The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 11, 1910, Image 3

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    " - '-" " '"'
Local News.
is. uwcn lsciowmromsiivics.
llcd bnrloy nt The Busy Cor-
m suinvnn nas ueen over
Diamond for n few dnys.
io best meal in Harney coun-
mmor 25 cents at tho Overland
e repair all breaks but the
k of day Mays & Finch,
few fractional sections of
mon school land for salo A.
m. George.
has been suggested that wo
Col. Hofer up from Salem to
' for rain.
ays & Finch, paper hangers,
decorators. Carriage paint
and Furniture redressing,
:ier Building.
e nave aceaea properties
rom u to suuu acres tnat at
cnt prices will be sure toj
le within two years. Ask us
Kit them. Randall, Passenger
. A. Korten left Wednesday
ning for Chicago after spend-1
several weeks looking after I
tbig farm near this city. He
t to the railroad in company
Mr. Hanley in his auto.
0. Stevenson, of Forest
ve, state game warden, spent
mvr days in this section this
Kk attending to his oflicial
Mies, lie leu tnis morning in
little Reo auto for Lakeview
g enroute to urater imkq,
tmath Falls and other points
Southern Oregon.
I. C. Howard has rented the
rten farm four miles east of
ms and nas arrangea
h Mr. Korten to make somei
ft ensive improvement on me
:e and next season will likely
almost the entire section in
m ps. Mr. nowara nas a large
lily of boys and is a practical
. . , . , ,
Best, strayed or stolen irom my
:eon Little Stenchen Water
ing the summer of 1909,
bay yearling colt, one black
fling filly, both branded an
ifchor R connected, the anchor
Ing horizontal, on right stifle,
will pay a liberal reward for
Sir return to me or for informa-
that will lead to their recov-
Drewsey, Oregon.
ftlason Smith and wife left
dnesday in company with
irtis Smith for the railroad.
ley will go immediately to Cor-
lis where Mason will take up
duties in the postal service.
irtis took them to Dixie ana
returned to Canyon where
will be married next Wednes-
to Miss Vivian Cozad. The
MUng people win come to mis
iy at once where they will re-
fle. ineir inenas win oe giuu
fclwelcome them.
with us with tho samo easo and safety
as though you called upon us in person.
Wo give especial attention to our
banking by mail business, thus insur
ing our out-of-town patrons of tho
best possible servico
Capital and Surplus $60,000.00
United States Depositary
Accounts Invited
Good vinegar at The Busy Cor
ner Store.
Clothes pressed and cleaned at
Schenk Bros.
John Witzell and wife are up
form Narrows.
The new breakfast food
Cremo a local product
Mrs. Clifford Cleveland was
among our visitors this week.
Good, substantial, well cooked
meals at the Home Hotel is what
the boarder likes,
James Anderson and wife came
over from Calamity yesterday.
Fresh Walnuts, Almonds and
Peanuts at the Busy Corner Store.
Tho French Hotel serves a
fine Sunday dinner and special
attention is given to family
Mrs. II. M. Horton left last
week for Portland and other out
riMh noints to visit for an inde
finite time. '
For Sale 1G0 acre relinquish
mont with cabin, good well of
The resent frost did not dam-1 water, 100 acres fenced. Inquire
age crops out in the valley away
from the river.
Empire Real
anything for
at this office,
Tf vnu have anv property to
sell. See us about. We will get
results. -Randall, Passenger K
Maloney. M. T. Ash, who has been quite
ill at the Overland, has recover
oA fnntl is able to bo on the
streets again although still weak
Those having relinquishments
or real estate for sale should
nnnonH V. W. VmiValkcnburir.
il. ..-! (! tvinn nt Ilia nf1lf(
uiu ivui vauiku mini, v ..."
in Burns.
See the Inland
ty Co. if you have
sale or exchange.
We are not superstitious but
we believe in Signs, Mays &
Finch, The Fixers, Locher Bldg.
A few fine quarter sections of
best timber lands. See us about
them. Randall, Passenger &
Dr. Marsden was called to
Lawen to see Mrs. Lloyd John-.
son. The lady was quite ill but ReBular preaching services at
is better. .tlie Baptist church tomorrow
Miss K. Neugebauer is located ' morning and evening. There
in the Jorgensen building south, will also be baptising at the
flour mill in the afternoon at
Arthur Witney come down s Fresh groceries of the very
from their Spring Creek ranch best brands and a complete new
last Saturday quite ill. He was line of dry goods, furnishings,
vnrv ainlr Snrwlnv hllf. 1R imiiroVO- ntn mnv lin found at HaKCy &
at this time. Richardson's The new stone
Cnkonlr Rhm: An nnf hnvn in Store.
