AM wff5P) ' " iiinnirnuiiiiniia,j -MHMIHMNMMIlMMIflMMAMMMi s ii o n a s t i &. 119! .ft I If EP K 4.' & mti Ty?fe Blue prints of any township in Burns Land District, showing namo of entrymnn, (Into and kind of entry, topography, etc., $1.00 each. Piatt T. Randall, Burns, Ore. I NOTICE. All parties owing Lewis fe Gar rett, or Simon Lewis aro hereby notified that all these accounts aro in the hands of our attorney C. H. Leonard for collection and settlement Persons indebted to us will please settle tho same with Mr. Leonard at once. Simon Lewis J. T. Gaurktt. NOTICE Any and all persons owing the firm of Hagey. Fenwick & Jack son, either on account or note, are hereby notified that all such accounts and notes are now in tho hands of C. H. Leonard for collection. Such persons aro hereby requested to make imme diate settlement of the same. Dated Aug. 6th, 1909. Hagey. Fenwick & Jackson. NO TRESPASSING. Hunting in forbidden upon my place adjoininjt BurnB. TreepuHH rs will be prosecuted. C. II. VOEUTLY NEW CLUBBING PROPOSITION We have arranged to offer in connection with this paper, the -.... .il,l A..v. ,,; 0f new monthly farm magazine just started at Lincoln, Nebraska, by Prof. H. W. Campbell and devot ed to the subject of how to farm in the dry country and how to get best results from soil tillage under normal conditions. This Paper is Campbell's Scientific Farmer and we offer it clubbed with The Times-Terald both for $2.50 per year cash. Prof. Camp bells' new paper is a monthly, chock full of good things, the only paper of its kind in the world, and it embodies the re- suits of the editor's many years of painstaking investigation of the soil tillage proposition. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice la hereby glren that tho under signed, tho duly appointed, qualified and acting Administrator of tho eetato of John D.Clement, deceased, will un der and by virtue of an order of tho Hon. J. P. Rector, Judge of the County Court of Harney County, Oregon, iltii made and entered on the 22nd day of July, 1910, offer for sale at private sale i for cash in band, on and after tho --tid I day of Auguat, 1910, at Bunif, Oregon. Kotico la hereby given that on Monday the following deacribed real property, , thelOth day on September, 1010, tho un to wit: SEtf NEK of Sec. 3jS NV4 deraigned will apply to tho County Court and Lot 5, of Sec. 2, all in townahip 27, S. K. 29, E. YV. M.. in Harney County, Oregon. SIMON LEWIS, Administrator. Ask the man with whom you talk typewriters if he has a machine with a Combination Column Finder and Paragrapher C ... -, .NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I UMITIDBTATKll.iNDOrriC, llitrni, Otrgou, August 2J, lvlo I Notice Is hereby glYcn that tho SUIeotOro- con Im Med In thla oltlw Ho application i Mortal No. OMWTlto select, iniitor llio ro Islam of Ilia Act n( ronirtMi approved ugiil H, I tin anil icti supplemental iml amendatory thereto. tho, mul KitNWti.Bco. 80, T Hi It .1IK.W. M. Ativan. t all iwnntti rlnlmltiir mlltinolv tlio