iMJimnmtfflMtintni '"' "" ' I This is tho dryest season that lms been experienced for thirty Ave years is the opinion of a number of old residents who lmvo been interviewed on the subject So far as the crops are concerned they have not suffer ed jjrontlv but the continued drouth will occasion home lost" and damage to crops. Nine ML Eagle. Frank Metschan and wife and Bon Coznd camo in from Silvies Wednesday and will continue on to Portland this week to witness tho Rose Carnfvrl.ltlue Mt Eagle. Tell some deserving Rheuma tic sufferer that there is yet one simple way to certain relief. Gel Dr. Shoop's book on Rheumatism and a free trial tost. This I U00K will make it entirely clear how Rheumatic pniiis aro quickly kill ed by Dr. Shoop.s Rheumatic Remedy liquid or tablets. Send no money. Tho test is free. Sur prise some disheartened sufferer by getting for him the book from Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. -Reed1 Bros. NOTICE. All parties owing LowIb ft Gar rett, or Simon Lewis are heroby notified that all theso accounts are in the hands of our attorney G. H. Leonard for collection and settlement. Persons indebted to us will please settle the same with Mr. Leonard at once. Simon Lewis J. T. Garkktt. Any lady reader of this paper will receive, on request, a clever "No-Drip" Coffeo Strainer Cou pon privilege, from Dr. Shoop, i Racine, Wis. It is silver-plated, j very pretty, and positively pre-1 vents all dripping of tea and cof fee. The Doctor sends it, with ' his new free book on "Health I nrfnn" oimlv in in t i-nlimo tliiB I vjuiivi. tjiiiiiij iw ......-- ""' clover substitute for real COffee. ticvci suusiitun. ivii iw v-wiiovi- Dr. Snoop's Health Loltee is gaining its great popularity be cause ef: first, its exquiste taste and flavor; second, its absolute healthfulness; third, its economy 1J lb. 25 cents; fourth, its con venience. No tedious 20 to flO minutes boiling. "Made in a minute" says Dr. Shoop. Try it at your grocer's, for a pleasant surprise. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I'ummlnTnliMioniii i Uurtif. n k mi Jon,' i I 'iti , Xotlee la hereby given that UHiitm K ihv of Ilrewaey. Ongon who. on Mismi I'jo. roaJe llomealead Kmr No I - r ii So Ulan, for Lata I .1 1 S.rll . l -hl I Joulli.lUnraSI Kt. ', , nK,-l Peetlon IS. Town-hip 11 'mill I i . t- uflUmelw Meridian haa til In m I o -tlon to make Final Klvi" viar pr ii fin -claim to the land abovi livm I . i the llvsltter nrid R'ClTer at liiirm 1 1 k i on the Uth da of July IDIo Claimant naim-a sa wltnetaea James II. AmlerMHi, Moma Orlrl- N Wi llaina, Joseph a William" all of Un nn i Vx Fahe, lb I-u r NOTICK FOR PlMtUCVTION INITKltSTTr I IM il rl I ltttrne On gun Ju , 1 1 Notice la hereby glu thai IUr t I. : ' o ofllarrlman. (ircg.m, wh. on toy n i made rome-'ead entr Vn 1 " - nil 01714, IotUSN',.!!!, Nt . NI ,U ,ni 1 NWJi bhifi "KM 'Ion .'J ruwi ahlp I - mil ItangeSI Nait. Willamette M n.ilati n- tl , ; notice of inttntion to mukt Ifnal ho a I'roof, to eitahllali ilalm to tin Uu I t t, !ecritI, before the Keglaier and Hm i r m liurna, Oregon, on the 18thday ol Juh 1 '10 Claimant namra aa wltneaaona C 11 Alimua, I H llavi I li ! J ln o all of Ijiwen, O egon Ira ( lark, of llairniinn Oregon Wm Iahhi'. It. Hint. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ISOI.ATK!) TBACT-I'I HI I' UM'MII UWtTgD HTATFJI LA M n Hnroi, On koii, luoi t. I 110 I N'otlcv ia hereby gjitn that, an tire''l l theC'ommlaaloner m iheiiinLral h ol otni under provlalon of Ait of i igri.a" a i , June S7, 1WKI M HtH , .17. w.H ol ' n publicaale tiMho hlgbcn blddtr atli.i ik A M , on the in nay of July i Ii at Ii office, thu lollouing deacrilieil luod LM NKif flee M, T .''. H , I ',i w v lunder application 0.1W7I Any peraon plmlng adverael) th '" i deaerlbcul lituil areadviai'l to IHl imn or objectlona, on o- thi tl in d aigunt 1 fur aale. wm FABiif id .ini r FAK IIa Kl , Urn ivir EXCURSION RATES TO THE EAST During 1910 From All Points on THE OREGON RAILROAD TO Chicago . . Council Bluffs Omaha. . I Kansas City-. St. Paul. . I St. JomiiIi... J St. Paul via Council BluiTs , 03.90 Minneapolis direct .J,00 Minneapolis, via Council Hluffs 03.90 Duluth, direct 00.90 Duluth,' via Council Uluirs G7.50 St. Louis 07.60 Tickets will be on sale May 2nd and 9th; June 2nd, 17th and 24th; " Juno 5th. and 22nd; August 3rd; September 8th. Ton days provided foi the going trip, .Stop overs within limits in either direction. Final return limit three months from date of sale, but not later than October 31st Our way through California $115.00 additional Inquire of any O. R.-& N. Agent for more complete information WM. McMUKKAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon Dlu6 prints of any township in Hums Land District, showing namo of ontrymnn, date and kind of entry, topography, etc., $1.00 each. Piatt T. Randall, Burns, Ore. You will never again bo uuito as you are today mentally or physically. Perhaps not over again will you bo able to got so , "young" a photograph that looks like you as today. Visit the Sayer Studio. NOTICK KOU riJIH.ICATlOV, Units n Status 1 ANiOmtK Iliirui, tin Kim, April ft, 1UI0. Nnllrv Ik licri'hy chen IliM Ihn Statnof Om mm haa IIIimI In thin nlllcc It application "Serial So OUV)) In select, under llin prolsloiis of llii ttot('nsri, appruw-il Annus! 11. lni and hcis supplemental atnlainendator llict 10, ilia Ni:u 9w , r. Ill 1 , II I . W M Ninth of MMlnur I aVo Mi) niiil nil persona tlalmltiK aihersely lh lands itesailbcil. or ilcslrltnt to oljcet liliso i in lUUHIIltl'lllllHnin'lui VI lllv inui, ui w. nil) I ollinr reason, to tho itlsposal to applicant. -diHim II if- uieir niiitinvii in ihuii'.i in iu otftrv, ou or livfoto tho expiration of tho period of pntiticnlloii Wm. Kaimik, IliiitMer. Klrst publication Mn t 1I0 I nst publication JitlyS. UNO. NOTICE I'-OU I'lJHMOATION. UmtkhBtvtm t.siiOrriiit llurns, Oregou, May VI. 1910. Sollcc In hereby nlcn Hint John C Carlson, of Narrona, (Hcstoii. who, on May II, ll, road, llmm'slead Kntry So. Kilo, for NK)i Ni. N'lSKnn'lSWJiSI.'f. Kx'Hon '.'.Town ship l South, Itnuiio i Kaal, lllamclto Mori Uan, has lliixl nuilro of Inlt'lill.iii 10 make Final ( illumination 1'rtHil, to establish rlnlm lotlin Utiit nlioro ileerllcil, l.eforo tho Ileitis mcHiiil lliioivor, nt lluriia, Oreirnii, on the IMh iln) of Jul), l'JIO, iMatmaiit iiameaHS ultncatta (linn, w I.awls, Kted ( Hunan, ninth Tipton, llnvo Hutchinson, nil of .Narrows, tint, (too Wm Farms, ItCglster. NOTICK KOU I'UIHilCATIOiW UNITMbTAThSi.ANl)OrFirK, llutni, urrgou, Mm si, 1V10.I Nollco Is hereby given ttiatOrrllloO. France, of Narrows, Oreirun, who on ft, 11107, inuln bomtatiad entry No, MM, Sirlal No OSITa, for Ml, rrrtlonm), Townthlli South, ItanaeiU