mm Wlie Vfiuea2-tcrnlQi The Ofllolal Tnpor of Hnrnoj County has ths largoit circulation ami Is ono of the bit Advertising mediums in Knatorn dragon. idc OJrcn! 3-inmcu, (f.mnilrtj .Couth nti iirou of 0, l'J8,S09 'iic-n-e ol land. 4,(1111,1101 wrim yet wicnnl subject to entry timlor tlio public land Inns of tlio United Klnlefl. VOL. XXIII BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 17, 1010 NO. 44 s Jvlll'JvilivJi7 wllii U. Y RESIDE OFF LAND fore Detailed Information Regarding Enlarged Homesteads ROOF BASED ON CULTIVATION le untryman Musi Either Farm The Land Himself or Supervise its Culture, According to Ruling of Acting Secretary Picrce-vResidence Not Question. fho Times-Hernid made men-iL" f,, M , '. r- of a ruling covering the 320- hnf ,,,. , ,.. .. ..... lmTttnrnnri Inn. inlinn 1 - - . strties the law not requiring lual residence upon the land. plowing is a portion of this ing as given out hy Acting tretnryPierce. I'The department is unable to in the language of the sec- ary any authority or justifica- for an arbitrary rule fixing sfinite distance from the land n'n which such an en try man at reside or to fix a period of le within which he must be to reach his claim, as it be- Fed, as stated in the regula rs, that each case should be SAA ....., Ur. !l ucu uiiuii jia uwn muius ii t. . .... en actually presented to the """ a cruf' w " cn ,3.aBrcat - iiiiirn iiiTirrn lirnnvt t n n nun irtment upon final proof, pro- dries out very quickly, and if the seeds sprout and the next rain is too long in coming the whole stand may die out before tho rootlets can reach the wet dirt down below. "It can be seeded broadcast by hand or drilled, but tho solid wheel drill is not as good for tlio purpose as the split wheel, which I am glad to see they aro com mencing to manufacture for all purposes. Tho split wheel leaves an unpacked streak in tho seed row lor the young sprouts to come through and obviates the necessity of forcing their way ; or contest through the regu official channels. However, I think it is proper itate that the entry provided by this law is a homestead it is so declared in the ites and the entryman is re- red to possess the nualifica- of a homesteader, notwith- pding the fact that the entry- is excused from actually ling on the land entered. jrtheless, tho law requires ; he shall reside within such Mice from it as will enable to successfully farm the rs required by this section. It is believed that concress that language advisedly and it was intended that the pman himself should person- farm the land or personally brvise such farming. Other- the language employed by ress has no meaning what- fherefore, if an entryman onally .farms the land enter- auvaniage wnen the rains are few and far between. Ten pounds to the acre is n good amount to plant. "In 1908 we had two feet four inches of moist soil to start with. Wo planted April 15th; a soft snow May 4 brought it up, a light rain May 15th helped it along, then it turned dry and did not rain again until July 29, a total of 10 weeks drouth. Tho alfalfa grew about six inches high, and we had a fine stand. We cut weeds and all in August, leaving it on the ground. "Alfalfa can be planted in rows and cultivated as often as nec essary, but when planted in the ordinary way it can bo cultivated four times in the season, which is as often as the general run of farmers will cultivate anything. The first year it can be lightly harrowed in the fall or if not very largo it can bo left alone, for if it lives until August it will hold its own anyway. The next spring it can be harrowed, before Tho recent progress of tho school is shown by tho winning of tho gold medal for general ex cellence of work shown at tho Alaska Yukon Exposition, in com petition with tho stato schools of Washington, California and Utah.' A majority of tho pupils enter school not knowing a word of language, not oven their own names, and tho transformation of theso pupils into intelligent young men and women and skilled work ers, capable of independent, use ful and happy citizenship, is tru ly marvelous. A number of graduates are successfully pur suing courses at tho- National College for tho Deaf in Washing ton, D. C. Through ignorance of tho cx- istance of tho school, or miscon ception of its purpose and char acter, there aro deaf children in many communities who arc not sent to school nt all, or are not sent at tho proper time. Thus these children are compelled to lose many years of valuable time, and others aro actually allowed