eKr lines-Jierald. 1HK LAIKJKST CIUOUI.ATION Of !Y NKWBrArKH IN THIS COUNTY. BATUMI AY, BKrTKMIIKU 3, 1910, Locnl News. chool suits at Schcnk Bros. eet me tit the ML Vernon tSpritiRS. peat Schaper wns over from inond during the week. Iiicken dinner at the Hums bl tomorrow at 6 o'clock, 50 do. rry lias-purcnaseu tnc Dickenson residence pi'o- in the lower part of town. ifred Bcnjnnin of New York made Schcnk Bros, agents Harm y county for his great iB. fnew line of dry goods, fur-; lugs, shoes, hats, etc. cnnl lys be lounu at llagey iv xrdson's. . Walter Cross and little Sddaughters. Cora and Jessie Sards have moved to town for school. IE INSURANCE AT COST i of the strongest Mutuals he state. See us nooui it. (all, Passenger & Maloney. iss Florence rnrnum went! her ranch yesterday after-' to look after alfairs and her friend Miss McKinzie. 3se having relinquishments pal estate for sale should tit E. W. VanValkenburg, eal estate man, at his office arns. L. Lewis is making some jes in the Red Front barn prty. He is putting m par- ; an 1 arranging for oflices le Kellogg Stage Co. Horticultural Fire Relief ilem saved policy-holders i.OO last year in premiums. as tell you more auout it. all Passenger &. Maloney. ink Hein". came up from Thursday bringing Geo. pr to a physician. Mr. Par- id gotten a Foxtail grass in STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS, at the close of business September 1st, li)10 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $27!),2UU)7 U. S. Bonds Bonds and Securities Premium on U. S. Bonds Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures. Five per cent Redemption Fund . . . CASll , . . fiO.OOO.OO R2,76C.39 . . 2,000.00 0,(500.00 . . 1,250.00 Ml ,280.81 $KKI,1M.17 LIABILITIES Capital $'25,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits .. '1-1,610.02 Circulation 25,000.00 DEPOSITS :... .1:18,597.55 IB33.1M.17 Capital and Surplus, $65,000.00 United States Depositor! Accounts Invited Got an Alfred Benjamin Buit at Schcnk Bros. Scott Haley was among our visitors from tho lake this week. Take 0 o'clock chicken dinner at the BuniB Hotel Sunday- 50 cents a plate. M. II. Brenton left Tuesday for Portland Where ho goes for a short visit. Fon Sai.k-25 foot business lot on Main St., Burns. Good build ing. Inquiro at this olllce. Mrs. Grace Barnard is over from Grant county on a visit to her mother Mrs. K. Calkins. Tho personal attention given guests at tho French Hotel has given it a good reputation L. B. Cult), Prop. N Geo. Cawlfield is in the city. Clothes pressed and cleaned at Schenk Bros. Bailey Hayes and wife were up from Lawen this week. Good, substantial, well cooked meals at the Home Hotel is what the boarder likes. Hagey & Richardson carry the best brands of groceries. All fresh. See the Inland Empire Real ty Co. if you have anything for sale or exchange. Miss Rena Biggs left this morning for Grant county where she will teach the coining school year. Mrs. A. E. Murphy and daugh ter left this morning for Seattle Chas. Davis of Harney has rye lor sale. Benjamin at Schenk where Miss Murphy will enter he which was causing him! scho01 for tlie wi,ltcr- 1 trouble. jr miormation irom tne 'Harriman is to the effect ithe Harriman Mercantile are and stock was insured L000 and that the loss was l$5,000 over that amount firm had recently built a rarehouse and that build- 111 be used temporarily for lfficient co-operation can be 3m the city and residents southern part of Burns art will be rfiade to get a ilk the entire distance to the stand at the fair grounds. Association will take the up at once and see wnat Be done. Anotner thing liould be mentioned is that lust secure a license from ir board to carry passen- Snto or from the fair : and the license will be lonal that not more than be charged passengers. Miss K. Neugebauer is located in tlm .Tnrcrnncnn hnilflimr unntli Mnin Rf. nn.l ' nrn.n m.l In .In,'"-' had to get Up ill the lliornillg ..... MV. ...... u .w,... v " i Alfred Bros, .lames Pirie was in on litisi iij.cu Miiu i,mlr ,;.'::. ,,.. ..., j inu wuw .a uiu i nrmgiuii null came down yesterday, hav ing finished sawing for this sea son. The French Hotel serves a fine Sunday dinner and special attention is given to family service. Mrs. C. II. Voegtlv and child ren arrived home last evening from a sojourn at Mt. Vernon Springs. Write lor a pamphlet giving full particulars regarding the ML Vernon HotSprings in Grant County Oregon. Geo. Schenk is in from the farm for a short stay and resL .out there hence the rest. from