Kaat, lllmnottct Meridian, .North of Malheur IjiVo. tutu lllcd iiotlto of Intention to unto Final Commutation Trvof, to establish 1 In I m to tho land above 1I1 net Hum), bfort tha Reaisicr uml Hums, Oregon, on the Dili day of Jul). mil) Claimant nanus as witnesses.. Chares llaltics. Chariest, llarncs, liolh of Narrow. Urt'KOii Hen ttoder, of llurui, Oro tun Irani Smith, of Narrows, Oirson Wm Farrk, ItcgUtcr NOTICK KOU PUHMOATION I'MTbll STATU UN 11 OFKICK, liurna. Ongon, May 23, l'JIO. I Notlrol hereby Klven thai John Ailam. of IIiIav flrririm. who. oil AusUlt .'I, 11HW. Itiatlo bomeateml Miitr). No urvi, for bh. fecllon 14 Marl ilan. hai nioil uolleoof Intention to make ivnu.uiii . . ,, ..Hn-, . ...... -.- final Ooinmutallon l'roof. to utabllili elalm ll b.tul alwvo ileacrllwa. before tli Iteitia ,, .u, iiecrtrrr at Hurni, Oregon, on tho Mh iUr of Julr 1910. tlolniatitnamea aalturnf ftl II MotMinnli, Walter F, Vnilrew J Kfcloim ami U lex Ha) loon. I, all of lllley, Usi, Fakiik. Itiitlilrr NOTICK KOIt l'UULICATION I'MTKH HTATW I.VNII OFFIOK. liurna Oreiron, May i 110 I Notlie h hereby Klven that John F. Bller ol liurut, Oreiron, Mho, on Julr 3. IWAI, made, humratvad enlry .No Jltl. Hi rial No OIMJ. fr t Hecitull 1. Towiuhlp .'I Xouth, Hanitv haul, rtillamctlo Meridian, haa Moil notice of intention lo make Mnal Hve car I'roof, m eilabllth claim to the land aboo dcrrrlbed, Inlore the lletntcr and Herein r, at liurna. . ir.-n.m on tlieTthdayof July 1910 t laimant naiitca wllneea II. nrv (loodlow. of llurn Oregon Wilbur U Warner Kol! IIa)c Marrtllua II. Ilayra nil or Lnucu, Urmon WM Fahrc, llegliter vmm izs- aI Wlodel 1894, !Repeatmgt7fte This rifle ia built for settled districts. where good range and killing power are desired, with safety to the neighborhood. The flTarfin .23-20 la a light, qulclc hanilllng, finely-balanced repeater, with the solid top, closed-In breech nnil Bide ejection features which make fflarin guns safe and agreeable to use ana certain in action. It la made to uae the powerful new high velocity amobrltia loada with Jackaled bulleta aa well aa the well-known black powder ana low rraaaure amobeleaa cart. rldgtt, and ia the Meal rifle tor target work. lor woodchucke, greae, hawka. fbiee, etc, up lo300yarda. Thla rlRe and ammu nition, and all other ZZvtbt rcneatera, an fully deaenbed In our 136-page catalog. Fret for 3 etampe postage. S&jFi&Lj 77ie272urfn2rearms Cx, U Willow Street. HEW HAVEN, CONN. & NAVIGATION CO. RATES $72.50 60.00. In sickness, if a certain hidden nervo goes wrong, thon tho organ that this nervo controls will also surely fall. It may bo a Stomach nervo or it may have given stren gth and support to tho Heart or Kidneys. It was Dr. Shoop that first pointed to this vital truth. Dr. Shoop's Restorativo was not tnndo to dose tho stomach nor to temporarily Btimulato tho Heart or Kidneys. That old-fashioned method is all wrong. Dr. Shoop's Restorativo goes directly to theso failing insido norvs. Tho romnrk ablo success of this prescription demonstrates tho wisdom of treating tho actual cause of theso failing organs. And it is indeed easy to prove. A simplo five or ten days test will surely tell. Try itonce.nnd see! Sold by Reed Bros. NOTICE Any and all persons owing tho firm of Hngcy, Fcnwick & Jack son, either on account or note, aro hereby notified that all such accounts and notes