tmnniiiim w II..HHI jiiummqii mjinKMiLJuu h 14 5 i : She imw-I(traCd. 8ATURUAY. JUI'Y Id, UIO siMisnui-noN hatksi Olio Year ... tx Montha . Three Maniha illl.lAN in ui - UOU 1,H .76 . Mnnaa Such weather and seasons as wo are now experiencing empha sizes the necessity of tlio conser vation and proper handling of our water supply. We need a Moses right now and the sooner the matter is taken up the better for all concerned. While the work of securing a creditable exhibit of Harney county products for the fair and Mr. Hill is rather a hard task our people are going to do the .very best possible and The Times-Herald hopes all will co operate. Thin has been a very bad season not alone in this sec tion, but all over the middle and western states, so there is no occasion for getting discouraged. Some very encouraging reports are now coming in regarding crops in various parts of the county. The season has been the most unfavorable for many years and prospects were rather discouraging. The short crops are not confined to this section alone, however, as they are short all ovef the country. One man who has land holdings here has just returned from Alberta where he had a large acreage seeded and reports it an entire failure. A perfect town is that in which you see the farmers all patronize the home merchants, the mer chants all patronize their neigh bors for goods they do not handle themselves, the laborers spend ing their money they earn with their tradesmen, and all animat ed by a spirit that they will not purchase articles abroad if they can be bought at home. The spirit of reciprocity between merchants and mechanics, trades men and manufacturers, results in time in makiug the town a perfect one to do business in. Blue Mountain Eagle. coast will bo built is tho state ment ma lo by W. P. Davidson, president of the Oregon and Western Colonization Company, who was in Ontario last Kriday and Saturday with a party of colonization agents who will act in conjunction with tho company to bring settlers upon tho road hnds throughout this state, says tho Optimist. Davidson and his company bought tho road lands last spring only after the express assurance of tho Hills that thoy would build their road to parallel the land grant across the slate, and although Mr. Davidson ad mits that tho time of construc tion has not been settled, ho is very positive in staling that there is no doubt about tho ulti mate building of the road. ItUILIMMl COUNTY ROADS. W. L. Gibson, county' road master for Malheur county, was in Ontario Saturday on his way to Vale for a conference with the county court. Mr. Gibson and tho road commissioners aro busy this summer building the line graded county road leading west ward toward Hums, which road the county authorized this spring. This road is 2S miles in length, and extends from Ontario through Vale and the Malheur canyon to the west boundaries of the county. The workmen are using a mod ern road grader, requiring four teen horses and three men to operate it. A heavy plow is fix ed in the center of the machine with an elevator 18 feet long at tached to the plow. With this machine 1000yds of the hnrdest kind of dirt can be lifted in ten hours. All the dirt loosened by the monster plow is automat ically carried up the elevator and distributed in the center of tho road. With this machine it is found it costs only about 5 cents to lift a yard of earth, where with the use of the Fresno or other road device it costs 12 to 21 cents to move a yard of dirt, diirerence in tho cost of the latter being duo to the condition of the soil being moved. Onta rio Optimist. Well, Well! The Prairie City Miner says the Burns boys re- f,it.rl f rtlnt? nnnfl-im (rnmn U'ltll jj, luacu il"J ....w....... - " the Prairie ball team "which is . proof enough of their fears." That's strange. The writer per sonally offered the boys $75 to stay and play a third game but they refused. Let's not get touchy about these little matters Bro. Miner. You have eaten some John Day Valley green apples or something that doesn't agree with you. Ask your boys if they wern't offered $75 by the secretary of the Fair Association to play another game in Burns. Autos Help (loud Koads Cause To espouse the cause of good roads is popular because good roads benefit everybody. Motor clubs that put forth their efforts to the building and maintenance of roads will strike a popular cord and should and will receive the support of the general public. Time was, not so many years ago, when the motorist dared not advocate good roads; in fact he hardly dared advocate any thing, for whatever he was for the rest of the people were against. The motorist was an Ishmacl. Every man's hand was against him, and tho ini- Tho Home Hotel is tho comfor table place lo board. I. Foster and son Frank aro over from thoir Silver Creek homo. Toulouso -gooso for sale $1.50 each. -Mrs. I Alio Parker, Hums, Oregon. Regular preaching service at tho Haptisl church tomorrow mornning and evening. Harry McClure, Hailoy Hayes and Lloyd Johnson were in tho city tho first of tho week on land buslni'sa. Seventy five conUs buys one 'dollars worth of white goods, MUKU RAILROADS. A news dispatch from Boise says: Articles of incorporation of the Butto Boise & San Francisco Railroad Company havo been filed in Butto by State Senator W. II. llavilaud, whom tho ar ticles namo as president of the company, according to informa tion received in Loiso railroad circles. Tho capitalization of tho company is given as $25,000,000. The route of this now road places its terminals at Butte in tho northeast and San Francisco in the Southwest, tho lino to n n u.i.Konm.y uirouu n .mm,.., , ,,.. ,,,,,, GUKVP MID-SUM-Idaho. Oregon and California. M.... wm3 gA,K (ll ,,0 The avrage cost of construction, r . per mile is estimated at $10.000. ' Lmim bl0,u , , , , and from Butto to Boise the Foil Sai.k Several head of route is practically parallel horses , '1 and 5 years old, with tho Boise road, for which weighing from 1050 to 1250 each, articles of Incorporation were Call at the Tiinett-Horald office, filed six months ago. Mr. Rue- If you want to make a trade, lens, the foreign representee, is sell your relinquishment or other authorized to award contracts to property tho Inland EmpiroRcal a construction company recently ty Co. will be of great assistance organized in Philadelphia and a to you. They havo sold others subsidiary of the Butte, Boise and can Bell yours. & San Francisco mid. within if you want (mod Candy ko to the next two months so that ,ho m.naKlimly Kitchen. Home actual construction work can be ,o caiu,Vt frcah ovory (lay taken up within a short li'-, McGeo building on street leading There is considerable specula-, (o c(Url hmlg( WlK Wcbei tion among railroad men in this ,( section as to who is financing the ' ,,.., new Butte, Boise & San Francisco, Dr. and Mra. W. L. Marsden Railroad, for its appearance as a Ml today in the Dibble auto for possible active builder in thej - Bear Valley Ranch enrouto Northwest at this time and in : to California. They will bo join the face of Harriman and Hill jl nt the ranch by their son activity, is taken by them to in- Uoowe "(1 will take the tram dicato that neither of the two tomorrow at Prairie. They go systems are connected with it by the wny of Portland. but that tho company is an in dependent one. The large capi talization will make it possible, they believe, for tho new road to take up active construction work anil build a greater part of it line before additional capital is needed. The movement lo strike San Francisco is believed to be the following of a program laid some time ago by foreign capitalists who arc aware of the North western railroad conditions