J- w&k Practically all of the Harney county trade will come through Canyon City this summer and fall. The railroad will bo into Prairio City in time to givo the Burns merchants an opportunity to order their winter stock shiir ped via Prairio City. Consider ing tho distance and condition of tho roads tho haul this way will be about half tho haul by the way of Vale. This will mean a considerable saving on tho part of the merchants of Harney county and it will of necessity result in the reduction of tho freight rates and will also cut down time of transit -uiuo jut. Eagle. Tell some deserving Uhcuma tic sufferer that there is yet one simple way to certain relief. Get Dr. Shoop's book on Rheumatism and a free trial test. This book will make it entirely clear how Rheumatic pains are quickly kill ed by Dr. Shoop.s Rheumatic Remedy liquid or tablets. Send no money. The test is free. Sur prise some disheartened sufferer by getting for him the book from Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Reed Bros. NOTICE. AH parties owing Lewis & Gar rett, or Simon Lewis are hereby notified that all these accounts are in tho bands of our attorney C. H. Leonard for collection and . settlement Persons indebted to us will please settle tho same with Mr. Leonard at once. Simon Lewis J. T. Gaukett. Any lady reader of this paper will receive, on request, a clever "No-Drip" Coffee Strainer Cou-i pon privilege, from Dr. Shoop, j Racine, Wis. It is silver-plated, I very pretty, and positively pre- .,nr, 11 ,1;., .,;,-,, f to nm) nnf ' vents all dripping ot tea anu coi- . Tlin Tlnnlni- cnnlc if wif li I fee. ine Doctor sentis it, wiin ViTo nnw. frnn linnlr nn "Hmlth I nis new iree uook on iicaun i nnffan" cimnlv tn intrnrliinn tlii5 iOIiee Simpi 10 lnirOUULO llUb clever substitute for real coffee. Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee is gaining its great popularity be cause ef: first, its exquiste taste and flavor; second, its absolute healthfulness; third, its economy 1J lb. 25 cents; fourth, its con venience. No tedious 20 to 30 minutes boiling. "Made in a minute" says Dr. Shoop. Try it at your grocer's, for a pleasant surprise. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United feTiTrj Land orricic, lliirns. Oregon. June 4, 1910 Notice l hereby given that UlUUm Kllbv ot Brewiey, Oregon, who, on Augurt i.. !.. made Homeitcad Kntry No 1J7, serial No. OKI, lor Lota t A A St'ftlnti". Tottoiblti la South, IUDgeW Kait.db1, NK'.anil NKitHfci 8ectloD Ii, Townthtp rjnouth, Hange - Kai Willamette Meridian haa tlleil notlci-ot in rn tlon to make Final Five car oroof, toeatabllih claim to the land abote ileKribed, befort the Kegltter ar,d Itreelrcr a- Hurni, Oregon on the 15th day ot July Villi rlalmant namei aa wltuehiiea Jamea II, Anterion, iloica Urlppa, 8. N Wit llama, Joneoh a. Wllllaraf, all of an, Oregon ' U.v Fakkc, KeglXer NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UN1TF.I) STATK9 LAND Ol Fit F I llurua, Oregon, June 7, I'lO.l Notice I hereby given that Harry It Mr( lure ofllarrlman, Oregon, who, on July II, 1'iaj, made tomea'ead entry No 1977. (ferial No 0171 for hEJi N rt i,BVt NEij. .' M ' and SWU HF.'A election Towuihli it Hoiith. Range 31 Kait. Ulllametto Meridian haa Hied notlreof intention to make Final Fhe Year i'roof. to eitabllah claim to the land above described, before the Iteglater and Kccelver, at Burni, Oregon, on the lSlh day of July, W0. Claimant natnea aa wltneitera C. II. Auimui, I.. II. Ilayea, IJojd Johnaou allot Lawen, Oregon. Ira Clark, of llarrltnan, Oregon, V. Fabrc, Ileglater NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . ISOLATED TRACT -I'l IH.K I.ANIIHAI.F. I UHITI'.lJhTATKIil.ANJjOmri!, j Hurni, Oregon, June 4, 110. i I Kotlce la hereby given that, aa dlreeted by ' theComtnliilonerol the Oetieral '.and Ottlce, , under provlilon of Actof rotigreaa approved June 27. 