aro now in tho bonds of C. II. Leonard for collection. Such persons are hereby requested to make imme diate settlement of tho same. Dated Aug. fith, 1909. Hagey, Fenwick & Jackson. NO TRKSPASSINO. HuntiiiK 1h forbidden upon my plnco ndjoinltiB liurnn. Trt'cpiiRH rs will bo prosecuted. C. H. VOKUTIiV NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IxOLATXIl TKACT-l'irilLIO 1.ANI1HAI.K UN1TF.II BTATK l VI) OFF1CK.I liurna, Oregon, May 77, IvW.I Notlco la hereby glreu that, aa directed by IheCommlialonerof the (.eueral IjiihI Oftlee, under the irorlilona of the Act of I'ongna- a proved June S7, 1W1 M Hlalii , .1171 no will oiler at publlo lale to the hlgheat bidder, at 10 o'clock, a. m , on the 131 Ii day of July I J 10, at I till office, the following tract ol land f ) 8!i. fee. 11. T ! f , It ttjj K V. M fnnilor application 01'Jii) Any ner.ona claiming adversely Ihn almve tU'icrlUl land, are advlied to rile tbolr clalina or objectlona on or before the lime dcilgualed for tale x fAani, Iteglater Kuan Davisy, llccetter NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. ISOLATKDTKAUT-I'lllll.ll; LANtl HAI.K UmianfTATta I.ANiiOrrlci, I llurnt, Oregon, May 27,1910 I Notice la hereby glveu that, aa directed by theCoinmlilloneroi the General Land Office, under he provltloua of Act of Congreia ap proved June 27. Ivui Jl Hlata., Al, we villi oiler at public aale, to the hlgheat binder, at 10 o clock A Jl.. (initio imiilayo! July, mo, at una oince, me loiiowing-oeacriiHin iana WtJIW'iHeo. M,T 53 8. K W'jK.W.M (utiler application OIIJO), Auypenona claiming adveraily the aht In.n.llil Id.,. I ,., .,....... . HI- Ik.l, .1-1 , ., . .,n-. .nu,, n.w n IRV.l ,11 It.D .llVtl riMllll-t or objecllom, on or before the time deilgualcd lor aaie WM. raaxc, Ileataler, Fhavk Iiavit, Itecelver. llurnt, Oregon, I.lit No, Wm, NOTICK FOH PUIILICATION UxtTrii Htatkb Lax Orrica. liurna, Oregon, May 'Jd, J9I0, Notice la hereby glveu that Charlea K. Haya. by 0 II tfcl.od. attorney In fact. wboaet orrlce addma la Aaiorla, Oregon, haa thla .tllli uay oi May, iviu, men in inn oiatenii appiieu lion to iele.t under the proTliloiiaof the Art of Cougreaa, approred June 1, lav7, the HF'. (tec 21, T. X ., It. SIX, H . M , Nurth of Jlalheur Iwike. Any and all persona claiming adversely the lands describe.!, or desiring to object because of the mineral character ol the land, or lor anyother reason, to the disposal lo applicant, should Ale their affidavits ol protest In thla olDce, on or tforo the 16th day ol July, 1910. VI m. FAaac, Ilegltlcr. Administrator's Sale ol Real Estate at . Private Sate. In the nmttur of tliu estate of William I), Iluclianan, deceased. Notice it) licrobv Klven, that pureiiam to an order of the Hon. County Court of Hnrnoy, Oregon, iiiudo nnd entered on tha 2nd day of May, 1010, tlit under- liit'd, admlnlatrator of tlio (aid cstatu of Wllllum D. Iluclianan, decentcd, will noil at prlvati; nail1, In one parcel, to the biliheat blddor, subject to IIih ronflnua. Hon ofnald court on or after K'th day ol July, 1010 nil of the rljlit tltloand osUlo of told William O, Buchanan, doct'ased In and to the K HVj-4, and Kj, NW and thoSi:;Sec. 0, Tp 28, H. It. 33, KWM, in tho County of Harney nnd Stito of Oregon, Terrng of Salo one half couli In blind, lawful money of tho United Statin, Un balance In one yaar at 8 per cent pur an