nutmHMEinimmiUWHI 1ififiiifiiiriWi(il HHM t Times-J-Ierald. Af THK LAH0KST CIHCULATION OK ANY NKWSFAl'Kll IN THIS COUNTY. SATUKIlAY, SEt'TKMBKn 10, 110. Loon) News. School suit. at Schenk Bros. 150 tons of hay for stile hi lt qin're at this oflico. John Rohertson and Win, Storl- E inp arc back from a trip to out- , side points. Fall and winter weight cloth- l nig at ro luced prices at The busy Corner Store. . V Born Thursday. Sentomber 8, to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Beery in this city, a son. A handmade lace handkerchief was found near the Geer rcsi-i dence owner call at this office, i Mrs. C. A. Haines and childA ren are again domiciled in their home in this city for the school year. A new line of dry goods, fur nishings, shoes, hats, etc. can always be found at Hagey & Richardson's. A. M. Byrd and wife have moved into the W. E. Huston! residence opposite Iho Times-' Herald office, for the winter. I FIRE INSURANCE AT COST I is one of the strongest Mutuals in the state. See us about it. I Randall, Passenger & Maloncy. Those having relinquishments or real estate for sale should consult E. W. VanValkcnburg, the real estate man, at his office in Burns. Big sale of household goods and farming implements on Sept. 17, 1910. Come everybody. W. T. Smith, Auctioneer. E. E. Purington and wife wore down from the mill the first of this week, returning Wednesday, Mrs Purington will como down soon to remain for the winter. A marriage 1. cense was issued Thursday to R. C. Goodlow and Edith M. Turpin and yesterday a license was issued to H. D. Craig and Sena Guidurduin. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS at tho close of business September 1st, 1910 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $279,216.97 U.S.Bonds 50,000.00 Bonds and Securities 52,760.39 Premium on U. S. Bonds 2,000.00 Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 6,600.00 Five per cent Redemption Fund 1,250.00 CASH 141,280.81 $533, 114. 17 LIABILITIES Capitol $25,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits .14,510.62 Circulation . 25,000.00 DEPOSITS 438,597.55 $533,114.17 Capital and Surplus, $65,000.00 United States Depositary Accounts Invited W. E. Huston, in the Odd Fcl- Fresh fruit at Huston's. Clothes pressed and cleaned at 'bu;Id!. has a fine lot of oi..s.,l. i3-. iivan nun. ol-u nun ui uuu.-. OUUVUU XJ1VS. Tom Allen was 'over from the i P Ranch this week. i Good, substantial, well cooked, meals at the Home Hotel is what I the boarder likes. James Mahon was among the business visitors during the week. i The Ecli family are again in their city residence for the school year, having come over Monday. Tho French Hotel serves a fine Sunday dinner and special attention is given to family service. Mrs. Thos. Barnes left this mnrnintr fnr hor hnmc in Rnno. Hagey & Richardson carry the , Nevada, aftcr a vist with ,er best brands of groceries. AH dnUBlter Mrs H B Macc. fresh Tho Edison Phonograph js See the Inland Empire Real-, jraijng in popularity and should ty Co. if you have anything forbo : everv homc-Lunaburg & , saie or exCnanKe. , Dalton arc rosidcnt agents. y , Alfred Benjanin of New York, Joaqilin bchIuro (Chino) was has made Schenk Bros agents brouBht to town Wednesday with for Harney county for his great n brokcn ,w the rcSult of being I clothing kicked by a horse. Ho is doing Registration books close Sept. 14 well at the hospital. The Horticultural Fire Relief' voter? " Dier nusuoii , The Ladies Five Hundred Chid xney wane 10 uikc pan m me ;s Jnvilcd to meet with Mr8 of Salem saved policy-holders 310,000.00 last year in premiums. Let us tell you more about it. Randall Passenger '& Maloney. Friends in this city have re ceived the announcement of the marriage of Miss Hazel Cawl field and Mr. Vivian S. French at Roseburg on Sept. 4. The bride is a niece of the Cawlfield boys here and spent a part of her childhood in this city, her moth er being a sister to Mis3 Maud Ragon. The display in the window of Geer & Cummins of water mel ons, musk melons, corn cucum-'citv for several davs this week bers, etc, is certainly creditable' He is again living on his home and gives one an idea of what! ranch near Narrows .which has been leased. primaries. Frank Davoy on oxt Tuesday Miss K. Neugebauer is located evening, to discuss further tho in the Jorgensen building south ' forming of a dancing clnb. all kinds of dress making. unpaid J W. L. Spencer has been in the quent on Monday October . city this week, having moved ' af tcr w,ici, interest and penalty. the family in Irom the ranch tor wju attach. the winter for school. a. K. Riciukdson, Schenk Bros, do not have to Sherifr. send your suit back to a Phila