Esa mm iumiiii. tJ.U'i "hz Times-Jerald. TAP THK I.AK0K8T CIKCM.A.TI0N Or ANY NKWSrArKIl IN THtB COUNTY. SATURDAY. JULY M, 1910. Local News. Head Schenk Hros. nil. Job printiuK-Tho Times-Herald Crop reports contimio on cournninpr. Meet me nt the Mt. Vernon Hot Spriims. Trade at the Busy Corner Store and save money. Full lino Butterick patterns Mrs. Georgia E. Pierce. .1. E. Chandler is in from his homo near Warm Springs. Those Panama hats at Schenk Bros, are the proper things. j Geo. Parker and wife were up. from their home at Lawen yes terday. Tn lust moid in Harney eoun . ..i n. -v...,..!.,,,,! I ty lor a corns at uiu w.n Hotel. Chas. Johnson spent a few days upon Emigrant creek fish ing this week. Mays & Pinch, paper hangers, wall decorators. Carriage paint ers and Furniture redressing, Locher Building. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS at the close oflmHhicHH June 30th, 1010 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts . $207,710.55 U.S. Bonds f0,00().0 Bonds and Securities x- r,,,mi' Premium on U. S. Bonds 2,000.00 Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures G.GOO.OO Five nor cent Redemption Fund . . s o . 1.250.00 CASH JG1.8I3.30 $634,221.83 . -. $ 25,000.00 43,082.00 25,000.00 .... 410,539.83 $534,221.83 LIABILITIES Capital Surplus nnd Undivided Profits . . . Circulation DEPOSITS Capital and Surplus $60,000.00 United States Depositary Accounts Invited ;i A iinrtinn of the front, plateo0,onk Bros glass ect. arrived this week for . breakfast the hig Lunaburg. Dnlton As km. fi loclu roduct. Clothos pressed and cleaned at food - stone store building. Thirty cent dimities for 22ic ,. vnnl ilurimr THE GREAT MID-SUMMER WHITE SALE at the Busy Corner Store. John Wintermeier was down from Silvies yesterday. He says the hay crop is light in his neigh borhood this season. FIRE INSURANCE AT COST is one of the strongest Mutuals in Mu state. See us about it. Randall, Passenger & Malonev. Cremo - for sale by you. r grocer. R. R. Sitz is up from Lawen. The Summit shirt at Schenk Bros. I. N. Hughel wits a hmdness visitor this week. Mrs. Fine Dressmaking over The Times-Herald office. Mrs. Geer gia E. Pierce. ,,. ,111ln.,ii ivl.. The hot spell seems to have (-(;ofrgia E. Pierce, been broken as it was much cool-, r.nhhJu and wife wni' or yesterday. 1 .town from the mountain .rauich Good. subsUmtial, well cooked meals at the Home Hotel is what the boarder likes. , : .:,. ..- . Minx no M10 Inland Ermnre Keai- 1 ,:imiimvr iiai nun w iiv . w- - - . order of the day and all who can, ty Co. if you have anything for 1 ., fw. nrn " reck- SUIU UI .-AtiniiiK- ;t;Ltiit.j iiwi.i w" 1 ing" to the trout streams this week Tim Vmndi Hotel serV J 11 fin.. Simdiiv dinner and spi && - - - .... Thos. Bain was. down from attention is Riven to ran W Harney Tuesday looking after service. some business. Foil Sam:1(U) acre relinqiiis - ment with cabin, good wolli w water, 100 acres fenced. Inipiir tall timber and rri, ui,mvnr Wesnesdav sue ... 11.:.. r.,.,. t uc .lll .i.-i., :- Wo have a number of good coed in clearing the atmosphere secondhand wheels for sale or ' 1 m .. i' :... 'i iin h v iii-vi THE GREAT MID-SUMMER, and cooled things off some. rcm.--A.ny. r. - . - WHITE SALE at the Busy Cor- We ar0 not superstitious bull Mrs Wm I-nrro ami lituc ' s.nro linens Mondav July ... Lw in Sitms. Mavs & daughter CiMhrme were passen- iivi uvwt w -ti-- t m: 111:111.1 w -'r-- 18th and continues two weeks Miss Gertrude Barnes has been in the hospital at Portland for ten days according to ad vices received by relatives here. She u improving in health. Miss A. McKenzie has gone to her farm near Narrows after spending some time in this city. Miss McKenzie did some excep tionally fine kindergarten work 1 in this city last winter and en deared herself to several little ones who hope to see her again this fall Finch. The Fixers, Locher Bldg. .... ..... -. (I... TiH.utlnV foi auuku" v'"- " , ... . n n.,r f.'