk TKAVI'XI.KU'S CIIKQUKS They nrc nelMtli'iitlfjIiiK. Present indications are good for an exceptionally fine display of livestock at tho fair next week. Captain Clay Camp, Spanish War Veterans of Burns will give its first annual ball on Friday, Oct. 7. There will be a public mooting at Harney this evening to discuss the various measures to be voted on ;u inu coining uiugmuii. i Frank Cole arrived home last Saturday from a visit to Portland Salem and other points. He visited his mother up in Wash ington while out. Agents Wanted for PIIEONIX MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of OREGON, 829 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. C. F. McKinney, Chas. John son antt lien urown are nomo from their hunting trip to tho Buck Mountain section. They succeeded in getting some deer. Lost An olive colored over coat with dark stripes either in Burns or between here and the Lampshirc place. Finder may leave at this office and be re warded. If you have any goods that you want packed and shipped, bring them to us. We will pack them and take them to the express ollice free of charge. The Busy Corner Store. For Sau:1G0 acres of land with 1,000,000 feet of standing timber. 50 acres tillable and can be irrigated. Adjoining for est reserve and controls large range. Call at this office. Please bear in mind the New England dinner given by the ladies of the Catholic church next Wednesday evening at the Commercial Club rooms. The serving will begin at 5 o'clock. Miss Dorcas Sweek arrived home Thursday from a several weeks' visit with her grand mother near Portland. We un derstand Miss Sweek intends to teach in this county this winter. The Kellogg Stage Co. has va cated the offices at the post office and taken up quarters tempora rily at the Kellogg residence pro perty. W. L. Blott will fit up a real estate office in tho postoflico building. Judge Geo. E. Davis came over from Canyon City Monday to open tno aujourneu April lenn of circuit court. Tho grand jury again took up its work and many witnesses hnvo been beforo tho body. The regular October term of court convenes Monday. Estrav One brown mare, bald face, both' hind feet white, 12 years old weight 1200. Brand SJ on left stifle. Taken from near A. E. Brown's ranch. A reward for her return or infor mation leading to her recovery. L. J. MOORK, Cord, Oregon. Henry Blackmail took his de parture Tuesday afternoon for his home in Portland, Oregon. Monday Mr. Blackmnn visited tho high school and gave tho students a very encouraging talk. Ho is a booster for liar noy county and hasbeonfor over 20 years. Tho Burns Milling Co. have started up their now saw mill. Owing to tho high prico of hay, grain, and tho general increase cost of maintenance und opera tion, tho following prices will bo charged for lumber: Rough lumber at mill $18.00 per M. at vard in Burns $24.00 per M. dressed lumber $2.00 per M. in crease over old prices. Dry Blab wood $1.50 at mill. Sept. 22, '10. BurnB Milling Co. Don't overlook 4 8. tho fair Oct. Chas Dnvis was in the city Tuesday. Regular services at the Baptist church tomorrow. Schenk Bros, have received a case of Alfred Benjnnin clothing. Born -Tuesday, Sopt. 27, to Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Cary, a son. Leo Caldwell and wife are down from their mountain ranch. Welcome's specinl is a whip that you cant wear out. Call and see at tho harness shop. S. Alberson brought in tho election returns from Alberson precinct. The Burns Flour Milling Co. will pay 21 cents per pound for wheat or barley. Quito a number of racers are hero for the fair week speed events. The home of Hart, Sclmffner and Marx clothing. Tho Busy Corner Store. Work stock fed during tho winter at a reasonable rate. Good timothy hay inquire at this office. All goods at the Hagey & Richardson general merchandise store are new and up to date. Good values in ovory purchase. The largo now stock of Dry Goods has arrived. All the now goods are included in the big reduction sale. The Busy Corner Store. fSay have you seen that fine lot of now whips just received at the