delphia lawyer 'for alteration. They are tailors and can do it themselves. Frank Cawlfield was in tho can be raised without irrigation. , Mr. Geer has the reputation of being second only to the famous j Campbell in dry farming and, this display is evidence that he is some pumpkins or melons, anyway. Try the new auto stage be tween Burns and Prairie City. One machine at each end of the line daily. Arrango for trans portation at either the Burns or French hotels Hayes & Blew, proprietors. Supt. Hamilton came over from tho Harney neighborhood Wed- We save policy-holders 40 per nesday bringing over Cecil Irving cent of their premiums annually, j who had tho misfortune to get Firo insurance as good as the his thumb caught in a rope and best. Write us for particulars, painfully injured. He is under Randall, Passenger & Maloney. the care of a physician. ,H r GOOD NEWS We announce the Two Biggest drives of the year at The Busy Corner Store MEN'S CLOTHING FINE STATIONERY at the lowest prices ever offered in Burns dale ends Saturday, September 24th $15 Suits at $10.50 $22.50 Suits at $17 18 " " 12.60 23.50 " " 17.65 20 " " 14.25 25 " " 19.25 Hun's tars at 1-3 off Regular Price - ' i 100 BOXES SUPERFINE ST A TIONERY 24 Sheets of Paper and 24 Envelopes in a Box, Bought to Sell at 65 cents Price during this sale only 45c. per box Come in and look at the goods See what splendid bargains we are offering mrrn nrrmrYnnxTnn nmAnn r rttrrnr i nmw n u inu JJU8X uuniMt si una, i. bum wjlktzi, rr op S-i- .-. .'. ...i'...ii.i..j..ii.-.....i!-!ii.i ......... ..... , ,.,....,.. gg Got an Alfred Benjamin suit at Schenk Bros. W. T. VnnderVcor is over from his Pine Creek ranch. Mrs. Ed. Egli has returned to tho Wngontiro ranch. TIioh Bain was n pleasant call er at this ollico during Hhis week. For Sauj 25 foot business lot on Main St, Burns. Good build ing. Inquire at this ollico. Tho personal attention given guests at tho French Hotel has given it n good reputation L. B. Culp, Prop. IK YOU AUK GOING TO TKAVEL, Unt the Hnnicy County Nntlonnl Ilnnk TKAVHLLKIt'S CIIKQUT.S They uro sclMclcntlfylnir. Captain Clay Camp, Spanish War Veterans of Burns will give its first annual ball on Friday, Oct. 7. The clothing sale at Tho Busy Corner Store includes tho famous Hart, .SchafFner &. Marx line; the best made. FokSalk-1G0 acres of land with 1,000,000 feet of standing timber. 50 acres tillablo and can bo irrigated. Adjoining for est reserve and controls large range. Call at this office. C. C. Couch arrived from Salem Wednesday and the Utile son who died Friday night "was laid to rest that afternoon. Ser vices were conducted by Rev. A. J. Irwin at tho Presbyterian Church. You will never again be quite as you arc today mentally or physically. Perhaps not ever again will you be able to get so "young" a photograph that looks like you as today. Visit the Sayor Studio. ' Sim and Leon Freiman, broth ers to Mrs. I. Schwartz, are visit ing here at present. The boys were formerly in business at Juneau, Alaska, but we under stand the business has been dis posed of and they may remain in this country. Mrs. S. Lampshire has received hi letter from Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shaw which states that they have reached their destination in Southern California and found the little farm they had con traded for before leaving here even better than they expected and arc entirely satisfied. W. G. Howell, who has been here for a few weeks looking after his big land interests, left for his homo in Portland this morning. There were five in the party and they expect to go all the way in the auto via Bend over the McKenzic route to Eugene and then to Portland, t E. N. Jameson has returned from a visit to Missouri where he went in company with Homer Reed and wife over a month ago. Air. Jameson had a fine time among old cronies back there. Homer Reed is sick and not able to return at this time. His ill ness is not considered serious. yet it may develop into typhoid fever. M. J. O'Connor. U. S. Com-( missioner, and old time resident of Denio, was circulating among his friends In this city during the week. Mr. O'Connor is one of tho pioneers of this county and has a wido acquaintance. Ho was formerly located hero but has been in the southern part of the county for the past several years where he has mining in terests. He sees quite a change in Burns and is pleased to see the many new substantial build ings erected Binco ho was here last Henry F. Holland, a brother of I. II. Holland, arrived here from Chicago last Monday for a short visit Thoy had not met for 20 years. Tho young man is con nected with an electrical firm and as his time was limited, ike and family went out