1'JOU (31 Htati., M7). we will oIK-rat public lale, to the hlgheat bidder at 10 n't I'M k A M..on the Slat day ol July, 1910, at tills office, the following described land EKNEli Bee. 14, T. H., It 3fl, E., W M. under application cattf!. Any peraon claiming adveraely the above i described land ereadvlted to file their ilalin' orobjectlona, on or before the llinedi algnatul ior aale, t WW. Fakhe, Ileglater Fiiank lnur, Itei'elver. EXCURSION RATES TO THE EAST During 1910 From All Points on THE OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. TO Chicago Council Bluffs ' Omaha I KansasCity.. 00.00 St. Paul I St. Joseph ... J St. Paul via Council Bluffs '. . .M.DO Minneapolis direct 00,00 Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs 03.90 Duluth, direct 00.90 Duluth, via Council Bluffs 07.50 St. Louis G7.50 Tickets will be on sale May 2nd and 9th; June 2nd, 17th and 21th; Juno 5th and 22nd; August 3rd; Stplembor 8th. Ten days provided for tho going trip. Stop overs within limits in either direction. Final return limit three months from date of sale, but not later than October 31st. Our way through California $15.00 additional Inquire of any O. R.-& N. Agent for more complete information WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, ibLLUM, 014,0.1 Blue prints of any township in Hums Land District, showing name of entry tnnn, date and kind of entry, topography, etc., $1.00 each. Piatt T. Randall, Burns, Ore. You will novor again bo quite as you aro today mentally or physically. Perhaps not over again will you bo able to got so "young" a photograph -that looks like you-as today. Visit tho Sayer Studio. NOTICK KOH 1'UM.lOATlOW Unit.H STATU I AMI Orili K Hums, oroiion, April lutO. Notice la hereby irhvn that llu .statu of Ore Kim tun Weil In Hit oillm II Hiillratloti (Serial NouilW)tostnYit, muter the uriirliliviis ut the Art of Coniirrsf , Miir. ml intuit 1 1, lsn, Km) nets supplements! niul sineiuUlory Hit to to. Urn SKU See '. T. . U so I' , W M North ot Mullieur l.sko Any nnil nil rcrauns rlsliultiK ailtetioly tho Inmli ilcuctlU'il.or ileslrluit In ol Jeel hoi-Aiiio ol tlio mineral elisraetur ol tli html, or tar miy oilier million, to tho iltiHint to sppllcsnt, honlil Ills their mlliliivltn ot irole.t In Hill otrire, on or twforc thoesplrstnm of llio perloit u( vubllctitloti. Wm.Kamuk, Itiiilttiir. Klrst fut.llCHtlo; May , ltllO. l.mt imlillcstlon Julys, lia NOTICK KOU I'UHUCATION. Umtkii statu 1. 1 mi Orrlra Hums, Oregon, My 111. luio. S.itlco In litrtliy gln that Jolin O. Orlmtii ot Narrow., Orcirtiti. ulw, on May It, wm. mmlo lliimcates.l Witty Nu Ui, for SK)i NWJJ, NJW, ami hWVjSlj. i-eellou 2, Tomii ship ill South, IUnKl Knl, Willamette McM illan, haa llu-t notlro ot lulrntl.in u make Kins! Commutation front, to estshllsh elslm lo the Lint hIkho ilcaerltieil, Lefore Hip (Irsls lor niul IleieWer, at llunm, Oregon, mi llio ltlt .lny ot JhI, 1'JliJ. Claimant names hi ultneiina Chini, V. I,swl, Kreil A. llliiitali, llliaii TIitoii, iio lllili'lillimiii, nil of Nnrrons, Or Kon V.. Kakkk, UritlnKr. NOT1CK FOR PUBLICATION. U.NITM) STATUS LAND mi!K. llu