UniUitiwrlbod.ur desiring In object because ,il tho liilnctil i haracter ot the land, or lor any oilier reason, to tho disposal to applicant, ilioultl ni their affidavits ol protest In this ol dec. on or before llio expiration nt llioparlod ol publication. M. KAnaa, Register l'lrit vtilitlratlnn. Septembi r a, WW last publication. October H, IJIO. NOTICE KOlt HIHMOATION. UNlTKllHTATIHUNIlOfHt K, Hums, Oregon, July 11, ion) ( Not Ira It hereby thai tho State, of Oregon Im Meil In this omco He application loriitl Jo OIi) to solcct.under llio iiroyltloti i I the Vet ol congrots, approved August II, UK iml iicU iiiplcinentil mil amendatory thereto, tho Hi(ie Jl.T. MH, It .IIII.W.M Notlli ol Malheur lake v. ny end all persons claiming adveisily tho lauds described, or desiring to ohject hccaiiao ol tho inlnorHl character ol llni Itml, or for any ntlr rcnioii, to tho disposal to applltauf, should llio their aflldatlia ot pratitl In thlt iilllco, on or before tho etplritlon ol tho period of pnlillcntlon M Kikhk, Register, I'lrst puMlcntlon Uigust 11, toll) I atipuhlliatlou September 17, lulu .NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' UNI rKIl STATUS I.ANIIOKHCK,) llurtii, Oregou, AUitiiit 3. 11)10,1 Notlcnlihcroh glicnthst IloracoA.DIUard, Jr, ol llarnoi, Oregon, who, on Septombci 4, iikM. made home itiml entry No 1AM, serial No HI9U, for H MN. Mlli) nt NMNWJi heclloti K, Township H wuth llatigo !U K, Willamette Morlilltii, hut filed iiotlco lit Intention to make Mini Hie leor Proof, n establish claim to tlio land atom described, Kforo lh Register and Receiver. t llurns, Oregon, on the iiMli Uy ol beptomber, 1910 Claimant names witnesses I Wlblnui II Morrison, Jiineii .tltlbirl, J. Hi nryJonnltiKs. allot Harney, Oregon Ualpli lllbbanl, ol llurns, Ongon FAHiif, Reglilor. f " NOTICE KOK PUBLICATION. llMTSD STATIN rANIlOrrtlB llurii. Oregon, AugLStJ, 1910 Notlco Is hereby given that Klhel It llraics. fn merl-Mhel H tarroll.ol lawm, (irigon, wim. m si nw. mane hoimsiiadtntry. No oaro, lor L.oti7 ipu a, pcciion an, ioituiiiip .'i'-outh, ll'iiw WKatt, VMIlamctlc MetWIau Inn fill '1 notleu ot Intention to inako Kinal LiitnmittHtlon 1'root, to Cttatillrh claim to the , land aboioilierlneil, before the Itfitlttrr antl Kecelier, at llurna, Oregon, on tho -.'n'l lay of ' Kptember, 1910 I'lalmaiit tiamea at wllneiea 1 John t.eake, Hoience Urowley, Ixith ot laiTcn, OieKon Janiia II llunyaiil, Iai'.M larpenter lolli of tlnrni, On Eon. Um Kakik, Itenliter petition kok liquor lioknse I We, the umlersigiicil K-irnl otimo( I.ako Precinct, llnrnoy County. Statu ol Oregon, respo'ttully petition tlio Hon County Couit ol llnrnoy Comity, Sloto nf Oriumri. tn L.rfliit .1 liritnsu to XlnrrlH i. jriU(,oriljdto fc-0n spirituoiiM, .Multnnd I Vinous Liquors in less quantities thnn one guiiou in i.ato t'recinci nnrnoy Countj, Htuto of Oregon, for tlio puriod Thrco (3) Months, na in dnty bound wo illcer pray. NntiK'8 A. 1'arniwortli YV. K. lJunglo I . Anderson Turn McCormick It. A. Goffwx Oscar