and believe that a road virtually from Canada to San Francisco will open up a heretofore unparalled field, in that it will tap the great belt of the Northwest and the Canadian territories. pression was that he returned! A. C. Welcome has put High New York banking au thorities do not despise the pre diction that the new postal sav ings bank law will add millions to the amount of money in circu lation. A recent treasury re port shows that in one year peo ple took out over $8,000,000 in money orders payable to them selveswere willing to do with out interest and even to pay out a little to get the government to take care of their surplus money. Where one did this, many, per haps 50, perhaps 100, will deposit their savings in tho postal banks, the money to be in large part 65 per cent turned over to local banks. A circular of the New York City bank says that this money constitutes a new source of bank ing deposits, which will quickly be put to work. For some months the treasury has been sailing close to tho wind, and considering the issuance of bonds, tho Panama canal causing tfie chief strain; and the postal sav ings bank law, this circular says, affords a source of relief, as 30 per cent of the postal banks' de posits can be used to buy bonds A material and practical means of relieving the treasury. This is the banker's and the government's point of view, but a far greater benefit will come from the postal savings banks. They will keep a great amount of money in tho country that would other wiso have been sent abroad; and better still, thoy will encourage thrift and the Baving habit, and will make millions of people more responsible and bet ter citizens. Yet it has taken some 40 yearn to get this good measure through congress. the compliment in like measure The farmer was his worst enemy, for as he pursued his troubled way through the country he scared the farmer's horses, frightened his children and kill ed his chickens, spreading ruin and desolation in his path, ac cording to the heated idea of the "wrathful farmer against tho mortorist." The American Automobile Association, with its quarter of a million members, is tho great power now working for federal aid in building roads. Tho trans continental highways which will be built within tho next few years may be directly attributed to tho work of tho force at the national capital. The larger this organization becomos tho sooner will its objects bo attained. There is nothing incongruous in a farmer belonging to the Amer ican Automobile Association. His duty is to affiliate with the organization. It is the prime mover in the good roads cause, and no farmer will disputo that good roads are a benefit to him. The motor club offers the farmer an opportunity to become a mem ber of the American Assiciation, and thus aid in its work. Tho club becomes a member of the state association, and this in turn becomes a pari, of the national body. This offer.. the quickest and most efficient molhod of reaching the good roads problem. Motor Age. John Thomas, the young man reported last week suffering from a chicken bono in his throat, died in this city Tuesday afternoon. Ho had been advised to go to Portland but failed to do so. John was quito well known here where he had rosided sinco boy hood. Ho was at one timo city marshal of Burns and had work ed at the variouH ranches in this section for soveral vnurs. His brother Ed. is now in Seattle, That the Hill rot.d from Onta-iTho remains were buried in the rio across central Oregon to tho ' Burns cemetery Wednesday. ' LOCAL ovi:ki low. Rev. A. J. Irwin left Tuesday for Iowa on a visit. A new ad for the C. M. Kel- loir Stairc Co. appears in thit issue. Dr. J. W. Geary has been ab sent attending a meeting of the medical men at Pendleton. Two dollar white shirt waists for $1.50 during THE GREAT MID-SUMMER WHITE SALE at the Busy Corner Store in a now gasoline engine at his resi dence to pump water for irriga tion. Look out for a big garden now if his wife will do the work. Miss Hazel Cozad was a passen ger out on tho auto Wednesday returning to her Canyon City home after a visit with relatives and friends in this city. Foil Sam: 100 acres of land with 1,000,000 feet of standing timber. 