Mi t Ui V" TUB RICHNESS OP EASTENN OREdON. (Continued fromjfrst pngo.) porncre. Add to this double the aroa of semi-arid lands avail able for dry-land farming and some-idea 1ms been Riven of their possibilities. Two hundred miles of cattle and sheep ranges will Rive the road not less than 15.000 cattlo and 75.000 sheep. A largo share of the wool from the best sheep districts in the state can bo counted on. The inflow of population will bo im mediate and Rreat indeed. Eastern Oregon has suffered much from the misleading maps of early days. Whero the map maker had no knowledge of the unsettled country he wrote "desert" across its face. It has taken years of pioneering to prove past question the utter falsity of that hateful name. Where in those early maps "desert" appears are thiriving towns and settlements. Well watered ranges and hill pastures abound, and the homesteader and farmer have pushed their improvements up the course of every stream. Where the rain fall does not suffice, the rivers and creeks have and are being held in dams and reservoirs, storing their Winter overflows for summer needs. The best story in schoolbooks of fifty years ago was entitled "Eyes and No-Eyes." So far in the history of Oregon the "No Eyes" abounded. Let us trust that now the "Eyes" will have fair play. Wanted parties to contract to put up from GOO to 1000 tons of hay. Inquire at this office. If your liver is sluggish and out of tone, and you feel dull bilious, constipated, tako a doso of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets tonight before re tiring and you will fool alright in the morning. Sold by all dealers. Blue prints of any township in Burns Land District, showing name of entryman, date and kind of entry, topography, etc., $1.00 each. Plait T. Kandnll, Burns, Ore. NOTICE. All parties owing Lewis & Gar rett, or Simon Lewis are hereby notified that all these accounts are in the hands of our attorney C. II. Leonard for collection and settlement. Persons indebted to us will please settle the samo with Mr. Leonard at once. Simon Lkwis .1. T. CiAHItKTT. Moats from 5c to 12Jc Best loinsteak, 12Jc; boils, 5c to 7c; roasts from (5c to Sc: sausage. lL'ic; pork, 15c Young's Meat Market & Grocery. AD.MINMSTUATOU'H NOTIC1S. Xotlrota hereby ttlvon that tho uniler xined nan on llio '.'ml tiny o( July, 11)10, duly and regularly upiKilntud by tho Hon. J P. ltoctnr, Jtidise ot tliu Comity Coat ot I Inrnvy County, Oregon, Ad iniiilnlintor o tho tulttto of Jninrti l.eo nurd deceased, mid w its duly iiunllUcd iih by lnw reiiilri'd. Any nnd nil per sons lm vim; cliiiniK iigulimt mid citato iito hereby required to prevent tho itno with proper vouchers, duly Nerifledns Dated at Uunih. OreKon July BU, 110. W. ('. 