The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 04, 1910, Image 3

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UlUii IMi'llHMUHlimi imimmti
FAnv NKWBrxrKn in tiiis county.
Local News.
Rolled barley at The Busy Cor-
ler Store.
Tlios. Howsor was over from
larnoy Tuesday.
Have you seen tho new Belts
Brown's Satisfactory Store?
The best meal in Harney coun-
y for 25 cents at the Overland
Walter Clark was over from
is urane (Jreek Home Tnurs-
Wo repair all breaks but the
renk of day Mays & Finch,
ho Fixers.
iBorn-To Mr. and Mrs. Call
lemons Tuesday, May 31, a
A few fractional sections of
Kmmon school land for sale A. '
B. George.
Mrs. Ella Martin was apassen-
er out Monday enroute to Port-
nd for an indefinite visit.
W. H. Cecil writes us he has
lrchased a fine improved farm
jar Ontario, paying $275 an
Kre tor it
Mays & Finch, paper hangers,
all decorators. Carriage paint-
Ks and I'lirniture redressing,
cher Building.
The attention of sheepmen is
Uled to the closing out sale ad
m the Baldwin Shepp & Land
o. in this issue.
We have deeded properties
from 80 to 3000 acres that at
esent prices will be sure to
buble within two years. Ask Os
fout them. Randall, Passenger
N. Brown, the old and respect-
pioneer, will arrive here to-
y, coming in irom Dixie witn
nk Dibble. He will spend
me time visiting his sons, Ben
d Leon. His numerous friends
H"be glad to greet him.
r. C. C. Griffith was called to
amond the first of this week
see Mrs. Lembough, who was
ite ill. He also was called
lile in the neighborhood to see
Scott Uugger, who was
Sk. He left both patients im-ving.
OTtVhile our trade in Spring and
mmer goods has been much
ger than ever we are still
Bowing a beautiful and new line
Dress Materials and request
to compare same with any
ers examined. Brown, s Sat-
actory Store.
st, strayed or stolen from my
ceon Little stencnen water
inng the summer ot iyuy,
bay yearling colt, one black
rling filly, both branded ani
hor R connected, the anchor
ng horizontal, on right stine.
ill pay a liberal reward for
Kir return to me or for informa-
that will lead to their recov-
with us with tho samo easo and safety
as though you called upon us in person.
Wo give especial attention to our
banking by mail business, thus insur
ing our out-of-town patrons of tho
best possible servico
Capital and Surplus $60,000.00
United States Depositary
Accounts Invited
Good vinegar at The Busy Cor
ner Store.
Clothes pressed and cleaned at
Schenk Bros.
The new breakfast
Cremo a local product
W. D. Baker is over from!
Drewsey on telephone business.
Good, substantial, well cooked
meals at the Home Hotel is what
the boarder likes.
Thos. Morrison and wife are
back from a visit to relatives in
Grant County.
See the Inland Empire Real
ty Co. if you have anything for
, sale or exchange.
Preaching at the Baptist church
Sunday morning and evening.
Everybody invited.
We are not superstitious but
we believe in Signs, Mays &
Finch, The Fixers, Locher Bldg.
T. R. Sheridan, a capitalist of
Roseburg is in this section look'
ing after some interests he
Fresh Walnuts, Almonds and
j Peanuts at tho Busy Corner Store,
J. H. Neal and daughters,
Misses Ada and Mary, arc over
from their homo at Follyfarm.
Tho French Hotel serves a
fine Sunday dinner and special
attention is given to family
For Sale 160 acre relinquish
ment with cabin, 'good well of
water, 100 acres fenced. Inquire
at this office.
If you have any property to
sell. See us about We will get
results. Randall, Passenger &
Deputy SheriiTTcrrillwentovcr
to Crane Creek tho first of the
week and was accompanied upon
his return by Mrs. Terrill and
Those having relinquishments
or real estate for sale should
consult E. W. VanValkcnburg,
the real estate man, at his offico
has 'in Burns.