l'atorson .1. Sovcilk I. S. Tjlcr l'ranlc Cawlileld Names A. Lllingnood It K. Anduraon J. II. Ilendorion Sldnoy Comeg)g b. J. Midwinter J. It. Heed YV. It. rarroll J. II. YVItrel Ilndolen Elliott Scott Catteraon A. Jouca Tom Dunn Chas. Heed of Harney County, State of Oregon for the License mentioned iu tho foregoing petition, 1 1 AltltlS A I'lTZIlllKAII). He may tell you that he has not, but he will not tell you that a typewriter without it is juft as good. The Combination Column Finder and Paragrapher is a feature so essential to successful typewriter operation that it will eventually be incorporated in all typewriters. The. typewriter offering this feature today is the HHtlii'it'iiiiev The Smith Premier Typewriter, Model 1 0, has four teen exclusive features all of vital importance in producing the besl work. Let us send you complete descriptions of them. THE SMITH .PREMIER TYPEWRITER COMPANY, FncJ Syracuse, N. Y. Dimclm ewrywlMn. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Utmit) statu Land ornc lliirnt, Oregon, Auiutt , 1DI0. Nollco Ii hereby iiUeti that Maty llawkltm, of lliirnt, Ortnoii, who, on Atiiittt 4, lW, mailo hotnitteail entry Hotlal No. OMM for HKlJ.Kocllon , Townahlp Jn Holilh, lUHKO i haul Willanictlo Meridian, hat lllod notice ol Intention to make, final Commutation Proof, lo Mlabllth claim to llio land abovo ilea, erlbeil, nolo to tlio Iteulater and Itoeelvrr. at Itnrna, Ore noli, on the ath tiny of October 11)10 I'lalmaiit nainet a wlllienact W , Bcott Haley, ol Natrowt, Orcunn llenr 1) lllac,KdwarilO Kiigletton. both ol llurna, OrcKOti Uerald (Iriltln n( Nattowt, Otexon. Wm I'Atina, ltegitter NOTICE FOR IMPLICATION UNnKDHTAlKrtl.ANIIOKKHtK, llurna, Oregon, aukuHii, Iviu. I Notice la lioreby Rlmi that Krlal Clark ol Drewtey, Oregon, who, on Hoptoiulwr 4. lvwi, iiiadohomeiteadl!nlry,No.V77l,HrlalNo.D.w for)tBKSj, KUSttiBeclloii I. Towiialilp II Houth, ItaiiKO llJ Knit. WllUinetlo Meridian, haa II led nollco ol Intention In make Html llve-enr l'n.ol to eilablltli claim to tlio land aboodetorlWed, before tho llmliter and Knitter at lliirnt, OrcRon, on llio 1Mb day of rieptimber, 1910 Claimant namri at wltnetteil ...... I lick olxon LewlaN. Olion, ' W. Drink water. J. II Hmltli. all of llrewaei. Onion. Su, rAHHR, lU'wIttor I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. tINlTKIIBTATKHIANIIOKKICK. llltrna, Oickoii, AUrikIS, I91U.I Notice l hereby given that Kill k Ottoti.of Drewtey, Oreiton. wlioen July IS, luoit, mailo detert land entry No. 771, Horfal No Ohio, for h) SK'I Her. 5. HWWHttW ec S, KljSK'i Se'tlon 1) NMl, NWMHWJf, heollou 10, lownthlptli Houth, ItanitoM Kail, WllUinilte Meridian, bat filed notice ol Intonilon tn make Klnal ettabllih claim to tho la"d aboro dctcrlbed, U'toro the lleiiUter and Itecelver, at lliirnt, oriKon,ontho Icth day ol Heplem tier 1010. rlaliuantiiamriat wltnoiet Uul. N Olion, Kditar I. lleooe, Krlal I nrk IiiltO tlradlleld, allot Drewtey, Ortgou M.r"AKiK, lleitlater NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION HUIflrTl UTlTtfli I IWIt (AVVinK. iiurim uri(ini, yuiiui ', iviu ItaiiKO 31 1 att, wiiiaiiicite Maruuaii, nai nirn UOUVO III lltlOU.lUU .' iuu l ,llt. -..,..,. lion Proof, tn etlalilltn claim lo ine 'ami , .!. diterllwd. Iwfore the lleultler and ll I miner, at lliirnt, Orcitou, on the ."Jth day of BipiemtHir, 11)10. i'lalmaiit iiamea at wllninen Wilbur Hopklna, John Hweek, Chailey Mu Phcteri, Fred Iionttead, all ol llurna, Orenuti Wu.FAittti, Ittxliler. IIPKICIAI. DIUKUTOHY STATK OHdllllt Jonathan llourtio Jr llleii. K, Chamberlain iV It Mil. U H Henatora Cotiartaimen ).M llawley A. M Crawford F W Hellion K W lieninn 'Attorney General uoveruor Secretary ol Htate Trrattirer Hupt. Publlo luttructlnii Htato Primer Hupreme Judgea .0 A Vteel .J. II. Ackermaii ' IN B Dunlway It H Uean A V. A. MiMire ) Itobt Kakln NINTH JUDICIAL DIHTHICT. Dl.trlct Julse Iiltlrlct Attorney Deputy DlitAtly (Ion E. Davit J NV McCulloch O II lonaid Circuit Court meeta the flrtt Monday In April and flrtt Monday in October. Joint Henator .. . lulut-lteprcicutathe O W farrltli U II Urooke COUHTT IIAHHKT: Uiionly Judge Clerk Trcaturer . surreiror Hherlr) Attestor tlcbool liupeilntendeut Coroner ritock Intpector. Commltifonera J. P. Hector Ham Molbenhead K N Jamtton A OFaulkaer A, K. Ittchardton J J. Donegal! I,M llamlltou J W deary John Itobltuoii 1 1., N (Italian! 10 AHinylb County Court mccti the flrtt Medticadiy In January, March. May, July, September and November. UABriar u. s, land errici: Reamer Receiver Wm Fane Ktauk Davey C1TT. -leant' 'ad) all1 Mayor. Recorder, .... Trcaturer Martha!, Ham Moll ertht .l'.T. Kindt J. I! Welcome Jr, Jr. mi M.F. Wllllama (W. O. lirown A, U. Welcome jnollembeilloK A tl Hwalu Councllmeu Meelingt of tba Council every Second and Fourth Weduetday, & I Notice It hereby Kl'cn that Allien wooii.n lliirnt, Oreion, who, on July I. W made homestead fintry No. 0.011. lor .Mr', HK' NFJland l,nt I, Heetlon fl,Twnibl ii Hoiuli, i i r ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIOB. Nollco Is lioroliy itlvon tlmt llio urtder hIkiici! nitH on llio Und dity ol .Inly. 1010, duly mid ri'Kiilnrly npptilnlod liy tho lion. J P. Itector, JuiIk ol tlio County Couit of Ilnrnvy County, (Jri'Kon, AU inhilatriitor of tlio oilnlo o( Jnmos Loo mini docenaeil, mid win duly qunllflbd iih liy Inw riMinlrnd, Any find nil por soiih linvlnu clnliua iiiilnt snld oiUlo nro ltoruby reiiuliod In pronunt tlio innio willi iittipor vouchers, duly verified tta liy law required, within six months from tliu ditto of tills notice, to tno nt lltirus, OrPKiitt, or nt tlio olllco of my iittornoy O, tl, Loonord nt limns, Ori'ituii. Dill od at DiiriiN. Oronim July -'.I, 1010. W. O. II Y III), Administrator. Ainm is THE TIME HUff BEST ot the reaf to ttava IT ir imib pat ana at aaaortua tkdon. Tot eat inwn ettrou w laijn plat and itldsa wotk la una darlf aaoatM. Yaioati . MtltrCrtati 55.00 mDrUtTtttli3.60 o.u niiiin ittati rnnn Sllnr rilllnn m .60 n.ui 6.00 Dili Rubttr - . rum 7.60 IfcW.i. Wit, 'main MtHiiMil