11YKI), Administrator. R. E. Wooley reports that J. I. Jones, who lives near Powell Buttes, has perfected a mechan ical contrivance whereby the 'by law required, within tix month motive power in automobiles may fram ' ,Ifttuo ,1'1" nilvto n i , i- i i 11 r i i : lluni. Oregon, or t tho olllco ol my be applied to all four wheels in-lBUorm,v ,', Ioonaril llt llnlll stead of to but two, as at pre-. orecon" sent, woconiy win me inven tion work well, greatly increas ing the motive power obtainable from an engine, but even better stearing appliances can be work ed out than those now in vogue, it is said. Mr. Jones has applied for a patent for his in vention and has recieved from the Patent Office favorable ad vices considering his application. Bend Bulletin. Combine Business With Pleasure. Take advantage of the very low fare of $12.50 from Baker City to the Seashore and return, which allows stop-over at Port land on the going up trip of two days and a night, and on the return trip up to and including September 7. Enjoy a delight ful outing at the Coast away from the heat and dust. Make reservations for sleeping cars, both Tourist and Standard, from M. H. Dougherty, agent Baker City, do it NOW. I'UTITION VOn UQl'Oll l.IOK.WSK We, the underslguod lciial voters of Lake Precinct, Iliirnoy County. Stato of Oregon, respectfully petition tho lion County Court of Harney County, State of Oregon, to grunt n license to Harris A Fitzgerald to Soil Spirituous, .Malt and Vinous Liquors in less quantities than one gallon in I.ako Precinct Harney County, State of Oregon, for tho period Three (3) .Mouths, as in duty hound we will over pray. NOTICE Any and nil persons owing the firm of Hngey, Fonwick & Jack son, either on account or note, are hereby notified that all such accounts nnd notes nro now in tho hands of C. H. Leonard for collection. Such persona are hereby requested tomako immo diato settlement of tho Bruno. Dated Aug. Gtli. 1009. Uaof.y, Fknwick & Jackson. NOTICK FOK PUBLICATION IMOtiATKUTIUrr I'UHl.tt) liANIl HAl.K, Unitiii Ftatm l.ftNiiHrriex, lltirna. orriun. July I ft, lOIU.I Notice la hereby altaii that.ai ilirooleil by thel'uMiiitlilloiiDMil llio Uvncral l.aml Oltiet', uiulcr 'he iiruTliluna of Art ol Coimrota an moved Jim , iwm 184 Hints, M7, tuitatiaut ... ii.m Hkiiiiutiim nl rlttrlt.i II. ljMmartl. Berlal No w.wi, we will oiler at iubllo aale, to the niithiai uiituar, at luooiiwa ., " V'Xix iiay VI Auguai, iviv, hiiiiii UlllVV. I". "l lowluit-deicrlbvil lanil HK(NW(Hc.ri,T.3H., It SJ K W. M. Auy venom claiming aitreriely llin abpe ilcirrlbeit iaun are aiiviacti 10 mo meir num., iir objection!, on or Mont the lime ileilKiiateil Wm.Kik, lUnlatar. Kiunk Iiy, Itecelver. lor tale. NOTIOIC VOW PUUIilOATION. UNiTKBTATKHI.ANliOKKIl!K, llurni, Orexuu, auku.i.i, IDIO. Notire U tiercliy ilvnn Hint KrUI Clark n( Prewier, Oregon, who, oiiHcpteinber t.lW, inailn homeilcail Kntry.No.srm.Herlal No, KM. lorWHHK'.j, KWHWIf Hectloii I, Townaliln Houth, Umiito 35 Kasl. WllUmelle Metbllaii. Ilia nlcil noilre ul Intention to make Hnl Hve-Year rrnol to eilabllth claim to the taml aboMnleacrtleil, before the Ueitaler am! Itegltler at lluriii, Uri 11011,011 the 1Mb ily ul (.eiitcmbcr, 1910. Claimant nainra at wlliiettrai Kliok (llaon, Lewli N. Oltou, O. V, Drink water, J, II Hinltli, all ol Hrewac), Oregon. Wm, Va hue. Itr(lier NOTICK FOR 1'UHLICATION. IINITKIIHTATKHI.ANIIOKKICK. lltirna, Olfgoli, AliauatS, IHtl), Notice la hereby itren thai Kllra Olaon.ol Drenaey, Oregon, who on July IS. IMM, tnaile ileiert Una entry No. 771, Helfal No. oild. lor