&nes-Jferald. 1K LARGEST CIRCULATION OT NKwsrxrKn in this county. SATURIMT, JULY J, 110. Loonl News. fcct mo nt the ML Vernon Springs. ley Hayes was in town icsday. ! Busy Corner Store carries a ktock of hair Roods. ul Finke was down from mountains this week. best meal in Harney coun- r 25 cents at the Overland v irry Danloy is quite sick at iForen home with typhoid f. 'few fractional sections of lion school land for sale A. I George. jor French has returned to fand will go from there to ;York jlar preaching service at Baptist church tomorrow Sing and evening. sid the offer made by N. in & Sons under the head, t get bilked." ' R. Garrett has completed barn at the Grant Thorn p- ome near Malheur gap. kys & Finch, paper hangers, lecorators. Carriage paint- iind Furniture redressing, 2r Building. W. Brown was over from nch Sunday renewing ac-' ltances and looking after, business. I IE INSURANCE AT COST of the strongest Mutuals e state. See us about it) alt, .Passenger & Maloney. bs Hazel uozaa came over. Canyon City Tuesday to short time. Her arrival j a pleasant surprise to ner Mrs. Curtis Smith. pou are going to buy a bind- Bt us show you a Deering. ' brks like a clock, is simple to ilight draught and does fine Browns Satisfactory Store. i people on Poison Creek toing to have a celebration flay. The picnic will be near Jap McKinnon's, just the old Charley Newsome Burrow was called to rside Sunday to see a little , of Sam Blaylock that had in a tub of hot water a lays before and was badly ed. The trip was made in lie Mcuowan's auto, me i one died Monday morning. 3t, strayed or stolen from my son Little Stenchen Water ag tne summer 01 iiw, aay yearling colt one black ling filly, both branded an or R connected, the anchor horizontal, on right stifle. II pay a liberal reward for return to me or for informa- ithat will lead to their recov-1 STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS at the close of business June 30th, 1910 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $267,710.55 U. S. Bonds 50,000.00 Bonds and Securities 54,811.98 Premium on U. S. Bonds 2,000.00 Real Estate, Furnituro and Fixtures G, GOO. 00 Five per cent Redemption Fund 1,250.00 CASH 161,843.30 $534,221.83 LIABILITIES Capital $25,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 43,682.00 Circulation 25,000.00 DEPOSITS 1 10,539.83 $534,221.83 Capital and Surplus 360,000.00 United States Depositary Accounts Invited . W. H. Howard, Drewsey, Oregon. Clothes pressed and cleaned nt Schenk Bros. Flags & Bunting nt the Busy Corner Store. The new breakfast food Cremo a local product. C. S. Dum has been up from J Narrows for soveral days. Good, substantial, well cooked meals at the Home Hotel is what the boarder likes. See the Inland Empire Real ty Co. if vou have anything for sale or exchange. We are not superstitious but we believe in Signs, Mays & Finch, The Fixers, Locher Bldg. Mrs. Julian Byrd arrived home Tuesday from a visit to Portland Seattle, Tacoma and other points. Miss K. Neugebauer is located in the Jorgensen building south Main St and is prepared to do all kinds of dress making. Dick Smith is in the city, hav- ing just returned from a trip to I the rnilronil where he wont to look after some business. I Schenk Bros, do not have to , send your suit back to a Phila-1 debhia lawyer for alteration. They are tailors and can do it themselves. Manager Laurance of the Union Telephone Co. is having a large number of big poles dressed and put in shape to im prove the service in this section. We save policy-holders 40 per cent of their premiums annually. T7:MA inainMinrtn ne nrnrul nq tllft best Write us for particulars. Randall, Passenger & Maloney. i Elmer McManus arrived