aSteaMittaiaHtiMiHkMJta ww8y " ' ' lit tes-Jerald. fc tARQKST CIUCULA.TI0N Of! ' NEWSFATKR IN THIS COUNTY. SATURDAY. JULY , 1910. Locnl News, sprinting -The Timos-IIcrnld sot me nt the Mt. Vernon Springs. re are having some real sum- E weather. all line Butterick patterns Georgia E. Pierce. SJ ' E. Loggan is having an ad- n built to his residence. ae best meal in Harney coun- ar 25 cents at the Overland 61. 0. French is in the city to- hnaking proof on his home- l few fractional sections of tiion school land for sale A. George. aose English wool hats at. Busy Corner Store are the Bt for young men. ead the offer made by N. vn & Sons under the head, hit get bilked." EL. Poujadc and family were from Cow Creek to spend 1th, coming over in his new wheeled auto. ys & Finch, paper hangers, decorators. Carriage paint- jand Furniture redressing, ier Building. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS at the close of business June 30th, 1910 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $2G7,71G.G5 U.S.Bonds GO.OOO.OO Bonds and Securities 64,811.98 Premium on U. S. Bonds 2,000.00 Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures G.G00.00 Five per cont Redemption Fund 1,250.00 CASH 151,813.30 LIABILITIES Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits . . Circulation DEPOSITS $534,221.83 $ 25,000.00 43,682.00 25,000.00 440,539.83 $531,221.83 Capital and Surplus 360,000.00 United States Depositary Accounts Invited A iiss Joisa Miller was in from Camp to spend the celebra- period with friends. She s over with Judge Rector. IRE INSURANCE AT COST e of the strongest Mutuals le state. See us ubout it Wall, Passenger & Maloney. Wcldenberg and Otis Pat- Dn were over from Canyon Spend the 4th. They came rin Mr. Woldenberg's auto. UNG IN YOUR TRADING' IMPS. We will have a nice Fof Premium dishes ready for ction. Wednesday, July win. Busy Corner Store. Ic. Raymond was in the city erday looking after business. iRaymond states the grain in neighborhood will turn off er than was expected. I you are going to buy a bind- et us show you a Deering. orks like a clock, is simple to t light draught and does fine Browns Satisfactory Store. tank Metchan and family ar- here Monday en route The Dalles to their home in bs in a new auio mai naa been purchased in Portland. ist, strayed or stolen from my ion Little Stenchen Water ig tne summer 01 iw, aay yearling colt, one black ling tiny, ootn Dranueu an sr R connected, the anchor horizontal, on right stifle. Bl pay a liberal reward for return to me or for informa nt will lead to their recov- W. H. Howard, Drewsey, Oregon. Clothes pressed and cleaned at Schenk Bros. Ben Roder is in the city on land business, The new breakfast food -Cremo a local product Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mahon were in the city during the week. Fine Dressmaking over The Times-Herald office. Mrs. Geer gia E. Pierce. Born At Crane Creek July 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Ira Clark, a daughter. Good, substantial, well cooked meals at the Home Hotel is what the boarder likes. l See the Inland Empire Real ty Co. if you have anything for sale or exchange. J. E. Burchard of the Oregon & Western Colonization Co. was in the city during the week. We are not superstitious but we believe in Signs, Mays & Finch, The Fixers, Locher Bldg. Our Summer wash goods are the best ever seen in Bums and the prices are low. The Busy Corner Store. Miss K. Neugebauer is located in the Jorgensen building south Main St and is prepared to do all kinds of dress making. Dr. Griffith made a trip to Pine Creek yesterday in Archie Mc Gowan's auto to see Mrs W. J. Spatz. The lady is better. Schenk Bros, do not have to send your suit back to a Phila- ueipniu lawyer iui uuuauuu. . Thfiv arc tailors and can do it themselves. Tho Summit shirt at Schenk Bros. V R. T. Hughot Ib up from Nar rows on business. James S. Forbes is spending a few days in town. Summer and Fall Styles. Mrs, Georgia E. Pierce. Scott Hayes was in the city Thursday assisting Frank Siler to make proof on his homestead. The French Hotel serves a fine Sunday dinner and special attention is given to family service. Studebaker hacks, either single or two seated, Buckboards and Surreys at Browns Satisfactory Store. For Sale 1G0 acre relinquish ment with cabin, good well of water, 100 acres fenced. Inquire at this