num, Hecured by II rat morlnauo on the land, 1'urcliaier lo defray expeiiBO ol deed itml nbatract, nesumo payment of nil taxcn, and all antesamentaof whatsoever kind of naturo that aro In anyinu chargeahlu to tho land. All bld8 to bo In Hrltliiii and rualud, and If ft nt the olllco of A. W. OoHan. IluriiM, Oregon, tittornoy for the under signed administrator. (IIJOKCU: I,. IIUCHANAN, Adinlnlstrnrnr of aald oatnte JOHN ROBINSON Stock Inspector, Harney County. Home Address Hums, Ore. TiEAGAZroE READERS SUNSET MAGAZINE bcautifulljr illustrated, good slorUa and articles about Ciarua aid til the Far Wesl. CAMERA CRAFT devoted each month to the si. luue reproductioa ol the best work l anateui anal airolftswaal photographer i. $1.50 a j-sar S1.00 a year ROAD 07 A TnOUBAHD WOWDERS a book ol 7 pages, containing 120 colored phologisphi ol picturesque spots ia CaUoraia $0.75 asdOiageav Total .. . S3-35 All for .. . . . $1.50 AeUtMt all orders la SUNSET MAGAZINE Flood Bu3ci Sea Francisco N15W CLUlJIJINfl PROPOSITION Wo liavo arranged to olfcr in connection with this paper, tho now monthly farm mngazino just started at Lincoln, Nebraska, by Prof. II. W. Campbell and dovot ed to tho subject of how to farm in tho dry country and how to got best results from hoII tillago under normal conditions. This Paper is Campbell's Scientific Farmer and wo offer it clubbed with The Times-Terald both for $2.fi0 per year cash. Prof. Camp bells' new paper is a monthly, chock full of good things, tho only paper of its kind in tho world, and it embodies tho re sults of the editor's many years of painstaking investigation of tho soil tillage proposition. Religious ScrvlccH. Tho following aro Rov. A. J. Irwin's regular preaching ap pointments for the year 1910. Burns tho third and fourth Sundays of each month at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunset School House at 10:150 a. in. tho first Sunday of each month. Narrows at 1 p. in. and 7:30 p. m. the first Sunday of each month. Waverly at 10 a. in. the second Sunday of each month. Lawen at i$:.H) p. in. and 7:30 p. in. the second Sunday of each mouth. Denstead School House at 3 p. m. tho third Sunday of each month. Sunday School at Burns every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock a. m. Services at the Baptist Church first and second Sundays in each month. Sunday School at 10 n. m. every Sunday. Prayer meet ing Thursday evening. The Lone Star RESTAURANT China tiiori;o, I'mptlctor. Cor. Main nml It HUitIh. IVIHAUS AT Auu HOURS Bakery in connection A Specially of Short Orders. Tablti furniHlit'd with itvorytliiiii tlio market allbrdH Votir pntroic a;o Holicilt'd. (IKKK1IAI. I1IIIKOTOUV aTATg (IKKddMt U H Hrlialnta Jiinalhaii llniimn Jl ti.ii. K. rtiamtwrlalll W It Villa, J llawlrjf A.M Crawfutil K W, llcuaou K n llansuti .11 AUtl .. .1. II. Ackcrntan H IMinltrajr i I'. H. Ilaati . V, A. Mix.rr 1 Unlit Kakln UoliKtrastuvli Atliirnojr llcnoral liofvrnur pructai ) Hlato Irrasuror Hui I'ulillr liislrurllnu hlata I'diitir 8urcintt Jmlnna NINTH JUIllL' DlrtrllK.'T. District JihlKe lilstrlrt Atliirnur Huilty Hist Ally tiro K. Iiavla J W Mrlullmli 0 II lSiiliatil Circuit Court iiirota lb flrsf Mumlar hi A.fllan. fltst Mutulajr II, Octolwr Joint Konatur ( w I'arrlsh W 11 lirooko COUMTYIUUNKVI Uiiuutjr JuiIkd Clerk lleasuror burvoiur . Hhirlli Assessor Schoul cni,erliileuilvnt (,'uruner block Inspector Cummisslutiors ), V lU'Cloi Ham Mutlierslivail K N Jamusou A (I Faulkner A, K. lllcliarilsuu 1 J. IKilieiiaii I, M llauilltou 1 lleatr .Jolill ItublllSOII (I.. N rtlallanl 1(1 A Hmrlll 1'ixinljr Cuutt mttla lliu first W elncailax in January, Marih, May, July, btpteinU'r and Kuvcmlior. iiakmky i). a i.anii orriL'ir, Kciiister ttacelver rn Karro l-tatik I)rc) llTIT.