home Thursday evening from Corvallis where he had been taking a phar macy couse in the 0. A. C. He has resumed his position in the Welcome Pharmacy. Cremo the children cry for it The Summit shirt at Schenk Bros. J. C. Sevcik was up from Nnr rows the first of this week. The French Hotel serves a fine Sunday dinner and special attention is given to family service. Studebakcr hacks, .cither single or two seated, uucKDoarus anu Surreys at Browns Satisfactory Store. For Sale 160 acre relinquish ment with cabin, good well of water, 100 acres fenced. Inquire at this office. Harry Witter gave Dr. W. C. Brown a very valuable full blood ed Scotch Collie dog the other day. The animal is a fine speci man and comes from a long line of prize winers. Fresh groceries of the very best brands and a complete new line of dry goods, furnishings, etc., may bo found at Hagey & Richardson's The new stone store. H. Elliot and wife left Thurs day morning by private convey ance for Rouge River section for an indefinite visit. They will visit old time friends there and rest Williams Bros, saw mill at Cold Spring on the Canvon road is prepared to do custom work for those desiring to take ad vantage of their government per mit Also lumber for sale at $12 per thousand. See them about custom prices. I. L. Pierce and Frank Jackson have returned from the Trout Creek mines northeast of this city. Mr. Pierce is an experienc ed mining man and has n good word for the camp but nothing particular to say regarding the immediate prospects. RAW! X RAW! RAW! for the GLORIOUS FOURTH Races and games at the Fair Grounds and every one is going to have a good time Why not decorate properly? FLAGS AND BUNTING We have enough for everybod j Now is the time to get SUMMER WEIGHT WASH GOODS and SUITINGS Patterns to suit the most fastidious Prices to suit the most exacting Your moneu back if our goods are not right THE BUSY CORNER STORE I. SCHWARTZ, Proprietor Cremo for sale by your grocer. Clothing for youths and child ren nt Schenk Bros. Dolvin Fnrroll is improving from his long illness. Deering Mowers and Rakes at Browns Satisfactory Store. Have you seen the suede slip pers ot Tho Busy Corner Store. Geo. Marsdon camo over from Bear Valley yesterday to tako in the colebratlon. Fou Saw: 25 foot business lot on Main St., Burns. Good build ing. Inquiro at this office. Harry Riggs is over from Lnko County on n visit to his mother and othor relatives. Gentlemen, wo have all our spring anu summer stqcic in. Yours truly, Schenk Bros. Wo have a number of good. secondhand wheels for sale or rent Mays & Finch, The Fxors. Tho personal nttention given guests nt tho French Hotol hns given it a good reputation L. B. Cub, Prop. Writo for a pamphlet giving full particulars regarding tho Mt Vernon Hot Springs in Grant County Oregon. N ac J Mrs. I. Schwartz was accom panied homo by her cousin Miss Gertudo Gerstol, who will visit for an indefinite time. Tho Edison Phonograph is gaining in popularity and should bo in every home Lunnburg & Dalton are resident agents. Mays & Finch loft this morn ing for Cnnyon, Prairie nnd in termediate points. They will do a lot of road signs whilo en route. IF YOU AUK UOINGTO TRAVEL, Uic the Hnrncy County Nntlonnl Hunk TRAVELLKK'S CIIKQUKS They arc iiclMdrntlrylnir. Hermnn Ruh and wife arrived hero Sunday from Dallas where they spent tho winter. They drove over the mountains and had a delightfull trip. Meats from 5c to 12ic. Best loinsteak, 12Jc; boils, 5c to 7c; roasts from 6c to 8c; sausage, 12Jc; pork, 15c Young's Meat Market & Grocery. Geo. W. Dean had his right wrist broken yesterday by being thrown from a wagon while hauling wood north of this city. Dr. Marsdon has reduced tho frac