office. Mrs. Adam George was a business visitor to our city dur ing the week. Mrs. George states that her fruit crop is a failure this season. We save policy-holders 40 peri cent of their premiums annually. I Fire insurance as good as the I best Write us for particulars. Randall, Passenger & Maloney. Fresh groceries of the very best brands and a complete new line of dry goods, furnishings, etc., may be found at Hagey & Richardson's The new stone store. Mrs. James F. Mahon has been quite ill at the French hotel since tho first of the week. She came over to participate in the celebration but took sick and since has been confined to her room. Williams Bros, saw mill at Cold Spring on the Cnnvon road is prepared to do custom work for those desiring to take ad vantage of their government per mit Also lumber for sale nt $12 per thousand. See them about custom prices. t WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK & '. J' Cremo fof salo by your grocer. Bon AusnlUs Is up from his Lnwen home. Suits nhtt GnrmentH Mrs. Geor gia E. Pierce. Clothing for youths and child ren at Schenk Bros. Deering Mowers and Rakes nt Browns Satisfactory Store. John AdaniH was over from Silver creek yesterday on land business. Remember tho moving pic ture bIiow tonight tomorrow night nnd nil next week. Gentlemen, wo have all our spring and summer stock in. Yours truly, Schenk Bros. Hay harvest is in full blast Wo are informed the crop in this vicinity is lighter thnn usual. Wo have a number of good secondhand wheels for sale or rent Mnys & Finch, The Fxers. Mrs. Nellie Gilbert loves today for her homo in Washington after a visit with rolativcs in this section. Tho personal attention given guests nt tho French Hotel hns given it n good reputation L. B. Cull), Prop. Ben and Leo Miller came in today from Crow Cnmp. The former is going to his homo over at La Grande. Writo for a pamphlet giving full particulars regarding the Mt. Vernqn Hot Springs in Grant County Oregon- The Etlison Phonograph is gaining in popularity and should bo in every home -Lijnaburg & Dalton are resident agents. W. R. Dawson and wife were up from their Sunset homo yes terday. They were acooinpani by Miss Hannah Mae, Mays & Finch left this morn ing for Cnnyon, Prairie and in termediate points. They will do a lot of road signs while en route. IF YOU Alti: 001NGTO TltAVIX. Uc the Harney (County Nntlmml Ilnnk tkavi:li.i:i('.s ciikquks They arc HelMilentlfylnir. Ments from 5c to 12Jc. Best loinstenk, 12Jc; boils, 5c to 7c; roasts from Gc to 8c; sausage, 124c; pork, 15c Young's Meat Market & Grocery. The J. B's. wish to thank all the ladies who contributed to the window sale last Saturday. The proceeds amounted to $20 which goes to the piano fund, Rev. A. J. Irwin will leave next Mondny morning for a va cation visit to his old homo in Iowa where he will remain until the first of August Mrs. Irwin and the boyH will accompany him home. Word has been received that the father of Mrs. Geo. Howe died this week at tho family home near Van. We have not learned his nnme. He was well advanced in years and had recently suffer ed a stroke of paralysis. Rev. C. W. Holloman went ovor to conduct the funeral service. Lena Harkey is removing her bed room suits nnd taking out the partitions in the Miller build ing near this office. Archie Mc Gowan has workmen putting it in shape for the opening of his garage. It will bo well equipped for the purpose and quite an ac commodation to autoists. A. E. Murphy is in from his Iron Mountain land holdings and says his spring grain is looking well and with a rain within a reasonable time will make a fine crop. His fnll sown grain was washed out by an early spring flood caused by tho breaking of his reservoir. Mr. Murphy's family is now with him, having d,riyen in from the Dalles recent- y' Joel Sturtovnnt. Bill Joncs. Jamen A. Fanning and Vic Gib son came w Tuesday fron Port-, land in tx high wheeled auto. Mr. Sturlvant )$ he,ro Rooking! nfter business, Mr. Jones is re turning to old haunts after al most a year' absence. JVlr. Fan ning is looking after businoss .in terests hero and Vic came after a span of mules which lie wijl use in Portland. Ho hots located there permanently and i doing well. He loft with his mules yesterday. Emanuel Clark who recieved a bad kick from n horso last .'jgek at Mann Lake, was brought W tw'fv'cy ln ,l vurJ serious