.lv vulmrn tllOV Will W. L. Best was among "" visit for n few weeks. Silver Creek visitors the first of . . this week. He was having some I Fresh groceries of tho vt J 1 . 1 .b In- ' best brands and a complete new dental work done. ,. , , , r,.n?..limirs. line ui. iry nuuar "' , Ten cent bleach muslin for 7Ac ' clc ? nfty i)0 foumi at Hagey As per yard during THE GREAT uidianlpon's The new stone MID-SUMM1SK wmiu o(' at The Busy Corner Store. Miss K. Neugebauer is located in the Jorgensen building south Main St. and is, prepared to do all kinds of dress making. Schenk Bros, do not have to store. Tiw. r.rni fnuntv fair dates have been set for tho week fol lowing the Harney county fair and Crook county foll'owa Grant this forming a circuit or the in terior counties with 11 .0 conflict ing dates. -..Mil. II r .11.11 !lt. inn nvnr "eiwiliu iuj. - , I Williams rus. " ' UI1 uvu j ,, oilnra !ind Pail (10 it nun.. .. il... '. m-nnti MUlll from Drewsey and are guest at . - ?SZ Z do cu work Ujenomoo save policy-holders 40 per, f0 those desiring to .take ml. S ithe?einMaS !: tho latter being now at1 Fire insurance as good as thejmU. Also lumber for s 'cat;if iretsey inB MveJ over be-t Write us for particulars. per thousand. See the . about rm nnio with thoir horses. iianuan, i-usiin- " -- cu !. 1 .1 ..mi- unit hnck to a Phila- Mrs. Joseph Robertson and, ,.,,., ,,,. fn- Hrntion. . iit'iiiiuu. unjv-i - t .. T7...,; iinMf ofimn ftvnr --- - iiiss rjuiuv-u utui, wwuiw w,v- r wwf b Tl GREAT MID-SUMMER WHITE SALE At The Busy Corner Store FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY, BEGINNING MONDAY, JULY 18 Our ko(Ih are all Heasoimblo and wo havo mulouhtedl.y tho larL nnd bwi li..(. over shown in Burnn. During tho wilo all white Bood and cvorytlung made of white goodH will be Hold at a 25 per cent reduction Shirt WaiHls Under Skirls While Towels Corsets Lace Curtains Handkerchiefs Sheets, Pillow Cases Embroideries White Parasols Valcienne Lace Torchon Lace Bleached Muslin Bleached Towelinfj Lawns Dimities Organdies Nainsooks India Linons Persian Lawns Striped Damask Dolled Swiss Duck Scrim n All the above and many others at 25 ver cent less than regular prices REMEMBER THE DATE Sale begins Monday, July 8th Sale ends Saturday, July 30th THE BUSY CORNER STORE I. Schwartz, Proprietor Clothing for youths and child ren at Schenk Bros. Mrs. W. Y. King lm boon HI this week but is improving- Order your now potatoes now of Robert Davey. J. C. Freemen was over from Warm Springs yesterday. Fine line of linon dimtorrt for ladies and gentlemen. Shonk Bros. Miss Juliet King wont to the mountains Monday in company with friends. , Mrs. J. P. DiekuiUoit left this morning for Arkansas, hor lor mor home. Mrs. A. S. Swain and win Albert were up from Lawen ono day this week. John Carlson was It from his homestead tho first of the wok making final proof. Foil Sai.u-25 foot business lot on Main St., Bums. Good build ing. Inquire at tins ollice. C. I. Albright was anioi.g those up from tho Narrows Ra tion the first of this week. a w lliilhiii-L is transacting himitiesH 1h our city today. Hc: is accompanied by his wife. Gentlemen, we have all our . i-...l. in spring anil summer i Yours truly, Schenk Bros. I. L. Poujado anr wife wore over from Cow ('reek Tuesday. They came over in their auto. MMin lii.i-soiml attention given guests at the French Hotel has given it a good reputation u Culn. Prop. Writ., for a namnhlet giving c.n utifiiiiiliiii4 i-ouanliiur the Mt. Vernon Hot Springs in Grant County Oregon. Miss Farnuin, one of the ex ...llont. teachers of our public school has gone on a vacation trip to Portland and other points. Mays & Finch loft this morn- in for Canyon, Prairie and in- u.