r. flK'i her, , nnunnu neo. 0, nitnnft Townahlp'.'i Huiith, itani ii Kail. WllUmatte Meridian, haa nleil notice ol Intenllnii to inako nnal rnxjl.toi'alalilltnrlaim loinoianu aiHi ilraerltKol, lielore Ilia Kealiter anil Kvrelrer, at llurna, OrrKoii.nn thn let li ilay ol beptem lr luio. claimant mian aa wllneaaea l.oul N. Olaou, KtlKar I. Ileede, Krlal Clark, liulaU nraillleM, allot nrewaey, urron. Wx.KAaai:, Keilaler NOTICK FOR l'URLICATION UNITKIl 8TATKS I.ANI) OrKICK. I llurna, (Irefou, Auual 0. IVI0 I Nullre la tierebr alfrll that Albert WihkI, 11 llurna. Oregon, who, on July I, IISX, inaile hoineateail Entry No. USUI, (or KiHK'i, HK't M,t mi 1.01 1, Meciion o. leHnamp rfi. nooiii, Itanao SS Kail, Mllamette Meridian, liar Med nntlm nf Intniitldn to ltiake Anal t ommltta lion Proof, to eatabllah rlalm to the 'and atxno diacrlbed, belore the Hraliter and lie. reiver, al llurna, Oregon, 011 the rjlli day o( mileiuter, mm. Claimant uainea aa wllneaaei Wilbur llniklna, Johu Hweek, Charley Mc l'hetera, Cred Denatead, all ol lluiiia, Oregon WM.FAKaa, lOgliter. Names A. Kamaworth V. i:. Ilunglo K. Andersou Tom McCormick It. A. Ooflwi Oscar Pntcrtiou J. Sevcik I. S. Tyler Frank Caw Mold Tom Dun 11 Ch,V. Hetl It Natnea A. Hllini;nood K. Anderson J. II. iltjndcuon Hldnuy Comegys 8. J. Midr. Inter J. It. Kocd V. H. Karroll J. II. Witiei Iladolen Elliott Scott Catteraon A. Jones Dysentery is a dangerous dis ease but can be cured. Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has been suc cessfully used in nine epidemics of dysentery. It has never been known to fail. It is equally val uable for children and adults, and when reduced with water and sweetened, it is plesant to take. Sold by all dealers. Notice iaherehv given that on Monday tho 10th day onSoptemhor, 1010, llio un dersigned III apply to tho County Court o( Harney County, Htuto of Oregon for the License mentioned in tho foreoiiiK petition. IIARIIIS it KlTZfl KHALI). NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. NO TRESPASSING. Hunting is forbiddon upon my place adjoinint Burns. TreepufiH rs will be prosecuted. C. H. VOKGTLY Job printing The Times-Herald Notice is hereby Riven that the under signed, tho duly appointed, qualified and acting Administrator of tho eitate of John D.Clement, deceased, will un der and by virtue of an order of the Hon J. I'. Hector, Judge of tho County Court of Harney County, Oregon, duly made and enterod on tho 22nd day of July, 1010, offer for sale at private salo , for cash in hand, on and after tho "'.'ml day of August, 1010, at Iliirnc, Oregon, tho following described real property, to wit RUii NK'4 of Sec. 3 j SVsJ N W'r, and I,ot fi, of Sec. 2, all in township 27, S. It. 'JO, I!. V. M., In Harney County, Oregon. SIMON U2WIB, Administrator. NORTH BEACH QUEEN OF THE NORTHWEST RESORTS Near the Mouth of the Columbia Hiver on the Washington Coast THE PLACE TO SPEND YOUR SUMMER VACATION Twenty-fivo Miles of MagnificentlBeach :: Level, Compact and Smooth :: Many thriving and tidy communities, delightful hotel, cottage, tent and camp life. All the comforts of home and the healthful, invigorating recreation of the seaside surf bathing, fishing, clam digging, beach bonfires, riding, racing, hunting, strolls and drives through picturesque wooded headlands Reduced Rates from all parts of Oregon and Washington VIA THE OREGON 1UILK0AD & NAVIGATION CO. Season Rate: From Portland Hound Trip, .