50 acres tillable and can be irrigated. Adjoining for est reserve and controls large range. Call at this office. A large number of wilnessoB are being examined in the water suit now being heard before the U. S. referee at the court house. You may look and you may lis ten, but you will eventually call on Irving Miller and take advant age of some of his bargains in real estate. Also the man wish ing to sell can not do better tlinn to list with him. Room (5, Odd Fellow building. Joseph Leonard, a photogra pher in the employ of thu O. It. & N Railroad, arrived here Mon day for the purpose of obtaining views to bo used by hid road in advertising this section. In company with Assessor Donegan and Archie McGowan in tho hit ter's car ho Iuih visited several places and secured some excel lent views, among them being one of Judge Levens' through bred herd of Red Polled cattle, as well as a largo herd of the Hanley Herefords. They secur ed some good pictures at the Is land ranch, the Sod House and branding scones and other in terorting views at the P ranch. Mr. Leonard will havo a fine lot of voiws from over the country including several of this city, the flour mill etc. Those having relinquishments or real estnto for sale Hliould consult E. W. VnnValkenburg, tho rcnl estate man, at his office in Burns. The Horticultural Fire Relief of Salem saved policy-holders $10,000.00 last year in premiums. Let us tell you more about it. Randall Passenger & Maloney, t!itiiitititittm:iimitttit:mi:;::tt:ii:i'!:t uiii;tmmmmmmmit:m:mmn:mititi RANDALL, PASSENGER & MALONEY (idViTiiinciil l,nnd l.iicnliirH mid ilcnlcrn In HARNEY COUNTY LANDS ROOMS l-SWI 01)1) FELLOW BLI)(J., I1UKNH, OREGON mmsimmimmmmmn:imm:mm:mmm::t:mmt:m:mtmmm:mmi:::;mt: Closing Out Sale of Full Blood Merino Flocks Having decided lo close out our ontiro holding of fine sheep wo have the following looll'cr for sale without reservation. 1 -100 Registered Merino owes with lambs, of the A and B classes. I5(0 Select full blood Itumbouilletowos with lambs, strictly true to typo and of beautiful covering. , 1500 Full blood Ranibouillet ewes with lambs, .strictly first claw and good enough for any stud flock. 1500 Select full blood Delaine owes with lambs, heavy shearers, heavy bone and very large size. 1500 Full blood Delaine ewes with lambs, good enough lo go into any stud flock. 1200 Full blood Spanish Merino owes, with lambs. These arc strong typo of the B class, vory heavy shearers and dense covering. These aro exceptionally largo for thoir type. tiiksk nvi: n.ocKH aim: am. younc hiikui'. 5000 One and two year old ewes, not bred, of the above classes. 3700 High class Merino ewes, witli lambs. 27(10 One and two year old high class Merino owes, not bred. 2700 Yearling range rams, and 100 Registered rams of the above classes. Al' ewes with lambs havo been bred to rogislored rams in their respective classes. The initio incronio will bo raised as ram lambs, except those from tho i.700 head of high class Merino ewes. For price and particulars, address TII2 BALDWIN SHEEP & LAND Co. liny Creek, Crook Counlii, Oregon Thin wvalher will make iou feci like muking pirtlen. We have the BEST STOCK OF PLOWS on hand anil the Ileal and most COMPLETE STOCK OF SEEDS SEEDS IN BULK AT ONE-HALF PRICE of packitfe hcciIh. Full slock of XXOJESJS and JE&lJESLDEiSf Jh'fin to fjel read for yardeniny QEER & CUMMINS Burns, Oregon. Burns Meat IHarket NcwJSIiopOppoile llic lirsl Nnliuiml Hank Main St. "w mw Pork, Vi(M)aii,-ged MmIm