The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 11, 1910, Image 1

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    wmmmfMi, ijtfiinaaimmmmimmmmeummmM)immmm
fEttr (Blent afiniueu (Cotitiiry
Covurii an nrcn of ,I28,H00 hi n ol
Inml, 4,().'ll,lirl ncrcn yrt vornnt wililtct
louiilry iiiiiIit tin) public land lni ol
tho Uiilli'il Billies, i
tt VIma3UrnI&
The Offloltl rpcr of lUrnej County
hn the Urgot circulation and li ono of
the btit kdtcrtUinR tnodluusi In Bittern
'ounty Court Makes Boundary Line6
But Subject
limes of Some Old Precinck Changed and Five New
Ones Added William Hanley Makes Largestbhip
ment of Cattle Ever Made From Eastern Oregon.
Ikn ndjourned term of county
rt was held the first of this
tek to make temporary bound-
lines of some new voting pre-
lltcts made necessary by the
at increase of voters and
ftlements. Judge Rector and
mmissioner Stallard were pro-
it Cold Springs precinct is
continued and that district is
;be Virginia with the bound-
es enlarged. The name of
die Butte was changed to
,wen, wild Horse to Andrews
'd Pueblo to Denio.
The new ones are Harnman,
bracing townships 2-1 and 25,
ges 33 and 34; Waverly, tak
township 26, ranges, 33,.and
and township 27, range 33;
nset, covering township 25,
ges 30 and 31; Virginia, em
cing township 27, ranges 34,
and 3G, township 28. ranges
and 36, township 28, range 35
id 36, township 29, range 35
Id part of 26, west part of town
ip 30, range 35, that is, all of
se townships northwest of the
mit of Juniper mountain;
nstedt, commencing at north
st corner of section 1, town-
lip 23, range 31, running thence
th six miles, north six and
e half miles, west three miles,
rth one and one half miles,
st four miles to beginning.
4200 Head of Young Cattle-
John Robertson, who reper
tits the Hanley interests drove
a bunch of 4200 one and two
tar old cattle this week from
! P rauch, on the Blitzen.
rhe cattle were on the road
Krteen clays and traveled about
i miles. There were twelve
with them. The cattle
ime through in good shape and
ire was no loss from any cause.
The cattle have been sold to
Zimmerman interests and are
ling shipped to Mcintosh, South
kota and Nebraska points in
iin lots. C. I. Tuttle, the O.S.
teight man is here attending to
ie shipment. The cattle are
fcking fine for the time of the
ar. The Hanleys will not spip
iv more stock cattle this season
Id their next shipment will be
lei stun. Argus.
Mr. and Mrs. G. I. Hazcltine,
Canyon City, grand parents.
rs. M. u. uniiora mouier,
d Miss Helen Biggs, a niece,
Harold H. Clifford, left for
rtland last evening to bo pre
t at the wedding of the young
an, tne event oeing scneuuiuu
Irnext Saturdry. Judge Chf-
rd. father of Harold, will leave
Portland tomorrow. Baker
Ask your grocer for Cremo, the
iw breakfast food.
Business Chat for Business
Do you want to deal with people
m business? We are too busy to
Do you want the very best investments for tho least
loney and upon the best possible
Do you want to sell your property and secure a auro
hd rapid Bale for tho same?
Do you want tho very best
eads? All locations guaranteed
Do you know that we sell
Iher firm in Harney county?
Do you know that times were
ake investments than right now?
Do you know that we are
fhy? Because we attend strictly
now our own business and do tho
First door south of the Harney County National Bank, Burns, Oregon
to Change
The many friends of the Stauf-
fer boys in this county, where
they resided for many years, are
shocked to learn of the untimely
death of Frank, familiary known
as "Pat". He was well known
here and was a general favorite
among his associates. The fol
lowing accountof his death is,
from a
Malhuer 'county
Frank Stauffer a
" .1
cattleman of this county, who
was injured by being thrown
from a freight wagon near Jordan
Vally Thursday afternoon of last
week, died in Caldwell the next
morning about 1:45 o'clock. His
injuries consisted of a fracture
of the pelvis, ruprure of the
bladder and other internal in
juries. An operation was preformed
by Dr. Stewart, of Boise, but of
no avail. His brother, Ed, ar
rived from Winnemucca a few
hours before he passed away.
Tho remains were shipped to
Sacramento, where his mother,
sisters and brother, Harry, reside.