Mrs. Lelah Williams-Miller will
A few fine quarter sections of .have a particular announcement
best timber lands. See us about I to mane next oaiuru..y. v..u.
tlinm Randall. Pflssfimrer &'now and sco her bargains m
Maloney. 'millinery goods.
W. H. Howard,
Drewsey, Oregon.
Mrs. J. T. Barnes and grand
daughter Beatrice Ash accompan
ied Mrs. L. N. Stallard to her
home on Otis Creek.
Miss K. Neugebauer is located
in the Jorgensen building south
Main St and is prepared to do
all kinds of dress making.
Rev. C. W. Holloman has just
returned from Dixie where he
took his family who will visit re
latives at Haines until school time.
Schenk Bros, do not have to
send your suit back to a Phila
delphia lawyer for alteration.
They are tailors and can do it
Wm. Hanley is home alter ac
companing tho Hill party on a
long tour of the unsettled portion
of Oregon. He was accomanied
home by W. S. Sterling his book
keeper. Fresh groceries of the very
best brands and a complete new
line of dry goods, furnishings,
etc, may be found at Hagey &
Richardson's The new stone
I store.
L. A. Dunning has been in
this country for some time look
ing over land and other invest
ments. He has just returned
from a visit to tho Wild Horse
We can suit the most fastidious. We have just received
a full line in HIGH CUT, OXFORDS and SLIPPERS
in black, tan and ox blood, for men, women and children
We are showing the famous Hart, Schaffner &
Marx Clothing in all the latest styles and colors
For men, women and children. Guaranteed for six months.
If our goods are not satisfactory we give you yoUr
I. SCHWARTZ, Proprietor
Locations ns good ns tho best
A. F. B, Gcorgo.
Morris Schwartz has gono to
Portland for n vacation and visit.
Bert Porter was among our
Sunset visitors tho first of this
Wanted parties to contract to
put up from GOO to 1000 tons of
hay. Inquire at this office.
Mrs. James Paul and baby nnd
Miss Ilaarstrich wore hero from
their homes this week.
Wo hnvo a number of good
secondhand wheels for salo or
rent -Mays & Finch, Tho Fxers.
A now lino of Stetson hats just
in direct from Stetson of Phila
delphia, Brown's Satisfactory
Somo very dosirablo residenco
properties in Burns. Seo us about
them. Randall, Passenger & Ma
loney. Tho porsonnl attention given
guests at the French Hotel has
given it a good reputation L. B.
Culp, Prop.
I. II. Holland and wife arrived
homo Thursday in their new auto
which thoy had just purchased
while out at tho railroad.
Tho Edison Phonograph is
gaining in popularity nnd should
bo in every homo Lunaburg &
Dalton aro resident agents.
A. D. Black desires to express
his thanks to tho kind friends
who extended their sympathy
during his recent bereavement.
Uic the Hnrney County National Hank
They arc sclMclcntlfylnir.
Clydo and Van Embreo returned
home Monday from Dallas whore
thoy accompanied tho body of
their sister for burial soveral
weeks ago.
If you desiro your cows bred to
the H. C. Levens thoroughbred
Red Poll bull lot Ed. Goodman,
who hns tho pasture, know.
The fee is $5.
Meals from 5c to 121c. Best
Ioinsleak, 12Jc; boils, Gc to 7c;
roasts from Gc to 8c; sausage,
12Jc; pork, 15c Young's Meat
Market & Grocery.
Reatos for sale, all sizes and
lengths, price 20 cents per foot
Any one desiring Reatos address
W. A. Ford of J. 0. Alberson,
Alborson, Oregon.
Mrs. C. F. McKinney went out
Tucsdav in company with Hon
A. W. Gownn and wife. She
will visit her son Will at Pendle
ton and other points for soveral
J. P. Dickenson was brought
lown from tho mountains in a
delirious condition. He had a
verv hiirli fever nnd his physician
has not yet determined the nature
of his illness.
Six pairs of Holeproof Hosiery
aro guaranteed to wear six
months without getting a hole in
them. Tho best is tho cheapest
Got them nt I. Schwartz, The
Busy Corner Store.