to grow up to manhood and woman hood, ignorant, helpless, depend ent, unable to express their sim plest wants in verbal language, cut off from social converse, mentally and spiritually starved and stunted. Their very un necessary plight is infinitely worse than that of tho wholly il literate hearing person, and sure ly no missionary, or social or civ ic duty was ever more sacred than that of seeing that there are as few such cases as possible. Especially so, as the state pro vides FREE every facility for tho prevention of such disastrous re sults. Full information regard ing the school can be had by ad dressing the Superintendent Stato School for Deaf, Salem, Oregon. THE CAUSE AND EFFECT TO Till; TRAFFIC. I. Oreaonian Comments on Farm Lands in Oregon PAPER JUSTIFIES PRICES ASKED Owing to tho high price of grain nnd hay and the general in- j- . ,, creased cost of maintenance and VallieS Ot operation, tho following schedule of rates of tho C. M. Kellogg stage Co, become elective Sept.l, 1910, subject to change without netice: Burns and Vale Burns to Faro Freight Suggestions to Newcomers Who Want Land Farm Values Depend on Fixed Facts, Climate, Soil, Con- dition. ofr Tilling niuf Cultivation, Markets, ' Etc! It may be that there aro states or portion of states where growth of tho country in people and pro ducts is more rapid than a pro portionate growth in cities, says the Oregonian editorially. .Tlio census returns now beginning to bo issued in regard to various Eastern or Middle Western cities, showing a considerably slower rate of increase than in previous decades in the face of abounding prosperity, seem to point that way. In the Pacific Northwest, and in Oregon in particular, the reverse is true. Our cities grow faster in population and in im portance than the surrounding country, and tho disparity of growth seems to bo increasing, though trains are loaded with im migrants, and the attractions of tho Oregon farm and orchard aro advertised to all points of the not less than seven years ago, realize from $500 to $900 an acre for their fruit, year by year, or even more, no one counts, or at least ought to, object to a price based on four years' purchase. And yet one rarely hears of more than $2000 an aero being asked for bearing orchards. In well cared for modern orchards, there seems no sign of or reason for the trees growing old and wear ing out for many a year to come, nor does there appear any pro bability of the market being over run by production. Good orchards in Oregon, then, must be good to buy and to live on. Coming to farming lands dif ferent questions are met at once. How shall a newcomer know if he iB being asked too much? The first caution is that he should remember that in buying a farm he is buying a home as well, and 1.50 2.25 3.00 5.00 7.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 Harney. . $ Cow & Rock Creeks Buchanan's Drcwsey. . . Bculah . Fopiano Westfnll Warm Springs Vale BUIINS AND PltAIlHB ClTY, Ilardisty Sta . 3.00 Silvies 4.00 Seneca .... G.00 Canyon 8.00 Prairie City . . 10.00 Buuns and Diamond. Narrows 3.00 Voltage 4.00 Smith 5.50 Diamond G.00 BUKNS AND VENATOR Lawen 2.50 Harriman . ... 3.75 Venator G.00 $1.00 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 1.50 2.00 3.00 4.00 1.50 2.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 2.00 3.00 FALL SHOWING of NEW GOODS We are opening up our new Fall and Winter goods anjwjje pleased to -have you 'm,' Our stock, as usu;Jwi)l be the largest in Eastern Oregon. INDUSTRIAL NOTES. I CT Trt l 1 T1 frt fV r fr ti n -am An a! aa It 4 m . . . . niii iiiii. l ii ii ii i ii r :ii'ii fin i mir it r.ncr.nnllr ciinnrvicno thnl -. vukvihj, I'vj. JUU14J1.T uuwi,i ngwo IIIUI 1 fl It 1 . 1 - - . t rrfiM run nnAAMH nu t a .. '"-i uiu occuiiu jrcui iuu uiau ivation and improvement of fsame, the department will Inquire as to his place of re- ice, because the fact that he ally complies with the re- ements of the statute will ite the necessity of inquiry i his place of abode. on the other hand, an irman does not personally the land or personally sup- the cultivation thereof, dace of residence respecting listance from the land will may Dy usea, cutting ucen or shallow, according to the size of the plants." STATE SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF. The fall ,.:., l- I iiiciuii ocsaiuu ui inu now State School for the Deaf will open Sept 28th. The new build ings, for which the last legisla ture appropriated seventy five thousand dollars, have been com pleted and