tin, Oreou, Mar , 1M0.I Nntlro l hereby rIni tlml Or 111 . Fmnra. of Narrow, Oregon, ilio, on Msrt-li rt, 1107, t.,n, ttmatvfiil Miitrr No. JSAI. ferial No I Vim, lor NW ii, tetlotl , rovrlistllp W South, ' lttirtll l-!,i.l Mlltaitipllt Merliliall. North of Mallietir 1.AUO, lias men linuec ui iiiivmitiu in maku nnm ouiinuiaiuiu I'rimi, esi.uii.ii (.ll,n I., Him l.litl utinvu ila.urltMll. tiefors the tleitlstoratiil lUieltor, nt lliHnJ.OrriJoii, oil the viu ir oi jui)-, 1'iu l'lal1l ,,., 1. Wltllffta,' Ctir ei A. IUIlie.l'lintl.'i . lurnet, l-otli ol Nnrro, Urefon. lit'n ;toler, ot Hurni, ore gun KrmiK Mnlth.of NnrioHi, Uiegon Vist. KAtixr.. UecUtcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION l'NITKISTATK8 UNI) OPFIIIK. llurim. tlregon, Hf -B, In 10. Notltel herebr lvu tint John Aiumn.oi KlIva otrKUii. wW, uu aimuh ii, nw.iuiotv lioinwtenl entry, No. OWJ, for Kj;, tiwtlon 1 1 Town,),!,, 4 mIhi,. iihk7I'hi., tuiumrtte MerliUu. h lllwl iioileeot intenllon to rnaiie n,,,! conniiuinimi I'moi, toubiih einim to the lan't aUne ilnerllwl, hforth Hegu ter,i!efeUorat llnrm, liwtjon.im the Mh Ur ol Julr 11U. ('lallnant llanira Ituraap El 11 MelKmalO, Walter K. Ht.leu, Aiulren J Hkteiiaaml IrTlngi' llajmotnl. all ol lllley, Oregon .... Ux r'ARK, KegUtrr NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION UNITKII STATKH I.VNII OFFIOF., llurtia Oregon. May 31 1110 I Notlro la hereby glw'il that John X. tiller of llurna, Oregon, who, on July 3. Iruft, Miade homealead entry io. .'4i. wrwi .-. uiim f. .1 'or HMi, !-eCtloll 1. Tnwnalili '.'I Booth, Itange t. pdt iitumi.tti Meridian, baa flletl notice ot Intention to make Final Hveenr I'roof, toeatabllthrlatmtolhe Imid aiote detrrltied, before the Itegtatcr and K.-i otter, at llunia, Oregon, on tho 7th day of Juli l'-IO Claimant liamea aa m i'ea Henry fioodtow, of Hurni nregoti Mlbur V. Warner, trott llavn Mar. ima II. Ilayea all of Itwen, Oregon 1- it. nt ll.glJter. QepeatingQ 'his rifle ia built settled districts. where good range and killing power are desired, with safety to the neighborhood. The Iffarfin .25-20 la a light, quick handling, finely-ualanceil repeater, with the solid top, closcil-ln breech and side ejection features which make Martin guns safe and agreeable to use and certain in action. It Is made to uae thep'-werful ntwhlgh velocity smobeltsa load with Juckttrd bulleta aa will ua the well known black powder and low rrcaiure amokclcaa cart ridge, and la the Ideal rifle f r target wurk, Kir woodcnucka, grete, tiu" kr f ira, etc , up to Hit) yurila, TiU rllle and umrnu niil'in, and nil other JTfaruji rrpauttra, ar folly de crlbed In our 136-page catalog Krce for 3 atamp poatage. 77w27?arfi firearms Co., i) Willow Street NEW HAVEH, CtiNN, RATES $72.50 .LJWMdwfcVi im .a m i mmm&rT -i avfor In sickness, if a certain hidden nerve Koeswronp, then the organ tlmt this norvo controls will also suroly fail. It may bo a Stomach norvo or it may havo Riven stren gth and support to tho Henrt or Kidneys. It was Dr. Shoop that first pointed to thiB vital truth. Dr. Shoop's Restorativo was not made to doso tho stomach nor to temporarily stimulate tho Heart or Kidneys. That old-fashioned method is nil wrong. Dr. Shoop's Restorativo goes directly to these failing insido nerva. Tho remnrk ablo success of this prescription demonstrates tho wisdom of treating tho actual cause of theso failing organs. And it is indeed easy to prove. A simple llvo or ten days test will surely tell. Try itonco.nnd see! Sold by Reed Uros. NOTICE Any and all persons owing the firm of Hngey, Fcnwick & Jnck son, either on account or note, are hereby notified that all such accounts and notes aro now in tho hands of C. II. Leonard for collection. Such persons are hereby requested to mako imme diate settlement of the same. Dated Aug. 6th, 1909. Hagky, Fenwick & Jackson. NO TRKSI'ASSINfJ. Hunting 1h for Mil dun upon my plnco ittljolniiitt HiirtiB. TrpfpuHH rn will bit proHuutitctl. 