Stock Inspector Robinson was
in from tho field work during tho
week. He finds tho sheep Hocks
in good condition this Bpring and
has already assessed 60,000 head
of foreign sheep.
Win. Barney and wife arrived
hero form Portland this week and
will remain permanently. He
is a contractor and builder and
will possibly follow his trade.
Mrs. Barney is a Bister to Mrs.
Charles Anderson of this city.
Samuel Kohn & Co., tho great
Ladies Tailors of Chicago have
mado Schenk Bros, their agents
for Burns and Harney County.
They invite tho ladies to call and
seo a line of tho very latest
sampels. Suits from $18 up.
You may look and you may lis
ten, but you will eventually call
on Irving Miller and take advant
age of somo of his bargains in
real estate. Also tho man wish
ing to sell can not do better than
to list with him. Room G, Odd
ruuuw uuuutiiu, si
The contract tor tno Masonic
building was signed up this morn
ing and Contractor Smith will at
once begin work. Ho will have
to burn a big kiln ot dhck nut
this will not retard tho work as
ho will be cetting out tho stone
and other material ready.
Ben Hinton ono of tho men in
dicted foi Uio lynching of Oliver
Snyder over in Grant county last
winter, has been iounu guilty oi
murder in tho Bccond degree by
a jury in the circuit court nt Can
yon City. Such is tho word that
was 'phoned hero turn morning,
Quite a severe irost mm somo
damage to gardens Wednesday
night. Tho day before the
newspapers reported a terrible
blizzard and snow storm on tho
great lakes. Perhaps wo got
tho tail end of that storm or
possible tho comet if responsible.
Strayed or stolen, ono gray
saddlo and driving gelding with
dark mnno and tall, branded LX
with bar under on loft Btiflo,
weight about 1000 lbs. Last seen
at my nlnco at tho foot of Sten
chin Wator mountain, Saturday,
May 28. A euitablo roward for lv's
return or information leading to
his recovery.
Bert Hamilton is over from his
Silver crook home.
Mays & Finch, Tho Fixers, hnvo
n Bicyclo hospital in tho Locher
Geo. Gates brought a load of
potatoes over from tho Drewsey
country Thursday.
Lloyd B, Culp has mndo thji
French Hotel tho popular plnco
to stop in Burns.
A. E. Brown is over from his
Barron Vnlloy land holdings' on a
business visit
MIbs Mildred Hurlburt lias
boon in from her homo this week
having somo dotal work done.
8000 acres of good land lying
along proposed railroad routes
$8 per aero. Seo A. F. B.
Wanted 5 homestendcrs to filo
on Innd near placo where work
can be had at once. Inquiro nt
this office.
Miss Enid Cawlfiold was a pas
Bengcr out on the Dibble nuto
Wednesday. Sho will visit rela
tives in Colorado.
Tho registered Jersey Bull of
C. M. Huffman will again bo at
tho Cortes Elliott barn in this
city during this season.
George Marsden accompaincd
his parents homo from tho Bear
Valley ranch Sunday and return
ed to the ranch again Tuesdny.
Wo still hnvo a few choice loca
tions along the survey of Hill nnd
Harriman Lines. See us about
them. Randal, Passenger & Ma
loney. Schenk Bros, have received a
load of freight containing their
spring and summer supply of the
latest fashions in shoes, hats,
shirts, etc
Ben Miller, a brother to Miss
Joisa Miller, arrived hero from
Grnndo Rondo last week aud
is at tho ranch of his uncle, C. T.
Ladies aro invited to examine
our new oxfords. High grade
goods combined with Stylo is
what we have to offer. Brown's
Satisfactory Store.
W. G. Howell, tho Portland
capitalist who has vast land in
trests in this country, loft Thurs
day for his home but will be back
again tho latter part of this
The entire stock of goods now
on display at tho new store of
Hagey & Richardson, is fresh
nnd now. Patrons may find al
most anything desired there
C. B. McConnollonoof the cap
itnlists interested in the Silver
Creek irrigation project, is oc
cuping the A. W. Gownn resi
dents temporarily. His family ar
rived last week.