-m.iliulo noints. They will do ai lot of road signs while en route. John R. Walkup. u Seattle' ...... ic dii-iiUhinir merchant, is in iiw.pitv. Mr. Walkup is an old time friend of A. E. Murphy. THE (JURAT MID-SUMMER n-uiTK SALE nt The Busy Cor- n cir Store begins Monday July 1 VJ!h and continues two wech.s. A uwat terrace of cut stono is be HK hced in front of the III. L. Lewii. residence property rc- een tlly purchased by m. Stei lihens. ... ...t AIM' NHN'C'tn THAVIll.. ljM. I It- Ilnnu') County Nutloiml HaiAl wrvvi:M.i:ii's i'iiwiiJi.r r.,;v nrc KclMili-iilirjImr. ii,iv tuaimeinand look at tno Fiil'Hs i wool hats, soinetuing new an fl just the thing for sm 'i ' I'.iihv Comer Store IIIUI. ' Rev. A - J b'win writes that he reache 1 Huh old home in Derby Iowa, on Saturihiy of last Aveek at noon. lleJiueni on imw day. Meats from Tie to 12ic- Ue:,l loinsteak, li'-ic; buils, fie to 7e; roasts from oV- to .8c: sausage, 12i: pork, Lie-Young 8 awai Market & Gixnwry. Miss Egli. -or Kb". W'cgoii, is hero visiting her cousin, iVIrs. C. E. Konyon. Egli is in iKarney .,,,i il is a loog dusty ride to' reach Ontario this timo of the year. -Ontario Uptunisi. John Lough and family will leave Monday for Almena. Kan sas, where they will remain un til next summer. Mr. i.ougn has property in Kansas amt win take up work on tno larm uwi again. Ho expects to return to his farm hero next season. Wo are informed the prolim :.,,. mirvnvH on tho Silver Creek irrigation project of C. B. Mc- Connel and associates are anoui completed and the probable cost will soon bo Known, wo uuuur Hiim.l tho nrospects aro quite favorable toward tho project go ing through. mia Thorn had both bones of his loft arm broken the first of this week while assisting in i.niiiliiiir fenco near Narrows, ir .-onched to adjust tho spool ..iiii.h wns unwinding Irom tno , i .... - ... .tuntmn which 111! WHS llriVlllg 'whi'n the barbs caught the long Kujntlet of his glove. Ilo came to nunirtjuii hail the iraciuro ai- t nn&'d by Dr. Grillith. Geo- If. Porter of Great Falls, KT.,,i..ii tis wcolc purunnseu , i. ... .r,a .w.i'i. li-iict. o land oi iwitr uww ..v-.v. v.. - n,. iinlii. II iivcn near the hill nun. ' - . . , . breo bridge througli tlio inland v.n',vn i.;i tv Co. Mr. I'orier is weU jileascd with the Harney country and y "e lias no fears of dry weather as our crops .compare favorably with the entire northwest, no is a nleasent gentleman and Fred Ilainos is over from Har ney today. All summer suits 25 per cent off at Schenk Bros. Mays & Finch. Tho Fixers, havo a Bicycle honpital in the Locher Building. P.. A. Hnrlan and wite are back from their outing in the country. Dressmaking parlors over The Tlmes-IIernld office. Mrs. Geor gia E. Pierce. i BoitN Thursday, July 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Clias. l-raser, daughter. New potatoes at Blue Mt. Rapid Transit Lino office. Robert Dayey, ngent. A new coat of paint has added to tho attractiveness of tho A. 0. Faulkner residence. MHN'S CLOTHING. A large and up to date lino at The Busy Corner Store. v .1 formerly a residont of this county is a candidate for slieriir in Malheur. VANTKi--IIorseshoor and nil round blacksmith- W. W. Drink- tvnler. Bums, Oregon. m.. II. Denmnn was up from Hurriman during the week at- tontUjig to some land matters. 