0. II. VOHtiTLY NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ISOLATED TKACT-l'lMlLie LASD8ALE UNITED BTATKrt LAND OFFICK.I llurua, Oregon. May 37, Oil). I Notice I herohy given that, aa directed by ttieComintiilouerof the tlenoral Ijiud tlltlee, under the pruvlalona ol tlio Act ut t'ongriaa a uroriHl Jlliin 27. I'Afl 1st Mtatra . A17I wo Hill olter at public ialo to tlio hlgheat bidder, at II) p'clock, a. in., on llio utn nay in juiy twin at thli oirice, the following tract ol land tiWSW!;. Her. II, T A, It S3 E , V. M Hinder application ojm) Any peraoua claiming advoraely tho above ilcacrlhed laudt aro advlxI to llio their claim or objection on or before the time dealguated for aale. Wm rAHHK. Ileglater. Fsa.sk luvcr, Itecelvcr NOTICE FOR I'UIILIOATION. IKOCATKDTIlAirr-ruiU.lC LANDHAl.K Ukitsii t'TATia t,ANiiOrri(g, Iiurna, Oregon, )lay rt, imo I Nottro la hereby given that, at directed by IhoCominlalloner of the General Laud Olttre, under 'he provisions of Act of Congreaa ap proved June 77, 1i JI Hlala., SI7, we will otter at public sale, to the hlgheat bidder, at to ii'rlork A.M.. on the 12th day of July, 1910, at Ihla office, tho followlug-dctcrlhed laud WKS'JHee. Sft.T.at H.. It Wt K., W, J. (UDiler application 03 UO). Auyierona claiming adteraely the aloie deicrlbcd laud am adtlied tn tile their elalma, or objectlona, on or beforo the tlmo designated for aale. Wm. raaiiK, Iteetater. Frank Davsv, Kerelver. Hurni, Oregon, List No, 0I7J9. NOTICE FOR PUIILICATION Umtkii SrAiaa Lamj Orrttc, llurna, Oregon, May '.is, lvio. Nollco la htroby given that Charlea F Hays, by a It. McI.eiKl, attorney In fact, whoaolioal office addrers la Aatorla, Oregon, haa tlili Ci'th day of Mar HID, tiled In Ihla olflro hit appllra tlon to icleit under the provlalona nf the Act ot L'ongrcai, approted June 4. 1M7, the HF't Bee ill, T. Sn H It. at .., V. M , North of Malheur Late. Any and all persona Halloing adversely the laudadeacrlbod, or deilrlug to object Irecauae ut the mineral character ol thelaud, or lor any other reason, b the dlipotal to applicant, should file their affldavlu ol pruteit III Ihla onice, on or before the lethilayof July, 1910, Wm, Farms, Itcglttcr AdmlnItrator' Sale ol Real Ontale at I'rlvalc Sale. In tlio matter of tliu estate o( William I), Ilticliannu, deceased. Notlcu is hereby kIvvii, tlmt. pursuant to nn order of llio Hon. County Court of Hnrney, Oregon, mode, it ltd entered on tlio I'nd day of May, 1010, tlio under signed, administrator of tliu suld estate of William I), llucliatiaii, tleceneed, will Hull at private sale. In one parcel, to tin lillilieet bidder, flubject to the confirms tlon of nald court on or after IStli day of July, 1010 nil of the rittlit title und estate of snid William I). Ilticlinnnn, tlereast'd In mid to tliu K HWV, iiu'I'K",' NWj. and thu SKJ4-; .Sec. 0, T 23, H. It, 33, i:V.M, In thu County of llttriioy and Httto of Oregon. Terms of Salu ouo hnlf cash in Imiid, lawful money of tho Unltod Btaten, tin balance in one yaar at 8 per cent per ntt rill in , itecured by Ilrst iiK)rtKKU on the land. I'nrchnsur to defmy ezpensu of deed mid abstract, ausumo payment of till tuxt'H, ami all ttssessuieiitsof whatsoever kind of nature that tire In auyulse churKuulilo to the land. All bids to bu In .urltlnu and teuletl, und Irftnt thuolllco of A. W. (iovutii. IluriiH, Urt'ijoii, uttomey for thu under- siltut'tl ailmiuistrator, (1HOHOK f IIUCHANAN, Administrurnr of suld estate JOHN ROBIft&ON Slock Inspector, Harney County. Home Address Hums, Ore, LIAGAZINE READERS SUNSET MAOAZINE beautifully illuitiatet1 -"oditorias j q and siticlei sboul CaUoraU sad vi sU At ?u Wert. 1u CAMERA. CSAPT dtvolrd each mo-th to ths ai- . tiatie itproduclioa ! tlis licit Jil.OO work el amattut anJ ar(suioasl ( jm photegraphen, ROAD OV A TIIOUflAHD W0WDEUS a bock ol 75 pages, contalnisi 120 csloted pliotofiaphi ol $0.75 pUturtKjua spots ia CaUersia Total . . . $3.35 All for . a . a $1.50 Ascitis sU ordiri to 8DK43ET MAOAZIKB Flood Builduu Saa FrtncUco NliW CLUHBINfl PROPOSITION Wo havo arranged to ofTer in connection with this pnper, tho now monthly farm nmgazino just started at Lincoln, Nebraska, by Prof. II. W. Campbell and devot ed to tho Hiibjoct of how to farm in tho dry country and how to got best results from soil tillngo under normal conditions. This Pnper is Campbell's Scientific Farmer and wo offer it clubbed with The TimoH-Ternld both for $2.f() per year cash. Prof. Camp bells' new paper is a monthly, chock full of good things, tho only paper of its kind in tho world, and it embodies tho re sults of tho editor's many years of painstaking investigation of tho soil tillage proposition. KcIIrIoiis Services. Tho following aro Rev. A. J. Irwin's regular preaching ap pointments for the year 1910. Hums the third and fourth Sundays of each month at 11 n. in. and 7:110 p. m. Sunset School House at 10:30 a. m. the first Sunday of each month. Narrows at p. in. and 7:30 p. m. the first Sunday of each month. Wavorly at 10 a. in. the second Sunday of each month. Lawen at 3:30 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. tho second Sunday of each month. Deustend School House at 3 p, m. tho third Sunday of each month. Sunday School at Rums every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock a in. Services at tho Raptist Church first and second Sundays in each month. Sunday School at 10 a, m. every Sunday. Prayer meet ing Thursday evening. 1 lie l.onc blar RESTAURANT (liltin (it-uri;e, I'niprlotor. Cor. Main mid II .Htri'iit. lYlBALiS AT ALU HOURS Bukcpy in connection A Specialty of Short Orders. Titbit) ftiriiiHliuil with (ivtirytliiiin tlio market itllurdH Your pitlroic Ku Hollultoil. OFFICIAL IMItKiriOliY tl H Hellatuta Jonathan Ilourno Jr fleo, K, rliauiberlaln W It Kill. I J W Ilawley A. M. Crawford F. V. Ileutou F W Itenion .11 A Mteel .. .J. II. Arkerman S rillunlway i K. H. Ilcau. Cotigfiaamen Mtnrnoy General 'overnor iecrvtary ol Male Treaavrer itupl. I'liblle fnelturtloH il.ie I'rliiUr supreme Juilgaa .) r. A. stcxire llobt Kakln NINTH JUDICIAL DlHlHICT. IH.IllOt Jllllld District Atlurnvr IH'.ill) lll.t Ally (Irn K. Ilatls J V MrCullwli . 