J. C. Freeman nnd wife aro up
from their California homo for
a few weeks visit with old time
residents of this scctfon. Thoy
aro on the old plnco out at the
Warm Spring at present
F. S. Riedcr has had a delight
ful visit with old time friends
hero during tho week. Ho left
yesterday in company with the
Oregon it Western Colonization
Co. men for Crook county.
Mrs. A. J. Irwin and two sons
wont out in tho auto Wednesday
being enroute to Iowa on a visit
to relatives nnd friends. Thoy
will spend several weeks back
Ask your grocer for Cremo, tho
now breakfast food.
Tin Gibson was over from
Creek this week Silver.
Tho very best accommodations
may bo obtained at tho Ovoiland
Hotel. Meals 25 cents.
Ralph Beery, a brother of C. E.
Beery, the civil engineer, arrived
hero from Senttlo Thrusdny.
Persons needing hospital ac
commodations can find them at
my home. Confinement cases
may expect especial attontion.
Call on or address Mrs. F. E.
ForrOn, Burns, Oregon.
Mrs. Paul Locher took her de
parture Saturday for Portland
where sho goea to bo present at
the graduating exercises of train
ed nurses. Her daughter Miss
Paulino is ono of tho clnss.
Estray Ono bay horse, weight
about 1000 lbs. with a small blotch
brand on loft hip, bunch on right
kneo and two wire cuts on same
leg, camo to my placo near Warm
Springs a year ago. Owner may
hnvo him by proving proporty
and paying expense.
J. E. Chandler,
Burns, Oregon.
lias just received a fresh lot of
New nnd handsome Post
Cards, Stationery, Ink,
Pens, Pencils, Novelties.
Fino assortment of everything
D.B. MOTE, Boras, Oregoa
SUFFICIENT capital and surplus,
through organization, conservative
management and careful supervision
on the part of our officers, -to the
end that depositors may meet with
courtesy and consideration, arc the
factors which have contributed to
the growth of this bank as evidenced
by the following comparative state-
ment of resources.
Mnyl8, 1909 0214,416 5
May 18, 1910 $324,91315
Harney County National Bank
Owned nnd Controlled by Heme People.
. c
lo public nolli-u (or tlm ri'imnn i
I' hnvo jufit licon fitted up fur tin
Dr. C. C. Griffith was a pass
enger out on tho auto yesterday
morning enrouto to Portland and
Willamcttee Vnlloy points. He
will visit his old homo and friends
for a few weeks before returning.
Williams Bros, saw mill at
Cold Spring on the Canyon road
is prepared to do custom work
for those desiring to take ad
vantage of their government per
mit Also lumber for salo at $12
per thousand. See them about
custom prices.
Judge Wm. Miller.accompanicd
by his wifo nnd two daughters
lleft Thursday in tho Dibblo
auto ior roruanu. mrs. miner
and tho girls will remain there
tho greater portion of tho vaca
tion period. A portion of tho
time will bo snent ntBollingham.
Judge Miller may roturn homo
In a few weeks.
Fou Sale 1G0 acres irrigated
land on Rattlo Snako Crook,
three miles above Harney. First
water right, running water tho
year round, small orchard, good
house. 40 acres in cultivation,
tho rest good pasturo land. Fino
range. Terms cash. For fur
ther particulars call on or write
io Roland Hankins,
llnrnoy, uregon.