cun ditipv tjJjp'JllhJt of this wcok. He umv vt)"iTlriman immed iately afttv qqpg' 'Jftjcked and Dr. Dcmnarj fetwo.d il'V" nasly wound on the ilk nil) nnd Mr, Clark roturncd home, Who vvfll''nd. Ulid badly and ho later ,tp uunis tor meutcai treauneAi, He was, in a bad way for a few days hut sinco tho scalp has beep opencx! In several places n nroner dralnuW given ho is im- J proving, ' Cremo tho children cry for it. Ira Mahon is spending a few days in Burns. Good morning! Did you have Vjiuino lor umuwiisw v Born -To Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gould, July 8, an 11 lb sou. Mays & Finch, Tho Fixers, have a Bicycle hospital in the Locher Building. Supt. Gilcrest of tho P. L. S. Co. spent tho week in this vicini ty. Now pictures tonight and all next week at tho Electric the atre Mrs. Fred Racino was on the sick list but is reported improv ing, Dressmaking parlors over The Times-Hornld office. Mrs. Geor gia E. Pierce. MEN'S CLOTHING. A large and up to date lino at Tho Busy Corner Store. Clarence Carey ami wife wore the guests of relativoa in this city during the week, Wantkd Horseshoer and all round blacksmith W. W. Drink water, Burns, Oregon. Alfalfa hay for Btilo In limited quantities. Call or 'phono Lena Harkey at the Geo. Young resi dence. 8000 acres of good land lying along proposed railroad routes $8 per acre. Seo A. F. B. George. Wanted 5 homesteaders to file on land near place where vorlc can be Jjad at once. Inquiio nt this ojlicu. If vou want a Studelaker wngoj) ii) sjzes froin 'ty o 31 call on or H,epj Ui BfQWN'S Sntjifac tory Store nnJ got prices. Tins registered Jersey Bui, of C. M. Huffman will again be at the Cortes Elliott barn in .his city during this season. The entire stock of goods mv on display at the new store of Hagey & Richardson, is freh and new. Patrons may find. ! most anything deiilroil tilers "1 cannot afford to carry fW insurance tho rates are too high' cannot be said of tho Horticulturi al Fire Relief. Let us figurj with you. Randall, Passenger Maloney. Ask your grocer for Cremo, tho now breakfast food. Read the offer mado by N. Brown & Sons under tho head, "Dont got bilked." Wo repair all breaks but tho break of day -Mays & Finch, Tho Fixers. Grant Thompson and family spent the celebration period in this city. The very best accommodations may be obtained at the Overland Hotel. Meals 25 cents. Clay Clemens mill is the near est one to BuniH whero all kinds of lumber both rough and dress ed can bo had. Near Canyon road. Call him by phono for quick orders. Daniel Quicr, ono of tho new settlers in Malheur Gap, was in town during tho week. Mr. Quicr had a fino crop of rye this season but o ing to its isolation did not suvo it for seed but cut it for hay, An outing party consisting of Henry Dalton and wife, Chester Dalton nnd wife, Tom Sagers, Misses Alice Sweok, Myra King, Ruby and Helone Dnlton, left Thursday for a camping period at tho parks. Thoy expect to be absent about three weeks. Drs. Marsden & Griffith op eration on Harry PwOey the first of this week- Tho patent was in a m condition with em pyema of tho right lung. The ojHjration was successful and tho man is nt the Forrep considemblo imnrovnd. Quito a nuVeof nutomobilcs wei;e u,sv during the celebration to, carry passengers to nnd from tho fair grounds. Almost every ono had an auto ride but some of them charged 50 cents a passen ger each way. This was an out rago and an imposition on the public. SOME of a bank. people dislike to enter the doors WHY? Because they think their small business is too trifling for the banker to bother with. We invite such people to come in and use this bank. We are in business purpose ly to be bothered. Every man, woman and child should have a bank account of some size. HARNEVCWJNWNfflTONALBANK " mrTT'TML rr nimiuc nnrrrH ;!:v CONTROLLED AND OWNED BY, . HOME PEOPLE. Sheriff Richardson arrived homo yesterday from Canyon where he bad been as a witness in a civil suit before the circuit couct Mr. Richardson heard Jwbo Davis pass the death sen tence on Joseph Cnseday and life imprisonment on tho Shields Brothers and Burt Green for par ticipation in the lynching ojf Oliver Snyder. BUYYOURDRUGSatOURSTORE We handle a complete line of everything usually sold by up to dale druggists. It is OUR AIM TO PLEASE This we do by courteous treatment and reasonable prices to al our customers