0 II lJHjliai.1 Cltriilt ('unit uit lbs tint Mnuilay In Aitll ami flrtl Uumlajr In UctoUr. fultit Vuuatur .... Jijit-ltl'rilitatlru t: W I'atlllll II llruoks eoUKir llAimsY! L'uoutr Ju.lito Ulsrk Irraanrsr . . siirriir ilicrlil Aaav.aur. ictliHll HtlMHlUll'lllIc(ll t.'urinior 5tick In.i.iHitnr. J. 1'. Hector Main Xlotlioralitai K N Jsiuuaou . A I) Kaulkucr A. K. Itlcliarittim J, J, liuiiFsau I. M Hamilton J YY deary .John Itoliltiann Coiiiiiimliiiiur. tl.. N. ijtallsni It) A Htlljftll Coillilr t'utt meets tliu flrnt Wvilncailajr In January, March. May, July, Hr)tcinbcr anil Nuvowtwr, iiAiiNsv ii. s. i.ami orrirci lisulcr tftulver N ni Karro Kiallk llaroy (ITY -HHIINa' Majin, Vain Mull i'tslii'S'1 Itwonlur, .. .1'. T, Itsmlall Ifrsaiirsr J.O. Uskoins Jr. llai.l.iil. M. r. Williams (W, ', Itrowti A, V. uk oino Jiintleinlrllni A H Hwalii I'lllllllllllllVfl .-.uui nn;" nl ttm Cumuli vtvry Beruml anil Kuiirtli Wrilmailay 00 YEARS EXPEniENOE Trtspe Mni Dtoton CppyniOHTa Ac. rKvHifmvS'iMitt HtM notka, Mliliimt.i'inriHi.InUiTi Scientific JfitKrkas. NOW ' TIME or tl,. r.ar to liat. your taatli psl anil liiai. aa wnrk dnna. For out ciMnwa iiatrona w, itnl.h tI.t. and lrlaa work la oa. dar if naoaMarr. riosn MtlirCiiam 55,00 22kBrld.T..Ib3.60 Otis rniimi 1.QC Casmst rilflsf s 1.0C Bihar rilllnn Out Rutbir PUUs. .6 5.00 v. nvvvtr - rA rum fiou H.W.iLMff.ruiMifMHAuui P'tnl"! Eitr'Hon .00 Int.iKilrtlloi. i prdid, (Joniultfttl MlltMimUUMIMMiniM. . "MI NIIMOM j rt jtDin ElivM or biiaM wot Inulftm. you cinbol sTalLsaUi CsvInlM wolk 4.nnlir, no niUf bow laBfth r w Jir. no niUf bow tuaob roa t'tj. All Ytvtu. tullv aViifu-ftuUtxl for tltia f vxtu Wise Dental Co. VU IVI . INCOnPORATKD Painless Dentists ijAjTjrn ironoai-tintiiir asset rntisil f eis4c'.al tnW luxislr ait'iirlnlii mlr nhHIbjil IMS vliaUiir sn liivuntlou la iirotistlr I'lili'iiialilrV F(,ihiiu14s' riu,i.trtt'tlroiinti1aiitQi1. llaiiiltsxisourdjRS 4s9bV HlWtlt A liandaoinclr llls.lrnlnil Vfrtrn tuBjasi ctr oulatlmi of snr " iimtittn iiitrifi 'TcsK.a m -putt rour irmiiitia, fL HiAU isyswl BMMCiarsU mm ft Co Tfew M Itraticti Jirau. ia v HUWWnnSfuiAlVor Blifl The Times-Herald in oflcriiiff moHl attractive Clubbing Rates to Uh HiibticrihcrH a prcHcnt THE TIMES-HERALD One year with the Portland Weekly Oregonian $2.50 Portland Semi-Weekly .Journal $2.50 S. F. Weekly Examiner $2.65 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World $2.50 Semi-Weekly St. Louis Republic $2.35 Farm Progress FREE to every paid in advance Subscriber Get one or more of these good papers in connec tion with The Times-Herald for the long win ter evenings. Call and get Clubbing Prices JOB PRINTING The Tltnea-Hernltl U I'rrpnrril to tin the Very Host niul Most Satisfactory Work In this line. We lime nil the LATEST TYPE FACES and a very Complete Line FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY Blue Mountain Rapid Transit Line Operating from Austin via Prairie City, John Day, Canyon City to Ilurns, Oregon yt tlnys from linker City to Hums, Oregon. Four and Hix horse slock and covered coaches the entire distance Railroad to Burns 105 miles For rates ask L. WOLDENBERG, Manngcr. jfrpiRISON & SrONEH''i VlI'l "ournTTohioon-" f (fr'iXi' 1, Itswd yi? OMr. AWlT V II 11 lil I ,.t?al V'JfJKBMWr' WJhW. DRINKWATER aUkr 1 JLiiSaWBjT-K 'J ' i Main St., - BURNS MILLING CO. HORTON & SAYER, Propts. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic, Flooring, Moulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Good Road. Lumber Yard in Burns. THE ANDERSON HOTEL MRS. CI IAS. ANDHRSON, I'ropt. I huvo rc-opuned tlio liotol niul tlio ohl-timo friontla and customers aro again invited to coma and bo at homo. You will find tho saiuo homo-comforts and welcome as usual. The old favorite Family Hotel where guests rective 5pecial Attention and Good Service. SOU I II BURNS, OREQON-Near Fair Grounds. THE TIMES-HERALD Job Printing. THE WINDSUJtl W ?. , Jtvrv-, L--r Y -f Ki' J l.lPs1,,",..1 .ril'iiJLaUsasOt and Hair (ullind Blacksmitiiing and iiorseshoiiig. Wagon Work COOLEY AUTO MATIC BRAKES Burns, Oregon PROFBSSIONAL 0AKDS. Wm, MILLER, ATTORN ICY AT LAW, Hum", Ort'Kon, Hooins Ti mid (I Oild Kcllow lliilldliiK C A- REM BOLD Attoriwy-nl-I,nw, Burns, Oregon OhiiH. II. Tjoonurd, ATTOItNKV-AT-LAW, Oaruftil nttontion glyon to Collcc- tlon mid Honl ICHtnto iimtlorH. l'lro Insurance. Votftry I'uhllo IlUltNH. OllKHON. aiso. a. sizemouk, ATTOItNKY, """N8, ORKfJON Colltolloiis, Land business, and Kent Kstnte matter promr tlv attonded to. CHARLES W. EtibtS LAWYER Burns, - - Oregon I'rnctlceo In tho Htntu Courts und be fore thu U H. Jjuid Ofllco. A. W. GOWAN ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Stnto Courla and United States Land Office Practice Three doors South of the Harney County National Bank Burns, Oregon. d. CXI. CBflRY I'htslclan and 8iireon. Iiurna, - - - OruRon. Olflru In nuw bulldltij; south ot Wolromu harness shop, Main St. I'liotiB MhIii 85. DEflfMAN & DENMflN, Physicians and Surgeons CJalls niHwuroJ promptly uliflit or day Thonu llitrriniin. Harrlma'n, Oregon MARSPEN & GRIFFITH I'hysicluiis nttd Surgeons. IIUHN8, OKKdON. b. E. HI0BARD 3DE1TTIST Olllco first door vtist photo Kitllury Hums. Ori'K'on. W. C. MROWN, DE33s,I,Is,x,- illlll.NS, OltEOON, Olllco in new land olllco building, next door north of post otficu. BOCIKTIICH. IIAKNKV LOIJOE, NO. 77, I. O O T. Merts ercrr Hturdajr Iu Odd Krllow Hall at7:J0nn. K. A. Cole, A rln r llorliin, fscrctarr. N.d. HUlt.NS I.OIJtJK NU. V7, A K. A M.. Mvt'la eivry flrat ami third faliinla)' In carli Hlolllll. 1. K. UiMall. v. M. Tlma t-aittrs, Hcrretar) . IIAKNKV VALI.KV CAMI' No. 8S1, W, of W. Meets cvvrx first sud sccond.Tutsdsr, U. tt.Mctllalu, Com, W. A. Qowan, Clerk, IIIIUN3 Cll AITKll NO. to, O. E. 8, ft)fl HVurif atstisint an.t f.iHaik tln...l.. s .. r si tf -"' " MliM IIUUR1. llainnls lla.ll 1 at. a a. .1 Kva lljrd, .i. I lionet tluwan, Herralarr. SYLVIA ItKIIKKAII liKOKKK No.S. UeetsoTcrr UtanJJil Wednesilar. Doll IMllsril Kco Sec'y. J,"C','N'0' rtJI.K CIlltJI.K No. 1M, W. ut W. Meets evcrjr fiiurllt TueaJsr. Maui llurtolt, 0. M. Heater (loo.tmau, Clerk. $1500 Reward! Tho Oregnti fall furnls slut Novaita Mto Pluck I'rotee lion Ai.oclatlon, of Mhloli the iitnler slKtioil la a memtier will iilvo ll.imo uo reward foro M in re lesillnir In the ar rest ami conviction otatiy ivurly ur tar tlesslralliiiiliorii's, cattle or mtilea tie loiiitliiRtnuiiyuf Us iii.iiipurf. In ailtlltlon totlio Kl.ino, the uuilerslstieil of I I.,., nd !.., l.. ii. .. ,.....11,1.... a .i n. . .- .. 1, . ' , ,,,v r.ino uiitiiuiiii f,n,iiu nir mi iiur.os hrsuileil liorioslniolisron txiih or either v llrstnl ret'iinleil Iu elitlit counties, llango Har ney, Lake atnl rook counties. Homes enlnl VtllOII SOllI, None hut i; row n liursestolil,Biiil onlyln Inriio bunclii'i. , IV. W. llltOWN, Ute.Orcgou. Tl3r "CT Wo colluut nvorywliorny mill nmku ti cltnrKU iiiiIihs collection is itiiiihi, Wo ploiiNU our clionts AOilriii-n iMolltlAN MlillfANTILK Cll,, Ken ton Uliln-i l'urtlaiul, Oro, Wmlft The Harney Valley Brewing- Co. Mtinufitcttirortt u( 3Rax"o Soda Water Family Trade Solicited Prcc'Dcllvery T. E. JENKINS, Manager Su mpter Valley Railway Cq timij TAiti.n no. :m in lurtj .MJNI'. 11, 11X1H. West tlotmtl No 1 IW DiSO I.v Uliir, " I)tfi8 ' 10:01 ". 