A. M. Frankfurt and Thos.
Roselins, to young men recently
from Senttle. have located home
steads in tno neighborhood of
J. S. Ilusers near tho lake. Thoy
were impressed with tho nnmos
given tho Bovoral communities
in this valley and do not propose
to bo out done by Sunset, Vir
ginia vnlloy or any other section,
therefore havo named their
particular Boction Game Vnlloy,
Thoy oven proposo to go farther
nnd secure sufficient pconlo to
incorporatd'undor a city charter
themselves as oliicors nnu pro
hibit shooting of gamo oxcopt
Drewsey, Oregon, 'by the "city dads",
ML Vernon Hot
They nro located In tho lieantllul John
I)y Vnlloy, 1i miles north o( Mt Ver
non, and 1 inlhu oto( Canyon City
In Grunt I (unity, Orru'iu. Tho clova-
tlnn la 300 feet nnd tin) rlimuiu la mild
tlironitliout tlioyedr. The iprliii; wlilrli
(urniuli H'Htor (or the batlt nnilnwlm
mini; poul Mow '.18,000 gallons er day I
hli;hly iiilncrollz-d hot wutur of n tcin
pflraturo In the dl(lVr,nt Horlin,'9 of 100
lo 122 1'. TIu'ho prints are without
rlvnl or rompotlon (or thu reason that
you can t tho water Just tho proper
tomperuttiro, for bathing without artifi
cial hunting or diluting with cold water
mid thereby destroy Iiik tho medio I pro
per tlm. Thou nprlnga havu il mi is
that I hey
10 comfort
mid Ik.' tie lit of tho Invalid and llioro
tcvklng recreation.
Nnturu wan the chumlat wliocompoiul
oit tho water which cares, and In her
labratory deep In tho inytericn of the
uiirlh flio prepared thoao curative
wutera; and thoae "offering from rheu
matism, gout, Bkln diaenao, kidney or
bladder trouble or any catarrhal condi.l
Hon of the stomach find nlmost inMuiit'
rolief and in moat cares pormanent euros
In from (our to eight weeks.
Our charges are reasonable. Comu '
when you will winter or summer; wo
are always open and ready to welcome
lor further information address,
. A. MURPHY, Proprietor
Mt. Vernon, Oregog.
We handle n complete line of everything
usually sold by up to date druggists. It is
This we do by courteous treatment and
reasonable prices to al our customers
The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon.
-- 4
is coming and
Burns will Odebts
Are you ready? If not get busy and see
Lunaburg, Dalton &Co.-.
t about your
X New Goods of all kinds arriving
f Grain, Foctl, Groceries, rrodnce, Cherries,
Straw Merries, ttuuunnp, and Oranges.
The Eastern Oregon
Engineering Co.
Alain Office, Burns, Oregon
A, O. FAUUCNKH, l(r.
Branch Office, Lukcvicw, Oregon
is known by the harness he uses
A VAQUEEO by the saddle he rides.
Evere horseman should have the
best, both as to quality and price.
You can get highest quality
and lowest prices at
:E3:a,r:n.ess a.m.cL SacLcLlss
I'fUTnu Statu Land Orriti,
Jlurua, Oregon, May 13, 1910
Notice I. Ii.robr glron lli.t Eilj.r K, l.tugli
lln, of rullu, Oregon, who, on Doreniber
iv.IWM. mido homeili'n J ontrr No. 01137. for
KHWlf,fitc.U;'ri 17 B, l,ot a. SKJJNWJ.-,
HevllonV Tnwnthlii IK H., .11 In lUn.o &,
WIILmitts hi Hied nullco ol Inl.u
tlon to make Fln.l Conimuimlun rroof, ton
Lb UticLlm to lb. I. ml bia deicrlbeit. b-
lUW U9 itVHLlO RUU lllIU. WV
von, on tb '21 I ilv ol Juno, 191".
I' n.moa mi wiingi.r.!
M. J.Bcncc.l, l'eler Holore, (i.c.r Obcrgo, M.
IS. Ilrloro ill ol I'.ulmn, Or.gon,
WM.FiHm, IlCKlilor,
Government Land Locators nnd dealers In If
1117 Mj-L?i'Tvwrr1
Grand Celebration
July 4, Bums, Or
$3 y Ovfei? E0
ancing, music
JULY 2, 3, 4 AiM
Horse Races, Baseb IS,
Hon. Frank Davey, Orator of the day
Prof. M. A. Biygs, reader of Declaration
See posters for full program