ralnlait lairiioa .OU iinminiMa.najr.mut. . aiat MiTKOPa r.lal rjtraoilen r r.jbn c Im or brlJtawoik I. eril.ttd. (ioaralititoarr. YeveaaaotnlrMtur aatalau wetk anraliara. no tatlttr bow naak yea pv. Ail work tullr aiiaranUed for flfiewt faaia. Wise Dental Co. INCOrtPORATKD Painless Dentists rtHlni Bsltitloi, Ttlrd a WnMntttn, P0STUJI9.0aU ouihU.u.i u. iutyt.lta DO YEAB8 eXPERIENdg qgSSffilH ffi (jrjooimjtwB. ,i3JF erv MAGAZINE READERS SUNSET MAOAZIWE beautiluIlyilluUittrJ,toodiorUt T en adartl..alutaii.rUaJ 0" all the Fai Werf. T"' CAHXKA CEATT dnoUd each raootli to the at- . tutic rtptodiKtioa el ike beri $1.00 wotkefaraalnu anJ f rofcuioaal , TW phologrtphe't. S0AD OF A THOUBAHD W0HDM8 a book of 75 ptjet. cooiaiaiaa 120 toloir-J pbotofiapbl of $0.75 ptrturnqui tpoti la Calileraia aad Jngsm. Toul $3-25 All for . . . . $x.5 AiUieu ill ordert ( SUBSET MAGAZINE FUod DuIUini Sta Frucitca j-1 A li dta ir . xi 1 n ir ' V 1 ,r.t ft f i. 4 i'- r' V&' I HiaEN'BiaH t HMaVHaVaaBaHaSal AjTrnie tenOtnir a aaeljtjJIayl.MMi'lL'W Oiiuiiiift'JllrroiSWJKpatWlM i tantiree 01 Wit VAjt? KS 'yuiM''miMWA Patetita .tik'ji MiHiiUjiiaiTn ftl&aeutrr rjVH tt W. WtvfeiUii.vw. in tWi ! CAlAMiTA lllMAttLttf 7VKiiiiiv .WiiKiiviun rrelfta, litfeal rlr. m?, sac The Times-Herald in offcrinij moat attractive Clubbing Rates to its subscribers a present THE TIMES-HERALD One near with the Portland Weekly Oregonian $2.50 Portland Semi-Weekly Journal $2.50 S. F. Weekly Examiner $2.65 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World $2.50 Semi-Weekly St. Louis Republic $2.35 Frm Progress FREE to every pnid in advance Subscriber Get one or more of these good papers in connec tion with The Times-Herald for the long win ter evenings. Call and get Clubbing Prices JOB PRINTING The Tlmea-Hernld la Prepared Iu do Hie Very Ileal and Moat Hatlufnctory Work In till" line. We Imve nil the LATEST TYPE FACES and it vory Complete Line FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY Wf M, (, kl Tt j l.a .' LlAJii.t Jl. .. "f r. n, wr c sr" diaaaat, BHi'BSgiSBS the wmsoFlfl VJ rH-m ,-1t1VrM J.iiT )liK,(SLrSr- 'tWii-H. aS '1 naymoan "fj .'l W. W. DRINKWATER Main St., BURNS MILLING CO. HORTON & SAYER, Propts. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic, Flooring, Moulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Cood Road. Lumber Yard in Burns, THE ANDERSON HOTEL MRS. CIIAS.'ANDHRSON, lropt. I have re-opened the hotel nnd the old-time friends and customers nro rtKnin invited to como and bo at home. You will find the snmo home-Comforts and welcome ns usual. The old favorite Family Hotel where guests receive Special Attention and Good Service, SOUTH BURNS, OREQON-Near F3alr Grounds. NORTH BEACH QUEEN OF TIW NORTHWEST RESORTS Near tho Mouth of tho Columbia THE PLACE TO SPEND YOUR SUMMER VACATION Twenty-flvo Miles of Maflrnificcntl Bench ;: Level, Compnct and Smooth :: Many thriving and tidy communities, delightful hotel, cottage, tent and camp life. All tho comforts of homo and tho healthful, invigorating