T',c Edison Phonograph is all kinds of dress making. Ora Hill is reenvorinir his recent serious illness. It:iil.lilltr ' lluinrity ami should tlmiiirH, Ik. li.nl K-rilin!.! ' u ' vul "mu-UUUUUUI K was fever but his physician states it! D:llto arc resident agents. was not. Schenk Bros, do not have to send your suit back to a Phila delphia lawyer for alteration. They are tailors and can do it themselves. We save policy-holders 10 per cent of their premiums annually. Fire insurance as good as the best. Write us for particulars. Randall, Passenger & Maloney. N Geo. Young has returned from Alvord where he nursed his son Willie through a long siege of typhoid fever. Will came home with him and is gaining strength. His girl failed to recognize him at first but finally got her eye on his nose which was the only familiar feature. J. It. Weaver of the U. S. National Bank at Vale, was a Ray Gray, W. A. Foster audi visitor to our city during the P. M. Randell, three young inen'1wcek- p was out for a short from Crook county, are inl vacation and was in company with Burns. They were out sage hen 'Will Fronch, the traveling man. shooting and decided to extend ' they took their departure in the their visit on over here. They hitterVauto Thursday morning, are traveling in an auto. ! Roing to Canyon City. Burns agents for Hole Proof Hosiery Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothing W. B. Corsets and Standard Patterns The Great Sale of SUITINGS AND TROUSERS Will continue two weeks longer Men's Trousers 20c. Suitings tpJLu tO per pair J.DC nor yd. Regular price $:t.00 and $3.50 20c. Wash Coods Wash Belts School Shoes jUC each "U per cent off Regular price .'iftc. Bring in tfte children The above offerings are all GOOD MONEY SAVERS The goods are new and up lo dale Sale ends Saturday, September 10 E BUSY CORNER STORE, L SCHWARTZ, Prop v The open season for duck hunt ing commenced Sept. 1 and sev oral local nimrods have brought in some fine juicy ones. ip you am: goincto tuavki., lino tlio llnrnvy County Nntlonul Hunk TltAVKIXKK'S CIIKOUKS Thoy nre oelMdcntlljInif. A largo number of families have moved in from tho country this week to be in readiness for the opening of school next week. Edna Fine, daughter of Mrs. II. A. Martin, took her departure Thursday for Portland where she expects to attend school this winter. Mrs. E. Appleton left Thurs day in the McGowan auto en route to her home in Sacramento, after a visit with her brother, Robt. Irving and family. Foil Saw: -1(50 acres of land with 1,000,000 feet of standing Uiinher. 50 acres tillable and can be irrigated. Adjoining for est reserve and controls large range. Call at this office. Mrs. Hattie Haste came up from her homestead yesterday looking for a house in order to move in for school. She may not be able to get one as they are very scarce. You will never again be quite as you are today mentally or physically. Perhaps not ever again will you be able to get so "young" a photograph that looks like you-as today. Visit the Sayer Studio. J. D. Billingsley one of the big sheepmen of Eastern Oregon and once a resident of this coun ty, was over from his home at Ontario for a few days this week renewing nemmntanecs and attending to some business. Miss Lillian Hendricks took iher departure Monday for Salem where she will remain this win ter at the home of her uncle Robt Hendricks of the Salem Statesman. The young lady goes for school purposes. She went out in company with L. E. Reed and family. Harold Clifford and wife have returned from Ann Arbor, Michigan, where Mr. Clifford, a gratuato of the University of Michigan, had been spending several month studing law. Ho will be located at the office of his father, Judge M. D. Clifford, in this city. Baker City Demo crat. R. II. Harris and wife came in the first of this week to be in readiness for tho opening of school next Monday. Both have been engaged in the public schools for tho year. Thoy are very pleasant young people and we are pleased to welcome them them to Burns. Fred Randall met with a pain ful accident tho other day which resulted in a serious wound. While shoeing a horse the animal kicked him in tho face cutting his lower lip and chin in a fright ful manner. He was working for Allen Jones, where he is now being cared for, J. A. Vest has returned from a sojourn in Portland where ho spent several weeks. Mr. Vest is one of the substantial sheep raisers of this county and in forms us he has leased a largo area of range to tho west of Burns where ho will pasture