mi . -M..i m '"""-." "" ' .alldd ..1L1 iNl usai sra , ocli ' I. liCUl III Mil)' Third Your patronage solicited Qnmt,i!,y. H. J h NSIN, Propt fRfD rrMfcyKll 1 v.nKi 9 P 9 gl ff 1;mM 4 Thflnl VABiftn'afAllr An th y,, for Vu Women ) ') near Ojll.nJ. California, aitMMW tliiai la 3in I ttncito and th n- ifftal Univ.rnlira of tnt Writ. I'uII collrfialf court Irajinf lo tl't-ir. I!n(ran anJ ilraJuiliqn rrquifrmtnl. ouivaknl .j ihM ol ininl.irj anj Umvrraity of Cahlornu. Training f lot IracKiiii nKular lino ol nntUaiK wo, I, anj DnVri aprcial aJvanltjfn lor dim, ail, litrarv aluJy anj noimi mtHWi, Wtll ro,uiftl lahoralmira fir Kwncr. 3ral atunlmn In hrallli ol tludcnil. MoJrn irymnaatum tWouglily quinrJ. Out Joor iilaaJamumtnta mihciilral California tlh malt. Alunnaa in cvriy.ilyunllia I'aciCa Cot, roi Gataimuk ADDaaaa PflrainitNT LurLlA CLAr CunaOH LL. D. MILL COLLKOK I'. O . CALIFORNIA Young's Meat Market l Grocery We sell everything that everybody wants to eat GENERAL MERCHANDISE1 Hardware. Implements, Groceries, Meats, Shoes Rubber Goods, Ice Meats from 5c. to 12 l-2c. Heat Loin Steak 12ic HoilB 6c. to 7c. Hoast , Oc. toSc, Sausage 124c. Pork lfc. BURNS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. CORTES E. ELLIOTT, Propt. : &-' allrilioi given lo Iranscicnl custom, and freight teams. c&fc , .y rnmm 1 AJ1 Hftl (Til" th- wl A 1 8 fit. 1 11 i give one NOTICE KOlt I'UHLICATION. I'XITKI. HTATK 1,1 Ii OmCK Hum., ilri'ltmi, Jimo'Si, 1910. S.. I , In li.r.l.r !." Hut' r'rnlil Ailrlall. nt (irhlii, nrcKiMi, who. mi July I. i:m7. londi' tlrrt Uuil tulry No f.ill,Hvrfal No, Oln,lnr Nt.1, Ml', mill N', NKii'.Hrrllnn I. Tiin!il.l H , llano w y " IIUuii'llo Mrrl linn. hft Hlmltintlr' l( Ink. linn to iiinlto fltml l.riHii lo vaialiliah lUlm lo Urn lulu! aUnoilo ai'Mlwl o(oi 3 H. Coininla loner, al lila odlcc n( lifiilu, liiviloii, on tho Mil llnv of AlWUat. IVIO, Clniinniit iihiawms wltliibnt! Mm. Ii 1 lh'aiiuiih, Flancla N II rove, I'oliiiiilnu liiovu, tWaini ir'elilntili, nllol iirma MiiPKun. U'M, !"aiiiik. Ilrntilcr luriia Mat Mo. M. Najrinl No. 0I7M. NOI'ICH KOlt I'lJIILICATION I'NlTKHIITAIKill.ANIIOKFK'K, I Hum, uieiion, May v lHO. Soil. . la haraby ulvvll Hint tho Nur'liurli I in HI.' lUtluny t'omin) , nlio.o xit omm no.ii i la lit l'niil, Mliiiiaanln, haa IlilaUllli .In, "I Hay lulu illwl In llila ofllro Ha ap I'lliullon lumlarl umlur the i.ruvlalotiaolthv Ii t of i onicri.i,i!iriii'i July I, last. .Hi Mat ov. nwj After May 15 we will away Jb"JHL3BE3 ONE $25.00 STANDARD TALKING MACHINE for Cash purchases amount intf to $75.00. Save your coupons--when they total $75.00 bring them in and get your machine. REED BUILDING OPPOSITE, POST OFFICE HK', of Ml'.', kn' w. Nl'., MU.unil i:i,-..i- a7 !,.( hi:L two, iu null hi. of hWj.. .. , .urn Townalil'.i III Houlli, Itniigti 31, l,nt a ut ' , ol n w, rmo. . ( of N 1:14 an, I )j o. ni , vi Mini PJl Ol rt 1. 74 I.IM'. Ifw J 1 OWO hli ,1 Kolltll, llnllllu .11 II I l:lof I 111) Ull- luim 1 ir- I' Mcil llah. .I1) ii"(l all lasiMina 1'JaliulHK ailwraoiy II IniMl.ilgai'lllMKl, or iltllllllf to uliji'ct ,r( nolo of Hif iiilneial elmrartur of lliu laml, or for itu.i in liar rodtoli. In Ilia OI.I'OMl to pilUnnl, aim 1.1 lilo tliolr Blllilutila of protfal III thla iiiiiiu. 011 or iiuiora inu iuii uuy 01 Jill), miu. Hm Fa unit, limUtcr v-vv.t- Go To The White Front Livery Stable NEW RIGS AND TEAMS 'Phone to Me for Your Doctor Calls. K, .1, McKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. im - " V4 Special AUention Given lo Conducting Funerals NEW AND ACCURATE HA. SCALES - I.N CONNECTION WITH IIAKN, Horses kept by the day, ireek or month. ITKST CLASS LIVERY TURNOUTS. II ay and grain alirays on hand Vour it r riiui(' t-olici oil. Si 1,1), V , 1 hi Hun -, (itiKoi, IIA M Kmmccim VCUtS ' niMai .r h I, Tmt iFWi ?QtJ .tf-JZJT'TNLiiij-, .jiiyf'IiT a mmmfKTTm The Stsndard Bred Stallion . PROGR :: S S Trial 2:20 ill stand season of ! 