recreation of tho seaside--surf bathing, fishing, clam digging, bench bonfires, riding, racing, hunting, strolls nnd tlrives through picturesque- wooded hendlnnds Reduced Rates from all parts of Oregon and Washington VIA THE OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. Season Jtute: From Portland Round Trip, ft J .00 Three Day Saturday to Monday Hato, fii.OO Purchase tickots und make resorvntions nt City Ticket Ofilce, nt 3rd nnd Washington Streets, Portland, or inquiro of any 0. R. & N. agent olsowhero for information WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, unit- -r-T ir - I'nvtlunil. &l3iS (1 -air (ullin Blacksmitliing and Horscslioing. Wagon Work COOLEY AUTO MATIC BRAKES Burns, Oroejon Itiver on tho WnshinRton Coast WriTtllflf , PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Wm. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. . Uurna, Oregon, llooina G mid 0 Odd I'ollow UulldliiK CA.REMBOLD Attornoy-nt-Low, Burns, Oregon Olion. 1-1. Loonurd. ATTOIINKV-AT-I.AW, Ours ful attontlon given to Colloc- lions and Itonl Ketato tnattoro. I'lro Iniiurnnce, Notnry Publlo IJUItNH. OllKOON. GEO. 8. SIZEMQRB, ATTOIINKY, UUN8 OXIEOON Coltiictloui, Land buiinaii, and Heal Kttate matter promptly attainted to. CHARLES W. ELLIS LAWYER Burns, - - 'Oregon I'rnctlcuH in tlio Htato Cunrtaind bo foro tho U.S. Land Offlco. A. W. GOWAN ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW State Courts and United Slates Land OfRce Practice Three doors South of tho Harney County National Bank! 1 Hums, Oregon. J. LU. GEARY I'lijitlcliiti mid Burgoo u, IluriiH, - - - OrcKon. (Jdlcu In nuw building south of Welcome hurtles alioii. Main St. Phono Main 86. DENMlfi & DENMflfJ, Physicians and Surgeons C'alla umwerod prumttlly nlglit or day 'I'lione llarritnati. Harrlman, Oregon MMRSPEN & GRIFFITH riiyalclans and Burgeons. I1UHNB, OIIKOO.V. h. E. HIBDRRD Olll c firat door caat photo itallory Onrni, Oregon. W. C. BROWN, DB1TTIST. IttlHNB, OlIEaON. OIUco In new land oil to bnlldlng, next door north ot pott offlco. i" ' 'i ii SOCIETIES. HAilNKY LODQK. NO. 77, I. O O T. Matt Trjf Sturdiy In Odd K.llow Hall at7.aoprn. r. A.t'ole, A rtti r Ilorlon, Saeretarr. N. (I, UUKNHUlliuKSli V7, A r A M . Hi--l uvir) Oral uil Ihlril h.lur.Uy In om-li m.."lh J i: li.Ki.ii vs. HI I lit., fttirra, KuiroUtJ UAKHEr VALLEY UAUI No Sul.W.of VV. UmK arorjr rlrit auil ..couajTutidiy. , . . W.MotllalD, Com. W, A, dowau, clerk. 1IUUN8 CIIAITKIt NO 10, O, K. B. ,Mlaarrcouil and fouttb Moudajn, Iu Maionlaltall. Kva Byrd. W. jl. .iietllowan.HMr.larr. ' MYl.VIA HEUKKAll DEUUKK No.iS. MeelieTcrylttandSil Wcdneidiy, Delta ..