his flock this fall and will feed in this vicinity this winter. Mr. Vest lalkn like ho might buy more speep this fall. The many friends of Isaac Foster are gratified to learn that he has consented to run for county commissioner. Mr. Fos ter is ono of tho solid men of Harney County who stands high in tho esteem of tho people. IIo has resided hero for nonio liO years and hasn't an enemy. Ho is honest and has the backbone to follow his convictions and his wide business cxperenco makes him tho right man for tho place Such men nro always raro and hard to secure for sudi places, as it is a sacrifice upon their part. Mr. Foster will bo elected beyond any question. Schenk Bros, have received a cose of Alfred Bonjanin clothing. Chas. Lewis waB up from his home near tho hikes tho first of this week. Welcome's special is a whip that you cant wear out. Call and see at tho harness shop. J, T. Garret and family were down from their mountain home during tho week. The Burns Flour Milling Co. will pay 21 cents per pound for wheat or barloy. Mrs. Curtis Smith arrived home this week from a short visit to Canyon City. W. L. Best was over from Sil ver creek during tho week look ing after some business matters. All goods at tho Hagey & Richardson general merchandise store are now and up to date. Good values in every purchase. Foil Sam: Soveral head of horses 3, 1 and 5 years old, weighing from 1050 to 1250 each. Call at the Times-Herald office. Those ifa.00 and $3.50 trousers went like hot cakes at $1.75 per pair, but there are some more at the samo price at The Busy Cor ner store. 11. J. Hansen and Misses Ina Terrill and Viola Richardson ar. rived home tho first of this week from an outing at the Blue Mt. Springs. Meats from 5c to 12Jc Best loinsteak, 12Jc; boils, 5c to 7c; roasts from (5c to 8c: sausage, 12c; pork, 15c Young's Meat Market & Grocery. Say have you seen that fine lot of new whips just received at the J. C. Welcome & Son har ness shop? They're the finest over and prices to suit. "I cannot afford to carry fire insurance the rates arc too high" cannot he said of tho Horticultur al Fire Relief. Let us figure with you. Randall, Passenger & Maloney. The premium lists for the Harney County fair Oct. 4-8 aro being mailed out at this time the mailing being delayed by getting the special premiums list printed to be inclosed. The Pendleton Woolen MHIh is the latest to offer a special. Misses Mary and Eveline Fry left Thursday in company with Mrs. Pearl Fisk for Baker City where they will enter tho St. Francis Academy. Mrs. Fisk expects to return in about ten days. They went out in the Holland auto. John Carlson has been here from the P Ranch for sometime receiving medical treatment. The young man was kicked in the head by a horse he was unharnessing, the blow fracturing his skull and severely bruising his face. He is getting along fine and will soon return to his work. L. E. Reed and family left Monday for Yoncolla, Douglas county to visit Mrs. Reed's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Porter. They expect to be ab sent a month. Rev. Holloman went with them as far as Prairie City where he will meet his family who are returning from a summer's visit with relatives outside, R. J. Williams and wife came over from Silver Creek tho first of this week, Mrs. Williams be ing on tho sick list and desising to consult a physician. She re maind in town and hor health is much improved. Mr. Williams went back over to secure sotno household goods and the boys and they will occupy their home in this city during the school year. If you aro thinking of making a trip to tho mountains, any time this summer, to givo your wife and family a chance to rest and regain their health, do not over look the fact that at the Mt. Vernon Hot Springs in Grant County, Oregon, you will get more pleasure for your money and regain more health than at any other resort in Oregon. Write for a pamphlet giving full particulars. Fred Haines is down from Harney. Highest cash prico paid for Eggs and Butter at The Busv Corner Store. ',. II. Stroud was a business visitor from Harney the first of this week. W. A. Gowan arrived Wednes day evening and has taken up his duties mi clerk in the land office. Cnndidatco in Harney ceunty: Come lo Schenk Bros, and look in the looking glass if you want to bo elected. Fred Otlcy and family were up from Lawen during this week miikeing purchases and visiting friends. The Ilolel Diamond wants a renter to take charge Oct. 3 1910. For further particulars