Frank Stauffer was born in
Nevada, Februarys, 1868, and
has for many years been associ
ated with hi3 brotoer, Ed. in tho
stock business in Nevada, Ore
gon ana Idaho, tne nrm Doing
one of tho most-extenirive dealers .
in the intermountain country. 1
The news of his death was re-i
ceived with Borrow by his large
circle of friends and business as
sociates. The deceased leaves a
mother, three sisters and two
mi m. TT ... . .'Oriental limited, the present
The Times-Herald has received. crack transcontinental train in
an order for posters announcing
a celebration at Narrows the 4th
and 5th of July. The boys down
there are preparing for a big
time and invite their friends to
anticipate with th'em.
They have just completed a
new half-mile race track and will
have horse races both days.
There will also be a ball game
and a grand ball each night
Music will be furnished by the
Dawson Orchestra. One of the
features is a basket dinner and
barbecue. This will appeal to
the people living in that neigh
borhood and no doubt the cele
bration will bo largoly attended
and a succecs.
Tho campaign being waged by
Judge Webster and the various
good roads associations through
out this state is bearing fruit
and every ono is now an advo
cate of better highways.
who attend to their
meddle with others.
160 or 320-acro home-
or money refunded.
more lands than any
never better to sell or
proud of our success r
to our own business,
business right
Wm. Hanley discussed tho
boncflta of hotter roads at tho
Commercial club tho other even
ing and the matter is being most
generally considered. With the
rapid settlement of this section
and the great number of people
coming to invest hero wo should
tako n deoper interest in improv
ing our highways. Harney coun
ty haB tho best natural roads in
tho west and fortunately they
can bo made permanent by n
small expenditure as compared
to other districts. No doubt tho
proposed amendment to tho con
stitution making it possiblo for
each county to bond for the nec
essary slim to build roads will
The race program for the 4th
of July meet has met with appro
val of horsemen and tho indica
tions point to a largo number of
runners being hero to compete.
Word has been received from
Paulina that there will be 14 head
of horses from therq and several
are expected from Prineville and
more iroin unint tuuuij.
i Th Association hasMncn at
work on tho track getting it in
nUnriA nnrl ennn tVinro will
strings of
horses working
down there.
Programs have been mailed to
other points that -have not yet
been heard from. ".
It was hoped to get some har
ness events for the meet but the
young stuff is not available and
it is quite a distance to bring
trotters from outside points so
the program was made up entire
ly for running races.
New Trains on Great Northern.
The promise mndo recently by
President Louis W. Hill that the
Great Northern will furnish Ore
gon with better transportation
facilities, will be realized Sunday,
June 12, when a new through
passenger service will be estab
lished between St. Paul, Minnea-
polis and Portland. Trains Nos.
3 and 4. which mnke their pre-
sent terminus at Seattle will run
Bolid between St Paul and Port
land via the Spokane, Portland
& Seattle road, along tho north
bank of the Columbia river.
These trains, it is understood,
are to be equipped with compart
ment observation cars and slecp-
I ere. like those in service on the
operation between Chicago, Seat
tle and Tacoma.
We wish to call particular
attention to the following deeded
properties in the heart of Harney
160 acres, all fenced, good house
partly improved $18.0) per acre.
117 acres, all fenced, partly
cleared, good house, & 15.50 per
80 acres acres raw land something
extra Bpecial $15.00 per acre.
160 acres, 12 miles from Burns.
Tho best of the Carey selection
16.00 per acre.
5600 acres, school land, mostly
full sections for $6.00 per acre.
wo can make good term.s on tho
abovo if sold by June 1 st as the
price bo advanced at that time,
write us today if you aro interest
ed. Randall, Passenger & Mnloncy
Hums, Oregon
Do you want to know anything about us? Ask our
clients or any reliable business man in Harney county.
Our satisfied clients are our best advertisements.
Do you know that wo nro representatives of some of
the richest amfmost reliable roal estate firms in America?
Da you know we think Harney county tho best
plado in tho United States today for investment?
Do you know wo can give you a frco trip to Old
Mexico? Como in and see us about it.
Do you know wo can sell you on easy paymonts tho
very finest lands in Old Mexico and Dominion of Canada?
Do you know that energy and honesty are tho
foundation of nil business success?
Do you know that wo delight in pleasing our clients
and that your success is our Buccess?
Slump in Stocks Will not Affect Lines
Extending in This State
Positive Statement of James J. Hill Assuring and Im
provements Decided on by Harriman Interests Show
Extensions of Both Will Continue Without Delay
Tho positive statement by
James J. Hill, in the East yes
terday, that tho slump in rail
road stocks and unrest in Wall
street will not stop tho construc
tion work and improvement on
the lines of road ho controls,
whilo applying only to a portion
of tho railroad development un
der way in Oregon, is taken as a
fairly conclusive indication that
none of the work will bo halted
in the stnto this Summer, says
tho Oregoiiinn.