9 I 0 ELLIOTT 'KOGHKS.S, No tsrns, Ore:eH llltilL Irt a innLiiL';itiv lim tii..t..l.ft.. 1.. 1. ,..!.. i. ...i. i i . l.y I).lno. 1UU1 ; ln,l by Mr Albert S n:H. . 's, jZV i"i: .V.. .ST ChOT Mnbolltn L':Hi4 I'otliBta in Iuhn llianl' 10, im.l U ,,11,,, l.rf.-i Unit, '.' j. DB ling llniiii'iiibur Slw. by Wulilstcin, li'StlT. "H . . Ilt'rtiin, Kiniiilinolbcr of 'ruKrh. n iin hm.'Ii.t , i i-i ,.it,, ,li i ti... i, ti, V 1.111111, lior liltlu-oli m oM ih it rffii i.ti.vr nt tln.iHKl In I is tlinvxcir oU eirrefl inrin ho iniiilo ii tfiMrl of 3 10. )n 1 terms: $15,20, 25 GEO. D. HACEY, Burns, Ore. i:;:::::j::t:K::u::::::::::::::::::n:r:: i llll.l. WILL I1UII.I). C. M. KELLOGG STAGE CO. Four well cqnipiicd linos. Excellent faeilities for trnnHporlution of mail, oxiucsb, jiaaHongera Prairie City to Mums. Vnlo to Burns Hums to Dlatiionil Hums to Venn I or E. B. WATERS, Agent. -jfc- References: FirHl National Hank Harney County National Hanlc .'11 Caere liomcHtcadH All (illalile unci the Very llni'Ht grain land The Inland Empire Realty Co, Soil and buy on cniniiiinHioii till kiiulH of property, Oeedud lmnlH, Serip, JiiHiinuico. Niirnory hIooIc, Your business respectfully solicited 3STJLTTia, Oregon E. B. REED &, SON Complete line of Fancy & Staple Groceries ICE CREAM SEASON We wish to mimuiuce to tlie public that we will soon have an Ice Crcniu AliiiitifiictiirliiK Plant In operation anil prepared In furnish It In any iiiant Ity on short notice to families or entertainments. WR STILL TAKE ORDERS FOR TAILOR MADE CLOTHING ft.i Twelfth Night. No. 41906 TRIAL RIC0RD 2:11 1-4 SlriMif Niiilttof .StriitliiiioruUill :t 1, Mirk NihlS lo' , Slml byOnnrita:ifii,,SiroofOaintrl StU.r -' u.'j, IVnr! Onwnnl 2.004, llliutt;0il:l-l, (imoitii 307l4, l'ltiitua 807'4, Tolbnrt 2.07, JIIuhOiiIioIIuLMK), Mhoh 2.U11,, i,. Thornton 2:0'.I,S, Cnrncllii llvlK. 2:lUuml IU1 otbum ltlt rnoonU bolow 2 .0 l).ini: .MIhi Itotn a :0S il-l, Dum of I.tllo Allun 8:181-4, l'lmbc Thrrn 2:2S, Mis Aurella 2: 'l', Allen V. UvrU 2:S 8.4a. .1 l, Si-bley uitli n tM.-o.u-olil roairp ol 2:80 8. 1. Onwaril In by (iihi. Wllkon .Mlw limn uyJ.J. Aiulaboit, eiru of Auilabon Hoy 1 -Mi4. J. .1. Audiilmn U by Alcyoiw. I in hi 'Geo WIIU-.. ' ' I Imiu oiioiikI) iiiiwod biHiLuil In uiirriiut lliu taiplHg ol Twollili MKlit at homo mul villi kIhihI him m llitrilui.iu, l)ruuri for tho hluhoii of 11)10. Too fnouitli return piit!tii 11 iimrn itmifn imt in hml; HiiiroM piiHlnriol mul nuoil for Ireo of rhiiriv r ,r . irllrulniH nlo H. DENMAN; Harriman, Oregon :;:;:::::tn:::;::::nt::::tt:mnuu::n:i:ui:ittt:::::tt::t:::m:iS .i!:i:ii::r,:i;.'i:t;::::ii: KXB&mxtaxmiwwniwmmxA&muNtt'SMfvtiib '1VD3SOrWVS -3UO,qNV"lliJOd-'HSVM'3l4VVIOd 8 TO AnamiownTyiAvi-vv 3 mi S3DliJd QNV OOIVIVD lVD3d9 IdOJ nxiuM AM1NH3V mm 53NIDM3 UQIH m I n i,ri- jfjL.-, w i s aAA ; ' i ah ,i r Halil ir" '"f-if i "'"' "r f sniw MV5 SatTJMiaBCTT&aWmiMISHraiCT .ta't I IV leant to llmiik Hint for your past patronage. )Vc believe ion will find il to iour intercut to trade with us in the future. Our stock in complete and our DltUGS arc the best. Wvwill not handle oi other kind and our prices are right. We have, the best line of Cigars, Candies, Post Cards and Stationery In the eitp. Agents for m. SIIOUI-S FAMILY MGUICINES aud SECURITY STOCK lOEUIES Wc Solicit jour rrtkcrlplliM work Tlie City Drug Store REED BROS., Proprietors 'yUk'VA4,'A'jk,'(. 4,.0,, . Job Printing. JLLk 'AH Tafl LANYJ Read ob p P.I oday. Mee lot Sri Z. larnei Trad itore Full Irs. Mrs. ity thi Thos ;ros. The' y for! lotel. Pete J arm ar ya IID-Sl ; the C. WB arnejl ito thd st Mr FIRM one 1 1 the andall A jimily i is bee sm foi CentB THE rHITM risr Sti th anl Posti 2nly il lite ports I id is ities ; A six4 awn jesdn T. te lonn gnovfl etty M (O ami jen onth. i Lost, ace ori lnng I t N . "y-