-llUHNa' Major. Hecoruvr. Tnasiirnr iUi.hal, Ham Moll rralua.l I'.T. Ilamlall J.0 UtliomaJr M. r. (W. C lire A. C. IU JiinOcmb A U Hwali M. V. W lama r. C llrown I'oilliillintii nciroiuv ciiilMtrllnx aiu Mrvlmiia if llm Council umry Hccoucl ami Kourlli Ucliusilnr DO YEARO' EXPERIENCE Tiiadc Maims UESIOH9 CopVmoHTe Ac. Arironasonitlng aaki'lrtiSHdfcclrtsinlTnng' qu.oalr asmrlalii our 0 lilloll lrao V(hiII f Iuronllon 14 tlrohalr taii.titatiuV, 0MnnHatHn liiiiaslrlrtlrronnreiitlil UangKinknnl'juiu soiit free ill 1isc autitii y for srolirtaw JuilimsllL Talnnta ukeii flirniiirli HfftTn ItviitrV. tltlat willtt, wltniiUKlfrirASinUlu Scientific Jlntcrkan. A lianrlsnrnelr lllestral.od warlitn J.it1 rtr. rulatloii of anriumurii Xliitniri. TorBA" aarl four inohtfla, f-I. ranQ WWlriojaairijeSBb i1IUNN&Co.b,"mHbwi liraticli nN, CIS V Ht..airnniiSni, (1,8? NOW'IeW TIME cf tlia Mr to bv qor tewth col ftni ndtirtds rnrkd( lOIt. FAIMia oi inwn lAirotu w tall ilrona it a ml ftnlih plat lirldatit wnrk t work In on Ur if niKHwMrrt rmoui MolirCrowni S5.D0 t2kDrlJnTi.tS3.60 QoUrilllnvi 1.00 CAimil rutipn 1.00 siivir rmiflii .60 puim 6.00 DfitRubbir - -- rutu 7.60 FtlrttiM Citr'lfon ,60 BtST HRTHOOa hartM or lrtdi work Kl Dftnnol LittA bisstUrtiow mvU yon ptit iou iui iiiiPtu TBrB Wise Dental Co. INCORPOKATCD Painless Dentists Dttlts Usatsi A. M. le S t, M. Iaa4a;s, t ve a ijTjjTjra aDViP-l H. We A. Wilt, tumtn m Umtu JM fUN IITIKNIII nNmui 'ftUlM Ejtrftttlon Ft m hi fsarilaad. I kiiu I taLlnn Vrat pliimMwoth injhte, no a All work t ullr cuaruiiti The Times-Herald is offering most attractive Clubbing Rates to Hh HtiliHcribrvH a present THE TIMES-HERALD One near with the Portland Weekly Oregonian $2.50 Portland Semi-Weekly .Journal $2.50 S. F. Weekly Examiner $2.65 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World $2.50 Semi-Weekly St. Louis Republic $2.35 Farm Progress FREE lo every paid in advance Subscriber Get one or more of these jjwkI papers in connec tion with The Times-Herald for the lone; win ter evenings. Call and get Clubbing Prices JOB PRINTING Tho Tlnu'a.lltrnlil Im I'rrpnrcil to ilo tlio Very Kent and Moat SntlaTnctory Work In tlilit line. Wo lime all Hie LATEST TYPE FACES mid u very Complete Line FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY Blue Mountain Rapid Transit Line Operating from Austin ria 1'rairie City, Jolia Day, Cannon City to Hums, Oregon i (lii)H from Ilnkci City to Hunts, Oreyou. Four and six horse stock and covered coaches the entire distance Kailroad to Hums 105 miles For rates ask L. WOLDENBERG, Manager. Oa,n.37-o:n. Oity, Oregon. W. W. DRINKWATER iik ff 4ifl!n? Main St., - BURNS SVIILLING CO. HORTON &. SAYER, Propts. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic, Flooring, Moulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Good Road. Lumber Yard ia Burns. THE ANDERSON HOTEL MUS. CIIAS. ANDIsUSON, Propl. I lmvo ro-oponed tho hotel nnd tho old-tiino frionds nnd customers aro iiRuiu invited to como nnd bo nt home. You will ilntl tho wtmo home-comforts nntl welcome its usual. The old favorite Family Motel where quests rece ive Special Attention ami Good Service. SOU ill BURNS, OREGON-Near Fair Grounds. THE TIIVIES-HERALO Job Printing. TIlEVVINDSUKf? fcVlllSjiir i. ilttf and Hai (ultintf Blacksmiiliing and tlorseshoiiig, Wagon Work COOLEY AUTO MATIC BRAKES Burns, Oregon. PIIOFK88IONAL 0ARD8. Wm. MILLER, ATTOIINKY AT LAW, Durnn, Ori'Kon, Hooiim r nntl (I Oild Follow HulltlliiK G. A. REMBOLD Attornoy-nl-Law, Burns, Oregon OlniH. II. Loonuitl, ATT(1IINKY-AT-I,AW, Ouruful nttontion givon lo Colloo- lions nnd Ileal Estate) mnttnrf. I'lro Iiitiiranco. Notary Public BUHNB, OHEOON. GEO. S. SIZKMORE, ATTOHNKy, lU"N. t Okkoom Uullootioii, Und builnew, nntl Itaal KlaloiiiBtieriromrtlvlUiiiJed to. CHARLES W. EtiLIS LAWYER Hums; - - ' Oregon rrnctlct'H In thu Htntu Court! nnd be fore tho U 8. Lonil Odlco. A. W. GOWAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW SUite Courts and United States Land Office Practice Three doors South of the Harney County National Bank Uurns, Oregon. U. LU. CBflRY I'liinli'Inn nntl HurKeoii. HuniH, - - - Oregon. Office In now building tiouth of U'olcome liarnesui shop, Main St. riiotiu MbIii85. DEf.friAN & DENMhN, Physicians and Surgeons Call miiwurod promptly night or day 'I'lionu lliirrlman. Harrlman, Oregon MflRSPEN & GRIFFITH I'll) nltlaim nud Surgoom. I1UIIN8, OHEOO.N. ti. E. (1IBBRRD DE1TTIST Olllcu first door east photo nailery IlitrDJ, Oregon. W. C. BROWN, DEKTTIST. lluitss, Ohkuoh. Olllco In new land olllco bolldlnj;, next door north ol post olllco. HOCIKTIKH. IIAKNKV i.OUUK, NO. 77, I. O O l Meets erery Btunlay In Odd Fellow Hall al7:iupm. V. A.fole. Ar ti r llorton, Hecretarr. N. U. i.ii, .-.rn uinir. .iu, r, a r. A N., Mrrtautery tlralaml third rtatiiHajr lueaih m.'nlli j K luasall. Vi. M. I llioa Hagera, bvcrrlar) I IIAKNKV VAI.I.KVUA.MI" No SOI, W. of . Mceta overj- first and second Tueadajr. .., , ,, C. W.McClaln. Com. V. A. Oovran, Clerk. IIU11N3 UllAITKIt NO I0.O.E.8. Meelaeterv second and fourth Moiulaya, In Uaaonle Hall. Kra Byrd, t. 1. .enct(lowau,8crstarx. ' HVI.VIA RK1IKKAH I1KOKKK MoetaoTorj- 1st and id Wodncsdax. Doll, liill.rd Rco H.c'y. "' 'e' N "' rui.K cute i.k No. im, w. of w. ' MchIs rvory fotirlli Tuesday. . . ... L Maud llorton. O M. Heater Ooodnian, Clerk. $1500 Reward! The OretonL'all fornla and Ntvad. 1.1th HUK-k I'roteo Hon. Association, of which the umlnr alan.d Is a member will .lye II oou 00 rowarilforevldinre leadlna; to Ilia ar- llu rTui l,u coiiYicnon V70I .njr party or par iiaa air.iiiia; norsea. caltlo or mules Iw loiiKlnttoanxof Its Ill addition lothoabo,.. (Iih nnilAr.i.ii.ii ..r ters on tho aamo loudlilon :oo.oo or all horsa branded hoiso shoo liar on ImiIi or either Jaw llraml recorded In elshl couutlrs. Hangs Har tley, Uko audi rook lounlUs. Horses cnled whnn solil. Nena but uroun horses sold. and onlv in lim. bitni'lies W, W, 1IKOWN, Hfe, Oregon T Wo I'ollut't tioryliuro nrul make 11 I'linrgo iinliHs collection Isuinilo. Wo ploilHU mi; client . ., f.sl5: To. A Oil rutin , Moikun Mkiicantilk Co., ' Koiiton UJ ' 1'ortlaiul, Om, JAsK- A The Haf ney Valley Brewing Co. Maiiulttctururtf o( eird. JEJLire "TST'.tor Family Trade Solicited FreelDcllvery T. E. JFNKINS, Manager rguvi-TinTrsrsn'sasffiaTs aTl Sumpter Valle Railway timij TAitu; no. :m