J. C. Welcome & Son har ness shop? They'ro the finest ever and prices to suit. The ladies of the Baptist church will serve chicken dinner and supper at tho Commercial Club rooms next Friday, Sept 7. The meals will be 50 cents each. Bring your dough While the prico is low. And buy your rye Before it goes high. From Chas. II. Davis, Harney.Or. , The handsome ribbon prizes of the Great Northern Railroad for the Harney county fair have been received and the two fine silver cups are en route. These handsome prizes nre well worth competing for. The firm of Hngey & Richard son has added another specinl premium to the fair. They will give u case of mixed fruit and vegetables of the Monopolo brand for the best display of fruit put up in Economy jars. For Sam-: -Black Percheron Stallion 5 years old, weight about 1800 lbs. Call on F. J. Conrad in Sunset or address him at Burns. If not sold before the horse may be seen at the fair ground during the fair. We would suggest that the business houses close on Thurs day, School Day at the fair, and all participate in the program that afternoon. Ontario business houses will close every day of the fair there. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Kesterson came over from Diamond the first of this week bringing their little daughter for medical treat ment. Wo understand the child has scarlet fever and tho fam ily is under quarantine in their home here. EsTRAY-Ono blood bay geld ing weightaboutOOO, white face, all four feet white; branded small Z down on left shoulder. Taken up in Catlow Valley. Owner call prove property and pay charges. Walter Waid, Diamond. Ore. Mesdames II. J. Hansen and Joe Thompson entertained a num ber of their lady friends at the home of tho former last Saturday afternoon. Five hundred was played which was followed by dainty refreshments. Miss Gcrt tol and Mrs. I. Schwartz secured tho highest scores. Tho impression has gone out that tho privato hospital of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Hamilton in this city belongs to the county that it is tho county poor farm. This is erroneous. Mr. Hamilton owns the' hospital and merely bus a contract with tho county to euro for such as become county charges. W. II. McAllister was up from tho Trout creek section in the south part of tho county this week. Mr. McAllister was ono of the original purchasers of tho Trout Creek property and when tho tract was cut up secured a fine allotment of land and most of tho personal property. Ho is looking after tho affairs of tho now firm in that section and says things aro moving along smooth ly. Tho crops In that section wero very good this season, Tho Home Hotel is tho comfor tablo placo to board. Don't overlook that mule for tho mule race next week. Tom Allen was iti from tho P Ratlch it few days this week. Thoroughbred Barred Rock cnckcnilfl for sale C. E. Mc- M'huctors. J. 11. Garrett was down from his Emigrant creek home during tho week. Candidates in Harney ceunty: Come to Schenk Bros, and look in tho looking glass if you want to be elected. Clay Clemens mill is the near est ono to Burns where all kinds of lumber both rough and dress ed can be had. Near Canyon road. Call him 'by phono for quick orders. If you want to make a trade, soil your relinquishment or other property the Inland Empire Real ty Co. will bo of great assistanco to you. They have sold others and can sell yours. Manager Lauranco and Presi dent J. R. Jenkins of the Union Tel. & Tel. Co. left Monday for a trip to the Alvord section to make final arrangements for the extension of tho lines into that territory. A GOOD POSITION Can be had by ambitious young men and ladies in tho field of "Wireless" or Railway telegra phy. Since tho 8-hour law be came effective, and since the Wireless companies aro establish ing stations throughout the country there is a great shortage of telegraphers. Positions pay begincrs from $70 to $90 per month, with good chance of ad vancement. Tho National Tele graph Institute of Portland, Ore gon, operates six official institutes in Americn, under supervision of R. R. and