Wednesday in the auto, accompanying him as tar as Ontario. Mrs. Holland and Gladys go from thero to Portland whore the latter will enter school for tho winter, Mrs. Holland returning homo as soon as she is settled. Ike went on to Boise with his brother and ex pects to bo homo in a day or two. O. W. Porter, for several years a resident of this county where ho was engaged in tho sheep business, was hero during the week, having come ovor from his home at Woiser in his auto. Mr. Porter was accompanied over from Drewsey by J. L. Sitsc and C. W. Drinkwatcr with whom ho is associated in tho mercantile business. Thoy were hero to comploto tho incorporation of the firm and it is now known as the Porter Sitz Co. It is capitalized for &50.000. Mr. Porter met many old time friends hero and had a vory pleasant visit. Ho has returned liome. Schenk Bros. haVti received a case of Alfred Uohjanln clothing. Boim In thlB city, September 1), to Mr. and lylrs. John Cary, a son. Look at tho beautiful stationery for only 4Gc per box nt The Busy Corner Store. Ted Hayes and wife were tMie guests of friends in this city Thursday. Wolcomo'a special is a whip that you cant wenr out. Call and see at the harness shop. Tho Burns Flour Milling Co. will pay 2J cents per pound for wheat or barley. All goods at tho Hagey & Richardson general merchandise store aro new and up to date. Good values in ovcry purchase. Foil SALE Soveral head of horses 3, 4 and 5 years old, weighing from 1050 to 1250 each. Call at tho Times-Horald office. I have some registered Berk shire sows, also pigs, two regis tered Jersey bulls and some Russian wolf hound pups for sale. DR. L. E. Hiuiiaiid. Say have you seen that fine lot of now whips just received at the J. C. Welcome & Son har ness shop? They're tho finest ever and prices to suit "I cannot afford to carry fire insurance theratoH are too high" cannot bo said of the Horticultur al Firo Relief. Let us figure with you. Randall, Passenger & miuuiiuy. H. W. Welcome has decided to engage in the drug business over at Drcwsey and will at once put in a stock. That is a good busi ness point and no doubt Henry will make a success. W. C. Byrd did not file any netition for the nomination of justice of tho peace for Burns but will accept if hiB friends de sire. His name may bo written on tho primary ballot. The lady of refinement always wants tho very finest writing material. Paper and envelopes that many stores sell for 75c per box, can bo had for only 15c at The Busy Corner Store. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Couch de sire to express their deep appreci ation of the kindness shown and the generous help extended them by their many friends in this city during their late be reavement. Foil Sale Black Percheron Stallion 5 years old, weight about 1800 lbs. Call on F. J, Conrad in Sunset or address him at Burns. If not sold before the horse may be seen at the fair ground during the fair. County Commisioner Smyth has rented a cottage in Burns and Mrs. Smith and son have moved in for the winter. Geo. is supposed to stay on the ranch but we'll wager an old hat that he'll be in Burns most of the time. F. E. Dickenson has brought tho secretary of the fair some sample of tall meadow oats grown at his mountain place on the'side of a hill without irrigation. These samples are a second cutting and show remarkable growth. It can bo seen at the fair. v The Smith & Swain well drill ing machine struck water on tho I. Schwartz homestead on tho hill west of Burns at a depth of 155 feet and tho water raised 70 feet in the well. This strike has opened a new possibility of city water thatshould be investigated. Grant Thompson was n busi ness visitor this week. Mr. Thompson is much interested in the success of the county fair and has offered a cash prize of $5 for the best alfalfa grown without irrigation and $5 for tho best all purposo wool and mutton ram. Estray One blood bay geld ing weight about 000, white face, all four feet whita; branded smnll Z down on Icf t ahoulder. Taken up in Catlow Valley. Owner call prove property and pay charges. Walter Waid, Diamond. Ore. Hon. J. L. Sitz while in the city this week, told tho secretary of tho Fair Association ho would furnish a wagon load of produco for exhibition at tho fair and tho Great Northern cor, Mr. Sitz had some fine pluma with him which wore put into cold storage for tho fair. W. J. Altnow, also of Drcwsey, has sent tho secre tary a fino lot of crab apples, plums and tomatoes with tho promise of a good exhibit of ap ples later. With other such pub lic spirited citizens equally inter ested in tho success of tho fair wo may look forward to n most creditablo display of Harney county