ture. W.E. Grace is one of a company that has purchased 2000 acres of fruit land near Roseburg which will be platted and sold in small tracts. The company is capitaliz ed at $300,000. Born -Wednesday morning, Juno 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest, West twin girls. The happy parents are new comers here and are living near the flour mill. The Horticultural Fire Relief of Salem saved policy-holders $40,000.00 last year in premiums. Let us tell you more about it Randall Passenger & Maloney. C. A. Benedict, who has been assisting as clerk in tho local land office, has been recalled to Portland to again take up his work as special agent of the field service. Miss Bessie Clark was brought in yesterday from her home near Alberson with a threatened case of blood poisoning. She is nt tho home of Mr. and Mrs W. Y. King is doing quite well. Hon. A. W. Gowan nnd wife arrived home Monday from a visit to outside points. They at tended the rose festival at Port land, tho Masonic and Eastern Star grand lodges and visited their daughter, Mrs. W. C. Mc Kinney at Pendleton. Thoy had a most enjoyable vacation trip. UORN Monuay, June a, w Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Faulker, twin babies, daughter and son. Both tho little ones died, tho daughter on the day of its birth nnd tho other tho following morning. The bereaved young parents have tho sympathy of a wide circlo of friends in this section. Married Tuesday, Juno 28, at the Baptist parsonage in this city Olai Houglun nnd Miss Anna Matthieu, Rev. C. W. Holloman performing the ceremony. Mr. Houglun has a homeslend near Crane Creek gap where thoy will make their home. Tho Times Herald wishes them a happy and lliuu. v. owuun. luiiiuy uuu u vory enjoyable reunion at their homo in this city last Sunday, all tho family being present execpt Earl, who is in tho employ of tho Great Northern in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Southworth, who wero over from Bear Valley for tho occasion, loft for home Mon day accompanied by Miss Dorcas Sweok who proceeded on to Port' land for a visit with I near that city. Don't forget tho moving pict ure show tonight. Good morningl Did you have Cremo for breakfast? Mays & Finch, Tho Fixers, have a Bicyclo hospital In tho Locher Building. Wanted Horseshoer and all round Uncksmlth-W. W. Drink water, Burns, Oregon. Don't forgot that our stock of Men's Clothing is tho largest & best in Burns. I. Schwartz. Dr. W. L. Marsdon was called to tho Warm Snrings Boction VJ Sunday to see Mrs. Bert Parker. Alfalfa hay for salo in limited quantities. Call or 'phono Lena Ilarkoy at tho Geo. Young residence. 8000 acres of good land lying along proposed railroad routes $8 per acre. Sco A. F. B. George. Wanted 5 homesteaders to file on land near place whero work can bo had at once. Inquiro at this office. Tho moving picturo theater will bo reopened tonight Mr. Pnr dco has sccuro an engine nnd lighting plant. Grover Jnmeson and wife have returned from tho Grant Thomp son homo whero they have been for a few weekB. If you want a Studebakcr wagon in sizes from 21 to 31 call on or send to Brown's Satisfac tory Store and got prices. The registered Jersey Bull of C. M. Huffman will again bo nt tho Cortes Elliott barn in this city during this season. W. S. Laytho and his brother camo in from tho former'H desert land claim Thursday, Archie Mc Gownn bringing, them up in his auto. Schenk Bros, have received a load of freight containing their spring nnd summer supply of tho latest fashions In Blioes, hats, shirts, etc. Dr. C. C. Griffith nrrived homo yesterday from a visit to rela tives and old time friends in Wes tern Oregon. He spent some time in Portland. Tho entire