in JUNi: 1 1, 1(108. Kl WCHt lloilllil, No 1 I'naa n in. J''t y No. 2 I 'a., I 0i30 Lv Duller City hi hi Oi.16 0:08 10:01 10.07 Knutli llnkor rfllnlntrf l-ocklinrlt TlioinpBoiif 10:17 " Stolilititt .Tanctlotit 10:22 WitturTnnkt 'DiiKii'ri Hnurt Alcncnt JUNCTIONt Kumptor JUNCTIONt f-iilnmltt O I, Campt Vlillnet TIITONt AtiBtln 10:32 " 10:39 " 10:55 ' 11:10 ' 11:15 " 11:40 " NOON 12:00 " T. M. 13:05 " 12:10 " 1:10 Ar Slop on ulifimln only $No agtj Tlrkcta laatlcil onlv fur Mtntlnh.. trains urn hlIkmIiiIiicI In nnit., ,J Btop. I'iihcimikti mint purcliattj ctu whorH dKctitHt.'xIat ItoforoeoJ trnlmor25 roiiln In niltlltlon totil Kiuurmru will hi) clmrijeil. JOSKl'H A. WKST.E, gkantoi:i)I)i:r abi. 8opt, JUVFNS ARMS ro for ca!o by ell procreumfl hiti arc c d Sporting Goods iicrchanti VAX IICMWS jUnh , " OUNS AND CUNING " will lie mnllitl pi tiiuul i appllcAiit I, J hTLtiv A il ioot t n A i am t 111 i, l all . u,nl " i Ji ti D' nt 'i ti ; f-r I hi, lll.Ail i fi! r i Im i . 9 J. STEVE'15 ARMS 4 TOoL rot' V ' DiarrBioe When you want a quick cute any loss of tunc, and one that U f vj no pan results, use Chamberlain's Colic, Chclora aa uiarrnoea Kerne Tt ntfVr fjUa nitil t nl.n.m. m Il U cauallr valuable for children. 1 famous for Its cures over a large pa. ue civtitsej world. john (;i:.Miii:itLiN(i, Jrovolor. Optician Mnirravor. 'Finti Watch Kopainnj A 5 I . ' c,a"y I Get Well Firs Bw-Wiiti-; i pni Don't cvch a penny unt t ht 1 uii-i niinns. And 1 m nit ut rxnrtlr Hint 1 mil tho omi 1 li -11 11111 who utrs tn t sxi tv" 1, 0111 ,11 my own i'Mk 1 im) roi ) it . f loo If tt fulls lo lirmir ii hutu Ami lor M iur lir r-liinia moil 1 nb Inhmi tiMMlnnd nHoiiini, ihUmI In i r) ilU liunil, lln Aim 11 a 'l!n niM lHisit is n in t,ry ronniiiiiuii aim ti) nv t Then h it tin rush util nt r no. oilier nun an i.l 11111I im iiimi 1 n lhimviiiils "I'll tlhitwitula h v lit ll. .!,.,, lv it-..I llr s 1 nn at! T rut la When thu Homniluiini nrt m 1 lorl no iirrtMfall In -ifl onokiiowl r lir Mioop's II, iomll will lirlntT Hi alat hutllhninilii Hill Otsiqruil, I ty 1 a lytuKeno moneyrhk whatictr.T i that wlisnnnv lnm f 1st ..lii.h llr Lm. -m k. Htionn ) hlnnulf glsilly 1 ncllw r t Slt for that l I W lht tioln full tOilir t, mi. nils it crs: lint wrlui ma fl it for nn m1 HiU will iuinil, lav ami .1 - tntnlntm, t,t All drinrirUU uill In M10.n1 -, It. .tonitnc stJ Mioop HiitMininiio 10 ineiiy, nur ait nru not thoilmltnirliotlia lili . it K .Ir.niues DliMiKifor 1 liaoaptMlnUKl 1,11 lion, a ih siMiinlbto ln 2 pl.t 1 1 sit owry uimiiinn x Ity i T tol-nw my "no K" fS X7 In In t luodktiK 10 tho A Ci V sick T in" wiitcli hrtoK yon - in l itiet N'low ultl Hiirily nrnti ltpnrw ami In tulk totliosu w 1)0 urn mt i II lb sii, )on nraprr ly fnmlnroiistilt tnoitih r.-iiioiitl) itirK pnisicinn jiyuitviiHi ui 1 'io ihhii uief youra-anJ wlllniuK w IVrhapan o-il or lo from 1110 will 'li soioostIimh nl'imnt I Inno ht'lHl I' taw upon tlinnitnl4 by mj i1 lirtiATrlnlloti or HH n. r.nni.1 aji Plan My bs.t tf R- Tflirt I sur worth)iiiirlmpln A XJ il miii st v a,,,., ,, iit.n ,,,,1 , .v. 111I111I, for tomorrow uout conu 1 r s on) 1.', 1UIIIIO, IMS WMca Boo5 Skill I Seal Teal Ho, 1 On l)'tl sla V 1 ir N en No Dflnllio Hmri No.tI"urMf Vo 8 On tha Kl.lnoji No 0 On l-'i mt4'. Dr. Shoop's Restorative is?s??': I I rl I v'.ti it i I hU.h vm ,nn lUA m I aJfjpT,..:. ;iS I '. ou