, send your suit back to a Phila- Mrs. Thos. Howard, one of
delphia lawyer for alteration. I the old time lovely pioneer
They are tailors and can do it .indies of this section, was over
themselves. from her nomo nenr Drewsey
P. G. Smith started Sunday! the first of the week on land
with about 100 head of young I business. She was accompanied
draft horses that he will dispose ibv Mrs. August Miller another
nf in fhn fnrminor district of ninnper who is noted for her
Umatilla county. I hospitality, and A. I. Johnson.
Main St and is prepared to do
all kinds of dress making. ,
We can suit the most fastidious. We have just received
a full line in HIGH CUT, OXFORDS and SLIPPERS
in black, tan and ox blood, for men, women and children
We are showing the famous Hart, SchaiTncr &
Marx Clothing in all the latest styles and colors
For men, women and children. Guaranteed for six months.
If our goods are not satisfactory we give you your
I. SCHWARTZ, Proprietor
Locations as good ns tho best
- A. F. B. George.
J. II. Garrett is recovering
from an attack of spotted fever.
Wanted parties to contract to
put up from 000 to 1000 tons of
hay. Inquire nt this olllce.
Wo have a number of good
sccondliand wheels for salo or
rout. -Mays &, Finch, Tho Fxors.
Some very desirable residence
properties in Burns. Suo us about
them. Randall, Passenger & Ma
loney. Delvin Fnrrell, a recent ar
rival from Seattlo is suirering
from typhoid fever nt tho Sum
mit hotel.
Tho personal attention given
guests at the French Hotel has
given it a good reputation L. B.
Culp, Proj).
Neil Smith left Monday morn
ing for Corvallis where lie goes
to ho present at tho commence
ment exercises.
The Edison Phonograph is
gaining in popularity and should
Ins in every homo Lunaburg &
Dal ton are resident agents.
Mays it Finch left this morn
ing for Canyon, Prairio and in
termediate points. They will do
a lot of road signs while en route.
ir you aim: (ioincto tkavix.
Um tin' llnrncy County National I limit
They nru wIMilonlirjInir.
If you desire your cows bred to
the II. C. Lovens thoroughbred
Red Poll bull lot Ed. Goodman,
who has the pasture, know.
The fee is $5.
W. K. Garrett como over from
Stiver Creek last Saturday going
to the Grant Thompson home at
Malheur Gap to erect a large
barn for Mr. Thompson.
Meats from Gc to I2jc. Best
loinsteak, 12Jc; boils, Gc to 7o;
roasts from Gc to 8c; sausage,
12ic; pork, lGc Young's Meat
Market & Grocery.
Chas. Moore and wife were
over from Happy Valley yester
day Chas. having come over to
file on a homestead and says he
is going to bo a farmer.
Reatos for sale, all sizes and
lengths, price 20 cents per foot.
Any one desiring Reatos address
W. A. Ford of J. 0. Alberson,
Alberson. Oregon.
Miss Hazel Spry, who has been
suirering from typhoid fever at
the Schenk residence is reported
doing as well as could be expect
ed. She is a bister of Harry
Six pairs of Holeproof Hosiery
are guaranteed to wear six
months without getting a hole in
them. The best is the cheapest.
Get them at I. Schwartz, The
Busv Corner Store.
Harry C. Smith is making
some quite extensive improve
ments on his residence and when
completed it will be one of the
trwiuf pnnimniliniDt in Hums
... .....
Samuel Kolm A: Co.. the great
Ladies Tailors of Chicago have
made Schenk Bros, their agents
for Burns and Harney County.
They invito the ladies to call and
see a line of the very latest
sampcls. Suits from $18 up.
Messrs. Hyde & Begg came
down from tho lime kiln yester
day bringing a load of the first
lime burned at the new location.
It is of exceptional quality and
will bo of much benefit to the
building trade in this section.
You may look and you may lis
ten, but you will eventually call
on Irving Miller and take advant
age of some of his bargains in
real estate. Also the man wish
ing to sell can not do better than
to list with him. Room (5, Odd
Fellow building.
Mrs. Julian Byrd took her de
parture Monday morning for a
short visit to outside points. She
will attend the 0. E. S. grand
lodge and take in tho rose festival
in Portland and visit relatives
and friends in Willamette Valley
as well as a trip to Tocoma and
Rtrnvoil nr stolen, nnn urrnv
saddle and driving gelding with
dark mane and tail, branded LX
with bar under on left stille,
weight about 1000 lbs. Last seen
at my place at the foot of Sten
chin Water mountain, Saturday,
May 28. A suitablo reward for his
return or information leading to
his recovery.
Gno. Gatks.
Drewsey, Oregon.