Wireless Officials and places all graduates into positions. It will pay you to write them for full details. NOTIi H I'OK I'lMtMCATION. I'nitmi JvMTrn l.jND oru k. Hum, ori'Run, fuiiiemlior 11,1910, Nolle ci In Ihti'Iijt Klwn Mint Inane K. (trior, ot WitU'rl)', Orenuii, wlui on .Marrli an. V.W. iukiIo limrMtrHU entry, rVrtal No Oi"., for Ullll, 'J, II lilul 4, Mill HK'.HUii Hi'l'llllll IU, Townaulp '.II Ninth, ItnuiiuiH i:il Hlllampllc Mcrlllmi, tins llli'il iintliuiiMiitentliintn mnlco Final riiininnliiMiiii I'mkiI, to fut&lillih claim totlio Ininl hInivii tli'Ki'rlliuil, tidum th ItcKia lor am! lU'i'rUurul Mnrni, Oregon, mi tho 17lh ilar "I Urliitmr 1111(1, Claimant ihuiicm m wltniMi'ir (' II. Knillli, It. K. Kllliy, Kil Hni'liirlii, O. K, Th(ni,min, allnf MaM'rly, OriKn, Wm, Kaiiiik, Itottlntcr NOTIGIC KOlt I'UHUCATION. IINITPII HTATKH I.ANII OKFICK, liimin Ort'Kon, Aiik'utt I.', I9IU. I Nntlru Ii heroin lilven that harali A Hlleni, of lllk'y, (irritrtin, hn, on Seitenil.er zint!, lUOil, maito'leaurl laml nntrv Nn. Hil, rWlnl No oiil'i, lor Nr.'f, MTtluu W. Toinnlilp'.. Hoii'h, llaiiKO 27 Kant, W lllainctlo klerlillati, milled iiutlroul Inlcntlnii to inaka Tlual 1'roof, loei lalillah elalm totholanil above ilcnrrlbeil, lis fore thu lifu'l.lcr mill Itecclvvr, at llurm. Oro Kon.on tluMthilar of itctohcr, I'JIO. Claimant name a wMiieaiea Irvlnirc Kujiiioml, of liurii. Ortvnn lack Ailama. Amlrew J Mi 'inn, Walter V Pltlcnn, nil ol Hlley, Oregon. Wu, Kaiihk. Itexlklcr. E. A. SHAFER I). S. Mineral Surveyor & Civil Engineer Irrigation and Water Supply En gineering. Townsite, Land and Mineral land I'atent Surveys. Drafting, Designing, Blue Print ing, Estimates, Etc. Narrows, Oregon Veterinary Hospital ELLIOTT BARN, BURNS, OREGON I take in animals with all kinds of sickness for treatment Calls promptly attended to PRICES REASONABLE CONSULTATION FREE H. ANDRESSON The Washington Restaurant WONG LEE, Proprietor Up stairs over the Capitol Saloon Tho bill of faro includes every thing tho market affords. Short orders a specialty. Bread for sale. Give him a call. MOTE'S CANDY STOKE lias just received a fresh lot of CANDIliS, CIGARS, TOBACCO New and handsome Post Cards, Stationery, Ink, Pens, Pencils, Novelties. A SPECIALTY OF IIOX CANDY EXTRA Fine assortment of everything D.R. MOTE, Burns, Oregon The Eastern Oregon Engineering Co. CIVIL, MUNICIPAL AND IRRIGATION ENGINEERS Main Office, Hums, Oregon A. O, rAUMCNKIt, URr. Branch Office, Lnkevicw, Oregon O, U. ITAULKMItU, Mf. I S'Jri : COURTESY COUNTS in a banking connection. We have found that out. Coupled with ample resources, modern facilities, prompt service and con servative management it has made the splendid growth of this bank. DO YOU WANT BANKING SERVICE? Come in and get acquainted witlt our officers and our methods. HARNEYCOUNTYrWIONALBANK OF I1URNS. OnEOON. contrquco ano owncd OY HOMl PIOPIX BUY YOUR DRUGS at OUR STORE We handle a complete line of everything usually sold by up to date druggists. It is OUR AIM TO PLEASE This we do by courteous treatment and reasonable prices to al our customers THE PLACE TO GET YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon. '' i j In a few weeks weeks we will move t into our new building and in order f to avoid transferrin"' our immense Stock of General Merchandise We Will Make Great Sacrifices Our stock ooniprisoB nearly every thing used for man or beast. The quality is tho best in the land; our prices are right; our treatment is alike to all, every day, and Jill the time. Faults we have to bo sure but who hasn't.' Lunaburg, Dalton & Co. t ' A MAN is known by the harness he uses A VAQUEHO by the saddle he rides. Evere horseman should have the best, both as to quality and price. You can get highest quality and lowest prices at J. C. WELCOME & SON Harness arid Saclclles Job Printing. r v $ $ $ $ $ $ ty .) p Jp ? $ $ $ $ $ $$$$$$$$ if ? !? i? $ ? I t ( i I $JTjL$JLj$JL1j III iBner rt'iicoil tin HlUunnnor milts Schenk Hrou, I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I f ? I ? I o o o t? o c? o p ip 9ft p ) tJ V $ $ $ $fc & ft 9 ip y J