products. Wo want all to bring in proauco can't navo too much. Tho Home Hotel is tho comfor table placo to board. Read the display ad. of Tho Busy Corner Store. A. Hembreo has been visiting in this city for a few days. J. A. Vest has jimt returned from a business 'trip to railroad points. Thoroughbred Barred Rock cockcrals for sale C. E. Mc PheeterH. Lloyd Johnson and wife were among our Luwon visitors during the week. Candidates in Harney ceunty: Como to Schenk Bros, and look in tho looking glass if you want to be elected. The Holel Diamond wants a renter to take charge Oct. 3 1910. For further particulars write, M. Horton, Diamond, Ore. Rcatos for sale, all sizes and lengths, prlco 20 cents per foot. Any one desiring Reatos address W. A. Ford of J. O. Alberson, Albcrson, Oregon. Clay Clemens mill is the near est one to Burns where all kinds of lumber both rough and Uresa. cd can be had. Near Canyon road. Call him by phone for quick orders. Rev. A. J. Irwin will preach at tho Buchanan school house on Wednesday night Sept. 14th at 7:30; and nt Harney on Thursday night Sept. 15th at 7:30. If you want to make a trade, sell your relinquishment or other property the Inland'Empire Real ty Co. will be of great assistance to you. They have sold others and can sell yours. W. D. Huffman was in from his homo this week, Mr. Huff man says tho crops over there are good and if he possibly has time he will bring over some vegetables and fruit for the fair. Why pay the rates charged by Standard Companies, when you can get the same protection for about half? Fire Insurance ta cost in tho Horticultural Fire Relief. Randall, Passenger & Maloney. Dr. L. E. Hibbard will leave tomorrow morning for Silverton where he goes to visit his uncle, Trenton Hibbard, who is in very poor health. The doctor will also visit his mother while in that vicinity and if circum stances win permit may take in a part of the state fair. Diarrhoea is always more or less prevalent during Septem ber. Be prepared for it Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is prompt and effectual. It can always bo de pended upon and is pleasant to take. For sale by all good dealers. IS YOUR ACCOUNT SMALL? We are inrercsted in it neverthe less, for many of our besT. ac counts were at one time small. We would like to have you de posit with us, and we promise every courtesy and convenience we can give you. Interest allowed on Savings Accounts and Certificates of Deposit. HARNEVCOUNTYfWnONALBANK OF IJUnNS. OHECON. CONTKUtD ANO OWNCD Y HOMi nopuc BUY YOUR DRUGS at OUR STORE We handle a complete line of everything usually sold by up to date druggists. It is OUR AIM TO PLEASE This we do by courteous treatment and reasonable prices to al our customers THE PLACE TO GET YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon E. A SHAFER U. S. Mineral Suneyor & Civil Engineer Irrigation and Water Supply En gincering. Townsite, Land and Mineral land Patent Surveys. Drafting, Designing, Blue Print ing, Estimates, Etc. Narrows, Oregon Veterinary Hospital ELLIOTT HAIiN, BURNS, OREGON I take in animals with nil kinds of sickness for treatment Calls promptly attended to PRICES REASONABLE CONSULTATION FREE H. ANDRESSON The Washington Restaurant WONG LEE, Proprietor Up stairs over the Capitol Saloon The bill of faro includes every thing tho markot affords. Short orders a specialty, Bread for sale, Give him call, MOTE'S CANDY STORE Has just reefhed a fresh lot of CANDIES, CIGARS, TOBACCO New and handsome Post Cards, Stationery, Ink, Pens, Pencils, Novelties. A SPECIALTY OF BOX CANDY EXTRA Fine assortment of everything D.R. MOTE, Bums, Oregon The Eastern Oregon Engineering Co. CIVIL, MUNICIPAL AND IRRIGATION ENGINEERS Main Ollice, Hums, Oregon A. Q, rAUMCNBll, MRI. Hranch Office, Lakeview, Oregon V. M. rAULXNEK, Mgf. f In u few weeks weeks we will move into our new building and in order to avoid transferring our immense Stock of General Merchandise We Will Make Great Sacrifices Our stock comprises nearly every thing used for man or beast. The quality is the best in the land; our prices are right.; our treatment is alike to all, ovcry day, and all the time. Faults we have- to bo sure but who hasn't? Lunaburg", Dalton & Co. A MAN is known by the harness he use A VAQUERO by the saddle he ndei Evere horseman should have th best, both as to quality and price You can get highest quality and lowest prices at J. C. WELCOME & SON X3Z&xn.ess an.d. Sa,c3.d.les Job Printing. e p p p p p $K K Q $ p p p p I I I I I f I I I I I t I I I SALE III !!5)cr couloir on nil iiiinner mill srlicnk llroa III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I I I (J (f (? (J O 0 c u) 2) p p p v V $ $ $ $ $ $ 9 $ $ $ $ )