Carl Welker has organized a
stock company of local talent to
put on a series of entertainments
during tho lth of July week. The
evening of tho 4th there- will ho
a big danco givon by tho orches
tra. A western comedy drama
will ho tho attraction tho even
ing of tho Gth, and tho evening
of tho flth will bo vaudeville
Another drama tho 7th and a big
danco tho 8th. Mr. Welker has
some excellent help and will put
on attractions that will bo suro
to please. There- will bu new
songs, monologues nnd specialties.
Walter Sullivan has gone east
on a visit to his old homo.
Mays & Finch, Tho Fixers, have
a Bicycle hospital in tho Locher
Mrs. Frank Qole has been ill
this week but is now able to be
about her work again.
8000 acres of good land lying
along proposed railroad routes
$8 per acre. See A. F. B.
0. J. Neutz, ono of tho new
energetic homesteads near
Law-en, was a visitor to our city
this week.
Wanted G homesteaders to file
on land near place where work
can bo had at once. Inquire at
this olllce.
J. W. Brown is building a barn
and making some improvements
on tho residence at the Mrs.
Jones placo on tho river.
The registered Jersey Bull of
( M. Huirman will again be at
tho Cortes Elliott barn in this
city during this season.
Wm. Hanley loft Wednesday
in his auto for tho railroad en
route to Portland. He will be
absent an indefinite time.
We still have a few choice loca
tions along the survey of Hill nnd
Harriman Lines. Seous about
them. Randal, Passenger & Ma
loney. Henry Landreth left liereHlast
Saturday in company with his
niece for Baker City where he
will reside. He has a brother
living there.
Schenk Bros, have received a
load of freight containing their
spring nnd summer supply of the
latest fashions in shoes, hats,
shirts, etc.
L. Stewart is ill at the county
hospital with spotted fever. He
recently arrived here to work
for W. W. Drinkwater in tho
blacksmith shop.
The entire stock of goods now
on display at the new store of
Hagoy & Richardson, is fresh
and now. Patrons may find al
most anything desired there.
It. A. Miller and wife and
Grant Reynolds were in from
the Warm Springs homes this
week. The grasshoppers are
very thick and hungry in their
neighborhood and the boys have
decided to let them have the
Jason Bennett was in the city
for a few days this week looking
Hf tor-some business. His health
litis been bad for sometime and
he has leased his ranch and will
leave at once with his family for
the coast where ho hopes to im
prove. V. Cawlfield was over from the
Happy valley country during the
week and informs us that he will
not bo able to compete for fruit
premiums this season on account
of the May frost which has thin
ned his crop very much.
C. B. Smith spent several days
in the city this week completing
details and properly filing his
townsite, Princeton. He now
has every thing in shape and
ready to sell lots. Lumber is on
the ground for a store, feed
barn, blacksmith shop and he
hopes soon to have a new hotel.
Dir.D At the homo of S. Al
berson, Mny 29, 1910, Rufus
Thompson Copley, age 88 years.
He was born in 111. on tho 27th
of April 1822. He was one of
Harney county's eaily Pioneers,
having como to this country in
tho early seventies. He has no
relitives that ho has hear of for
over 30 years but leaves a host
of friends to mourn his death
E. F. Clark of La Grande,
who recently purchased tho Mrs.
Cowing ranch on Prather Creek,
arrived from tho Grand Hondo
country Monday in company
with Dr. Biggers, W. E. Ruck
man and W. II. Miers. They
came over in an auto and made a
trip to tho P Ranch nnd Catlow
Valley. Tho party started on
their return yesterday morning.
Dn:n -At his home in this city,
Thursday, June 9, James P.
Dickonson, aged 09 years. Mr.
Dickenson took quito ill last week
with a severe fever and this wns
complicated by a diabetic condi
tion which caused his death.
Mr. Dickenson was born in' Vir
ginia and camo to Western Ore
gon mnny years ago where ho ro-
rided until ho moved to this val
ley somo 22 years ago. Ho is
survived by two children, Mrs.
Rose Kern of Nnrrows and a son
Guy Dickenson, now in tho Wil
lamette valley. His former wife
is also in tho Willamette and his
second wifo wns with him at tho
timo of his death. Ho was wide
ly known throughout this section
and hud many friends. Tho fun
eral servico was hold nt tho com
otory yesterday afternoon, con
ducted by Rov. Irwin of thoPres-
Roo Buchanan and wifo were in
from the homestead Tuesday.