write, M. Horton, Diamond, Ore. Miss Alice Sweek N. G. of the Sylvia R. D. Lodge, No. 13 re quests the attendance of all members on next Wednesday night. Rcatos for sale, all sizes and lengths, prico 20 cents per foot. Any one desiring Rcatos address W. A. Ford of J. O. Alberson, Alberson, Oregon. Clay Clemens mill is the near est one to Burns where nil kinds of lumber both rough nnd dress ed can be had. Near Canyon road. Call him by phono for quick orders. Ifyouwantto make n trade, sell your relinquishment or other property the Inland Empire Real ty Co. will bo of great assistance to you. They have sold others and can sell yours. A letter from W. H. Cecil states his wife is in the hospital nt Ontario, haviug underwent an operation recently. He states that three largo tumors were re moved. She is doing well. Why pay the rates charged by Standard Companies, when you can get the same protection for about half? Fire Insurance ta cost in the Horticultural Fire Relief. Randall, Passenger & Maloney, x Wm. Blott has just purchased a ten acre tract adjoining Burns on the oust near the electric light power house and has be gun clearing it. Mr. Blott intends to improve the tract and build a residence thore. We did not learn the purchase price. Diarrhoea is always more or less prevalent during Septem ber. Be prepared for it. Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is prompt and effectual. It can always be de pended upon and is pleasant to take. I' or sale by all good dealers. Sixth REASON why a YOUNG MAN should carry a checking account. THE BUSINESS MEN of the community look with more favor upon the young man who is wise enough to carry a checking account than up on the other fellow. ilARNEYCOllNTYfWTIONALBANK or nuiiN.s, oiirco.N. WSm- CONTMXUO ano ownco sy . homi raopit BUY YOUR DRUGS at OUR STORE We handle a complete line of everything usually sold by up to date druggists. It is OUR AIM TO PLEASE This we do by courteous treatment and reasonable prices to aI our customers THE PLACE TO GET YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon, t E. A. SHAFER U. S. Mineral Surveyor & Civil Engineer Irrigation and Waler Supply En gineering. Townsile, Land and Mineral land Talent Surveys. Drafting, Designing, llluo Print ing, Estimates, Etc. Narrows, Oregon Veterinary Hospital ELLIOTT BAIIN, BURNS, OREGON I take in animals with all kinds of sickness for treatment Calls promptly attended to PRICES REASONABLE CONSULTATION FIIEE M. ANDRESSON J In a few weeks weeks we will move into our new building nnd in order i to avoid transferring our immense Stock of General Merchandise We Will Make Great Sacrifices Our stock comprises nearly every thing Used for man or beast. The quality the best, in the land; our prices are right; our treatment is alike to all, every day, and all the time. Faults we have to be sure but who hasn't? Lunaburg-, Dalton & Co. t t Died A moat distressing acci dent that cost a little life occured at tho homo of Mrs. C. Q, Couch in this city hitt evening. Her littlo 14-mon.tliBoold son, who has just begun to walk, reached up to a shelf in tho kitchen and got a can of concentrated lyo in which thero was some wnter. As ho drew it off ho had his mouth open and Home of tho contents en tered the mouth and throat in fiiidicient quantity to cause its death a few hours later. It is a very sad nllair and tho bereaved mother has tho sympathy of tho entire community. No arrange ments aro yet made for tho funeral. The Washington Restaurant WONG LEO, Proprietor Up stairs over the Capitol Saloon The hill of faro includes every thing tho market all'ords. Short orders a specialty. Bread for sale. Givo him a call. A IVIAN is known by the harness he uses A VAQUEilO by the saddle he rides. Evere horseman should have the best, both as to quality and price. You can get highest quality and lowest prices at J. C. WELCOME & SON jE3Tim.ess a,n.d. Sa,d.d-les Job Printing. e MOTE'S CANDY STOKE lias just received a fresh lot of CANDIES, CIGARS, TOBACCO Now and handsome Post Cards, Stationery, Ink, I'etiH, Pencils, Novel ties. A SPECIALTY OF BOX CANDY EXTRA ' Fine assortment of everything II. It. MOTE, Burns, Oregon The Eastern Oregon Engineering Co. CIVIL, MUNICIPAL AND IRRIGATION ENGINEERS Main Odice, Iturns, Oregon A. O, t-.U'l.KNEII, llgr. Hranch Olllre, Lalicvicw, Oregon l'. M. KAULKNKII, ULT. 3 $ $ $ $ $ $ s s ? I I I I I SiAILE lit 'S ir rent ml mi uIUuiiiiiut kiiIih schenk linn. I I t I I I i I I I ( f I ( I ( I v v b ???$??$$$!j!$ip V .) S S f 9 $ f $ 9 9 9 i that - jial sec us 1$ c