stock, of goods now on display at the new store of Hagey & Richardson, is fresh nnd new. Patrons may find al most anything desired there. F. W. Do NefTe was called to Portlund Thursday morning on lognl business. His unexpected departure has disappointed tho baseball team and his place will bo hard to fill. . "I cannot afford to carry fire insurnnco the rates are too high" cannot bo Baid of tho Horticultur al Fire Relief. Let us figure with you. Randall, Passenger & Maloney. Hon. Chas. Newell ex-receiver of the Burns land office nnd well known politician, arrived in Princville this week accompanied by his family. Princville Re view. Samuel Kohn & Co., tho great Ladies Tailors of Chicago have made Schenk Bros, their agents for Burns and Harney County. They invite tho ladies to call and see a line of tho very latest sampels. Suits from $18 up. W. L. Blott accompanied by his wife, nrrived in this city Thursday evening. Mr. Blott has been railroading nt Los Angeles for some time but had a longing for some sagebrush and Harney county. Mr. and Mrs. Blott recieved a hearty welcome in this city whero thoy may re main permanently. If you are thinking of making a trip to tho mountains, any timo Lthis summer, to give your wife and family a chance to rest ana regain their health, do not over look tho fact that at tho Mt. Vernen Hot Springs in Grant County. Oregon, you will get moro pleasuro for your monoy nnd regain moro health than at any other resort In Orogon, Writo for n pamphlet giving full particulars. A pretty homo wedding took place Monday, Juno 27 at noon, at tho homo of tho Williams' brothers near their saw mill six teen miles north of Burns, when Mr. Ira L. Williams and Miss Dicio Pickelsimor wero united in marriage by Rev. A. J. Irwin of tho Presbyterian Church of Burns. Mr. Williams is a member of tho lumbor firm of Williams Brothers, ono of Harney Coun ty's sober, industrious and ener getic young men. Tho bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Pickolsimer, who with their largo family came to Harney County a couplo of years ago, Tho Times-Herald joins their many frienda in oxtonding con- relatives gralulations and boBt wjshes for a long and happy wedded Jifo. Ask your grocer for Cremo, tho new breakfast food. Grant Thompson is in the city from his homo at Malheur Gap. Road l ho ofier mndo by N. Brown & Sons under tho head, "Dont get bilked." Wo repair all breaks but the break of day Mays & Finch, The Fixers. The vory best accommodations may bo obtained at tho Overland Hotel. Meals 25 conts. Lieutenant Whitney, n son A. B. Whitney of this city, ar rived hero this week from Seattle on a visit to tho familv. Those having relinquishments or real estate lor salo should consult E. W. VnnVnlkenburg, tho real estate man, at his ofilco in Burns. Thero will bo n meeting of the Humane Society at the Commer cial Club rooms on Thursday July 14, and it is hoped to havo a good attendance. If you want Good Candy go to the Burns Knndy Kitchen. Home made candv, fresh every day. McGec building on streot leading to court house. Wm, Wober, prop. Jnck Parker is in tho city re newing acquaintances. He is in business over nt Paulina but ex pects to go to John Day in a few days where ho intends to open n saloon. A. Egli and Chns. Comegys were over from Wngontire dur-j ing the week. Mr. Egli says stock look quite well on the' range in that section and the wnlcr is holding out better than i was expected, W. J. Altnow was over from his home near Drewsey this' week. Mr. Altnow states hoi will have an excellent crop this season and that his fruit pros-' pects arc exceptionally good. He will have some fine peaches. Tho south wall of the big Lunaburg, Dalton & Co. stone