8000 acres of good laud lying along 'proposed railroad rouies- H iinr jiere. See A. r. i " " George. r...,i..ii r.iiinmi.qtcudcra to file on land near Hnce where work can ftw 'hurt nUitvcc. Inquire iu tins office. M. F. Williams nnd wife have returned home from a visit to their daughter, Mrs. L. Wolden- berg at Canyon City. O no doller muslin underskirts for 75c during TUK unwui MID-SUMMER WHITE SALE at tin; Busy Corner Store. The registered Jersey Bull of C M. 1 1 u If man will again bo at tin. Cortes Elliott barn in this citv duriig this season. THE GREAT MIDSTMMER umii-im.' .uai.K at The Busy Corner Bvjre begins Monday July 18 nnUf.ontimies two weeks. i ...,.i iiirmiin nnd family are up at the tiritieton saw mill for the benefit of the haby's health, the little girl is goring from summer complaint. mi... ...:..,. uim.lf oi.injods now on display at tho new lxjrc of Hagey & Richard.wn. j and new. Pntronsitnay tluv " most anrlhing desireil there. Henderson Elliott lia wiiitK-J this office tond tho great irot at tho Busy Men's clothing Corner Store. Cecil Irving was down from his home yesterday. Ask your grocer for Cremo, tho now breakfast food. We repair all breaks but the break of day-Mays & I'mcn, The Fixers. For new potatoes see Robert Davey. First door south ot ur. Geary's office. v.. .,,,., .,i.n uhntilri road tho ad Kf tho Harney County National Bank thiB Week. Tho very best accommodations may bo obtained at tho Overland Hotel. Meals 25 cents. Mrs. Tom Allen went back to tho P ranch Saturday accompan ied by Tommie Jordon. Two dollar "Nuform" Corsets for $1.50 during THE GREAT MID-SUMMER WHITE SALE at The Busy Corner Store. ii. Frnlev and little boii ar- .:..,! iw.r.t vfHlnrdav from Texas to spend the summer with the Dr. R. D. Burrow family, mo lady is a neice of Dr. Burrow. -!,. rh.mnnM mill is the near- ai mil. tn Hums where nil kinds of lumber both rough and dress ed can be had. Near uinyon road. Call him by phone for quick orders. I. II. Holland and daughter Miss Gladys, accompanieu oy Miss Helen Purington, left Tues day afternoon for the railroad in their auto. Mr. llollanu goes o business connected with the P. i a rr. mwl ihov will visit U. o. vj. " " Boise before returning. Changed hands! Changed i.r.,ioi r.liuin 'em tin. slick 'em upi The Red Front Fowl and Sale Stable, Scotty Glenn, prop. Autn.4 kont and washed. Horses and rigs bought and sold. Con tract hauling anil rtray worn u specialty. Come one come an everybody welcome. New hay. Special rates to freighters. r. W Glovoniror has turned Htage driver. He had been oui to the railroad anil upon umv ing at Canyon Tuesday he found .i... ,!..;,... fnr tho Blue Mt. Rad- id Transit Lino sick and unable to come out with his passengers ...wi frni.rht. Mr. Clevengerwas anxious to get home and vol unteered to drive, wmen ne u.u all night Tuesday, arriving in u.,.,o Wnilnnsdav noon with ., ....uci.mrnrsnnd some Ireignt JUL. ...f"r. --- . rightside up. That mgnt ne left Burns about five o'clock on horseback in company with Vnn derVeer for the lattcr's Pine i nrn ..1 of nnrl Vfin crceK rancn. wuuiiua. TWO HUNDRED young men in this county are handicapped in a business way because they have no bank account. The next six advertisements of the HARNEY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK of BURNS will tell these young men rea sons why they should have checking accounts with this ;jjank. Are you one of the 200? LjyCOUNTYNATIONALRANK JJF DUBNS. OHEUW. ecwTIKXltO NO OWNCO r BUY YOUR DRUGS at OUR STOR We handle complete line oi cvc.. . r..,iiv oM ibv elate druggists. It is Aim aim TO PLEAS! This we do by courteous treatment and reasonable prices to a.lour customers uc ri rp TO GET YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLE The Welcome Pharmacy, tSwrns; vjregi .