$4.00 Three Day Saturday to Monday Itato, $3.00 Purchase tickets and make reservations at City Ticket Office, at 3rd and Washington Streets, Portland, or inquire of any O. It. & N. agent elsewhere for information WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I'sithi Statu I.AMUOrric, llurm, Omiuu, Juljr II, 1910 I Mullen la hrrobr iilien lht (,'litrlci It Ilu -. at .I.... .!.. .. l . .( IK llVl ilWl,U IIUntB, .IITpV'M. nUU "M n.KU. .,.,"-., mulu Iloincitru! Kiilrr No JtiZS, mrll No. giWV lor Lot 1 urn! NK, NWJ4 Socllon Is, Towmhlp '.' fouth. Kn.3") Knit . WllUmatle Aicriimn, nsa mm. nuiiro m iitianiitiu m i,i. Hnl flv-Ycr I'rool. lu t.l.bllili rUlm to llio Unit l)r ilncrllol. Iifforo Hi limn lar ml Utrrlver l llurui, Olrfou, cm Ilia villi iUr ol Aujuit WI0. I'lilmiilnimM wltnoioi William C II row u, Lr. Hlitman. Krf-1 K Hcolt, Crank lraan, all ol llurna, Orton Vn. Kit, Itritilrr NOTICK FOK PUBLICATION UNITKUHTATKH LAND orriCE, ( llurni, Orrron, Juljr II, 3I0, Kollcv It lieraby gllcn that II. W. Hamilton, ol llurna, Ori-ion, tllar, ol William Halt, who. on Julr 1, 1K mail bomcalaail entry No. 3!U, HarUt No OlftW, (or NVNU, Hrctlon li. Towuahlp St Houlh. Katun WU K'l. Wlllanntta Marlillan haa flU'l uollca ol Intan tlon In mako Klnal Klre year proof, loaatabllih claim to tin Unit abota ilrtcrll'li balora the llcgltlfr and UecalTer, at llurna. Oraon, on I lie ailh ilar ol Aujuit, 1910. Claimant namet aa wltnrttaa i Llovit Johnton, Frank Hilar, Hobart K. Ilrr.l, OrenH Hamilton, all il Lawan, Onron. Wm Kai, Iteiltlar. NOTICK FOK PUBLICATION. UNimiHTiTii LiNDOrricr, I Burnt, Oregon, Julyf, 1910.1 Notice It harebr (then that the Hlata of Oraion haa Alnl In thla office Ita application (Serial No. 0I91B) to talact.undtr On proflilon ol the Act of concrata, appronixl Auiutl II, IMJ, and acta auplemenlal and ameudatorx tlieratu, the HMWKcr.21,T SDH., It 31 K., W. It. North of Malheur Lake Anjr and all pcrtnna claiming e.ltrertelr the laudt detcrlbed.or ilatlrlnr? object bacaute of the mineral character of the land, nr for aur other reaton, to the illtoeal to applicant, ahould file tbalr anidavira of protaat In Hilt omce. on or before Ilia eiplratlon of Ilia pert(4 of publication Uk. final, Iteitaler. Pint publication AukuiI 13, 1910. UH publication Hi-pletnber 17, 1910 NOTICK FOK PUBLICATION. UNITKIl 8TATKS LANDOKKIOKJ llurni, Orecon, Atiiuat 9, 1910,1 ..,- 1... t .. ..I . . . (In.... . (.111.. rillllCeilUriCIl) KK.U IW.I 11UI.IDA. I'lll.MI) Jr, of Harrier, Oregon, who, on Heplombei i, 1DOJ, made honirttrail enlrr No, 26.10. atrial No 0I9H, for W)( NWU. NW)j;rlW)t ami NK'iNWU Bactlon 7i, Townthlp ti bouth, Halite 3i Kaat, Wlllainetttt Meridian, haa tiled notice ol Intention to make final Hve Yi-ar Proof. . ....I.ll.l. . I.l .n IliA la. 1.1 al.nuu ila.n rl I....1 111 CalKMII.II LI.IUI ,w ...V .. mtrv , v mvb. . ,...