In Oregon, railroad construc
tion and betterments under way
at the present time will have
cost when completed approxi
mately $30,000,000 and this is
only on construction work or
betterments that have been
formally authorized or for which
contracts havo been let.
With such an immense amount
of railroad improvements under
way and promises of exception
ally good harvests. Oregon qnn
be looked to to maintain a pres
tign in measuro of prosperity
over any other commonwealth of
anywhere near her counterpart
in normal wealth and population.
The Wall-street situation dur
ing tho past few dnys has not
had a visible effect in Portland
railway centers or construction
"We are going right ahead
with the work under wny," said
President Stevens, of tho Oregon
Trunk Line yesterday, "and I
have received no intimation of
a change of any kind in plnns of
J. P. O'Brien, chief represen
tative of tho Harriman inter
ests in Portland, was away
on a trip of inspection yes
terday, but just prior to his de
parture he announced tho author
ization of nearly $250,000 in im
provement, affecting only two
stations on the Oregon Railroad
& Navigation Company's line.
These included erections of a
mammoth new freight depot in
Portland and machino shop and
roundhouse improvement at La
Grande. Within tho last few
days work was begun on tho
new 1,600,000 bridge that will
span the Willamette in place of
the present Steel bridge, and it
was announced that tho contrac
tors were preparing to put a
largo force of men tit work on
tho Troutdale extention of tho
O. R. & N., which is now under
Recently tho working forces
in the Deschutes Canyon have
been increasing whilo south of
Madras Contractor Henry is ac
tively preparing to put his big
working forces on his 125-milo
contoact on the Oregon Trunk
Job printing Tho Times-Herald
Do you want to sell or invest? Wo havo the buyers
with tho cash and tho largest list of lands for salo in
Eastorn Oregon.
Wo can sell your property the quickest nnd havo the
best investments in tho country. Wo have them to pick
from, tho cream of tho land.
Do you know that you nro always wclcomo? Como
in and brush tho dirt oft nnd rest yourself, whothor you
havo business or not. Frco rending and writing room
plenty of comfortablo chnirs. Wo can at least bo socia
ble and if you huvo any business in our lino, wo feel
suro of getting it.
Special References: Tho First Nationnl Bank and
Harney County National Bank, both of Burns, Orogon.
Office: First door south Harney County Nat'l Bank.
OREGON, JUNE 11, 101')
Tho scarcity, great demand
mid high prico of draft horses
makes the following suggestions
of tho London Live Stock Journal
worthy of consideration by farm
ers and horsemen of this ceuntry:
"Few will deny that the farm
ers of this country havo been en
abled to survive tho bad times by
the help of their livo stock, and
it is ns important as ever to keep
up the number of those on linnd,
always supposing that n higher
standard of merit is being con
stantly 'aimed at. When the ag
ricultural returns show that
there is a shortage of numbers
in any particular class of stock,
it is advisable to breed from ns
mnny females as possible, in
order to make good tho deficiency.
"The decrease in the number
of young horses will cause
owners of fillies to consider the
question of breeding from two
and threc-yenrolds, so as to
make up the shortage as quickly
as possible, and experience has
proved that Shire fillies, which
have been thoroughly well fed
and cared for, may be put to the
stud at two year old with very
satisfactory results, as instances
of winners breeding winners
could be mentioned. Owing to
the growth of the show system
tho young stock of most breeders
are fed with a view to getting
big animals, consequently the
two-year-olds of to-day are big
ger and more developed than
tho three-year-olds of twenty
yenr ago, and quite as well able
to breed a foal, but in olden times
marcs were not supposed to bo
capable of nursing till they were
five years old, which meant that
they had to bo keep a long time
before they commenced profit
earning by breeding a foal. This
system compares unfavorable,
from a financial point of view,
with getting a foal at three years
old, and that from fillies which
have taken high honors at im
portant shows. As above men
tioned, the show preparation is
usually beneficial for the reason
that tho extra feeding which is
necessary to prepare a young
animnl for exhibition adds to the
growth, and thus renders it suf
ficiently mntured and strong to
undertake mnternnl duties while
still n filly, which a common,
underfed one is not. Of the two
evils it is better to breed from a
filly, than n very old mnre, as
there is certain to be more vital
ity in the offspring of tho
"There is however, ono precau
tion which is necessary to tako
before a three-year-old gets
heavy with her first fonl, and
that is to see that sho learns to
work, otherwise sho may grow
up to be a non-worker, or very
difficult to manage. This applies
to light as well as heavy fillies.