THE PLACf- TO GET YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon. THE FOURTH OF JULY? is coming and Changed hands! hands! Clean 'em up, Chunged slick Kem z llnv A .1 Irurin will ullrmK the pulpit at the Baptist churcf"p.! he Fwrt Feed, and Sunday July 10th, bpth piprninfl'f sc wiiy- Gfcro prop, and evening in the nbscnsp flAutos kept und, washL Horses tlw. nnstnr. P.. W. Hollomnn .d "K8 HOUghdaiM sold. Con- who was. unexpectedly cajed.rahnulin d dy ww a to Van for a funeral service. Specialty. Com out- come all . . , , , . ,.. S very bod.Y welcome. New hay. Jndgo Rector has bee,, m U)I , lo frejB,ltenii week nttendlng county court. The Judge states tfaere will pe 4pl Thomas came over frorji consvlcrabje frujt pi, the CrowJie Mann IAke ranch Wedn& Camp place and no doub. t iomcJay for Medical treatment. IJe of it will be available for jthelwallowed a chicken bu. o'.i fair. Several varieties of apj)leso evening of the lto, and it and some cio,tjch are very good.dged in his throat. Mv came to County Commissioner Smyth J10 hc!,e . Denmnn has been pending co.,rt this to get the .l, but was not week, fie recently had a veryucc.fu';. Hpfeed in d islodc- exciting experience wjtl, a stain.-'1 nKa'" ,odcpd i f i' iM ,ii ,.uther down and so far toa. route to the railroad. ' Tlvefnght-?810 j"1 ?n ened cattle rap oyer tfjo lent in bWtoWt l or dislodRo it. which he was sleeping and tram. a '"'s " lv 'vista mm pled him more of less. K t0 lr.tlml where the nec- ,,.,.', , ry appliances enjij be used. If you are thinking Pf making John ,ms nQk ne- He v u inp to wio ,viwufa, u.,y Mfrering.80Virft.jmin. una HUiiiinur, ui Jiiyu jua and family a chance to rest and regain their health, do of. pyer look the fact that at tho Mt. Yemen Hot Springs in Orant ' County, Oregon, you will get more pleasure for your money nnd regain more health than at any other resort in Oregon. Write for a pamphlet giving full particulars. At the special school mooting last Saturday afternoon J. J. Donegan was elected director to fill tho vacancy mado by the re signation of Mrs. J. C. Foley. Tho matter of a now school build ing ana suitauio grounus wero discussqd and tho board has de cided to investigate sites, secure plans nn.d specifications for a new1 building, a'scin'taining (ho "probn-i bio cost, then tnko tid i-bposi- tion un with tho voters of vbting sufficient fyons to retire rn'osicntj indebtedness and rnUp hohoyvj DUMoniK, Dr. anil Mrs. W. L. Alarsden expect to Jeayo n,ox,t Jfyday 'r California wljcro $oy 11 e-1 main for seyeraj wqeks gojing ,by the way of J'orwawJ. Ttfejir spn Gcorgo will ftcco;npany t)cfi and will enter tho statp yer sity at Berkley. I)r, MnrP has a mass of copy ready for t)m publication of his Pluto Indian work which is to bo publUhod ky t"ho university and will spend sometime in irottinir tho moterial jjf ip'hnpe. Tho Doctor has wojmctMjjrjgjanjr launiuiiy anu mo i)UDiicaiion iu ims' btuiriii undertaiung Ja certainly picas- inir fn ha tnnnv f l'Innds find ad- I mirers In this section, tewiU Celebrate I X t Are you ready? If notget busy andsee Lunaburg, Dalton & Co. about your SUIT, HATS, SHOES, ETC., ETC. New Goods of all kinds arriving Clraiii, Fei'd, Groceries. Produce, Cherries. .Straw IlcrricH, Bananas, and Oranges. SOME SNAPS TO PICK UP FOR EARLY ONES t - DRESSMAKING ajlor-Madj Suits ondJ Evening Gowns jr Tlie Times-Herald Ofllo.e Burns, Oregon Mrs. GnonoiA E. Piew e Washington Hastaurant ( WONG Uli, lriolor p slalrs oer tlfcOapitol SsImb bill of rfux includes overy ear the waxket atfonls. Short r& iu specialty. Bread for 8' Give him a call. "Mff'll A MAN is known by the harness he uses A VAQUEEO by the saddle he rides. Evere horseman should have the best, both as to quality and price. You can get highest quality and lowest pieces at J. C. WELCOME & SON IE32tJ.ri.ess surxd. Sa,cld.les Job Printing. 4TE'S CANDY ?flKE Has just received asltJqUf NDIESCIWRSjTOimrj Nevy, affi j luindswmc lfu qars, Sta.tlpnes, I, W!WOFIWft(MyJYEXTRA ijuwjniRnUty everything SuRlMOTEjms, Oregon he Eastern Qvegan Engmeering Co. civil, mnvmi akd nmmn cngikecks alu OfltaeJ, Burns, Oregon A, U, rAULKNKH, MRf, nch Ofllce, Lakcview, Oregon SCHENK BROS. The Merchant Tailors SALE : All Summer Suits 25 per cent off.... Como in and let us show what wo can do for you SCHENK BROS. The Merchant Tailors .J t ,'., x :.: nv.tx C, U, rAULKKKK, Ur.