-, before the Iteiltlur and llrrelrur, at llurna, Oregon, on the Sutli day of rtepttinlr, IV1U. Claimant namet aa wltnataea William II. Morrlium, Jamoa (lllbt'tt, J llenrrJennlngi, all of llaruejr, Oregon Italph Iflbbard, ol llurni, Oregon, WM. Final, Itegliler, NOTICK FOK PUBLICATION. tlNiTab Until I.inii Orrli t llurni, Oregon, Atigmt 8, luio. Notice li hereby given that I'.tlicl II, Oravea, formerlr Kthel II Carroll, of I.aweti, Oregon wlui. mi Mar VI, ISOJ, mada hoiuratrad intry, No. WW, for I.OH7 anil a, Heollou lin.lnwntlilp M Houtli, Kange X2 Kaat, Wlllauietle Metldlaii hai filed notlie of Intention to mako final Commutation Proof, to eatabllah claim In thn land aboo dcarrlited, before the Itngtateranil liuelvnr, at llurna, Oregon, on the 'Ami ila nf Ki'ptnmber, IUI0 Clalmaut uainea aa wltiieeavft John I. cake, Floieiun (,'rowlar, Ixith of l.aweu, Oregon. Janita II. Ilunraril, Uu M Carpenter, both nf llurni, Oregon. WM F. km, llegliter MAGAZINE READERS SUR8CT MAOAZINE beaulifullrillujlialttl.gooditoriai -n ..U articlat about Catlaiaia ud ' all tl.a Fu Wert. 1" CAMERA CEAFT lerotad each taonth to the at. . riatie teproduclioa al lliabett $1,00 woAalaraatiuiamalffalauloaal , ytu phetagraplitrt. SOAD 07 A TH0UBAHD W0HDEU8 a book ol 7) pig! conlaiauif 120 calatad pliotofiapKi ol $0.75 pictM-etniM HMti la CaMarata udOiafta. Toul $3.35 $1.50 All for . . a a AiUrau all erdtri to SUlfSBT MAOAZIHB pjaad ButUuif Saa Francltc niiiiiii.miiminataj.ini.a.n.ai.i in, iiiiiJaJSJKJiK NUW CLUUDINQ PROPOSITION Wo hnvo nrriUiKed to offer in connection with thin paper, tho now monthly farm ninwizino just started at Lincoln, Nehraakn, by Prof. II. V. Campbell and dovot ed to tho mibjoct of how to farm in the dry country and how to Kot beat raiulta from noil tilliiKO under normal condltiotiH. Thin Paper is Campbell'H Scientillc Farmer and we oiler it clubbed with Tho Times-Terald both for $2.fi0 per year cjihIi. Prof. Camp bolls' new paper is a monthly, chock full of kooiI thiiiRH, the only paper of iLs kind in tho world, and it embodied tho re sults of tho editor's many years of pain.slnkiiur investigation of the soil tillage proposition. Religious Servlcen. 7:30 each Tho following nro Rev. A. J. Irwin's regular preaching ap pointments for tho year 1910. Burns the third and fourth Sundays of each month at 11 a. m. and 7:I!0 p. in. Sunset School House at 10:30 a. m. the first Sunday of each mouth. Narrows at li p. m. and p. in. the first Sunday of month. Waverly at 10 a. in. the second Sunday of each month. Lawen at 3:30 p. in. and 7:30 p. m. tho second Sunday of each month. Dunstead School House at 3 p. in. the third Sunday of each month. Sunday School at Hums every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock a. m. Services at the Haptist Church first and second Sundnys in each month. Sunday School at 10 n in. every Sunday. Prayer meot- ing Thursday evening. The Lone Star RESTAURANT China (ii-urge, I'roiirlutor. Uor. .Main itiul II HlriniU. MHAllS AT ALU HOURS Bakery in oonneotlon. A Specially of Short Orders. Titblo ftirniNliod with uvorythiiif; tho market nllbrdH, Your patron ngo Hollcltoil. OKnoiAI. IIIUCCTOKY ITATK ORgilONI V 8 Henalnia