are being made ready nsidered for the purpose of ixuo """" "" 7w . ...v.i. ' ... occupied have been transfered to ." .7. .',.. "otn.0,tho State Sanitarium for tho Treatment of Tuberculosis. The new school plant ismodem in every respect, and is most con veniently located in the suburbs of Salem, on a tract of fifty two acres, on the line of tho Oregon Electric and about a half mile west of the State Fair Grounds. The object of this school is to educate the deaf children who come to it without language of any kind into useful, intelligent, self-supporting citizens. This is accomplished by means of both literary and industrial training. Seven literary and five indus trial teachers aro employed. All tho literary teachers have ro ceiyed special technical training for their work, principally at tho training schools in Washington, D. C, Northampton, Mass. and TllitlfilnlriVttn Hninf nflnnlinM in vvo can usually conserve I ,.,,. ,. ., . . , UV TUIVU IAS tllW UUf WlVJJUlllVlll Ui speech and speech-reading among the deaf in addition to the neces sary instruction in written language. Trades teaching is an exceed ingly important part of tho work, and this fcaturo has been greatly strengthened in the last few years. Tho girls aro given ample time and skilled instruction by special teachers in cooking, sow ing and dressmaking; while boys aro taught printing, woodwork, leather work, and for thoso inter- ontr(. rnnahrrnhn nHnntfnn la lanting is dangerous for given to general farm nnd trarden 11 seeds which havo to bo work. reason of his place of resi i unable to comply with tho Irements of the law." DRY LAND ALFALFA. recent issue of tho Dry king bulletin contains some 3ting advice from E. R. ins, a practical larmer hv- ear Parker, Colorado. Upon ! jbject of raising dry land a Mr. rarsons has tho fol- jg to say: he art of raising alfalfa but irrigation is to accumu- aufiicient moisture in the and then get tho roots ; into it. Two or three feet isture will carry the alfalfa bio year and insure a stand 4er it rains or not. Bv ig in the fall 10 inches amount of moisturo by jtime. But for those who only six or seven inches lit is better to fallow tho whole year. ry year plowing in the fall, plained in a previous pa- not detrimental, provided jund is not planted until Tho tilth of tho soil at If plowing matters nothing, time of planting it matters tiling. best time to plant is about the 20th of April. (Portland Correspondence.) Members of tho Board of Army Engineers have inspected tho Umatilla irrigation project dur ing the past week and upon their report depends Oregon's chance of sharing in tho $20,000,000 bond issue proposed for tho completion of reclamation projects already under way. Tho inspectors de clined to make any statement but it is regarded as certain that their report will bo favorable. They went carefully over the district and saw thriving orch ards, alfalfa fields from which three crops have been cut, and gardens filled with fine vegeta bles. Reclamation Service offici als told the engineers that condi tions on the proposed extension of the project are more favorable than thoso on the district where reclamation work has already proved so successful. Tho ex tension of the project will irri gate G0.000 acres additional. The Oregon & Western Coloni zation Company, which recently acquired tho big Cascade wagon road grant and will open up 800,- 000 acres to settlement, has ap pointed Earl L. Marvin, formerly state land agent for Idaho, man ager of tho property, and the lands aro now being appraised preparatory to opening them up for settlement. The possibilities of irrigation on tlio lands aro be ing considered by tho owners. Improvements going forward in Eugene and Medford are sum marized and brought to tho notico of people interested in thoso com munities through the local papers by Managers Freeman and Mal boeuf of tho commercial clubs of theso two thriving cities. Tho plan is an excellent ono and serves as an eye-opener to people at home who do not realize the extent of local betterments until tho matter is called to their at tention. Bend is going to get valuable advertising in tho East by mak ings complete exhibit in tho Ore gon car to bo shown by tho Hill interests. A splended collection of products grown around Bend will Lo included in tho exhibit, which will bo nn object lesson in what Oregon farms can grow. It is certain to get good results. Every Oregon town should have a liko showing. Beautification of railroad sta tions in Oregon is planned by tho