-.,'' '" 'v''"' " " - In a few weeks weeks we will move into our new building anil iu order to avoid transferring our immense itock of General Merchandise mSfill Make "Great Sacrifices tthiuB.ud for man or beast Ihe ..quality is best in tho land; our , prices are dfftt; our treatment . I alike to nlUeye day, and all the 1 time. Ifuults weJjavo to be sure-UbntwbftV?'" Ho mid Mrs. Blliott arc their (for a time and re enjeynn: tncnin selves, nnlinn lliir. rs went to Salem on leKiil busim'ss SiMltty-. ,iM,?1' ii!....., .....i m.. .i:im ten iei- same timo for a s. Jrf Starkley Hot Springs. - -Onlara0 Onliinist. i ........i fT-.,wi ..- T fire insurance tho rates are too hi. .... . , I ..r a. tr .!....!. 'ir- eiinilOl DUnuiii ui uiu iiuriiuuiL al Fire Relief. Let us figu. "? with you. Handall, Piussenuer iV. Maloney. Mrs. C. II. VooRtly and little sons left this morning for the Blue Mt. Springs over in Grant county to spend a few week. The youngest hoy has not been well nnd she hopes he will re gain his health there. Word was received yesterday that Will Young was sick with tviilioid fever at Alvord. His father Geo. Young and Dr. orit- fitli started out immediately in Archie McGowan's auto with the intention of bringing Uio sick boy to town if ho could be moved. Tho manager of this great re ligious weekly spent tho week with his family up at his moun tain ranch hoeing "tutors." shooting porcupines and rusticat- inir. leaving the ollice in charge of tho fightin' editor. Fish or snake stories or anything goes this week. C. M. Foster, tho well known linker county civil engineer has been in this city during tho week as a witness in tho water suit lininir heard bv ii referee. Mr. Foster has done u consiiloraDle amount of work in this county and is more or less familial" with wider conditions. Ho is accom panied over by his boh. If von aro thinking of makiiiK ii t rii) to tho mountains, any timo this summer, to give your wife and family a chanco to rent and ri'imin their health, do not over look tho fact that at the Mt. Vernon Hot Springs in G-rant County, Oregon, you will get more pleasure for your money and regain more health tluui at any other resort in Oregon. Write for a pamphlet givirug full I IIS Ollice lU)H!Ilil " "- ..."- - r-Wonirnr .igious to Eugene for ,i Unie Ud l0 throw rocks n t Cenger nrross uiv n.uu. " .. , , . . i ii ,. i ih.. much to Keep mm from. going to sleep and falling LunaSMirg.iPaitQn & C off his.horso. Veterinary Hospital lUlon.BAHN, BURNS, OREGON Hake in .animals with all kinds of sickness for treatment Calls promptly attended to PRICES REASONABLE CONSULTATION FREE M ANDRESSON "L DRESSMAKING 'lor-Made suns and r-.. viiner Gowns cvt --- Ovci A MAftl . 1 .o Ka I is knowi by Wie naiucsD . . . tt rfc -uWi40io saddle heil A VIMlU&n-v "J miW M x7. ui-ctxtiam &hQuld hav LVUt iiuiov-i. . best, both as o qaaaMy an I You can get highest quality and lowest prices jm, J. C. W19L00MB & SON Slaaaaesi ea. Saddle Tai Times-Herald Office Oregon nn, Hi l. nniA E. PIERCE s Job P'rintinj Mils. Gl Tlie Yaslun n Restaurant WONG Lb H'prielor Up stain our IL fr"'1 Saloon Tho hill of faro thimr the market orders a specialtj sale. VnidutkiS every MtlJprds Short t. . Broad for iw i mmtm h " (Jive him a ct fll SCHENK BROS. The Mercham Tailors MOTE'S CANDY 'SWKB lias iust recehed a fresh hUii CANDlliS, CIGARS, TO G , . I I...M,lunf11. 14 fHCW HUM iiuiiuow.. - . Cards, Stationery, In i.,u Ponpllx. Novelties A SSf-CIALTY OF BOX CANDY E. XTRA Fiae assortment of verythii. II. K. MOTE, Burns, Oregou The Eastern Oregon 1 Engineering Co- CIYIL, MUNICIFAL AWD IRRIGATION ENfiWEEHS xf..:n nn'w. ltiirnH. OreffOn A. O. rAUtKNIin,.Rl'. .Urancli Ollice, ijnivw, ----"V' SAI All Summer Suits 25 percent oil'.... Coma in and lot us show what wo can do for you . SCHENK BROS. The Merchant Tailors j 'energy iTgy io tauKo a succcis.