Congrraamrti Atloruer (leneral (lovernnr Brcrctarx ul Mate Treaaurrr Hupt. Public Initrurttoii Mlate Printer Uuprenie Judgra Ijoiialhau llotirnajr. Illl.l. K. ChalllUrlalll W It Kill. J J W HawJer A. M, Crawford K. W llauiou y W litnion ,() A tteel ., .1. II. Aokerman W Rliunlwar i I'.. H. Ilean, . Y. A Moora ) Itobt hakln NINTH JUIUtllAI, IIIMTIIICT IHalrlct Jildgn liltlrlrt Ailuruer lputr Hill All) (Iro K llavli i W Mcl'ulliHh I.' II Uinanl Circuit Court mrtta tho rt rat Momlaf lu April and Rril Moiiilaf lu Octolxr. Joint Heiialor Joint IteprraentallTo 0 W farrlah W II lirooke oouNTr iuhhkt: J I' Km tor Ham Molbtnbead K N Jameaon A (1 Faulkner A K. Itlcbaldanli J. J, tklllrgell I.M Hamilton J W Oearr .John lloblmou , l N etallaril I (I A Hmjrlli Collnly Court inula Iho flrat Wediieadar In Januarj-, Marih. Mar, Jnlr, tieplernber and NuvemlHir. Uuuulr Judge Clerk Treaaurer rturreror .. Hherlr! Aatraaor richool Hiiperlnteudent Coroner stock Inibwlor Commtatlouera iubnkt ti, a. LAN n urrioti Kegiater Kecelver Win Farra I'tank liavey ntv.-mlKria- Marnr. Ham Moll erthwad ItviiirJilr, .1. T. Ilaiidall Trraaurur J.C WeleornaJr Marahal, M. K Wllllama rV I.' llrowu Ciiuiiclluioii A. . WcUomo I Jnntleui barling I A H Hwalu Meeting! of thn Counrll utvrr Hecuud and fourth Wrdiuailar. DQ YEARS' EXPHniENdE AnronatendlnK akirmdIMiiaya4trv aant Haa. Ol jM fStJwtPmPEI I'atanu IHeji imioA) Wl XTVAjaBBra fTriMli tViAi, hi v Hl.AVirttlKSVC UMM 18 THE TBiiC llUff BEST I IIWIE. of Ilia rear to naaa rear tartk pat aal Plata airrti wora4oaa. For rpra Bi ri a Dl h Dlftttt Wl IH "f alraaa at ata tail ffwex in aaeaaaarri u.iiiCn.ii S5.0 HBflJTlkJ. Otli rilUaga buatl rilllin llr.tr rilllift ut Dtt Ruttir filtt. Brl OmI ft 1:88 .00 6.00 I. W. K WrH. Tmmrn urn Hataat niHIlM aa aMaaaaai rsoiioa fjn pi mit.,11 PUii i.DU rilfllMiEitr'lloa.60 T UKTHOOt itMor trliMwotk II1"'"' ? UtuMtnia PblalAM KitffftolLoa Ft Wise Dental Co. PalnleirS Bentlstft '&W?MlimmCiVP The Times-Herald in ofleriitfj most attractive Clubbing Rates to its HiibHcrihern a present THE TIMES-HERALD One if ear with the Portland Weekly Oregonian $2.50 Portland Semi-Weekly Journal $2.50 S. F. Weekly Examiner $2.65 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World $2.50 Semi-Weekly St. Louis Republic $2.35 Frm Progress FREE to every puid in advance Subucriber Get one or more of these ffood papers in connec tion with The Times-Herald for the lonf? win ter evenings. -Call and gel Clubbing Prices JOB PRINTING The Timril!crnlil In Prepared In do tlir Very Heat nnd Moat SBtlafitetnry Work In thU line. Wo Imvc nil tlie LATEST TYPE FACES and n very Complete Line FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY Blue Mountain Rapid Transit Line Operating fronf Austin ria 1'rairie City, Ma Day, Canyon City to Barns, Oregon xi lays from Huker City tti Murns, Oregon. Four and six horse slock and covered coaches the entire distance Railroad to Burns 105 miles For rates ask L. WOLDENBERG, Manager. Cetzrsrozx City, Oregrora. x:.i- LK.J. -'"''a,,ioa(ji-!-lf ,4 H I'BSgigBa THE WINDSOK E KU .f - Ea"TLr,tn -y?n vrV MIT1T " 1 1 flaafafeat9il S y pv HT.I V V J j.yt,:roCT'i - i4tn .jaaifcor ? f ."