Harriman lines and W. C. Chaso has been appointed official land scape architect. Eugene was tho first citv in the stato to adont modern landscaping ideas, for its dopot grounds and others will follow suit. compass. Many causes may bo cited. Ono is lack of transportation for men and their merchandise from farm to market. This is being rapidly remedied, and to oven greater immediate benefit by rad iating electric lines than by tho trunk steam lines and their ex- tentions. Another cause is tho bad roads in rainy times, which quite reasonably frighten the women folks from taking up fnrm life miles from town or city. A third is shortcomings in postal privileges, except on rural mail routes, and especially the post ponement, sine die, of the parcels post. Another drawback often felt and cited by tho newcomer is the distance of tho farm from religious influences of church and Sunday school. This objection to home-making in a sparsely settled country may bo looked at as a testimony lo tho standard of living desired by these now citizens of Oregon. But it also reflects on the slowness with which the religious organizations of our stato are accepting tho methods of the newly formed Federation of Christian churches by apportioning territory between them, avoiding overlapping of re ligious effort, and organizing church privileges for districts yet unsupplicd. A fifth trouble is this: If the newcomer is one who looks before he leaps, he finds that in hand ling his farm, deciding what ho shall do with it to bring him tho best results, how ho shall best dispose of its yield ingrain, fruit, stock, poultry, or dairy products ho will bo severely let nlone to work for his own hand, find his own markets, tako what may bo offered him by wny of price, sell ing for tho lowest, buying for the highest. It will bo correctly said that these soveral difficulties, and oth ers that necessarily follow on tho effort to set up a now homo in a now place, aro now in process of being cured, nnd should not dis courage any ono who has made the long journey hero, and so has burned his ships. From theso, or through these, ho will win out. But inquiry shows that another nnd serious causo for delay in buying, or abandonment of tho intention to uuy, larm lands in Oregon lies in what seem to tho newcomer to bo inordinately high prices of farm nndorchnrd lands. Judgo Lovctt rofcrred to this the other day as being not only an explanation of tho really slow rato at which farms wero being bought, but nlso as a reason why rnilroads wore, or might be, hes itating at pushing on extentions of their linos. Lot us look at thia more close ly, Orchards nnd orchard lands in Oregon aro in a class by them selves. When orchards in bepr ing in organized or developed districts, nnd theroforo planted that he should take time to con sider well. One hears of people visiting a neighborhood ono dav and buying a farm the next They probably would take more time to buy a horse. Tho next point is that farm values depend on fixed facts climate, soil, con dition of tilling nnd cultivation, nearness of markets, transportn tion and in much less degree on buildings and fences; tho latter a fetr hundred or thousand dollars will set to rights the former affects values for all time to come. A short time spent at the coprt house and in learning re cently recorded prices will be well put in. Very few Oregon farmers are entirely cleared and in use. Tho proportion of clear ed to wild or partially cleared land, and the cost per acre of clearing in the locality in ques tion, are very important items in fixing values. Last, but not least, the new comer may fairly ask what are nnd have been the net receipts from tho working of the farm? It may be that but a small pro portion of our farmers could give a clear and full reply. But if farming is to bo tho business, and the successful business, that it may well be, just for a few minutes, say three daily, may be given to the accounts of the farm. Thus a reasonable valua tion can bo placed on a farm. Its possibilities as well as actual conditions may fairly be taken into account. For beauty of position, for homo advantages and attractiveness, tho newcomer can add what to him seems fit to tho essential money value of tho farm. Unless the seller can givo good reasons for tho prices in excess to thoso so nrrived at in the buyer's mind, tho attempted sale will probably fail. At any rato the seller should bo ablo to justify in sober sense tho prices that ho asks. The Oregon farms, East, West, North