j store is going up quite rapidly and at tho present rate it will ' not be long before they will be occupying it. This will be a great convenience and improve ment over the present cramped quarters. Changed hands! Changed i hands! Clean 'em up, slick 'em up! The Red Front Foed nnd Salo Stable, Scotty Glenn, prop. Autos kept and washed. Horses j t and rigs bought nnd sold. Con- t tract hauling nnd dray work ai specialty. Como one come nil I everybody welcome. New hay, Special rates to freighters. HASNETCOllNTYNffllONAlEANK (ufffl&BL run miDMG nmrnnru wa uvnnu) vuwviii CONTROLLED AND OWNED BY HOME PEOPLE. ft r MCKINNKY I'nttlDrnr LtOtl M, tlHOVJN CttHIHr rum UMtici, Viet ruttmuHr IIFHItY DAlTOM.AfT CAHIUm EXPLANATION OF VlGUMiS SHOWING 01111 CONDITION, JUNK. 30, 1010 THIS Pir.TTTJPCJ WHAT Tnwv MP.AXT NJ v,... "' "" n,iw-i. of XJapitttl Stock ... $ 2(1,000.001, Surplus and Profits 12,455.30 ("" PltvMilnfi'nn 10 r.nn (n jMoncy with our liftmen onlt ItithchttncU w "- "' '"" 1 lvculiiicnt of stockholders. of the people. Proof thftt hundreds of Men nnd Women approve otir atrindinriml methods. Deposits 282,232.22 $340,187.58 Loans . . $151 20' 78'"c "1''cbr placed for active circuln- ' lion in Hnrncy County. U. S. Bonds &Prem. 20,275.94 Smncnicmli. Municipal Bonds & County Warrants 27,890.59 Furnituro & Fixtures 3,528.77 Cash and Exchango 137,288.50 $340,1 87. 5tf High grndc investments. I'lcasnnt convenient accommodations for customers. Securities nnd facilities for prompt dispatch of husiness. Kcserte fuudnvnihible to meet needs of depositors. lAmouul on hand 40 per cent; In w requires 1G percent; remaining .'11 wrccntis extra margin of security. STA TE DEPOSITA II Y BUY YOUR DRUGS at OUR STORE We handle a complete line of everything usually sold by up to date druggists. It Is OUR AIM TO PLEASE This we do by courteous treatment and reasonable prices to ai our customers THE PLCU TO GET YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon. THE FOURTH OF JULYJ is coming and t t t i y. The Washington Restaurant WONQ LHO, Proprietor Up stairs over the Capitol Saloon ' The bill of fare includes every-' thing the market affords. Short orders a specialty. Bread for' sale, Give him a call, i Burns will Celebrate Are you ready? If not get busy and see Lunaburg", Dalton & Co. about your SUIT, HATS, SHOES, ETC., ETC. New Goods of all kinds arriving Grain, Food, GroeorieB. Produce, Cherries, Straw Berries, Bananas, and Oranges. SOME SNAPS TO PICK UP FOR EARLY ONES MOTE'S CANDY STOKE Has just received a fresh lot of CANDIES, CIGARS, TOBACCO New and handsome Post Cards, Stationery, Ink, Pens, Pencils, Novelties. A SPECIALTY OF BOX CANDY EXTRA Fine assortment of everything D.R. MOTE, Burns, Oregon A MAN is known by the harness he uses A VAQUEKO by the saddle he rides. Evere horseman should have the best, both as to quality and price. You can get highest quality and lowest prices at J. C. WELCOME & SON Harness a,aa.cL Saddles The Eastern Oregon Engineering Co. CIVIL, MUNICIPAL AND IRRIGATION ENGINEERS Mnln Office, Ihirns, Oregon A, O. rAUI.KNKH, MRC Hrnnch Office, Lukcvicw, Oregon C. M, KAVI.KNKK, Uit. mmmnttx:nii:i:untxniv.it::v.:it::rii:i ::::;::::::::t::::::::::::;::::i:::::::::nj::nn RANDALL, PASSENGER & MALONEY Ciovcrnmrnt I .a ml Locators nnd dealers in HARNEY COUNTY LANDS i ROOMS 1-2-:$ 01)1) FELLOW IILDG., HURNS, OREGON 8 iot::t:::t:::nt::t::ni:::::t:'.'.:::H::::::::::m:::::t:r:::::::::t:ui::::;:::::::i::ttn::mmm f Grand Celebration July 4, Burns, Or. FOUR DAYS SPORT JULY 2, 3, 4 AND 5, 1910 Horse Races, Baseball, Dancing, Music Hon. Frank Davey, Orator of the day Prof. M. A. Biggs, reader of Declaration A BIG STREET PARADE JULY 4 See posters for full program