..',. i"V-V V W H rrA-iaiJ ECr Kji..tf and jaii- (ujlind W. W. DRINKWATER aJJtor 1 It Jal'4JrVMBJJ Main St., Blacksmitliing and Horseshoiiig. Wagon Work COOLEY AUTO MATIC BRAKES Burns, Oregon, BURNS MILLING CO. NORTON & SAYER, Propts. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic, Flooring, Moulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmili to Burns. Good Road. Lumber Yard in Burns THE ANDERSON HOTEL MHS. CI IAS. ANDUUSON, .'nipt. I lmvo lo-opened tho hotel niiii tho ohl-tinio friends and eimtomera are again invited to eomo and ho at homo. You will And tho biuiio homo-corn forts and welcome as iituial. The old favorite Family Hotel where guests receive Special Attention nnd Good Service. SOUTH BURNS. OREuON--Nenr Fair Qrounds. THE TIMES-HERALD Job Printing. PIIOFK88IONAL CARDS. Wm. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Iliirnn, Ori'ifon. Homiiri C nnJ (I Odd IVIlow IllllldlllK G. A. REMBOLD Atlornoy-nt-Fiiw, Burns, Oregon (JhiiH. 13. Jjoonard, A'rroiiNKV-AT-r.AW, Cnruful uttuntlon given to Colloo- tloiiH nnd Ileal KRtuto iniittorf. 1'lru Ititurancu. NotHr I'nlillo. liUIINH, OltKOON. QKO, H. 8IZRMOKB, ATTOIINKV, HUBNB, OnKOON Uolltictiuua, Land biiilneaa, nml Itenl Kttnto nmttar pronifllv KtUmled to. kusMinwiajajiii iih "yiflfcc Ct.mfaia aLIIIILI TOIf? Railway TIMIt TAIII.I. NO, . ix ,MJM II, Ian, X CHARLES W. ELLIS LAWYER Burns, - - Ort'Kon I'ructicfH lu tliu Htiitu CuurlB nml fori) tint IJ.H, Ijiml Olllcu. bo- A. W. GOWAN A'lTOHNEY-AT-LAW Stato Courlfl and United States Ijmd Ofllco Practice Thrco doors South of the Harney County National Bank Burns, Oregon. Went IIimiihI Nn I I'nw 0:30 I,v Ili35 " OitVi 10:01 " 10.07 I 10 111!.'!'' " 1(1 !.')!! " i0:r.5 " 11:10 " 11:15 " 1IMU " NOON l'-':00 " V. M. ia:or. " 12:10 " 1:10 Ar N III. IlllWlT fill Hiillth I .ti HiiIUIiii. "I-wklmri 'TIlOlllpH fe 2WrW - Vr ft li'lilin'i - 0:17 "8lo.Miirr.lnfi,iiB.a . i 0:22" MVulor'lui.li rfliiff I Aird Minir McIIttfn' .M;N(TIi. Hiifriil. r M UNCI Kim r-llliimll O I. 'ntii, H'i" i it Wliilii. rii'Tost Auiltlll Sliip (in iKiinln unH 'I'lrkl'ta IwilHil only fi.r Mjt' trulim urn nclii'1 tiled i a nlopi). I'iiMuiif;i k iiiii i pgk cln wlicrn IIHlMlll l Xial l,e( IraliiH or 2.1) t-tila- in .u!,liil. Kiilar fnrii will liu clmrKi J JOKKI'II GitANT(iKIm:H, i i -..fi m 1X, S'' iEr d. CU. CBARY I'liraii'lun u lid HurtctHin. Ilurim, - - - OreKoo- Ollou In now building rioiitii of Wulcomu liunifBH aliop, .Main tit. 'l'lioiio MaliiHS. DENtMHN & DEfiMflN. Physicians and Surgeons C'alla uiiiwuruJ promptly iifuliL onlay 'I'Iioiih Ilnrrlnian, (larrlman, Oregon MARSPEN & GRIFFITH l'liyiltlaiiB and KurgwiiN. IIUK.NB, 0HKCI0.V. L. E. HIBCHRD Olllcu firit door tust photo fullery llnrni, Oregon. W. C. BROWN, Iluii.Ns, OiicnoN. Olllcu In now laud olllcu building, next door north ot iioat ofUcu. ?af$3 J3sm wme '' HugW ?j - . . Wc , i n,M.' :- j"a ft i. 'Jl.ivi j . .r.itJa5 con tta -. t'i 1 .'' r-:p Thi '.J.-J .'.-si !,3r!i ing ! (,K)df..c. zii vie ', """ ano I DAX J,i:.,iii.s i. -- iiiiii. r i.i i ... - Will I..I1.I1 i ,1 ii?l I up,. t 4eas V' , . i4 i tiifr?