and South alike, are worth today more, by a largo percentage, than three years ago is a safe statement. That values will rise still higher as tho now railroads aro built and opened is also true. That is all natural, nnd not unenrned in crement. If this is so tho moro reason that natural nnd not boom prices should bo sot on Oregon farms. As usually treated, a sprained ankle will disable a man for three or four weeks, but by ap plying Chamberlain's Liniment freely as soon ns the injury is recicved, and observing the directions with each bottle, a cure can bo effcctcd'in from two to four days. For sale by all good dealers. Religious Services. The following are Rev. A. J. Irwin's regular preaching ap pointments for the year 1910. Burns the third and fourth Sundays of each month at 11 m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunset School House at 10:30 a. m. the first Sunday of each month. Narrows at 3 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. the first Sunday of each month. Wavcrly at 10 a. m. the second Sunday of each month. Lawen at 3:30 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. the second bunday of each month. Denstead School House at 3 p. in. tho third Sunday of each month. Sunday School at Burns every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock a. in. Services at the Baptist Church first and second Sundays in each month. Sunday School at 10 a. m. every bunday. Prayer meet ing Thursday evening. W ? H i fl mm : m Store isiaew N. BROWN & SONS Burns, Oregon. i $ 59&&$ff M. L. LEWIS - waa&3Jjr mejsmce ... Represents the... Home Insurance Co., of New York, Live pool, London & Globe, Fire Assurance Co., Philadelphia. OFFICU WITH KlOdS & HUKH. Bums, Oregon. lorner.Soulli of l.unabuig & Datum's. ! WW WSWiS The HOTEL A? S N. A. DIBBLE, ?opt. CENTRALLY LOCATE GOOD, CLEAN MAL.Sf CORflFORTABL 1 ROOMS Courteous treatment- ratjri "e.son able -Give m aca'l A First Clas Bar in Con c!ion It is not the quantity of food taken but tho amount digested and assimilated that gives stren gth and vitality to the system. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets invigorate the stomach and liver and enable them to preform their functions naturally. For sale by all good Dealers. The Lone Mar RESTAURANT China (iforge, l'roptlutor. Cur. Main nnd It St roots, WBflLS AT ALtU HOUS Bokerry In eonncetion A Specially of Short Orders. Tallin fiirniHlied with ovorything tlio market aflbnlH. Your patron afu Holioilud, C. M. KELLOGG ST-'.Cuf CO. Four well equipped liner. Kxu,' .cilitie? for transportation of mail, o.pre- , utoengers Prairie City to Burns. Vale to Burns Burns to Diamond Burns to Venator E. B. WATERS, Agent. 5 A Handsome Woman Miss Alma Raymond returned to Vale Friday of last week to bo ready for tho commencement of her school work. Sho visited in Harney during her vacation with her brother and friends in and near Bums. Oriano. If your liver is sluggish and out of tono, and you feel dull bilious, constipated, tako a doso of Chamborlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets tonight before re tiring and vou will feol alricrht in the norning. Sold by all; dealers. Every woman may not bo hand some, but every woman should keen with euro the rood points naturo has given her. No woman need havo sallow clan, dull eye, blotchy complexion, who pays proper attention to her health. blood impurities and other irregularities exist, good complex ion, bright eyes nnJ .iprightly movements cannot exist. Internal derangement! royal tliemulvei sooner or later on tho surface. Ilcudncho, dm It rinui around tlio ryo, sallow sliln, n con. stant tired fccllnanicnn ihnl tho liver and digestive organs oro needing help and correction. Chamberlaln'a Stomach and Uver Tablets give this necessary help. They work la nslur.'s own w.y. Th.y do not m.rely flutt. Ih. bow.U but ton. up tho Uv.r nd la fulfill proper f uncllona. So rnllil and sent!, do Ihcy cl llit on. hardly r..ilt.i th.t thoy h.v. I.K.n medlcln.. Ch.mb.rUln'. can b. upon to r.ll.vo billouin.ii, Indlg.ntlon, constipation and discin.ta. Sold v err where. I'ric. 23 cents. 1 The Harriman Mercantile Co. GENERAL MERCHANDISE BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES Complete line of Groceries and Dry Goods Gents Furnishings FULL AMD GQRflPLETE LIME OF HA.ttlLTORa BtfOWW SHOES HARDWARE FARM hPLEIVSENTS, WINONA WAGONS, BARBED WIRE We guarantee quality andjpricea Let us prov? to vou thnt we havo the goods at right u TJ !Tw Tcwn .t O- ii m ?KX:vv -nll nnd see in r$m