Tho very best accommodations
may bo obtained at the Overland
I If ,1 .il lf mi In VlrT huhI
iiuiul muuin tj mviim. v
(Jon (.motors Wiseman te bhop-K
ard began the foundation for
the Lunaburg, Dalton & Co.
qtono atoro building and tho
work will proceed quite rupidly
untill tho big building is com
pleted, Estkay One bay horse, weight
nlinnt 1(fr 11. u ,trf4l. n av.nll Klnlnt. '
brand on loft hip, bunch on right
kneo nnd two wire cuts on same
leg, camo to my placo near Warm
Springs a year ago. Owner may
have him by proving property
and paying expense.
J. E. Chandler,
Burns, Oregon.
Contractor Smith is getting
material on the ground for the
Ma-onic building. The old wood
strticturo has been torn down
and tho grounds are being clear
ed ready for excavation. It is
possible the lodge will be in
readiness to lay the corner stone
on July 4. If such can bo done
the Grand Master of tho state
will be present to perform that
Pain anywhere stopped in 20
minutes sure with ono of Dr.
Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. Tho
formula is on tho 25-cent box.
Ask your Doctor or Druggists
about this formula! Stop woman
ly pain, headache, pains any
where. Write Dr. Shoop, Racine,
Wis, for free trial to prove value.
Reed Bros.
Wishing is the Pastime of Idleness
While working makes things come to pass.
Money is the power that drives the wheels of
commerce and secures the necessities and
comorts of life.
A bank account helps you to save money and
become a man of power in your community.
Commercial and savings accounts solicited.
Harney County
National Bank
Owned and Controlled by Home People.
lias just recmed a fresh lol of
New nnd handsome Post
Cards, Stationery, Ink, '
Pens, Pencils, Novelties.
Fine assortment of everything
D.R. MOTE, Bums, Oregon
We handle a complete line of everything
usually sold by up to date druggists. It is
This we do by courteous treatment and
reasonable prices to al our customers
The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon.
Mt. Vernon Hot
is coming and
Burns will Celebrate
Tlmy n ro Ideated In tho licnullliil
Dny Valloy, 'J)a tniluH nor ill ol Mt Vur-
lien, unci 1 '!,' inilot u't ot Canyon City
In (Iriint I nutily, Ort-KOii. Tlio elocu
tion l 2700 feet und tho clliim'u li mild
throughout tliuyuur. Tliu prlnKi hloh
furnMi wnttT for tho until nndtliu
inliiK pool (low L'6,000 KitHon or dny ol
hli'.lily nilnonilli-d hotuutoroi a tcm
Hrntiiro in l!ie (IlllVri nt nprlnun o( 100
to Vi'l I'. TIicko ("prints are ltlout
rival or coin potion (or tho reason that
you run get tho water Jiut tlio propor
tumpt'ruturo for battling without artill
tiul lu-utliiK or ililiillnt! with cold uater
and thorohy ilctttrojlng tho meilloal pto
pottlcn. Thvto springs hate Jut u o
to public not U'o for tlio rcimnn that thoy
hao JiiHt been fitted Up for the comfort
und benellt of tho iinnlld and tlioso
H-okliiK recreation.
Nature wan the ehemlat hocotnpoud
(l the water which cures, and In hnr
luhratory deep In the motorics ot tho
earth nhu prepared thofo curative
n atom; and thone suffering from rlieu
mullein, Kut, okiii dlioUBe, kidney or
bladder trouble or any catarrhal condl,
tiuu of the Btomnch find almost InnUiit
relief und in mokt cams permanent cures
in from four to eight necks.
Our clmrgeN are rcusonnble. Come
when jou will winter or summer; o
are alu)s open nnd ready to welcome
Tor further information address,
. A. MURPHY, Proprietor
Mt. Vernon, Orcgog.
Are you ready? If not get busy and see !
Lunaburg-, Dalton & Co.
about your
j v . a , l li l. l , r a v-, -. 1 ., U1V(
Grain, Feed, Groceries, Produce, Cherries, t
Straw Berries, Bananas, and Oranges.
is known by the harness he uses
A VAQUEEO by the saddle he rides.
Evere horseman should have the
best, both as to quality and price.
You can get highest quality
and lowest prices at
DE3Ca.xn.ess a,n.d. Saddles
The Eastern Oregon
Engineering Co.
mini ttitLTimn 1 1 itin
uiil, niimiwiAi. nav t
Main Ofllco, Hums, Oregon
A. O. FAUI.KNItlt, Mfir,
Government Land Locators and dealers in
Branch Olllce, Lukcvicw, Oregon :
0. H. fAl'LKNFII, Mkir.
Grand Celebration
July 4, Burns, Or.
JULY 2, 3, 4 AND 5, 1910
Horse Races, Basebll, Dancing, Music
Hon. Frank Davey, Orator of the day
Prof. M. A. Biggs, reader of Declaration
See posters for full program
byteriun church,