- V lat I TOP "" -':-U Y I ' M -,7: '" ?f L-K '& pre j . ,tha Dn ja nn n a C0Tr When you want a. .,.Kko any loss of time, nnd nethiir by no bad results, u" Chamberlaic Colic, Cholera Diarrhoea Re, It never fails anl 1 s'cttn I It U equally valua! r I 1 clfc famous for Its cun-a over Itj the clvillied world. HOC1KTIK8. IIAItNKV LOUaif, NO. 77, I. O O r. ..la tTtrr Bturdajr la udj Fallow Hall al7:0iui. K. A.fole, Arnir Morion, Sacratarr. N. 0. IIUKS'Ml.dllUF NO.7. A U M.. altipla mur flrat lnl llilril tatillilair Itt.alh iil.iiilli J K 1 O.K. 11. . M. 'Ihija hautia, ivervlar) IIAHNKV VAI.I.KV OAMI' No anl, W. ol f. Uixla cyary flrat aud ooudlTu.aJay. O. W. McClato, Cent. W. A. Qowau, Clark. N BUIINB OIUPrKIt NO to, O, K. 8. UaaU avarv taooud aud fmuiri MonJata. In ' Uaaonlellall. fcva llyi.l, . M. 1 lianrl (I01.au, ti-cralary. I mot 'M01 of c and wer nun objt fr ' i amc post opei coni Port a po the Fall this ran . , to 11 X-J ' . and JOHN (JMJIIMlltlX scct .ran .lorwolyr. Optit'iai jjj.,, Kmrr.irr nPy Fine Watch Kop unng ;n t cinlty. cast. Tl dVI.VIA UKUKKAII UKdltliK No.tS. Ufalaevery latauillil WvilnaaJay. Marc lo. N.O. llalla tnllaril Kva. c'y. TUI.K ClltCI.K No. lti, W. of W. Vlatla evarjr fourth liHidajr. Maud lloruui, U M, llailar (iooiliiian, Clark. liern ROBIN and m JOHN Stock Inspector, llam.'j Home Atlilrt' $1500 Reward! 1 t'i, 4 f m The Oregon Call furiila ami N'availn Lire Hmck I'rotao tlan Aiaoelatloii.of which the uiuler tlaiveil la a member will ictve ll.uu l renaiHilorevlilinro IrniltliK to the ar ,. ml ami conviction 9 tl aii lmrtv or nar , tU'talealllif horaia. eallle or millet bo loiiKliiEtoauy of Ha m tin bo ri, In aililllloii U1II10 nUne. the iiliileralmied of fera on Iho aaiuu comlltloii V4Xl.l0 for tall lunar braiulnl lioiiD-ahiiu bar 011 IhiiIi or vlllier Jaw llrainl reconleil In elutu countlei. Ilaiiue liar liejr, iMio ami Crook I'ountlVa llonea rlilvl Hlii'il mill. Noiui but KioiMi Imrai'a Miilil, ami mil) In laratf buiichei. V. W.i niton X, Ulle, ormou. pure stag I tatio MllMMLlMIILt-Ll Jl.lfJ'l.lllWl ne' WmiirTfnh -Rc F?., .A,'if!, routi mjtT'Zz-M 1 of T: 1 -a Y V . V B- a j ji ' I r . rifl3iP135 eaaaaaaaaaaV fr 1 "5! mitiuif Tx3r "CTs Wit collect uvurMtiitro mid mako u cliaruu iiiiIuhs colltsMlmi lu iniulti. Wo ploMHti unrclionta -rAa-slc: llxeaQ.. Aildrt'tm Moiumm MV.kcaniii.kCh,, Kenton Ulilk'., I'oilluinl, Ort', CHAM The Harney Valley Brewing AlnmifHcttiroTH of DF-ui.x-o (53odLo -7jrsn,it iriiinlly Trndo Solicited Prec'Dcllvcrj T. E. JENKINS, Manolticr." sBaWrSEWSrsasasss-ir - Son -" eastt soutl Wodelt c"y' 1894 m 0;nt QepealingW to- ti Arag orinj rr This rifle1 nity fir settled where I'iKi t r.w-iU power arc desinJ, ii) to the rc I'hhorhi iiu. S01 a rat jjardi tnry tho f In v Portl is sai Jouri Wl insta' secre flfeXhi&itivai l ll i; sottk cats and t posse will 1. Sui conse State hcrlai propn teres! intori ently hniul.i ;, li ' : with tin aplid tcj nml r e rl 1, n li Tiin'i r 11 p vfc use uml ceri an m , It la m le t nsr tl elnciii. v l 1 I bullila 11 a v .11 ,-. 1' n SKiwurr uni 1 v t t ' f flJcra, an J ,a tlir 1 , at I r 1 to ill ea ,.sr J a. v cllt' .IP i-lra .tv 1 1 '- l or ..... ,.TI T JraaKrtla' ,,r hi 1 1 Willow Mr. I (