(U.rdK.o Bee'y. V"cl,'N-- T0LE CIRtiLK No. IM, W of W. Meelt every fourth Tundty. Maud Morton, (J. it. Ileiter Goodmin, Clerk, $4500 Reward! Tlie Orfiinn Cll fornla auil Nevada I.Itb Htoelt 1'rotta lion Ai.ocUtlon. of wlileh tb under lantd It a member will Klre fl.ouo 00 reward forevldinre leading to the ar reit and conviction nl any party or tar tlellteallnr horiri. sJfi. Wffl(i. , 'X m I . i V v taltlu or mulu bo lonalnit lonny of Ita members. In addllloiitullioaboie, the undesigned of furs Oil tllQ 111110 Cnililltl.Hl lrAlOO r,,pull t,nr.rt 'branded liorte alioo barou tuth or either Jaw iiraiiii.reronled iu eight lountlei llange Har ney, I.nko and t rook couutlts llori.i M'ntrd when told. None but grown hoiiei lold.and ouly In largo butichei, W, W. imott N, File, Oregou Wo collect overywhoro nnd tnako n chargo unless coiroctlon in mnilo. Wo plunao our clients A'JilruKH MoilUAN MUIICANNLK Co., Kou ton llldit., l'ortlanil, Oro. The Harney Valley Brewing Co Manudtcturora of etiad. 3RXX3C" (B(odLo 'XKTELtel Family Trad Solicited FroolDcllvcry HOHalHt. 33 Sumpter Valle Railway Q TIMIJ TAIILi: NO. no IN fj, iunj; 11, iiw, W'i'Ht llunnd. No 1 l'flna 11 in. Na, 0:30 Lv linker Oil) V'.M Houth llnkiir O1C8 Sallnl.tirjt 10:01 " Lotklmrtt 10.07 " Tlmiiitwont 10:17 " Stoddard .Innctlonf 10:22 " 'Witter 'J'ntikt 10M2 " 10:30 " 10:65 " 11:10 " 11:16 " 11 M0 " NOON 12:00 " r. m. 12:05 " 12M0 " 1:10 Ar l)nan'H Snnrt JlrKwdiit JUNCTIONt Hum itcr MIJNC'UONt Hniitmllt O h Cmnpt Wliltniij't TIl'fONt Atifitln Ul... . -.. ..I I 1 - x. ""'I' " riKllllll' Olliy To llf, $ Tfckl'tn fllllnil fllllv fnr . ' trulini nrti Hcliudilled to innko t i iitopa. I'aarutiKurH limit tmrohutt AlM Wlifirn nnmil. ,.l.l l...r s tj .. ........ ...-M.n a,-v uui jre cut trilllii, fir O". ,, I . iuliir fnrn will Im 1 ,,, .. ' JOSKI'II A. WIST.ii nniimi,i,i.n . , .. -" uimni Ulil'lll'., AHBl. MDpt fit I I I , I ,LNS I cou f I $80 C 30) Diarrke When yon want a quick cuttij any loas of time, and one that It tit by no bad reaulls, use Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera a trai Diarrhoea Reme -' It never fails and Is pleasant t ;' -; It la equally valuable for childrn, 1 famoua for Its cures over a Irai-i r",,V, .V,. .l.U...t ...n.t.t 'IJIU JOIINUKMHi:itIiIa l,?25' IJowolor. Optician : ISntrmvor. ll Oj j Fine Watch Kvpniring A heat cialtV I J JOHN ROBINS! $25. Stock Inspector, Harney Cttf free Home Address V' ' Bl $25. It hi tofo St( m ?25. Jr $100. On puree Coi Au best i Coi races start, purst ier ""secre ing j reser five, tion. ."rules cable, cdin race, bronc horso count fair a mene: ingre ponyjj ponie; The horse, starts. The nish h teetai secure This rifle ilk settled disB wliere good ranee nnd B power are desired, with to the neighborhood. The ZZwVa .25-20 ia o llghtJ handllnjt, Dnely-balanceJ ip with the colli) top, cloirJ-ln" and slilo ejection features shfcs Martin Runs safe nnd ogreo use nnd certain In action, tt It made to use the row ttfulV velocity imokelcn load, with I bullele well us the well knn powder und low pressure moiel' ridges, and la the Ural title f r tMi' i&.nAitrhuckil hawks I its, t loSOOyutJt. This rlft uA nitlon, and ' Zffar&t icrwf lully dr.cuM' 136-jiagr rstil for 3 stsmr ( 7Xe2ffarfuxfntarmib M Willow Street. NEW HUlJ tTTTarawi !! iibi.i iiiaT .:r - Ms 1 at IwWkU I'miJI At UrX' nun gSfa " ' ride I el)eatinii VT afor T.C.JVNKINS. Manage lwt!t r,. 4 Fc