10:07 " Knt U, in. No. 2 I'asssJ llnkiT City r Ar Houth linker rfnlisbur)f I.ofkharlf Tlicimpsotif "I "t "I "I "I "( "t "I 10:17 "8I odihtrd Jtinctloiif ltf:22 " 10:.')1! " 10:30 " 10:55 " 11:10 " 11:15 " 11:40 " NOON 12:00 " r. m. 12:05 " 12:10 " 1:10 Ar WntttrTmikt Oi'stt'oHtiiirt McKuwit J UNCI ION t HtitniittT JUNCTIONt Kiiiiimllf O 1. C'nmpt Whltnuyi TII'TONf Anstin "I "I 'I Ml is Htoi on sitfimlr only $No ancDtf Tlckola IbsiiwI only for stations t irniiis urn Rciii-iiuli'il to mako rtg HtOtlS. lVi4a.ltlir,rM lllllMt filirnlta I'tH M'llimi fU.l.tltH HVi.t l,ftpu , nl.iJ traliiH or 25 itiiIh in addition to tliti Ktilitr rnni will ho charttcd. JOKKI'II A. WKST, PnJ OHANTOKIHIKR, As.t. Sopt RMS i-to far C'ilc ty c!l progrcnire Uit. i-o . i Sporting Goods lucrrhantt owl DAX It U A It ItS -.;.(. , r -I "oUNSANDC'JNNIHC" will I mailni ".tj . 1 t i Ippllctilitl.-. I r ,i i , Hi 1iol i try t . I ii. i , i ; :oe When you want a quick cure wlti any loss of time, and one that is folio by no bad results, use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera anj I sst aM U ar af"V lJ fc-avaaa . aJ SI aLSICll I IIUCCl IsCJIIItJUJj It never falls and Is pleasant to til It Is equally valuable to- children. u famous for Its cures over a large Pt tnc civutieu world. Z8 mis dj , JOHsVUKSIIIKKLING, iiowoioi1. optician a fchiirruver. Fine Watch Repairing A Sp ciitltj'. Get Well First romro n?cfMr.va.'.a r.'.'.i'jMtl Don't ii?c even a fhtmy until he nri returns. Ami I in ti Juit i xartly that I nm ti" tun i'h-u itm w Uv njt to tho Irk tii,uui n in) tn ii ph i Hy iur uur m Cllio II U l.uiut I'linn j.m. ui ii And for IS) in lr h mn nwHlicliu Uv n (. 1 nti' I iMHmiin mUM In ii ry city Iiftini. tm Aiurii.i nn) nru jHVsiuwiy w nl in - r. tuinini.miv und l' rhoro lltni uli I'm tl .ih, mil ut st ir rUk nlhcruun it n il utid uin in 111 met iciiH" llioH-tuii'i n tn Dun si U Is in (tie mi's s.fiiiu . . 1 lr "-In -Ha) iitl. Wlioii tho Moiiuu Ii n ri or ti lliHirtor K' nicj nTo3 (all, tin M-s .1 im nlnowliouq Ki' Ir Hluton Itostorutu.' um I'nni; uiun l'ici li.:iHhi.inilii Jltll 0sr (f itii, 1-it.y posri OMA'r im monejirtsK wmrmr.They r kmfl that wliotirTT'l htxilth ta li return, Ur, H 1- v ohuoii tiliiii-tf Kindly jl II C II WJf tlw !: RUt fur Hint " tit Am. 11 that t.'tn (ull.'Wil.iy r. irimntli tuly ffmui llt.t urlUi im) nnt fur nil x1- r Thli will MVnddlay nnd. I Mnmlntmont. AH drmrviltst wit Hi Mkk.ii m Ut'tonitho and mkmiIi uiitsuuuiur jti'tniHiy imt nil itro not thiitHlio irtvu thi' 'tDi'i i-st i i vHiimtn tildltt- (Of I ImMMllipAHlUhl Ull I ni -H an'! Pm i in if pit m b Tao7 ew.ry nuiiiiiiiii. tv, oirrwiwM toUsw my "no R"' irinlp no I iniilliiliies to tliu Ji CSi. y Mrk T II in Hlitrh tiook ion n,H..l Thi. . u In-low nlll iin Ijr orn vp in w niut In lnful til totlioad ulionM nut vi II lti'sfili-sioiinroiierfif ijr iniuineonauirine jut n. .ui,niiii jour tics IMijairiuu ur hiixiiv mil .'id UHir DelOir l jours ami Itliout t lVrtiAOtii uuril or tun frntn inn will i1,ir l niniii l.'rlniM iil'inunt I huvo Ii . Uv I thoii-snj HIKJII llHiiiasii.iH ty my i st lireacrltitluii or h n, rantml mltlii t'lnn. Mr tiMtil fH fTW'"" l surill woniDntrr aim pin A A" a r i ,t Sor iioir tihiie uu t ti it i r inliiil. fur tumurrow Hi ur Co v i lr s.iuop, l i. imciiiii, i ii Wttcti B.ol Clit'l I Sisl Tost No. I On lysprla N, I , r Women No .' On tlio Ili-ail No, Ii I or Me i No 3 On tlm Klrti iys No. (I On I'tu umatlo Dr. Shoop's Restorative JSNS I I LL- i i PE5CiN. ' m ' S M J?A tT'ir Y I f ARKS&Toj ff JfL r (A 7Jka' Qm '" oaaaasgiTgi.1;. Aesrfa u:ww4,mmM rjiMiWi wan