Then, if they fail to breed in
later years, they aro still useful
for somo purpose.
"With regard to light-horse
breeding there is no reason why
a foal should not bo bred from
fillies whilo they arc maturing.
Either at three or four possibly
boththey could renr a foal and
still be accessible for the purpose
intended at five vcars old, which
is quite soon enough for the
hunting field, the carrige, or the
"It is verv necessary to pre
vent waste of any kind on tho
farm, therefore fillies which aro
not physically fit should bo given
tho chnnce to pay their way at
not later than three years old
while many breeders began a
year younger; but as far as mem
ory serves, tho best result have
been obtained by mating fillies of
that ago with two, or at most,
three-year-old colts, rather than
with older stallions."
Political Talk of District People.
By reference to another col
umn it will bo seen that the
friends of Attorney Biggs are
using their influence to induco
him to permit his name to be
used in the primaries as a can
dictate for Circut Judge for this
Judge Davis has served for
six years and there is to be a
selection made at the coming
Tho voters of the district are
rather of an independent turn
and usually accord tho most pop
ular man the place, irrespective
of party nffiliation, so we can
look forward to a good scrap
when tho time comes. Senator
Chamberlain has notified Attor
ney Biggs that owing to the in
surgent movement and the As
sembly that Oregon and espec
ially this dictrict can safely be
counted for tho democrats. Of
course Chamberlain may not
know. Argus
Portland Oregenian: That
Frank W. Benson, Secretary of
State and acting governor, has
decided to retire wholly from
politics at the close of his present
term of office and that his
brother, Judge Henry L. Benson
will seek the Republican nomina
tion for governor is a definite re
port in circulation among Port
land men who are interested in
the political situation in tho state.
Governor Benson is now in
California seeking treatment for
a physical affliction that somo
time ago caused him to abandon
all inclination to seek election re
gularly as governor of Oregon,
but nt the time he reached this
determination it was his intention
to become an aspirant for the
nomination ns Secretary of State.
It is now said that Governor
Benson's health has not improv
ed as much as could bo desired
and that his physicians have ad
vised him against shouldering
the strain of a political cam
paign. Tho acting Governor is now
quartered at tho Hotel Alexander
San Francisco, where ho has
been for somo weoks and it is
understood an operation is im
pending. Recently his personal
personal physician, Robert E.
Leo Stoinor, who ia also Superin
tendent of tho Btato Asylum for
tho Insnno at Salem, was called
to San Francisco, nnd it is under
stood will assist in the radical
treatment found necessary in
Governor Benson's case.
Judge Henry L. Benson ia
known to bo politically ambitioua
but tho fact that hia brother haa
been nn avowed candidate for
stato ofilco has mndo it inndvis
ablo for him to enter that fiold of
politics, Tho understanding la
that Judgo Benson ia now free to
engngo in tho campaign in any
manner he sees fit and that ho
will endeavor to obtain tho As
sembly indorsement for Govern
or. Williams Bros, saw mill at
Cold Spring on tho Canyqn rond.
is prepared to do custom work
for those desiring Ko tako ad
vantage of their government per
mit Also lumber for palo at $13
per thousand. See them about
custom prices,
New Spring and
Summer Novelties
Shown by us for the first time in
the latest goods for
Dresses and Gowns
are seldom found outside of the
larger cities.
We are a ways looking1 for the new
swell lines Nothing too good to
show our patrons
Brown's Satisfactory Store
Burns, Oregon.
i ' $&$$&$$
... R presents the....
Home Insurance Co., of New York,
Live pool, London & Globe,
i? Fire Assurance
OFFICU WITH MHOS & 111(1(1 . Uu ns, Oregon,
to -tier 4outli i.f LuriaburK & Daltun's.
N. A. DIBBLE, Propt.
Courteous treatment, rates teason-able--Cive
me a ca'l
A First Cals s Bar in Connection
C. A. BEDELL, Proprietors.
Burns, - - Oregon.
rka,lre TIbLis 33Cea,d.q."Ui.a,xtexs.
Wines. Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Peel Tables.
Club Rooms in Connection.
is J-t;
The Harriman
Complete line of
:. Groceries and Dry Goods
Gents Furnishings
We guarantee quality itmlipriccs Let us prove! to you that
welhavc the goods nt right pricesCall nnd see us
Ha,Drjri3naLeLXi, Oreg1.
Thfl Tw Tow m. Omni Cvlc aj
smmm immt$($mm mmmm
NO. 30
Co., Philadelphia.
Mercantile Co.